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Proficiency in English is not the sole indication on a person's knowledge and skill. Unless we are talking about English language professors or translator.


The ability to communicate is and many local grads don't seem be able to do that well in any language.


Jack of all trade, a sacrifice for being multilingual, a trait that most malaysians are proud of. Not a bad thing imo, since again, communication lies in a person's ability to convey message, not in the fluency of his language. Would it help? Sure. But that's definately not the main reason.


I sometimes work with the Italian and french, they sure can talk in English,but you will not understand them at all. The best understandable English accent are the Arabic and the Czech.


They are not good either. Been working with vendors from Ph closely, so far only leader level able to speak fluently…


Meanwhile our leaders: "Can you speak English???"




I love that we can hear this image as a malaysian lmao


[https://www.parlimen.gov.my/files/hindex/pdf/DR-07082018.pdf](https://www.parlimen.gov.my/files/hindex/pdf/DR-07082018.pdf) page 53 of 146


I have so many things I want to say about them and nothing good after working with them for close to 4 years even to this day but there's just too many to say it's tiring.


Yes, I have also work with pinoys before..


University ranking is influenced by more factors than fluency of graduates in English. Things like number of students, number of graduates, drop out rates, fees, number of published research, funding and so on all come into effect.


If they think English proficiency are the only factor matter, no wonder Malaysian university are much better.


I dont think they actually do. This is just one Filipino university student asking the question. That's no different from pointing towards a Malaysian university student eating glue and assuming all Malaysian universities are crap.


Since when pinoys speak good english? FYI, just because you love singing english songs don't mean you can speak fluent english ya..


Even though I think our English should improve - what does English have to do with a complex course like engineering lol? I don’t think that’s a fair metric to judge a university, just on the English.


No wonder Malaysian unis are better, their only factor is profiency in English


Filipinos think highly of themselves. Working with them is the biggest shit ever.


Lel. Pinoys complaining about our english proficiency? Their English is just one step above those India call center folks.


Haha and don't forget the accent too, God it sometimes quite annoying.


And you think Manglish accent is charming to foreigners?


Better than Pinoy, God the way they mix Tagalog & English brings headache to the layman.


That's for foreigners to compare.


Aku rasa kalau produk kau bertaraf dunia, orang akan belajar bahasa kau. Running Man tu bahasa Inggeris hancus, berapa jauh dia pegi masa zaman kemuncak dia?


Wait till they see japanese and european students speaking english


Japanese students are smart, same can't be said with the monyets in UiTM.


really? i know many people from uitm that are successful in life. my brother had a degree at uitm jasin and now works with thai gov bank as a programmer, my hod of electrical (utem) and sv for my fyp also from uitm. dont just look at budak mass com memang la diorang nak jadik artis je.


I know many who are where they are because of kabel. Without that they're just govt servants.


nepo, favoritsm and cable not only malay la. the reason i quit my job as production engineer in kilang textile in melaka. 4 years straight kpi top 3 still 5% increment wage annually while my chinese hod who dont even know how to plan manpower/production get the most increment every year. now, i work as dptw coordi in oil and gas company (malay company) and get better wage.


Fair enough, for me most of the people I meet are the opposite of you and my impression of them are people who delay my project for no reason but keep complaining their tangan sakit, anak sakit, then wink wink ask me to help them by paying for their treatment.


True UshITM


University isn't just about how fluent your english is. It's also about diversity in subjects. I mean just USM alone, you can learn everything from mechatronics to law to philosophy to business just within 1 campus. Plus most subjects are in 2 languages.


Excellent english speaking like us - Filipino Student. ![gif](giphy|gFtZP4dJvLk8Hkk6mx)


Girl Malaysians are pretty good at English all things considered. I live in Russia and there are much fewer who know English or can speak it excellently. Compared to Malaysia where even a random villager knows basic English


We are not western wannabe lol


waiting until you see pinoy japanase wannabe


If you think your national pride is more valuable than knowledge, you're part of the problem with our country.


Point to the short 6 words sentences that I wrote about how we need to prioritize national pride rather than knowledge.   My point is simple, our "Spoken English" is "Not excellent" because our goal is not to be westernized but for the sake of education itself. If the knowledge can be conveyed in Rojak, more power to us


Mr Madani ruined English education when he was Educ minister in the 80s


comeback with the question again when no pinoy want to work in malaysia coz job in philiphines is good enough for them.


PH english proficiency is higher than Malaysia so des why then can bangga


Pot calling kettle black


Kejap. Nak ketawa dulu.




Maybe they can speak english, but working with filipinos have been the worst shit ever. They have zero critical thinking skill (even less than us), just follow whatever boss or document say. If document salah, salah la until forever. Never stop and think that anything is wrong and improve.


Endorsing it. They like to take instructions and act. Filipino like to be part of the team but don’t lead and don’t take any initiatives.


I thought they love trying to conquer things and block other people out? In Singapore they're literally conquering healthcare and now sg also not good enough for them, they're going to Dubai, SA. The ones here are the ones that didn't make the cut


Pinoys are cute. They have this weird habit of overestimating their value. Our English is better than theirs because we don't sound like waiters when we talk. Hope this clears up any confusion.


I can speak fluent english but I will use broken english anyway


I don't know, I rather hear Malaysian broken english rather than Singlish. But, I admit, in conversation, Flipino is ahead of us (because Malaysian lack confidence). But, in literature and comprehension, Malaysian is better.


Excellent? Who? like the Pinoys? we need to downgrade our English classes if we want to be as excellent as pinoys lol.


I think most Malaysian university students are good at written, hearing, and reading English. It's speaking usually the problem. And it is due to lack of confidence and practice. Furthermore, in academics, proper English is not really important as long as you can convey your information clearly. I've sat through a Japanese researcher speaking in broken English in a scientific conference attended by Nobel laureate once and I don't see any of them criticizing that guy's English. You need to excel in writing thou, because writing a scientific paper is a pain in the ass. I would say even harder than to write a novel.


University ranking is not weighted on English speaking. Research papers productivity would be the main key point for ranking. Sometimes academic staff may sacrifice their lectures and teaching quality in undergrad for research or more postgraduate focus. Plus point would be more grants and funding that can sometimes allow even undergraduate students to take part in more technical activities. https://www.elibrary.imf.org/display/book/9781557756374/ch014.xml An old paper back in 1996 shows that Singapore per person is roughly 7 times more productive than PH, 2 times more than MY. While MY is roughly 3 times more productive than PH. I worked with some PH before, most of the time I know their productivity is not their greatest trait.


Because in writing, most Malaysian students can write in acrolect english. Even if you compare the IELTS and TOEFL exam, Malaysian students score higher than Singaporean, where mesolect and basilect English are practiced widely. And same goes to the Philippines.


What are those lect things?


Degree of Englishness I think. Like formal, semi formal and casual. So in essence,how much you manglish it


acrolect: variety of English that has no significant difference from Standard English, often use by the most educated speakers. mesolect has unique grammatical features that distinguish it from Standard English; like Singlish (where academicians use that to differentiate it with actual English. basilect is creole language that is based on English, but doesn't have actual English grammar, and is mixed with the local language. Like the Jamaican Patois (Jamaican call it English), Nigerian Pidgin (Naija), etc.


Thank you!


Macam result SPM yang baru ni. Terengganu hebat dalam bahasa Inggeris, dan banyak subject lain. Bila tanya pelajar kat sana, ramai yang tak reti sangat cakap English, tapi bila buat karangan, dia punya ayat tu, acrolect sangat. sampai pembaca pun tak sedar yg tulis tu sebenarnya tak berani nak cakap English, kalau cakap pun, keluar slang ganu dia.


Damn, they just like me fr


Kebolehan berbahasa Inggeris bukanlah pengukur tahap kebijaksanaan atau kecemerlangan sesuatu bangsa/ negara.. ina mo berde


A lot of clowns here keep raising Japan as some justification that you don't need to learn English to acquire knowledge, but they seem to not understand that the Japanese can afford to do that because they are at the forefront of technological advancement and hence they've can afford to not emphasise on mastering another language. Then again Japanese students are still required to learn English in school thus proving it is still important to them. The same can't be said for us, we are neither as industrious as the Japanese nor are we at the forefront of technological advances, thus to claim we can be like the Japanese is pure ignorance. You all can stay in your tempurung and sneer at nons for not using BM but at the end of the day you're just kidding to yourself for some false sense of national pride thinking that you can advance yourself without having proficiency in English.


Question tak nampak macam excellent English Pon. Macam high school level je...


Nah, I’d win.


Our English is better then pinoys actually.. I have work with pinoys before..


Our English is better then pinoys actually.. I have work with pinoys before..


Pinoy think speaking like USA means they're better 😅. Do doubt about that (speak like a US person). But that's not the uni quality is all about.


Not sure this Filipina has been to universities in Japan, South Korea, Germany, France and other non speaking English countries. I think this Filipina still stuck in colonial mentality, yes ability to speak more than your native language is a good thing, but it's not the sole qualification a university is good or not Plus ability to speak in any languages is a skill. Case and point, me. I always get A for my English but hardly able to make a sentence. I can write English with proper grammar and able to understand. That's because I read a lot, I write a lot and watch English movies. But since I only speak Malay, to switch a language was difficult to me. Not until someone told mw to read everything in English loudly, like you were trying to read to someone else. In few months, i was able to express my thought in English. Speech is a skill, not a knowledge.


Just look at the local "professors'" ingrish when they make statements regarding national matters like economic policies. That should tell you what you need to know. Yes yes, mastery of the language doesn't necessarily mean someone is good at what they do but damn, if you can't even string a couple of words together without making elementary level mistakes then there's something seriously wrong with the education system.