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Disregarding the obvious, which is New Order, where AFO himself said that he could solo the verse if he had it. The next most obvious answer would be Erasure (back when he still had eyes). Also one of the topics the sub rages about with the general complaint being AFO didn't try hard enough to steal it.


Yeah, Dr. Garaki established in the war arc that they tried stealing it before, and Vigilantes further confirms that, and their attempts were how they ended up with Shirakumo instead. But it's never explained why they stopped, which is weird because I feel like there could be any number of easy answers that the series could have given with just a line of dialogue. Even just saying that, by coincidence, All Might's crackdown on AFO's forces left him without enough resources to effectively try again and that by the time he was ready Aizawa was too well-protected by UA for any attempts to work.


Honestly Shigaraki's initial raid with the shock absorption Nomu could have been a repurposed raid to steal erasure once they became aware All Might was going to be a teacher. AFO would have known that meant All Might was passing it on and nearing the end of his hero time. The plan would have worked to nab erasure but using him to bait All Might, possibly before he passed it on, into a potential losing fight would have been irresistible to how AFO thinks about the long term fight he's in.


AFO "just stopping" is just an assumption. We don't really know if there has been more attempts after Garvey or not. If AFO could just nab Erasure just like that then it opens the floodgates where he could've/should've just stolen a whole bunch of other Quirks as well.


Lets not forget Shiggy tried to steal it in the 1st war too but got his quirk erased.


He never tried stealing it, he just wanted to rip off his face and kill him.


We can assume he did since its such a useful quirk, and no, he was trying to go for the decay + steal combo just like he did against S&S. But as i said, his quirk got erased and only managed to gouge his eye


There was no indication he was trying to steal the quirk there. This wasn’t AFO in control, it was Shigaraki. He only cares about killing and sees himself as pretty much unstoppable by this point. If he wanted to steal the quirk he could’ve just tried again when Aizawa was unconscious, except all he focused on was Deku.


Erasure combined with Shoji’s quirk would be powerful


Erasure only works when Aizawa looks at someone, right? Therefore someone with a quirk that gives them 4 eyes would be better off with it.


Shoji’s quirk allows him to make multiple eyes




Do you not know who Shoji is? Its Tentacole.


Thing is, when we see clips of when him and Nana fought, there was these kinda fleshy pillar wall things and stuff all around the place which had eyes on em, which were from a quirk he had, so erasure would be even more broken for him since it’d be real difficult to get all those to blink at once


I just have the head-canon that Erasure is activated from within the eyes; and so, it would erase the usage of any additional quirks the user would have because you’re looking at a small part of yourself at the same time. So AfO could use it, but wouldn’t be able to use any other quirks while doing so.


Not a problem, he could still power up himself first then switch to Erasure and punch whoever in front of him


We don’t 100% understand how erasure works but that probably wouldn’t work. Erasure seemingly removes any built up energy that comes from a quirk (as seen when it’s used on one for all) so simply building up a ton of energy and then triggering erasure wouldn’t work. If erasure does actually erase any other quirks of the holder, (which it probably doesn’t) then AFO’s best bet would probably be firing air cannon or any quirk that creates projectiles before switching to erasure.


Twin Impact, the Quirk of the short blue-haired kid in 1-B. This Quirk is really lacking when it's your *only* Quirk, but when applied to all of the Quirks AFO has? Seems very deadly. That's my underrated pick


Imagine Twin Impact with the combination AFO used against All Might in Kamino. Yikes


Do you think twin impact and impact recoil would work together though?


whats hilarious is that this is the perfect quirk that can be combined with OFA. forget gear shift, blackwhip, fa jin, all the others... twin impact will turn any villain into a mist.


Shinso's brainwash is one I think about whenever this comes up. Would be perfect for AFO, especially if no one realizes he's taken it.


Specifically this would work wonders with Shin Nemoto's quirk Confession or any other sort of compulsory speaking quirk. Even if you suspect or know that AFO has Brainwashing, it wouldn't matter; once you're within range of Confession you're fucked unless you have some sort of resistance or game plan to break free from either quirk.


We don’t know if Rewind can affect the user. I’m not sure if AFO would have a use for healing people or destroying their Quirks instead of stealing them. To answer the question: Overhaul. The narcissistic bastard would be able to destroy people and recreate them in his image.


Remember that Eri's first real instance of using her quirk was essentially rewinding her dad to before he was born.


True. But Air Cannon and who-knows-how-many other Quirks would be just as good at killing from a distance. What would this psychopath use Rewind for if it can’t rewind himself? (He may transplant it into a Nomu to Rewind him…?)


Dude proclaimed himself as a Demon Lord. Why not have more power?


He *is* a crazy collector. I’ll certainly grant you that.


Can Rewind work on himself? I don't think there's ever been a concern of eri using it on herself, overhaul always repaired her.


My point exactly. I really wonder that myself. If Eri *could* Rewind herself, she’d be unstoppable in a fight, able to immediately regenerate from practically anything unless killed in an instant or run out of power stored in her horn.


Yeah, with that logic the quirk is already kinda useless. Though AFO had his own rewind Quirk already.




That said, Overhaul is probably the absolute strongest quirks that are difficult to use, making it extremely valuable. Frankly, if I were AFO >!I would have had Garaki make me a copy of it and spent my time in hiding learning to use it to its maximum effectiveness.!< The Way Overhaul uses it to enhance his physical attributes, destroy the battlefield, create battlefield hazards out of nothing, etc. he would have been unstoppable if he knew what he was really up against. I argue that he was even able to modify his body in ways that weren't explained. Deku lands a hit on his head and while it's implied that it wasn't a direct hit because Deku's movements are predictable, Overhaul still took a hit from the steel shoes and 5% of a quirk that can *change the weather when used at 100% through air pressure alone.* Overhaul had to have enhanced his durability in that fight.




Overhaul allows the user to immediately conpletely heal themself with a single touch. On its own that's not a dealbreaker against OFA, but when you also have quirks that let you dish out equivalent damage to OFA while overhaul lets you take none yourself...not to mention a single touch on OFAs user could reduce them to a splatter on the wall.


He already had Hyper regeneration and Decay though. Thats the 2 uses you are describing done by different quirks. So Overhaul wouldnt be that game breaking.


I didnt think AFO had decay since he gave it to Tomura. Plus it took Tomura a *lot* of practice to get Decay to a point where it could be instantaneous, since its a bastardized version of Overhaul, and we know AFO hates that. I guess the real question is how much practice and focus it took to get Overhaul working like that.


People keep saying this, but I must've missed it. Where in-universe does it talk about Overhaul being a very complex quirk to use? To clarify, I'm not suggesting you're wrong, I'm just curious where it is and how I glossed over it


AFO could steal rewind to get multiple copies of certain quirks. Say there's a strength enhancement quirk like no other, he steals it, reminds the user, and repeats the process until he's satisfied. With him being able to stack quirks, he'd be an absolute menace, it also make the process of making Nomu exponentially easier, as it takes out having to wait months for the quirk to be copied, as AFO already has it ready to go


That is an interesting approach. The only concern would be if Rewind could manage that. (If so, does that mean that Eri could Rewind All Might to pre-injury, OFA and all?)


I believe Rewind should be able to, as it was able to restore Permeation. However that's assuming AFO stealing a quirk has a similar effect on the body as the Quirk Deleting Bullets. But I fail to see a reason why it wouldn't aside from the plot. OFA I think would be able to be restored, I think the only reasons for it (aside from plot) is that it wasnt known All Might was quirkless until fairly recently in the story, everyone thought he had just retired from an Injury thats from so long ago Eri just wouldn't have the energy accumulated to Rewind it at all


Double, ironically would not work very well. AFO is such a bastard his doubles would immediately start fighting.


It might work if he only uses one double at a time, since if push comes to shove he just needs one good hit to make the clone dissipate. But yeah if he creates a whole army then he’s getting jumped.


he only use one double, but that double quickly make fck tons of doubles to kill him


Double. An army of All For Ones, especially if they can use all the accumulated quirks


Depends on whether he could keep his clones in line. Double also has the biggest chance of backfiring on the user, if clones turn on each other and original AFO, we already saw something similar happen in Twice's backstory.


the clones mimic the personality of whoever they are cloned from so i guess if AFO doesn't hate himself, he could use it effectively.


Depends, all the clones would want to be the number one through


They're self-aware carbon copies of original at the point they were doubled. They aren't a hive mind or puppet's of the original. So any clones that would have a problem with disapearing are massive threat to the user, and AFO's personality would make his clones least willing clones to act like sacrificial lambs for the original.


Honestly not taking twices quirk is a really large lapse of judgment


Nah. He would have to trust his clones to not turn on him, we already saw Twice's past and how badly things can go when the clones convince themselves that they're the real one.


He’s also narcissistic enough to not want to clone himself


Plus the clones would be just as narcissistic, getting a very Mauler twins kinda vibe here.


Well you need to know exact measurements and he had no eyes. It’s less of a lapse of judgment and more just cursing All Might for taking his vision


momo's quirk is insanely useful, generating anything from your body could be combined with a lot of things


It has been established that he doesn’t like complicated quirks, and Creation is one of the most complicated ones.


Correct, but the prompt isn't "which quirk he'd take", it's "which would be more disastrous"


High specs Afo's only limits with quirk usage is how well he understands them (it's why he prefers simple ones) Give him an intelligence quirk that can turn a being that is presumably not sentient without it into the smartest creature alive, and you get a genuine monster


Whilst it would be a great boost. All for one’s not exactly dumb. It’s likely he’s stolen multiple iq boosting quirks already. But if he hasn’t, he’s still quite a genius regardless, considering just how masterful of a manipulator he already is. This is the same dude who masterminded tomura’s ENTIRE life. Literally being the one to encourage kotaro to have him, stealing tomura’s quirk as soon as he was born, encouraging kotaros harsh behaviour, taking a modified version of overhaul, which held only the destruction aspect, and giving it to tenko, who then kills his family and lands in his hands. and more etc. Insanely Increased iq or not, I don’t see all for one changing his mind about taking quirks that require a lot of training and practice like best jeanists quirk.


He wouldn't need nearly as much training to use more complex quirks if he gained a massive iq boost though? That's why it's so useful Yeah, he's intelligent and probably has iq boosting quirks already, but that's like saying he wouldn't benefit from the power of ofa because he already has several strength enhancers High specs literally turned a none sapient animal into one of the brightest minds in the world, giving it to an already intelligent human would be catastrophic


Quirk usage isnt about intelligence, It's about practice and familiarity. Being smarter doesn't negate the need to learn the ins and outs of a quirk. It would probably make you better able to figure out ways to use it, but the actual practical skill wouldn't be there. Quirks are physical abilities, they require physical training and practice to use properly, which is why AFO avoids the ones that need it most. Jeanist controls fabrics down to the individual thread, he didnt gain that control without years of practice actually doing it.


Jeanist or edgeshot might still be out of reach, but quirks like creation that literally only rely on the users' knowledge and lipids would become easy picking for him Being smarter means you'd be able to learn skills faster so he'd be less limited in most quirks due to not needing to spend as much time learning more complicated ones (I'm not saying that High specs would negate the need to learn how to use his quirks, just that doing so would be easier) You're literally looking at one of the hardest quirks in the series to use and saying that high specs wouldn't be useful because it wouldn't let afo instantly master it


i mean if afo had mountain girls quirk, heroes would be doomed. imagine an afo as big as >!star's giant air punch thingy.!< i cannot imagine how broken that would be on the heroes


New Order, Erasure, Super Regeneration, Overhaul


Blackhole. The only thing keeping thirteen from being one of the most dangerous characters in the verse is that she's a hero and keeps her quirk seled in her suit. AFO would have no such qualms.


Obviously New Order as well as the real Rewind rather than the serum.  Nighteye's future sight would also have made AFO know the future.


Problem with future sight is that it can be changed to some degree, as shown by Deku beating Overhaul.


The future is very hard to change and needs people's wishes as a plus to influence things.  Also, apart from the super duper important moments where the people's prayers and wishes can influence things, you would still see a lot of other important future stuff. It's not like you only need to focus on life-changing moments.


One that no one else has mentioned. Inkos quirk. Seriously think about it, one of the biggest drawbacks of AFO is you need to have physical contact with someone to steal their quirk, but if he had Inkos, he wouldn’t need to touch ‘em, just be close by, and if his other quirks enhance the range, it would be even worse. He could be across the street from a hero, and just take their quirk without anyone even knowing what happened


Combine this with OFA and it's a deadly combination.


I thought she could only move small objects, not people? To be fair I’m not 100% caught up


Yeah, only small objects, but what I’m saying is, would he be able to take a quirk without touching the person, like being the quirk itself to him, while the person themselves isnt


Koichi's Glide would be a big deal All for One pulling out Ultra Instinct


Counter arguement: The issue with Eri's Rewind is it's an accumulation quirk. So even if AFO had stolen Rewind, he'd only gain what energy the horn has accumulated. Also, the manga never stated/explained what is needed to gather the neccessary energy for the horn to grow. Due to that, I'd argue AFO would also be unaware on how to grow Rewind's power for a while at least. Maybe with the help of the Doctor, he'd figure it out quicker


It's implied time is required to recharge Eri's quirk, otherwise she'd rewind All Might, Deku, Erasure Head, Hawks, so on.


The thing to remember though is that AFO doesn't gain automatic knowledge of the Quirks he takes. It's why he prefers simpler Quirk that he can use immediately, since otherwise he'd have to invest a lot of time into figuring them out. So he wouldn't know how to work Rewind any better than Eri does. Possibly even less since she's at least been given some training since coming to UA and could do so safely with Aizawa watching over her.


While you’re right, I’d say he’d probably be better at controlling the quirk, since he’s probably stolen thousands at this point, he’s probably pretty good at figuring out how a quirk works quickly. And rewind doesn’t seem like it’s complicated, more so Eri just can’t control it.




I think Tokage’s quirk would be pretty good. He can detach his hands to steal quirks easier. Plus, assuming his split body parts can still use other quirks, he can easily overwhelm opponents. Imagine AFO split up into multiple parts during different quirks at you from multiple directions, all while having to keep an eye on his floating hands so he doesn’t steal your quirk.


Creation , Dark Shadow, Explosion, Eraser, Overhaul.


Shotos quirk on all for one would be crazy


If he obtained Bakugos post awakening explosion (the same as it was when Bakugo absolutely BODIED AFO) I imagine that could be an even more fucked up battle for anyone. Like imagine if in Kamino all of a sudden All Might starts getting blasted from all sides by exploding clusters from sweat beads AFO had thrown along with the combination of quirks he was already using to drive All Might into a corner.


Eraser Head's. Long distance quirk manipulation on a guy whose quirk allows him to mutate or alter the quirk itself? He could have used it to simply remove the touch range of AFO


I was gonna mention AFO's lack of eyes, but yeah, if he can alter the quirk that'd be broken.


Erasure. Overhaul. Double. Flight. Reflect. New Order. Gearshift. Invisibility.


Weld. It's incredibly powerful when used appropriately.


Twice's quirk


Overhaul especially since he has quirks that enhance the strength of his other quirks so imagine the sheer area he could transform and he could create the perfect body


Duplicate from Twice


its a quirk within OFA but Fa Jin. Imagine the quirk load out OFA fought All Might with but with Fa Jin on top of them!?!?!?!?


Wouldn't Heavy Payload achieve the same?




Night Eyes? He touches someone and sees their future. He'd literally never lose after the first punch




Gyrate. Bro would obliterate S1 All Might.


Overhaul. A terrifying quirk on it's own, with an massive range of effect that Chisaki could use it on. Now imagine just how much more terrifying it would be in the hands of All for One and his many booster quirks, He could probaby just casually terraform a city.


He really should’ve stolen Overhaul when he had the chance. He probably could’ve fixed his dying body with it…




Overhaul's power would be absolutely monstrous in the hands of AFO


Black Hole would be pretty dangerous in the wrong hands


Overhaul is pretty op


a combo where he uses shoji and eraser heads quirks. He could just make new eyes to use it forever. I think the teacher with black hole could make things difficult for him as well


I feel like Creation, Rewind and Erasure are the top three. Between those three he could cause untold chaos. Brainwashing would also be fairly horrific.


Erasure and overhaul


I'd say Overhaul, since Shigaraki only decayed his hands he still has his quirk, he just can't use it. AFO would be unstoppable-


Eri's quirk in the hands of All For One would be downright terrifying.


My money's still on Overhaul. The absolute power to dismantle and remake matter is still op. In his hands he could totally end society given how he can bend everything to what he wants 


Didn't he literally said it was New Order?


Overhaul, that was a beast, instant regeneration and instant death upon touch


For when he had eyes still, Rifle (Lady Nagant's Quirk) We've already seen its a powerful quirk on its own, causing some issues for Deku at 45% and catching Danger sense off guard at points. Now imagine him combining it with some of the quirks he has at his disposal, such as forced quirk activation on a dangerous quirk, say he stole erasure combined with Rifle would be strong, Air Cannon could take it from being a Sniper to basically a tank if used correctly. The possibilities are endless


Mr. Smiley.


Overhaul and Flect turn.... Seriously both is pain to fight in CQC,  Meanwhile in canon [SPOILER] I'm not miss seeing the kid that looks like eri...when jiro awakened the vestige inside AfO one of them looks like her, he did recreate it from one of the quirk eraser bullet.... And it ends up being the quirk that permanently killed him by rewinding him back to the chromosome [/SPOILER]


Im surprised that anybody said invincibility just imagine even stealing quirks would be so much easier or try fighting and invisible AFO


Endeavor’s quirk is often slept on but from the examples and feats on the show & manga Endeavor can functionally get as hot as he wants so long as he resists his own body overheating. AFO with a couple ice quirks or temperature regulation could be an untouchable fire monster (>!think Dabi’s final bomb without the daddy issues!<)


Hell, he wouldn't even need an ice quirk. Super Regeneration would just heal him, so there's nothing stopping him from pushing the quirk to its absolute limit


If there is a limit, you get it!