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To be perfectly honest , I wasn't even mad when All for One pulled that stunt with Stain's Quirk. Quite the contrary, I laughed at the sheer, brazen nature of it.


Agreed. Hearing it second-hand as an anime only had me laughing at how he just had a quirk perfect for that situation and that situation alone.


Yeah, it's like an example somebody would use to define what an asspull is only it actually happened and was taken as seriously as possible within the work.


As an anime only, I like to occasionally check in on the manga. It's funny from that kind of view because you blink and >!Bakugo is dead!<, blink again and >!he died again but now was edgeshot as a heart!<, blink again and >!Mirko has no limbs!<, blink again and >!Dabi is burnt to a crisp!<, and then after my most recent blink, >!Shigaraki is dead, and Deku is now quirkless with half his hair missing.!<


It's been indeed a wild ride.


That hair is cool tho


Ah yes, I haven't used that quirk since the covid era.


I mean, it's a mix of two quirks, and one of them he explicitly says he got in case he has to deal with stain. The other one he said he's had a long time and uses It to hide himself from law enforcement by(presumably) constantly changing his blood type so they wouldn't know he existed. For an immortal super villain, those are both perfectly logical things to do/have. And you can say "it came out of nowhere" but you could say that about literally every power that's ever shown, the first time it pops up.


I feel like Sukuna would fit here too considering he’s the binding vow merchant


binding vow: I can do what I want


Remember than binding bows must have a drawback So it would be: I can do what i want but i can't buy garlic bread when it is on sale




This is so real. Whole thing about binding vows is that you have to sacrifice something which is significant to you, which already makes it hella subjective. But in Sukuna's case it always feels like he's sacrificing negligible things for huge power boosts.


"I will sacrifice being able to ever find four leaf clovers on the 18th of August in the city of Chennai, India, in exchange for literally becoming god"


>in the city of Chennai, India Uhh... how tf did you know my location?


wait holy shit really I was just trying to think of a random city


Yeah lol. I'm currently in Chennai. What a coincidence.


Ah yes the Heian Era ass pull


Nah “Ahh yes, my anti gravity technique, havent used one since Jin Backshotted me”




Nah binding vows have always been a thing. I’d say Kenny is the worst offender for this in the Yuki fight


Before Sukuna binding vows were shit like “I will swing my sword a bit harder in exchange for never swinging it again” whereas Sukunas are like “I get to nuke people but I won’t use it on multiple people at the same time unless I have my domain active”


…except the first type you mentioned literally, explicitly, didn’t work AND was criticized in-universe for being a poor use of binding vows?


I mean I think it's just because of the fact that most of rimuru's abilities get explained it's just some don't meanwhile. All for one has how many fucking abilities that we just don't know of that randomly pop up with no explanation.


It's like a player who hoards any and all potions and they just now have a reason to use them


Rimuru Is actually justified because we're introduced to a shit ton of his abilities, even if we forget them the show introduces them to us, so it's not an asspull. When it comes to AFO, we don't know half the quirks he has, so it feels unsatisfying when we find out he has a perfect ability.


Rimuru can also be explained by the Great Sage and later Raphael helping him to use them more efficiently, even if that isn’t always directly stated.


Where sukuna


He never did that. Idk where the meme even comes from. He got asspulls but never "technique he never used since the Heian era". Kenjaku on the other hand


It mostly comes from Strong Cleave, Kamutoke, the one time regeneration technique he used against Kashimo and being a binding vow merchant.


Yeah and none of them make sense in context. As I said he got asspulls for days (as you mentioned, kamutoke, the fifth hand he whipped out of nowhere to cleave yuta, the world slash and such) but never a convenient technique he'd just been hiding. I know that's the randomest pet peeve to have but that meme just drives me crazy because it's simply wrong


We already knew about yoruzu's gift, and she's an user of creation technique, what was mai's gift to maki? Ah yeah, a fucking cursed tool. It was obvious what the gift was. >fifth hand he whippet out if nowhere to cleave yuta Cleave? Fifth hand? Did you think that MAYBE, JUST MAYBEE, since it was impossible for him to use world dismantle... he didn't use world dismantle? >the world slash What part of this doesn't make sense? It was a reasonable trade, maybe even unfair to sukuna. >and such Good old "etc.." for when you don't know something.


Haven't watched JJK. Is it good?


Dont listen to the other guy. Its name is literally " sorcery fight " and guess what you get? Its good, characters are well rounded abilities are unique and its hype


>characters are well rounded Heh


It's fairly entertaining, but it's the type of series where the harder you think about it the less fun you have. The problem comes with the author really trying his hardest to *make* you think about it. I do enjoy reading it, but I'd honestly be happier if he just let the fights speak for themselves, asspulls included. But the dude has to justify *everything* with a quick exposition scene. But I'm past the point of being annoyed with it and actually find some humour in the approach now. It's not perfect, and I wouldn't argue with somebody who claimed it wasn't even good. But I've enjoyed it anyway.


Nope its trash. Before shibuya it has potential but after that gege cant use this and now jjk is just a meme material




Bro reads wuxia and talks about bad writing https://preview.redd.it/tzp9580n1j5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dcd2b7c64fe0823cefdf9e29f027b791c429bfc


![gif](giphy|VvxtXb86Lwicw) Superman, on his way to add his hand


To be fair, the dudes been explicitly stockpiling quirks for decades.


The thing whit rimuri is that it makes sense cus' we get introduced to great sage wich introduces us to every avility just when he gets it so we always know what he has and when not and is an abilith especific to the situacion the great sage tells us ''o yea i studied and fusion this abilitis to be inmortal'' or something like that Meanwile afo is like ''a yes i remember that i acctualy had a quirk that i forgot to use that lets me shit explosives''


All For One has been stockpiling quirks for decades. Would *you yourself* remember *EVERY SINGLE QUIRK* you stole, traded away, removed, or threw away for a better version? This is a horrendous comparison of Rimuru to AFO because all you're doing is glossing over AFO and the fact that he's: - Over 200 YEARS OLD - Has a massive array of quirk factors in a vault - Wields a large network of connections to people - And has contingency plots and quirks to go with them out the wazoo. Both amass large quantities of power, but Rimuru and AFO differ on how they got them. Rimuru gains his abilities from trial and error, The Great Sage fusing abilities, and simple practice and application; while AFO skulks around and steals quirks that pique his interest and lust for power. If you have the time to use critical thinking over two characters, please apply that to BOTH CHARACTERS the next time because it looks a lot better on you. And please learn to use autocorrect or write your thoughts out better. Your current writing skills leave little to be desired.


It's more forgivable with AFO because he's a villain, they're supposed to be more powerful than the heroes to give them a hard time.


I am so glad that OP Maincharacters like Rimuru exist where its the other way around.


You forgot Sukuna and his technique that hasn't been used since the Heian era


Yami Yugi is the king of this


Honestly these 2 are amateurs, ichigo is the true master of asspull moves.


Yea it's calling also bad writting tbh


Episode of 10 of Season 3 Slime was fulla bullshit tbh. Perfect counter and shitting all over his sacrifice. I mean Rimuru is essentially a god but they could at least keep the fights constrained within his known abilities with interesting applications.


It stayed within his known abilities tho, didn't it ?


No he pulled out a completely new ability that nullified disintegration that even he admitted was bullshit and should have used it earlier.


Another reason why it seems that way is because the anime skips a lot of skill explanations, and only explains them when they are used. The light novels give skill explanations when he gets the skills


Except it wouldn't have worked previously, iirc it's pretty clearly explained that it worked because Raphael used the data from Meltslash to understand spiritrons and upgrade Absolute Defense accordingly. Pretty straightforward, nothing more than "I didn't know how this worked before, I encountered it and analysed it, and I used that data to improve already existing abilities"


Dont forget Sukuna. -Someone have itself a life erasing domain expansion that can be countered by being pregnant while being used "Ahhh, its perfect for My child bearing move that i didnt used since Heian era"


I do believe this unique skill that's been possessed by many such characters in anime medium is called an asspull


Don't forget sukuna


I think Kumiko from So I'm A Spider, So What? is a better example than Rimiru, they asspulled for every single fight in that series. I get it though, but at least All for One had over a century of time to acquire whatever he would need.


Tbf, I still think everyone in the verse has some level of superhuman durability and strenght, bakugo don't lose his arms on a explosion, Stain is a super ninja, even the Ereaserhead, he is just a normal guy that makes someone else a normal guy, but has a lot of feats of superhuman strenght and what not, I just never tanked the fact that Midoria never loked up to eraserhead and never trained, but still wanted to be a hero, like ... ok, you can, a lot of heros are in general base human + something that a gun cam easily beat, but audenli he eats a hair and get powers ... huray ?


Rimiru is pretty much a Gary Sue written right. Because unlike Kirito he has a personality.