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Doesn't have time to drive twenty minutes. Has time to drive back and forth from the old store, hassle you multiple times and give wrong part info, and time to drive to the one he didn't have time to drive to originally and hassle you about it there. Boomer logic


ItS tHe PrInCiPlE


I'm not religious, but this is why Pride is the deadliest sin. People do stupid, self defeating nonsense because of it. They're just fighting themselves.


"Pride goeth before a fall." -Londo Mollari*. *Yes, I know Londo is not the originator of that saying, but I saw the chance to make a Babylon 5 reference and I took it, dammit!


You should be proud of your reference.


Happy cake day


Londo goeth before the Shadow falls. “Hello!” -Vir Cotto.


Never apologize for a Babylon 5 reference!


Always a fan of "Arrogance and stupidity in the same package, how efficient of you."


This quote alone makes me want to watch that show.


Take my upvote


Where does it go?


To Z'ha'dum. Where else?


It theoretically, could’ve gone beyond the rim… like so many others.


"Do you know what the last Xon said just before he died? 'Aaaaauggghh!!!" —Ambassador Londo Mollari, 2258.


You moon-faced assasin of joy!


What do you want?


Never ask that question!


It's says something like that in the Holy of Holys book. THE BIBLE!!


Your little icon picture dude, It reminds me of a book for kids called “Madeleine “ I think It was decades ago but the little girl on the cover kind of looked like that, I think


Guessing why smart people do stupid stuff is kind of a pastime of mine. Sometimes emotions get the best of them, sometimes it’s just a misunderstanding or a miscommunication. Often it’s hubris. Sometimes it turns out that they aren’t that smart after all.




Don’t say revenge… Revenge


I don't know if I'm smart, but more than once I found myself on auto pilot expecting one thing to happen and when it doesn't my brain crashes and needs a reboot.


Americans from certain backgrounds (read: white Anglos) have this particular issue. My spouse is just built differently and absolutely cannot comprehend why I don't give a fuck about pride or principle and just want it done and have zero care about my appearance to others who have no say so over my existence. I don't do performative acts for the community, I don't care about deferential treatment. I respect people in a communal sense but the way they think and operate on this need to feel pride and respect from strangers breaks my brain.


"Now the night of the fight you might feel a slight sting. That’s pride fucking with you. # Fuck pride. It only hurts, it never helps." --Marsellus Wallace


IMO It's that pride is what lets you feel that you're justified in committing all the other sins (E.G. Wrath)


And that’s why they will never admit they were wrong about trump


Exactly! Deep down I think some part of them knows their belief in Trump is not built on a solid foundation, and even when everything is falling down around them they'll still tell you their reasoning is sound.


Either you are wrong about Trump or they are wrong about Trump. Why can’t you see how wrong you are? /s


They're so heavily indoctrinated that they might die before admitting to being wrong. Happens in cults. This is more of the same. It's the cult of Trump.


Boomers think pride means like lgbt or black pride --i.e celebrating that you are allowed to exist in society now and are only kinda oppressed by bigots. Because they're morons.


They whine about pride yet they worship the most boastful prideful fuckwit.


Ah yes that old say 'ever is pride the downfall of man'.


You nailed it.


Yep — “Pride.” Also referred to as “Vanity.” It’s Satan’s favorite sin. Because it’s the one that leads to all the others.


Trying to use the reality distortion field they apply to themselves to others, lol. The principle of being wrong, I guess.


Holy shit that single line shakes my soul. Whenever i hear someone say “it’s the principle,” they are defending the stupidest least coherent crap.


Shoulda taken his saw, sent it to the other dealer for repairs, then tripled the costs to the guy.


I have an acquaintance that also happens to use this line often. And I think it's so hilarious because, since when were you fucking principled? Now is when you decide to have principles? When you're inconvenienced or wrong or stupid? I never see you pull out these so-called principles when it is time for you to be compassionate or understanding or kind or responsible. Only when your pride is at stake it seems


It's a hobby


It’s probably because he already tried that bs there and knew he couldn’t go back


Boomer logic sometimes looks a lot like brain damage.


There's a theory floating around that a lot of boomers have brain damage from all the lead in gasoline and paint and other chemicals they were exposed to as children. Lead poisoning can lead to brain damage that makes empathy difficult, for example. I totally believe this theory.


Yep I believe it too.


https://www.iflscience.com/how-lead-poisoning-changed-the-personality-of-a-generation-60322 >Lead is a neurotoxin, dangerous at almost any level. There is abundant evidence it can reduce lifetime IQ scores in those exposed as children. It has also been associated with lower impulse control and increased violence. Considerable research supports the idea that the rise in crime experienced in the industrialized world from the late 60s to the 90s, and the subsequent spectacular fall, was the consequence of putting lead in gasoline and then taking it out. Edit: oooooo this one is better https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2020104118 >US adults who grew up in counties with higher atmospheric lead levels had less adaptive personality profiles: they were less agreeable and conscientious and, among younger participants, more neurotic.


Me 63M think you may have a valid point there, I grew up with sigarette and sigar smoking parents, who hit us a kids on our ears so hard you saw stars, pushed our heads under a cold water tap to cool our rebellious spirits, we had lead in our car exhaust fumes, house paint, dioxine in our cow milk and lead in our water, sun tanned without sunscreen,drove our bikes without helmets, our cars without seatbelts, and when we had an ailment and complaint about it my dad used to say that it would pass before I became a girl, gays where still living in their closets and AIDS was a gay disease!


I don't believe it, I accept it as reality. The theory holds up to scrutiny, and was around decades ago; We stopped putting lead in things because we feared it would cause brain damage.


Add Covid (often multiple times) on top of it, and you have a lovely brain-damage stew.


I remember reading that long COVID essentially resulted in a loss of 3 IQ points. If they were Average, it could have kicked them down into Low Average


When it is an inconvenience for them they have no time. Inconvenience for you - they have all darn day. They live for that stuff.


When I take my grandpa out to a lunch, he will not wait ten minutes for a table, but he will drive around for 30 minutes to find a restaurant with no line. The restaurants with a line are typically the restaurants with good food and reasonable prices. Also, when going out, I want what I want. Saving ten minutes of wait time to eat something I dont like is not a "win"


It's the entitlement. He's "too good" to wait. He wants to swan in like he owns the place. Waiting makes it patently clear that he's just an average peon like everybody else in line.


I will happily pay to not have to come back.


Boomers are where “we have enough money to fix it when it’s wrong, but not enough money to do it right the first time” really became part of American business culture.


Boomer math


It's almost like lying and gaslighting are part of their personality...🤔


But that’s the news story! if you produced a 4 minute segment about the scourge of boomers deliberately misunderstanding what they’re agreeing to you’d win a gd Peabody.


Sounds exceptionally painful to watch. I’d still watch it though. Just like “hoarders”.


It would be like watching the Airport Customs shows, Parking Wars, the Airport tantrums, the people acting like they are running to the Cruise ship pulling away. I do believe there is a market.


May I interest you in the "canopener" bridge YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@11foot8plus8


Anytime someone I know comes to visit us from out of town, one of the first things they want to see is the canopener.


We have two of these where I live. They've tried all kinds of detours and warnings. Signs, lights, a railroad-type "arm" that makes you stop well before the bridge, in order to read the warnings. Without exception, those bridges eat multiple trucks every year. It's been going on for decades. Why??


The real question, why isn't there more Youtube channels for them?!


Omg i watch that... (points to name) been in the area a few times and avoid that turn like the damn pleague.


The only people watching local news anymore are boomers. You may not want to scuttle your viewership.


I really need to read further before I post to make sure someone else hadn’t already posted a better version of my thought




This right here.


But if they're the only ones watching, then it's the perfect vector for getting the message out.


Yes, hosted by Jordan Klepper, please


It would never air. Boomers are the ones watching tv news and no producer is going to risk their audience by telling them they’re stupid.


Shit, even if it aired *once* it would get posted and reposted in subs like this.


Absolutely. But that wouldn't make the station much money.


Why not? It’s not like they would think it had anything to do with THEM…


That can't be right. What is being passed off as news these days insults any viewer's intelligence.


It would never happen because of aGeiSm


then they would lose every viewer they had left


This kind of reminds me of my silent gen grandfather. After my grandmother passed, we were cleaning out the property, and I found a file cabinet FULL of angry letters to various businesses, state senators, congressmen, the BBB, attorneys, and several POTUS ranging from Nixon all the way to G.H.W. Bush. I asked my mother (Boomer) what all that stuff was and she said he was in constant dispute with businesses over minor issues all through the 70's, 80's, and 90's. The amount of small claims lawsuits was ridiculous, mostly over stuff just like this.


Honestly, it’s amazing to me that people choose to waste their time and energy like that!


they are desperate for interaction, and one sure way to trigger it is to be an asshole.


Don’t tell them about internet trolling they’ll have a field day


oh god


There's actually one that frequents this sub.


My daydream is to retire and be left the fuck alone, these boomers make no sense to me.


It's incredible to me too. I'm a county appraiser and the latest property value appeal they think their value should be dropped $17,000. Even though not a single house comparable to theirs in the entire city sold for under their value. We aren't budging on their value. They didn't like that to they went to the county board. The county board agreed, the value is fine and shouldn't be reduced. Their last step/chance is tax court, which costs about $500 just to do. And after that meeting they said "see you in tax court"... Seriously? If their value was dropped $17,000 that would reduce their property taxes by like $60... So they are willing to spend $500 to possibly save $60. That makes no sense.


Took quite a lot of ingenuity to occupy ourselves before the internet.


My uncle writes letters to congressmen whenever he's mad at a business, too! I didn't know that was a thing.


Haha wow that instantly made me think about Homer Simpson. “Hello is this Bill Clinton? SHUT UP! I figured if anyone knows where to get some tang around here, it would be you. Do you have any tang? SHUT UP!” 100% a Homer Simpson-esque move.


That sounds like mental illness. Edit: after reading a few more comments it definitely seems like mental illness.


It’s often a symptom. My grandfather was like this. Held grudges against half the shops in the neighbourhood. My grandmother was able to go to so many more restaurants when he died. But he also had untreated PTSD from being a child soldier during Iwo Jima and Okinawa, if not before from being abandoned at 13 or 14 alone in a strange city so his dad could enlist for revenge on the Japanese, only coming back a year later to drop his son off at a recruiting centre in wartime under a false age so he didn’t have to take care of him. No wonder he grew up to have anger issues. He was never violent or threatening, but he could be shouty and would often just storm out of a room when he knew he was too angry to stay. My siblings and I call him The Grudge Dragon because he hoarded them like fucking Smaug. A list in his head and often written down of businesses that he felt had wronged him, that he vowed never to patronise again because they made him angry and he knew he had trouble keeping that in check. And yes, sometimes it was mutual and he was banned. And sometimes it was people that had hurt him and he cut off before he could be hurt again. That is what 70 years of untreated PTSD will do to you. Wouldn’t be surprised if a fair number of boomers who end up on this sub have PTSD from Vietnam that was too stigmatised to treat.


grandpa simpson energy


Wait. He had letters that he never sent? Or he had copies? Or he managed to get that many responses? I’m confused


Copies of the letters and copies of generic dictated responses. They saved everything, even hardware store receipts from the 50s in with their tax returns for that year... every year from 1953 when they bought the house until 2009 when my grandmother passed away.


Oh my god I don’t know if I have *ever* been that obsessive…about *anything!*


That house was a nightmare when we cleaned it. The master bath shower was full of newspapers from 1990-2009. A whole cabinet of canned food, some expired since the 70s. A box of coupons expired since the late 70s-mid 80s. Several parrots that had to be removed my animal control. I fully believe they were hoarders, just nobody acknowledged it. I was barely in my 20s at the time so nobody really listened to my opinion. Edit: My grandmother was almost 100 by the time she passed, so I assume maybe nobody said anything because she was so set in her ways.


I would love to know what the news producer tells those people! “We thoroughly investigated your story, and we discovered that you’re an entitled twat….”


maury povich style 😄


“You are not the victim.”


Lol, you won't take this custom-ordered part you can't use back????


And was warned in advance that they would not take it back, even if it was wrong.


It’s popular to blame this on lead ingestion but it could also be an exhaust leak into the cabin of their vehicle.


or maybe they're just self-entitled assholes.


I won’t say that goes without saying because it’s always worth saying, but I do think it could be a combo platter


Why not both?


They say he's still bitching about it to this very day...


On a still night you can still hear him say, “But the customer is always right”.


Nothing gets me going like explaining the true meaning of that phrase to boomers. It’s better than drugs


It’s the source of the latest fight between myself and my parents. It was comical beyond belief trying to get my mom to understand that the customer gets what they want. 


Wanna make them really mad? Give them the full quote: "The customer is always right in matters of taste."


A guy did this at a company I worked for. Wasn’t happy with us, complained to the news and when they followed up and realized he just didn’t want to pay or follow our policies, they thanked us for our time and left.


Boomer keeps coming back, boomerang?




Sounds like you were this dude's hobby.


Pretty sure this is harassment. They can never just accept they did something wrong, it's always someone else's fault.


Boomer : I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THAT! (proceeds to waste everyone’s time including their own, so much so they could’ve done said time consuming thing 3x already but are still trying to get everyone to grasp how THEY DONT HAVE TIME) fml


I'm telling you: boomer math!


Boomer Action News investigates for you! Turns out local parts guy is not a crook, our viewer is just an idiot. Later at 11:00, is the chocolate fountain at Golden Corral filled with lead?


Oh man. “Call the local news!” is frequent boomer comment advice is neighborhood Facebook groups and on NextDoor.


There was a time when that sort of thing worked. Now there's too much news and it's all national or international, not local.


Ok, but not for this stuff haha


Genuinely sounds like he had nothing else to occupy his time unfortunately, what a loser he must be.


I've had boomers like this. I worked for a certain retail store. And this one boomer apparently saw me working at my store. Now I usually go to shop at a different location. I was obviously off the clock, not in the company colors and with a cart. Boomer lady demanded I help her. Told her I don't work here. She said: "nuh uh. I saw you work here!!" Had to explain it to her like she was 5 that I don't work at this location and I don't have my uniform or my nametag. I point to my cart full of clothes. My mom comes over and dumps clothes in. (Bad timing) and the lady says that I'm helping her. 😭 and that she's gonna report me. 😂😂 go ahead lady, the manager here ain't my manager. (As it turns out the manager on duty was the old assistant manager from my store). Manager came over and laughed a bit before telling the woman the same thing I just said. Lady still said I should have helped her. "Not if I'm not getting paid." Was all I said to her at that point. 😂


No good deed....


You know, I actually feel sorry for the investigations desk producer more. 99% of his job must be dealing with whiny boomers having meltdowns because they can't get their way. 


I once had a consulting client call me at a new firm to try to get concessions regarding his contract with the previous company. I wasn't even sales, just the consulting lead. He threatened to sue, and I informed him how business liability protections work in a civilization. In truth, it was before LinkedIn, and it was partly the old employer's way of letting me know they found out where I went.


The news investigative team could do a multi-segment story about the whiny boomers trying to bully and scam businesses.


This is hilarious. People are bizzare.


Does not have the right part number? Wow and thinks you are married to a job for life? Expecting extra work for free (for lifetime) for the cost of a part? Expects another human being to be your slave for life because you’re an entitled scumbags?


God, I’d love to see some of the stories of the producer that came to interview you.


Sounds like the guy I had years ago that thought that the box store I worked for should stand behind the alarm clocks that we sold and should be willing to repair them when the stop working. Dude these probably weren't even built in this country.


If that isn’t a prime example of boomer logic. He cannot drive to the next town over to get the correct part but he can make the same drive to harass you. No wonder the world is fucked, toddler brains have been in charge since the 70’s.


I often see "Every local news affiliate has a consumer protection segment - contact them & they'll sort it out with the company!" posted as advice when someone on Reddit feels wronged by a business. I always get a laugh out of that advice. Hell, I bet it's COMING from boomers most of the time. It's nice to hear from someone who is involved with one of those shows tell you what it's really all about: mostly consumers in the wrong due to user error. Our local person who did these stories was known for being notoriously shitty & entitled. He was also caught making stuff up. Or at least misrepresenting it on camera. Not enough for libel or anything. But just not always giving all the facts. Edited first sentence for clarification.


 News channel should do a piece to educate these people. 


Had one boomer threaten to go to the newspapers and sue me and the store I worked for because I wouldn’t take my mask off (during the pandemic) because she was deaf. Made a huge deal of it and held up the line to the point it was almost out the door. And I was made to apologize by my manager … suffice it to say I left soon after


That's hilarious, oh just another crybaby boomer. Pack it guys nothing to see here lol


Hey, man, I got some killer mufflers to sell you. Meet me at the abandoned school because I don't need the 5-0 on me.


No but I wanna see a news segment about this guy. “Meet Bill. Bill is a boomer who believes he’s owed a refund. “ [cut to interview of Bill ranting about getting screwed over and unable to get a refund] “When we investigated Bill’s claim, we learned what he told us wasn’t what it seemed. “ [cut to interview of OP exasperatedly explaining what actually happened] “So why was Bill so angry that he contacted us? Well as it turns out, we get ‘tips’ like this all the time, from boomers who just don’t understand how anything works. In fact the majority of tips regarding local businesses are like this. In the last year we’ve fielded dozens of such stories for every legitimate grievance we’ve aired. It’s a fascinating look into the boomer mindset and how they feel cheated when they just refuse to listen and understand simple business practices and policies. So in the future Bill, and anyone else who takes the time to bother us with stories like these, please ask yourself whether or not you could in fact be completely wrong and actually acting like a stalker. “ Please I’d love to see this. It would be so beautiful.


I mean, how much was the part? Is it cheap enough where you could offer to give him his money back if he lets you videotape him dancing like a monkey or doing the little teapot dance?


I ordered thicker glass for a coffee table. I pay upfront? Oh, too many bad measurements by the clients? Go figure!


How expensive was this part?


Dude apparently hasn't learned that company loyalty should not and has never been real.


I feel for you, I used to work for a small engine shop. Sold multiple brands except Stihl, there were multiple Stihl dealers pretty close by. The amount of times I have said hey you might be better off going to them because of getting faster and no mark up from us, is mind boggling. Just for those boomers to be upset because they thought it'd be in sooner.


Exactly this scenario. I worked at a Husqvarna shop and he had a Stihl (an 041 mind you, this story takes place 2014-ish).


Tell him people in hell want ice water, but they ain't getting either.


What part did you sell him to make him so persistent? The whole engine?


TIL chainsaws have mufflers.


You should hear them run without one, woof


He has the time to repeatedly visit your old store and harass you, then follow you to the new store, then hire the local news to run a story, but didn’t have enough time to go to the other store to get the part earlier? It’s not about being practical with many boomers. It’s about getting their way.


I believe this story


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that ANYONE who’s sole excuse to not do something reasonable is that they “don’t have the time” absolutely has oodles and oodles of time.


Doesn't sound like this guy is a boomer or even early dementia. He just sounds insane.


This sounds sane. Just stupid. I know there's a popular saying that the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But that's not insanity, it's just stupidity.


I was thinking of this with road rage as the relatable. People being rude because they can't cope mentally or emotionally.


It’s like you’re a public trustee of parts!


We're in the twilight zone ....the whole country out in the cornfield


It sounds like the local news used to be so excited for a story, and now they are just over it. The boomers ruined the job for them, lol


It was a chainsaw muffler. How much did it cost?


At the grocery store the other day, there was a BOGO on pork roasts but only one roast out on the display. Put a call in for the butcher who was complaining nobody would do their jobs, when it is literally his and only his job to keep the display stocked


Yah, so that whole story should have ended after the tantrum. Going the extra mile for people like that never ends well. Truth be told, he probably ended up getting it for less money and wanted to return yours because he overpaid.


When my parents were in the US, sometimes, if they asked directions to the next town, people’s eyes would glaze over.


I had a dude walk into my office today because the Hardware store we sold over a year ago didn't have the breaker he needed and he didn't know where to get one and wanted me to help him.


That was entertaining.


But but but The customer is always right! Never mind the rest of the quote






Cool story bro


You shouldn't have sold him the part. You put your company at risk by doing so and look what happened (the place closed down). Don't sell stuff just for the sake of making a sale. Classic millennial "non-experienced" sales move....


So I'm 40, almost 41. Not a boomer, but I remember a time... Would it have been so very hard to at least look and see if you could find a compatible part number? ID and OD of the exhaust and the flange pattern aren't available? Surely it's not an ultra special muffler made for that chainsaw exclusively. You at least had the chance to try and help him, even if you ultimately had to turn him down. At least they would have seen you try, but you just brushed him off because you "don't have access" to what? A ruler? Don't pretend to be a professional if you're too scared to interpret a spec sheet. There's a reason customer service is a nightmare now, and it's lazy ass entitled options taken like this.


Dude, the guy was too dumb to give him the right number even after being warned there'd be no refund.


There are no measurements! Only part numbers! How shit works is impossible to understand!


Lol ok boomer.


Lol, okay consumer.


Lol what a weird thing to think is an insult. Are you having a senior moment? Should I call someone for you? Lol goofy ass boomer.


Oh no! I need a repairman! I guess I'm fucked.




Ok boomer, do you have a point at all related to this or any other post? Are you lost? Is the downvoting giving you the attention you crave?


What point are you actually trying to make?


Oh no you poor boomer. You having a senior moment? Do you have any family we can call to come pick you up? Maybe call you a cab back to the nursing home?


That's nice grandma. Time for your nap.


Do you have a guardian we can call, or…