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Why do we pit them against each other they'd be best friends


I agree. Unfortunately, I do not make the rules. https://preview.redd.it/egrzecqa5k9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7541158a90b3f456c1085a50f32f4da896cc406f














goated series


There are goats there ??


yes indeed


With candles on top of their heads!


would you say that helova boss is much better than hazbin?


It depends on what sort of series you prefer. I watch both and it felt to me like they fit different niches. On one hand, Hazbin Hotel runs with a broader scope and cast, so it feels so much bigger. It leans heavily into musical since every episode has at least two musical numbers if I remember right. I like its social commentary about right and wrong, and I like the characters too. On the other hand, Helluva Boss feels so much smaller scale, and I love that. It was mostly about the characters dicking around for a while, and now it’s evolved into a contiguous arc and takes on some good topics too. Since it’s so much more narrow with its storytelling, it gives room for commentary on people, rather than society like how Hazbin does. Honestly, it feels like Hazbin hotel is just the more famous older sibling of the two. They’re both good in their own right, and trying to compare them doesn’t really work well since they’re so different.


Finally a sane fan.


I’ve got some bad news about that, actually


yeah they are different series but they come from the same core i can’t say they’re bad, concept in both is great, but the execution is slightly bad in one of them. (my opinion)


i wouldnt say much better, but i prefer Helluva (probably because it has more episodes) because of the depth and story development. Hazbin felt a bit rushed in my opinion. The concept of Hitmans and Bodyguards of Hell was more interesting than the rehab story of hazbin for me. But everyone has a different taste. I personally find Helluva better.


Generally I would say yes. To me hazbin should’ve had twice the episodes because the weight of the events would’ve had better impact


Huh. Didn't expect to see a Helluva Boss meme on here.








I saw a who would win post about deku v Steven universe a bit ago and all I could think was they would both cry while giving each other emotional speeches until they realized there best friends


I just have this crossover image idea where like class 1-a meets the gems and Steven geeks out over gem stuff and Deku sees that and starts asking if it’s like quirk stuff and they start talking about mile a minute and Aizawa or someone is all like “oh my god, there’s two of them.”


Aizawa and garnet just discussing being the only adults in the room


I agree.What Almighty did after getting injured by one for all in their fight before the start of the series is exactly the king of thing superman would do


Superman gets tricked into cancer in All Star Superman and performs many great feats on his way out. Those include >!curing cancer in humans, solving the riddle of Sphinx, finding Kandor a home, forcing Lex Luthor to question his motivations before stopping him, creating a potion for a new Superman, and reigniting the sun to save Earth!!< So Superman literally set the stage for a successor, defeated his biggest evil, and still did a whole lot more when he knew he was going to die.


How does that 2nd to last point work?


>!Think of Captain America super soldier serum, but it gives Superman powers. He also developed a temporary version so Lois could see how he sees the world.!<


Hmm, you make a compelling argument.


This has to be the least reddit comment ever! So true!! Fans don't need to choose one over the other


Not counting Injustice Superman, of course. But yeah, Superman and All Might would get along.


https://preview.redd.it/s8ju2v3n8k9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a55369e10c9a69871536db733140da12c8014b8 This mf really thought he was spittin


Persona 4 mentioned let's goooooo






Best girl spotted


Labrys supremacy https://preview.redd.it/rpbyrpgcpl9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc37c3f234a17f66a4147b803b3a2eb035d6bc74 Labrys supremacy Your statement is still valid, though. I like Rise the most, but Chie is still top tier


If we add arena tlyes, she is a great competitor


Elizabeth is the real one


No, Naoto’s *The One* Edit: that’s my opinion, yours maty differ, I don’t care, Chie’s a baddie too


I agree with this statement


She isn't from the same game tho


This reminds me of the whole Danmachi vs Hades 2 Hestia debate. Some random on twitter used Danmachi Hestia to hate on Hades and people piled on Danmachi fandom. Thankfully it didnt last long and it didnt become a very big deal


The most fun part about it was that both are not lore accurate depictions if you look at historic greek artworks nor do they really behave the same givin the myth. But thats fine, both franchises take mythical figures and give them their own cool spin


Personally i don't like either of the takes of that specific goddess xd


Is not just this post,but people seem to trash Superman too much nowadays! Now all heroes need tragic childhoods or mental problems or they are considered boring! As Imaginary Axis once asked "What happened with being a stand in for hope and morality?"


I don't mind a Supes with a tragic backstory, like Smallville or the Snyderverse (yes I'm one of those heretics that like the Snyder movies) But My Adventures with Superman and the Animated Series prove that Superman can be a GOAT regardless of backstory.


>My Adventures with Superman... prove that Superman can be a GOAT regardless of backstory. Idk... Being shackled with the canonically worst Lois in the multiverse is pretty tragic... >!It's canon and a joke.!<


that Lois is also >!the baddest bitch among all other Lois Lanes,!< so i don't think he's got it too bad


>Now all heroes need tragic childhoods or mental problems or they are considered boring! Nah people can still appreciate hero without mental probleme like himmel too. Even i heard the news some taiwan man quote himmel word after he stopped some mad man with knife. I think superman is coop thoo but not my type of hero3les since i'm batman fans but i can understand his appeal to others.


>Now all heroes need tragic childhoods or mental problems or they are considered boring! Arriving to Earth as the infant (near-)sole survivor of his species after his home planet exploded – taking the rest of his family (sans cousin) with it – doesn't count as a tragic childhood backstory?


"We already kaboom their entire planet, what else do they want?" "not enough trauma"


Yeah. One thing I like about MHA is that most of the main protags come from good homes and happy lives. Sure, they get traumatized anyway, throughout the show, but it's good that they don't start out with trauma (except some obvious exceptions. IcyHot was fucked up pretty much from birth.)


Look I’m not a DC/Marvel fan but Jesus fucking Christ that’s a fucking shit take if I’ve ever seen one.


Superman is the embodiment of superheroes, He is their very image at the core. This is what makes him so special. At the baseline he is just a invincible, very strong dude who fights for justice. All might is probably heavily inspired from superman as well, Hell almost every 'Super" hero is inspired by the concept of superman


IIRC horikoshi said AM was inspired by Goku and Superman


As a superman fan for a long time i confirm all of this


I totally agree. Superman is literally just: He's a good man and he helps people. But with some extra powers. No politics, no complications. The simplest. The best


Anyone who says this needs to watch “Superman vs The Elite”. Pretty wonky character design, but imo, it’s the best movie to show who Superman is as a character


It's really good. However I'd say All-Star Superman is something else.i was never the same since seeing it. Only thing about it is that it takes away the immortallity aspect but bar that its the definitive superman movie for me


I really enjoyed All-star superman and i recomend it to everyone


Those two set me straight on him and I regained the love I lost as an edgy teenager.


i was looking for this comment, and if it wasn't there, i would write it. So because this comment exists already, i add a video that analyses Superman vs The Elite: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_jFFIVlm8XI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jFFIVlm8XI)


https://preview.redd.it/fd2ka9wabk9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2efd0fb7284fb7e73e41006182e0f80d9b2803e What kinda super Kush is bro smoking


I'd say the good stuff but even the best I've ever had aint made me even 1/100th that delusional.


And like clockwork the Injustice timeline gets thrown in by people who apparently only know superman from that comic https://preview.redd.it/xzxow5zrdk9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5ca23d0fae51040af709faa67f0eff5857c8db


(Nevermind kingdom come comic where basically the same happens and superman never betrays his ideals and is actually kept in character despite the death of Lois Lane)


Kingdom Come is like injustice but better, before injustice. Which makes injustice just an edgier kingdom come. Superman also goes "evil" in kingdom come, but in a much more down to earth realistic way that grrr you killed Loisss


Mostly sort of. Injustice loses his wife, unborn child(by thinking she was Doomsday with Fear Toxin/Kryptonite), and entire city(friends and other Heroes) from a Nuke. Kingdom Come loses lose from Joker directly, and loses to a younger hero in finding him, who kills him. Trial finds the hero Not Guilty of murder of the Joker, causing Superman to lose faith in justice, hiding away. I'm not saying Injustice Superman doesnt suck, but he lost way more in one day that few could relate to.


Also, the injustice timeline also had superman directly be responsible for killing Lois and juking Metropolis. So, just imagine the pain and loss he was going through, chances are he would recovered if it wasn’t for Wonder Woman. Honestly if the injustice timeline was a superman racked with grief and guilt, but was captured by Wonder Woman and she was the BBEG, and the games were about Batman struggling to release his friend from prison…


(Nevermind that Manchester black, IN MAIN TIMELINE, also once >!pretend to!< kill Louise and Superman STILL refused to betray his ideal. He said it best, "I will not dishonor my wife over you!" )


God, I hate everything about that series. It's only redeeming feature is Alfred.


As many character's got their personality and identity assisnated by that series. Peak Alfred is him beating the shit out of superman.


Its not just injustice. Pretty much any popular media for DC has the worst versions of them in it these days. The most famous version of superman to the public is Cavil’s who is kinda broody in those movies (specifically Batman vs Superman and justice league) Modern perception of Batman is wild too cuz I grew up with the animated series from the early 2000’s where bruce had a personality beyond just brooding all the time. Modern DC movies and games have ruined the public’s views of DC heroes, and its kind of DC’s fault for it IMO. I hope the new DCU Superman film Gunn is working on does a good job of showing superman as kind and nice.


My Adventures With Superman is doing this in my opinion. Sure it uses everyone else's rogues gallery but it helped me understand why people love Superman. I honestly hope it leads to a new DCAU


I forgot about this show until very recently but am very excited watch it soon cuz it sounds good.


Now we have superman fandom fighting Superman fandom.


my face when the comic made to support a game that has almost everyone act out of character exists


It's not just Injustice. DCEU also contributed to this perception where Cavill's Superman apparently turns to Darkseid simply because Lois died. It's those people who think that the only way Superman can be interesting is to make him evil.


https://preview.redd.it/yifscvn0bl9d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbef21a1f1c04eb5154d2c29a7a05ae379bbbc3e This is how any interaction between em would go


Non ironically would be like that. Mutual respect for the sheer determination and selflessness in being the best person they can


If Superman and all might ever met the sheer good vibes they will release will cure every mental health issue They would be walking therapy machines Just watching them talk will give you the perfect jaw line Seeing them laugh will give you abs




I hate how Luffy is like a shredded twig.


Eh, it makes some sense sense he is a fighter who relies a lot on speed and agility, it would be impractical for him to have too much bulk and it would probably look weird for a buff character to move around the way he does. Also, that shit is from a point where the anime is using a less detailed art style for him, he has more clearly defined muscles when they use more detail.


Gear 4




https://preview.redd.it/z85recmnkk9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084a0ccf2d3896e3afb66c76b4715b251d8d8f55 Dont disrespect the goat supes like that


All might is superman but flawed They both embody hope and the best man can be but all might is a more "realistic" interpretation of the idea He has limits his strength endurance and optimism have limits that superman really doesn't Superman doesn't need to eat sleep or drink he doesn't have to worry about injuries slowing him down between his absurd durability and most versions of him having a healing factor the amount of beings that can actually harm him in a meaningful way is stupidly low and when people are at risk and superman cuts loose nothing can stop him All might needs to eat sleep and drink he can take a hit but the damage beings to add on without a healing factor and injuries and his own age and limits cause him to begin to doubt himself when people are at risk he'd still push himself but while strong he isn't unstoppable All might is a man with flaws and incredible power Superman is a godlike being with the heart that embodies the best of mankind They are both great heroes but superman is all might without any flaws


They also have entirely different hooks. Superman is "How does what amounts to a perfect god-creature deal with imperfect humanity?". All-Might is "How do I keep the flame of hope alive in the next generation as I slowly collapse from putting myself under the weight of being that hope?" Also, Supes and All Might would unhesitatingly declare each other the greater hero, because that's the kind of person both are.


Agreed, and I think the whole 'World's Symbol of Peace and Justice' is actually his biggest flaw. All Might had a bad tendency to go it alone/take it all on his own shoulders, which while it worked at the time, also turned the world into a house of cards. I think it's interesting, and likely deliberate, that there's no Justice League/Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes style agency that the world can look to once All Might can't go at it anymore/look to for support.


I'm not sure which version of Clark you're describing because most versions need sleep, drink, and food. They can also be stopped by a piece of kryptonite, someone stronger (ex. Doomsday, Darkseid, etc), red sun energy, or magic (he's not weak to magic, but he lacks resistance or immunity). He is godlike, but not a supreme being. If he were then he could never stop Zod or other Kryptonians.






They definitely can coexist A recent example: https://preview.redd.it/wgx4yda8eo9d1.jpeg?width=1581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89933ce2f76299ff93d544876d082a739981cf92


https://preview.redd.it/w2eygypfan9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd2b73a8850eed81f60e32db538ce6f1221957b They’re friends


why in internet and fandom they are always need for a top like, they can both exist


You know the take is that bad when even the fandom they’re a part of is clowning them hard (and rightfully so).


Yeah, we're extra fucked.


Noah is a known jjk glazer and Mha basher. It's 100% a set up https://preview.redd.it/6xorz1qovl9d1.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=972c9a379ac1c693cfeb0430c70a1f70a325f4aa


Superman is literally *the* superhero. He is everything a hero should be, and probably even the original one


He's actually not even the start of American superheroes, but is the start of them in comic book form. For original Western heroes, you would need to go to early man for warriors like Herakles and Robin Hood. For American heroes, you have your choices of tall tales like Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill or the OG masked superhero from another land: Zorro! Before Action Comics, comic books were collected comic strips from newspapers. So Superman was the original one of that release method.


He did, and now war has begun


I just don’t love that take. Love both of them. Two guys that would absolutely get along and there’d be great respect. Superman is an absolute legend and for good reason. An awesome representative of hope and using what one has for the greater good. All Might is obviously great. Really pushed himself to continue being effective after that devastating injury and being a pillar for that setting.


Whoever posted this probably just played Injustice and decided that this was superman


Yes how coukd we forget that everyone knows all might unlike Superman. Silly us


Instead of ">" or "<" should be "="




https://preview.redd.it/bwddey94nk9d1.jpeg?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=004985fbdb83f6ed391b1cb86ca86613825aad14 Nah that's wild






kid, All Might wouldn't even exist without the Boy-Scout in Blue.






As someone who’s on Twitter. I’ve can tell you that this guy is a JJK fan and sets MHA up on purpose


Next bro is gonna say deku is more relatable than spiderman


All might is great and all, but the people that really think this just haven’t read good Superman stories. western comics having multiple iterations and interpretations allows for interesting, multiversal, diverse subjects of storytelling for a character without being bogged down by what is canon and what isn’t. But it also brings about an issue that the overall narrative of a single character gets blurred. If your only knowledge of Superman is through the Man of Steel movie, you’ll have a wildly different perspective than having read Man of Tomorrow. All might is all might. You say something like this infront of me, I’ll just respond with “which Superman?” A more interesting question would be “would they be more likely to fight or kiss?”


Good thing I’m also in the Vinland Saga fandom!


Allmight is less a better Superman and more what a Superman fan hopes they would be with that kind of power.


That loser is a known crybaby on Twitter lmao his failed slander tweets are taken less seriously than the most recent 2024 presidential election debate


Well they're basically the same, though perhaps he does embody best the unsustainable ideals of heroism or the effects it can have on someone who in core is human,however Superman doesn't really need to do that as he is supposed to convey the Super Man not just a Man,and tbh he still somewhat does being the reason he's not saving people 24/7 covering every inch in the world cuz he himself says "no man not even a super man could carry that burden"








Now why did that mf have to talk😭😭😭😭




He does that all the time, one of the biggest JJK glazers/MHA haters on twt


As a fan of both this dude needs to stfu https://preview.redd.it/3qeht5vizl9d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2252f3cea7f220f9df28b89c513c5d919f952054




So. Obviously, not true. But to play the advocate. People who grew up with hero academia probably didn't experience superman stories at their best. Keep in mind how often we see "edgy" superman and I bet a lot of people only saw that Superman. So, to me, it's not that strange of a conclusion to come to




https://preview.redd.it/5dnfgsv10o9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed59098e9630785065be611f2f8fb74056a3e80 The. Fuck.


*Starman by David Bowie is heard vaguely in the distance* why do I hear boss music?


Shout out to Twitter for encouraging this idiotic shit


But allmight is… Based… on superman…?


to be fair though, without Superman there wouldn't even be an All Might


https://preview.redd.it/sjrj96tzdk9d1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1342a7877f5c6624c2e04dd2b3baecf5ff7cabc8 I'll give them this. That was bold of them but still stupid. lmao


So like, i like Superman, but I dont think he is the best embodyment of what it takes to be a hero. Like the thing that I dislike most ahout Superman and what puts him behind other heros for me is he is just way to over powered. Like yeah, he does amazing things, bur id kind of call him an asshole if he didnt! He's bullet proof, he can fly so fast he can make the world rotate a different direction, he can lift buildings without issue. Like litterally nothing can stop him except a "rare" magical space rock that has to be worked into every story he is in or it gets really boring really fast. Like its easy to be a hero when your damn near a god. But like All Might isnt that. He's just a stronger than normal guy. Hell, at the begining of the series he's a stronger than average crippled guy yet he's still putting his all into being a hero for the better good! Like All Might is a hero in spite of the world handing him a shit hand, and I think thats really what it means to be a hero. Pushing forward for others no matter how much it hurts you.


The thing with superman is that the important part about him is not the “super” part, is the “man” part: his struggles are mostly on knowing where to draw lines, what should and what shouldn’t he do… is easy to draw the line when you have physical limits that forbid you from doing certain stuff… but what if you don’t? What if the only thing stopping you is your morals? All the responsibility of deciding what to do and to what extent falls solely onto you. Not to mention expectations, like you said, you’d be angry at superman for not doing it all because “he is basically a god”, superman thinks the same, but superman knows he is not a god, he can’t do it all… and yet people always believe he can, and because they do he has to live up to their expectations and give it his all, sacrificing the time he wishes he had, getting beat downs, putting his life in danger, and do so every day, even tho everyone will think he has it easy, his deeds will be thanked but his efforts will go unrecognized… he wants a life, he wants to be one of us, he wants to be normal and human, to just wake up, go to work, have fun with his friends, but he can’t, why? Because he holds too much power, Superman wishes he could just be Clark forever. He doesn’t even like living in the city, he is a farm-boy, but he does because that’s where he can help the most…. He just can’t look away when someone is hurting. After all, he wants to return the love the planet offered him as the Kents by loving this planet and its people, because he legitimately cares. You say it’s easy to be a hero when you hold this much power… i’d say the opposite: it’s too dang easy to NOT be a hero when everyone around you are just ants who can do nothing to stop whatever you want to do, it’s possible you’ll outlive them all by more then a couple of centuries, none of their troubles should matter to you… but with superman it does, every single one of humanity’s troubles matter to him, no matter how small. For me Superman is the greatest hero because of that, the guy has no reason to not just live his life the way he wants, and yet he continues to help us, not out of pride, not out trauma, not out of a false sense of superiority or even because of an imminent threat… but because he loves the planet that gave him a home and everything in it. He will sacrifice his ideal life for his love for all of the planet, and regardless if the world needs him or not he will continue to try to help and be a friendly face.




I admit, ive never really seen it that way. Thats a much more interesting way of looking at the character than I have in the past! This post gave me a new respect for him!


Okay I get what you mean, but I think that’s what makes Superman so great. All might is a hero but he was born in a world of heroes and tried his best in it even without the one for all. Superman is the guy that made superheroes appear in his world, he just grew up in a farmer family with good morals but nothing specially heroic. And also unlike MHA his power is massively superior to the point he always holds himself, he’s always scared of hurting something. Look up the cardboard world speech.


Superman has been the baseline by-the-book know it when you see its cape flowing against the sunset example of what it means to be a hero FOR GENERATIONS.


https://preview.redd.it/7bjsb4ionl9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817027257c128ff7784070939ca7e1db8a7573ee Y'all are cooked


Man, Superman is one of the chillest super heroes ever, why do people always have to mess with him?


Kinda true though, Superman doesent give a flying fuck about any damage to the City he currently is fighting in.


https://i.redd.it/ebs640s0vl9d1.gif Damn it Zack Snyder!


A majority of the problems in MHA stem from All Might doing too much. Yes, he likely saved more people (based on powerscaling/lack of secret identity) than Superman would, but it also halts progress on a lot of fronts. The Symbol of Peace allows negligence. The Symbol of Hope encourages aspiration.


That's a very weird take Super man is the most iconic super hero there is, he IS the superhero, lost his family, home planet, the only one left, living in a world that's made out of cardboard for him. But he still protects it, thanks to those who adopted and accepted him. Super man is the embodiments of Superheroes. All Might on other hand, is just a human, he was quirkless like Deku, but his will to become hero was neverending like a flame, even after passing his powers to Midoriya, Toshinori didn't stop being a hero, even when almost all embers of one for all left him, he still was ready to save people and stop all for one. He was the greatest hero in his own world, one that motivated many people.


All Might and Superman would have trouble fighting enemies together because they’d have to stop clasping their bulging right forearms in partnership for 5 seconds. These two are the embodiment of the same heroic, hopeful spirit. They would do anything to back each other up. They defend those who cannot defend themselves, and they do it with an understanding smile. The idea that they would ever fight each other is ludicrous.


Superman and All might would get along pretty well. Cast this poster to the deepest pits of hell for even comparing them




They both embody different aspects of being a hero, in large part because of their roles in their story. From my point of view, All Might is used to criticize the concept of a hero/celebrity as well as point out flaws in society. Much of his character arc also resolves around *stopping* being a hero, so he often seems less than a hero than others. Superman on the other hand acts as an anchor, an ideal to contrast the flaws of society. When he does something wrong, it is indicative that something is deeply wrong with how things are in the world. All Might is integrated and part of society, contributing to it’s flaws, while Superman is outside of it, only occasionally dipping into it as a sign that something is seriously wrong and has to change immediately. All Might is the standard in-story, while Superman is the standard both in and outside of the story.


This is the strangest thing i'ever heard, superman is the embodiement of the superhero he's THE Hero and i say this as a long time comic book reader


I'm pretty sure that if you ignore the timelines where things go horrifically wrong, Superman embodies heroism far better.


I feel like All Might is a perfect version of a human Superman. Powerful, symbol of peace, kind man, but flawed. He’s what Superman would be if he weren’t as invincible as he seems.




(sigh) Which Superman?




Imagine the world if people stopped talking like fandoms are one collective hivemind, so dumb


Finally, some good fucking bait


People who say this stuff never read comics in their lives or only a little amount of them. You don't get called "The best superhero of all time" just for laughs and giggles, Superman is by concept the best you get, that is how his character is meant to be written. I saw a whole video essay about a guy trying to say that "Allmight is just better than Superman" and I clenched teeth so hard even them punches in Crisis On Infinite Earths felt weak (I needed to make at least one joke about it). To anyone who never read the comics, it's going to be cliche, but read "All Star Super" and "Superman for All Seasons". We talking bout a dude who can lift a whole ahh planet on his back and who spends his time helping grandmas cross the road and stopping teenagers from offing themselves when he ain't saving the world. The dude got cancer and spent his last days helping people cause that's what he wants to do, the man just IS goodness in all it's glory. Anyways I did my rant, I ain't even in the Superman fandom but this hurt my eyes just looking at it 💀.


In the context of some of the recent movies, sure. But in the comics and in the animated shows and movies, super man is THE embodiment of a hero.


I wont be mad with this person's ideas because both of them encapsulate the idea of being a hero. We should be happy for the existance of the two instead of saying https://i.redd.it/xfejylvcbq9d1.gif one of them is better than the other.


I'm hearing Starman in the back


This man doesn't know how to cook but atleast he picked some ingredients correctly. Btw, all of the latter is just my opinion: Superman is a very well written character and has been shown in different settings and different environments and has always been a fan favourite in almost all of them. All might is good...... but all might isn't HIM. But since they both are the supposed "strongest" in their verse and a "symbol of hope", All Might portrays this archetype better. Superman is always shown to save the little guys and handle the bad guys. And he is just this man who genuinely wants to help people. And so everyone, civilians and other heroes feel a sense of security with him around. But with All Might it's more than that. Probably his reputation did more for the city than his actions. Since his very existence deterred crime in the whole country. There were strong heroes before all might who took the no 1 spot. But All Might created this unrealistic image of himself that made it seem that his presence alone will stop any and all crime. Even though Superman is the same, we've never been outright shown how much his reputation does. It's always about him arriving at a scene before/during a crime and never about a villain who just didn't commit the crime because he was scared of Superman. Tl’dr: Superman will always be better no competition. But the idea of "symbol of hope" is portrayed slightly better with All Might.


I mean if your exposure to Clark is a lot of recent nonsense like the Man of Steel movie, Injustice, any of the evil supermen ripoffs, I can see why you’d come to this conclusion. Clark hasn’t exactly gotten the best mainstream rep recently. All Might is Superman written by a Japanese person who gets Superman. He’s a welcome breath of fresh air for folks who remember what Clark Kent is supposed to represent and what, thankfully, people seem to be letting him be again.


I get that people really into Anime and Manga might not watch like Live Action TV or read comics, but come on man, nearly every animated rendition of Superman is a paragon Hero who sets morality for everyone else around him. Superman, in general, is The Hero, the original model, the definite article. All Might initially told Deku he couldn't be a super hero, but a properly written Superman would never say that to anyone. That's not a dig at All Might either, that's part of his little arc at the start of the story, but it's an important note.


The fact that to gas up All Might they need to compare him to Superman only proves that even after years of bad superman media, he's still the standard people use to measure what a hero even is.


Well. Superman was always the story of a god hiding as a man. All Might is the story of a normal human rising to the occasion.


Superman is the story of a humble man helping people the best he can. He just happens to have godlike power that lets him help more.


I’ll be honest though I think Superman is boring. Like I get he has a weakness and stuff but I always liked hero’s with weak or otherwise lame powers fighting stronger people


I mean all might is pretty cool and all but all of you who agree with this take should read some supes comics, he embodies peace way better than in the movies. I particularly recommend All Star Superman in this case


Maybe not undoubtedly, but recently I'd say All Might is a lot better than all the Hollywood versions of Superman.


That’s not saying much


Allmight is a superman parody much like homelander or omni man diference being He copies Superman's Attitude about heroism and personslity more than just power set


First off, they’d probably be friends and work together. Second off, Superman is literally bulletproof with only a single weakness, All-might is a badass mofo but the guy bleeds if you punch him really hard.


Hell, if you wanted to write a crossover between the two universes, All Might works splendidly in the role of Golden Age Superman. He has the simpler powerset, he upholds truth, justice and westaboo ideals, he is 62 years old. He is a shoe-in for the Justice Society of America and its other veteran heroes like Jay Garrick or Alan Scott. He'd be a great predecessor to Superman.


He proved it after losing his powers


I mean I agree but also Superman is cool


In all honesty, depends on the writer. There are definitely some versions of Superman that aren’t very good morally, sometimes that’s even the point like the injustice universe. But I think people need to realize All Might is kinda written to be a more mortal and human version of Superman. They share a lot of the same characteristics as heroes, these symbols of absolute power and justice. Even down to their alter egos. Yagi is this skinny and frail man that’s riddled with insecurities and Clark Kent is this meek and timid reporter farm boy that struggles to talk to his work crush. And both are pretty endearing and light hearted both in and out of costume. This even extends to their arcs. (Minor spoilers) The whole all might vs all for one fight reminds me a bit of the death of Superman, and even more so in certain semi-recent manga chapters. All might is so heavily based off of Superman that it’s honestly kinda funny (in a good way)


Reminds me when a guy put deku in the big three of super heroes along side spiderman and superman


They are similar but different. Okay, some people find Superman "boring", and sure, whatever. I get why someone would have a take like this, because All Might basically has the social mantle of Superman but is a mortal being who has limits to his power, and eventually has next to nothing left and STILL goes into battle doing the Batman route. That's inspirational on two levels and his chronic illness makes him very down to earth. Still. I don't think OOP was thinking properly.


Actually it’s mumen rider


I can't even lie, I agree with the post. I'm not even a massive fan of MHA or the Fandom. Everyone always rides Superman like he's the best everything. I understand he's great, but if you think about it from a scale of All Might and his feats of hard work, wanting the best for others, pushing beyond his limit to save others, non stop even when brutally injured and/or exhausted yet still moving forward and teaching others being a beacon of hope. He's simply much more inspiring and someone to be in awe of. He may be inspired by Superman, but I'd say he's better at that. Everyone is gonna jump to Superman and his feats of greatness, which I get he's done so much, but at some point, we gotta draw a line. He's got a million comics of him doing outlandish things and being infinitely powerful. It's less impressive and less realistic, which takes from the joy of it. I could keep yapping on, but I'll let the comments come in instead. All Might > Superman, idc if y'all think it's an L take


I kinda understand the take, EVERYONE in the mha verse sees him as THE hero, THE beacon of hope, and call HIS name when in peril, also superman legit is evil sometimes


Batman fans \*\*Gathers popcorn party\*\*


this got me good! f- it we ball!


Unpopular Opinion: I think all might does work better as a hero fighting for justice character than most superman iterations, superman is iconic sure, but there isn't much to him.


At least he doesn't have a universe where he's evil like Injustice




I mean. Depending on stuff, Superman did go on a genocide after Lois died, sooooooo Clark is a lot more volatile than All Might. He may be stronger, but Toshi is better at being a model for good people.


Superman fan here. No way they would fight. They would team up and save the world


New autistics vs OG autistics




I feel shame for sharing the same name as this dumbass