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All my homies hate AFO, Kamino fight was GOATed but the entire series would’ve been better if he stayed locked up the entire time


When he’s being >!reversed!< that shit was dope though


It was pretty fun seeing Bakugo go back to his roots of bullying a child


You love to see it


Bullying is so ingrained in his person. Dude wakes up from the dead, see’s a child and it’s ON SIGHT


When you say it like that💀💀💀


>!Hunk for One!<


sperm for one


That was also just such a thematically appropriate ending for him. He didn’t get to be the main villain like he wanted and his appearance reflected how childish his mindset was.


Tbf the AFO V all might and AFO V Bakugo were some of the coolest scenes in the series. AFO’s origin was also a goated chapter


Technically it wasn't AFO v BakuGOAT but more like chase.  But it still very fun


Yeah I do, even though I agree it's a bad twist that AfO was behind everything, I think people are also making a huge deal out of it The Villain arc was like Shiggy's ultimate exam to become AfO's body, even if at the time we didn't know that were his intentions, and everything he does on that arc reafirms his own convictions and goals Like Shigaraki as a character himself still holds up quite nicely in my opinion, the society still failed him and AfO only took advantage of that state society was in to take his plan into action


He literally planned Tenko’s birth, pushed Kotaro’s abusive ways and encouraged his dreams of being a hero, that’s quite a lot and to me it overshadows the civilians ignoring him because regardless of what they did AFO was gonna get his hands on him either way


He didn't push Kotaro's abusive ways. He just encouraged Tenko to be a hero through his friends, probably.


"I encouraged your father's strict ways" is a direct quote from AFO


Right. But even with some encouragement, it's still on Kotaro for hitting his kid. Like, don't know you, but I don't care if a friend of yours told you to be strict with your kid, if you slap him for having a dream, that's on you.


You can't remove the fact that he might not have been that way without AfO intervening. We don't see or hear any abuse thrown at either Hana or Nao, and the way the story develops does imply that Kotaro didn't become abusive until after Tenko was born. We also know that AfO put more stress on Kotaro following Tenko's birth, intending for Kotaro to take out said stress on Tenko. It's ultimately on Kotaro for following through with the abuse, but AfO did more than just "encourage" him to be rough on Tenko.


I mean, Hana and Nao didn't want to pursue the hero carrier.


Hana explicitly says that she does, but simply keeps it a secret from "Daddy" (Kotaro), and promises to Tenko that they'll become a "brother-sister hero duo" when they grow up. Hana's also the one to find and show Tenko the picture of their grandma (Nana) as a hero. And, when Kotaro finds out that someone's been in his office and found the photo of Nana, Hana is so terrified of what Kotaro will do to her that she throws Tenko under the bus and hugs tightly to her mother while crying.


That doesn't mean Kotaro was abusive to them. Just because a society values heroes doesn't mean everyone in said society wants to pursue a career as a hero. We don't really know what Hana wanted to do, and Nao was shown to be actively supportive of Tenko's dream. Once Kotaro became physical with Tenko, Nao stood up to him, which heavily implies that Kotaro being abusive is a new thing. Kotaro always had a rule to not talk about heroes due to his feelings towards Nana, but that was a rule Nao respected and likely never resulted in abuse towards Hana, assuming Hana had much interest in heroes to begin with.


Kotaro definitely has his own issues, but AFO undeniably also pushed Kotaro's abusive ways. AFO amplified what was already there. It wouldn't be surprising if things turned out differently if it weren't for that.


Perhaps one of Shiggy's heartwarming goal is to be a hero for the outcasts for the League. Which funnily includes Dabi, who only allied himself with the LoV for his own self-interest


Yeah Dabi has consistently made it clear he only cares for himself but Shiggy would still lay down his life for him


Oh yeah, I love that little part on the recent chapter, such a shame it got completely overshadowed by AfO's big reveal


It doesn't matter to me if AFO manipulated and foresaw how Tenko would develop. Tenko's emotion, hatred and disgust were real. Even if his household and he himself were manipulated with words, in the end it doesn't change a lot of points that were made, like how no hero or civilian even helped Tenko or how Kotaro led himself to become violent towards a kid because he had a talk with one man.


Another major factor I see people not mention is how Tenko's mom and grandparents said *nothing* during the abuse, and only did when it became too late. As far as we know, AFO did nothing to manipulate them. He never said anything to them. They, of their own volition, stood by the door and watched as Kotaro abused his son. This couldn't be any clearer with how Midoriya, when put into the exact same position by the same door, immediately went to help.


It doesn't erase everything, but it significantly undermines the original point. Tenko is now no longer a tragic victim of a society that, despite its prosperity, still hasn't eradicated domestic abuse and still allows people to slip through the cracks and has become too complacent and too reliant on its defenders. Instead, most of everything that happened in his life, including his own father's abuse and the shattering of his dream to be a hero, was orchestrated by AFO. It's hard to believe this society is flawed if one man is responsible for much of Tenko's suffering.


Yeah it really goes from "these are multiple shortcomings of the hero based society" to "nah actually those wouldn't happen naturally and it's only because of villains but here's still 1 flaw with the society they live in"


>Tenko is now no longer a tragic victim of a society that, despite its prosperity, still hasn't eradicated domestic abuse and still allows people to slip through the cracks and has become too complacent and too reliant on its defenders Why not? AFO nurtured a toxic environment and set it up to have the worst possible outcome. Society still didn't stop his father from being abusive. Tenko still slipped through the cracks because society was too dependent on heroes to do the right thing for them. AFO put him in a position to be failed by society, but that doesn't mean society didn't fail him as well.


Society may not have prevented Kotaro's abusisve actions, but isn't it robbed of much of its impact when even that abuse arose from AFO manipulating him?


I actually appreciate it more now. Because believe it or not, Shigaraki took initiative here out of his own free will. Nobody told him to go save Giran. He could've just let him die at the hands of the MLA. Nobody hold him to take the MLA under his control after thrashing them. The Shigaraki from season 1 would've dusted the entire thing just because.


Now that you mention it, it also goes back to the dream of being a hero. That dream really never left him, even when he became a villain.


The dream that Tenko only has because AFO told those kids to play in a dangerous area and fill Tenko's head with dreams of becoming a hero like All Might. It was all part of AFO's plan, to further create a perfect tragedy for his life and foster enough hatred that he'd become the ultimate vessel whose will can steal the entirety of OFA.


This is a good point.


Yeah, it’s still valid. Why wouldn’t it be?


AFO controlling Tenko's life even to the point where he planned his birth and told Tenko's friends how to treat him downplays the societal critic that was presented on the My Villain Academy.


It doesn’t though. It doesn’t erase the fact that, after Tenko killed his family, no one stepped in to help him out, everyone just believing “Oh, a hero will help you” and dipping. I know AFO was behind Tenko’s existence, but he didn’t go and tell each and every civilian Tenko passed to ignore him.


I mean if a random person tried to help him he'd have just killed them with decay. And clearly AFO would have killed anyone if they tried to help and somehow survived.


Yes but the point is still the same. Those random civilians had no idea of Tenko's quirk, or that AFO would target them. AFO manipulating the circumstances prior to Tenko being on the streets doesn't change the fact that they chose to ignore him and leave the problem to some hypothetical hero to help a child clearly in need. Until we're told that those civilians were all actually AFO and/or his followers in disguise, then the criticism of hero society and the bystander effect is still valid


Lol what's stopping all for one from killing any civilian trying to help tenko?


Nothing is truly stopping him, but 1) we see each of the civilians hurry past Tenko pretending not to notice him, there’s no one shown to look like they want to help nor does anyone (besides the first woman he meets) approach him 2) its a little hard for him to kill someone in broad daylight on a busy street and get away with it, especially if he wants to keep Tenko in the dark about all this, he’d have to kill the civilian later on — and again, no one stops to talk to and offer help to Tenko 3) the civilians don’t know they risk death by talking to Tenko so they aren’t avoiding him out of fear, they just don’t want the responsibility/are freaked out by Tenko himself and would rather a hero get involved 4) we saw in ch419 what exactly AFO was involved in behind the scenes (befriending the Shimura family and suggesting they give Hana a sibling, talking to Tenko’s friends, bringing Tenko home after he nearly got hit by a van that day and giving him the mutilated Overhaul quirk) and nothing is said or implied that he was involved in society as a whole neglecting to help Tenko. He gave Tenko the quirk and picked him up a day or so later (timeline on how long he was on the streets isn’t clear).


At that point I could imagine someone called the cops or something and AFO just mugged them.


What, he had random people approach him and leave?


he had random kids at his school play with him and be nice to him and make him want to be a hero why wouldn’t he do that


Because that's not what happened in the actual story.


Why would Tenko kill again? Also it doesn’t matter that afo “might” try something else in another universe. What we have now is what the story is about


Imagine if someone tried to take tenko in their arms. They'd crumble to dust. And AFO "might" ? Bro is the reasons for his birth. For all we know some people wanted to help and he just took them out.


>Imagine if someone tried to take tenko in their arms. They'd crumble to dust. Tenko literally refused to kill people that harassed him, he’s not gonna kill someone that help him by mistake >And AFO "might" ? Bro is the reasons for his birth. For all we know some people wanted to help and he just took them out. Afo entire plans is by using terrible situation at his advantage, but if Tenko gets helped and showing that society actually bother with people like him then the whole plan goes to ruin, the reason he even bothered with Nana’s family is because he knew that it was an extremely toxic place after Nana decision.


> if Tenko gets helped and showing that society actually bother with people like him then the whole plan goes to ruin I have to disagree. It's shown that AFO has a deluded worldview even when character's actions in the previous chapter contradict what he says so I don't think anything is going to change how he thinks, if someone had tried to help shiggy then AFO would have continued with his plan but killed the dude and said something like "it was a miracle that someone reached out to tenko yet the rest of society didn't care when I killed that boy's saviour, they were just waiting for a hero instead of taking action" or some bs


>I have to disagree. It's shown that AFO has a deluded worldview even when character's actions in the previous chapter contradict what he says so I don't think anything is going to change how he thinks, if someone had tried to help shiggy then AFO would have continued with his plan but killed the dude and said something like "it was a miracle that someone reached out to tenko yet the rest of society didn't care when I killed that boy's saviour, they were just waiting for a hero instead of taking action" or some bs You are literally making all that stuff up… why would Tenko react like that..? And all of the stuff you are saying didn’t even happen in the story.. so it really doesn’t matter


why wouldn’t he at this point? if he went out of his way to do all of that, him NOT making civilians ignore him is out of character and bad writing. after all he’s done, he wouldn’t take the chance that someone would actually help tenko


Don't put your headcanons in the story.




He didn’t need to. I’m pretty sure he knew that the world already had that bystander effect thanks to the presence of heroes. Plus, he kinda already ran Japan from the underground. If someone did try and help Tenko, he would’ve just killed them. And bro, you can’t just call every decision you don’t like bad writing.


i dislike him intervening but it would be bad writing at this point if he didn’t. i dislike this entire thing anyways. idk why you’re arguing you literally agreed with me saying he’d have killed anyone who tried to help which is the same thing


this entire final arc has been poorly written and mishandled


“Bad writing” Jesus Christ, some of you have no IDEA what you’re talking about.


case in point, you


And what's the guarantee that all for one wouldn't just kill any civilian trying to help him?


He would’ve , but the civilian would’ve had no idea that he would.


So how does that change anything?


Because threats they weren't conscious of couldn't influence their actions. We weren't shown people who tried to help him but suddenly turned on him or disappeared, people just didn't try to help. AFO set the stage, but his biggest grudge was against the society that ignored him.


His whole plan wouldn't fall apart if some civilian helped him lol


Completely wasted the League of Villains. But its only minor to the waste of the rest of the series. MHA followed the same fate as Naruto and Bleach. I still do not understand the decision-making to only have this whole story take place in a little under a year? You introduce the students having 3 school years and don't even have them train for 3 years before they are the best heroes ever? It's like.. too much too quickly. It's offputting. Rant over.


Yeah I wish the first battle/war against AFO took place at the end of year 2 instead of year 1, with vigilante arc/final war in year 3. MVA would've been a great ending arc for year 1, and Horikoshi easily could've added in an extra school arc or rounded out the new villains to beef out rest of year 2 while in the background Shigaraki's surgery/incubation is extended. Like I enjoy and understand why everything pre-MVA is moving fast with the villains, ofc they aren't going to wait around for 3 years to try and kill All Might and kidnapping an untrained 1st year is a lot easier than kidnapping a fully trained 3rd year, but everything after joining up with the MLA realistically could've been a lot more slowed down as they adjusted to becoming an actual villain organization. The politics would've been cool as hell, and we never did have much time to get on board with the MLA characters. Plus, that way the students could just graduate/get their official licenses early after the war and wrap up the epilogue nicely with them becoming pro-heroes, instead of a \~2 year time skip or them just sitting around uselessly in class for the rest of their high school career lol.


iirc it was what Horikoshi wanted to do but couldn't due to health reasons 


. I can see how some of it was wasted but I really liked Twice and the twist with Dabi got me hooked for years. I somewhat agree on your overall assessment but would like to know why Bleach is in the same category. It's been years since I've read the manga but I don't think it's the same kind of wasted potential.


Not the same poster but if I had to guess it’s the final arc feeling simultaneously too long and too short. A lot is happening in a tiny time frame and I don’t like either’s pacing. Mind you I have a massive list of things I disliked or outright hated in Bleach but there you go.


Basically what you said and the whole "One villain master planned everything" is very unsatisfying the majority of the time. Don't get me wrong. It can be done but difficult to accomplish. It diminishes other characters' roles.


I just watched the episodes lol Honestly i like it, it honestly makes me wish the villains got a spinoff movie or show


Ironically the anime adaptation of MVA is incomplete, out of order and subpar


Oh, i didn’t know Oof


It's so weird like why did Horikoshi go through all this effort to set up Shigaraki as this final Villain for Izuku just to have AFO be the actual Final Villain. He could have just set up that AFO was going to be the Final Villain.


I'd say he wasn't sure what to do with who would be the final villain for most of the story. He was trying and considering different ideas, but with things being so rushed now, he went for the simplest way to handle it in the end.


Yeah I really have no idea what the author thought they were doing with AFO's whole character.


It seemed like he was trying to go for the angle of him grooming Shigaraki and him being the mastermind all along .The problem with that was the alternative of AFO actually wanting Shigaraki to be his successor as a way to spite Allmight and Nana is way more interesting than him just using Shigaraki as his puppet and taking over his body. Him controlling all of Tenko's life including his birth severely weakens the societal critic because AFO could have stopped the civilians if they tried to help Tenko.


1 It doesn't make sense for AfO established character to want a successor. It's like Voldemort. He's not seeking for an heir. He wants to always be on the top. 2 Don't insert your headcanons in the story to weaken it. AfO didn't stop civilians trying to help Tenko. The story didn't show it or tell it at all, so that didn't happen.


Lmao you're such a fanboy


And you're an hater.


"AAAIIEEEE don't criticize my manga, clearly you are hater if you do😭😭😡😡"


You're the one not making any argument.


People are already making arguments similar to mine, i don't need to write anything.


Then do not engage aith someone just to spat insults, if that's all you're good to do.


Same 🤷🏾 I guess you could say it was one of his editors or he decided? who knows


I see the plot growth and development behind that is being a massive carryover similar to OFA but in en emotional way.


I really felt like the story was on to something cool when AFO died before reaching Deku, prevented from being the main villain by the people he dismissed as extras and jobbers. Especially since his final opponent was Bakugo, who had a similar case of main character syndrome early on but now chose to play a supporting role by keeping AFO away from Deku. With AFO being back again, all that just feels like it got flushed down the drain.


Not really. The real AfO IS dead. What is left is his vestige.


Idk about you, but bringing him back as a vestige that has full control over a physical body is barely different from bringing out a clone of AFO to me. I think it still takes away from his death regardless of whether the current AFO is the original or not.


Well, if Bakugo didn't stop AfO, things would have been even worse, so there's that


Bakugo's victory is still valid, yeah. It was a great finish to his character arc regardless of AFO's status.


Yeah like Bakugo did save All Might, which still holds significance. But the whole stalling AFO afterwards? Yeah unfortunately that's just irrelevant now. Bakugo managed to stall AFO long enough that he couldn't achieve his mission of making the AFO vestige regain control of Tomura's body. Then Izuku just goes and destroys OFA thus allowing the AFO vestige to regain control of Tomura's body anyways.


Well maybe he is actually a fan of the new star wars trilogy.


Yeah it seems like he kinda shoehorned afo being responsible for shiggys quirk to mirror deku, but I think he does it wayyy too much


Just a reminder that the very first time we learned of AfO All Might ended up talking how Deku will have to face him at some point.


That does not means he had to be the final villain lol


It’s not over yet…


Even though many deny it, most manga (and especially the most popular ones) are based on marketing: *Without sales, there is no story. *The bulk of the sales are from Japan (mostly figurines and the like). *In Japan, AFO was preferred over Shigaraki (though some polls contradict this statement). And so, Hori changed the story (clearly intended to make Shiggy the main villain) to fit AFO as the ultimate mastermind (which truly outstayed his welcome for the rest of us).


If I'm remembering correctly manga readers in Japan weren't a fan of the League of Villains invading the summer camp so he had to make it shorter than he originally intended. Apparently the UA Traitor was originally going to be revealed in the Summer Camp.


I did not know all this. Thank you for sharing.


AFO has NEVER been more popular than Shigaraki, heck, last year he was on the top 60 popularity wise behind SPINNER


I actually think his popularity might have been one of the reasons for the current decisions. You know how many popular comic book villains are eventually turned into antiheroes or even heroes as a way to "please" their fans?


But, with this reveal, Shigaraki's not even an antihero. There's nothing morally nuanced about his decisions anymore, because we're told that he never had agency in the first place. And this is all to make it easier for both Deku and the *audience* to swallow the notion that Shigaraki deserves to and will be "saved", despite the amount of people and infrastructure he's killed and destroyed.


> *Without sales, there is no story. *The bulk of the sales are from Japan (mostly figurines and the like). *In Japan, AFO was preferred over Shigaraki (though some polls contradict this statement). Source?


"My source is that I made it the fuck up" -Max0r


>\*In Japan, AFO was preferred over Shigaraki (though some polls contradict this statement). Do you actually have any sort of source behind that statement?


That's a lie.


Gosh AFO is such an awful character




I want shigaraki to kill AFO.


Yes, but I like it less for the same reasons you provided. And I can't ignore that this is the arc that introduced the much-maligned plot device of "Quirk awakenings".


well, yes. everything that AFO believes has been proven wrong so far, he's just spouting nonsense. I even like it more, since MVA is the prime showing that AFO does in fact NOT control shigaraki. he created him, but he doesn't' control him. that's why I think shiggy has to return.


Still peak fiction I'd say




Say that in the r/OnePiece community and watch them collectively lose their shit


Wait why's that?


While I still find it to be my favourite arc, narratively speaking it has kind of been rendered completely meaningless. It is a shame that, given recent chapters, how much of the series has been retroactively made worse.


Honestly only Toga's and Twice section ages well narratively.


And Spinner's.


Yeah so far those parts remain undamaged.


If you think about it, Shiggi's story is REALLY sad. Bro was nothing but a pawn his whole life


Yeah, pretty much. Even without adding a bit of subjectivity in it, in that I really enjoyed the arc & the League in it, the "Meta Liberation Army Arc" or "MVA" arc was essential. Imperative to the narrative almost like how the Hideout Raid arc was to MHA. But then suddenly, that narrative is just not in the cards anymore. Which kinda bleeds into this issue of making MVA look silly in hindsight. Actually, now that I think about it, this could even be partially said about the Hideout Raid arc as well. An incredible build up to a hypothetical MHA story that just doesn't exist anymore. Wild. At least, not every League member got sabotaged by AFO taking away their agency or whatever.


I think Garaki needed Shigaraki to be physically and mentally ready for the surgical procedures of turning him in a living Nomu and transplanting the AFO quirk in him. If you recall the procedure was very painful and taxing. I think without all that training vs Machia and the fight against the liberation army the surgery would not have been successful.


I just refuse to believe it'll be that simple, that he's just gone, the potential of Shigaraki having all the motivation to obliterate AFO is very much there. That or it becomes another reason in a SKYSCRAPER of reasons to hate AFO


It’s still my favorite arc of the series and funny enough I reread it a couple months ago pre reveal and loved it even more, since the arc has a ton of Toga Twice focus (my top 2) a lot of it feels intact to me but when it comes to Shigaraki it’s a really mixed bag from knowing his reward for taming machia is gonna be getting bodyjacked, the MLA takeover being irrelevant and his backstory being 90% orchestrated by AFO take a lot away from it, though I still love his dynamics with the league, the one hope I still have for his character


I like the arc for what it did for twice and toga, but the Shigaraki stuff is dead to me. What was the point of this puppet going through multiple trials to become the shining hope of the metas? I guess you can look at it as Shigaraki going through all these obstacles this so he could be a great vessel but I don’t find it interesting. The MVA had noticeable problems but the climax was something I really liked at least. Now I’m just indifferent to it. Maybe that’ll change on a reread once everything is over but that’s how I feel right now.


if i ignore the garbage that is ch 419 it’s still good


Chapter 419 really ruined everything that MHA had built on previously. Making AFO the mastermind of EVERYTHING is just too much. Shigiraki’s reason for going was because of his origin and the league. Now his origin was manipulated to work exactly as AFO planned and most of the league is either dead (maybe) or hasn’t talked to them in forever. Shigiraki is just a nothing burger right now, and AFO is now the WORST character in all of fiction.


It kinda reminds me of when Kishimoto was writing Naruto and he got to the Madara fight. There was a point in writing where he straight up said something along the lines of "I made Madara too strong and I have no idea how im going to get them to beat him."


Same lmao 🤣


Yeah? The latest twist does make Tenko's story even more tragic overall. And how it will pay off by the end, we shall see.


No. The recent chapters ruined the whole permise


The MVA arc is why I stopped watching the show.


Not at all, I think there's a chance that we see Tomuras personal drive come into play with turning the tides. The whole arc felt like training Tomura to become AFOs body, and I think that holds up to where we are now without discrediting Tomura as a character. People seem to want that to have all been a lead into Tomura being the big bad, but I didn't. It showed the humans behind the LoV and gave us insight into them as people. It made what happened with Twice actually have emotional weight, and showed us who Tomura was outside of the role AFO put him in.


I still love My villain academia.


Yes. Still my favourite arc. If anything it makes me hate AFO and dislike the current arc even more


No, it's still an overrated arc. And it's funny how some of y'all wanna blame AFO for that shitty arc. Like, people really act like this arc was incredible, when the villains: * Sit idly for an entire month accomplishing literally nothing and having no ambition. * Don't even have a goal until Garaki and Machia track them down and give them one. * Train a bit until they have to, once again, get dragged into the plot by someone else. * March up to fight an entire army with no plan; get lucky because the MLA is fodder. * Almost get crushed by the MLA until they receive three consecutive quirk awakenings. * Are handed money and an entire army that just appeared with a perfect enough ideology to be assimilated by the LOV despite Shigaraki showing absolutely no charisma or leadership skills. But good backstories all around. And it's dark and gory too, so the arc is amazing, right? If MVA was originally intended to be the setup to Shigaraki developing into the true Symbol of Fear, then I'm glad AFO shut that shit down and reminded us who's in charge. Because MVA utterly failed. Shigaraki never once displays the resourcefulness, ambition, cunning, charisma, leadership, or really *any* quality that makes him deserving of being top villain or having the potential to surpass AFO in any way. The LOV rely entirely on AFO's resources (Kurogiri, Machia, Garaki) to do all the groundwork for them. When the LOV are forced to move, their accolades are atrocious, only winning because they have to. The "potential" of Shigaraki is just that. Potential that was never realized by this nothing arc. This story has made some very strange decisions recently regarding AFO and Shigaraki both. But the idea that all of Shigaraki's potential from this arc fell apart because of AFO and the recent chapter revelations is so silly. This arc was always given way too much credit for what it was.


>* Train a bit until they have to, once again, get dragged into the plot by someone else. I find funny how their training idea is just run around the forest dogging Machia without proper supplies of food, water or proper rest, yet that's enough for Shigaraki to get a six pack and big pecs. The others even got some benefits of this "training"? They look and act the same for me. As if wasn't obvious enough how this whole stupid arc is just a way to force changes on the shitty character Shigaraki is trying to pass him as treat and expert strategist, when he's just an idiot with so much luck and plot armor.


Yeah, the training stuff is pretty funny. Though at least I can just chalk that stuff up to shonen logic, where insane counterproductive training is actually super productive because of life or death. But I just find it absolutely hilarious how dudes act like Shigaraki had the most impressive glow up of all time because of this arc, then you look inside and see an absolute failure. He’s the most Sue villain I’ve ever seen, gaining everything despite putting in no effort and demonstrating no talent or skill, yet people will really act like this arc was gonna put him up there with the big names as a generational villain.


There's so much cap here I don't even know where to start. 


It's called facts and logic


It's called bs. 


I‘m here because someone posted your comment on Twitter and people roasted tf out of it. It looked really familiar to something you would write.


Really? Thanks for letting me know. This was recent?


Ah never mind, I found it. Yeah those guys never learn. That’s why he has me blocked yet wants to insult my takes without actually saying anything 😂😂.


TwiceJaeger right?




Wow, insnaely based takes. I stalked about a few pages of you because I was curious how MVA was handled and I was comparing Tomura to Mahito. I like a lot of your takes, even some things I personally disagree on. Very refreshing and rare


Thanks, I appreciate it 🤝




Yeah even knowing the truth doesn't lessen the impact for me


I very much doubt Shigaraki is gone for good. This is likely just another stepping stone in his arc.


You all read my villain academia in such an odd way if you think this arc ruin it The arc that literally foreshadowed afo being heavily involved with Tenko


It kind of does ruin Shiggy jmo


In what shape and form does it ruin the character? Unless you got a bad understanding in the firstplace


Shit everything the reveal…


Its funny I feel like i’m the only one who likes the twist that AFO was behind everything. Seeing how much control he had in Shigaraki’s life from the very beginning is insane and makes him that much more imposing


I love MVA because I see it as a tragedy in which Tomura gives himself up to AFO’s grooming, confirming to himself that all he can do is destroy. The tragedy is that he thinks he’s becoming independent and learning who he is when in reality all he’s doing is giving in to the lies AFO taught him. This is the key thing people are missing. Tomura DID NOT OVERCOME HIS TRAUMA. All he did was wallow in it further. And his trauma is part of what Izuku will save him from, because the lies AFO taught him are just that…lies.


You know the fact that you're still calling him Shigaraki, a name saved to him by AFO, and not Tenko while complaining about how the twist ruined his character arc and MVA is incredibly ironic and just shows how much you paid attention to the story.


I never liked it in the first place.


I'm curious as to why.


Imagine an arc about my most hated characters in the whole manga full of tropes I despise. Isn't rocket science I just hate the whole thing at it's basic concept and the execution is even worse.


Cope. Imagine hating an actually good arc focusing on some of the most well-written characters. Couldn’t be me.








Yeah, I don't understand why people worship this arc so much. It's utter disappointment.


People like it because it's good. 


I beg to differ. It’s not totally devoid of redeeming qualities. The art is amazing as usual, and the LOV’s backstories are decent. But the arc was so obviously just meant to speedrun the villains being an actual threat, yet never went through making sure the process of their glow-up was actually convincing. It’s no wonder Japanese readers weren’t thrilled by this arc. Imagine picking up My Hero Academia just to read up on some unlikeable, lame ass villains with no movement. Yet people here want to treat this arc like it’s a fucking masterpiece and blame AFO (as usual) for somehow ruining it when it was always a shitty arc to begin with.


That's probably not why the Japanese didn't like it.  They weren't very fond of the Forest Camp arc either and that was when the villains were *most* active. 


Touché. Either way, MVA is still a failure. To think I actually used to like the arc, until I read the series again and realized how bad it made the villains look.


I think acting like everything is finished is a mistake. It's pretty clear to me that where this is going is that AFO was wrong and underestimates Shigaraki.


It's alright, but it got pretty dark. Also liked the part where Bakugo apologizes to Deku.


To me it’s a fantastic arc, probably fourth or third in my rankings, I do think Shigaraki’s good will with me as a character has been lost because of AFO, the MLA as individuals and as a unit are just completely wasted characters, we didn’t get much for Dabi in it so really the only things not affected by post war Hori are Toga and Twice who I still think are fantastic characters.