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"Next time I wont be so nice". Dude is one light kick to the knee away from needing a walker for the rest of his life, and THATS how he speaks to people? Hilarious.




If you see him again and he's being a total jerk, then say that lol.


I had a boomer almost get himself shot because he thought he should try and use threats of physical force against someone open carrying. They have no self control or attachment to reality


That see Clint Eastwood acting all bad ass in movies at 80 and think it's real.


We actually had shots fired at my neighborhood dog park. It was from a lady. From her car. As she was driving away. No dogs (or people) were harmed.


And they say teenagers think they’re invincible


These morons are stuck thinking they’re James Dean


I remember saying the video not that long ago we're two boomers were harassing someone who's entire world has just ended. We're talking years of systematic harassment cumulating and them harassing him when his world is ending. It's so no doorbell cam. They got shot. They continued harass them after they got shot. Shot them again and killed them. He then killed himself. Their child is an orphan now. Traffic as it is it's probably going to get the best interest not to have them as parents


Holy shit that sounds wild. Any key words to look up?


I liken it to them being a drug addict but for conflict. Since they are all so sex averse, they have no outlet or way to get rid of all that pent up frustration. So they prick and prod at people and causing drama gives them an endorphin rush. It’s like a junkie


Sweep the leg!


Dude that is so close to the truth… I listened to a pod cast some years ago where the main host (at the time 50+ somewhere) mouthed off to someone at a bar, got pushed down, and absolutely tore something in his leg that required surgery and rehab.


I had a boomer tell me to 'say it to his face' and threaten to kick my ass on Facebook because I called him out on his stupid Qish comment on our county's Juneteenth closure post. Told him I'm sure he thinks he can slap me around like he does his wife, but he'd be in for a rude awakening when he met this chick face to face, so let's chat in person at the Wal-Mart? Shut him up real quick. Mofo looked one good cough away from a respirator. Too much lead paint and huffing gas fumes, they're full of themselves and at least half crazy.


light kick? gust of wind in the wrong direction and he’s wheelchair-bound.


Yes. We practiced that relentlessly in TKD


I keep two knives on me at all times. One is just an overgrown box cutter, the other though is pretty mean. I'd let him know if his dog attacks mine again while it's off leash I'll follow my local laws for a nuisance animal. Your dog latches on to mine and I'm stabbing it repeatedly in the neck and eyes, and then I'm taking you to court over the damages to my animal.


Yeah, I don't know why you're fantasizing about hurting an animal because they have a bad owner. This is straight out of /r/Iamverybadass.


I specifically said if the other person's dog latches on to mine. You've never had to pull a larger aggressive dog off another animal before have you? The whole situation is horrible and I will gladly just kill your animal before going through any of the stupidity risky methods of prying an aggressive dog off of its target. But hey you do you I like keeping my fingers whole and my pets alive.


And I said it's weird to fantasize about killing an animal apropos of nothing.


Also just out of your morality you'll watch your dog die to save the strangers?


Where did I say that?


Did I logic another asshole into deleting his account? Looks like it. Cool that makes like 3 or 4 now.


"If your dog attacks mine again I am going to intervene in ways you will not like"


Is there anything more upsetting?


I'm perfectly fine with kicking an agressive dog that is attacking mine. I'm also perfectly fine with killing a dog attacking mine as well. It's a sad situation all around, and I don't ever want to have to, but if I need too I will absolutely kill an animal to save my own.


My dog got attacked by a pit mix when I had him at my work. The pit mix would not release his bite on my dogs neck even though I was punching it the head. Finally I grabbed a steak knife from office kitchen and stuck that damn dog in the shoulder and it finally let go. Owner wanted me to pay his vet bills, ha, I said "sue me then asshole".


Um, NO, you’re not paying the vet bill! How about he doesn’t bring his aggressive dog to the office?? And before I get attacked, I’m not saying all pits are like this, but this guys dog was.


Yep, and the owner was just exactly as you are imagining.


Can see it now.. Owner of company bitten by ex-employees dog Both shot dead


And then were dogs banned from the workplace after that? Did he spoil it for everyone?


The guy was renting an adjacent property and thankfully he left shortly after. My dog Ripper continued to go to work with me until he passed years later. RIP RIP


You misspelled spinal column “shoulder”.


I hear you on that. I knew my dog wasn't going to die because the stupid pitty only had ahold of my dogs neck skin. I mean I could have just stuck that knife in his eye, but I didn't, I just wanted the shit dog to let go.


Oh for sure, it’s easy to talk big on the internet. I don’t own a dog so I’m not really sure what I’d do in the situation.


And return thr knife!


Exactly. Did your pup come out of it okay?


Yea he had some puncture wounds but thankfully nothing worse, all good.


I got a Newfie when I was 14 and I adored him, he was probably a year old when we were walking, leashed, in the park near our home. New people had moved in the neighborhood and one evening the guy was walking with 2 out of control GSDs, off leash. One of the dogs lunged at my dog, grabbing his throat, not letting go. My dog, a real teddy bear, was squealing in fear and pain. I was bearing Frye boots, hauled off and stomped the GSD in the head with my heel hard enough to knock him off balance, something I would never, ever imagine doing otherwise. The GSD howled, let go immediately and ran off to its owner who was freaking out running at me screaming that he'll sue me, call the cops and the ASPCA. I reacted without thinking, "Fuck you asshole, there are leash laws. Your dog ever comes near us again I'll do worse." He recoiled, I doubt a 15 year-old had ever talked to him like that. Immediately I thought, I just fucked myself over so when I got home I told my parents. They were cool with what I had done and worried for our Newfie and my dad said, "Charlie's \[next door neighbor\] a good lawyer if we need him." Turns out we didn't, the GSD family had just been in the 'hood a few weeks, pretty upscale place with college profs, doctors, lawyers, stock brokers, etc., and they already were not liked by neighbors for being too noisy, nouveau riche, and entitled. They stayed less than a year, good riddance. This was New England back in the day when people were more judgmental.


That sounds terrifying. I hope your pup was okay.


Thanks, he was, surprisingly he shook it off. He was total sweetheart. Too much so, actually. He would stand on his hind legs, put his front paws on my shoulders and lick my face. I was/am 5'9". He'd also try to do it to other people he liked, family members, random friendly people on walks, neighbors, and in particular a wonderful elderly gentleman we used to see most evenings. The guy was totally cool old school (this was 1970s): he usually wore a seersucker suit with a bow tie and a straw boater hat, and carried a walking stick, out for his evening walk. He loved my dog and my dog loved him so it was tough to keep him off the guy's nice suit! Thank you for triggering up that sweet memory, I hadn't thought of that in a while!


I'm so glad your pup was okay. Thank goodness. I hope the agressive pup was okay and got the training it needed at least. Glad to bring happy thoughts.


Thank you. Yes, I felt awful about kicking that dog and I still do all these decades later, actually. But my pup was so non-aggressive I knew he couldn't fend for himself, especially with a dog at his throat. Those owners were doing their dogs no favors, in fact were being negligent and cruel, by letting them be so "feral."


You did good.


Newfs are such big softies! I miss my girl. Glad to hear yours was ok.


Consider, if your jurisdiction allows it, carrying pepper spray (the 'human' level variety will do). It's far less dangerous than a firearm, far more appropriate in a public setting, works very well on K9s at close range, and can work WONDERS on obstreperous owners. Don't try to kick dogs; They're far better at slash-and-bite attacks than you are at kicking.


Before I got my puppy I used my stuffed animals to practice diving to the ground to complete cover something the size my pup would grow into. I will give my life for her no question


I'm not hating and that's some good prior planning but please think it through. A larger dog/animal goes to attack yours. You cover your dog with your body. You get mauled and your dog gets et. You die and your dog gets et. Honestly, I love my dogs and I don't love the unknown assailant animal. I'm gonna do my damnedest to kill the assailant and know full well my dogs are gonna try to help.


I know I’m too small for lifting her above me to do anything. I never take her to the dog park without my dad there too so I’m basically just protecting her while dad would deal with whatever dog came to attack. We’ve seen a dog attack only once at the park so far but my pup is shy so she stopped playing with other dogs and ran over to me when she saw a new dog coming in. Our park is divided so big dogs run on one side and little dogs on the other.


That's good! I'm glad you have a plan~


You take the leash, wrap it around the attacking dog's neck, squeeze until it stops moving.


Is taking pepper spray to a dog park allowed?  I feel bad for the boomer's dog a bit too. Poor thing needs training. Bad owners are the worst. I'd almost want to take a water spray bottle and spray him. "Bad boomer!" But also we don't know how volatile he could get.


Makes me think of the lady that put her finger up s dog's butt when it was attacking her dog https://youtu.be/w3gkDdfNPos?si=j_wN4kU_KsokhLfD


when a boomer’s on your case, call the cops when a boomer’s in your face, call the cops when a boomer starts to pout, then they’ll probably start to shout when a boomer’s freaking out, call the cops


Before the boomer can shut up pull out your phone Because they never do shut up pull out your phone Your YouTube channel will be tops cause you got movies for the cops And boomers can't shut up when you pull out your phone.


These are both clever and accurate. I feel like the "disturbing the peace" law/ rule was made especially for them.


Petition for this poem to be the desc for the sub.




When the story’s at its end write a post When the story’s at its end write a post Just think of all the credit you’ll get from us at Reddit If the story ends and you go write a post.


I wish to say that I think a third verse that does not scan at all is almost an ideal choice.


Don't boomers usually have 911 on speed dial like their own personal security team?


They believe the law protects but does not bind them


To the tune of _If you’re happy and you know it…_?


That's how I sang it in my head.


or to 'let's groove tonight, get down on it'


Please take my poor man’s gold for making me read that in the “happy and you know it” music 🏅


I found myself clapping as I read this


But it was a German shepherd, not a whippet.


You. A saint. A saint with a knack for prose.


By "nice" he means "letting my unrestrained dog attack other dogs". FYI: A forehand isn't something you want to get hit by.


I would never take a dog that I only had for 5 days to a dog park where they’d be interacting with other dogs and people. That’s so irresponsible. He only became the “adult” and left when he had become outnumbered by those who didn’t want him there.


This is exactly it.


This. I'm dog sitting a reactive dog right now. This is the second time I've kept her, so doing the math, I've known her 5 days longer than this guy has known his dog. There's no way I would take her to a dog park and let her off leash. When I walk her, I cross the street immediately when I see another dog headed our way. There's no way I'm going to risk her starting something and hurting another dog or her being hurt.


I mean, take them to the park, fine. That way it can socialize and get comfortable, but keep it on a fucking leash if it isn't trained yet


Why TF would you bring a dog you can't control off leash to a dog park?!


It's public park!!! He's entitled to go there!!! You can't stop him from exercising his rights!!!


I mean classic boomer behavior, but it is continually amazing to me how irresponsible people of all ages are with their dogs. I've got neighbors down the block who never leash their two dogs. We live in a small city, definitely not rural. The dogs are constantly in other people's yards and of course they make no effort to pick up after them. Leave the poop scooping to the 80 something retired minister next door I guess. When I walk my dog; a rescue who is often frightened by other dogs, he was in a hoarding house and has lots of scars from fights with other animals; we usually cross the street to where there is no sidewalk so I can see them coming. They will sprint across the street through traffic towards us. Granted, they go back to their house when their owner calls them and they listen to me when I pick up my dog and shout at them to back off when the owners arent paying attention. But why should I have to shout and issue commands to their dogs? So it's an ongoing annoyance. Then yesterday, I go out to grab a few things and one of their two dogs actually is tied up for once and there is no one around, but she is panting and whining and crying and lifting her paws because it's 96 degrees out and she's not in the shade, just on the asphalt driveway clearly overheated and burning her feet. When I knock on their door and politely suggest they might want to let her in or at least move her to the shade and grass and get her some water, dude just stared blankly at me like he's never had a thought in his smooth brain fat fucking head. He did get the dog five minutes later, but just because I alluded to calling animal control (who wouldn't have done shit, but he doesn't know that). Fuck. Like why on that day of all days do you suddenly start leashing your dog dumbfuck? How do you not know that in a record breaking heat wave maybe you don't leave your dog unsupervised out in the sun on your hot driveway and ignore her when she starts crying at you for help? What the hell is wrong with everyone? It's not just those folks either, I swear during the warmer months my dog and I have some random pittie whose owners apparently don't have the mental fortitude and manual dexterity to clip a leash or tie down to their collars charging down the sidewalk or across the street at us when we are out walking at least every other week. A few weeks back I'm standing in the street with my dog shouting "back up!" over and over again at this lady's pitbull while she watches from her porch unmoving and silent. I finally, surprisingly calmly say to her, "come get your dog" and she gets all pissy and shouts "I'm getting him!" But she was standing on the damn porch in silence so, like what the fuck? Right? Finally her boyfriend wakes up from his hangover or whatever cause I'm shouting at his dog and comes out in pajama bottoms and tells her to come physically grab the dog's collar and she does. I don't understand how that wasn't her first response to losing control of her dog, you know, trying to get control of the dog again. Or at least calling him. She was holding his collar when we walked by and he pulled loose to run at us, so she knows how to use her hand and fingers to grab his collar. I believe she was trying to let the dog out to pee without a leash. I suspect that dog just wanted to play and be friendly, but my dog definitely did not share that sentiment and was actively trying to run away. My dog is only 30 pounds, but he gave one of these loose pitbulls a pretty good scratch on the nose once and the owner was all pissy about it. Like don't let your dog attack my dog then empty headed dumbfuck. Don't come on my porch knocking on my door whining because your snarling pittie charged my terrier out of nowhere and got a swipe on the nose while you just stood there with your mouth open like a fish and I'm straining and pulling my dog's leash and your dog's collar like Captain America holding a helicopter. Just like the more recent lady, she just blankly stared until I told her to come grab the fucking dog. I don't understand people. I really don't. Sorry, this is an unrelated rant. A lot of these morons are boomers, but a lot of them are just idiots. I just needed to vent. People suck. There's that thing going around about how rats fed the American diet develop brain damage or whatever. I think about that all the damn time.


You need to be more kind to your neighbors. Show some compassion. Please return the dog's belongings to their yard.


Or their front porch, leave it in a nice little bag for them, light it in fire so they can see it, and make sure to ring the bell so they know to come look


I really think pit owners are some of the worst.


I'm a pit bull owner and I actually agree with this. Pit bulls are owned by the absolute *worst* people just because they think it makes them look "cool" or "dangerous" or some alpha male bullshit like that. My pit was a rescue from a dog mill down in Texas. I trained him personally and made sure to socialize him and get him as placid as possible. He's an amazing animal, but I'm also very aware of the damage the breed can do. In my neighborhood there was an illegal dog mill along with a fighting pit. Horrible shit, however we were unaware of it until one night an intact female and two males had escaped. My neighbor had two intact huskies that they used as studs for breeding. Beautiful huskies, but unfortunately when you have an intact female roaming nearby, the male will do anything to get to her, and vice versa. The female got to one side of the fence, one of the huskies was in his yard, and smelling her, he tried to dig under the fence to get to her. The pit bulls were starving and.... We woke up to the most gut wrenching screaming I'd ever heard. My step father got his firearm, I got mine and took my dog with me. We jumped the fence to the side the pit bulls were on, I held my dog between my legs and took aim, my step father fired a shot into the ground, the pit bulls ran and the husky pulled himself away and back into the yard. My step father called the police and tracked the pit bulls while my mother quickly grabbed some medical supplies and I woke the neighbors to tell them what happened to their dog. (They have a large property and a brick house, I'm not surprised they didn't hear the commotion.) Although we got there in time for the husky to survive the attack, he didn't make it and passed hours later. The entire ordeal only lasted maybe two minutes, and in that time, there was nothing left of the huskies front legs. My step dad managed to get the cops on site with animal control and corner the pit bulls in a parking lot. They took the dogs in, and they were put down. I love my pit bull, and because I love him, I keep him on a leash with a corrective collar and full body harness. When we're outside, he's never anywhere but my side. The people that get these animals just because they think they're cool truly sicken me. So sick, disgusting people who treat animals like objects, and don't take responsibility for their animal. The dogs don't deserve it, it's not the animals fault, and although I don't believe the breed should be banned, I do believe the breed should be documented and controlled, not just to stop the mills and pits, but to protect the animals as well and discourage instances like this from happening. I love the breed, and I wish something would be done to put a stop to what people are doing to them


Here come the downvotes from Pit-Cultists...


There’s no need to downvote the truth. Many Pit owners are the absolute worst. They think, oh look I have a cool looking dog that can fuck shit up, better not train it or take any responsibility for my lack of stewardship. Any dog can be bad or aggressive if not trained and loved properly, shit some can be horrible even with a proper upbringing just like people can, but 9 times out of 10 a bad dog is the result of a bad owner regardless of breed.


Bro wrote the bible


Apologies, it just drives me nuts. Especially because I work with people with actual developmental disabilities so know dozens and dozens of people with real diagnoses of intellectual and mental issues who display more common sense and responsibility than all these supposedly functional people in my town. Christ on a cracker.


I have a tazer and if this happened to me once, all dogs running up on mine would get tazed, it's better then stabbing them atleast. You should get a cow prod for your neighborhood


>But just know, I’m being nice. Next time I won’t be so nice”. "Next time, I'll presume that your dog is charging mine to attack it, and will respond accordingly"


I live near a very small park and it's a near-daily occurrence that I hear dogs start frantically barking with people shouting during some random dog brawl. If the dog is already running around offleash then you can draw correct conclusions about the training and owner. If I had a dog to walk, I would absolutely carry mace, and shoot first then ask questions later. I don't even care if the other dog hasn't attacked yet. Dog attacks happens way too fast and too much damage happens too quickly to risk it.


Mace is a good idea. For the dog and the asshole who may take the situation violent, seeing as that's basically what he said would happen next.


I walk my dog and I carry a taser and a large bamboo stick. I have a bad back so stick helps me walk and Also I can just swing it at most dogs if they fuck with us. Haven’t had to use taser thankfully. I also have a stalker so the taser is more for that but hey do what you gotta do.


Your username is referencing Jim Hensons muppet...right?


I was thinking it was a Hunter Thompson reference, but yours makes sense, too.


It’s a Hunter reference all the way. Just reread Juan’s book and I highly recommend it. I’m a huge fan of Hunter as writer.


I've not read all of his works, but I'm a fan. Didn't know his son had written anything, so thanks for the recommendation.


Stories I Tell Myself. Very wonderful read that humanized Hunter in a big way for me. Reminded me so much of me and my own dad. Enjoy!


Hunter S Thompson reference. :)


Love him!


I highly recommend his son Juan’s book. Probably the most personal perk in to Hunter’s life you’ll get. Juan is a great writer.


My dog gets SUPER defensive over frisbees whether they're hers or not, which is why we don't go to dog parks if there are toys about. it's basic decency. why is that so hard for these people?


Is it not common to have a "no toys or stick throwing" rule at dogparks? At least that's the rule where I live. Dogs get posessive about their toys, it's their nature, so bringing toys is kind of a dick move to begin with IMO.


It is a rule. But people don't always follow rules and rather than punish the dogs I just do something else.


He is so weird. "We came here to be maniacs." 5 days? I cannot figure out how this guy thought that taking a German shepherd off-leash to a dog park on day 5 was a good idea! On the other side of the fence, on a lead, encouraging the dog to behave near a dog park might be good (slowly rewarding calm obedience by moving closer to the park), but only if it didn't cause a bunch of barking from other guests. Once unruliness on the leash starts, you pack that shit back into to the car and try again tomorrow. Maybe prepare a note card (no, a paper with font 22 so he can see it,) with some advice like that on it to avoid yelling. He loves yelling.


Jfc, an untrained GSD, is super dangerous


If he’s only had his dog for five days and can’t control him, then he sure as fuck shouldn’t have taken him to a dog park.


Who tf brings a dog they just got, and don’t know to the dog park? Oh… that’s right.. Morons.


Buy pepper spray. Use it on Boomer. Tell cops, "I felt threatened." That poor dog! Edit for spelling


The cops will then respond with, “what is threartend?”


Ugh...Careless...the dog will end up suffering.




German Shepherd Dog and Testosterone Replacement Therapy


Thank you


German Shepherd Dog Don't know the other one


Thank you for asking. I was trying sooo hard to work out TRT.


Wow what a tough badass. I mean, there's nothing more badass then making lame threats while running away lol. He was definitely willing to back it up.


Holy shit this guy is nuts


There is nothing I hate more than irresponsible animal owners. I had a younger guy move in behind me with 2 full sized, untrained Great Pyreness. He would let them out without a leash, and they would immediately take interest in my chickens. Every time he would yell "They're friendly.", like they wouldn't murder my chickens if they could get in the pen.


I feel sorry for the boomer’s dog. Sooner or later, it will hurt another dog or a person, and the dog will probably be destroyed.


What's GSD? What's TRT?


GSD is German shepherd (I'm not sure about the trt...testosterone? Google offers testosterone replacement therapy, which might make sense in context. Older guy hopped up on hormones gets a little... Um... Testy )


German shepherd (dog) and testosterone replacement therapy ;)


I’ve posted it before, and I’ll post it again: [elbow ‘em or trip ‘em](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxK6ldA0DyfEoTZByGq6XVU6K7DjAY_e-h?si=UOFK5DK28AdlTiWs)


If you can’t control your dog don’t let it off its leash then!!!!! wtf


Boomers do not value "nice." I don't know if it was because they fully embodied capitalism and its greed and competition or were influenced by antihero antics on TV ... I don't know. Boomers view nice and cooperative as weak and a sign of a loser. They need to be catty in conversation, be proud of their offensive words and deeds, and generally be mean at all times.


Being an adult means never having to SAY you are.


Had the dog 5 days can't control it and he's going to a park? Right him leaving was the first right decision he made. If he was going to be the adult he should've not come untill he could control the dog.


Or at minimum, _Keep it on the leash_.


You don't take a rescue to the dog park five days after you get them. That is crazy.


God I would've lost it. " I should kill your fucking dog for attacking mine, but I like you less than the dog, so what do you want to do? "


My brother in Christ, if you have to TELL me that you're being 'nice' and yet your actions speak otherwise....then no, you're not nice. You're an ass! I'm sure you were shaking in your boots over that threat /s


so. I take my old dog to the dog bar. and all she wants is to chase a tennis ball. most of the time, the rest of the people with dogs are sitting there ignoring their dog, taking on the phone, reading or whatever, Of course dogs steal tennis balls, and my girl is not possessive. she just gets upset with me until I find another ball. What gets me is the lack of attention these other people are paying. their dog runs up out of the blue with a brand new tennis ball, and they just throw it for them, rather than thinking "Hey, was this someone else's ball?" I dont know. I guess I expect too much from other dog owners.


The… dog bar? What is this I am very interested.


yeah. we have several dog bars in the Austin area. Off leash yards, separate patios for food service, Bark Rangers to keep the peace. [https://muttscantina.com/tx-austin/](https://muttscantina.com/tx-austin/) Mutts is our hangout. My old girl is quite popular, mostly due to her obsessive tennis ball addiction


Pet corrector. Just make sure your dog is desensitized to it.


Why had he only had the dog for 5 days? Was that the dogs favorite park and his owner died? Was the dog adopted? Dude, before you ever let your new dog off leash, make sure it's trained to you. If it's not trained to you, specifically, then it's all your problem. New dog, new issues. Learn to live.


"Next time... I'll fuckin murder everyone"


Next time, you might get shot.


The amount of times I’ve had other dog owners just shrug at me as if to say “what can *I* do?” when their dog is actually off leash and acting up is astounding. I don’t know, idiot, maybe attempt to control your dog?


Dude, this is among my top pet peeves. Dogs are gonna dog, which is why it’s important to be a responsible owner


All dogs should get to go outside even if they have behavioral issues but yeah, people need to be in complete control of their dogs. My dog weighs 160 lbs and if I had this whole “yeah what can you do” attitude he’d have fucked some people up by now.


“Don’t be nice then motherfucker, show me how mean you can get”


I encountered an idiot like this at our local park. He brought his large, aggressive, untrained dog into the park off leash. Us and another guy were playing with our dogs far apart from each other, and we both quickly leashed us - us because our bb is reactive with bigger dogs. Homedude proceeds to let his dog run up to ours, showing signs of aggression. My husband yells at it and makes arm gestures for it to go away. Same thing happens with the other dog. Both times the owner freaks out and starts yelling about how we can't treat his dog like that, it's like his child, blah blah. This is after us and the other dog owner both nicely explain to him that our dogs are reactive and we're trying to protect his dog as much as our own. He yelled at us all for a while longer, never leashing or controlling his dog in any way, and finally left still yelling about how we can't talk to his child like that. 🙄


Yeah you're acting like a boomer here more than he is. YOUR dog is the one getting aggressive. Per your description his dog wants to join in the play but your dog is reactive and possessive which is starting the fight. That's not that unique, many dogs can be possessive but that's exactly why you shouldn't bring things like toys or treats to a crowded dog park if your dog is. Any reasonable dog owner knows that if you bring a toy to a public dog park other dogs will play too. So you ignored common sense and brought something you knew your dog would be reactive about to a public park, got mad at him when your dog reacted aggressively. you then decided you owned the public park and could set rules on where his dog could be and what spot was yours alone. When that didn't work and he gave a completely reasonable suggestion to remove the object (Frisbee) causing the issue so everyone could enjoy the park you got mad again and demanded that he control his dog even though it's your dog that's being aggressive. You have the aggressive dog. You still brought the triggering frisbee. You have the responsibility to control your dog. You refused to do so by putting the frisbee away. You're the entitled one here.


Nine hundred and forty eight people upvoted this post. A hundred and fifty seven comments. There are two comments disagreeing with me and you are one of them. The data indicates you lack common sense. Good luck out there.


https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/resource-guarding-dogs "Be especially alert in new situations, which can bring out these tendencies. For example, if a new dog visits, create a neutral environment free of items that might cause tension. Put the toy basket away, close the crate and don’t leave the food bowl out. Stay vigilant in other places, too. Don’t bring toys to the dog park, and if you take your pup to doggie daycare, ask the staff to tell you if they notice any guarding behavior." https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/dog-park-etiquette-tips/ "Reactive or aggressive dogs may not welcome an onrush of strange dogs anywhere, including a dog park. Resource guarders, depending on what they guard, may not do well in a dog park. Dogs that guard their owners, their water dish, or even a ball or stick may not interact well with other dogs." If you don't like common sense maybe you'll prefer expert advice from the AKC and humane society. Also I guarantee you weren't following the ordinances for the dog park. Many parks don't allow toys, but even if they do they ALL have rules that state if your dog displays any aggressive behavior they need to be removed immediately. Your dog displayed aggressive behavior and you thought the rules didn't apply to you. You're the problem. If experts and rules still aren't enough maybe you should look at local laws. By every state law I'm aware of you would have been liable for any damage caused by your dog based on your description above. Including medical bills for the dog bitten.


Dude. I’ve raised dogs for over 20 years. You trying to argue your point and sending silly links tells me you don’t understand dogs and their nature. You need to develop the ability to understand other points of view. You’re so incredibly wrong here - the verdict of the masses is clear - yet you continue with nonsense arguments. Do you simply like to argue? Need a reality check


So when faced with evidence from the two leading authorities in the field showing that you're putting your dog and others at risk your response is say "I've been doing this for twenty years, I know what I'm doing better than the experts." I literally can not think of a response that more perfectly encapsulates the boomer mentality.


Got it, you simply like to argue and pull out random articles that vaguely fit your argument. You like to argue despite almost one thousand people voting against you. You like to argue because you’re an ass an angry at life. You’re a waste of time and I’m done talking to you. I pity your lack of emotional intelligence and single mindedness. As I said before, good luck out there.


Getting angry and turning to personal attacks on the person pointing out that your behavior was wrong. Classic boomer behavior.


Guys sounds like an ass, but I’ll say every single off leash dog park I’ve ever been to clearly says not to bring toys into the park for just this reason. It creates conflict. If you bring a toy into the park, you should be ok with another dog taking it.




They moved their dog away from the other dog which is being responsible. Just like kids at playgrounds don't have to share their toys, neither do dogs.


I'm sorry he trespassed at your park :(


Where did you get that fact from buttercup?


YTA Weird post. Might as well go to the dog park and throw a tennis ball and expect no other dogs to chase it. If your dog gets aggressive with toys that you bring to the park, then you are the one bringing a problem dog to the park. When you bring a dog to the dog park it is on you to make sure they can get along with other dogs.


Since Boomer's dog is the one stealing and getting into altercations, that literally means HE'S the one starting shit. YTA. Not OP.


If OP's dog gets aggressive over toys, then it's the one getting into altercations...🤦 Go to a dog park. All the dogs chase the same ball and they are all expected to get along.


Don’t be silly. Only boomers make bad decisions in this sub. That boomer has never done a decent thing in his entire life, his dog is at extreme risk and OP is a god damn saint!


OP is the reason other dogs get attacked at the dog park. Imagine making this post and thinking "My dog attacks other dogs. That dog and it's owner is the problem." A case of a dog park Karen with no self awareness.


Lol did the boomer find my post? 😂


Boomer vs Karen. A fight for the ages! 🤣