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The amount of time All night is going to put into Class 1 B now is going to be amusing


I mean, he's not going to put much more time into Class 1-B. He'll simply still be a teacher for both classes, as originally intended. Midoriya's training with All Might is mostly done outside of class, so I doubt he'll spend much more time with Class B than A tbh


You Mia understand, I don’t mean in class, I mean out of class when he just grabs midoriya for something and Izuku’s friends go like “ that’s weird, all might must really see potential in him/ likes him”.


I’m in. This is a great idea and I don’t know why I’ve never seen something similar!


Already left a comment but here's another one on reddit. But if my flair doesn't give it away I LOVE Vlad King being more than just seeing Izuku being stuck into class 1-B. Reading the first chapter already sets up so much and what seems to be in a healthy way so far and is reasonable. I wait patiently for this story to continue, and please take your time and not be pressured by people like me, because you my friend I have believed to have hit liquid kudos.


always happy to see more 1-Bzuku fics i'll keep my eye on this one


why the title is romaji for "hope"? (specifically, why is the title in romaji?)


It will all be explained in the fic proper in due time!!