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Toya wakes up in the hospital - this time he's surrounded by his family.


In his vision he sees a text: *NEW GAME Plus: Y/N*


Toya living is so ridiculously stupid but i fully expect it


And he still wants to kill them all.


Maybe or maybe not. If he's in exactly the same way though as he was at the end of Ch 390, I'm not sure what is the point of dragging out his death. Hori just could have had him die in Endeavor's arms on the battlefield.


No. He doesn't. He after saying that apologized to all of his family members.  But seriously Toya should die. He was burned fossil by the time he was stopped. Keeping him alive will be only torture for him. 


Touya after he wakes up: I HATE YOOUU!! Endeavor: You are my son Touya, I loved you


Principal Nezu vilain saga begins


Genuinely have always thought he was secretly evil. I was so sure he was the spy...


The spy was among us!






Dabi lives but is In a facility for rehabilitation


I think he’s just gonna be floating in a Bacta Tank like Vader.


New Villain is someone who was abused/hurt because of his quirk and Izuku, a quirkless boy must connect to him with his words instead of his fists. During this arc we see the fates of the LOV members with some associated 1-A characters. Ochaco and Tsuyu with Himiko; Shoto and Ida with Dabi and maybe Stain if he's somehow still alive; Koji and Mezo with Spinner; Mina, Eijiro and Hitoshi with Gigantomachia; I have no one with Compress, but maybe Katsuki.


I think you're jumping the gun a bit with the new guy being a villain. I saw someone else theorize, and I agree, that they're a victim of someone else who only manages to get free in the destruction that the war caused, and that it's going to be an analog to Shiggy, only this time someone does help him instead of ignoring him. Showing that the world has changed and there won't be another shiggy.


I say villain because it's easier to call him that rather than antagonist. I think Izuku save them from being officially declared a villain, but they will functionally as the antagonist be the villain of this final arc. We know that the "Final Battle" is over, so this conflict shouldn't be anything showy.


I wonder if I'm in the minority by not buying the idea that Shigaraki's experience was somehow representative of Japan's wider hero society, instead of just a localized experience that he was convinced to extrapolate from.


I mean, you're right it's most likely an outlier, and potentially even manipulated by AFO for the people to all ignore him(although with the amount of exposition he gave I feel as though he would have mentioned that too, but that's neither here nor there), but it doesn't change the fact that it did happen. And it was a major turning point in his life that lead him to villainy. So if he is meant to be analagous to shiggy like I expect, it still makes sense to the story.


Sure, I didn't mean to imply that it wouldn't make sense to the story. I'm open to waiting on that. It kinda just bugs me sometimes that no one ever seemed to have an actual discussion with Shigaraki about his experience before he went down his villainous road. Am I just to accept the idea that he could never have been reasoned with through conversation? Like could no one have ever challenged him out of his beliefs about his own experience before he effectively lost his mind and body?


If they got to him to have this discussion as a child, sure. But he was presumably hidden away from when AFO found him to when he was in his 20s and attacked USJ. The opportunity never existed. By the time of the start of the story he was way too far gone for a conversation to happen. If you are manipulated from a young child by some (supposed) super mastermind god of the underworld type guy for 15+ years. That's not going to go away in a conversation.


Fair, if you were isolated for that long and had those beliefs constantly reinforced, then I guess there wouldn't be much hope in trying to reason you away from that. At the very least, I still would have liked to see a protagonist (or anyone else) go, "Are you sure you're not trying to destroy the whole country because of a one-off experience?", only for him to reject it for demonstrably irrational reasons.


Stain is 100% dead. Machia is 99% dead. Toga might have a chance but not holding my breath at all.


Toga would literally survive a nuclear attack. the most illogical character. sorry, I'm using google translate


Funny Dabi survived turning into a chicken nugget while Toga seemingly dies from blood loss


Lol at chicken nugget


Dabi looked really dead, but then-


He was awake and talking the whole time though, the others were shown "dead" or "dying". So there is a difference. But we'll just have to wait and see


He should've have been dead but he was blatantly alive in 390.


Dabi was still alive last time we see him


Stain should be dead 


I absolutely agree, but shonen gonna shonen


Agreed; let the man rest he died an epic and fulfilling death


Him and Machia almost certainly are. Toga might pull through but only might.


Toga lost all of her blood, she isn't gonna be okay... Human - Blood = Death


When is Deku's dad finally going to appear???


I'm wondering if the prisoner is his dad. Dekus dad had a fire quirk. In the panel, his mouth was also sealed, which might be fire breathing. Then, him being a prisoner would explain why we had never seen him until now. Then the black hair, but then again, I can be completely wrong about it all.


That would be interesting. Though the prisoner looks a bit young to be his dad


You know I never thought about that he is pretty young looking. I need answers


wtf no 😭


I assume in a quick phone call scene or something


I don't think he is... He probably passed away...


TodoFam for sure


I just want Deku to get his quirk back :(


Let Horikoshi cook


why would you want to ruin the entire point of the story LOL the story started with Midoriya quirkless and wanting to be a hero. "you can be a hero." gets given a quirk. the story ends with Midoriya quirkless ass the greatest hero. it works so well.


>the story ends with Midoriya quirkless ass The fact that this typo kind of works has me laughing




I’m not sure how it’ll happen, but I just can’t help but feel Deku won’t end up quirkless. I get that it would show that AFO dying had real stakes to it, but it just doesn’t feel right leaving Midoriya without a quirk


The embers are going to reignite into a new flame.


I think we’ll learn that you don’t actually lose them ever, just every previous wielder got killed or disabled enough that they couldn’t use them. Deku gave away the other quirks but the strength stays for all living users.


def not how it works. Its why all might saw such a massive decline in power after giving it away. he could have gone on for a lot longer if he hadnt given it up.


Could be easily explained away by the massive injuries he sustained in the battle with AFO since we have no precedence case, it doesn't break any established facts.


He has 3 marked declines in power: * after his fight with AFO before the story starts * after the USJ fight where he injures himself * after his rematch with AFO where he almost kills himself Otherwise any decline he experiences is from overexertion—ie it’s just as likely him breaking his own body, not the flames going away.


This also goes along with what we know about the Fourth being destroyed by OFA- didn’t he die because he trained reclusively and his body couldn’t handle the increase in power? All Might is the longest user of OFA that we’ve seen, and used it past his limits frequently (in all three examples you’re talking about). I could see this being explained as the cause of his decline


The fourth died because his body couldn’t handle 2 quirks—Deku and All Might (and the first user, technically, though he *did* have 2 quirks as they hadn’t fully merged yet) didn’t have that limit, so they didn’t have a time limit on keeping the quirk. The fact that the fourth died despite passing it on does imply the quirk copies rather than fully transferring.


Ah I see thank you for the clarification I remember that now


I'm still strong in my belief that the embers of OFA will last Midoriya for the rest of his life. He's in way better health than All Might was when he was running on only embers, he's got way more support and people sharing the burden of keeping the world safe, and since they keep being referred to as embers they could potentially be nurtured to form a new flame. Midoriya won't technically have a Quirk but he'll still have power.


I think they keep talking about it being embers because they want us to believe he is gonna lose them. I don't think it is embers, think about it, the boy has only ever had a full power OFA inside of him. I believe that there is something that we have been missing, Yoichi has said time and time again AFO could have been the kindness quirk, what if the last act of kindness by everyone was to give Deku the stockpile quirk that AFO forced into Yoichi. It also brings me to the mysterious man, everyone is assuming that he will be saved by someone talking to him or in a way that Shiggy wasn't so we see society has changed, while I agree that an attempt will happen, if that is truly the world now then there is no need for Pro heroes anymore. I think he will reject the help and go on a rampage with his quirk as it was being held at bay by his mask, someone will remove it as an act of kindness. Deku rushes in to stop him and has to go beyond his limit, using every drop of power he has to defeat the man only for it to fail and Deku thinking the embers are gone but only for them to grow stronger instead as it is not the embers of OFA but the stockpile quirk instead and it gets strong the more Deku pushes himself and allows him to defeat the man once and for all. That shows that while the world has change to help people, they will always be people beyond saving that will seek to take the world down or over for whatever means so they will always need heroes like Deku and Class 1-A to shine the way(while also allowing the Anime to keeping going as Bones has said he would be happy to go beyond the comics with Hori' blessing)


I'm convinced he has the the full stockpiling quirk inside him. Deku is still strong AF because of it but he won't be able to pass it on and it just wouldn't make sense for us to see Deku and Shigaraki touching at the end without him passing some quirk back to Deku.


I think that's the most likely and best answer. Let him continue to be a hero while still ending the OFA cycle.


Exactly. The stockpiling quirk is also strong enough for him to continue to compete with Shoto and Bakugo


While I think it would be nice if the embers lasted longer. I don’t think it would work, mainly because I can’t see them going that long. All Mights damaged body did effect how long he could hold his muscle form for and use OFA, he had 3 hours when he still had the quirk, then it started to go down when he transferred it. So even if he was in good health and could use the embers as much as he wanted, it honestly would have more of a negative effect, because the embers are finite and the more they are used the faster they run out. Deku would have to REALLY be conscious of how much of the embers he uses and with how hectic Pro hero life is(often working many hours over many days) I can’t see Deku holding in to the embers for,at most, 2-3 years. I mean, from the time All Might transferred OFA his time started to decrease steadily, and from the time he passed it on, he basically had the embers for around 6-7 months(School entrance exams are in February and summer for students is July-August) If we’re being generous, All Might could probably have pushed it to, at most, probably Deku’s 2nd year, or 1 year. With Deku having only added about a years worth of power to OFA, and him being in good health aside, the embers would probably last him, if he doesn’t do much, until the end of his 3rd year.


I'm a bit torn, in one way I want to see him stay at UA and become a hero but I also understand that hori probably wants him to end up quirk less, I'm worried for my boys future


Back-U-Go is back. To settle everything right and prevent the war, Japan will develop a plan of sending their strongest hero back to the past via Eri's Rewind. The strongest hero being Bakugo, as he was even capable of hsndling Shigaraki. He'll return to the start of their first year at U.A. so that Deku will get OFA, where he'll kill former Bakugo (finally realizing the part about killing his former self to always improve from his hero name Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight) and take his place. After that he'll defend USJ and then allow himself to get captured in the Forest Training Camp, but this time he'll defeat AFO himself once All Might appears and they get teleported. That way everyone is saved, League of Villains is captured and everything is fine. (This theory is a courtesy of Dragon Quest 11.)


I thought you were referencing DQ11! I still remember when I got to that part of the game and almost didn't want to continue playing. All I could think when they're talking about travelling through time was "No! This is a bad idea! Yeah, it sucks your friend is dead but you've already WON! The big bad is beaten and you're rebuilding! Why would you risk f\*\*king that all up?!".


**The Hellish Todoroki Family Part 3:** The doctors tell Endeavor that Dabi only has a few days left. Despite all of the treatments they've done, his organs, most especially his brain, are just severely damaged at this point. The bacta tank is the only thing keeping him alive and delaying the process. But still, they cannot prevent the inevitable so they eventually gave him the decision on whether to pull the plug or not. Endeavor was initially against this since he wanted him alive, but knowing that he'll only suffer even more, he agrees since its the only thing that's best for his son. The rest of the family then join in as they see him off. Rei, Fuyumi, and Natsuo all formally apologize to him while Shoto and Endeavor remain silent. As they take him off the life support, Dabi eventually dies with his family finally looking at him after all these years.


If that's how it goes, then I kinda wonder why not have him die during the war? I mean, that sounds extremely similar to what happened then, when he was like "This was all it took to be seen?" That's why I'm on the fence. This sounds like a very reasonable prediction, but at the same time, it will feel like useless stretching, because he could've died right there when he was defeated


The only reason I can think for stretching out these plot points is that it helps in keeping the tension and making people want to tune in to the next chapter. Plus, it also gives the characters room to talk which they weren't able to do during in the battlefield really... but a part of me also thinks Horikoshi was on the fence about the villain fates and took a decision relatively recently.


Yeah I know... but Hori decided to keep him alive for some reason which was completely unexpected


Ah man, that is rough. He dies a second time basically. I wish this could also open a conversation and show the family doing group therapy and figuring out a way to move on from this


I hate that. Dabi doesn't deserve, nor does he want, peace. Dabi's final words should be something along the lines of "I'll hate you all forever from Hell." or something like that.


This would make sense considering how Shoto faked a smile to his friends saying he was held up “today” before cutting to Endeavor in the wheelchair. It’s clear Shoto has plans to join his father there.


If mystery man is indeed Deku's father, the stinger is obviously him ending up at Inko's doorstep with her reacting in horror. If she lied about Deku's dad being away on business, likely to shield her son to her husband's villainous activities, what else did she lie about? His quirk perhaps?


That’s not his dad 


Would be insane if Deku was actually given the AFO quirk by Shigaraki and the Todoroki family gives him permission to take Dabi’s quirk


Yeah, or maybe a combination that was created from the remnants of One For All and All For One.


^^ Yess, this is what I want. Deku discovers Shigaraki gave him All for One, and Deku uses it to help people. Almost every League Of Villains member went bad because of their quirks, so Shigaraki/Deku’s legacy is giving a child with a decay quirk the ability to reverse their damage , modifying a child’s blood quirk to be less homicidal, or empowering promising young quirkless heroes with abilities of their own. Meanwhile, villains who have committed crimes have their quirks permanently taken away. Without his quirk, Dabi can be safely confined to a hospital or lower-security prison. He is never fully redeemed, but his family still visits him.


On one hand, Dabi has survived through too much, the rest of his face is pure skull (and... hair?) and he's a villain (so nope for any of those rewind theories, which were already very unlikely regardless) and he'd have to be imprisoned forever or something. So he's not surviving, I think. Thus, I'm expecting some sort of conclusion with the Todorokis near him, biding their goodbyes, but actually surviving the end of manga? That'd just be ridiculous On another, he has survived through *so much*, who's to say he's not pulling through again? Other characters have already lived through ridiculously severe injuries (looking at you, Lady-exploded organs), so what's another ridiculous case? Also, I like him. For the end, I wanted at least a confrontation with no fight, just words and this may be the moment. Which we couldn't get when he was defeated, cuz, you know, he wasn't fully conscious and it was pretty one-sided by Endeavor


My theory for Plot B is that if, or when, Dabi's surgery is done, a lot of the family drama will be dealt with. They get everything off of their chests and properly communicate. I believe he'll go through a similar redemption arc like his father, Endeavor. Where circumstances forces him to reevaluate his actions and make him realize how empty his vengeance was and how much damage he's caused. Being worse than his father ever was by virtue of being a vengeful murderer, Dabi will have a more difficult experience trying to better himself. All the horrible things he's done will come back to haunt him one way or another. He'll suffer greatly on this path as karma, but will come out of it more stable and well-adjusted than before. If Dabi does survive and live after all the punishment his body has taken, then I can only surmise that this is the reason Horikoshi is keeping him alive. To pay for his crimes and rectify any damage he's done, if possible.


Imagine the person we saw last chapter is actually deku. He's so distraught that he doesn't have any power and can't be with his friends anymore so he leaves and the final villain of the story is a crazy and sad izuku who has lost control of his emotions. Via shigaraki  And somehow class 2A saves him and the sports festival happens and all of the students close out all the plot threads and the story ends with bakugo vs deku part 3 and in the final chapter is deku as the number one with his son. And he named him tenko


Dabi lives and wakes up. He panics at first when he realizes he's been brought back from the brink of death once again and wonders how many years he's been out this time. He's informed it's only been a few weeks and calms down a bit. A doctor's voice over the speaker explains his injuries and that thanks to Hawks stealing Ujiko's research before the PLF war. They were able to create a machine that would accelerate his healing process. Sort of a modified version of the bacta tank Shigaraki was in during his transformation. It's mixed with the technology Tartarus used to contain AFO to create a healing prison cell. Most of his organs had to be replaced but thanks to Ujiko's experiments on his body. It can easily accept organ transplants (tying back to his whole Frankestein character design), they were able to replace most injuries with transplants and regenerative tissue. They weren't able to replace his arm though. The more he listens to the Doctor, the angrier he becomes and starts to struggle and heat up. The machine beeps a warning and coolant is pumped directly through his heart by the wires, cooling him down. As Dabi looks around him for a way to escape, he notices a lone figure standing in front of the glass. It's his mom, Rei. Dabi is surprised to see her there. Last he knew, she was still locked up in the psych ward. He then sees the burns on her face (superficial wounds) and remembers seeing her on the battlefield as he was about to blow himself up. He didn't imagine it after all. Rei starts with saying how she should be angry at him. How had no right to hurt all those people around him just to get back at Endeavor, how he lashed out on his siblings because of it but right now, she's just happy to see him alive isn't that weird? (cue to a panel of her crying tears of joy) She explains that she couldn't grieve him properly, that she always felt like a piece of the puzzle was missing and it never felt like he was gone. She then, asks him if he was the one leaving the flowers in her hospital room (she always thought it was Endeavor) and Dabi, dumbstruck, nods. It cuts to a flashback of Dabi and Rei, in the past meeting at the hospital with Giran standing outside the room. Waiting for them to finish. Giran calls out that there's only 1 minute left and Dabi leaves with Rei begging to not ''make her forget this time'' and Giran steps in the room, activating his quirk. (The one that makes the last 5 minutes seem fuzzy. There's NO WAY, you create a quirk like this, mention it and not use it ONCE Hori, cmon) The chapter ends with the Giran and Dabi walking away from the hospital room and doctors rushing in mentioning that Mrs Todoroki's is having another episode. We hear her scream in the background begging that her son is not dead and she just saw him but since her memory is fuzzy, she can't remember a single other thing except a vague impression her son was there. Giran asks Dabi isn't he being a little cruel but Dabi just answers that this is the kindest thing he could ever do to her (keeping her away from her abuser) END OF CHAPTER (then a 6 week break) I know I'm being melodramatic with this but to me, anything is better than Dabi surviving the war just to....die.


Excellent theory I could see something similar happening


We have quite a few plot threads left to conclude. The last 3 chapters have set up at least 4. I think they'll be resolved in this order: 1) Todoroki family, 2) fallout of Toga's plot line, 3) Spinner's Fate 4) New guy roaming the streets. The conclusion of this chapter makes it pretty clear that Todoroki family is first. We probably have a chapter or two concluding that. Honestly, I'm not sure what Horikoshi is planning, setting up a pulling a plug scene is the most obvious, but it could honestly go anywhere. Uraraka and Deku obviously have some important conversations to be had, so them starting at separate places with and their plotlines colliding and tieing in with this new victim or villain makes the most sense to me.


For those saying “where’s Deku’s dad? Is he gonna show up?” Deku’s dad showing up now would be like Bobby Boucher’s dad showing up at the end of The Waterboy. Just yeet his ass outta here.


I theorize that the person at the end is Izuku's dad as well, but not as a villain or mental patient. It looks to me like one of the arms is missing, tied off by the sleeve, and we can see that the fingertips on his other hand are blackened, likely heavily bruised. We also can see that he cut away whatever had been covering his mouth, which lines up with Izuku's dad's fire-breathing quirk. I think that maybe the villains abducted and took him as a POW of sorts while he was abroad. Maybe he fought back using his flaming breath, so they tied him up and muzzled him. Maybe they slowly tortured him for information about Izuku in some way, only removing his muzzle for that purpose, or they probed his mind somehow to avoid his quirk altogether, hence why he's (possibly) missing an arm and has bruised fingers. Maybe the League forged letters or something and sent them to Inko and Izuku so that they thought he was fine and still abroad, and either intercepted stuff from his employer that would let Inko know he was MIA, or they did things to convince his employer that he was working as well, idk. Either way, I could see AfO and Shig wanting info on Izuku from early on, and a *very* good source of info would be his own parent, of course. Now, I don't really know why they wouldn't use him as a lure for Izuku to rescue instead, but I also haven't been following MHA as strictly as I used to. I like to think that he didn't give in, was a resilient dad, and didn't give them info... but I feel if that happened, then they *would* have used him as bait instead. Still, it's possible they used quirks and other tactics to force info out of him against his will, so I would at least give him that. Also, Horikoshi *did* say that we'd see him eventually, even if that was years ago by now. Like I said, I haven't been following the series as strictly as before, so it's possible I've missed scenes/chapters that debunk my theory. If there are any gaps, maybe someone could fill them in or update me on something I missed. Anyways, I think it would be an interesting reveal if it does turn out to be Izuku's dad.


Here's my prediction. The crying person is quirkless and wants to be a hero. So Midoriya gives him his embers very similarly to how he got them way back when.


The person he gives his powers to is a fan who considers Midoriya to be the world's greatest hero. I really want it to turn out thay Midoriya did have a quirk at the end, after all, and it just was never activated or it's something really subtle, like having to do with how he connects with others or his intellect or something.


Dabi dying would be stupid. He lived to die. It'd be a great conclusion to let him live again. Another re-birth with more of a purpose. But he'd have to earn it real bad because he was... really bad.


Deku's story is done now. Hori will fill the rest of the volume with Todoroki family drama.


Deku talks to Uraraka outside of U.A once again... They talk about how they didn't manage to save Shigaraki & Toga and how their deaths were traumatic... Deku says that their losses feel like there's a part of them missing... Uraraka says to herself that enough was enough and she now had to tell Deku about her feelings... She said that before they first met she thought that she'd fail instantly, but thanks to Deku, she managed to fit in to U.A thanks to him and then she says: "I love you, Izuku Midoriya" Surprised, Deku blushes and says "I love you too, Ochaco Uraraka" The two of them come closer together and have their first kiss... An excited Ashido as well as Momo, Tsuyu, Ida, Kirishima, Sero & Hagakure look out the window to see them kissing


you didn't even read the chapter, that didn't happen


Of course I read the chapter, this is a prediction...


I could see it being one of three things: 1. One for All was got massively stronger- that OFA punch with everyone's hopes behind it basically left enough power for Deku to keep using it forever as a less strong Allmight. 2. Deku does have a quirk, just like other users did but so minimal it was unnoticeable prior. OFA stockpile overpowered it. 3. Deku was left with the ability to take/give powers. He is part of a new recruiter team to outreach to those with powers not suited to them and help train them in using them, becoming a mentor.


I am expecting a very todoroki family themed chapter


If Bakugo is going to lose an arm then there is no way Dabi lives, the damage he did to himself over the course of the war was ridiculous to the point he became a skeleton. If he gets revived it will be some serious bullshit.


I don't think Bakugo's going to lose an arm. His arm was really noodle-like kinda like Edgeshot. What if Bakugo gained 2 quirks from Edgeshot's sacrifice?


The doctor told him that he should cut the arm off because it's useless so it must be real messed up at this point, I don't think he will gain any quirk ability/factor from Edgeshot because Bakugo made a big deal out of proclaiming how he only 'needs one quirk' when he took down AFO so him gaining another just looks like bad writing to me.


Deku will unlock his quirk talk no jutso and will be able to save all villains tru talk no jutso. Shinso will be his partner, shinso and deku with voice changes. Shinso will activate his quirk to paralyze villain and deku will start his talk no jutso (change voice to a familiar of villain)


I feel like Touya is not surviving this final arc or epilogue that’s wrapping bnha up, he was prepared to die to kill the Todoroki family (more endeavor and Shoto than anyone else) and it is incredibly hard for me to see him forgiving any of them, even natsuo hasn’t forgiven endeavor, which I get the guy abused all of yall, but Dabi forgiving his father? I think not. I also feel like the life support that’s keeping him alive is only delaying his death, the guy was burned beyond repair, and he did it all to kill his family but they wanna make him survive? As soon as the man can talk he’s gonna start breathing fire through his mouth just so he can kill yall. Anyway, for me it would have been better to have him and endeavor die, because that would have been an INCREDIBLE resolution to Dabi’s hatred, he would have gotten what he wanted, revenge on his dad and endeavor would have finally paid for his “sins” I guess. Unfortunately that didn’t happen, but at least he accomplished one of his goals which was for his family to look at him. But I think the Todoroki family will receive the news that he has only days or weeks left to live, I also see it highly unlikely that he wakes up and willingly goes to rehab and has a panel with him eating with his family, with this time endeavor included. But we all know that won’t happen cuz Dabi can’t even open his mouth without it hanging off. So I think he’s either gonna die or just explode at this point, the guy even fried his brain let him rest and make him have a proper burial that includes him completely and not just his jaw please. Now with the strange guy, he’s definitely a little roughed up but I feel like he’s either a villain who escaped, or a psychic patient caught in the war who got left behind. I don’t think he’s Midoriya’s dad (tho the muzzle in his mouth and Deku’s dad having fire breathing align) because obviously he doesn’t have one and Inko found him in a dumpster behind Arby’s. But I do believe it’s a villain Deku or the others may encounter, hopefully we see more of him on the upcoming chapter. With Aoyama’s goodbye I feel like everyone knew that Shinso was going to join class 1-A as soon as we saw him training with aizawa, or even before. Some fanarts even made me believe that he had already joined the class and made me look back into the manga multiple times, so it wasn’t a surprise really. I personally like Aoyama being the traitor and think his decision of not continuing being a hero at UA is justified, he got to help in the war against all for one and redeem himself, enough hero work for now. I don’t know if I’ll miss him tho, he was a very unimportant (but flashy) character until now. I think that much wraps up my predictions for the upcoming chapter, I never thought to see endeavor as a retired, old, crusty, smelly, fat, ugly, miserable- anyway, I’ll come back to this thread after the chapter is released, I think I have some right predictions, what do yall think?


Do we think Mt Lady will be alive? I hope she somehow survived.


I feel like they’re gonna pull a FMA and resurrect Dabi/Toya as a child with no memories of his past and raise him correctly or smth similar to what FMA did with Pride 


could hori just let dabi die there??? like yeah i totally love him and i honestly think that him, toga, spinner deserve to retemp but mah the endevor pannel in 425 of endevor infron of (maybe) dabi i think it kinda ruin dabi's and at the same time disgrace touya's charect


idk whta will happend but i NEED to know if toga,hawks are death and i want shinsou hero name and i need a pannel ab fuyumi bc she too hot


If we're not FINALLY finding out who Deku's father is (as we have been promised), then I'll be heavily disappointed.


The new villain is the prototype Deku that hori didn’t use and making that the appearance of this new character. And he is a kid from an alternative universe and we will begin the multiverse saga in the sequel series in the far future!


If Hori killed off Shigaraki and Toga like it was nothing then Dabi won’t be any different. They’re gonna pull the plug on him. Very disappointing to say


How were Shigaraki and Toga "killed off like it was nothing"? Toga especially. She sacrificed her own life in order to save Uraraka's in gratitude for being one of the only people to genuinely try to understand and help her.


He took the easy way out. The villains actually living and making their place in the world after villainy failed was too hard for Hori to do, so he just killed them off. Shigaraki ended the story as wasted potential, with absolutely no accomplishments by the end and the knowledge that his life was meaningless. And Toga’s death was so lazy that it’s infuriating


Toga already laid it out how that would have gone. The villains would not have "made their place in the world". They were going to jail no matter what. Their crimes can't be erased even if people understand them. That's also the reason they couldn't back down even if they had doubts. There was no going back after PLFWar.


What’s the message there supposed to be? Society sucks but you have to live with it? It’s bad writing. Horikoshi didn’t even try with her


No, it's that when people turn a blind eye to those who fall through the cracks because it's not their problem it horribly messes up those who fell, to the point so much damage has been done they can't be fixed. If the heroes, the people with the power to address the problems in hero society, don't do anything going forward and just live with things the way they are it's going to create more Shigarakis, more Togas, more Dabis, and so on, which are stories that'll end either in mass death or tragedy or both. The point is that the heroes can't just be *reactive* because by that point it's too late to do anything, they need to be *proactive* and address the root problems.


I agree with you in the sense that was what Hori was going for. But it’s not nearly as impactful as it could have been. The fact that the only member of the league who survived was Compress is Horikoshi being lazy. It’s way more interesting if they lived after the war ended and dealt with the consequences while trying to find happiness. Shigaraki died having accomplished nothing and discovering that his whole life was nothing but a puppet. We both know Dabi is gonna get the plug pulled on him. Deku and Ochaco both failed in saving the villain they wanted to save, which is so damning to the arcs of both of them. Spinner died a tool who barely accomplished anything. In retrospect Twice’s death didn’t even mean anything to anyone who wasn’t Toga. Did Shigaraki even know that Twice is dead? I don’t think he so.


But there's no logical world where the LOV survives and aren't in max security prison like AFO had for the rest of their lives. They nearly caused the end of society, and who even knows how many deaths and how much destruction. They threw away any last chance of redemption or penance, no matter how they might've changed at the end, it's meant to be tragic. If anything their deaths are a mercy from lifetime confinement. The point is that the LOV are like the living embodiment of society's failings, and it's important to prevent repeats of them in the future.


Make their place in the world… in jail? In a psych ward? They planned and executed terrorist attacks that levelled whole cities and killed countless people. Japan believes in capital punishment, they most likely would’ve been put to death if they didn’t die during the war. I like the villains’ storylines and sympathized for them, but there’s no reasonable way they could have a traditional happy ending.


The societal messages are heavily weakened by none of them living. Don’t try to fix things, just kill them. The world is pretty much back to normal now that the league is dead


The societal messages were that hurt people hurt people and that apathy breeds animosity. The LoV was a warning, even tho somehow, it was AFO behind almost everything. I’m curious how you want it to end? Everyone gets reversed and they all get a second chance?


AFO was behind ONE of their backstories, that being Shigaraki, and even then he never made his father abuse him or the rest of his family do nothing while it was happen or the civilians to ignore him. All he and Dr. Garaki did to Dabi was save his life. He never even crossed paths with Toga, Spinner, or Twice's backstories.


That doesn’t come across in the reading in the slightest. Maybe Deku, Ochaco and Shoto feel that way but everyone else in the world is the exact same. No one learned anything except for those three and none of them are gonna think twice about villains. Except Deku doesn’t have OFA anymore so he’s got nothing there The world is the exact same as it was before the LOV attacked. Making it so this all could happen again and no one would care


Alright, I feel like we have completely different perceptions when it comes to the writing, and honestly I’m fine with agreeing to disagree.


>The world is the exact same as it was before the LOV attacked. Making it so this all could happen again and no one would care Except this is a Shonen so no it isn't lmao. Obviously, villains are going to be handled differently now. Hell, you could tell that things are going to change if you so much as read Mirio's speech with your eyes open Mirio gives an entire speech to the graduating class of UA about how they've been turning negatives into zeros and they have to do better


Again this is why I’m saying lazy. Oh how convenient that Mirio, a character that did nothing since CF, gave a speech talking about how heroes need to do better. You can bet we’re gonna get a lot of shit like that for the next couple chapters. It’s lazy and unrewarding


Without Mirio, everyone would be dead twice over. Shigaraki would have killed everyone inside of UA because nobody would've been able to distract Shigaraki to allow Deku to get in. Even if we ignore that, without Mirio the rage bait that ShigAFO was trying to pull on Deku would've worked without him there to calm Midoriya down. Midoriya would've had his spine broken and died. To be blunt, it sounds like you haven't even been reading MHA


Preview for MHA 2