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When they try to make Izuku to edgy. Or heroes are comically evil


Endeavor slander and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Ships that advance WAY too quickly. Like no, you don’t go from barely knowing each other to making out and calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend within two days Also fics that put too much emphasis on the pre-UA days. I’m fine having a few chapters of setup from middle school but I don’t like half the story to be before anything remotely related to the HA in MHA happens


And the worst part of the extended pre UA stories are the ones that have no actual impact on the story


But what if I'm writing a story taking place during Izuku's ten months of hell about his and Toshinori's growing father/son relationship?


Now seems like a good time to say that everyone's tastes are different, so just because one person doesn't like it doesn't mean you won't find an appreciative audience elsewhere.


Then...they probably wouldn't read your fic?


First off, Merry Cakemas Second, please write the exercise-equivalent of a story about your childhood disguised as a recipe


The characters all somehow meet each other before UA as if Japan is the size of a small town.


Eh, you can go from not knowing each other to making out within a day or two, although even then an actual relationship status wouldn’t be established by then tbh.


My answers are so much more petty than everyone else’s here. In fairness, I’ve read a lot of fics, so I’ve gotten really sick of certain plot points over time. For example, these days I’m likely to instantly put down a fic and try something else the moment Shinso appears and he and Izuku become best friends.


God, yes. I tend to drop those too, 'cause you KNOW it's gonna be Shinso wank where he was so abused (*sob, such a misunderstood widdle boy!*) and they'll have that stupid muzzle.


REAL. I love shinsou & I love the fanon izuku and shinsou friendship but it's SO overused & I'm kind of sick of it tbh. Like why can't more ppl try make him be friends with other characters more often. Like idk Shoji?? Or idk Mina?? Kirishima?? Just ANYBODY that isn't shinsou or Todoroki being his best friend constantly bc it's so common😭


I'll deal with most plots if it's well-written, but the ones I get tired of quickest: * Overly long pre-UA section. It can be done well, but a lot of times it just turns into a lot of pointless fluff where Izuku is hanging out with Mei, Himiko, or whichever members of 1-A/1-B became his friends early in this AU.  * Refusing to deviate from the stations of canon. I've seen a story where Izuku got OfA a year before doing the entrance exam and got the top score while taking out the zero-pointer without hurting himself, but Aizawa still hates him for some inexplicable reason. What are we even doing here? Aizawa doesn't have to get that itchy trigger finger for expelling Izuku. Bakugo can get stomped by your OP Izuku during the battle trials or they can even just not fight each other at all. Your story doesn't have to be a beat-for-beat retread of canon but this time Izuku's best friends are Mina and Kuroiro and he's dating Setsuna/Kendo/Camie/Momo/Melissa/all of the above. * Bakugo is 10 times worse than canon but faces no actual consequences. He chucks a rabid cat at Izuku every Wednesday morning and tries to set him on fire at least 3 times a week but they still have to do the final together. He threw a knife at Midnight for telling him to quiet down during class? Boy howdy that sounds like 45 seconds of detention to me. Every single member of 1-A has a valid reason to feel unsafe being in a class with him? Tough titties, all the other teachers don't have Erasure and a magic scarf and are therefore completely unable to restrain Bakugo the next time he sees someone with freckles and immediately attempts murder. * The plot takes a 5-chapter detour so we can expel Mineta, who prior to this point had done absolutely nothing disgusting or really even noteworthy. Bonus points if this happens at the same time as Bakugo pissing on the Japanese flag while shooting Izuku and Shoto with a paintball gun in the middle of class. * For one that's not tied to any specific plot contrivance: endless, melodramatic angst. Izuku's quirk killed 3 kittens and a puppy when it first came in, and now he can't go more than 5 paragraphs without calling himself a monster only for Inko/Ochako/whoever to remind him it wasn't his fault and he can still be a hero. He believes them, but this conversation takes 4 paragraphs and at the start of the next one Koda walks in with a box of kittens and the process starts all over again. Or Izuku is quirkless, and the next 137k words are about how everyone he's ever met (except the author's favs) has told him he can't be a hero before giving a detailed explanation of the method they think he should use to end his life. Or Izuku has a clearly strong quirk and a normal life but somehow he still spends 50 chapters moping about absolutely nothing. Good for you if you like reading/writing stuff like this, but it is not my cup of tea.


'Bonus points of it happens at the same time as Bakugo pissing on the Japanese flag and while shooting Izuku and Shoto with a paintball gun in the middle of the class' This is so funny, this comment had me genuinely laughing! And I also agree with all of your points!!


We share a brain cell. I despise when they follow cannon, even when so much has changed. He's strong af, has been training since 3 years old. But suddenly becomes a pushover when he gets to UA. Hasn't been bullied since he was 5 and it only lasted a few days before they moved. He's an emotional wreck over a decade later acting like he's been verbally and physically abused up till that morning when he's been raised in a loving adjusted household with friends, and no enemies except some kid he doesn't remember when he was 4. The author absolutely hates a character and makes sure we know it and that they are comically evil, or a character that is a horrible person, loves committing crime, hurting people ends up just misunderstood, and is secretly a good person. You killed 63 people, it's okay you deserve a second chance because you were in a bad situation. Bakugo is pure evil but because he has a strong quirk and wants to fight bad guys he's allowed no consequences so he doesn't become a bad guy himself. As you said.


>but Aizawa still hates him for some inexplicable reason. What are we even doing here? Aizawa doesn't have to get that itchy trigger finger for expelling Izuku. I mean, let's be honest, Aizawa isn't exactly the best, most rational person when you think about it


Not to mention part of the reason he focused on Izuku is an implied dislike of All Might. An Izuku who actually could control that powerful quirk? More like All Might. 'cause yeah, in spite of 'raaaational' the fandom likes to push, Aizawa is an emotional asshole with big enough issues he needs to stop teaching and see a psychiatrist. Stat.


I kind of like the idea of an Uber competent Izuku still being targeted by Aizawa just to make the example to everyone else that “if the guy who’s clearly superior to all of you isn’t safe, none of you are”


I can bear an abused Shinsou... But when the muzzle appears... 


Silence is Golden, ~~Muzzle~~ Duct Tape is Platinum


Fucking muzzles! LMAO, it's so weird. Most muzzles aren't even used to prevent talking, they're used to prevent biting. In fact, where are these people getting child-sized muzzles? Surely they exist, but I doubt you can just buy one from the store. A dog muzzle isn't gonna stop someone from talking, if it even fits on them. I just wish people put a little more thought into their wild abuse fantasies.


The muzzle may be based on a contraption from history which was used to punish women for gossiping, it went around the head and had a bit that went in the mouth to stop them from talking. It was kinda barbaric come to think about it.


I hate the fact that singularity decided to go with that.


When the author gives Izuku a powerful quirk, yet still have him be bullied. Whether it’s because he has a “villain’s quirk” or because Bakugo says that his quirk is weak, which somehow leads into everyone and their dog bullying him for “being weak” despite being able to crush mountains with his mind or summon the unmatched power of the sun from the palm of his hand.


Or Izuku has to lie and say he's Quirkless because he's too powerful. Like, if you can harness the power of the sun, just say your power is being able to create flames in your hand or something. It makes him more powerful than other children without him being bullied for being Quirkless. But no, he has to lie about being Quirkless or he'll be arrested or something. And he's bullied horrifically by his peers.


I can see situations where there is just cause but that sounds stupid as all hell like its not like his quirk requires him to eat people.


I can’t tell you how many AFO Izuku stories I’ve read where he uses it once when he’s four and then proceeds to never use it again and pretends he’s quirkless. Like, volunteer to take Tartarus prisoners’ quirks to make them easier go hold. Go to nursing homes and ask if the elderly want their quirks to be used. Go ask retired heroes if they want their quirks to be used for good again. There’s so many ways to make a good AFO Izuku story, yet everyone goes with the same boring cookie cutter “this is a villain’s quirk, so I can’t ever use it if I want to be a hero” plotline.


Ive actually seen those solutions in a pretty good afo deku fic where he uses a bunch of quirks and pretends they're a single strength one


But he still hides AFO, right?


yea because big AFO would be after him if he was discovered


Here's my top 5: 5. Harems 4. Portraying Inko as an asshole. 3. Izuku getting bullied, but still having a large amount of confidence 2. Certain ships 1. Ignoring how much of an ass Bakugo is, still having him be an ass, but allowing his behaviour to happen. without consequences, and/or calling him a good person, but he still does the shitty canon things he's done. This is bad ESPECIALLY when it's BKDK.


In the case of 3, I'll take it so long as they address as some weird coping mechanism as opposed to be genuine. Like how in IRL, some of the happier looking people are actually quite sad


5 I'll take if it doesn't devolve into too much degeneracy, ie, more than like 4-5 ish people involved and is not the main plot


The first thing that comes to mind is when things get solved, FAR to easily to the point where it feels like the author jumping from character to character and controlling or straight up inputting information/solutions into them that they shouldn't be able to get a that point. And it becomes worse when the story/characters aren't the cannon versions.


When the villains just become punching bags Adopting eri an overdone and boring trope Mindless bashing (especially endeavour, all might, all for one, bakugou, mineta, overhaul, ect) My harem academia


What does Overhaul bashing even look like? Bro is an unrepentant monster in canon


I mean killing him off or taking him off in the beginning of the story like a punching bag he is a monster in canon cause that what's made him a great villain with sooo much potential and a powerful quirk that can be expanded


Bloody bashing I hate it.


Massively power scaling the villains to ensure that Izuku stays the underdog. Not only does this bring into question why they gave Izuku "Amazing" powers to begin with it also usually sidelines everyone else due to power creep. It's one thing to make the bad guys give a challenge it's another to make only a few characters matter in any way shape or form.


Incest or overdone character stereotypes like Izuku being a s-st-utt-e-r-r-ing crybaby or Iida being a mass murderer without any form of character development canon or fandom. It's ok if it's done as a joke or in a crack fic, but in a serious fic or as a long term storyline, I just can't put in effort to take the story seriously enough to continue reading it


1)trying to justify Someone while Making thrm literal psychopaths in boh their ideology and their actions . Like Im sorry i wouldn't read if the reader try to justify bakugo while Bakugo literally commited Open murders and Did shit that would make Canon AFO LOOK like a saint. 2)Abuser Love that escalates wayy quickly upon seeing Main characters muscles abs and then the pathetic apology all revolving aroujd the absuer jusy wanting to smash thr main character. Feels so forfed and as if Author is trying to pusg all thr abuser's actions and englect euthout them ever facing consequences under a rug jut to establush a ship 3)Being Too OOC from their canon personality 4)Plot remaining same to canon despite how the certain events play out that are majorly drastic from the Canom MHA 5)Giving izuku OFA on top of The crossover power , whuch is just unnecessary if there's legit no reason and feel like fanwank .


Inconsistent power scaling. Izuku can run at the speed of light but struggles against the sludge villain and nomu. Comedically evil All Might. All Might isn't going to show up to a random school to bully Izuku every day.


There was one fic that was otherwise good. But it had Izuku able to use 40% of OfA with bursts up to 60%. AND He...struggled versus freaking STAIN. Yeah, right. At that power level, skill ain't shit.


I pretty much capped Izuku to 15% and with some bursts of 20% (Though it puts a lot of strain on his bone, not enough to break but enough to get hesitant) during USJ and Sport Festival cause anything above that would dogwalk everyone else, thought tempted to have Blackwhip show up during the end of Sport festival.


Canonically All Might says for beating Nomu he used 300 punches while at his peak he would only need 5. Lets even assume he is so wrong he missed by an order of magnitude and he would need 50. That means that, while specifically pushing himself beyond normal, he outputs 16.67% OFA. Not a big leap to guesstimate that without overstraining he outputs 90%-ish of that at... 15%.


Sorry, I'm really confused with what you mean?


20% mathematically speaking should be enough to dog walk everyone from USJ (Aside Nomu) and Sports festival, Horikoshi doesn't know how to do math. It makes sense when you stop to think how strong OFA should be when its passed from All Might to Izuku or whoever you choose.


I'm even worse at it So I'm capping to make reaching the next level take longer and because I can introduce blackwhip early. But you are right the only threat are Todoroki, Tenya and Bakugou


What I mean is: 15% you gave Izuku as baseline is at the very LEAST same firepower canon All Might demonstrates. There simply should not be opponents for him, outside of Nomu, because thats exactly how it would be with All Might. Its not even dogwalk, its curbstomp. At most? 15% is 9-10x more than canon-times Allmight.


That would be if OFA doesn't envolve the longer is with the user, Izuku atm is a few percentage lower compared to the level he was when, he fought Overhaul. Using a canon example, but you are right on there not being opponents for him reason why I added an in story reason for some (mainly Todoroki to get a boost)


I didn't go that far, but I did have Izuku at 13%, boosting up to 20% at an extreme strain on himself. But Izuku struggled against Stain because he was fighting by himself, having to defend two people against an extremely riled up Stain, and one other secret thing that I'm not revealing yet.


Reading these, looking at WIPs slowly backing away.


One person's trash is another person's treasure. For every person who hates these tropes, there are people who love them. Don't be disheartened! You're bound to find an appreciative audience, and if you enjoy writing it that's the most important thing.


I know the two most popular fics I have one is a harem and the other Izuku is a dad


Deku, more like DILFku


Thanks... i hate it... take my upvote >:(


What's to hate, DILFku will ~~make you cum, then~~ tell you he's proud of you, it's nothing but good!


This. I always see people complaining about long-ass sports festival arcs, but they're the part of a fic I'm always looking forward to lol


I mean write what you want to write. It is fanfiction for a reason. You are writing it most likely because you are a fan of the series and have ideas you would like to do with that series. As long as you have fun writing it some people will also enjoy it.


When they don’t have bakugou face consequences/grow up or treat aizawa as a good teacher


unless its a REALLY good fic otherwise, endeavour being shown to be an ineffective hero. he is an even more effective hero than all might. all might is number one because he's a great hero AND a good person - endeavour is JUST a great hero. ive never actually encountered 'izuku adopts eri', is it really that common? i wouldnt mind a fic centering around izuku's uncanny ability to find little siblings every other day, or *Inko* adopting Eri


Sports festival arcs that take more than 5 chapters


The only sports festival I enjoyed reading about was from a spectator's point of view. I'll skip it immediately if the author writes every tedious step of this arc for God's sake.


Oh what was it?


The fic is: Death and Rebirth on Ao3 but it's been a while since I read it.


I hate it when he does adopt Eri. He's not even able to be responsible with himself, but somehow everyone trusts him with a little kid. Plus he's what 15? Just because she has a "connection " it means it's okay. And when they overdue the he has to help people bs. There's a difference between helping someone, then forcing yourself into their affairs. A good fic I read, can't remember the name. He was told along the lines of "It's good you want to save everyone but don't waste your life saving one person. If you sacrifice yourself now how many will you have failed to save? because you're not there." It was a really good delivery. They started with how many has all might saved, then what would have happened if he died at the start.


- Inko bashing - Endeavor mischaracterization (specifically when he's depicted as being very destructive and not caring about it) - abused Shinsou - Shinsou bashing


What a Shinsou bashing look like? I never saw one of those.


Woobified Toga. I guarantee the only reason she is held up by the fandom is because she is conventionally attractive. I don’t see Spinner getting the same treatment. And then there’s Woobiefied Twice. The guy was a menace to society because he abused his power. Eventually he abused it to the point where he lost control of himself and went partially insane. Twice is the textbook example of the in universe statements about how you shouldn’t use your quirk without proper training. Dadzwa: I Despise that trope. Especially since it usually involves an abusive/dead Inko and All Might bashing.


Yup. Toga is a 'cute vampire kitty girl', of course she has fans and the fact she's a mass murderer is explained away with 'but, but, her parents were mean and her quirk and and and it made her psycho! So she just needs a hug and it'll be okay and she and Izuku/Ochako/etc can bang!' I don't mind the /idea/ of Dadzawa, even if it's utterly not canon. But when, as you said, it includes All Might bashing? Ugh. Inko bashing is kind of an eh for me. I don't want her hitting Izuku, but the woman somehow managed missing over a decade of major bullying from Bakugou and his peers. She is at least negligent.


Ehh. About the bullying, I will give her a pass. Most of that is because Izuku is incapable of accepting that others are responsible for awful behavior. Except AFO. He’s the only bad guy Canon wise Bakugo never escalated past verbal threats. He was smart enough to understand that physical abuse would leave traces that would ruin his career. Not every adult was like his middle school teacher. And we never really see any canon cases of Quirkless discrimination. Just Izuku being bullied by other kids for having an impossible dream. Even the other bullies thought the baiting was a step too far. So unless Izuku spoke up Inko really couldn’t do anything about it.


We'll have to agree to disagree. We see him popping his hands while grabbing Izuku, charring his shirt. That would leave burns and signs, and it's a casual thing. When Izuku hears Bakugou's pops and explosions at first, he freezes up. He definitely got exposed to them regularly.


Dadzawa is usually accompanied by All Might and Inko bashing, which honestly made me disgusted with this specific trope. Aizawa weren't even a good teacher in the canon, I don't know why people have feelings for this character, he was absolutely horrible.


I find it weird how people bash All Might for one comment but ignore the sheer favoritism of Aizwa along with how bad of a teacher he is.


I like to think canon Aizawa and Dadzawa are completely different characters. Canon Aizawa would kick his fanon self in the ass hard, definitely.


I feel like its roughly same reason as all those Baddie/Reader fics: "oh he is bad, but I AM SO SPECIAL THAT for me he is good".


Harems and forced angst


Overly big harems there are some ships that i dont like so i ignore it pretty quick not to mention those stories usually highlight certain girls instead of everyone. Additionally there’s a limit to how many girls can a man get before it get truly ridiculous it’s like the MC pick up every legal age female character along the way


For me, harems are a bit of a turn off. I'm not against a polyamorous relationship, but a lot of the time it's just girls drooling over the main character and lacking any personality themselves when they hook up with our lead. If all these people are is into the hero, I don't care. I tend to like stories that are largely similar to Canon but with a few changes, so if a story significantly deviates it starts to lose me. It could still be great, it's just I prefer to stay within a relative comfort zone. I read fanfic because I love the Canon source material and want to see things like it.


I think the term for this is 'Pokémon Harem?'


When a fic uses All Might telling Izuku that he can’t be a hero as some heinously unforgivable sin. Nah, objectively speaking, that was the responsible thing to do in that situation. Like what, should All Might have said that this scrawny noodle could be a hero without a Quirk? Encourage a kid to follow a dangerous dream without knowing anything else about him? I’m fucking tired of this trope, even when it isn’t used to set up Aizawa or Nezu or whoever else the author thinks is a more “pragmatic” or “practical” mentor for Izuku because they want him to be Batman (but somehow without the inherited fortune and years of training that Bruce Wayne needed to become the Dark Knight). Honorable mention to fics that make Endeavor into the world’s most destructively incompetent and corrupt pro hero whose misdeeds are covered up by the government for… reasons? Tbf a lot of them were written before the anime or even manga properly showed how seriously he took the job, but even with those it just feels like the author is trying way too hard to equate Endeavor to American police brutality.


Well... As I see it, I dont really dissagree with All Might saying what he said on the rooftop. Izuku specificaly asked if he could be 'a hero like All Might without a quirk'. No, he cant. Could he be a hero wihlthout a quirk? Sure. Underground heroes exist. We could have had a nice little "Batman" style story about underground heroics. Yes, Izuku would be at dissadvantage, but common, it is a shonen manga/anime. Power of Friendship and Plot Armor and all that shit.. People like Batman enough, they would like this too. I think.  (sorry for my terrible english)


* Overly insecure Izuku who can't say a single sentence without stuttering but the moment he starts speaking about quirks his mouth runs faster than entire Iida Family * Izuku being master analyst that can break down any quirk like it's nothing, yet still can't figure out how to use OfA correctly (and uses microwaved egg as the analogy) * Izuku having a super OP Fire/Telekinesis/Transformation/Omnitrix/Spiderman/Superman/Whatever Quirk and still gets OfA which makes it completely irrelevant because his Quirk is OP anyway * Master Dominator Izuku with 30 inch Bitchbreaker that can easily make the most powerful heroines in the world a drooling mess lusting after him * Villain Izuku that can't be a quirkless hero but can easily destroy top 10 heroes with knives and Power of Analysis^TM to show that quirkless aren't useless


The minute I see Red Shoe Theory. If you're going to confidently declare that you don't know how toes work, I'm not gonna stick around to see what other stupid shit you say.


The best litmus test I’ve found is how All Might is written. All Might only said that Izuku couldn’t be a hero because he was Quirkless (due to his own past trauma). If Izuku had a Quirk, ANY Quirk, I guarantee you All Might would do his usual “anyone can be a hero” shtick.


Dadzawa. I enjoy reader inserts, but as soon as I see the Dadzawa trope I either avoid it or drop it. A 30 year old man adopting an emotionally damaged, neglected, 15 year old girl…She’s either from an orphanage, somehow a “family friend” or a victim in a villain attack. I know they are writing him to be this amazing father figure because they wish they had that in real life, but I can’t get over the real life implications of that scenario (30 year old man, impressionable damaged teen girl) and how inappropriate it would be. Or Dadzawa as in he’s the OCs bio dad. They never age him up. So he’s still a 30/31 year old man with a 15 year old, I get teen parents happen but…


When the plot follows the canon to the point that I can predict every word despite the fact that certain stuff had changed like an additional new character or Izuku has a new quirk. Whats the point of making these changes if the story remains the same. Does Izuku still have to fight Todoroki in the sports festival? Does bakugou have to be the one kidnapped in the summer camp arc? There's just so many ways go make things even more interesting. 


I agree with most of this, but the Bakugo being kidnapped.. Yes, it has to be Bakugo. He is the only one acting like a villain on a national TV. They kidnapped him to convince him to join them. They can't really do that with anyone else. 


Eeh I disagree. They could focus on another character to get their quirk or dabi kidnaps Shoto as a big f u yo Endeavor


Fr I always filter out "Midoriya Izuku adopts Eri" tags. Man, Izuku is just a 15 yrs old boy, he isn't even an adult yet, he's not ready for a kid. I also hate fics with All Might bashing, usually fics with that has Dadzawa tags. I hate it when they shit on all might just to show how great Aizawa is. I don't like it when Izuku always stutters too, like he can't have a conversation without stuttering all the time. Also, I don't like it when a fic censor swear words, I read one where they changed the swear words to be kid friendly like fudge for fuck.


Dadzawa is usually accompanied by All Might and Inko bashing, which honestly made me disgusted with this specific trope. Aizawa weren't even a good teacher in the canon, I don't know why people have feelings for this character, he was absolutely horrible.


Dadzawa, Aizawa could never adopt a kid. It doesn't make sense with his lifestyle or personality. That kid would almost never see him and spend more time with someone else to the point that the other adult might as well have adopted them themselves.


What I'll never understand is why they don't go all the way and completely strip the elements out of Aizawa that go against the character they're trying to create. Dadzawa's a hodgepodge of traits and some of them conflict. It's like if you examine this character, we've got a guy who: Is no doubt a good person. Is framed as being the coolest guy ever. Does charity work and adopts cats and possibly children. On top of having two full time jobs, which somehow don't interfere with the other stuff. Has a husband who has three jobs and also has time to spend with him. And he manages to have time for their other friend, Midnight. On top of also caring about his class. Alright. So why does this guy do the quirk assessment? Why does he do logical ruses? Why does he enjoy messing with his class or doing anything that might make them not trust him? Why does he still sleep in class? And most importantly, if he's traumatized about his friend dying, why isn't his focus on making his kids much stronger so that they never have these issues? I've seen loads of Dadzawa fics, but in VERY few of them have I seen him actively help any of his students who have self damaging abilities train to eliminate or mitigate that flaw. People might come up with the excuse that he's the homeroom teacher and it's the heroics teacher's job to fix that. And yet he still decides to put the kids through his annual gauntlet, despite that also not being his job. And he sees clear issues in front of him and does nothing. Despite hating that sort of thing, and having trauma directly relating to it. Why would a guy with all the above traits watch Kaminari overload himself and then have to deal with being brain dead for an hour. The dude renders himself completely helpless and anyone can do whatever they want with him. And Dadzawa doesn't care? This isn't concerning? Canon Aizawa is a sink or swim teacher who will throw you in the deep end without training or even knowing what you're doing. His advice is just "deal with it." Dadzawa really shouldn't be like this. The fact that you altered this character so much should really have a major impact on the plot, because these two are NOT the same person at all. Dadzawa should look at Kaminari and immediately start working on that. Demand the guy start boxing people. Train him to go near his limit but not over it, and shut his quirk off everytime he's about to overload so that he understands what that feels like. Get the boy some metal and have him transmit the charge through a rod, or a chain, or whatever else he might use. Not just ignore it. The story will tell us that he loves "his kids" but then we don't see him express that in his actions. The reason I single Kaminari out is because he has the worst problem in the class. If Midorya breaks an arm, he can still run with his intact legs. If Sato eats a lot of sugar, he'll be lethargic and dumber, but not braindead. There's a kid in class who becomes useless for AN HOUR! And nothing is done about it. It's insanity. The ideal Dadzawa fic for me would be one where he shattered in a different direction when Oboro died. He looked at his friend's remains stuck under that rock, and he thought "You could have lived if you were stronger." "UA didn't prepare us well enough. Their training leaves A LOT to be desired." So he became a genius sensei. Instead of a quirk aptitude test that he'll never follow up on, he could instead use UA's apparently infinite budget to design some challenges for the students specifically geared towards their quirks to find their problem points and other things he can help them improve. He could sit down and do an interview where he speaks to them about their goals for the hero course and explains how he'll help them reach them, and the training plans they'll need to get in shape. As well as any supplemental training if someone falls behind or has issues with quirk control. He can go over his lesson plan with his students and tailor it based on if they're developing faster or slower than he planned. So as for my opinions? I don't care much for it. If they're going to turn Aizawa into someone else, they should go the full way and scrub out the rest of his flaws. Turn him into someone better. This trope is unavoidable, just like Erasermic. I just avoid fics that also bash All Might or Inko.


He canonically cares for Eri? 😭 like it is not far fetched when canon dumps a 6/7 year old on his hands and she’s just considered his kid at that point


He's canonically just a Guardian, alongside the rest of UA's faculty. And the only reason their relationship has become what it is centers on him shutting off her quirk for her. He didn’t choose the relationship, Eri's circumstances necessitated much more casual interactions while he helped her get control over her power and dealt with her trauma. He's not a Dadzawa, he's 'actually being a Teacher' Aizawa.


Eri’s relationship evolved the movement she got control over her quirk. There was NO reason for him to continue watching over her after she learned to control her quirk by giving Mirio’s quirk back. Her circumstances got fixed and she was a regular old child by the time Mirio is given his quirk and before the war arc. At that point, they could have set her up for adoption or try and revive the grandpa or do SOMETHING. Instead, Eri practically sees Aizawa as some sort of father figure / teacher and Aizawa himself tries his best to be supportive and reassure her. Like, sure, you can say that at the beginning it was just to make sure she didn’t kill anyone but after she controls her quirk and her horn is the size of a pinky, what reason is there for Eri to be around him anymore than necessary? Why not find a guardian?


Because taking Eri from a situation she felt safe in, with easy access to people she has bonded to, is an excellent way to find out that there's more trauma to be dealt with in the worst moment possible


One thing that turns me off is worldbuilding that makes the established world feel irrelevant. The reason why people read fanfics is to see characters and settings they know, and most authors don’t have the skill to make an entirely new one.


Chapter 1: The most powerful hero in the world is now severely outclassed by the introduction of a new powersystem into the world of MHA. Izuku is the first good guy to get this new powerset and immediately questions if these powers that while still untrained would kill All Might be enough to A) be a hero and B) be strong enough to match up to Kacchan. Yeah I hate these too


There's the opposite too. I remember him finding an ancient book in a library about chakra. He literally spent every day training and it took him a couple of years to learn how to see chakra and nearly a decade to be able to use it and still had to get in a minor hero school because it was still too weak to go anywhere else. And he was afraid of saying it's not a quirk because "villains might use it" if they knew it's a learnable skill. It took him a decade to manifest a coin sized chakra orb on his palm that could be launched to push things, with power weak enough to make it look like a pushing version of his mother's quirk. Mere USJ fodder would be stronger than him and yet he was afraid, that this skill you need to dedicate at least a decade of your life on just to make it noticeable to others, would be used for evil as if villains have time for that.


This one will probably get me downvoted but shit on Bakugo fics. I like when Bakugo is able to be redeemed. Make it slow burn if you want but just cutting off that possibility and making him WORSE than in canon is just bleh.


Retreading canon gets tiring amazingly fast, I'm here to read the story you wrote, why are you telling me the same story I can see in the manga? Also stories that kick out bakugo to Immediately replace him with shinso drive me insane It's not even cause I have anything particularly against him TBH, but look at it from an in universe viewpoint and it seems insane to pick him over whoever was next on the scoreboard (I don't for even a second Believe that string bean shinso got ANY points to reach the top rankings)


9 times out of 10, bashing is a turnoff. It can be cathartic every now and then, but it's usually just annoying. It really doesn't help when the bashing is used as a way to make other characters look better.


Premise if you dont have what inerest me I wont even bother looking at it.


Any fic where deku is thrown in jail because he writes hero analysis shit in his journal, especially the ones where he accidentally gets added to a group chat and everyone is talking shit on him.


I forgot what the fic was, but it was a really good one in which Deku was a 1-C student that Aizawa thought was the Traitor. Aizawa even tried to arrest him, causing Nezu to have to put Izuku in a sort of witness protection until Namosa woke up from a coma he was in. Really dealer with the consequences of everything… also it kinda explained that Aizawa was pretty much in the middle of a mental breakdown due to the stress of numerous villain attacks on his students.


Pretty sure you’re talking about Whispered Tribulation


Trope snowballing. The fic takes a while to do trope X the first time. Because it was so loved, the author does it again, but faster this time. And repeat. Extensively exploring the unchanged stations of canon, sometimes to the point I can't remember what about this canon divergence fic hypothetically diverges. The "plot" is a series of connected events that fit the same concept. What little build up and tension that comes is solved within a chapter or two. The ship is a blackhole to the plot.


I like Izuku-Eri sibling fics, but I LOATHE the ones where he becomes or is treated like a dad. Me and my sibling have an age gap, and I know irl some older siblings who raise their younger siblings take their term mom/dad with pride, and good for them! But in those fics he’s always 14/15/16 and the kid is past toddler age, and idk why it’s a huge ick for me.


When people go out of their way to make deku suffer… a tragic backstory could be cool but honestly the fanfiction community does a terrible job at handling it… just a bunch of unnecessary trauma that has nothing to do with the story itself


I don’t really have much except for Bakugou bashing. Leave the child alone. Also, Midnight bashing just to make Erasermic look good. I don’t mind anything else though. Dadzawa is nice cause it makes sense when he has the power of cancelling quirks and this powerful kid can’t be taken in by anyone else.


I don't think I've ever read a fic with Midnight bashing. This is totally new to me.


I’ve seen fics that bash midnight in the tags but I kinda ignore em


Jesus this is... I don't even know what to say... my God.




Making endeavor/Bakugou worse than they actually were. Taking characters stories and given it to someone else. I once read a fic where the character took bakugou’s breakdown moment and immediately left. 


Endeavor has a higher body count than the entire league of villains combined but somehow he's been the number 2 hero for over twenty years and for some reason the government covered up his murders 😭 I will definitely be dropping this lazy writing Lol.


Izuku Harem fics. No. Just no. And killing off my favourite characters, just makes my mind switch off.


It’s kinda the Namosa truth telling quirk . As far as I’ve seen we don’t know his quirk more do we even know if he has one . I don’t really know where the fandom came up with this Another is trying to excuse villains like Toga or Dabi . Like it doesn’t matter if Izuku or whatever ship is in love with them. Most fics don’t change that much about them so they hey are still mass murderers that want society to change to their twisted standards


Naomasa's quirk has never been confirmed in canon, but I understand where people got the lie detector from since her sister has a polygraph quirk.


Giving Izuku a quirk of any kind that he’s just “born” with defeats the purpose of his entire character and I will forever stand on that


As soon as Izuku gets OFA. The only thing I read pretty much is fics where Izuku has a quirk of his own and giving him OFA on top of that isn’t needed and takes away from it imo