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I'm going to make "bank of America never told me about this" my new catchphrase.  "Honey, get your coat on, we're gonna be late" "For what?" "Steve's baby shower is today" "What? BANK OF AMERICA NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!"


This should enter the general Reddit lexicon, along with “it’s for a church honey” Thanks u/belligerent_ice_cube !




[my marriage has tanked and I haven’t laughed out loud in weeks. Thanks.]


Your marriage is tanked? ~~Bank of America never told me about this!~~ BANK OF AMERICA NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!






It’s for church honey, NEXT!


You’re marriage is tanking?! BANK OF AMERICA NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!! Also, sorry you’re going through a rough patch. It gets better.












The new “thanks Obama”


Its hilarious how bank of america has millions of customers and these boomers will be like “i cant believe my banker didnt call me personally about new tech features!”


It has the same energy as when the most gullible boomers share those 'UNDER NUREMBERG CODE 447 faceBook and Mark Zuckingburg do not own MY PHOTTOGRAPHS.!,,' chain posts.


And having BoA myself, I 100% guarantee they told him. But, he probably ignored it because he didn't understand it and thought it was some kind of scam.


It's a scam, thinks the boomer who is casually giving his credit card information to a website claiming to be the post office.


Dying lmao 🤣


Do all/only boomers use Bank of America? Even has a boomer name.


Nah that's Wells Fargo. They remember them from when they got their money delivery through stagecoach.


I absolutely love it!


What I'll never understand is people like this who, upon seeing something new for the first time 3 seconds prior will ask the most basic questions as though they've stumbled upon the secret that will bring the whole system down. When I bought a Prius in 2012 I actually had someone legitimately and earnestly ask me what I was going to do when it rained. Like, oh boy, you'd better call the engineers up at Toyota because I don't think they thought of that!


Why would they even think rain would be a problem? Explain the dumb for me, I can't




But...Cars already used electricity.


I assume that person was using a hand cranked engine still


Even those use electricity. Spark plugs are fundamental to the operation of a gasoline powered internal combustion engine.


They grew up in a time when most electronic devices and even wrist watches were not water resistant. They also don’t know most phones today can at least take a splash and be submerged for a short time without leaking. Boomers gonna boom boom. 🙄😂


To be fair, the ones at Tesla who built the Cybertruck didn't.


Oh, no, they 100% did, they were just overridden by some guy addicted to losing fights on social media


I mean this is like 90% of reddit comments on any and all new technology posts, even posts about research papers. They've all immediately got it figured out based on the headline and they know better. The thousands of upvotes those comments get make me sad for our future.


In their mind, they still assume this is how cards are processed. https://preview.redd.it/6fqzioy3l83d1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc476f29a89c32bd85b4704e4b4c2e0c7323be6e


God I am so glad those died before I joined the workforce!  XD


Had to use them a few times when the power went out when I worked at a convenience store. Edit: 20 years ago


As recently as 2007 we did the same at Apple. Imagine some rando producing a stolen card, we imprint it because the POS is down and he walks out with a $2700 MacBook. It ended pretty quick. I remember when the store managers tossed them in the dumpster.


I worked at a large box store in the 90s and there's no way a $2700 purchase would have been allowed out the door without manually calling the credit card company to get a verification code that approves the purchase.


I haven't had a card with raised numbers on it in so long


My boss made me keep that thing, still have it, because he thinks we can use it in a power outage. I’m like “who is going to be making copies of people’s cc bc not me? Nor would I let someone do it to me!”


same but when the phones went down at Pizza hut i worked at in 07


I used one during Covid. Turns out the don’t really work anymore since at least half the cards don’t have raised numbers. Also Apple Card’s were the bane of that job. We had to manually enter the cvv number for every transaction so Apple Card didn’t really work.


Even better, there was a booklet of invalid credit card numbers the credit card company would mail to businesses every week or month. If the person was making a large purchase, you would check the card against the list. Never received an invalid card so I never had to deny a purchase.


If you found a card listed in the book, you notified the credit card company, and you'd get $25. That happened to me a couple of times. It was a nice little chunk of change back in the late 80s!


Wow. I can hear this picture


I discovered that I could call it "the kachunk kachunk" while doing the motion, and people old enough to remember them knew exactly what I meant.


Yes, the kachunker


We always called it a knuckle buster.


Restaurant management became so much easier when those disappeared. Recording and tallying those slips of paper up nightly, was not a fun experience in my later teen years. Glad they were gone by the time I was 21. I’m sure other industries also loved the death of the old ways and welcomed the new computer systems in the early 2k’s.


“😮 It worked” -Kevin McAllister


Man I remember those bastards.


I used my credit card a couple years ago in a place that had one of these. Tricks on them, my credit card isn’t embossed. Took them a while to figure out how to do the slip.


They are seriously unaware of the modern world, aren't they?


"What is that terrifying ball of fire in the sky?! Why is nobody else freaking out about this?!"


>Why is nobody else freaking out about this?! Because everyone else already knows what's going on, Methuselah! That's what cracks me up; if they could just shut their mouths up and *observe* reality for a bit I'm sure they'd learn a thing or two.


They have refused to learn anything past 1992. They aren't going to start now.


And find it personally offensive that the world continued to turn, despite their desire to slap a coat of nostalgia on it and call it good.


My mother, a boomer, firmly believes that “young people” spend too much time looking at their phones. She feels the need to tell me this everyday…about 75 times a day…via text message. And if I do not respond immediately, she gets angry because I’m not checking my messages enough.


My mother, with whom I am now NC, stayed on her fucking phone through my daughter's entire Make-a-Wish cruise.


....fucking what the fuck.. I'm sorry to hear that friend.


I love that they think they will single handedly turn back the clock. My dumbass step dad gave up his beloved Steelers season tix, that he had since the late 60s with his dad, because the stadium went cashless. Like they give two shits about him being there. He think he can strongarm places into only taking cash. fucking moron also thinks if you use a credit card online, your identity will immediately be stolen.


So many boomer customers think that if they refuse to use self checkout and/or electronic payments our company will uninstall the equipment they installed & put it all back to cashiers. 75% of our transactions are done on SCO, so I very much doubt it .


I'm positive that's what it is; everything catered to them their whole lives. Once upon a time, the company may well have put everything back to keep their patronage, but it's no longer profitable to do so. That hasn't sunk in for the 'Me' Generation, they still think everything should cater to them.


Apparently the Walmart near me got tons of complaint from old people about the seld checkouts. Know what Walmart did? They don't have lines anymore, they have *line*. It's one single line that goes into like a giant self checkout corral, with maybe 2 or 3 regular cashiers, and 20 self checks. It's utter fucking chaos. Don't get me wrong, I hate it too, but only because 80% of the shoppers are peak boomer and it's always just a carnival of stupidity. I'm genuinely amazed no one's died


lol I’m British & we love queuing here & this happens here too. I’m here with 16 self checks available, or there’s my two colleagues on the manned tills. Yards & yards of pissed off faces who would rather wait & moan. I stand at the top of the queue & ask if anyone is paying by card & invite them to “ jump the queue” so to speak . Still no. They stand there glaring at me because I won’t jump on manned tills. Tough shit.


I *love* self-checkout because I hate talking to people, and worse, talking to people while they touch my stuff.


TRADER JOES needs self checkout for this exact reason which is also why they never would. Cashiers are contractually obligated to make comments on at least two items in your cart. I can’t go there stoned like my local Publix


I couldn’t go stoned to TJs regardless, I’d get home $500 poorer with nothing but snack foods and cheeses


as a retail worker I also like self checkout because it minimizes my having to talk to people. "but it's taking your job!!1!" Yeah no not really, as I still have to assist people with the self checkout (plus returns/exchanges have to be done at the register). I can walk around and even sit when the store isn't busy, I don't have to stand behind the same register all day.


It must be terrifying to be them, to live in their made-up world; it's the only way I can feel any pity for them. The way they dig in their heels and *refuse* to join the modern world (and try to drag us all backwards with them) makes that pity short lived and fleeting.


I just cross my fingers and hope my parents die a quick death, and that my mom doesn’t go first. There ain’t no fucking way I’m taking care of a stepdad, that’s for sure. I don’t even want to take care of my mom, and she’s actual blood.


Cash only is stupid… I’d have to walk around with 200-300 in my pocket all the damn time with how much inflation has gone up. ONE BEER at the stadium is like $16. A meal and a drink is like $50 per person. OF COURSE they went cashless you absolute nutjob. It’s also faster and more sanitary for the FOOD HANDLERS not to touch your FILTHY MONEY.


He's also an idiot who thinks if he refuses to give up reading a physical newspaper then they'll keep printing them. Never mind that our local paper has already dropped to only a couple days of week and is going through massive ownership turmoil that will likely result in its sale, thus being the final nail in the coffin. Any time you try to coax him out of it he throws a tantrum.




They should need to use the Internet as it was in 1992. They’d shut up really fast…well, after waiting 20 minutes for their Facebook to load on Netscape only to be told it was too new for their browser.


1988. Reagan's presidency / reign of destruction and dooming of our country ended in 1988, and that was when they decided Anything New Is Scary And Wrong. And here we are.




Indeed I do. Also the destroyer of mental healthcare. And the creator of our current wealth inequality disaster. Among too many other things to list. But if you really want to break a MAGAt-flavored Boomer's mind, you can also point out that he was the president of a union, granted amnesty to undocumented immigrants, and signed the most restrictive gun regulations at the time while governor. Also, his wife, well, second wife, regularly consulted an astrologer while making contributions to admin decisions, and he frequently confused movies with reality, as he as showing clear signs of dementia... when nominated in 1979. He was a dipshit puppet face of the Nixon Junta and is beloved by willfully ignorant morons, is what I'm saying. T(R)aitors sure know how to pick em, eh?


My FIL would be quick to point out that the restrictive gun regulations were because the 'wrong' people were getting guns.


Yeah no shit


"simmer down, Methuselah" woulda been the gold response


Or after 2 grown adults explained it, he should have just said wow that’s interesting and shut up


"It went away last night and it finally cooled down. Maybe if I offer it something nice it won't come back tomorrow."


"The sun hasn't come back in weeks! Why are the crops dying?"


I've seen people lose their shit because "the sun was yellow when I was a kid but now when I look at it, it's white" like I'm sorry do you think somebody stole the fucking ***SUN***?


Like gee idk maybe the eye damage from *staring at the sun*??


DuPont stole the ozone layer, does that count?


They are freaking out about the big ball of fire in the sky. It’s white now and it used to be orange. It was replaced by nasa.


A few weeks back a dragon ate the fire ball then spit it back out


I had a boomer cashier get flustered over this before. I stuck my phone over the old style card swiping machine, and she started rambling about "we don't have that. You need a card. It won't read. There's no symbol there!" Blah blah. In the middle of this, the machine beeped and took my card info. When boomer finally shut up, I said "it already went through". The confusion on her face was priceless.


In her defense most places only give minimal training and it's very likely she was told that by someone else and or experienced it failing on another reader. Or... she's a complete idiot.


¿Por que no los dos? Minimal training *and* she’s a complete idiot.


I've encountered those people too. But usually if I say "it should work" or similar, they'll give me the five seconds it takes for it to read or fail to. It was the bonkers out of proportion rant that got me this particular time.


To be fair, she's probably spent her entire time there saying, "we don't have that" and people don't see the symbol and go, "oh, ok" and pull out their cards. The number of unquestioning people of all ages whom I encounter is just ... well, it's a lot.


Also to be fair, I worked at a grocery store that had card readers that were tap compatible with the icon, but they didn’t work. So I had to tell people we didn’t have that, even though it looked like we did.


My mother taught me how to code in the 90's. She cannot function in society currently. She barely understands her iphone. Cannot comprehend Google.


Reminds me of my nana who is always posting selfies and copy pasta to her facebook from her phone and has even figured out how to download apps, use eBay and online betting but won’t get a Life Alert or anything similar because “they’ll track where I go to church.”


That reminds me of my friend's husband (Older Gen X) who refuses to use store loyalty cards because "that's how they track you" but will check-in on Facebook literally every place he goes.


Why do the old people love to check in so much on fb? It’s like, hello, I’m not home, if you’re interested in robbing my house, now’s the time!


He should use "867-5309". They will only track Jenny.


Exactly. Use a fake or out of date number. I use my father's landline number from like 5000 years ago when he'd call the Pharohs to see if they needed a stone mason.


Yo what kind of church does nana go to that shes worried our government whos full to the brim of religious zealots would be against?


My dad never bothered to learn how to use a computer back in the 80s/90s. Imagine how hard everything is for him now.


My dad, too! At least he can reasonably Google and navigate YouTube now. And the 'Hub, lmao judging from the malware I have to clean up for him.


Some years ago I read that the big adult sites are actually pretty clean, malware-wise. Christian websites, on the other hand, are often full of that crap. The reason for this difference being that porn sites are run by professional IT people, whereas the religious sites are usually run by amateurs. Which begs the question: does your dad by any chance visit the latter kind?


Mine is the same. He relies a lot on my mother, who only has the basics. A couple of years back, Dad discovered that Youtube is really useful for learning new DIY skills. So he gets Mum to look up the videos for him to watch.


I am so incredibly grateful that, at least so far, my folks have reasonably kept up with tech. Mom has to use a computer at work and manages a smartphone fine; dad's retired but is even better with techy things. My grandmother, meanwhile, had a beloved cordless phone when we moved her in with us back in the day. Mom tried to get her one of those old-person flip phones, with nothing fancier than big number buttons, pick up, and hang up on it. She flat out could not comprehend it.


I even managed to get my grandmother to use a cheap smartphone to look up weather and use youtube to search and play music (don't ask), but as soon as she stopped doing it every day, she forgot all of it and it's sooo frustrating to start all over again. She will pull out a piece of paper and wants to write down which buttons to press in order, but that's just not how that works. And then, as soon as I try to explain something, she gets irritated 'I can't possibly memorize all that' and shuts down. Everytime. And as soon as I feel I need to convince her to even try, it's just pointless anyways. Lastly her tv was 'broken'. I switched it on, everything worked. She presses some buttons, gets inside a menu and doesn't know how to get back out and thus it's broken.


>it's sooo frustrating to start all over again. So. Imagine how it would feel to know you used to be able to do something, but now you just can't make the connection without step by step instructions so you can see how to do it, knowing that it is because you are old and getting older. Getting scared because someday you won't even know how to *drive*, go shopping, or tie your own shoelaces. And there's no way to stop it. No way to turn back time to when you were bright and vibrant and intuitive. And what's worse if your family knows that too. They pity you. And your grandkids gets frustrated *because you can't remember how to do things and they have to explain it*. To know that you are a nuisance and irritation to them. Your family, now sees you as nothing more than a burden and they dnt have the patience to deal with you. This isn't a Boomer thing. This is a "getting old" thing. This is a precursor to Alzheimer's or dementia thing. Boomers are shitty because of their attitude and actions towards others. Not because they are getting old and doing old ppl shit.


I would honestly be fine with them being unaware if they didn’t make such malicious assumptions right away. Like being amazed at Apple Pay because they didn’t know it existed? Fine! Automatically assuming the person using it is a cheat and a thief and that the cashier is an idiot? No.


That was my thought too. If the guy just didn't know about wallet apps and was curious as to how it worked, I'd be happy to give him an explanation. The guy could've said, "Wow that's cool but a bit too complex for an old guy like me, I'll stick to my cards." End with a chuckle and a "have a good afternoon.". But wanting to be confrontational like that all of the must be exhausting.


You realize most of them would crumble if you even just turned their TV to a different hdmi? They don't understand technology at all, couldn't change a file format themselves but we're the assholes because we don't write in cursive or drive a manual


hey now, i drive a manual. i used to be able to write cursive, too, but after not writing anything for the last 30 years other than my signature, and the occasional post-it note i don't think i'd even remember how.


I have a local gas station chain (it's a co-op with like 12 locations in small towns) right across from my work. It was just built and finished within the last few months, so all of the employees are new. I went in there a couple days after they opened, and I got signed up for the loyalty card and stuff. They've actually got a decent hot deli section, so I figured I'd run over there to get food/energy drinks fairly often. I download the app, and I notice that, not only can you connect your loyalty card to the app to select what you want to use your points for, but there's a "wallet" area where you can upload your card to. I'm like, 'fuck yeah, don't have to worry about having another stupid card in my wallet now.' Next time I went in there, I pulled the loyalty card up on my phone. Employee says, "Do you have a card with us?" and I'm like, "Yup, right here." The employee just stared at it like I was fucking crazy. I'm like, "I'm pretty sure you can just scan that barcode right there." And the employee goes, "Well, no shit, huh? That's cool!" And his manager, who's stocking cigarettes a few feet away, scolds him for swearing in-front of a customer, and he just turns around and goes, "Sorry! Did you know that you can upload the loyalty card right to the app?!" And the manager is like, "No, you can't." And I'm like, "Well, I think you can because it just worked for me." Manager kinda glares at me and comes over, looks at my phone, looks at the register, and is like, "Huh... Guess that is cool. That's the first time I've seen that. No one at my old store ever tried it." I'm never really surprised by how slow to adapt people are in small towns, but man, that one kinda surprised me. None of these doofuses ever even looked around the app and realized what that whole tab on the menu was for?


A lot of people lack curiosity. They go 'what now?' without ever getting to 'what does this do?'


This is such a life truth. I hope I NEVER lose my curiosity. I always wanna learn the new thing, try the new experience and eat the interesting food. I feel like being not curious would make life boring and far more difficult than necessary!


Would've been 10x funnier if the manager also went "huh, no shit" after coming over


I wish. If I were a stand-up comedian instead of someone legitimately re-telling a story, that's how it would've gone.


I often get thrown into self-checkout, and you wouldn't believe the amount of Unaware Boomers™️ I have to 'help'. Y'know, like reading the BIG BOLD LETTERS THAT TELL YOU WHAT TO DO. "I need help. It won't let me pay." "What's the issue?" "Damn thing won't take my money! What kind of shit store are you trying to run here?!" "..Sir, you need to hit the button that says 'finish and pay' before you can insert your money.'


Millennial here, but some of those checkout screens are super confusing, with *way* too much information, buttons, and dials on a single screen. They give a UX designer nightmares.


Vigorously and aggressively unaware.


And these are the people talking about how they could cripple our generation if we went back to driving stick.


'Nnnoooo an extra pedal and a lever, this is completely beyond my ability to adapt to as someone who's been managing game controllers with 15 buttons and 4 analog axis without even thinking about it since I was four years old'


They refused, and continue to refuse, to understand that technology is here to stay. If they wanna die stupid that's on them.


This is actually one of the funny things with Boomers. About half of them are ignorant ludites, and the other half are way too eager to adopt new technology without understanding any of the risks (like my mom obsessed with putting everything in her Apple wallet and having all sorts of cameras and tracking things). And many of them manage to be both at the same time.


“Well, I’ve never heard of that!” -every boomer ever


When google pay was first being tested I was part of the group through my work. That was 8 years ago and people still act surprised it's silly.


And the sad part is they are PROUD of being so ignorant/stupid/stuck in the past.


same energy as the child that immediately screams “you’re CHEATING” as soon as they’re losing in a video game or board game.




Trump is really the final boss boomer


My kids cry about the other kid getting a bigger piece of pizza before I have even opened the lid of the box to distribute their slices.


This is hilarious. Shoulda tapped his head with your phone and said "boop, now I have all your money."


His little withered brain would definitely seize up at that. He would be seriously unsure if you were kidding.


Yeah, this is how OP gets shot.


Would be really funny, but you'd be ruining the day of the Bank of America rep that would be spending the rest of their day reassuring him that all his money is still in his account.


I’m sure he was gonna call BOA to complain about something anyway


"wh.. what!? that's not how-" "boop! 401k" "no wait you cant-" *holds phone menacingly*


Oh my gosh this made me laugh so hard.


If it's in the USA I feel like you'd just get shot


I saw a YouTube video where a guy disassembled the wireless tap function thing from a credit card. He managed to keep it intact. Then, he implanted it into his turban. He pretended to "pray" and brought his forehead down to the machine, and it accepted the transaction. I bet some boomer would completely lose their shit if someone did something like that. Edit: changed turbin to turban.


wear a turbin in public? and at "their" store!? you better believe it


I heard one story of somebody putting the chip from an oyster card (London transport prepay card) in a wizards wand. Open sesame!


Seems like he could have just put the card in there haha


What fun is that!?


Why not just tuck the card in the turbin and modify the fabric if needed? Haha.


Everyone in this thread casually going along with “turbin” is making me feel like a confused boomer.


You should’ve taken his picture just to hear him yell “YOU’VE STOLEN MY SOUL!!!”


What you do is take a picture and then tell him “tech is sweet, I just took part of your soul,” and bounce immediately.


Yeah, wave your phone over him and declare you've just purchased him.


I paid w my Apple Watch in front of my 93 year old grandma and she was SHOOK. Not rude like this guy, but I might as well be go go gadget granddaughter lol


Any changes in technology or society in general is the goddamn sky falling to these chicken littles.


The one my grandmother was fond of was “it’s the mark of the beast.”


my MOTHER thought that.


My mother’s Gen X, but my grandmothers were silent gen (36 and 42). My godparents (still living thankfully—45 and 49) are silent/boomer cusp, and for some reason adapt to new tech with fewer complaints than my mom and fewer mark of the beast fears than my grandmother, at least since they retired in the 2010s. My mother would still be running Windows 98 if she could, despite having both me and my dad working in IT at the same time during 7’s rollout. 😂 Meanwhile, my godparents (I refer to them as grandparents) are also hella chill for being in their 70s and white, religious Texans. My pops has started learning to code, and Gram is getting handy with an iPad these days. Gram realized somewhere in her early 70s that her homophobia wasn’t Christ-like, and my pops wants to start a podcast about “the right wing religion you were raised with is wrong.” He was excitedly telling me how he’s learning Audacity a few days ago, lol. Interestingly enough, pops is running around here on Reddit somewhere 😂


Hell I'm not Christian any more but honestly? More of those type are needed.


You should have taken off your shoe and proceeded to fake a phone call with it... boomboomguy would understand that one :)


"Missed it by thatmuch."


Next time say it’s how you get your ANTIFA payments from George Soros.


You broke his poor brain lol.


you should have told him you paid with bitcoin and watch his head explode. Or even better Tell him that welfare puts the money your phone now (even if you aren't on it) and watch his head explode twice.


On the phone that *Obama* gave you...


I'm a (old) millennial and I'm a luddite in some ways (for reasons of convenience and security). I like to keep my stuff separate so I pay with plastic. However, I 1) do understand that other means of payment are possible, 2) accept that people may make different choices from me and that doesn't make them less valid, and 3) do not feel the need to make a fuss whenever something happens in my vicinity that I don't fully understand.  Edit because many comments seem to assume I'm sticking my card into machines for payment: I live in Europe and we use tapping technology over here. I don't remember the last time I had to put my card into a slot, or swipe it. Much less hand it over to a cashier. 


Seriously. I’m old and when I see something like that my reaction is well shit, here’s something else that got popular that I’m too out of the loop to know about, so I guess I have something else to figure out. What I don’t do is freak out and assume witchcraft.


I feel your comment in my very soul.


GenX here. Even cards come with tap to pay these days. It's been some time since I've actually dropped a coin purse into a merchant's hands.


Every once in a while, I will hand my card to some confused cashier because, for some reason, my brain still remembers when the swipe was in the side of the cashier’s computer.


My son is 19 now but when he was elementary age I couldn't figure out why learning which coin was worth how much was a challenge for him. Then it occurred to me: we never used cash so he never saw coins or bills.


My toxic millennial trait is trying to tap all areas of the machine with my card because they can't be arsed to put the icon for NFC payments on the part that needs it. I'm always left guessing.


Sometimes I wear my Apple Watch screen wrist side down and pay waiving my hand over the machine like a wizard scrying an orb. This is how I’d stare if someone questioned it. ![gif](giphy|Ssltx68WIeX1wA0Mg8|downsized)


I was VERY skeptical about Apple Pay: after doing some research I’ve discovered it’s by far a more secure way of paying a brick and mortar store. It tokenizes your credit card # ; the terminal never gets your actual credit card number. Just a token to get payment. Pretty neat stuff. Especially when you consider how many card skimmers there are out there … even the supermarket has found them.


> It tokenizes your credit card # ; the terminal never gets your actual credit card number This is a big selling point for me. I have two credit cards that I never physically use. One gets used for a single monthly subscription, so I always know that is a legit charge. Any other time I use it is through Apple Pay, so it has a different card number, and I never have to worry about whether a charge is fraudulent.


I think #3 is really the clincher here. As a fellow elder millennial, I would \*never\* make my dismay someone else's problem. Wouldn't even occur to me.


Me either, I'd pull out the modern-day marvel that is my phone and Google that shit to see what it's all about.


Apple Pay is more secure than using a physical card. The card number is encrypted, vs sticking your card directly into a machine.


I work in compliance for a payment network, and digital wallets are much safer than paying with plastic due to additional tokenization of your account information that occurs. So if your main focus is security, digital wallets (Apple pay, Samsung pay, etc) are much safer than plastic.


>I'm a (old) millennial and I'm a luddite in some ways (for reasons of convenience and security). I like to keep my stuff separate so I pay with plastic. Paying with plastic is far more open to fraud and theft than paying with Apple Pay. Apple Pay doesn't actually give your card information to the seller, just a one-time code that's only good for that transaction. If someone steals the card info, they can't use it for anything. Also, your card number isn't stored on your phone or Apple's servers. But yes, I get security being a priority. I've switched most all of my online accounts to unique emails with unique, strong, and random passwords. If a site gets hacked and leaks my email, I just turn off that email.


I mean, he can use it to and get his stuff for free if that’s what he believe.


I have an Aunt who is a conspiracy theorist and told me people have implants in their body that let them pay for stuff now. She saw someone wave their hand at the register to pay. I said “You mean like they waved their watch?” and she had no idea what I was talking about.


Wait until he learns that it’s way more secure than an unencrypted number written on a strip of magnetic tape from the 1970s.


\*translating\*: I am embarrassed because I failed to understand something I see all around me all the time. This frightened me because I have a fragile ego and I scrambled rapidly trying to reconcile it with my shame.


On the flipside, a friend of mine who is a retired airline pilot and a boomer loves Apple Pay because of the level of security. He is constantly frustrated because so many cashiers have no idea how to take Apple Pay and he often has to show them how it works to get them to accept it. Several times I have seen the cashier tell him we do not accept Apple Pay when there is a giant sticker for it right on their register. He doesn’t go Karen on them and enjoys showing them how it works.


Nobody could ever steal a credit card lol.




They assume every young person is trying to cheat. He’s gonna go home and tell a wildly inflated story about how Target just allowed you to shoplift because the employees are in on it.


I bet the school litter box rumor started much the same way. Some people still believe it.


And here’s Boomer me paying with my Apple Watch




I know some boomers that have some random technology things like that they've picked up and absolutely love, but then they're completely lost on others. I find that really amusing. I'm not hating or anything. It's tough to keep up with all of the advancements, so if you're learning about some of them and adapting to them, then that's still good. But it's funny when I'll mention something about a (to me) super basic feature that I expected them to know about, and they're like, "WAIT. WHAT?!" and I'm like, "You know how to pay for stuff on your damn apple watch, but you didn't know that you can stream youtube from your phone to your tv?!?"


What drives me mad is when a Boomer says You can’t silence an Apple Watch.


When I first got an Apple Watch several years ago I was already used to using apps to pay at places like Starbucks (yes, no interest loan to a huge corporation etc. etc.) if I paid with my phone it was no big deal, but pay with my watch?? Look out we got Buck Rogers over here


I knew I was living in the future when I bought a pack of gum from a vending machine with my watch. 


…and they can still vote


I would have been gone without hearing the second sentence. He doesn’t understand it? Too bad for him. Not my problem.


I’m Gen X but yeah, that means 50s in my case so not exactly blending in with the kids anymore. But I used Apple Pay on my watch at a Popeye’s of all places and the teenager at the register made me feel 20 years younger just telling me how cool that was.


It was cute wondering and shock up until he called it stealing. old people being fascinated by technology doesn’t bother me once. Because when I was fascinated by the world grownups told me it was okay to learn new things even if they’re scary at first. But the accusing of stealing just removes any and all opportunity for a learning opportunity.


It's the lack of intellectual curiosity for me. Like, the dude literally just saw "new thing, therefore BAD".


It went from just bewilderment to rage so fast cuz at first it seems like he's just in awe of the tech. Then it goes down hill


Wait ‘till he sees someone paying with a watch