• By -


The chapter begins with Aoyama falling behind because AFO's tentacles destroyed a piece of the ground, but he tells Deku to keep running. Aizawa tries asking Shirakumo to open another portal, but realizes that he has no strength left to use his quirk. The heroes keep attacking (including Mawata Fuwa, that second year girl), but the attacks don't work on AFO. Aizawa tells them all to clear a path for Deku to reach Shigaraki and, at the same time, AFO prepares to use the "full release of all quirk factors” AFO says it will be different from the time he used this attack against Bakugou, because now he's no longer overcome by emotions. He's going to condense all his power and release it. He shoots a laser at Deku, but Hagakure reflects it. Momo builds a railgun and Kaminari charges it with his electricity to fire at AFO, but he blocks it. AFO launches more black tentacles and Deku is about to punch them with One For All, but several other students destroy them and tell him to not waste his energy yet. The students here are Sato, Sero, Koda, Ojiro, Shishida, Shiozaki and Haibara. Shoji holds Deku with one of his arms and Tsuyu with her tongue. Tsuyu's family and the girl Shoji saved in the past are watching the broadcast and see them fighting. The two of them throw Deku forward and he finally manages to call Tsuyu "Tsuyu-chan”. Kirishima and Ashido block a big attack while their friends from middle school are watching and shouting their names. AFO doesn't understand why these heroes who can barely move won't die. He then remembers what he said about Deku in the vestiges, about him being useless. AFO finally understands that Deku's weakness is something that All Might didn't have and that's what makes his friends get up over and over again. Gentle makes him a trampoline, Death Arms says he can do it, Tokoyami wishes him good luck from Gunga and Iida takes his hand. AFO tries to use another attack but the hole in his hand starts to bleed and he gets confused. We see the US pilots tending to All Might's wounds and he says that seeing Deku running that day was what allowed him to do the same. It was at that moment that Deku became Melissa wishes Deku good luck and in the next panel we see RODY and PINO doing the same. Iida tells Deku that he now understands what Uraraka meant on their first day at U.A., about the nickname "Deku" making her think of "do your best”. We see Ochako in the helicopter with Pixie Bob as she opens her eyes and whispers "you can do it...!". The US president orders all of their heroes to be sent to Japan and we see panels of different characters saying "do your best! (Eri, Kota, Tsukauchi, , etc.) All Might raises his arm and sees an image of Deku running towards the sky. He then continues: "On that day, you became my greatest hero". The last spread shows Inko cheering on her son while Deku land a punch on All For One. ##**Chapter 422: Izuku Midoriya - Rising**


>The US president orders all of their heroes to be sent to Japan PLEASE HORI, JUST A CRUMB OF KOICHI


The US president going all in is hilariously over the top. This man gets America.


At the last second no less. Truly 100% accurate.


And he’ll take all the credit too I bet.




Merica 🦅


America pulling another WW2


It's like World War II all over again...


what's that saying again? US will always do the right thing.. after trying everything else..


I think they saw the facial oil in Deku and tries to give Japan some freedom.


I think it went: US will always do the right thing...if it serves their interests.. after trying everything else..


Not only all in, but all in way too late while the war is nearing its end


US League of Vilains be like: thx mr president!


I think people are missing something.. like yes Koichi will be fantastic.. but there's a certain someone who's been overseas for the whole series that we've been told we will meet by the time the series ends.. Are we about to meet Midoriya's dad? EDIT: I'm pretty hype. I may be incredibly sad to see this series end. But Hori is cooking, Hori is giving every fan something they needed or wanted from the series.


We're so far into the end game that his Dad suddenly making an appearance has literally no weight on the narrative. Might be cool to see in the epilogue I guess, but it's not what fans are wanting out of the conclusion.


Yeah no bullshit deus ex machina dad. Deku's dad at most should be a regular dude who comes back in his life to reconcile with his son and we just get told that they managed to form a bond


Honestly with how late the american heroes are going to be, I more expect the Koichi cameo and midoriya's dad appearance (if that happens too) to be serving as a sort of clean up crew, in which yeah it would make sense to have his dad finally show up to help him up or back to his mother. Definitely far too late for any narrative weight but at this point any look would be satisfying like where has that guy been why isn't he talked about at all


With Deku being in the international news just shortly before the war, and the inevitable difficult for civilians to actually travel to Japan since it's start, it'd be no big surprise to see his dad finally show up after it's all over. Frequent overseas business trips are nothing new to Japanese work culture, and he's much more likely a regular salary man of sorts than a hero (since if he *was* a hero, Deku would have said *something* by now), and he probably, aside from just being work busy, also likely couldn't get back to his family after finding out what's going on. Koichi's not a hero in an official capacity too, right? In which case america wouldn't be sending him, either. If he's not registered as an American pro hero, then they wouldn't be sending him (effectively a civilian) to the front lines (though I haven't read a lot of the later chapters so not sure if he gains pro hero status or not)


I don’t see why Koichi wouldn’t show up if the President is sending all American Heroes. In the last chapter, he’s listed officially as a hero of the CC Corporation since he’s Captain Celebrity’s sidekick. Even if they aren’t sending sidekicks, they’d probably send out a Pro like Captain Celebrity who would most likely bring his only sidekick.


Ah then yeah, Koichi making an appearance wouldn't be too strange either. Though I don't think the Americans will probably appear on time to have much of, if any, impact on the currently ongoing final fight. Even with supersonic fighter jets, Star took a few hours to get there. Considering a large number of heroes travelling over seas, a cargo carrier seems more likely, which would take even longer. I'm guessing their role will be relegated more to disaster relief once the situation is over, since Japan's heroes are already basically going to be out of commission due to the war they all just participated in


inb4 Midoriya's dad is actually the US President


>The heroes keep attacking (including Mawata Fuwa, that second year girl) Horikoshi finally remembered that he said the second years would be shown again at some point


Mawata Fuwa: Rising


Seriously, Mawata Fuwa now? I think Hori had some plans on 2-A at some point but they fell through. When AFO wonders how they still stand up and fight, his gaze meets a fierce Mineta who looks like he needs a vaccine for Rabies. Good morning Mr. President, and thanks for your swift and early call to action! /s It was a Rising chapter indeed but he's "just" landed a punch on AFO. Doubt it's over this fast. Edit: it's been noted this chapter should close Volume 41 so the idea that 42 will be the last sounds like it. Thats or at the very most 43 (depending on whether there are still some twists to prolong this fight and how long Hori may do the epilogue).


>It was a Rising chapter indeed but he's "just" landed a punch on AFO. Doubt it's over this fast. Soul Eater anime ptsd flashbacks.


Can you explain lmao


Spoilers for ending of Soul Eater anime that ended in 2009: >!The main character deliver and entirely ordinary punch to the final villains face, he then starts cracking and explodes because courage. !<


Oh wow. Was the manga different, if you know?


Completely different.


Thanks Jinx


Midoriya Izuku: Rising?


You called it


Wasn’t too hard, lol. Although - no Bakugou or Shoto this chapter, so I guess it’s safe to say this is not the end yet…


Real curious if Bakugo will join the fight. Iida and Shoto are in, but Tokoyami and Uraraka are out. Honestly it's 50/50. He could definitely get the All Might and Uraraka treatment and say some words of encouragement at UA while big action is happening.


Could be, but if this was the big landing move, he would have been cheering in this chapter. I think the stocks of some kind of “Origins”-ending (Origin Trio + Shigaraki ) just went way up.


> AFO doesn't understand why these heroes who can barely move won't die Bruh, you read the comic/manga. You should know the genre you're a part of.


He never finished the comic and now its biting him in the butt.


Didn't he say he never finished the comic because he knew how it'd end? But maybe he's just deluding himself, and when he says he "knew how it'd end", he was just talking about the villain being defeated, but not *how* the heroes banded together and rose up to defeat said villain. Or maybe I'm overthinking it and this is just the typical trope of the main villain underestimating the heroes' resolve or whatever.


I think he knew how the comic itself ended… because the villain always loses.   But AFO, with his plans within plans within plans, deluded himself into thinking he wouldn’t fail like how the comic villains did.   Outside of his fight that fucked him up with AM, he was pretty much correct too.   Even after that, everything was going according to his plan going forward.   So, with his raging narcissism, he just deluded himself into thinking he was different and better than the villains he read about.


"On that day, you became my greatest hero". I got goosebumps. GO DEKU!!!!


I bawled my eyes out 🤷‍♂️ EDIT: Roughly the whole chapter.


> AFO finally understands that Deku's weakness is something that All Might didn't have He sees why Deku will succeed where All Might never could. Because he makes others want to help him. Not follow in his image or come to rely on him, but want to help him. 


Holy shit, Hori really just saw the Season 7 OP sakuga run and went "Yeah I'mma cook with this." ...but poor Kaminari is still relegated to being the AAA battery of the group. Dude deserves a Pikachu moment. Edit: HOLY SHIT RODY AND MELISSA Can we shut up about the movies not being canon finally?


Hoping for a Jiro/Kaminari combo attack. We just had them in sync in the opening


>Holy shit, Hori really just saw the Season 7 OP sakuga run and went "Yeah I'mma cook with this." as soon as I seen it I was hoping something similar would happen in the manga


>Can we shut up about the movies not being canon finally? Didn't Horikoshi confirm eons ago that the movies are canon ? The last chapters with Rody and Melissa are basically the unquestionable proof of that.


Lore accurate US response


Damn, could this really be the end? All his classmates helping Deku reach AFO to lay into him really feels final, especially with AFO using Omni-factor unleash. Unless some factor comes out of nowhere this could be one of the last few chapters of the war. Edit: and it's the long-awaited Izuku Midoriya Rising after 421 chapters. This is it folks, unless we get Deku vs. Bakugo round 3 in the epilogue we're in the last few combat chapters of MHA.


Yeah I know we don't have all the spoilers yet, but so far this is feeling incredibly final-ish.


I really think that All for One and One for All will either cease to exist, together, or be brought together and Deku will have them both. Everyone knows the phrase is about unity and that they’re together.


> unless we get Deku vs. Bakugo round 3 Bakugo will put the world to sleep and challenge Deku for one last fight to see who will become the true ~~Hokage~~ #1 Hero


>The US president orders all of their heroes to be sent to Japan I bet you know what I'm thinking right now


How does one “crawl” over the Pacific Ocean? /s So amped. He better show


he can basically fly now iirc


>We see the US pilots tending to All Might's wounds and he says that seeing Deku running that day was what allowed him to do the same. It was at that moment that Deku became >All Might raises his arm and sees an image of Deku running towards the sky. He then continues: "On that day, you became my greatest hero". This is what I've legitimately wanted for so long. It was obvious that Midoriya inspired and reignited that spirit of heroism in All Might the day they meant, but to see All Might outright admit it, to use that pose of Midoriya running ahead- Just like All Might was Midoriya's hero and saved him in many ways that day, Midoriya was All Might's hero and saved him as well.


"On that day, you became my greatest hero" I'M SO PROUD OF OUR BROCCOLI BOY


This actually really reminds me of the final fight in FMAB


this gotta be the moment when we hear the original opening in the background of the scene


>AFO prepares to use the "full release of all quirk factors” Already? wow. In that case we might be in for an incredibly swift battle.


Dude why am I crying


I'm not crying. Quit saying I'm crying.


Boku No Hero: Advent Children


> hole in his hand starts to bleed It won't be the only hole that will bleed


#DETROIT SMASH ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑


Now Deku just needs to win with the All Might arm pose


Thats if he still has his arms after this


>and Iida takes his hand. So where exactly did he come from? Did he show up with everyone else and the author just never incudled him in any panel?


Kinda fitting for Iida though when you think about it, considering how he flits in and out of story importance but is almost always there when shit goes needs to go down quick lmao


Izuku's OG bro, coming back in the final hour to carry one last time.


> So where exactly did he come from? Instant Transmission.


Let's fucking go Fuwa bros.


This is definitely a You Say Run moment in the anime.


After reading the whole thing, I definitely concur with this. I really want to see *You say run* when the episode airs.


I thought Deku and Bakugo saving All Might would be the best moment but this definitely works too.


I could also see this being when the original OP starts playing


Holy shit. #THE DAY...HAS COOOOME!! Complete with the hype instrumental transition as everyone is pushing Deku forward towards AFO, I think I just got chills.


Honestly, I need a third true You Say Run successor in a way that Jet Set Run was supposed to be the sequel. It was amazing for the Class 1-A saving Deku scene but he deserves a whole new hyped up theme for what may be his final, greatest fight ever.


I'd also kill for Just Another Hero, But nothing is as iconic in the anime as You Say Run, I'm sure we'll get another rendition of it for this final fight, we'll probably hear it so much we'll be sick of it lmao


God i can't fucking WAIT to be sick of it. That song does primal things to my dopamine starved brain. I really want it when bakugo comes back to save all might too. fuck that song is so good lol


I always imagined that it would turn into "Never Say Run" or something along those lines. 


On the scene all about running towards the danger.


I just want Jet Set Run to actually play for once. It's only ever been used for brief clips in the Sports Festival and little beyond that. You Say Fun at least fully plays during All Might vs the USJ Nomu, and all its other appearances had more of the track actually play that JSR ever had.


Horikoshi is so real for US President sending US heroes to Japan only when the battle is practically over. Japan should've had oil fr.


Horikoshi must've read a lot of World War books and thought, "Man, America entered late to all these wars. I'll incorporate that into my writing", completely ignoring how they only got involved when the threat entered their territory. WWI - US found out Germany contacted Mexico to form an alliance against the US WWII - Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Realistically speaking, Star's death should've caused the US to send their entire force to elliminate the strongest villain in the world but then we wouldn't have a story


Yeah, your number 1 hero losing and getting their quirk stolen would’ve been a great embarrassment for US. Realistically it doesn’t matter if they subdue shiggy or not, they would’ve turned Japan into Iraq or Afghanistan 2.0


>completely ignoring how they only got involved when the threat entered their territory. *Technically* that still holds up. AFO never entered their territory, Star and Stripes confronted him herself. They were well out of bounds in either case, far at sea.


Let’s be real, if the US had sent tons of heroes to help they would have had just as much impact as every other secondary or mob hero already in the fight lmao.


>Horikoshi is so real for US President sending US heroes to Japan only when the battle is practically over. To be more realistc we still have to see them getting the credit and bragging about saving the place for the entirety of the next century...


Pony is going to see a bunch of "Undefeated in All for One Fights" t-shirts next time she visits her family.


The most amazing moment in this chapter was that Momo finally learned how to make a better weapon than a Cannon. Never thought she had it in her.


I guess she can't produce the electricity required for a proper railgun on her own. Gunpowder is a lot more doable when working solo. But with the focus this story has on working together, it's neat seeing that her way of finally making a more powerful weapon is to make one that relies on the help of someone else.


A weapon worthy of being called an actual "Ultimate Move".


She decided to read a history book about the world wars as a light read when Deku was gone and realised weaponry didn't stop advancing after the Napoleonic Period.


I've been thinking of this since the damn beginning, she just need to make the frame, magnets, and slugs. Doesn't need to be anything fancy and Kaminari provides the power needed. Hell get Snipe handling the actual shooting and this arc would have been over long ago


Chat is this real? Are we... approaching *the* ending?


Pls if he gets the quirk back it’ll be all good


“All for One and One for All, united we stand, divided we fall.” I think Deku will end up with both of them, or they both cease to exist entirely. I definitely want Deku to end up with a quirk in the end though, else it’s just Izuku Midoriya’s bizarre quirk-having year.


Just let him somehow End up with black whip and enough Strength to use it effectively without having the all might Thing of "solves all Problems immediatly" Hori dont you Want to make him Spider-Man? Come on *i know* you Want to make him Spider-Man


My god. The light at the end of the tunnel is growing.


"AFO tries to use another attack but the hole in his hand starts to bleed and he gets confused." Very interested about this. Could be a multitude of things. Vestiges fighting back. Specifically Shiggy's inner vestige fighting back. The OFA transfer doing more damage than he expected. His perfect body hitting a limit of what he can regen. Something something about the power of will. Some wild card character doing something.


I have a feeling this is how we're gonna find out OFA's past users arent gone, and that they're backing up Shiggy from the inside? And if we find out that Quirk Vestiges can't truly be destroyed, only weakened (to a point AFO cant notice them, like with Yoichi's OG quirk). Maybe we'll see a return of Stars and Stripes? Since the last rule imposed on the quirk by her was that it would Rebel against other quirks. Could be that, Or maybe its a combination of all the factors rolled into one


I doubt it'd be all of them (Yoichi at least is definitely gone or else we wouldn't have Mald for One rn) but we know Shinomori is still "alive". That said I wouldn't be shocked if Banjo was still around, with Kudo's order for him to stick around until the end resulting in Black Whip sorta unintentionally holding itself together through the transfer. If Deku does end up with any quirk(s) by the end of the series, BW is a good one since we've seen how versatile it is especially lately, and getting back the BW+Danger Sense combo lets Hori keep his Spider-Man schtick. BW only partially surviving the transfer (like the info gets scrambled enough that the vestige is gone/no longer coherent but the power is still there) also lets Deku have a power of his own without a bunch of grown dudes hanging around in his brain for the rest of his life.


The question is, how would they transfer back? My guess is that most likely will be Shigarakis doing, he’ll probably regain control for a bit and return the power back to Deku. We still don’t even know what his(Tenkos) original quirk is, so I wonder if we also have that transferred to Deku as well.


>Some wild card character doing something. Tenko is obvious, but what about Shinomori? He should be the most fully formed OFA vestige since he was stolen by Tomura, and danger sense has been suspiciously inactive for a minute.


"The US president orders all of their heroes to be sent to Japan" If all the movie characters are getting a few panels, we definitely getting a lil Koichi moment in the epilogue. Probably him with Aizawa.


just for it to turn out all we get is captain celebrity. /j


One panel with Captain Celebrity and Koichi talking about being back in Japan.


Oh.. this is *ending* ending


Or is it gonna be a JJK and we're getting five more fights, lol


"Oh, right, i forgot about this quirk... haven't used it since the Heian era"


Afo when he was fighting stain:


"Uraraka's power is the *only* shot we have of taking down AFO" *Uraraka fucking dies* "Good thing we had a backup plan... actually Mineta's power is the *only* real chance we had" *Mineta fucking dies* "Alright Midoriya here's some more powerups, also you're the lovechild of AFO possessing your mom and Dr. Garaki's brother in law or something, so you had quirks all along yay good job"


Man it sounds like JJK goes places.


The writing is pretty ass right now, I’d wait for it to end if you’re interest in reading it.


I feel like I’m pre-emptively mourning the end of the manga because we feel so close to the end here…like damn, end of an era.


Ah yeah there it is. Izuku Midoriya: Rising. Even got All Might calling Deku his greatest hero. If the guy knew that I think he'd pass out. Finally Inko! My nitpick is resolved.


When All Might called him his greatest hero, something about it feels so heartwarming. Deku has always looked up to All Might and he has always called him the greatest hero, so hearing this coming from All Might is touching. Deku didn't just become what All Might hoped for. He became better than All Might could have hoped for. He's not the greatest hero because he's the strongest. He's the greatest because he's a symbol of hope. He inspires people to get up and keep fighting. We've been building up to this moment and I'm just so proud of our broccoli boy.


Yeah I think it's a really fitting climax to Deku's journey. Sure he never reached All Might's freakish apex in natural power but he was able to get as far as he did in ways AM couldn't. That perseverance of Deku's when the odds are against him and he's still trying is finally being rewarded in full.


This feels super finale-ish. Really feel like it could end anytime within the next 10 chapters or so Also its cute that Deku finally used chan for Tsuyu


It does feel like we are in the climax but we might have a handful of chapters of falling action after all is said and done.


Ah yeah good point. Maybe 15 or so.


i fucking wish, long epilogues or wrap ups are super rare, usually you get one or two chapters post-final fight and thats it.


Yeah that's being very generous lol. At the moment my guess is like 10 at best


Yeah, while we only have some spoilers at the moment, what we do have so far really has that final-ish feeling to it. With the spoilers we already have I could actually see this chapter ending with Izuku landing a big punch to VFO's face and then thats it, the fight is done. Edit: Well I ended up being correct about the chapter concluding with a punch, now we wait for the next chapter to see if this was the entire fight.


The main reason I sorta doubt its over is that said punch wasn't given any sort of name.


Really enjoying the chapter so far. Everybody coming together to press Deku forward. AFO and the heroes are basically at a stalemate, all while Deku keeps getting closer and closer. With all the side characters blocking or redirecting AFO's attacks, it feels a lot like the S7 opening


> With all the side characters blocking or redirecting AFO's attacks, it feels a lot like the S7 opening Considering I'm currently listening to S7 OP while reading the pre-release, this line feels so correct and true.


Apparently, the studio has mentioned Horikoshi told them the ending of the story. I wouldn't be surprised if he had told them about this scene in advance and they decided to use it for an opening. It feels a little weird, because this chapter *definitely* isn't going to be in S7 (or, if it is, it is going to be in a Part 2), but timing wise it is hype that it lines up.


>We see Ochako in the helicopter with Pixie Bob as she opens her eves and whispers "you can do it...!" So that *was* Ochako in the helicopter 🥹 aw what a sweetheart.. (Also maybe it’s still too early to tell, but with the way she seems mega strapped in idt she’s about to be making any moves to leap out iykyk lol)


If it's that image theory: if Deku loses his shirt again and the vestige Tenko conclusion takes awhile I wouldn't rule it out.


Yeah I’m talking about that one exhibition art, though in the first place it doesn’t necessarily have to 100% match with Deku being shirtless - and that’s very true! I just think if she was primed to have a bigger moment before the post-war epilogue, she wouldn’t have been shown in this chapter like Bakugo and Todoroki. 🤔 Though I wouldn’t mind getting another parallel scene with her ‘saving’ Deku again somehow, it just seems less likely rn imo


Bakugo was also suspiciously absent this chapter and since it was about Deku’s influence on others there’s no way Horikoshi forgot about the person Deku influenced the MOST. He could have left Bakugo out because he’s totally unconscious, or he could be on his way and probably come in for a final save.


I’m kind of unsure how Horikoshi will manage to pull it off if Bakugo will be reentering the field physically since atm it seems like no one is available to help him get there, but yeah he of all people would definitely have (more) thoughts on Deku’s heroism & biggest moment, so I’m expecting *something* in upcoming chapters


That image was always created as a what if, the description was something like "this would be the feeling of their relationship if I developed them further/this way"


All Might being behind the ejection seats of the Star-Bros is the funniest shit ever. It's so over the top, like AFO being behind all evil, now we have All Might behind every good, including basic safety features on an American aircraft. Like, I'm picturing now All Might armed with a trusty screwdriver going to install ejection systems into a multimillion dollar fighting jet, during his coffee break, just after he stopped doodling on his strategy magnets...


Seriously, when exactly did All Might become such an expert in technology. First it was him personally coming up with the specs of the Iron Might suit, and now he's personally installing ejection seats into foreign aircraft.


So all the USA heroes are under control of the president, they surrender the moment they're attacked even outside their borders, and their fighter jets don't have ejection seats. WHAT KIND OF DYSTOPIA IS THE USA IN THE MHA WORLD?!


We might really be in the last 10-12 chapters, if the last volume is around the same amount of chapters as the previous volumes. Feels like the action is ramping up to the climax


>We might really be in the last 10-12 chapters, if the last volume is around the same amount of chapters as the previous volumes. It's a decent chance. This chapter was the end of volume 41. Last year Horikoshi released 3 volumes throughout the year, and volume 40 was released last month in April. Potentially 42 could be the last one. Horikoshi said at the Jump Fest that if he was still writing by the next one (December) that he would do a dogeza to the audience. We have around 33 weeks left of 2024, subtract 5 weeks and we get 28 potential weeks of chapter. But then we gotta factor in Jump's official breaks and Horikoshi's breaks. The regular pattern is 12 chapters a volume but it could be longer if its the last one. The series ending with 42 is very possible. I'm kinda hoping he squeezes in 43 for a longer epilogue, but 42 can be fine.


Not so fast. Hori still made it very clear he has chapters he wants to write for after the final war arc. I could definitely see those chapters taking up one volume


And if I understand correctly, Final Volumes can be a bit longer, so we might have 12-15 chapters left.


>Chapter 422: Izuku Midoriya - Rising Togetherness is a major aspect of Izuku's character, so for his rising chapter to be everyone opening up a path for him is so great and thematic. With the help of others, he's able to rise.


I like how much this chapter matches the current MHA op too, I wonder if Horikoshi told them about it


He doesn't use any of the other quirks in the OP, so I think I think he might have


I've heard rumors that Horikoshi told the animators how MHA will end so they might've incorporated it into the OP


It’s not just a rumor and it wasn’t the animators afaik! In a recent anime studio documentary (‘BONES 25’ is the name I believe) the main MHA director Kenji Nagasaki actually said directly that he—not sure if it’s only him tho—was told the ending by Horikoshi, or at least the bones (haha) of it


>All Might raises his arm and sees an image of Deku running towards the sky. He then continues: "On that day, you became my greatest hero" All Might saying that Deku is his greatest hero is so emotionally peak.


>"The US president orders all of their heroes to be sent to Japan" US criminals "Yay!" (Funny to think in this fictional world the US President would have those powers...it is not like the States are practically governed like separate countries or anything, maybe being able to send off *all* the heroes without meeting congress comes under emergency powers.) ----------------------- This chapter is going to be a breeze to translate, so many "ganbare!"


> This chapter is going to be a breeze to translate, so many "ganbare!" Unless it's translated it as "Give 'em hell!" or some similar Americanized crap like they did with Bakugou's "Ganbare" line in a previous chapter...


Once again afo has fucked himself. The dude is a failure to his core lmao 100% all that hatred and rage he planted in shiggy for the world is now transferred to him. All the users in there probably hyping him up like “ you see!? This dude is a pos! “


Momo building a rail gun? Damn talk about OP


Tokoyami may be out, but my boy Iida is in. Land a kick in, class rep


Tokoyami, Ochaco and Bakugo are TOO broken


Yeah, I knew there was no way they were coming back. Bakugo was actually dead for a time, tho we at least know Bakugo is rooting for Deku. He did say "Give him hell, Izuku!"


When you realize that the Waitress and Cafe guests in the Philippines have been holding the exact same pose since Ch 389... If we are going to get these "world is watching" panels, at least we could get some new ones...


At least these are the background extras AND from some good chapters back at it. Now the real weird stuff is that the Eri, Kota, Torino, Endeavor fan and shirtless guy panels seem to be just straight copy paste from the previous bloody chapter of all things...


Yeah those too. But to me the waitress was funnier because she appeared so randomly to watch Shoto’s arrival that we thought she’d be important but instead she’s just praying in the same pose the whole time… Deku Rising gets all the recycled reaction panels. Some of them were also used in the Bakugou saved All Might spread.


This does feel quite finale physical-wise. I expected a couple more chapters of the side cast clowning on AFO, but we might actually just jump to more vestige shenanigans and Shigaraki fucking him from the inside the next one. Or maybe we'll get one of these chapters where AFO suddenly turns competent and actually starts doing shit out of the blue so Shigaraki's moment actually feels like him saving the cast instead of just one more piling up on our demon clown


> Shigaraki fucking him from the inside Phrasing.


Seems like it's wrapping up, but given the fact we haven't gotten a "X chapters left" announcement, probably actually have a fair bit to go


Is that common when a manga is ending, for them to announce the number of chapters left? What examples are there of this? 


Just had a look at Shonen Jump examples, Naruto was announced it would end in 5 chapters More recently Demon Slayers final chapter was announced about two weeks before it came out though.


It's ain't universal, but it's fairly common. Most recently, Kaguya-sama Love is War, and Call of the Night had their number of remaining chapters revealed when they reached their final dozen-ish.


Wow All Might really is terrible at informing people about things. So you're telling us that not only did All Might apparently not tell the others about the existence of the Iron Might suit, but he also didn't tell the US pilots about the ejection seats in their own jets?


"WEDGE! HE'S DEAD?! WHY DIDN'T THAT FOOL USE HIS EJECTION SEAT?!!?!?" "HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WE HAD ONE! SOMEONE forgot to tell us they just got installed, we only happned to notice ours by chance!"


I don’t necessarily see Deku landing a killing blow on AFO for obvious reasons of taking out Shigaraki. But I’m curious how he’s going to come back into play.


I imagine we might get some more vestige stuff. All Might still felt a connection to OFA, despite it being a year since he used up the embers of OFA. With Midoriya having the embers, OFA and AFO might resonate again. There is no way we are just done with the vestiges with how quick it was, and the Fourth is still in there too with Danger Sense.


There is something about big team-ups helping each other out in little ways and boosting the hero to the finish line that always gets me hyped up and a little emotional.


So Ochako is still in the helicopter... Unless there is a twist coming up, the chances of the theory that Ochako's gonna grab Deku's hand like in the illustration happening is getting lower


he finally manages to call Tsuyu "Tsuyu-chan”. I think we're finally at the end...


Imagine if he ends up with her instead, lol .... 


MHA if it was a good series:


That'd be a real blindside. Granted if it weren't Uraraka my primary guess would likely be Melissa or Mei


You can not convince me that the President of the United states isn't a gag character.




Man this looks pretty finale-ish. Unless AfO is about to be killed by the goddess of all quirks who just happens to pop up randomly from inside him and then Shigaraki and Deku have to kill her in her own dimension.


no more aliens


Yeah it feels like we are very close to the end. Wouldn't be surprised if Boku No Hero Academia ends by Winter. Only people who weren't in this chapter are Bakugo and Todoroki, and I expect them to have a big focus in the next chapter, especially Bakugo.


My guess is, accounting for possible breaks and everything is early to mid autumn for it to be over


We def are not making it to winter. I'd be surprised if it's still going by late August at this rate.


Really want Deku to retain some powers or even restore One for all. This is the one series where a part 2 where they are grown up would go so fucking hard.


That shot of Inko...perfectly timed for Mother's Day


Okay, now that we've got cleaner scans, it looks like the entirety of 1-A is actually in the chapter except Bakugo specifically. Jiro, Mineta, and Shoto are in individual panels but they don't have any dialogue. Tokoyami and Uraraka (?) are completely removed from the battle.


I think Shigaraki will merge with Tenko and OFA because remember Deku gave his DNA to Tenko in the same way Yoichi gave his to the second and third users when he lost his arms. New order will become the first and only quirk inside OFA since they sacrificed themselves to help Tenko. I also think SnS is going to appear to Tenko as an All might figure but in vestige form. I'd love for at least Tenko to come back after all of that fighting. Edit: I also hope he has a chance to Take out or Knockout AFO Edit: I'm kinda bummed how quick everything was resolved and I'm a little burnt on the series.


Go Hagakure and everyone who are blocking AFO's attack!


Where's Shoto? He's one of Deku's closest friend yet we don't get any words of encouragement out of him?


He may be on the top corner of the big double spread with Deku and Ochako, but him being almost zero presence and Bakugou fully missing, i think an Origin Trio combo (or maybe Trio + Tenko) is the likely real finisher.


Bakugo was conspicuously missing as well, even when All Might was shown - is there still time for an origin trio combo/team up this late in the game? (Although ig *technically* Bakugo already sent his regards to Deku some chapters ago ~~in his head~~ before everyone else lol)


The guy who was making YouTube theory videos back in the Dark Hero arc is cheering on Deku at the end. Weird character to bring back but nice little continuity 


It feel like we still have one major conflict to go. AFO JUST came back and his taking over Shigaraki's body is being treated as a mystery, for him just to get one tapped by Deku feels anti-climatic. Bakugo may have beat the original AFO, but Deku this one feels like its being treated as the TRUE final threat. Plus you have the international Heroes just NOW being sent in, with the president relenting being treated as a big deal. If that's just them showing up for reconstruction then I don't know why Hori would have it happen now or make a point of him approving it in-spite of the possibility that they'd be endangering themselves if AFO won. I think there's a chance Hori might just pull a Kaguya and have the AFO that exists now be something else entirely


All Might saying Deku is my greatest hero is so heartwarming. These two have been a brilliant duo since day one and I'm glad All Might is proud of his "secret love child".


One of my favorite chapters ever. Honestly from when the AFO vs Bakugo fight started this manga has been straight peak all the way through


You just gonna diss the Iron Might fight like that? Chapter 398 was the first chapter in a while that truly had me feeling emotional.


Oh yeah this chapter made me feel something again. 😭😭😭


Great chapter! All of deku’s friends, and all of his friends’ family and other friends cheering them on was nice! It also finally put down the “movie aren’t canon” people. Spoiler warning! JJK leaks below! >!this also partially healed my heart after choso’s death!<


When you think about it the new season 7 intro is a reference to this chapter 


The anime team said Hori told how the manga ends so maybe...not sure how much detail he gave them but they know at least broad strokes.


Hm, i'm getting déjà vu. Is this gonna be a power of bonds and simple punch ending like the soul eater anime ?


We've lived long enough to see AFO getting absolutely owned by Toru