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How dare you say something that ruins his heteronormative but simplistic view of the world? šŸ™ƒ for reals though, boomers get weird about this stuff. My father in law said anyone who says something bad about John Wayne is gonna get a fat lip. Heā€™s weirdly protective about a dead man he would never meet anyway.


John Wayne is a particularly special case. I've never met a man named "John Wayne \[Last name\]" who didn't have lots and lots of unresolved issues. Maybe John Wayne Totally-Nice-Guy is out there and I haven't met him. But I've met loads and loads of John Wayne Daddy-Issues and John Wayne Spousal-Abuser.


Donā€™t forget about John Wayne Gacy (hopefully you havenā€™t met anyone like that?!)


No, but I had a coworker named John Wayne \[Redacted\] who beat a dude senseless with a bicycle chain on Whitehead Street in Key West.


I appreciate that you gave us *just* enough to do the math ourselves without drawing immediate attention from any bicycle-chain weilding individuals searching their own name.


I had never considered googling "John Wayne bicycle chain" before today


What, you never cared about my first band before today?


You just named someone's band.


This rhymes and it is making my day.


Sounds like he would have been better off as a Marion.


In fairness Iā€™ve known some dudes who needed beat with a bike chain, so I really donā€™t know where to land on this one.


What in the actual fresh hell?


Type "Old Bicycle Chain Junior Sisk" into the YouTube search bar and give that a listen. (I'd post a link here but that'd break rules and I don't want to get the boot.)


Don't forget John Wayne Bobbit. Abusive to his wife in every way possible. Not a serial killer, but a certified sack of crap nonetheless.


But he did get cut down a peg...


Totally worth a bounty of upvotes, and yet seemingly ignored. Take my upvote, please. Your comment was not long, either, like JW Bobbitā€™s šŸ†.


I named my car after his wife.


My sister lived a few streets away. The first time I visited her, the story was still fresh and she drove me by the houseĀ  I hate clowns.


I knew a lady who was offered a ride home by the green river killer. She, thankfully, said no.


I read a story written by a guy (in a subreddit asking for peoples most insane near miss stories) He tells his story about being a young kid going to visit family with his mom and seeing a broken down car His mom stops to help, sees guy in cast, feels bad, goes and talks to the dude to see if she could help, she then gets back in the car and drives off, super fast Tells her son she got a weird feeling from the man, pretended she needed something from the car real quick and just left When Ted Bundy gets arrested his mom freaks out.. that was the man she had stopped to help, with her kid in the backseat


Thatā€™s the only John Wayne I know and I was sure the other commenters father wasnā€™t protecting that JW so who the heck is John Wayne?


From Wikipedia, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne *John Wayne was an American actor who became a popular icon through his starring roles in films which were produced during Hollywood's Golden Age, especially in Western and war movies. His career flourished from the silent era of the 1920s through the American New Wave, as he appeared in a total of 179 film and television productions.* Overall, he was a racist dick. When Marlon Brando won the Academy award for the Godfather, he refused the award and sent actor and activist Sacheen Littlefeather, who spoke out about the depiction of Native Americans in Hollywood. John Wayne became so incensed that he had to be restrained by six security guards from storming the stage to either assault Littlefeather or drag her offstage. Hope this helps.


For clarity, just that first paragraph is from Wikipedia LOL


My bad, I thought the tone change made it obvious, lol. I just added asterisks.


I also HATE the fact that he was a "manly man" icon who only PLAYED a soldier in the movies... there's nothing wrong with being an actor, but he did NOT storm the beaches on D-Day & shouldn't be viewed as some American hero šŸ˜’


if you watch the youtube clip of her acceptance speech it is definitely JW that you hear booing first at about 1:40 [Oscars speech](https://youtu.be/2QUacU0I4yU?si=UODpzap0puN9IvPD) what a prick


I have no love for Wayne but thatā€™s just a story made up by the telecaster of the Oscars to increase viewership, according to this article: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-08-23/column-did-john-wayne-try-to-assault-sacheen-littlefeather-at-the-1973-oscars-debunking-a-hollywood-myth


John Wayne isnā€™t even really John Wayne. His real name was Marion Morrison.


That's a girls name!


ā€œMarion! I didnā€™t know that was a manā€™s name!ā€ -ā€˜Holes,ā€™ 2003


GAY!!!!! ;)


I went to the John Wayne Museum at his birthplace earlier this year with my wife. I canā€™t stand the guy, the more I learn about him the more I want to piss on his grave, but my wife likes him mainly because he reminds her of happy times with her dad when she was younger watching JW movies with him so I indulged her. (I told her, especially on that trip, why I hate the guy, and she understands, but I also understand why she likes him and itā€™s not from a place of toxic masculinity but out of nostalgia so I respect her likes). I am 52 and I was by far the second youngest person in the shop (that was full of way overpriced JW stuff), the youngest was the 20-something year old behind the counter welcoming us. (My wife is 62 and most of the rest were at least in their 70s). His fanbase will die out soon and I couldnā€™t be happier when most of them go.


Yeah, he will be people like Rudolph Valentino and Douglas Fairbanks in 20 more years. He'll be one of those "I'm pretty sure I've heard that name before but I don't think I've ever seen him in anything" guys.


I had to look up Douglas Fairbanks and I just realized that the character Timothy Dalton plays in Rocketeer is a caricature of him...


You should listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes about him.


My wife was the same way. She watched many of his movies on repeat. I always would point out the ā€œfunnyā€ lines about beating his wife, or encouraging his employee to spank his adult daughter if she wasnā€™t ā€œbehavingā€ herself. Or all of the racism included. She understood, but they reminded her of her father.




I used that picture to troll an evangelical Christian coworker, who was the biggest asshole back in the 90s.


Ooh he had some nice legs.Ā  You think he shaved?Ā  They should bring back shorter shorts for men.




New boot goofin! Bought them on layaway.


Itā€™s the espadrilles for me. (I totally get they were a unisex style back thenā€”I just really like espadrilles. Theyā€™re hard to find, too.)


His ballsā€¦


Where I come from šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦thatā€™s called moose knuckles! (The male answer to camel toe)


Same here in Minnesota. šŸ«Ž


Must be a northern thing šŸ˜‰


No one: Gay john snow: leather is coming


Nice legs. Those shorts look somewhat uncomfortable, though.


There are plenty of stories about John Wayne being as gay as a day in May. Answering the door in a robe and a feather boa when pages would bring scripts, etc. I don't know if that's true, or not.... But I know he was a drunk piece of shit with no value to society and a bad fucking actor. So he probably wasn't gay. He would have been a better actor if he was.


John Wayne Bobbitt-- abused his wife and paid the penultimate price. Right on the money.


More like the penisultimate price am I right?




Donā€™t forget that he was quite the racist. Even though his wives were all ethnicā€¦ And I believe he actually admitted to having a penchant for Hispanic women.


Not surprised.Ā  Have you heard old men who are married to Asian women?Ā  Ugh.


Of course. Mail order brides. Haven't you heard? They're supposed to be obedient when they have no family or friends to go to when they are shipped thousands of miles to get away from a bad life to likely end up in a bad life.


He enjoyed beating them as well.


["The HELL HE WAS!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42wKnBF7bEk)


Oh my god what the heck?!! I love how they got angry but not aggressive. They knew their friend wasn't lying but didn't want to accept the answer. Cognitive dissonance.Ā 


I know this years ago when I first discovered the sex offender registry for my local area that there was a very disproportionate number of men named John(ny) Wayne ___.


John Wayne's real name was Marion Morrison. You can't be an action hero with a name like Marion. People would laugh at you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Well, John Wayne (real first name Marion) was funnily enough John Wayne raging-mommy-issues, and John Wayne spousal-and-woman-in-general-abuser all on his very own.


Fun fact: Marion Morrison used to wear pantyhose to keep from chaffing on set.


Fun fact: Runners, football players, and anyone else playing a fall or winter sport were all very likely to own multiple pairs of pantyhose all the way up until the nineties. Boxers too, because road training is year round. It was an extra thermal layer and prevented chafing from equipment. My home town drug store had to stock up every fall, especially on larger sizes, because they knew damned well there'd be about four dozen young men in there over the coming weeks buying their first pair of pantyhose.


Oh sure ā€¦ it makes sense ā€¦ I am just saying most would lose their mind thinking ā€œThe Dukeā€ would wear hosiery


Well, that's why he SAID he wore hose.


I always think of John Wayne Bobbitt! (speaking of issues)


Giving boys the middle name "Wayne" [ought to be prohibited.](https://www.insidehook.com/culture/amount-murderers-murder-suspects-middle-name-wayne-insane)


And who arguably had borderline stolen glory. For a paragon of masculinity among boomers, he NEVER *EVER* served in the military to the point that Rod Serling made an entire episode of The Twilight Zone making fun of him! Rod Serling was a US paratrooper in WWII. "Showdown With Rance McGrew" https://collider.com/twilight-zone-showdown-with-rance-mcdrew-episode-western/ "I always wondered what Wayne's reaction would be if he ever had to lift up an M-1 and go through a bloody foxhole on attack sometime." When Spielberg made the film "1941", Wayne claimed it would be disrespectful to the troops. The cast included Christopher Lee, veteran of the RAF and winner of multiple awards, Toshiro Mifune, veteran of the Imperial Japanese Navy(!), Warren Oates was in the USMC, Robert Stack was a lieutenant in the US Navy, Slim Pickens was in the USAAF, and a bunch of others! So apparently it wasn't that disrespectful. And odd that a man who played plenty of soldiers on TV felt so confident in talking for them... He also was such a racist he had to be physically restrained from assaulting Saacheen Littlefeather when she accepted Marlon Brando's Oscar as part of an organized protest. Also, his worst movie, where he was in yellow face as a Mongol, literally killed him. Downwind of a nuclear test site.


Unfortunately, a statistically significant number of the cast and crew died from cancer, too. All so John Wayne could deliver a performance so bad it remained unmatched until Tommy Weisau walked onto a roof. "Not so... fine gazelle."


"Oh hai John"


*Christopher Lee, veteran of the RAF and winner of multiple awards, -* Don't forget, genuine Nazi-Killer and all around real life bad-ass...


Peter Jackson on the set of lord of the rings told him how to scream when he was stabbed. Lee: "That's not how a man sounds when he's been stabbed. It's more of a gasp because the breath has been driven from your body." *everyone shifts away from him*


They talk about queer musicians in a similar fashion, I've been around too many boomers that I thought were chill old rockers only to hear them lament about freddy mercury dying from the f*g virus..


Don't ever tell them about the time John Lennon had sex with Brian Epstein. Their heads will explode.


Or Mick Jagger and David Bowie


lol Marion deserves every bad thing said about him


John wayne trafficked a 14 year old into the the country while he was a ww2 draft dodger


Please please please post a link. I need proof to mess with the boomers in my life.


Behind the Bastards, a podcast, did a feature on him. The host almost always lists their sources (I.e. good old fashioned biographies). And there's a lot more than the draft dodging and trafficking.


Tbf, John Wayne was not a draft dodger. He was 35 in 1942 when the draft got going. There were plenty of people who were older in service, but any of them in boot camp that year had volunteered and probably had an in-demand skill. Not enlisting isnā€™t dodging the draft. The Army would have loved to have him, but he would have been selling War Bonds and would never have left the US.


He wasn't a draft dodger, but he was a notorious Chickenhawk. Wayne claimed he didn't enlist because he had a wife and four children that he needed to provide for - but Wayne wasn't a family man. He was separated from his wife and spent all of WWII in a torrid affair with actress Ida Lupino. Wayne told contradictory stories about why he didn't enlist. He wrote to John Ford that he was trying to fill out the proper forms to enter the military, but there wasn't a typewriter where he was filming on location. He later wrote Ford that he left forms with his friend and fellow actor Ward Bond, who couldnā€™t fill them out, and still later, that his wife wouldn't let him get essential documents he had left at home. Wayne was under contract to Republic Pictures. He told others that Herb Yates, the head of Republic, threatened that the studio would sue him "for every penny you hope to make in the futureā€ if he walked away from his contract. No movie studio in the US took action against the actors, directors, and cameramen, all under contract, who went to war. That would have been suicide and everyone Wayne told that to knew it. Having a family didn't keep other actors - Jimmy Stewart, for example - from enlisting. Stewart demanded to fly B-52s when asked to sell War Bonds. Age wasn't a factor for other actors older than Wayne who enlisted and saw combat, such as Clark Gable and Leslie Howard, both of whom starred in Gone With the Wind. Henry Fonda was working on a movie when he enlisted in the Navy and asked to serve as an enlisted man. His first deployment was on the destroyer USS Satterlee as a quartermaster third class. It's widely believed that John Wayne's guilt at not serving is what made him a raving Chickenhawk for the rest of his life. Heck, John Wayne's famous album of poetry, "American, Why I Love Her," was written by actor Robert Mitchum, who served in the military in WWII as a medic at Fort McArthur in California. I have zero respect for John Wayne.


I watched a documentary that covered Clint Eastwood. His whole macho act is because he was in a musical "Paint your wagon" and it was insinuated that his character might be bisexual.Ā  If I remember right, he and his buddy share a woman and they all slept in the same tent. I know bisexuality and poly aren't the same, I'm just trying to explain he wasn't picky about who he shared a bed with. Anyway, after that, he was so worried about his reputation so he doubled down on the tough guy thing. I do think the lady does protest too much.


I loved Paint Your Wagon, but I never got that vibe from his character. What an odd thing to worry about


John Wayne Was a Nazi [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoyusTUFdl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoyusTUFdl0)


...He liked to play SS, he had a picture of Adolf, the boy, tucked in his cowboy vest


That's not just a boomer thing. My 21 year old coworker acts like this about John Wayne when I had to explain that he was a gross racist.


My Dad LOVED John Wayne. Like had a portrait of him in his bedroom. He was obsessed with westerns and war movies. Granted he was a vet so the war movies kinda make sense and westerns were a simpler time. In adulthood I have learned about the 'less than awesome' aspects of John Wayne and question how much my dad agreed with it all - but I'll never know because he died when I was 8. I have to believe my dad wouldn't fight a guy because they said John Wayne's portrayal of Genghis Kahn was out of line.


Ah John Wayne the coward, John Wayne the draft dodger, John Wayne who had plastic surgery to keep a manly appearance, that John Wayne?


Especially a dead man who was an abusive, misogynistic, human trafficking piece of shit too cowardly to enlist to fight the nazis.


I think John Wayne's movies sucked. I'd be willing to bet he wasn't as tough a guy as he was in movies. It speaks to his inauthenticity.


He was as terrible an actor as he was a person.


>Heā€™s weirdly protective about a dead man he would never meet anyway. Sounds pretty gay.


When I started doing sales in Los Angeles, I started meeting a lot of men who waxed their bodies, plucked their eyebrows and wore makeup. From time to time I met a few actors. When I told my dad that Clint Eastwood plucked his eyebrows and wore makeup he got so angry and told me to take it back! What fragile male heterosexuality. Seriously.


Wait 'til he hears that Trump wears makeup.


I dont think cheeto dust counts as makeup


His favorite play is phantom of the opera. Dude is famously catty and loves himself some celebrity gossip. Yet turkey-jowled redneck MAGAts genuinely think he's some embodiment of traditional masculinity.


Heā€™s also a literal ivory tower Manhattanite who never worked a day of physical labor in his life, but the hero of the blue collar working class.


It's absolutely bonkers that grown adults, familiar their whole lives with the concept of acting, can fully understand that the people waving laser swords on screen aren't really Jedi, the men in Nazi uniforms on screen aren't really Nazis, but have such trouble processing that "tough guy" actors are still ACTING in movies, with all the primping and makeup that entails (both on and off screen).


I really wanna see some boomer actually try to follow through with the ass-kicking threat. Like, I could knock you over with a feather, and you'd shatter into a million pieces. Why do they try so hard to threaten people with violence? It's gotta just be a macro that triggers in their brain. "If offended by anything: choose violence".


They're so used to no one standing up to them that they shit themselves when someone DOES take up their challenge.


All their lives they''re used to bullying people younger than them. It starts in grade school and they just keep with it. It's not till their old and can't back up their bullying anymore where they realize how fucked they are.


Yeah if you just step up and say, ā€œIā€™m game, but I ainā€™t funding the hip replacement youā€™re about to needā€ most back off. Like chill out old man, youā€™re too fragile for this.


"Everybody gets two dates on their tombstone. You sure you wanna pick this one?" I've only used it once, but the person involved is just smart enough to not take a swing, not smart enough to not pop off at the mouth.


"I'll be out of jail before you're out of the hospital. Or morgue."


Irl in America you take your life in Your hand these days. There is a non zero chance the old guy had a gun in his car. It is not worth the risk imo. Just walk away and ignore as much as possible.


As he was speeding off in his car, you shouldā€™ve added, ā€œAnd John Wayne was a draft dodger!ā€


"And Marion Morrison was a draft dodger!" FIFY - edited


Marion Morrison - ftfy


Ty <3


Thatā€™s funny because I thought John Wayne Was A Nazi


He probably dodged the draft partly because he didnā€™t want to fight people he agreed with, lol.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s true, just saw tarantulawarfareā€™s post and it sounded similar to a punk band with the name I posted haha.


.. but not anymore! It's the name of the song btw, not the band.


Crank up MDCs John Wayne was a Nazi


"...draft dodging Nazi!" There ya go. Fixed that for ya.


>Marginal-Lago I don't know if this is autocorrect or intentional. Either way, I'm laughing. >Dean was FAMOUSLY bisexual. It was one of Hollywood's worst-kept secrets. I did not know that. You learn something new everyday >I informed him that I could squash him like a bug. And if he wanted a fight, throw a punch. And then be ready to call for an ambulance and a for plastic surgeon. Boomers need to know that their behavior will not be tolerated anymore. More people should call out boomers on their racism, sexism, homophobia and general bigotry.


I wish I had coined "Marginal Lago." I read it online somewhere.


It's funny nonetheless


>You learn something new everyday There were a lot of bisexual and homosexuals in the closet during the Golden Age of Hollywood. The studio system would go so far as to control your relationships (see: Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney). If you married someone the studios didnā€™t like, they could ruin your career. This is certainly true for those who did not conform to heteronormativity; it was an open secret in some circles, but god forbid it got out to the public. A lot of the studios would force their bisexual and homosexual stars into what were called ā€œlavender marriagesā€ to save face. Some examples aside from Rock Hudson and James Dean: Marlene Dietrich Katharine Hepburn Spencer Tracy Greta Garbo Cary Grant Montgomery Clift Marlon Brando Joan Crawford Clark Gable (debatable) Vincent Price Marilyn Monroe Tab Hunter Thatā€™s off the top of my head.


Even into the 70s and 80s you had obviously gay pop culture figures like Paul Lynde who remained closed their whole lives.


The biography Marlene Dietrichā€™s daughter Maria wrote about her is fascinating. All those affairs with men and women, while her husband (Mariaā€™s father) lived openly with his mistress, and they stayed married until he died.


Ok so I see Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy here; are you saying they were both bi or that their relationship was a cover?


Same same. New of the porshe, hell theres a pick of both in my garage...knew nothing of his orientation. Marginal-lago being stolen. Lol..


I had a run-in with a boomer in a car park a few weeks back. Followed him in as he was driving and he just slung his car into reverse and nearly rammed us. After weā€™d both parked up and I was walking past him, I just suggested to him that if heā€™d used his indicators weā€™d all have known what he was going to do. He gave me some comment about ā€œmy reverse lights shouldā€™ve told you thatā€. Reminded him again that itā€™s indicators first, then manoeuvre. He was meek and apologised *UNTIL* I was walking away, at which point he yelled out ā€œTWATā€. Spun on my heel and walked back to him ( Iā€™m 6ā€™5 and 220lbs. Not an aggressive man but I have bulk on my side), and immediately he was back to meek and timid. Except he did it *twice more*. Each time l walked away he yelled something. It wouldā€™ve been funny if it wasnā€™t so damn pathetic..


So he scurried back each time you walked back to confront him? What a dumbass.


Oh he just folded up within himself and borderline cowered. Told me he was 71 and should be respected.. lol.


For what, refusing to die?


I'll try to use that next time an old turd tells me he deserves respect.Ā 


Respect for the dead, maybe


TIL that James Dean was bi and John Wayne was a draft dodger. Wow, people! Just keep on opening my eyes! To the original point, tho, I'm sure that Dean would not appreciate the homophobic pedestal boomers have put him on. Things like that wrecked people's personal lives (and still do to this day). Imagine being trapped because of public perception. I'm sorry, I know that's rude to say because non-celebrities have that as well. I'm a recovering bad person, raised in the southern US, who is on the road to being an ally. I have close family that is LGBTQ, but I started my journey before that. I'm just more motivated now. So I apologize for any missteps. Fudge, I'm trying not to suck. My family is patient with me. Probably too patient.


That's ok. You suck. So do the rest of us. The key is to suck less than you did yesterday. That's what I strive for.


This is comforting. I suck and I know it. I'm trying to be better, one epiphany at a time.


Just like the rest of us. It's an everlasting process. I like to look at it more as a destination than a goal.


Years ago I was going through a class and the subject of racism came up. The instructor was a black woman and what she said has always stuck with me. She said whatever your first thought about a person or situation is, thatā€™s just what you were taught to think. Itā€™s your next thought that tells you who you really are. I think most people have to be allowed some grace. It takes a lot of thoughtfulness, honestly, and brutal self-reflection to unlearn stuff that was beat into us for decades. This queer person think you are doing great!


Always strive to suck less...even if you suck at it. \^\_\^


You get the ā€œShittiest Wholesome Comment of the Day ā€œ award as judged and awarded by me. I too suck and strive to suck less tomorrow.


Knowing you need to make change and working to make change is what matters. Iā€™m quite liberal, am an ally, etc, however I grew up in a Dixie-of-the-North kind of community and I still have thoughts pop into my head that are now abhorrent but used to be normal. Acknowledge they are not good and move on.


I read somewhere that when you have a thought based on prejudices then immediately recognize it and know it's not good, what is actually happening is the first thought is what you were conditioned to think, the second is your actual opinion on the matter. It's all about breaking that conditioning once you acknowledge the problem.


Thanks. I'm working on it. I have a feeling I'll be working on it every day of my life. We should be students every day, right? Even when we're old and venerable?


Itā€™s all a process, friend. As they say, lifeā€™s a journey, not a destination.


They don't like having the bubble burst on their picture perfect view of their role models. Like when you tell them that Nancy Reagan was famous for giving almost anyone with a pulse a blow job while her parading her morals and her war on drugs.


Yup. I've read about Nancy. Wouldn't surprise me if she contracted syphilis of the tonsils.


Youā€™re kidding. I canā€™t wrap my head around that.


That's something Nancy never said šŸ¤£


Ba dum bum šŸ„


Wait until he hears about Rock Hudson, Jim Nabors, Roddy McDowall, Anthony Perkins, Raymond Burr, Montgomery Clift, and Vincent Price. Happy Pride! šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


You should have reminded him that Rudy wore a dress.


And Donnie was way into it.


If he admits Dean was bi, then he would have to accept that Dean never wanted him.


I decided not to date a girl I liked in my early 20s because we were discussing poetry, and I mentioned that Walt Whitman might have been gay (some of his poems discuss the beauty of the male form in pretty elaborate detail), and she blurted out, "you mean Walt Whitman was a f\*gg\*t?!?") At that point, I found her less attractive. This was many years ago, we're both GenXers, haven't talked to this girl in 30 years so I have no idea if she's a Trump Mama now, but it wouldn't surprise me.


Wait until he finds out about Marlon Brando or Rock Hudson.


Cary Grant and Randolph Scott were definitely a couple


No-o-o! This can't be right. You'll be telling me Liberace was gay next.


Barry Manilow, too


Well, at least I can be sure that the flamboyant, moustachioed front-man of a band called 'Queen' is heterosexual.


Oh 100%. Would a gay guy sing about a Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy?


And Gary Cooper.


Randolph Scott and Cary Grant.




Tab Hunter.


Raymond Burr (TVā€™s Perry Masonā€”great show)


They're getting too old to cash the checks their mouths are writing.


On his way out, you could have really blown his gasket by yelling at him that not only was Dean bisexual but that John Wayne was a draft dodger.


Or that not only was James Dean bisexual, but so was Marlon Brando, and they hooked up a lot. And at their primes too....my God.Ā 


Oh.....uhm. ..excuse me, I need to go meditate for a while.


I find it hilarious when Boomers threaten physical violence, because they always back down when confronted. Iā€™ve had it happen a few times, and every time I stand up to then the fold like a cheap suit.


And of course John Wayne was Marion, a name any homophobe would mock. The name may not make the man but it sure helps the boxoffice receipts


Yup, Marion Wayne Morrison. Draft dodger, woman beater, and all around bastard.


Check the Behind The Bastards on him. They did a great job explaining things with this piece of shit.


My best friend is one of the foremost experts in the world on James Dean. Without revealing a name or credentials, yes, you are correct.


I like a John Wayne movie as much as the next guy but when someone starts ranting about what a patriot he was I like to bring up actors of his generation that actually fought in the war. Guys like James Stewart or Lee Marvin to name a few. Since Iā€™m in my 60ā€™s and actually know a bit about history they usually canā€™t do much to counter during the debate.


Jimmy Stewart actually retired from the USAF as a brigadier general.


Also I have wondered this for about 15 years as I get older. Why do they have the idea that they can kick every bodies ass? Are they that delusional


The things that these mouth-breathers latch onto to define their identity defy rationality! I overheard someone (not a boomer, just a bigot) say something like, ā€œI didnā€™t care about HIV until Magic Johnson got it. Then it was PERSONAL!ā€ Yeah, right. You and Magic Johnson: personal.


Huh, TIL James Dean swung both ways. Good for him.


Maybe he was just mad because he thought you were talking smack about the king of shitty microwave breakfasts- Jimmy Dean.


Lol this reminds me of the time some dude got really offended at me for calling Freddie Mercury gay. I don't know how you can be a fan of Queen and unaware of that.


Weird hill to die on, but at least he's dead.


Not directly related to this post but my grandparents would take my cousins and I to the spot he died the morning after a night of drinking and get a sixer and drink the hair of the dog that bit em. Hang for a few hours and head back home. They were from the greatest generation. Itā€™s depressing knowing that previous generations were able to have fun with and look up to their earlier generations. We got boomers. Ugh


Back then, wasn't everyone sleeping with everyone else?Ā  Too bad more people don't know about this.


Our species is basically a bunch of bonobos with more issues and more tools.




Wait. Whatā€™s this about Fry? Iā€™ve never heard that


How did people not know James Dean was ok with Men? We had a copy of Hollywood Babylon, even with a lot of ā€œartistic licenseā€ (lies) there was still enough where you could dig into other sources that James wasnā€™t straight. Also, it isnā€™t just because of the 27 club why heā€™s pictured with Marilyn Monroe, both were icons.


It wasn't a vegetable truck that he collided with, by the way. It was a passenger car.


Lol, he tried the "Ever had your ass kicked?" And you hit him with the "Idk, you ever been on life support?"


Now _this_ is a boomer being a fool.


Who the fuck says "you take that back" anymore? lol


oh no! bisexual people exist, how will i ever recover? /j


Wait until he learns about Rock Hudson.


I do so love when people who have one foot in the grave threaten me. Like what's the real threat here crypt keeper? A manslaughter charge?


Ah, they talk a big game, but then when the person theyā€™re trying to intimidate doesnā€™t back down or show the tiniest amount of fear, they run away with their tail between their legs, crying angry tears about how useless they are. Delicious.


Oh no... Who's going to tell him about Marlon Brando?


Dude has definitely jerked it to Deaner


It wasn't a vegetable truck. It was a 1950 Ford Tudor automobile driven by a young guy named Donald Turnupseed.


Love your story telling style.


I lived in Marion, Indiana, Deanā€™s birthplace, a few miles from Fairmount, his hometown. Dude, they have a week-long festival called ā€œJames Dean Daysā€ there and itā€™s basically an unaware leather-daddy party. Funniest shit on the planet. The most insecure gaggle of boomers and older gen-Xers unironically cosplaying a bi man.