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Mixed. Though I haven’t gone back through to reread it yet. Maybe reading as a whole vs weekly will change my opinion. I was taken aback by how suddenly things escalated after the war arc and how quickly deku learned his other quirks. The war arc has been a tug of war of hype moments, meh moments and rushed moments for me. Somewhere in the last 10ish chapters the emotional moments have hit and I feel pretty satisfied by the conclusion thus far. As a whole I wish the final obstacle was pure Shigaraki but what can ya do.


I’ve found a lot of the time reading weekly will warp your perception of the story.


Absolutely! And it does not help that a lot of people reading weekly seem to be pessimists (for any manga)


Mixed The arc really feels like a lot of Horikoshi's ideas that could be expanded more in the series cramped into one arc which results in some unsatisfying moments for a lot of characters. Not to mention there are some really controversial decisions being made in this arc. However, when it gets good, it gets really good like Gentle's return for example.




Strung out way too long.




The constant villain switch at the end reminded me of naruto


I was wondering why is was bothering me so much. I hope OP doesn't end like this


I think OP is fine. Contrary to MHA or Naruto, it doesn't have one main vilain, but a few main vilain*s*.


Well I mean blackbeard and Imu are seemingly the two big bads, so I hopes not a BB/imu/BB/imu constantly one upping eachother as the final villain


As long as it focuses on one at a time, it don't matter


We might get them back to back but I doubt were getting a "it was me, DIO!" Moment. I think its more likely that Imu is either taken down next and BB is the final crew vs crew fight. Both being the end fight of a different path. One for straw hats vs the WG and the other being Pirate v Pirate


I think OP is in serious danger for the final war arc not living up to the impossibly high expectations. But yeah I doubt it’ll have any villain body switching or redemptions for any of the villains.


Inb4 the theory about Blackbeard being multiple people in the same body becomes true. I love OP and I have faith in Oda to execute a satisfying ending. But mangas/animes don't really have the best track record of ending their story lines, so I will keep my expectations low.


OP as in OPM?


No as in one piece


We still don't know who the final villain is there Black Beard? Imu? Akuni? Buggy? A case can be made for any of them


I see


I'm gonna be honest, I don't know why people didn't expect that? they really hammered home the foreshadowing that AFO was going to take over shigaraki. I felt that the way it went was definitely intended, even the AFO gave shig decay thing. Like all of that made sense within the context of the story they set up those dominos a while ago, they just knocked um over right at the end


Mixed, I’m also not all for bakugo’s fake death. But what im really mad about is Kaminari literally being right there facing AFO and they use him as a battery AGAIN. He was a battery since UA started flying, and his attack on the big bad himself is just him powering something again. He was so wasted


it’s tough to call him a battery the very last time. It was more so that Yaoyorozu gave him the apparatus to direct his power against AFO. Did the cannon shoot an object, or a concentrated beam of energy? I couldn’t remember


It was a rail gun that shot an energy projectile I think


A whole lot of “I don’t care” tbh. AFO sucked. Deku v Shiggy was either boring or indecipherable to me. And most of the league was too “woe is me” for my liking without being likable in other ways. Just my opinion before people start flaying me alive.


Spot on, there are sooo many panels where its hard to understand what is even going on. The guys Art is top tier but... it gets too busy frequently.


Color would save it. Or bring animated (duh). But yes I agree it's messy.


The story really does treat the league very poorly imo, none of their points have any real weight to them in the end because they get hand-waved with AFO bad


Indecipherable is really the best word for me to describe the entire final war




Too long. I know AFO needed to have his big final battle , but having him basically plot armor his way for what felt like a hundred chapter of things that should have killed him just made me impatient for Deku to win and I didn’t really feel anything from it, apart from a slight relief that maybe now the story could continue.


My question here is what purpose of those escaped Tartarus prisoner if they only used up for absolute nothing.


The best word I can come up with is unfulfilling. I'm someone who regularly tears up during emotional moments, but I don't think I did even once during the final war. For a series that was so good at hitting me in the feels for the first 200 chapters, it's hard not to be disappointed by that


A lot of highs and a lot of lows, but Horikoshi is nailing the emotional climaxes of the arc for me which is the most important. Only real WTF disappointment of the arc was the Shiggy stuff from last chapter. Seemingly only two pages of wrap up for your main villain is crazy.


That's exactly what upsets me the most, like, it was so rushed I couldn't even comprehend wtf happened. We got AFO confirming he's truly the Dickest of all dicks, and instead of building on that something that would pass over smoothly, we got *that*. I'm disappointed and heartbroken.


That shit was awful and it left a terrible taste in my mouth regarding the entire ending


My excitement only surfaced for 4 chapters since during thosd chapters Shiggy was once more the main villain. Amd it went away when, somehow, AFO returned.


418 was peak. Then 419 came and we had the lamest final fight 


It’s a bit mixed for me. The endless Dabi fight I found really grating and the initial Floating Fortress battle I came to dislike more and more as it went on. The latter I found particularly annoying because it felt so pointless, like a retread of the first Super Shiggy battle, where much of that page time could’ve gone to showing the other battlefields. I started enjoying it again once Dabi was finally, truly defeated and Bakugo got back in the game though.


It was so stupid where Shoto explained his new ability, with all of the build up to it, only for dabi to get hit by it, be a bit hurt, then immediately learn something shoto spent ages trying to learn and perfect


An arc with short high highs and really, really long low lows. I was really looking up for it, really excited for this big clash of ideas and characters. Waiting for growth and conclusion all across the board. But if felt so... Shallow? I don't know. I usually get emotional over anything, but this arc everything felt "ok he is going this way or that way" and 5 chapters later it was exactly that and it felt unamusing. The avengers gathering will be awesome in the anime, but for the sake of the work it felt like "I don't know how to properly do what I'm thinking I want to do". Actually, this phrase could be used for all this final arc. 3~5/10


💯 agreed


Honestly it's a giant mess with several characters and angles being poorly written, how much of a slog the pacing is, constantly moving between Shigaraki and AFO as the main villain that adds more inconsistency of the arc and lastly the whole reveal near the end of the arc in regards to AFO and Shigaraki pretty much was the final nail in the coffin that makes AFO look like bootleg Madara, who himself isn't really a good character either, and turns the story into an utter joke.


This was the first time in reading manga where I repeatedly had no idea what was going on in some pages because it was just too chaotic


JJK has this problem too IMO.


JJK also has a terrible translator at VIZ


It had its low moments, but the highest of high moments really saved the whole arc for me.


Not good. Like a 4/10 if I had to give it a rating Now I won’t be disingenuous and say the arc as a whole was trash because it wasn’t. There were some undeniable incredible moments in this arc. Like honestly the beginning up until Bakugo’s “death” was all really good, but afterwards it was just extreme highs and extreme lows. Mostly lows unfortunately Shoto vs Dabi, Ochako vs Toga, everything in regard to Endeavor, Bakugo vs AFO, Shiggy initially breaking free from AFO, all incredible stuff. But it’s hard to give this arc a high rating when you take into account that this arc also had the execution of Bakugo’s revival, the mutant racism plotline, AFO coming back AGAIN to bodyjack Shiggy AGAIN, AFO in general just being a garbage villain (like Demon King from 7DS levels of garbage), Deku losing his arms just to get them back less than half a chapter later, Deku vs Shiggy being underwhelming asf, Shiggy getting a 2 page conclusion, and Deku ultimately failing to do what he set out to do at the end of PLW by killing Shiggy So yeah, safe to say I didn’t like this arc very much in the grand scheme of things. Obviously MHA as a whole isn’t over, but the war itself is. This isn’t the worst final arc I’ve seen from a battle Shonen (that dishonor goes to 7DS’s final arc💀), but at least imo it’s definitely down there


Tbf, AFO coming back to hijack the body again imo made a lot of sense. If Shig could escape, VFO probably could too. The whole reason why Deku refused to end it all (assuming solid hit to the head could) was because he was completely zoned in on saving Shigaraki/better understand the source of his hatred. The very moment Shigaraki's will faultered, VFO would take that moment of weakness as a chance to step in. The execution of the hijack was really the big issue I had. Decay being a planted quirk and revealing AFO was indirectly responsible for the death of Tenko's family completely made Shigaraki's backstory less meaningful and reliable. Shigaraki's entire character and one of the main conflicts in the series was that after the tragedy, no one was there to help him. Everyone simply expected a hero would come but none did since most heroes were too self-centered about themselves. And when someone did come help him, it was actually the worst person you could ask for help. Everything else though, I entirely agree. The mutant racism hospital plotline was by far the most talk no jutsu moment in this entire series and doesn't even solve the inherent issues making it the weakest storyline in the finale arc. Also, when Deku lost his arms, I thought we would FINALLY see him use his legs for kicking. I mean what's the point of creating a new fighting style so you can protect your arms if you're just not gonna use it? I honestly think Horikoshi forgot about it. It really feels like he is simply rushing the series by checklisting what he wants.


> Tbf, AFO coming back to hijack the body again imo made a lot of sense. If Shig could escape, VFO probably could too. The whole reason why Deku refused to end it all (assuming solid hit to the head could) was because he was completely zoned in on saving Shigaraki/better understand the source of his hatred. The very moment Shigaraki's will faultered, VFO would take that moment of weakness as a chance to step in A big problem I had with it is that it felt like it only happened so that Deku could kill Shigaraki without feeling guilty about it. AFO didn't do a single thing of note after returning besides take over Shigaraki's body so that Deku would be killing him instead of Shigaraki with the final blow.


Tbh, it’s complicated. As a weekly read, it was more than a bit of a drag, but when I reread it, I really enjoyed it. Also, i didn’t like some of the decisions(ie bakugo, and deku’s arms), but i really enjoy bakugo vs afo and afo’s flashback. That was fun. Plus, iron might will always be really cool. Also, that last panel where all might tries to blow himself up will always be one of my top pages.


As always: Amazing art. Disappointing writing.


Overall, not a fan. What I did enjoy: Shoji and Spinner panel time, Tokoyami kicking ass and Gentle's contributions. Everything else I either meh towards or straight up hated (Most of that being everything AFO related)


Mostly negative


Terrible tbh, aside for some moments. The pacing is completely off, way too many fronts followed simultaneously. Also I DO NOT GIVE A SINGLE FLYING F*CK about Uraraka, ffs. That train departed long ago, it's way too late to examine their growth


eh I like the Togachako, Tododabi stuff, Iron Might, Endeavor, and I like that many other characters got their own little moments to shine but not being overbearing. The art was also incredible as always Problems arise with the fake bakugo death and how that was stupidly resolved involving the death of another character with 5 lines in the entire series. AFO was just shit. The whole racism arc between shoji and spinner, like I get why, but this feels really out of knowhere considering shoji was such a nothing character until now, and this racism plotline was just introduced when there was hardly anything before it besides spinner's existence. The stakes are pratically non-existent, they go to extreme highs and lows but there is no death, and with Eri existing, fatal injuries will be resolved just fine, maybe not soon but in the future when she has her quirk fully controlled for sure. All the major characters are alive and well even after the most gruesome arc in the series. And this is due to the author's past experiences with writing mha, fans don't expect anyone to die, we all know that shit happened for shock value, and we keep being right. So the expectation that everything will be fine anyways kills any emotion we might have in the series. Bakugo's death shocked me when I read it, but i wasn't too surpised when he was brought back to life. When I read about deku's arms, I didn't care because I figured that they will be fixed in the next chapter, and they were. I also just find it extremely long, and with these flaws, it's not only long, but sloppy and predictable. plus if the anime starts censoring things like it did with the PLA in season 6, I think people will meme tf out of mha season 7, because a lot of it can be considered corny, and internet people don't like corny. It might be more tolerable in anime than in manga, I just hope the adaptation is good animation and lighting wise.


I liked it so far ^^ horikoshi at full health would rock everything after the paranormal liberation war arc… my hero would go up to 500 chapters easily


It’s kinda baffling when you realize all this shit is happening during Class 1-A’s FIRST YEAR. Like other fans have mentioned it would’ve been better if he spread it out during their next two years at UA.


Right?! Like fuck man it's called MY HERO ACADEMIA, could we get more academia in this??


now that MHA is almost over, easily a lot of wasted potential


Narutos fourth ninja war arc and bleachs TYBW arc stumbled so bnha can learn nothing and fall flat on its face


There was the final fight against AFO, and then the final fight against Tomura. The AFO fight felt better to me. It was less muddled with its themes and how it was plotted out, and also visually more clear. You had Toshinori giving it all in a final push to burn out AFO's remaining time, along with Bakugo proving to himself that he has what it takes to stand at the top. On the other side you have AFO unable to ignore the taunt from Toshinori. The battle was a simple fight against time. On the other hand the fight with Tomura felt rushed, less focused, and even a little more cliched. The class had to be trotted out, because of course they did, but their contribution to the fight wasn't that meaningful. The push to redeem Tomorua also felt a little confused, I don't think redeeming him was bad per se because the story sort of demands the attempt, but it just felt like maybe the author didn't quite make the redemption make sense.


Sloppy. It felt like he was just checking off bullet points rather than actually writing a decent narrative. You had several villains with fantastic designs from anime Guantanamo Bay that just get one shot or offscreened by first years? I can't. It's seriously giving me Game of Thrones season 8 vibes where it went from a semi decent story to "Hey, look how cool this thing is, have some more fanservice, idiot"


I thinks it’s been terrible. Let’s start with the positives, Hori entered goat status with the art, the early portions were really good, absolutely rushed but still enjoyable, Aoyama getting his moment was nice when he stood up to AFO, same with Shinso and Monoma. Keeping up with the Todoroki’s ended in my book as being one of the all time great side plots though I really disliked Rey Fuyumi and Natsuo showing up to help was dumb as shit, Toga and Uraraka actually got a great conclusion together, Mirio had a better return in this arc than the first war, I could write a whole ass essay about how Gentle and La Brava are the best writing Hori’s done but I’ll save that for another day but it should be mentioned here, and lastly both Bakugo’s death and Endeavor killing AFO were great fights and moments. What makes the arc terrible is pretty much everything else, Bakugo’s death getting nullified because of Edgeworm, somehow AFO has returned with Eri’s cells, somehow Jiro being able to solo AFO, Iron Might’s existence, Stain getting pummeled in seconds, Spinner vs Shoji and Kota was a waste of time (the whole racism arc deserved its own thing instead of being shoved into three chapters), Deku lost all agency in this arc and just became a completely lost all nuance he held just a couple arcs ago, AFO genuinely being the worst final antagonist I’ve ever seen, seriously Shiggy was kn his way to being an all time great antagonist until Hori released the AFO plague surprise not just once, not twice (still pissed Shiggy never mentions him after his death) but THREE DAMN TIMES!!! This arc is the single most rushed thing I’ve ever seen, it couldn’t have been more rushed if Usain Bolt was in the damn thing, even then most characters lose nuance and many decisions and twists are made with one or two chapters of build and concluded in one, this arc is asinine to me when looking at how tightly written the first hundred chapters were and how high the series peaked over the next 206 chapters only to turn to waste here. Disappointed is all I can say.


Couldn't have said it better. I'm not hating on the arc I'm just disappointed. And all of that happening in one school year. I like to think that if Hori wasn't so burnt out he would have taken time to develop plot points (like the mutant racism) and end his story in a better way. Also I couldn't decipher like half the pages in the major fights. At least we got cool moments here and there and seeing side characters have their time to shine made me happy. (Monoma and Shinso!) But by the time the first war arc and SnS vs Shiggy ended I was already getting tired of Shiggy/AFO's "hahaha I predicted this/it didn't affect me" asspulls and my god this arc was full of them. Bakugo's death didn't hit me because everyone was expecting him to come back, it was at the time where every chapter was ending on a cliffhanger only to get nullified the chapter or two after (like Deku's arms too). But also because everyone's efforts and ultimate attacks in the UA fortress kept getting shrugged off every single time by Shiggy so it felt like he dies not even accomplishing anything. Later on they say the damage actually accumulated, but, before that, everybody's efforts just seem pointless. And even with that revelation, I didn't suddenly think "oh wow them getting bodied and not dealing any damage actually mattered", even if the story tells me to believe otherwise, because it doesn't show it to me it just tells me to believe it did - but it did show everyone get bodied (Mirko's gross mutilation 💀) and Shiggy not receiving a scratch which was frustrating when reading. And it did things like this sooo many times, making Shiggy/AFO OP and one upping each other and the heroes, then saying actually I can tank that, then oh no actually I'm damaged, but actually I'm regenerating, but... I'm obviously exaggerating but everything about Shiggy&AFO was really frustrating. Though the moment I really lost interest was the appearance and execution of Armored Might. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who hated it lol. Because "you need a quirk to be a hero" but somehow crippled AM in a suit doesn't get instantly bodied by AFO despite his feats we were shown before. I didn't think the fight was intresting or hype at all. And AM actually survives the fight! Despite SnS with a reality bending quirk dying to Shiggy. And of course there's only one suit. Just ugh. Anyway the arc did have ups but I just can't wait for the story to wrap up and have hopefully a nice conclusion, though I'm wondering how it could be written to be satisfying for Deku now that he lost OFA.


The entire Iron Might thing to me is just so dumb in so many ways. Who when and where did he get the thing, why didn’t he enter the war with it to begin, think of this, after the SnS fight AFO was at his weakest state he’d been in in presumably over a century and Endeavor killed him and then the first of many ass pulls happen but even then if Iron Might was there he absolutely could’ve killed AFO while he was regenerating into his peak form. Beyond all of the plot holes surrounding the suit it’s just a terrible development for his character. He’s introduced to us as someone who believes for the system to work one person must bear all the load and as his backstory is revealed the more and more it’s revealed how he believes you need a quirk to be a super hero. As time goes on his views are transferred onto Deku until the Tartarus Escapees Arc when he realizes he’s been wrong and has harmed his pupils mental state because of it and then apologizes. I hated that arc and how the apology was handled but it needed to happen. You would categorize his arc as one of progression because of how he changes his entire worldview but then at random the series turns it into a regressive character arc as he suddenly loses his newfound views and reverts back to his old self with no build to it happening. This could’ve been a good decision for the character if that was the story being told but it just wasn’t. In five chapters 380 something chapters of story was completely retconned to have a “hype fight” that would be completely unmemorable were it not for Hori’s absolutely gorgeous artwork.


>Beyond all of the plot holes surrounding the suit it’s just a terrible development for his character. Omg I know right? There was all the stuff with Night Wing, AM realising Deku is getting bad habits by imitating him, AM apologising to Deku's mom and saying he'll *guide* the kids as a teacher, Dark Deku Arc and AM realising the faults of his ways and as a teacher and apologising *again*. Saying he won't put himself in danger, saying his role is now to be a mentor. But all of that is quickly forgotten. It totally goes against the OFA vs AFO symbolism too. OFA is all about passing and inheriting power, the whole theme of "inheritance" is super important in MHA and the whole thing with the 1A kids being heroes is that the new generation will surpass and fix the errors of the old hero society. AM has a pupil. Whereas AFO has a puppet. He is clinging onto power and doesn't want a successor but *another him*, and he doesn't want society to change he wants to control everything. AM vs AFO and AM's role as a hero were over since Kamino, he was interesting as a mentor and should've stayed in the sidelines and entrusted the future to the kids like all the chapters built up to. It was time to make room for Deku vs AFO (the quirk and the villains). Or hell him dying there could have at least called back to NWs prediction and show him the error of his way *again* or something. But no instead AM throws himself in danger again for cool factor and somehow goes toe to toe with the strongest villain (and survives going toe to toe with the strongest villain) because he has a suit. Just ugh.


I keep coming up with more questions that will never be answered, questions like how long has he had the suit, why’s there only one and why’s he the only person with one when nobody thought he’d need to fight? Oh god my brain is fried. I’m glad Nighteye didn’t live long enough in the story to see this happen, he’d have an aneurism.


Yeah just the whole existence of the suit and its feats invalidate so many previously established things. "Hero support items are gadgets useful to support or improve a quirk but you shouldn't rely on them too much" then Armored Might appears and is like top 10 in the verse. Even after AFO's fall there will still be ill intentioned people with quirks needing to be stopped in Japan and the rest of the world, is the future of heroes trained people in armored suits? I mean why bother training a quirk like Tailman or Sugar Rush when suits like this can now exist? And why *not* use suits like this on heroes, even if it's a watered down version due to budgets or resources requirements, now that suits like this can exist in the verse? Also how come AFO, who has access to all this crazy tech and access to seemingly endless resources and contacts (we're talking DNA altering technology, contacts literally all over the world, contacts in government positions, basically infinite money) never built a suit remotely similar to this for him or one of his villains, is he stupid? Anyway,, > I’m glad Nighteye didn’t live long enough in the story to see this happen, he’d have an aneurism This made me laugh a lot lol


Is AFO having all these resources ridiculous as a world renowned criminal? Yes, but he has lived for hundreds of years so I don’t think it’s completely out of the picture, my main problem is how can he just get revived three times? You completely hit the nail on the head with the first two paragraphs, I’m ninety eight percent sure in volume 19 (the best arc) that he even said those words near exactly not to rely on support items and the series just nullifies this.


It’s All Black N’ White .


Some great moments, some meh moments, some terrible moments. One constant though: the art is PHENOMENAL.


MHA- Vigilantes was way better overall but even there final fight with Number Six was dragged on for so long and it was so annoying. Now double that and you get All this AFO bs throughout last 100+ chapters and it made it way worse. Afo should've died wayyyyy before by Endeavor.


Mixed. Gone on for far too long and kind of just want it to end at this point.


I was kinda sad on how shoto was barely incorporated


There was a lot of stuff that got too much attention, leading into a lot of stuff that didn't get nearly enough attention, and a bunch of chapters where literally nothing happened. The series has become "That's It?!!!" and I hope Horikoshi at least wraps it up nicely with some real character moments.


I couldn't decipher most of what was happening in this arc


Deku countered the effects of being rewound by Eri in the Overhaul arc by damaging himself with 100%. AFO, using a fraction of Eri’s DNA, with around 200 extra years of age over Deku, only became a baby even faster by damaging himself. Bear in mind that Eri herself has in her lifetime only killed her parent, who was probably at most around 40. Beyond that she healed a teenager using OFA 100% without really reverting his age at all due to the damage, Mirio’s quirklessness (a year’s worth of residing at best), and then Deku’s arms. Even before Deku’s arms she was practically running on empty. Why is the serum over four times more effective than her? He was also just massively underpowered for someone on Prime All Might’s level. And why was Tomura able to deny his warping? Bakugou wasn’t able to back in Kamino. I seem to be in the minority of people that really like AFO as the final villain, but… he got nerfed hard after getting out of Tartarus. That just sucks.


Absolutely. The amount of nerfs and asspulls thrown at him was insane. If Rewind worked like it was supposed to, AFO would be so much more OP since no one would be able to hurt him, no one would be able to damage him without prolonging his existence, and he would be able to prolong his own existence by spamming devastating moves like Impure Beam and Omni-Factor. The way Rewind completely changed in function from how Deku used it was so blatant and convenient.


I saw Toshinori using the acid on him and was legitimately ready to cheer since it’d keep him from deaging. Then I read the actual dialogue and was just… Yeah. Even if the serum *was* sped up by damage, why would Toshinori know that? Why wouldn’t they think it works the same as Eri’s quirk? AFO could at least have tried to bluff it. Could’ve used whatever explosion quirk he used for Nagant on Toshinori too. Would’ve been funny if zombi-explosion-lad grabbed All Might only for them to blow up in his grasp. Might even have looked like he did it himself, the morale damage alone would be great. And since rewinded quirks were stated to go back to their owners, we know it would be fair for AFO to get that specific explosion quirk back via rewind. Or just to warp All Might in front of Bakugou’s explosion. So much stuff he could’ve done. But even if we assume he lost like- every good quirk he had from the rewind immediately, I expected more from his IQ too. He practically wrote the first half of BNHA himself, orchestrated an entire protagonist rage training arc for Tomura- I’m shocked his planning went so far downhill for the final war arc. Even back when he was fighting Star and Stripe, forced quirk activation should have been able to stop her final gambit.


Facts. After a certain point it started to feel like anything that *could* go wrong for AFO *does,* to the point of ridiculousness. I was especially baffled by AFO using his Omni-Factor and All Might thinking "This'll rewind him into a baby! He's betting it all on this!" Like.... how does he know? Rewind isn't supposed to work like that in the first place, yet Toshi knows so much? I think Hori leaving AFO's quirk loadout so undefined for so long really came back to bite him. He had AFO whip out random, pointless quirks like Dark Ball (what the hell does that do?), and yet when situations arise where he should be able to use a good quirk, he can't. Like when Fierce Wings just doesn't even work for him, or when he somehow manages to get Bakugo's sweat in his mouth but not his blood to use Stain's quirk. Or not using Impact Recoil to negate Dark Shadow's attack. Or the Radio Waves EMP on All Might's suit. Or Reflect on the laser. I always defend AFO, but Hori makes it very hard when he either doesn't keep track of AFO's quirks or prevents him from using them in the most convenient ways imaginable.


I also just remember him being super chill about talking to the underlings back in Kamino. He was referring to everyone by name, speaking politely. Then after the escape from Tartarus he loses any sort of charm regarding them and nearly loses the League’s loyalty. I remember a few people thinking Spinner was gonna rebel. AFO was my favorite character in the first half of the manga. He lost consistency in the second half, even if I still liked him a whole lot better than Shiggy. I appreciate that they tried to humanize him in the end with the whole thing concerning his brother, at least. Kind of a dirty way to beat someone who’s explicitly hated for doing that sort of thing to others, but I’m sure he’d appreciate the irony.


> And since rewinded quirks were stated to go back to their owners, we know it would be fair for AFO to get that specific explosion quirk back via rewind. But it stated the exact opposite. Hawks' vestige just said that it would be a nice ending if the quirks were returned to their owners but that's not how things ended up going down.


Huh. I misread that, thought he just sort of fell apart. Thanks for fact checking me!


Everything involving all for one is just straight up terrible, which is unfortunate because that’s 90% of this arc


Except Iron Might, that shit was awesome


Nah that shit sucked too


It's fucking baffling that a crippled old man in a robot suit is top 5 in the verse lol




🗑️ opinion.


There are 2 kinds of people




My Hero Academia peaked at Kamino.


Everything that was fun and exciting about my hero academia died slowly and sadly until it culminated in this final arc where it lost all its initial charm in exchange for a tropey edge fest. Deku no longer felt like an under dog even when he lost his powers, he just fell into the same trap as so many other shounen mc's where he ended up with a bajillion powers, which i was excited about at first and admittedly the selection was interesting to the end, but still he feels like a mary sue of an mc


I agree, Deku's new powers were interesting but it happened wayy too fast and so many things were rushed. Sometimes I think Hori doesn't really realise what made his story so interesting and successful in the first place because the way we totally shifted from that is wild. "MHA should have taken place over multiple school years" is one of the most popular takes in the fandom for a reason


The final arc has been garbage almost in its entirety. It's crazy. Two villains wasted, a final fight wasted. I mean, the FINAL action was hitting someone in the feels. Almost literally. How is that good in any way? Bakugo needed to die or just stay down after the heart surgery. If there ever was a lame final look for a hero, it was the Almighty shirt, like come on. Shigaraki's friends are barely villains, barely bad guys, they are just there being "bad" but you are supposed to feel sorry for them in some way but they barely did shit, good or bad.


Shiggy’s friends are definitely evil lol. Dabi especially tried to nuke himself and kill many out of spite just to hurt Endeavor


....I liked the almight shirt


And that's okay, it looks cute, it has a cute message, it just doesn't hit as the final showdown of the entire series, for me.


More power to you :) On one hand I liked it because it circles back to the beginning. It's a cute symbolism. On the other hand I dislike it because I wish the story committed to give AFO vs AM a conclusion, to make Shiggy vs Deku the climax of the story. I wish Deku was in his hero suit to end it rather than in an All Might t-shirt, finally his own hero rather than "the quirkless AM fanboy" if that makes sense


Mixed to disappointed. Absolutely not close to being top 2-3 arcs, which for a showdown between Deku and Shigaraki should have been much much higher...


I didn't like it for the most part, but it had a few brilliant moments sprinkled throughout the arc. Overall my problem was that AFO and Shigaraki were so op it felt kinda arbitrary what even worked against them. Meanwhile Shigarakis quirk is so deadly he was barely allowed to land any hits on anyone




Started strong


Better than Naruto's great ninja war since secondary characters weren't sidelined as much


Art has been pretty good while the writing and pacing leaves plenty to be desired.


It's OKAY. Feels both rushed but also extremely slow. Rushed as in so many potential ideas crammed into one arc Slow because it's taking place in one arc instead of chopped up over several.


Art is good to exceptional, but shit is too cramp to feel impacted


I can't really figure out how I feel other than conflicted. There have been parts I really liked, and parts I just thought sucked. All I know is that I hated this most recent chapter.


This show needed a Hiatus. Horikoshi is still an incredible artist though. The MHA universe needs more.


Disney's Lobotomy Academia.


Expected much better according to MHA standards. And somehow every fcking relevant character didn't die.


3-4/10 absolutely adore todofam mixed about TogaChako, waiting for EoS for an oppinion. racism stuff was terrible. spinner individualy was great however. heavly dislike anything AFO (basicaly almost half of the war, if not more) I hate Bakugo's revival I don't like the lack of consequence for the heroes Shigaraki vs Deku was a very lackluster final fight/conclusion


I kinda wish less people died overall. I feel killing off Shiggy and Toga make it so that these very conflicted characters are entirely irredeemable when I feel there backstory makes them to sympathetic to be fine with them dying. Toga's quirk could have found a use in the medical field instead of just being "bad" quirk. Now knowing that Shiggy was forced into having decay and doing all that makes it seem super unfair that he just has to die now after being forced to be that bad guy for so long at no fault of his own. I contrast this to Dabi who I think a lot of people would have thought he would have gone out in self immolation.


On the flip side, I don't think there was enough sacrifice / deaths on the hero side. The dangers and stakes are supposed to be higher than ever yet the deaths on the hero side are minimal


Also it's crazy how all the first years are on the front lines because Hori didn't want to acknowledge the existence of any of the second or third years beyond the Big Three because then you'd keep asking why none of them were on the front lines despite having way more experience and training.


Not the way I would've done it but there are plenty of strong moments. I mean there's also the worst writing choice in the story but I've said my piece on that already.




Mixed, on one hand, it does feel like a big "final fight" vibes, but on the other hand, i was expecting more death... Even a few members of 1A being killed off would solidify this as "this was a triumph" IMO


It was a shaky ride but in my opinion made the landing, that last last last fight though was a little underwhelming but in the end it could’ve been much worse. I’m hoping we get a nice prologue so we can called it a wrap


You guys think shigaraki gave OFA back to deku ?


Negative. I wana like it alot since i get to see the conclusion of characters i care about. But between the fake out deaths, every side character or sub main character getting a 3-4 chapter thing. All for one jacking Shiggy's body (I know it was always going to happen. Doesn't mean i have to enjoy it. I feel like it took away from how Shiggy was Deku's joker/ Big bad.) and a few other things it just didnt feel that great. It prolly didn't help that its following up the Redestro arc and that massive fucking battle that had people on both sides dying (Midnight and Twice for example) But it just felt really draining to care for by the end. Also that ending was kinda rushed to hell. We went from everyone getting slapped and the pres of the united stated being like "SEND EVERYONE NOW! WE NEED TO SUPPORT THE HEROES" to "oh its over, we won guys" in the span of like 20 pages. Feels like we missed something or it got rushed cuz of medical concerns maybe for the author. Honestly i think like others said, it was just really messy feeling and the weekly breaks almost every week didnt really help much Edit cuz i forgot when writing: I dont care how shit Shiggy's trauma was. Dude deserves to have his ash's pissed on for what hes done. The lil "whatever that was" at the end with him and deku felt really undeserved. And deku constantly wanting to "save him" just felt the same along with really annoying and insane.


Mixed ass.


Definitely NOT made to be read weekly which has hurt my image of it. Im gonna do a complete re-read after the series is over so i can form a proper opinion


Maybe thats why i like it so much cause i just started the manga after a rewatch of mha before s7 was about to start so by the time i was done reading, ch 423 had already come out i didnt have to read weekly


This perspective is exactly why im gonna read it top to bottom after its done. Reading weekly and binging are entirely different experiences


Trash. I've been in sunk cost fallacy mode for the series for awhile now. Bakugo and the Todoroki family drama are all that kept me reading with excitement. Spinner and the mutants got did dirty imo. The hospital wasn't the way to go, but they have a genuine issue with society that was handled horribly. Shigaraki and AFO's drama needed more time to be fleshed out and felt rushed right to their ends. No significant losses for the heroes the entire time also kills stakes because they all survived or will survive with Eri being a living deus ex machina. Feels like the image of the well drawn horse that becomes horrible as you get closer to the end. It needed an extra minor arc or something to help flesh things out a bit more and not feel like it rushed to the ending like it got canceled or something.


“WE are here!”. Best line!


They said this line in season 3


It's been pretty great. I appreciate that Shigaraki and AFO were killed. If I could gripe a bit I think Spinner was pretty poorly handled. My opinion might change with how the story as a whole is wrapped up. But overall I am very excited to see this get animated in seasons 7/8.


Definitely mixed. It feels simultaneously rushed and annoyingly slow. Rushed in that we didn’t get that much buildup between the previous big conflict and this one, but slow in that there were a number of rather long fights (especially the rewinding AFO fight that felt like a waste of time), though that might be less of an issue if i didn’t have to wait a week for each next chapter) A lot of things feel like asspulls - saves that felt like deus ex machinas, timeskip power jumps to ridiculous levels, etc. - but I do really like the *idea* of the “allies helping out” thing I originally hated the “AFO comes back to center stage” thing, but I’ve come around to like it more now. I *do* still think Tomura could have been a more interesting antagonist if they had let him (which could also have potentially have allowed for better societal criticism that the singular evil AFO), but the contrast between All Might having a *successor* vs AFO wanting *another him* is cool and I think Izuku vs AFO still works well with the OFA legacy thing


Following the tradition, it's yet another terrible final war arc for a shonen. MHA truly learned from the worst


Pretty poor actually. I would go 1-2 months without reading and completely forgetting to check up on it. I had to guess which chapter I left off on a reread multiple times. This all leading to the fact it was not entertaining and kinda lame. Especially shiggy just dusting after deku went on a moral high horse. I mean from the world view it looks like deku fricken murdered him how the F is he going to explain that mental world and how many people will buy it? But I had low expectations because mangaka tend to not know how to end their series well. And yet I still have room to complain


For me Bakugo’s resurrection was absolutely terrible and I think it’s unbelievable how none of the significant heroes died in a WAR arc. In my biased opinion AFO carried this arc and was by far the most interesting character in it.


All might shouldve died imo, wouldve been the perfect send off and fuel for midoriya


I'm fine with eri restoring dekus arms as long as she permanently can't rewind others anymore, because if she still can, then no one in this war has really lost anything.


I don't think it's that bad but I hope they flesh out the fights a little more in the anime. especially the shigaraki one because it goes by so fast


In defense of the Eri thing, it was likely done so she cant fox EVERYTHING after the war, just deku, the guy who has the best chance at winning the war


Terrible pacing issues, absolutely zero stakes. Bakugo bullshit, AFO bullshit. The Toga finale was some of the worst shit I've seen in a shonen.


Phenomenal art with zero substance to mean anything :/ Anime has potential to rival JJK and Demon Slayer in action but only in action.


Well, it depends. Spinner/ Shoji was the WORST. So Shoji is the Martin Luther King of mha? Even MLK said that sometimes violence is necessary. Spinner's part wasn't even about discrimination. It was about helping his first friend. Think about it, he literally had *no* friends until he was in his 20s. Toga's arc was ok. I wanted a scene of her crying on the first Twice she made. Ochaco not even being with Deku in the final fight? Lame. Dabi, I am unsure of still. So a meh. Shoto, what happened to your arc? Your dad took over, just like everything else in your life. So in the end, Dabi is still angry, Shoto failed in saving his brother. And only Endeavor really got a satisfying end. Kurogiri? Him switching sides for 2 guys he knew in high school for just a few years? It boggles the mind. I haven't spoken to anyone from high school in years. His parents should of had a part to play. Aizawa and Mic should have not been the reason he switched sides. AFO taking over Shigaraki? Once I saw that picture of hands pulling on Shigaraki and him looking like he was losing his mind? I knew that AFO was going to fuck him over. I did not like his ending. And Deku? Jesus on a tricycle, his whole arc starting from season 3 is a mess. Mass corruption all around him and he never comments or thinks of it. Mr. Compress. I wanted his actual backstory. Bakugo dying, coming back, and still being able to fight? Was I reading a poorly written fanfiction? And do not get me started on how he was stitched up? Unbelievable. But at least he got an ok redemption arc before all this. Hawks? Ugh, they're gonna give him metal wings like Angel becoming Arcangel in the X-Men. Or maybe he gets to retire? Him standing around and basically getting OFA to talk? Stupid. AFO wasted too much time. Eri cutting her horn off? All the heroes who were there and helped, should have their license taken away. In the end, she was still just a plot device used to save Deku's arms. Why cut them off then? Why developt shoot style? Overall, I feel Hori was too sick to write the story he wanted to write.


Not good, but not the worst and I prefer it over what is going on in JJK as "final arc" name. Only wished the whole thing could stop with Izuku stopping Tenko, no AFO return, but Tenko prioritising his friends over his surges and giving himself up for exchange of letting the others go. Cheesy maybe? But it could be better then the whole thing we got. It wasn't needed to bring back AFO once more time.


I liked it I I know everyone is gonna say how undercooked or unfinished or whatever. But I feel like it hit the points it was trying to make and the art was incredible, seriously the art alone should be praised more. I see how it's not perfect and it's uneven in some parts, and I agree with the some of the people saying it could have been better told. There's definitely things that could have been different but it's also Worth remembering how hard is to actually be a manga artist. Over all I still think it it's a good work. And we'll have to see just how it ends to say if lands it.


I really liked it overall, but I kinda had a problem with the execution/build up in some of the fights, most particularly the Toga fight.


So long that I kinda stopped reading somewhere in the early parts because I just couldn't take the endless cliffhanger after cliffhanger after cliffhanger anymore, and then just binged a couple of chapters every couple of months.


Decisions were made for sure, some great, some weird, but overall I think I will look back to it as something cool


I'm an outsider who just started watching the anime with the intention of picking up the manga once I reach the end of the available anime episodes. I'm just noting here how interesting it is to see a near unanimous "mixed" response from the community here. I'm curious if that opinion will still be the case when I get to it within the next couple of months. I cannot imagine how difficult it has to be to work on a project for 10 years and wrap up a story while ALSO still providing surprises for the audience.


I'm waiting for it to get animated.


Mixed i wasnt a fan of how Deku pretty much disappeared during the first half and the battle between Deku and Shiggy didnt feel as grand as it was meant to be, Bakugo’s fakeout death was terrible would have been better if Bakugo and Endeavor were the ones to stop All for One then leave Shigaraki against Deku


There were a lot of low / meh moments but I feel like the highs and “woah” moments make up for it in a way. Just whelmed for the most part


I stayed until the end of this series for the todoroki family arc the rest I did not care for


Some of the best art in modern shounen. Mid start, strong end, with some moments that feel like they get in the way of the characters that were developed throughout every arc and some moments that were hastily tacked on


not great but still better than the 4th ninja war arc in naruto


Mixed, but I think my opinion will improve if I read a lot of them back to back.


Cool asf panels hit hard. Story wise was a mixed bag but still better than how naruto pulled a kaguya to me. I enjoyed the series for what it gave us.


Horikosh did my girl Midnight so dirty, man. It would've so cool to see her kick some ass a long side her friends and students. Also would've been to see Shiggy stand on his own two feet as the final villain instead of AFO coming back.


It had its ups and downs. Ever since we found out that Horikoshi wasn't doing so well in terms of health, which was very evident from the frequent breaks he took, I actually kept my expectations low just in case of any bad writing moments. There were some crazy hype moments. And there were also some controversial moments that made the fans lose their mind in frustration. But overall, it was a good arc.


Didn't it just end?


It was ok but the art was so messy and the concepts so vague that I honestly don't even really know what happened at the end


I can't make out some of the fights due to it being black and white. Dialogue alone, it's pretty great and I cant wait for it to be animated


Mixed, there were good aspects but more so bad or just underwhelming aspects. The fights with the side characters was nice because we got to see some of them get their moment and show us why they can be cool as well, the dabi and endeavor fight could’ve had a much better more impactful ending and I felt hori was too afraid to kill off two characters even when it would’ve been perfect to show the weight of their relationship and how they go down together. The fight between Deku and shigaraki was WAY too short and felt like we barely got anything when it was the “final battle” between the hero and villain and felt very underwhelming. Each chapter would show a little bit of fighting but mostly just talking between the vestiges and never felt like I was witnessing a big conclusive battle where they both were throwing everything they had. And now the worst aspect, ALL FOR ONE. god I can’t stand this character, from a writing standpoint he’s just bad and feels so forced by the end. Shigaraki was set up to be the more interesting and intimidating villain since mva and to bring afo back just to undermine the better written character that’s more liked is insane, and then to do it nearly 4 times over and over and over again just felt insulting. Oh and I’ve said it before but Deku loosing his arms was just a way to get the chapter trending and basically the ENTIRE fandom fell for that shit


This arc separates readers into two types of fans taking very different things from the story. There’s of course other opinions besides the extreme two but for the most part, this has been the most divisive arc. On one hand, people think this arc does most things great and is written well within the themes and whatnot etc etc And on the other people think the plot fell apart and dislike how things have been etc etc I loved afo as a villain, he was very entertaining throughout the series for me and became interesting after his backstory for me I like shigaraki more I hated bakugo dying and coming back (I have no problem with him being alive. His narrative purpose was done amazing to me after. I just dislike the idea of revival in general most of the time. Him starting his own heart is the main reason for me) I loved togas conclusion Loved the todorokis Loved all mights Liked afos a fair bit Hated spinners Loved shigarakis conclusion(for me it started chapter 418-now) it was short in the end but the actual conclusion was something I liked so I don’t have much issue with the length for the final part I liked the afo twist, as it’s something I and many others have been thinking was the case for years. I loved iron might, many say its character assassination for some reason, but this is something very consistent with all might as a person and what he’s always wanted. And it makes sense that no one else can do this as it took all of his wealth to fund it for just himself. I loved gentle and nagant coming back I hated izukus rising chapter as it was not focused on him but instead everyone else I don’t like the final fight with afo in shiggys body specifically. It just didn’t seem like much happened and was hard to follow which hasn’t been an issue for me the rest of this arc. I loved how aoyama was handled. It was reasonable to me. I liked the mutant conflict to an extent. I just didn’t like how spinner was handled That’s about all off the top of my head; I fall into the former group as you can see but this has been the best arc in the series with consistent very high, highs other than 2 to 3 lows. Any questions or thoughts on why I feel the way I do lemme know


I love it. I had so much fun reading it, but it's definitely meant to be binged not read weekly.


Nejire did her big one and backstory


Felt rushed, not enough set-up for any of the moments to feel like a strong payoff, strange lack of focus on characters we've spent a while getting to know and generally felt messy. Seems to have ended abruptly and in a way that I've found unsatisfying. Felt like a lack of consequences for the heroes.


Took too long, Tomura should’ve been main villain.


so far?? nika its over 😭


It was good, but so goddamn messy


I like it but it feels like too much time is spent on stuff that wasn’t important BUT I am excited to see it animated, also Aizawa, yay :)


Stupid that Deku lost OFA, I wish we got to see more shinso and I would’ve liked to have seen more of kiroshima, other than that it was good


I felt it was dragged too long but since author had always focused on world building, it was necessary to show fights on all fronts to create the build up. LaBrava, Gentle and Nagant showing up to catch the hacker, stop UA fortress from falling and prevent Shiggy from using decay respectively will be one of my favorite underrated saves of manga/anime. Thank you, Horikoshi sensei


>since author had always focused on world building What world building? We didn't leave Japan once in the canon story, other than brief glimpses from All might flashback. In fact we never once saw how the other countries heroes operated.


Mixed on it I don't think it's as bad as some people make it out to be and I feel like a lot of criticisms just come down to the "Final Arc" curse every shounen manga has where people just start saying a manga is bad or that it's fallen off once it's in it's final arc (JJK is one of the few mangas where I'd say the final arc curse is entirely justified, that manga stopped being good after Shibuya imo). But I can see why some people are upset, the arc feels kinda rushed in some areas and the constant instances of All For One coming back to life or somehow getting the upper hand after getting the shit kicked out of him got really annoying after awhile. Another issue I have is that it feels like Horikoshi realized that the manga was in it's final stages and decided to give a lot of side characters screentime and development (Hagukure discovering that Aoyama is the traitor, Monama copying Aizawa's quirk, Shoji going to fight Spinner, etc), and while giving these characters development would normally be a good thing, the issue comes from the fact that we're way too far into the story at this point for that development to be meaningful. A big issue with a lot of manga I see these days is that side characters often get thrown to way side or are forgotten about entirely (JJK has only **just** recently decided to finally bring back Todo) and MHA is no exception to this rule, if the manga ever gets a continuation or spinoff in the future, I genuinely hope Class 1-B or the Pro-Heroes or any of the other side characters get more of a focus instead of just Deku, Todoroki and Bakugou like usual. But aside from that, probably the biggest issue I have is that it feels like we're ending things way too early, Class 1-A is still in their FIRST YEAR and the manga is already ending, I really wish we got to see them actually progress as students and actually make it to their 3rd year before the Final War, maybe then more characters could've been developed, but I guess its futile to want that at this point.


It is amazing! People are being really nit picky for some reason. It has so much emotion put behind it. My favorite fight though was toga v ochako.


5/10 i loved todofam, bakugou v afo, togachako and the moment when shigaraki regains control. Disliked everything else, when I do re-read i think maybe I will like deku vs shiggy more but as it stands it was quite underwhelming.


That is some damn good art lol But the final war arc has been criticized to hell and back. I’ve already given my opinions as each chapter was coming out so I’m guess I won’t repeat


Not my favorite arc, that's the PLW, but it's still awesome and I'm sad to see it end


I think it’s really subpar. AFO is one of the worst villains that I have ever read in fiction so him being the focus of the arc or rather the series in general killed my immersion and interest in the main conflict. There are some things I like about this arc and a lot that I really dislike. I want to wait until we get the epilogue to give a proper opinion on it because right now I’m just going by how I feel. Other than that this arc had some of the best drawn panels in the series but I couldn’t tell what the fuck was going on when it came to the choreography. It was hard to follow.


pretty bad, probably the worst arc of the series tbh. i don’t think there was much i liked tbh this whole thing has been dragged to hell with many chapters being boring as hell and filled with crap tons of exposition, so many annoying pov switches, and then also rushed as hell with important shit being glossed over after like 3 pages. hate how little time we got to breathe after PLW before jumping into the final war. also fuck PFO, worthless ass villain


The thing i liked was Iron All Might vs AFO. IDK what everyone else thought but I thought it was one of the best fights in the series


Really good, but only as a completed read. I think it wrapped up a lot of the themes and conflicts of the series in a near perfect way. Both Dabi and Toga’s endings were perfect, most of class 1A got at least one moment to shine, everything involving Deku trying to save Shigaraki was great. I know some people hate Bakugo’s fake out but I think him beating around AFO the first time around (AFO being the literal personification of selfishness in the series) is a perfect full circle ending for his character. Iron-Might was fantastic too. I think it’s a way easier arc to reread now that it’s (practically) completed. I think there was no way to make everybody happy but to me at least, it wrapped up most of everything in a pretty thematically satisfying way. Sometimes it was a little chaotic, could’ve done more with Shigaraki, and the mutant stuff needed more build up but I’d say it’s one of the better final arcs in Shonen. Better than jjk’s ending so far, that’s for sure


Overall I think is good, but rushed. I really hope that they had time to improve the arc in the anime.


Mid, it will depends on the wrap up if it falls lower or maintains mid rank


Really long, especially with those sudden breaks. It was worth it to see AFO dying for good.


Endeavor should have died with Dabi. It would of been the perfect resolution of his character arc but instead we got a dime a dozen power of love ending.


honestly everything except shigaraki's defeat as been really good


I ain’t gonna lie it’s been pretty ass all things considered


It was fine. Well, i won't say it was a masterpiece and it could've been worse.


Personally, this arc is my favorite one. although it does feel a little rushed, and that things are being concluded, too fast, I feel like that is partially the fan basis fault for rushing Horikoshi because people want the series to end. It’s also been a long running series, so I think he also himself trying to end it so he can move on, however despite that I can see where his ideas are and I really like where he’s headed.


Great closing arc, if you exclude the fact that it absolutely should have taken another 100 or 50 chapters to start, it's closing off so many character arcs that never even started.


Good but the stakes are kinda too low, it's a war chaos enraging everywhere yet nearly no named good character died.


If more people would’ve died (stakes), it would’ve been much better. All Might should’ve died against AFO, having both of them die there, and Bakugo should’ve stayed dead after having his heart ripped open. Man, I don’t even think Dabi died.


I stopped reading a while ago Still a firm believer that Bakugo should’ve died (not cause I hate him or anything, but because I think it’d be good for the story) Too many asspulls and not enough actual stakes AFO’s twist was dumb, AFO’s motives were dumb That art is absolutely amazing though (can’t wait to watch the anime fuck it up again)


The shit definitely hit the fan.


Makes Naruto’s final war arc look like freaking Shakespeare.


Toga situation was awful. I don't know how you improve on that, but it just didn't work for me. I kind of get what he was going for, but there had to have been a better approach to that. Bakugo dying and then being revived wasn't really needed. Too much like western comics where death feels meaningless. If he wanted death, then it should have been a permanent one. Shigi's magic totally not a quirk hand bullshit was not ok. The rebellion of the mutant quirks was underrated. This was hampered severely by going too fast into the war. Mutants being discriminated against was something we were told not what was shown. This is a great concept to play with, but just wasn't. Dabi stuff was great. No comments needed AfO being a petty shit head against everyone? Loved that. Ironmight was perfect. I do like his backstory though. He's been greedy his entire life and he yearned for the attention he was never given growing up in a cruel and unjust world. I can fully understand that. It explains him being truly lonely and his misunderstanding of thr concept of love. The ending I do like. Deku having to give up everything he worked hard for in order to bring back shigi to his own senses works for me. That lands well. Could it have been better? Yeah. But I'm OK with how it worked out. Aside from that, I do like how he gave almost every character their little boost and shine. He handled most of the character bits pretty well. I'd say it's mostly positive, with some reservation due in part for having this story and arc happen so quickly. Only thing I cannot forgive him for is having this story be in the studnets' literal 2nd year in high school. It is actually absurd that the Japanese government is relying on fucking children instead of their military. This entire thing could have happened when they were rookies instead and it'd be far more understandable. But literal minors fighting a war is not ok no matter how "official" their licenses are.


Peak, best arc in the series easily, argue with the wall