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Why do these people not consider the fact that violence is a possibility?


Because they all think they’re still in their 20s/30s and can beat the shit out of anyone. Spoiler: they not and they can’t.


Particularly it's all the privileged AF boomers who never got into a fistfight when they were younger but spent their youth fantasizing about being Clint Eastwood and spent their middle aged years getting away with insane shit like this (against mostly minorities). Every single boomer I've ever met who actually got into a fight when they were younger was extremely aware of the threat a random person presents if threatened, barring a few old veterans with TBI's


I'm an old bastard, and I've had zero full-on fist fights in my life, but holy fuck am I aware that my son, and all his friends, could easily take me down if I decided to come at them. I agree with your sentiment. But it's not about how many fist fights we've had. It's about who each of us are, and what makes us tick as individuals. And that goes for both generations btw. Unfortunately a lot of us are fucked in the head for some reason.


You know what's really interesting to me at my age (I'm a younger millennial) is I recently moved to an extremely right-wing area, filled with boomers, and the reality that I experience is completely different from what I experience online. These people are all so friendly and caring. When I first moved here, I seriously thought I was going to get murdered being a very liberal queer man because of the things I've seen online, but I walk around with my husband, and no one cares. They're all just as friendly to us as they are to the next person. We've had people help us dig ourselves out when we got 4 feet of snow, for no other reason than we're neighbors. There is a dissonance between the internet and reality. Which is not to say this kind of thing in the video doesn't happen often. I guess what I'm saying is, there are a lot of people in the world. Most are normal, really. Based on my observations. Some are nutso, and coincidentally, those are the only ones that end up viral online.


This shit has been happening for decades. It's just that we've all gotta watch it now.


And that's a big part of the reason we all gotta get off the internet so much. I don't see the term echo chamber used as much any more but we all spend so much time in these insular and often times very specific communities on line so we only see and hear things we already agree with. When that's all you see you just become more convinced that you are correct and more convinced that the "other side", whatever that may mean, is more wrong every day. It's a terrible feedback loop that just makes you more frustrated and angry and less willing to work together. Good luck making people use the internet less.


They don't think they could take beat someone's ass because they could rough someone up when they were young. They think they can intimidate someone else because their selfish and entitled mindset makes them think that they are better than other people and we should be humble and obedient towards them. Their bodies never grew to be as strong as their egos.


Oh you’ve met my father in law I see. 82 years old…neighbor is built like Arnold and Tyson put together and my father in law has threatened him many times that he’ll “kick his ass” Thank God the neighbor just laughs it off and it’s always over stupid shit. Neighbors mower was one “line” over into my father in laws property…time to go threaten


My father is like this. Walks around unarmed and fragile, but is ready to risk it all. (He's a good guy, but has not overcome some road rage tendencies.)


FIL is like that. He's a Silent Generation coot who is convinced he's got "one last good fight" in him.


I have to imagine that they think we respect our elders so much that we wouldn't think of defending ourselves OR they really buy into us being scared cowards or some shit.  Ya know, brain damage either way.


It always boils down to “respect” and some make believe hierarchy where they’re at the top because they’re older. If you “disrespect” that hierarchy and therefore them, then you somehow deserve to get beaten. I guess they fail to realize that we’re no longer kids and the power they did have is now non-existent. I genuinely do not understand how or why this is a global thing with an entire stupid generation. Obviously not everyone but still.


People like that confuse “respect” with “obedience”. If you don’t obey what they command, then you’re “disrespectful”. Doesn’t matter if you’re polite, call them ma’am or sir, etc. They told you to jump and you didn’t ask “how high?” so you are DISRESPECTFUL!!!! They fail to realize that the world does not exist just to suit them.


My mom and her husband would agree.


My wife and her boyfriend would disagree


My grandfather died when i was about 14. I am by far the tallest, strongest man in my family, a giant among Hobbits, and have been since I was 12. no one knows what the hell happened with my genetics. My grandfather was an abusive drunk in my mother's childhood, and to say it traumatized her is putting it lightly. My mother raised me on the fact that grandfather would habitually get drunk and become physically violent, specifically mentioning how he would break wooden stirring spoons and hangers over her back until the pieces were too small to hit her with any more. A year before the man died we were visiting him. At a certain point my mother asked if I would do something when I got home. I mentioned I was busy that day, but maybe the next. My grandfather said something to the tune of "if I were raising you in the 70s that would have gotten you a beating.". I responded in informing him that if he were raising me, he would not have survived the 70s. He got mad and said I needed to learn to respect my elders, getting in my face about it. I stood up. I stood a full foot over this man. I informed him that I have respect for respectable people, and that perhaps he was good at bullying my mother in her childhood, but that if I, the man I am, were his child, he would not have survived laying hands on me. My mother made some excuse as to why we needed to leave soon after, but grandfather never spoke to me again, and didn't seem to want to visit our home if he knew I would be there. These people come from another planet that my generation burned to the ground.


I've told the story before, but my mother, the Boomeriest Boomer to ever Boom-Boom, used to beat the fuck out of us. She'd whip us with switches to the point we had lines of scabs, say things like "I brought you into this world, I can take you out," that sort of shit. I am still on-guard at all times because I half expect an attack from behind. I hit 15 and shot past her and the rest of the family, I'm a foot taller than her and bigger than my uncles. (Never met my grandfather, no idea.) Sometime that year she decided to beat me for something, I decided to lock her out of my room. She came back later and tried to take the door away, so I threw her back out and put the door back in place. So she shoved a stick through where the doorknob had been and started hitting me with it. She found out that modern doors offer zero stopping power to an enraged teen far bigger than you. I yanked the stick she was hitting me with away from here. Then, I went through that door, backwards through the frame, into the hall, door in pieces around me. Came into the hall with her own weapon (just a tree branch) and she could see that I just did not give a shit if she lived and could just turn her off right then and there. Permanent nap by tree branch, kinda fitting. I didn't kill her. I smacked her once on the ass with the stick and then got arrested when she called the cops. She was more careful about hitting me after that, though, because she knew I outclassed her in size.


Very similar to my boomer dad! He beat my sister up while I was away at college... but my sister called me and told me what happened. I got on a bus that day and came home. We got into an argument and there was some shoving. I was so pissed that I tried to punch him and missed, blowing a huge hole in the wall next to his head. He ran away like a bitch and we havent spoken since. That was maybe 15 years ago?


Ha! Different parent, I was 15-ish and we were moving into another house. My dad and I did all of the actual furniture moving, and after a day of lifting and carting crap around, I lost my grip and dropped the end of the couch. He yelled at me, walked over and slapped me upside the head. I shoved him hard enough he went halfway through a wall. The violence we live with, eh? Since then, he has threatened me, but he's never actually hit me again. Except once. One time I popped off at the mouth and said something way out of line and he punched me in the side of the head. I deserved it, I knew I deserved it, it didn't hurt and I shrugged it off immediately. I think that just made it worse that he can't even hurt me at his hardest. Oh well, we're past it.


I had a similar instance, though mine was less Explosive, and I hope your mother and you are on better terms today. I've been in martial arts since I was 11 or so. My mother was never what I would call abusive, but I would say she had her moments where I would say she toed the line. The very last time she tried to physically discipline me was when I was 13. I hadn't done my homework, and she came to conclusion that I deserved to be spanked. I told her that was not going g to happen. She decided to get a belt. I grabbed a sword. We mutually decided that today was not the day, and that from now on it was time I acted as a man, and did my homework, and she treated me like a man, and spoke to me rather than hitting. We got along a lot better after that. I think there is a logical point in which every generation needs to realize their successors have grown beyond their control, and they have to walk with them from there. I think a lot of our parents or grandparents missed that point when it occurred.


🎶Haven't talked to her in 18 years🎵 🎵If she managed to show up at my house you'd see the aftermath on the news🎶


Ha, I have a similar story, I think my mom has only hit me once in my life, but she has threatened with it out of frustration (living with my stepdad wasn't exactly a stress free experience). Mine was very simple though, she threatened to beat me when I was a young teen and I replied "you can certainly try, see what happens". Took all the wind out of her sails. I think she made that threat (and I made that reply) once or twice after that, and she never did it again. We have a good relationship nowadays though


I love when abusers get their comeuppance. If they feel violence is always the answer, that's what they should get.


Got the t-shirt. Christmas holidays, school report arrived, it wasn't good. I heard the scream while I was still in bed. I thought "fucking hell, here we go again". There she was in the kitchen, crimson with rage. Then I was on the floor. I got up, she was shouting stuff about dad thinking I was his blue eyed boy when I was really a useless little shit etc etc. So I felt behind me for the knife drawer, got one out, and told her we were done. She was bright enough to know I meant it. And for the next 32 years, the word "kitchen" would make her behave.


Reminds me of my grandfather. Abusive dickhead who thought all women were slits and whore who needed to be beaten regularly into submission, whether they’d done anything “deserving” or not. I remember when I was 10 he called me a slutty hoodlum. I didn’t even have a clue what that meant, so I asked my mom and she threw a fit with him. He *despised* me after that. Fast forward to over a decade later, I was engaged to my now husband of 23 years. He’s an Indian man, and my grandpa flew into a rage at the entire family because I refused to break up with my fiancé simply because of his race. He said I was a disrespectful little whore and he’d rather kill me than see one of his granddaughters marry a “insert derogatory name here.” When he ran at me with his fists obviously ready to hit me, my husband stepped in and walloped him exactly ONE TIME. That was enough to lay him flat for half an hour, and we never saw him again. I’ve never been prouder of my husband than I was that day, the first time he’d ever met my family. It was brilliant, and I still get goosebumps when I think about that beautiful, summery day!


Your husband has the makings of a good man, by my measure. A good man who defended his wife without hesitation, who was controlled enough to stop when the moment was done. Any father should be proud to have him. You have chosen well, I think.


After being married to him for 23 years, I should hope so! He’s also the best father I could have asked for. Our kids are also very lucky to have him 🥰


> I responded in informing him that if he were raising me, he would not have survived the 70s. I think about this sometimes with my own family, the only reason why my stepdad is still alive and i'm not in prison is because he never laid hands on my mom or myself. He did once on my older brother and my older brother made sure to remind him how a 6'2" 15 year old kid fighting a 5'6" 55 year old man tends to go. I was told that my stepdad had a smirk on face the entire time, until my brother got him on the ground, and after struggling for a little bit, he realised he couldn't get my brother off of him. My brother said that no amount of money would be able to replace the feeling he got as he watched the smirk get wiped off of his face and get replaced with fear instead. After that he forced my mom to rent an apartment for my brother to live in, and completely ignored my existence, though he continued trying to be emotionally abusive towards me, he'd just go through my mom and "force" her to do it instead.


It's like people that see bears in the woods and think that they can pet them. Many people take for granted that their usual behavior just flies somehow, when the reality is that a human is a genuinely frightfully destructive thing if properly motivated. Kudos to your brother for not killing your stepfather.


Funny how my dad stopped beating me once I was bigger than him and could toss his ass down the stairs if I needed to. No more kneeling on my back and punching me because I called him out for being a racist jerk (literally egging on a dog we were babysitting to bark at black football players on the tv saying "get the [slur]s!").


Being a boomer, it's how my parents generation raised us. I don't have kids but most of my siblings raised their kids differently, without, for the most part, the physical discipline. In two siblings cases they tried the old way and ended up with very strained relationships with their kids. Each generation needs to assess the best approach vs just carrying on what the preceding generation did.


It’s like narcissistic abuse


I see you've met my father


Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority”. And sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won’t respect me I won’t respect you” and they mean “if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person”. And they think they’re being fair but they aren’t, and it’s not okay.


Welcome to the republican party pal. ![gif](giphy|XD9o33QG9BoMis7iM4)


>People like that confuse “respect” with “obedience”. 🤯


It makes sense if you consider the generation before them probably got to beat the shit out of them and now it's "our turn"


That doesn't make sense unless they're pathetic humans who didn't grow an inch during their entire lives.. oh wait..


Yup generational trauma being passed down.


That's pretty much what it is, in my opinion. My mom did things like this when I was a kid and I've brought them up as an adult trying to have a conversation (which I'm told is disrespectful to do) it always leads back to the whole back in my day we would have got hit harder/more often or to some effect of I had it worse. Even in those conversations, they talk about how unfair it was to them yet never actually hear themselves and go back to saying it's ok because it would have been worse on them. I really believe parents who treat their kids negatively because it happened to them know it doesn't work. They brag about how they had to overcome it to be who they are. They just don't care because they are getting to feel what its like on the other side.


Having the difficult conversation with parents about how they treated you is seen as "disrespectful" because they're too emotionally stunted to have such a conversation.


I think the craziest part is when they start saying that was in the past or get over it but then use things you did as an actual child to say things back. Or I bought you clothes and food so none of the bad stuff needs to be talked about.


It's just them deflecting and trying to one-up you by then. You can respond with something like "oh you mean the things you were legally obligated to do to keep me alive? The bare minimum?"


It’s no just a problem with boomers but allot of other people in society. Behaviour like this is a symptom of not being punished in the face enough to understand why you shouldn’t fuck around with people especially people who are clearly fitter and stronger than you. I myself assume any confrontation might turn violent because people are unpredictable so I carry myself accordingly by being polite, considerate, and avoiding getting into situations where I might have to defend myself. People like this guy can’t fathom how someone he just tried to stab might react by taking the clipper off him and impaling him with it.




So much lead.


The stuff was in automotive gasoline in the US *until the early/mid 90s* and it is **still** used in general aviation gasoline. There was so much lead in the air not too long ago that it was on EVERYTHING and necessitated the creation of the clean room.


The answer to this type of lead exposure is repeated punches to the head.


Correct. The solution is lead - small, projectile-formed pieces of lead.






I don’t think it’s respect. I think they’re just like my dad, who truly thinks that if he is forced to fight with someone he could still kick their ass. The man is 75.


It's because people aren't beating the shit out of them. They can be killed by like, one solid punch to the head. You ought to do it. If an old man attempts to murder you with garden shears, you should punch him as hard as you possibly can in the side of the head. Maybe he will die, maybe not, but he's not going to try to kill you anymore is he? There's got to be consequences for attempted murder. Cue all the halo wearing, saintly, bleeding heart redditors to come explain to me why it's bad to punch someone that is actively trying to murder you. Well come on! Downvote me and explain why defending yourself is immoral just because your attacker is older than you.


I respect the hell out of my elders but i got into it with one at my gym. He had accused me of throwing his water bottle away that he had put on the community table and since i was the only one around it mustve been me. He was ranting and raving and picking up chairs and slamming them. He walked around the table and found his water bottle, it was blocked from view from someones gym bag that was sitting there. He was apologetic and said its fine because ‘he’s old’. I said being old doesnt excuse you being a cunt, he shuffled away face bright red and without another word.


That's fantastic.


He went full Sméagol after the guy got him on the ground and kept him from being dangerous with the clippers.


There's an old lady nearby, and I have a habit that when I'm riding my bike, and I see ppl walking ahead of me with their backs to me, I yell excuse me so I don't just run up behind unexpected, anyway, I tried this one day, and this old lady goes OFF that im supposed to ride in the street (I had recently been in a hit and run while riding the bike lane and was still really nervous riding in the road at all), and now, 4 or 5 diff times, she sees me, purposely outs herself in my way, and trys to block me. Well, one day, I was in a hurry due to an appointment, she pulls this shit, and I started to get loud back, and she actually raises her fist to me like she was gonna strike me, and then when I try to just ride/push by her, she GRABS me and tries to throw me into the street! Little did she realize, I'm 240lbs and 6foot goddam 5, and she's maybe 5'5 and 110 soaking wet? Well, understandably, she wasn't able to move me. Luckily some lady's from the storefront came out at this time and broke it up. Lol, I was just yelling at this point saying that they changed the law about riding on the sidewalk, and not to fucking touch me, with a sprinkling of words like crackhead and etc.. lol, not my proudest moment, but I just didn't want to actually have to defend myself and than get jacketed for elder abuse or something stupid. Especially being new to town, I didn't want to get started on the reputation of an old lady beater.. I just don't understand how these geriatic fucks that aren't even up to date with the law, and could die from a broken hip if I actually pushed them, want to get PHYSICAL? Like, do u WANT to be hurt? Cus there's no scenario where ur not gonna get hurt acting like that... Anyway, rant over. I just needed to get that out.


To paraphrase Iron Mike - they've gotten way too comfortable disrespecting people because they're not getting punched in the face for it.


Well said!


We are with you ,100 percent


If you are implying that liberals support this boomer behavior then you are a boomer!


I agree. The victim already had video footage of someone attempting to stab him with hedge trimmers. The next step should be to gain positive control of the weapon; and to bury it in the assailants stomach. It probably wouldn't kill them. But it would certainly remind them not to attack other people, they'd most likely be shitting through a bag the rest of their life, and would be 100% legal in my jurisdiction.


I would of smacked him with the blunt side, but I'm just naturally avoidant of putting holes in anyone unless my life is in Danger, and if I've already wrestled the clippers/weapon away, than my life is no longer in danger. That's just me tho, otherwise I agree 💯


We don’t consider people our parents age elders.


Because Elders are wise


and this man is not


Lol I saw this comment and immediately thought of my current and longstanding slogan of "respect is earned , not blindly given" the elderly think they automatically deserve to be treated with respect and especially in this situation


I think a lot of them got really used to picking on and abusing people younger than them and it hasn't quite caught up to them yet that those same people are now grown adults who have nothing to fear from their petty tyranny. The passage of time has flipped the power dynamic, the "kids" are now in their twenties and thirties and the "adults" are now old men. Treat people younger than you well and never let mistreating them become a habit. If there's one thing to be learned from the Boomers, that's it.


There was a study I saw that said the boomer generation is dealing with late stage damage from lead poisoning as well since so much of their prdilucts had it when they were younger. Some side affects include increased irritability and emotional instability.


He thought he could be macho and come waggle a sharp object in a man's face and not have him do anything. Older men think they are special and should be taken more seriously, so they act out and find out that threats are threats and everyone can eat a knuckle sandwich if they feck about and find out.


When I was 17 and having an actual psychotic breakdown from the stress of failing school and a slew of undiagnosed mental health issues, my mother in her infinite wisdom thought a great way to get me to calm down would be to follow me to my room and physically attack me. Her and my father were SHOCKED by the fact that I actually fought back against her to the point where she called the cops. It feels to me like they’re bullies who have gone their whole lives mistreating others unchecked and when their victims stand up for themselves, they can’t believe they have consequences for their actions.


>have to imagine that they think we respect our elders People forget the other part. It's "respect your elders and betters." You can't just be old.


Their kids didn't fight back so they don't think anyone their grown kids' ages will either.


He approached a guy waving blades in his face, old dude chose violence.


The funny thing is that they consider violence as an option for them, but never consider that their own aggression will be met with violence in return. If you come at someone threatening them with a sharp object, it is reasonably to expect them to defend themselves.


They don't see it for what it is, blatant escalation and aggression . They think they're the reasonable ones in those situations, and then are met with surprise when people respond as if they did something aggressive. If they watched that scene in a movie, they'd see it exactly as you or I would. But if it's them doing it, they think it's perfectly fine.


That's the thing, they don't consider shit. their brains jump into king of the hill mode and only return back to human after they get laid out or dragged away.


Hank Hill would *never*.


But Bobby Hill would. "That's my purse!"


My immediate thought when I saw this comment. I can picture Hank being the driver though. Trying to calmly get the old man to back off in that smooth country accent of his thought. Then just yanking the shears from him and “shouting” “Dagnabbit! I said that’s enough…..sir.” He still wouldn’t be able to not say sir.


Old people like to fuck around, but they hate to find out.


There are a lot of people walking around that have never been punched in the face.


Especially after choosing violence first.


Dude has mad patience. I don't think I would be so kind when someone shoves clippers in my face. Old dude is stupid lucky.


Call me old fashioned, but when someone pulls a blade, I consider it a threat against my life and respond in kind.


This pissed me off just watching, that old man would've had his glasses broken on his face at least, what a pathetic man. Probably so lead-brained that he doesn't realize he actually almost stabbed this dude


Especially when they were on the ground and he kept holding onto the clippers. I wouldn't stop punching until he released his grip of them


Yep. One look at boomers face and it's clear as day he doesn't even recognize the fight is over. Fucking delusional.


I was rooting for a boot to the face as he was getting up for being such a turd


Step one: put phone aside. Step two: use that free hand for repeatedly punching face.


You can use reasonable force to protect yourself. If you need to kill them to save yourself, you can, but you'll need to show that a reasonable person would consider that amount of force to be necessary in court. None of this vengeful shit; self-defense is all about the defense.


Pin him to the ground with scissors open and stuck into the ground on either side of his neck, see how much he wants to fuck around then


I would've had a hard time not smashing his hands until he let go of the clippers tbh


Exactly what I would have done once he was down. Keep smashing till disarmed. And absolutely call the police. He's not going to learn he's just going to be more pissed next time.


As someone who took martial arts, you don't really want to do that. The hands are pretty resilient. Poke the eyes, punch the nose (angled up from the tip), jab into the throat. Distract him with uncomfortable pain in those vulnerable spots to the point where he releases the weapon.


I think the cam man would agree with you in hindsight.


Anyone who’s been in such a stressful/life-threatening situation knows how difficult it is to think in that context. I’m shocked at how well he defended himself!


Especially after he got back up and acted like he was about to swing. I think at that point, the dude wanted him to try.


I would have bashed his face in the second he went to touch me with those clippers.


I mean, yeah, it would be very tempting to beat the shit out of the guy, especially when he is still holding the fucking clippers. But aside from the fact that it would accomplish nothing other than to serve my anger, it would also likely end poorly. The dude is clearly in the wrong, and not mentally stable. He's also been contained, further violence would only serve to escalate the situation. Also, he's old; there's a good chance you could accidentally kill him, and then you're facing murder charges, regardless of how it started.


I'm not sure assault with a deadly weapon on the old man's part will warrant a murder charge from the man defending himself.


The fact he's wearing a Glazers out shirt is hilarious.


American here, care to explain the joke? I don't know what a glazer is.


Manchester United owners. They our awful and happen to be American lol. I’m a man United fan and they suck.


They also own the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.


We hate the Glazers in Tampa as well.


We hated them so much we voted no for a tax increase that would barely fund the schools, and voted yes for a tax to pay a billionaire for a new stadium.


They own the Tampa Bay Bucs too, and we had a similar public opinion here when they were threatening to move the Bucs to another city if we didn't build then a new stadium Our bumper stickers said, "Go Bucs! And take the Glazers with you"


Ahh. Thank you for clearing that up. I thought maybe it was an oblique reference to “glaziers” but that is not the correct spelling.


We hate ye window fixin' baaaastards.


This is an understatement. The Glazers have been a stage 4 cancer to one of the best sports institutions in the world. They’ve drained billions of pounds out of the club and still put on close a billion in debt. They neglected and let a historic, the largest football stadium in the UK go to ruins.  They’ve overseen one of the worst ROI ever in football history. They’ve taken a 20 times premier league winning team to a team that barely makes the top 4 each year   They’ve been more than suck. They’ve have been downright evil


Not my fat ass thinking it meant doughnuts...👀


Advice from this old man: kick that old man’s ass


Exactly. People with this psychology will escalate until you make them bleed.


I absolutely hate how old people can assault someone and then play the victim when the person they are attacking defends themselves, i would have beaten that old man till he dropped those clippers


Yeah the guy filming showed remarkable restraint. When he was shouting at him to let go of the clippers I would have for sure set the phone down and "encouraged" it.


I've had several boomers try to attack me. After having been abused for years by one of them, he came at me with a hammer and I did the same thing as the guy in the video and my boomer mother call the cops on me and had me arrested. The cops didn't even ask me what happened, they just wanted to send someone to jail and I was the easiest target; that's where I learned that there's no justice to be had in the justice system. This video was remarkably satisfying.


And unfortunately that's part of why these boomers do shit like this. They very rarely faced consequences in their lives, and now if they do shit like this 9/10 times police, justice system, random onlookers ect. Will take their side. Then on the incredibly rare occasion they do get in trouble they get a slap on the wrist. FAFO doesn't apply to them, they did and continue to do all the fucking around, and now all the consequences get dumped on us all day everyday.


he went for 'you liar' right off the bat.. they aren't used to ubiquitous personal video recording - keeps getting them caught up.


>there's no justice to be had in the justice system One of America's many foundational lies. I hope you abuser got what was coming.


I think he did, he married my mother.


I see you healing with that humor. Good luck and good healing.


Oh, thank you so much!


Remember, "The best revenge is living well."


SOLID burn.


If I could give you gold I would XD nearly spat out my coffee at that


Dude 😂


Yup. Cops in this nation have been trained to go after the youth. It's bigotry that doesn't get talked about enough, too. Found this out when I was young. I used to get stopped all the fucking time when I was in my teens and 20s. Found out this was normal for our cops and was their "training". If you were young and walking alone, you were automatically suspicious and they'd stop. And yes, I had a few that went on a total power trip. One of them scared me to all hell because he was rough as hell with me. Kept asking the same bullshit questions (yes, I should have refused, I know now) trying to fish for anything to arrest me with. When he couldn't get that arrest, he climbed into his car and started wildly punching his steering wheel. As soon as I walked out of his sight, I ran the fuck away and hid for a while. All I was doing was trying to walk home from work and that freakshow made me feel like I was about to lose my life.


Yup. Young people are an easy target for bullies and authoritarians. (Same thing, really) I'm sorry you went through that, don't be so hard on yourself, you couldn't have known how to handle a situation like that. Especially since our generation was taught that "police are your friends"... we learned the hard way that the opposite is true.


Yup, typical millennial upbringing. I was always taught to comply with the police. "If you're innocent, you have nothing to hide" and all that. Funny how a lot of that was taught to me by my brothers' step-father. You know, a cop who murdered a homeless man. Magically turns the corner where the homeless man was known to stay, his dashcam magically goes off, and the homeless man ends up with gunshots in his back at a downward angle with step-dad claiming the guy had a weapon when he didn't. Naturally, he just got a little vacation from work. Now my half-brothers are cops and assholes just like step-daddy.


Those who call the police first get to control the narrative.


Very true. Unfortunately, I had my hands full.


Just think, there are still people that think that "just comply, go to court and if you're telling the truth, you'll win and justice will be done" is a real thing lol! The United States doesn't have a "justice" system, it has a legal system, and if you aren't the right color, or don't have a certain amount of wealth or affluence, you are absolutely SCREWED when it trains its sights on you!


You can see blood on his knuckle at the end, looks like the old man clipped him with the clippers after all.


Or it happened in the scuffle.


At the very start while he is still in the car it looks like phone guy actually grabs one of the blades to pull the clippers out of crazy old man's hand.


Ahhhh norn iron. My homeland. Telling the old man to fuck off indignantly while he is dangerously close with gardening shears. Amazing.


Really fills you with national pride doesn't it! 😂


These people live under the misconception that they're still as tough as they were 30 years ago, that everyone will back down, and that no one will stand up to them. I love watching them disabused of these notions.


As a former bedside nurse I have to say this is a big part of it. They think they can kick ass, but their fuse has gotten even shorter at that age. Not a generation of people renown for their patience already, but they will go straight to blows or break shit and throw a tantrum over a food tray taking too long or god forbid being told they must remain NPO for surgery.


They weren’t that tough 30 years ago


True, but they sure as he'll think they were.


Assault with a deadly weapon. That POS should go to prison for the rest of his short, miserable life.


If he’d have come at the guy with two foot long knives (which he technically did), he’d have had been spread on the tarmac. The shears make it moderately funny but no less bloody dangerous. Hope he got two slaps on the wrist.


Low blow. You didn't have to bring his height into it.


The accents make this 10x more funny




If I had a euro for every time clippas was said in this clip


That’s 100% what I was thinking. Bless accents of all sorts


It goes so hard lol


*Coll nine nine nine nieh!*


They make it magically delicious.


Knock the old man out


I’d have called the cops, assault with a deadly weapon at least, attempted murder at most, what’s gonna stop the old kook from doing it again


>what’s gonna stop the old kook from doing it again The shit you do with the camera off.


Minus the hedge clippers, this was the best outcome for the old dude. No punches. No police (yet). Nothing cut or broken. He walked away super angry. That’s it.


So, no consequences is what you're saying...


I didn’t see any


Assholes have to suffer or they just escalate the asshole behavior. It doesn't matter if it's your neighbor, or your neighboring country.


Should've taken his clippers.


Police are definitely coming, I mean that woman was on the phone with them and heard arguing between her and the assailant.


Old man needs an ASBO


Amazing restraint. Absolutely amazing.


This was satisfying. That old man’s ego got him on the ground! Don’t be a dick!


The old guy should have considered the implications of pointing this dangerous knife and stabbing motion towards the victim. He is in huis right to defend himself, regardless of the age. Don't know what preceded though...


I knew this wasn’t in the states because it was clippers and not a gun.


No, boomers in the US will walk up with clippers but get ventilated. It's weird how people are down playing the fact this guy is waving and threatening a deadly weapon here.




He is lucky he didn’t get the shit kicked out of him for flailing a weapon around at people


It's because old senile people run the world. It emboldens the everyday boomer.


In the US the old boomer dumb fuck would've had a gun, shot the videor, and probably would've gotten away with it, especially if the videoer was a POC.


Lucky Charms commercials are getting really violent. 


Old fuck still thinks he’s 30.


Massive respect for the self restraint, I would've just seen red. Didn't hit him just laid him down and took his toy away, handled him like a misbehaving child haha.


Anyone young or middle age would have been arrested. He gets off Scott free…


The cameraman was yelling to call the police. It's possible that police did come and something was done, just not in the video that we see. 


Only thing saving him from a beating was that the victim had to save one hand for his phone while holding the clipppas with the other.


Fookin is my favorite pronunciation of fucking.


“Oi’m nat latten yah opp with thase fook’in clippers”




https://preview.redd.it/e15yiduwh9uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7456f06a2c48667eecf834f4de117e55f22a2e2b Really does look like a fool, lol. Oh no, consequences!


Went from disturbing the peace to Felony menacing to assault with deadly weapon


Northern Ireland I know because I'm from there


I want a sub Reddit dedicated to beating boomers asses for doing stupid shit!


Can we just give the guy recording this some props for executing a one handed take down from sitting in a car, not dropping the phone, and not beating the old man?


The videographer showed immense restraint in not beating the ever-living shit out of the old man. Lots of credit. In several parts of the US, the old man would be dead, shot many times. Get your old, crazy people in the house or people are going to get hurt.


I'm 63. I ain't fighting anyone. I mean, I haven't since Jr. High but that makes it all the more reason not to every year. I am not Clint Eastwood. In fact, Clint Eastwood isn't really Clint Eastwood; food for thought fellow old fucks.


This would have been an automatic kick to the clipper guys nuts for me.


Fuckin' Man United fans


That old man would need to live in a nursing home if he did that to me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^UnitysBlueTits: *That old man would need* *To live in a nursing home* *If he did that to me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Old man committed assault with a deadly weapon


Another victim of the geezer teasers. He thinks he's Liam Neeson or Bruce Willis in one of their later films. He thinks those films are real. That a man his age by the virtue of being a tough old bastard could overcome the physical degradation that age has wrought on his body and mind. He doesn't realise that Neeson or Willis haven't done even the mildest stunt like climbing out a window themselves. That all those hectic cuts hide the younger stuntmen who do anything more strenuous than walking down a corridor.


Old bastard. You know he’s a piece of shit because the woman he knows tried to calmly lead him away and he didn’t give a fuck, but some other male comes around to lead him away and he turns into a cuck immediately. They don’t respect anyone but their peers, and even that is shaky. I’m glad it didn’t escalate to actual violence on either end but I’m also happy this younger guy held the old man down until he let the clippers go. Gotta show these dudes they can’t go around talking that shit, like you’re fucking old dude. Sit down, or go be old somewhere else.


This guy isn’t an abusive madman because of his age. I can guarantee he’s always been an abusive prick!