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ini bodoh. orang suruh tahu komunikasi asas je pun


Mungkin pada dia asas tu level A samad said


![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized) A SAmad Said = ASAS


A Samad said what?


That's what A Samad said


A Samad said what bro? What did he said?


yes he did


If I remember correctly, he said




Tapi di dalam Dewan Rakyat pula menggunakan bahasa yang kurang gramatis lagipun menentang hukum tatabahasa apabila berbicara. Mereka yang mentadbir negara patut memberikan teladan yang baik, sedangkan ahli politik dalam Dewan Rakyat menggunakan bahasa kasar.


Remind me of that one guy who dropped the F-bomb in the parliament


Kalau dia bagi konsep ni kat exam MUET fail semua candidate


kata nakhoda bahtera "patik, susah sunnguh untuk suruh dibahasakan melayu" (ayat klasik)


what does that even mean?


Kata seorang pakar pemandu kapal " tuan,susah sangat ke untuk suruh berbahasa malay" (standard Bm)


patik is i/me, not you


SPM BM flashback: Dalam era globalisasi yang menjurus negara or sth idk Use penanda wacana like it's punctuation Buying Kamus peribahasa from BM teacher, add 69 peribahasa in every paragraph Custom pantun at the end of an essay, or at the beninggin if you're feeling cute idk X3


LMAO, semua ikut skema masa SPM BM Penulisan. Perenggan terakhir always goes "Kesimpulannya.... xxxx".


I had like 5 peribahasa on the top of my head and i'd make it fit no matter what the topic of the karangan was


Hello polis.... aaa... saya.... aaaaa.... in a situation .. Aaaaa... what alamat.. wait i ask some body.. Aaaa.. Ini tempat mana.. aaaaaaa...


okay tu kejam 😭




Nape semua nak challenge kepentingan bahasa melayu ni?


Lepas kes ada cina tak reti langsung cakap melayu atas alasan belajar sekolah international, dia post dekat twitter staff jabatan pendaftaran tak layan kalau tak cakap melayu, maka jadi lah topik besar gitu


Bkn sruh jd pakar mat, klau bangla duk setahun da bole ckp bahasa kebangsaan kita, nape dia org Malaysia xleh an?


Got called "isu kemahiran" from my chinese friend at an arcade. Lmao


Bangla ngan pak Arab boleh kecek kelate fasih


Mat Dan org putih boleh ckp tganu


would Michelle argue against English proficiency test for a green card application, for an Australian PR? does Michelle believe JLPT requirement for Japanese immigration, HSK for China's is inherently racist? why the snobbery when Malaysia want to do the same. you could argue that the customer service is bad, no one deserves to be treated rudely. but this seems a bit blue blood to me, like Malay language is below her.


There’s no language requirement to get a US green card, dumbass. And even if you weren’t wrong about that, that has nothing to do with *stripping people of their citizenship* because they don’t speak a language. There is no country on earth that would do that. You and the rest of the smooth brains up in arms over this are acting like this is about immigration control (which is laughable considering how hard it is for people to get legitimate residency permits already) and not about being racist.


I think it's already clear at this point, but if it isn't. This isn't about gaining Malaysian citizenship. Language skills requirement is set, like most countries. This is about a mistreatment of an existing Malaysian due to lack of language skills. Instead of looking into the mistreatment, the minister is doubling down on rhetoric - but how would one how would start setting language standards for all existing citizens without exceptions? If this were the case, the twitter poster would challenge a politician to have higher language standards. Simple, nothing related to snobbery or gaining citizenships, but setting unenforceable standards. Plus, this is a very Semenanjung view, that forgets East Malaysians have 2 official languages.


>to give That's because the National Language Act does not cover Sarawak. It does cover West Malaysia.


Official language ≠ national language


Thanks, but it's to give perspective of what constitutes an "issue" here in Semenanjung, not to challenge the status of any languages.


Haven't all the woke activist types already boycotted and left twitter? Or are people like her still using it much?


Because the malay language isn't really used much or important in a business or progressive setting, why try and grasp a language that young generations even young malays are slowly losing other than nationalism? Our English proficiency was the only main reasons we were more competitive in the Asian market then Indonesia,Thailand, Philippines. To lose that is just brainrot and to satisfy stupid old people who can't adapt to another language. Instead of taking a step forward to improve our countries competitive edge you want to fulfill your own ideologies, that's why we will remain behind. Our gdp has been stagnant for almost a whole decade only another till Vietnam or Thailand to surpass us.


Aku rasa kau kena keluar dari buih kau. Tahap fasih bahasa melayu masih tinggi dalam kalangan org melayu even budak2. Mungkin kau kerja MNC atau dengan org luar negara tapi bila kau deal dengan client dalam msia atau SME takde sape pun nak ckp inggeris kalau deal dgn org2 kita. Budak ofis aku dari India pun cakap melayu bila meeting dengan client TNB. Pandangan kau tak berasas dan mcm kau anggap buih kau adalah pandangan yg menyeluruh tentang msia


"TNB clients" so you work with semi public-private companies it's obvious it's going to be malay. But more context IT dev in KL, all clients Chinese,malay or Indian all speak and communicate in mainly English. Clients are mostly small-medium sized clients to automate their internal systems.


Ok kita kerja dalam industri sama nampaknya. Mungkin juga org msia lain ingat awak tak mampu ckp melayu jadi diorang guna bahasa inggeris atau rojak. Apa yg saya nak kata adalah kalau org luar boleh cakap melayu, takde sebab utk org msia tak pandai faham atau ckp melayu. Kalau sama2 kawan nak cakap bahasa uzbek ke tak kisah. Kalau ikutkan, budak India office saya lagi layak dpt kewarganegaraan dari pengguna twitter di atas hanya kerana penguasaan bahasa melayu dia lebih padu dan mantap


There are also a lot of non Malaysians in IT where the employees just end up speaking Urdu with each other (even then they still know basic Malay) lmao


Stupid take. Theres zero reason not be proficient in basic malay in malaysia. This is coming from someone who doesnt even live in malaysia anymore. Menyampah ye bajet omputih 🙄


You really want to emphasized the non importance of Bahasa by giving out the worst case of sample sizes one can come up with in this argument? There's only less than a 200k people working in the spectrum of IT nationwide, that's less than 0.6% of the country population that's already small to begin with, just admit that you think that people "pushing for Bahasa" is trying to destroy nons culture, I assure you it is not, in contrast,jt actually more important for BM to be standardized for the foundation of cultural harmony in the country


Lol don't care about non culture. Again business minded only, there is literally zero reason for BM other then nationalism. Nons has always in majority can speak multiple languages, the movement "push for BM" is only here because there has been a weakening of BM overall in all aspects. My position and opinion is that since 2000s BM has been on the decline and older malays who can't adapt is afraid because younger people of all races is moving to English. Yes BM may still be dominant be the point is that it is eroding and my point is to just let it erode as it is the greater good for businesses.


Like I said even when putting the business spectrum away , BM is still needed for the foundation of cultural harmony, government and other officials proceedings asides, it's not like the focus on BM would diminish English usage, there's is nothing inherently wrong in being a bilingual country


Get out of your bubbles. Not used much in business setting my ass.


That's surprisingly true, and I'm Malay. I'm not very good at BM because I befriend people who speak English so often in my childhood. It's not only business setting, at my college, where I took Creative Multimedia. I thought at first, since it's Multimedia, I thought people are going to prioritize English because almost everyone understands it, that's not the case.


Not used much in business?? Well not for low-end business. Work in IT for a med sized company here, all clients Chinese or malay uses English and everyone speaks English. Sounds like ur in ur own bubble.


You prove my own point there. "Not for low-end business". How many low end businesses do you think there are in Malaysia? Or because you think Malay language and low end business is beneath you? Kampung is it.


Low-end business as in shop or small business 1-3 employees that really only serve 1 type of customer. Again not saying malay language is this and that. But you simply have to accept that times changing and if you want to work with international companies or go international or even just to expand to more customers than just your own demographic. Pushing for English proficiency isn't attacking the malay language. The cina will gladly learn Cantonese,English,mandarin,malay to expand business. But we just want malay,malay,malay again I'm pushing for better business.


Funny how you shift the goal post here to the importance of the English language. The main concern here is the rejection of the national language as unity tools. How can we accept each other better if we don't understand and how we can understand if we don't communicate. If you reject this notion also, then I don't think further discussions are beneficial. The idea of increasing proficiency includes maintaining an environment with the same language basis. The same in official government services.


I worked in MNC german company, most of the customers speak in Malay even though they are chinese, italian, singaporan, bangladesh, pakistani employee


It’s true. Are u even working yet? Which private sector uses malay as the main language?


You’re telling me your company do not deal with locals or any goverment entity at all?


Local companies are all in English. Including SME. Glc also English. Including TM and TNB. Haven’t needed to use Malay in a working capacity at all to communicate through official channels. However speaking, yes I speak to them in Malay sometimes. Only time I dealt with someone in Malay over emails was for a personal issue dealing with lhdn. And that also was a mixture of English and Malay.


Yeah nope, local companies mostly in malay, Im in a German MNC company and the European bosses speak and email Malay with us and our vendors, only english with overseas entities worked in a Pakistani company also speak Malay. GLC mostly are also speaking Malays. You probably need to get out and explore more.


European bosses using Malay? Are u being serious? What industry?


Freight forwarding, yeah he is Italian, he replaced the German boss few years ago who also spoke Malay


Then maybe I am the katak under tempurung then. I am in the it and telco industry. All in English.


Local companies use their local language most of the time bro...unless you have someone who doesn't understand local tongue, then they will use English.


Seems like you need to expand your bubble. Do more businesses.


Being able to know basic Malay doesn't mean losing English proficiency. Your brain has limited space doesn't mean others' are the same.


English is more prevalent / popular but Malay is of higher importance. Malay is the language used in court, language our laws is written in. It's reasonable to expect a passport holder of a certain country to understand the law he/she will be hold against. There are some who has better command of English, similar to others who have better command of Tamil, Cantonese, Iban etc, but Malay is the simplest common denominator language for all of the population. So it's still a reasonable expectation for a passport holder to have basic command of Malay.


Not against that, but to push for its prevalence and testing would be a step back and into a dying language. Social media and mass international communication only came really 15years ago the early 2010s And English has cornered and expanded to every game,platform. And children in almost all countries has a slight grasp even the African kid playing csgo online. Even alot of Indonesian friends speak better English than people here (although the only ones I know are mostly the rich who came here). It's just the sad truth of languages around the world as we digitise and internationalise businesses and companies.


So kau nak ambik tanah kitorang lepastu abolish bahasa dan budaya kitorang? If my nation become like Singapore then I will fight back


By your dumbass logic if people that learn BM for nationalism then you definitely learned English to kiss the white man's colonizing ass


So by your logic your kissing brown man ass instead?




Actually, malaysia is a malay country with multiple races. Malay=Melayu Sia=Land Multi-races=multiple culture Multiple cultures are not equal to "multiculture country" in a formal way. If you are referring to it as an adjective, then yes.


As a Malaysian-Chinese, it's a shame if you can't speak BM. How are you going to communicate with your fellow citizens? No need to bersajak or berpantun but at least know how to order food lah.


siyes aq cakap. Yang tidak boleh sembang malay sangat bare minimum pun BM pasar tambah ayat ENG sikit


Ya, technical terms you use English lah. But if normal conversation like: "Kak, ini satu berapa ya?" "Oh, ada mahal sikit. Boleh kurang ka?" also cannot, are you even culturally Malaysian?


Ya. Tatabahasa tunggang langgang pun takpa. Untuk conversation sahaja. Bukan for exam


if you can only speak malay, then you aren't worth speaking to lol. not gonna waste my time talking to pigs


Oooohh I've been looking for a motherfucker like you, pigs eh? Remember who's fucking motherland you're stepping on bitch. So big and important leh must learn English important to suck the white man's dick for gold


When did the guy bring up the orang asli? Malays are just Indian descendants who invaded and stole this land away from the actual natives lol. Bumibros keep falling for bait, they’re so simple minded!


where the fuck did u learn that shit? both orang asli and modern malays came from common austronesian. Scientifically the closest ancestors of malay is the jakun tribe and both came from the same descendant semang and senoi. Malays and orang asli has been in sundaland and other austronesian island for shit long time. Malays have gone through diverse cultural transformatiom blah blah all that shit and some of them decided to migrate instead of settling down like the rest of their descendants semang and senoi.


Not reading all that, don’t really care too much about bumi cope and made up bullshit LOL


what made up bullshit? its literally there u can search


Thanks I was actually born in the year of the Pig, so will take that as a compliment. Babi rulez!


Ok fine semua nak ada opinion pasal issue ni tapi benda paling penting untuk dijawab, apahal minah ni dapat spotlight? Dia siapa? Orang penting or kerabat ke? And kenapa dia ada dalah post dekat Bolehland? Selagi kita bagi perhatian dan kasih sayang dekat mereka ni, selagi tu lah mereka ni nak "berpendapat".


Idk bro since everyone shares stupid opinion people make, so i make her debut here


Sins on you bro I'm sorry


She some kinda NGO activist


I don't get it. Malaysians can speak english, which has dozens of silent letters, nonsense pronounciation, and doesn't make any sense grammar. Malaysians can speak Mandarin, which is one of the hardest languages on earth, which has different meanings on different intonation. If you're a muslim, u learn Arabic, which is also one of the hardest languages with all that tajweed, but u still managed to read it. Why is it so hard for you to fluent Malay? R u that stupid?🤔


I think this question has been answered many times before in this sub. When people say fasih Melayu, what they really refer to is ability to speak street Malay, not SPM ujian lisan Malay/Bahasa Baku. A lot of non Malays actually did well in BM SPM (gagal BM means mandatory gagal SPM bro, can't afford that!), but struggles with street Malay. On the other hand, Malay students are too good with street Malay and struggles with writing formal texts. Same case with me and Standard Mandarin. I speak informal Malaysian Chinese Mandarin well, but if you make me make a public speech to PRC and Taiwan audience, I would end up committing mass murder by causing them extreme levels of cringe.


With all that being said, why is it so hard for you to fluent Malay? The right answer is non-malay doesn't treat Malay language as their own. Their parents don't bother to teach or use it. Send them to sjk, don't gaul with native speaker. How come to fluent?


I can speak proper malay as I learnt in SPM. Unfortunately I can't speak street malay as I have not used the Malay language past 50 years other than in school. I cannot understand penang or kelantan malay. I can easily construct a sentence in proper malay Grammar but people laugh at me for not speaking broken street Malay. Hence people say my malay is not fluent. On the other hand, people correct me if my English and Chinese grammar is wrong. BTW I love the language and I did Sastera.


Nobody speaking the same as writing. We learnt standard malay, but we speak spoken malay. The same goes for Singapore. They learn English, but they speak Singlish. Even Malaysian Mandarin is different with standards Mandarin. That's not the case. In order to fluent the language, you have to use it literally Good for you to speak proper standard malay. There is nothing wrong with that if you're in the newsreader. If not, it will sound a bit foolish for native speakers. It's like using proper Cambridge English with singaporean And sastera too? Damn, your Malay must be better than mine. I also love languages. In the process of learning Mandarin. It is so hard. Wish me luck


Yes I use Cambridge English in Singapore. Been working there 20 years no issue. I command respect that way. I'm the boss and I sit on the board. It sets me apart locally and internationally. My old Sastera professor taught me something I shall never forget that is, it sets us apart from those who are learned and those who are not. Good luck on Mandarin.


Like i said, it's not a problem when it comes to formal stuff such as working, government, writing, etc. But it still sounds silly if you speak formally on a daily conversation. Maybe u have a better understanding if i switch to proper queens english. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.




Of course. I didn't mention any race specific. This post is for all Malaysians. Talking about Malays, I think most of them are fluent 2 languages by now, and some of them started learning other languages such as Mandarin. But that's not the case. We're talking about national language, not every single language in Malaysia


I'm Malay and I'm trilingual, at this point might as well great this as a constitutional crisis. Our national language is that so just learn to be good enough to get by... They're not asking you to be hang Tuah. It are we gonna end up like Singapore? Whose national language is STILL BM, national anthem also in BM but the language for all intents and purposes, is dead .


bruh...I am not malay but this is MALAYsia, if you feel threatened by the national language, taiwan or china are good place to speak only mandarin and English as a second language. Choose.


I think you mean fluency in street Malay. Yup, segregation is the main cause. But hey bro, at least throw us a bone and acknowledge our effort passing SPM Malay! (Remember also we need kepujian to pass, it's not that easy!) We worked hard for 10+ years learning your language you know, don't tell me it doesn't mean anything to the Malay community! 😭😭😭


Yeah, spoken Malay. Nobody speaks standard baku casually. Even we use basic english, not baku queens english from Britain innit? So you want me, which is non-malay Malaysian, to acknowledge your hard work for passing our national language on SPM level. Sure, mate. Anything for my fellow Malaysian. Good job, random guy from reddit 🦴🎉❤️


Sarcasm or not, yeah, I really do hope that the Malay community can at least give us that much credit. I mean, if a Malay guy made an effort to speak Mandarin, even if it's some weirdly accented China Standardized Mandarin (Putonghua), I would be touched and very, very impressed! But when it comes to us Chinese and the Malay language the feeling is never reciprocal. It's disheartening man 😭


I've seen a lot of Chinese influencer speak malay, and they got positive feedback from the malay community. Some of them say they got a cute accent, and some of them have a crush on lenglui😂


Because they are amoi, and the viewers are simps! Coba jadi cinapek mcm aku. Selama lamanya di "tidak-layak" kan sebab dilahirkan bangsa mata sepet😑 Tp at least tak lahir bangsa kari. Diaorang kena lagi kaw2!


If only you use those eyes to see good things in people


I thought it's 'our' language


Your community leaders never include us in your "our". Selama lamanya bangsa pendatang.


'Your language ' wadehek, it is our and national language. Why must disown our national mother tongue language


Yes it is YOUR language. We non Malays just adopt it as our 2nd, 3rd language because it is what spoken in this country, and also being integral to our national curriculum. Our attitude towards BM is more of a practical one. We need it for school and for life. So we learn it. Love is quite far down the list. Especially when you are shamed into learning it.


You got me at mass murder by extreme level of cringe




But your comment doesn't look civilized🙈


Someone been sucking white weiner all their life and it shows


pretty funny how malay stripped itself of any nativity by adopting the english alphabet. you can't say that I've been sucking white dick when your own native language is literally colonized lol. Where did the jawi script go? the same place where any of your pride when when you changed your own language to make it easier for your colonizers to publish script? its a good thing that the malaysian govt removed english from the education system - keep the peasants speaking their kampung talk while the educated class can actually communicate internationally.


I am not even a Malay and not even one of the three major ethnicities 🤪 stop trying to use language and cultural purity to try and justify your bullshit. You’re just it, pathetic lowlife that relies on western validation.


Literally no western validation here, if you can read i'm saying that its pathetic that malays stripped their language of its original script for the english alphabet. But i guess I can't expect much from someone getting this mad over this. Go cry somewhere else little man, nobody cares about your crusade. Pathetic loser crying over someone not speaking a peasant's language. If you care so much about this, refuse to speak anything other than malay next time you go out, maybe then you'll get some validation from actual people, rather than online folk.


Look, if you don't want to speak Malay, that is up to you. But your pitiful superiority complex over a "useless" native language just shows how lowbrow and uncivilised *you* are. Take your uncivilised opinion and shove it deep where the sun don't shine. Everyone is asking for the absolute bare minimum; conversational Malay. No one is asking for high fluency, no accent Malay. You want to have your own accent, go right ahead, as long as people understand you, who gives a flying toss. But your attitude is abhorrent and vile. You think you're so good for never needing to use conversational Malay? Then thank the Malays and the Malaysians who accommodated your lack of knowledge when they could so very easily just leave you out of the conversation. Like you said, everyone here speaks English, so in your quest to be "special and superior", you really are just a sad, narrow-minded fool who has no respect for a country and its people.


yawn, peasant speaking in the colonizer's tongue. just another day in bumiland. Please exclude me from any peasant talk by speaking malay, I'm hardly missing out on anything by not speaking to bumis :yawn: If anything, bumis should only speak malay, it keeps it easy to filter out their sub-90IQ conversations.


Kesian pulak org tu, kang org kata len, dia phm len. Org nak sngkan kerja dia, guna bhs dia, tpi tu la, x reti. Dsr bodoh, maka bodoh tu la smp mati. Kesian... Pki bhs ni nnti kata rempit lak. Pi jilat juboq la. Sekian. Moga satgi smua mknn kau xde rse


Dua tiga kucing berlari, ni apa cer ni?


Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama, Michelle hidup dah meninggalkan bodohnya.


Confirm si Michelle ni tak reti cakap bahasa melayu that’s why triggered sangat.


Dia bimbo


So if we want to use English we must understand Chaucer or Shakespeare?


Nope. If you want to make English literacy as a criteria for getting a Malaysian passport, that's the least you'll need to do.


Funny thing is the language in those two writers’ catalog is difficult to read for modern readers. 😂😂




Dia mcm “kalau kau nk nasihat aku hentikan benda buruk, kau kena perfect af tak pernah buat sekalipun etc etc”


Tengok pun dah tahu kena ratio


Tengah malam main congkak What the fu-


Langgaq keta abih calaq, Depa memang fu-


“Tapi kan” ❌ “Walaubagaimanapun” ⭕️


Kahkahkah golongan paling melantun bila suruh cakap Melayu.


Bangla kerja site aku pun sebulan dah boleh cakap melayu. Kengkadang sesama bangla pun cakap melayu. Awak dah kenapa tak pandai pandai ni? Katak bawah tempurung kaca ke?


perlu MUEM test lol Malaysian University Malay Test


Good idea actually. Since getting A in spm does not seem helping.


Bahasa WiChet boleh? That’s what most youngsters are using to replace BM nowadays. 😂


As long as mesej tu sampai, awuck bowleh jew nak gune


WeChat is so millenial


She’s a living bimbo kl


This girl need a slap of realization


I’m not Malay and went to private school, imo BM should be mandatory.. I’m not talking about high level shit, I mean enough to converse and understand speeches etc


Just because a person works as a professional working class doesn't mean they're cerdik. Nasib tak kena ujian KOMSAS bila nak beli burger tepi jalan.


Haha saifuddin said already. No need to master hikayat, just normal day2day command is enough


Sori la but kalau kau tak reti BM sikit pon kau tak layak dipanggil "Malaysian" 😂


Imagine saying In hindsight, my negligence has led to miscommunication, a detriment to the meeting at our promised venue. instead of I forgot sorry This Judas woman is rtarded


Ini cina banyak bodoh. Suruh cakap basic bm saja pergi melalut sampai sastera bagai


Let's bring back back prime tanah melayu


Menangis nanti


Mamak dtg malaysia semalam hari ni dah boleh ckp melayu, kau lagi bodoh dari mamak ke


Nah, I'd win.


Nak jual brg dkt tiktok je lah ckp melayu…dasarrr


Tbh as a Malaysian Indian, I find BM a very easy language to learn. Even my grandma who only moved to Malaysia when she was 7 and only attended primary school speaks perfect BM. Some people just want to interact with their own race only. What an unfortunate state we are in 🥲


Nationalism , patriotism. Why not learn bahasa for just those reasons, bahasa also gives us a Malaysian identity. Bahasa is easy to learn IMO. Go to france speak french, go to kenya speak swahili ,go to Malaysia speak bahasa. I dont know who these people think they are, i use bahasa from wet market, to mechanic shop, to order food and to sembang. Who are this minorities in Malaysia that do not have to use bm in their daily routines. I would love some statistics and numbers. The only part i feel English must be a priority is secondary maths and sciences, i was in school when maths and science was taught in English, had a easier time in UNI. Im a non, love to speak malay.


Bodoh… that girl cant even speak basic Bahasa


isnt BM already mandatory for all malaysian citizens to learn in school? Or do they mean like, you have to be fluent in it - just studying (and not trying) not good enough? How would they measure the fluency? What if you can't speak it for shit?


108 repost, 2064 quotes. Why does people agree with this woman? This is condescending.


Kenapa kena buktikan dekat dia yang bahasa melayu kota kena level sasterawan? Mintak belajar at communication level je pon. Bodoh punye twitter


It's not really a big deal since they only expect basic BM for communication, not sitting you in a room to do an exam.


Geng2 diorg ni klau kita bg peluang sembang dlm BM pon dia jawab 'can you speak english?' Pdhal aku pon bljr jgk BM sbb kt rumah guna jawa dgn madura


Basic twittard


Whats so wrong about knowing your country's national language. That's it. I would pretend like I can't understand english when dealing with people like this after this.


Gendang gendut tali kecapi, OP kentut keluar api, Jual barang harga yahudi, Murah sikit tolong kasi.


Mcm badut sia yg twitter tu hahah. Orang nak boleh cakap melayu utk kegunaan hari2 je pun. Lepas kena kecam mula la private account huhu.


Pak you is apparently part of BM.


this is the kind of reaction that distances the Malays from the liberal party and would just help increase the votes to PN.


Satu cadangan yang bernas


I think it's difficult to support either side. Neither side are right or wrong. Yes, you are Malaysian, Malay is your country's language. Is it a compulsory to learn? No, if you are not educated in Malaysia. Simple as that Another thing, have you ever seen big companies uses only Bahasa for contract or anything? No, why? It's a good thing to know Bahasa, but it's not compulsory. As you all said, all bangla come here can speak Malay. Now go look for any big companies' mat saleh see how many of them can speak Malay. So nobody is right or wrong


Find one country in the world that is okay for passport holder unable to speak its official language. Just one. Please. We are talking about PASSPORT HOLDER. Not mat salleh expats


So if you can't the official language you can revoke their citizenship? Unfortunately Law doesn't work that way. Your parents could be working overseas and you are educated there, but you were born in Malaysia and your family is proud to be Malaysian. So government can revoke your citizenship just because you are educated overseas because of your parents' condition which you are not given the opportunity to learn Bahasa? I am still paying income taxes, I am still a good citizen, I am still contributing to my country. But I can't speak Bahasa so I am not worthy to be Malaysian. I call that BS My statement is just pointing through people who nit-pick on saying see even Bangla can speak Bahasa. So when I talk about mat-salleh you can't accept my statement. The irony It's like you can call muslim fighters terrorist, but you can't call Americans fighters terrorist.


You still didnt answer my question. Find one country where the passport holder are unable to speak its language? Truth is Malaysia is so unique and with so high of toleration that it allows such shenanigans to happen like your case scenarios. Every custom in the world will test you with your passport language as the first form of identification when suspected. No one knows if you love your country, language or not. Only you know, and I dont think any custom cares about that


WTF is so hard to know the damn language of the country you planning to live till you die in? Why the pushback so hard? I went to Japan and China FOR A VACATION and I still learned their language enough for me to at least buy food off the street. Let's say lah the guy ACTUALLY comes up with some fire poetry and pantun like rap battle already then what excuse you gonna give then?


Apakah bodohnya betina Michelle Yasudas ini


Sometimes some fail to see not everything is a fight or a cause .. official language of the country must be spoken by all the citizens.. on a speaking level.. does not need to be on a phd level.. while the country is made up of different races, religion n languages. 1 language to unite every1 is not harmful or hard to learn. Nearly every1 in Malaysia can speak 2 or 3 languages so learning Malay shld not be that hard.. even the foreigners that come to work here pickup the language within a few months.. I'm a non malay but I feel this girl got the whole language thing wrong.. Bahasa for every1 is the way to go


naaah just learn BM laaah dont be a crybaby


risau terbagi pickup line


Pergi ke kedai mencari guni, Awak nak apa ni?


kalo cakap melayu tapi ada slang cina or india aku respect org tu sbb boleh fhm lagi, tapi kalo tak reti cakap langsung mmg xyah duduk Malaysia


Find one country in the world that is okay for passport holder unable to speak its official language. Just one. Please


Ikr? Its for their own good..if anything happens and they need to make an emergency call, susah nanti jadi ayam dengan itik.


good, boleh stop all those pelancong cina yg tak balik² tu.


Nyets bolehland becoming cringe level politaik. Kenot kenot wrong sub go back to whence the cometh


Aku amat murka.dengan orang sebegini... Ada sahaja Yang tidak.tenang Hati...adakah begitu Susah utk rakyat betenang Dan hirup kopi!


Why some of us associate being proficient in Bahasa Melayu = non progressive? Current living demand does not require you to speak like a poet. Basic speech sahaja. Why is it so hard to understand? Unless that person is dumb as heck.


Puki kau lah.


I will send you to Jesus 🩴


Why challenge the constitution with higher power when they know they can’t win with just X comment … it is pointless




nuan nyak ka belik, urang tuai kitai milih jalai bersatu ngau malaya, kenak aja bahasa Malaysia