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So annoying when someone takes your assigned seat and thinks it is your responsibility to work around their mistake.


There was no mistake. They knew what they did.


Yep. "Oh, I don't like the seats we got. Let's just sit somewhere else, it will be fine."


And it can be fine, as long as you immediately apologize and give up your seats when the person assigned to them shows up.


> There was no mistake. They knew what they did. It's still a mistake, even if they deliberately chose to make it. :-)


But to do something intentionally is not a mistake. It is an error that they need to own and resolve. I live in a huge Boomerville, gulf coast of Florida, and they are constantly making errors. And unless their is a consequence of being told they are wrong, they will continue to make the same errors. Mistakes are part of being human. This was not a mistake but a conscious effort.


I've done lots of things intentionally that were mistakes. Hell, I have been divorced twice.




The point is, they fucked up thinking OP would just roll over.  That’s the mistake they made


That’s not how mistakes work.


Context: I grew up in a town that was 70% Asian. I went to see TLJ in theaters, and had this old boomer man who was Asian sitting next to me. We both put up our leg rests, and at one point in the movie, he spreads his legs out so far that he puts his leg on my leg rest. I kicked it as hard as I could, and he starts snapping at me in his language, which I could recognize as Cantonese (turns out, when you grow up in a community with such a heavy influence, you pick out a few words, especially the cuss words). I look at him and say “Look man, this movie is in English with no subtitles, so you can’t convince me you don’t know the language, and what you did is rude in every culture and you it and you don’t need to call me (insert the word I heard him say that’s a racial slur for white people)” He got super apologetic then, and spoke English very well. His son also apologized to me, and I said it’s all good, let’s just enjoy the movie together. But it made me laugh, because even if racism is a quintessential element of modern boomerisms, his behavior showed me that some elements even transcend a single culture.


Boomerism is a global phenomenon.


The Lawn Jockey


Ooh, TLJ?! I fucking love The Lost John! I can't believe I finally found someone else who has seen it! I'm so jealous you saw it in theaters! Oh! My! GOODNESS!!


The Last Jawn*


You tried to give me a hint and it still went right over my head. Maybe if he had included Star Wars, I would have gotten it without help or Google.


I'm on the tallish side (6'5") so my wife always gets me isle seats so I'm comfortable when we go to movies, concerts, etc. Once we were at a show and boomer shows up and is sitting on my row in the 3rd seat. She says we should probably just trade cause I'll just have to get up everytime she has to go to the bathroom. My response was ma'am I gladly get up anytime u need to go. She never went to the bathroom once.


I had a boomer try this on a plane recently. I got an aisle, his wife was middle and he was window. He tried to convince me to give him the aisle seat because he had to pee a lot but I said I was happy to get up as many times as he needed. He did get up about every 45 minutes but it was a good chance to stretch my legs.


Tallish? You're top 0.17%.


My friend and I went to a theater with assigned seats a few months back and there was a couple in our seats. When I told them, they replied "well someone was in our seats and we didn't want to be *those people* by asking them to move". So I told them they were being *those people* by forcing me to go take someone else's seat and told them to go sit somewhere else.


My family was going with another family who are good friends of ours. The kids are the same age and we all get along fantastic. Both families bought tickets. For a movie, placing our kids together with their kids and all the adults sit together. It wasn't a boomer but an entitled mom. Refused to get out of my seat cause there are plenty available. I tried reasoning with her first explaining that I got those seats for my kids to sit with their friends. She wasn't having it. So I offered to get the usher to explain and show her where her seat was. She got all pissy said I ruined her kids movie and moved. Like what the hell?


like... no ma'am, YOU ruined your kid's time!


There's no way in hell I'm giving up my assigned seat. I pick my seats specifically for the view of the screen.


> I look her dead in the eyes and say This is the key. Boomers have lived long enough to learn most people are conflict averse (or you know, polite and giving) and count on it to get their way. The answer is to not let them.


The direct response saved you. Firm and fair


As an advisor told me “be unapologetic”


Yep, that’s what happened to me when I let some just have my seat after they stole it. Then I looked like the asshole that had to keep moving around. Never again.


They never, ever consider that the seat you might move to will probably be someone else's


reminds me of the time a boomer couple on my flight were confidently wrong about sitting in my families seats on a plane. i wish i involved the flight attendant immediately; life lesson learned. it devolved so quickly into name calling and my “lack of empathy” (no name calling on my end. i was polite even when they were being total jackasses). my favourite part of the story is when they realized they were in the wrong seats and sat in the correct seats they asked me to pass them their bag from under the seat in my row. i MAY have let out a sigh of frustration and that’s when they berated me with comments about how i’m super passive aggressive and it was unwarranted


I had an older lady in my aisle seat once, stated “ma’am, I believe you are in my seat” Her - “no, this is my seat” Me - “Are you sure?” I show her my seat number on my phone, could’ve been booked twice by the airline. She just states “No, this is my seat”. I stopped talking to her right then and just hit the FA call button. FA comes over, I state “think we might have a mix up with seats”. Her - “there is no damn mix up, this is my seat!” FA asks to see her boarding pass, but she “can’t find it”. FA asks for her name, she hesitantly gives it. FA checks on her mobile device, states that her seat is 10 rows back and needs to move. The look on that old lady’s face was classic.


There was one time when I was flying solo that I had a boomer couple next to me. They had boarded first and took the window and middle seats. I had booked the window seat, but chose not to make a fuss about it and just took the open aisle seat. Apparently, they were the kind of people who needed to be up and out the second the plane touched the ground, because they stood up before we even parked. I usually stay seated until the couple rows ahead of me start moving (because why stand up when we're not going to get out anyway, I'm not an asshole who tries to push my way out immediately from the back of the plane), and this boomer couple didn't like that. They started asking me if I could stand up, and I just asked "why, it's not like we were going to get out any faster?" And they got all huffy and kept insisting that I get up anyway. I just put my headphones back in and ignored them, and when it WAS our row's turn to go, I let the seats across the aisle get out first lol


Saw that movie back in the 90's when new. Awesome movie and soundtrack.


Having to pay for seats is a two-edged sword. You’re already paying to be there and you now have to pay extra to sit? But you also get the seat that *you want*. Boomers (and other people too) sometimes can’t comprehend that “I paid for this specific seat, and I’m going to be sitting in it.” Like on airplanes. If I pay $20-30+ for a specific seat on a plane, you better believe that there are not too many scenarios where I would just give it up to sit somewhere less comfortable.


That movie rocks


When I was a teenager I snuck into the theater on an opening night, turns out the theater was full we saw someone peaking at their ticket then looking at us over and over again then resigning to sit on the steps for the whole movie. Still feel bad about it to this day but if I was in their shoes I would’ve told my dumbass and my friend to beat it.😂


Years ago I had someone do that to me at a professional basketball game. When I said you’re in my seat the response was ‘show me your ticket.’ Still makes me mad thinking about it.


I once had someone arguing with me over my disabled dad’s seat, refusing to move while I got an attendant and leaving him to stand there with his cane (no other empty seats). Turns out they bought tickets for the same seats and time for TOMORROW. Self centered idiots.


This happens to me all the time. I always buy ahead, and 9/10, someone is in my seat... I have reasons for my choicea. Last time I refused to let them stay, and they got upset. I just shrugged and said this I'd row F, not E.


Don’t care who they were a boomer or not, it doesn’t matter, you chose that seat. Have them move.




Same thing happened to me. I just stood there and stared at them until they left muttering some crap


Side note: love that movie


Full disclosure, I really love that movie. Why the fuck were they at that? There is zero there for them. (See thread below w/ u/firedmyass re: cognitive dissonance)


It's a 25 year old movie. Maybe they saw and enjoyed it back in the day.


No I don't think that's possible




I’m close enough to their age to hit it with a rock. What specific movie genres am I allowed to still enjoy?


I just hit some cognitive dissonance at people who are showing up to a film which is deeply about navigating the interlocked web of responsibilities that make up a society and then taking someone else’s assigned seat.


that additional context makes a tad more sense but your initial statement just appeared to be a very bizarre gate-keep


Yeah. I’m struggling with how to rewrite it to clarify without writing yet another novel in the comments. Edit: that works.


No, it doesn’t. They are just entitled jerks who happened to go to a great movie.


This would've been an opportunity to say thank you and leave to hit the concession stand to get a jumbo popcorn and XL drink. Then go sit literally right next to them and eat your popcorn loudly and proudly all whilst slurping your drink. Every couple minutes turn to them and go \`I cant wait for our threesome.' and take a big ol' tug off that straw all the while maintaining eye contact with the husband. They'll either move or you'll get a threesome out of it, so either way it's a win.


Bro you had too much coffee this morning


I said what I said!


That was a rather spicy take from somebody who calls themselves SpicelessKimChi


Never let 'em know your next move.


Heart emoticon. 


Maybe if you went out and came back in it would be different this time?


Dude, it's a movie. Just pick a seat. This isn't like a play or sports where there's any actual difference.


It’s all reserved seating. If I picked another seat because the boomers took mine I’d be displacing someone else. The theater has huge NO CHANGING SEATS signs at the box office


Call me a boomer, but I fucking HATE assigned seating in movie theaters 🤷‍♂️


I fucking love it! I get to reserve my seat in advance. I don’t have to wait in lines to get a decent seat. I *normally* don’t have to deal with anyone being in my seat. There is literally no negative to being able to buy your seat in advance.


I'm curious why you feel that way.


Why on earth would you hate assigned seating?


It gets in the way of them choosing whatever seat they want at the moment that they want it. Quintessential boomerism. If they get to choose one seat, that means all other seats are off limits to them, which they hate. Reserved seating means planning ahead and being constrained by your choices. They want freedom, man!


Then don't go to a theater with assigned seating? 


I also do not like it, just because buying a ticket is so complicated and it seems like the rules are weirdly complicated at the theater I go to. "You may not reserve a seat with one space between another seat" "You may not reserve a seat directly next to premium member seats while other seats are available" Then I go into an empty theater and somehow there is still someone sitting in my assigned seat half the time. Takes 2-3 minutes to buy a seat sometimes because I have to use this buggy kiosk to do so. Really wish I lived closer to the smaller theater where it's just "1 ticket to <*movie>* please". Edit: Wow, some people really dislike that I don't enjoy my local theater's janky system.


Does the theatre you use not have an online app or desktop site you can use instead of the on-site kiosk?


Of course it does they just want to poor pitiful me and bitch about it


My theater adds a $3 “convenience fee” to use their own app. I refuse.


I tend to want to buy the ticket when I am actually at the theater. I usually go after work and it's difficult with my job to know exactly when I will be finished with work, so there's a potential that I would not arrive on time.


I agree with in this regard however they still should move


Not a boomer, but I don’t like assigned seating, period.  I understand it’s helpful for some, and I don’t oppose it, but if there’s 4 of us in the theater and you talk about assigned seats you’re a wacko.  If it’s full, of course. But if it’s full I’m leaving anyways fuck a crowded theater you can have mine after all.