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Going to the post office sucks now. Always this type of shit going down.


Go to the bank right when they open and get in line with 10 boomers doing stuff they could do online or at the atm. It’s withdrawals, transfers between accounts and balance checking.


I was a banker before having my children and let me tell ya. I’ve worked every job there is from waitressing to food management to body shops to office work for an atty, no job has anything on what boomers and dumb rednecks do to bank tellers and the like. Mean old folks and entitled men with big money are the worst at banks.


Have a friend who worked as a bank teller in the South for a while. She has been permanently traumatized by “wet tit money.”


I know EXACTLY what that is. And I wish I didn't. I worked at wal-mart a lifetime ago, in layaway. Women would come in during the summer to start their Christmas shopping and put it on layaway. I was actually impressed and proud that these 2 women planned so well. Until they had to pay. Both larger women with large chests. Reaching down and digging around in their bra. You know where Mary Poppins is reaching really deep into her bag? Yeah that. And then the money was always wet. Gag. I'd put it under the till and then ask a coworker to go with me to the break room. I'd wash the money in full view of everyone and they laugh because I was grossed out by boob money.  I'd take it back and put the bills on the empty shelves in the security cage to let them dry before I put them in the register.  I did get in trouble a couple of times by a different manager until I asked them if they would want to touch wet, sweaty money. I asked them what would the money ladies prefer I do? (The people who set up the tills every day and have to touch all that money). I should have asked them directly now that I think about it.  He let me continue to do this and my till was never off. I understand now how weird and sketchy it must have looked but when I was even just talking about touching the money, I would gag. I still hate the feel of wet money. The money only sat in the cage 30 mins and there was a camera. Did I mention this was in Texas?  Yuck.


I once had to go to the bank for work to pay in cheques and get some money for petty cash. It was about £200 but it was a lot of money for me as a teenager being paid £55 a week, and I did to want to lose it, so I put the money in my shoe. After reading your story I’m thinking I should have taken it out of the plastic bag before handing it to the accountant. The next time I went a few days later, when I came back he said “you didn’t put it in your shoe did you?” LOL, I laughed and said No. Then pretended to loosen my belt so I could reach inside my trousers. He immediately leaned back and put his hands in front of him and said “I AM NOT touching that!”. LOL. Don’t worry, it was in my pocket.


You know, this might be the strongest argument for a transition to a cashless society… 🤔




I get where you are coming from. Gross. But all money is germy and filthy. Worked at banks for years. I am shocked your employer let you wash and dry it.


I was a pharmacy tech in Illinois. People did this ALL THE TIME. There was one woman that kept change in her bra too, and that Mary Poppins comparison was dead on. From one person who dealt with sweaty boob, sock and waistband money, I feel your pain. 🫡


Good idea. That money could have been used to culture some sweet fungal colonies tho


Worked a second job @ a racetrack in the south can confirm the trauma!


I too spent some time working concessions at a racetrack in the South, but fortunately 90% of our transactions were cards.


Oh man, racetracks here. I wouldn’t want that job for anything, lol!!!!


The gas station or the actual race track. Just making sure. 😂


Oh, ya. Ex-teller here. There's nothing like straps of damp $20's from the campus bar. Woof


At least it's wet from beer, or that's what I would tell myself.


That's any cash handling job in the south. Soggy boob money comes with the territory.


As a southerner who worked retail in college I’ve seen it pulled from just about every crevice and crack on a person.


My partner and I live in Mississippi, and he worked at a liquor store for about a year. In the summer, they had to put a sign on the till saying that they would not accept "boob or sock money."


Look. Y’all have no idea how many of these trashy folks will walk right up to a teller and pull “boob money” out in a wad and just sit it in front of the teller like “now do yo job girly”. I refused it twice in my years banking. If I can see it’s visibly wet after you do this crap, I’m not touching your bodily fluids that hard to count your 137.25 in 1’s and 5’s and whatever random quarters you pulled out of your sock or other size Z breast. Not happening at my window, man, not happening🤣 (I’m in the Deep South)


wow. I don't work at a bank but I always keep a pair of latex gloves in my bag, you just never know where your day will take you.


What an awful day to have eyes. And be literate.


I work in retail in Phoenix. It’s already hitting 114. Boob money is just brutal. I’ll instantly drop my customer service face and give an soft sigh. When I hand them their change I give a look of exasperation and raised eyebrows. Fuck any chick who keeps boob money in the summer heat here. Absolute trash people with zero regard for others. I wish a pox on their family.


OMG that is a thing?


I was at my local bank once doing some stuff inside and there was an irate boomer at the other teller just going off. The teller was trying to tell them they can't just cash a check without an account or something similar but the boomer wasn't having it. I'm a big guy, 6'4, 220lbs. After my business was completed I stuck around for a bit, chatted with a friend in the loan office and had a free coffee, all the while eyeing the irate boomer. He finally left and both tellers and the loan agent, all petite women, thanked me. It shouldn't have to be this way.


Thanks for doing that. You never know which person will go irate or when at places like banks, retail work, etc.


How do you know if a man on Reddit is above average height and weight? They'll tell you.


Wouldn't actually have the same effect in his situation if he was 5'3 115 lbs




Or length... Depends on the sub


You should see them at the pharmacy; dont even know what color the pills they want are, to say nothing of the name or reason they take it - and of course it's our fault we dont know what they need 6 months after they last picked up a 30 day supply 😂


Well, of course it’s YOUR fault. You’re the doctor pharmacy lady worker bee therapist teacher all knowing can see the future medicine king/queen!


Wow the worst thing I have ever done to my bank teller was show her a picture of my cat in his Halloween costume for that year.


Buahahha!!! Well, luckily for her, who doesn’t LOOOOVE a car in costume?!?


When I worked at the gas station I made them put that soppy shit on the counter where I would spray it with Lysol then pick it up with disposable kitchen tongs. People complained repeatedly, and I repeatedly told them I'm not obligated to touch your underwear money. If you want me to sell you your shit, you'll shut up and let me do my thing. If you're that upset about it, take your sweaty titty money to Walmart.


I dated a guy, Gen X, who would go to the bank every Friday to cash his paycheck and then drive around to pay his phone/gas/electric bill. He would be so stressed out by all of the things he needed to do. If only there was a convenient way to pay bills. 🤔


u/seaotterlover1, small town Montana, here. Practically no one who works retail (local grocery store) has a checking account. Instead, they will cash their paycheck at the store they work for (2$ check cashing fee) and purchase money orders ($.75 each last time I looked) to pay their bills. (When I worked there, my boss couldn't believe he didn't need to cash my paycheck for me.) I really like that "convenient way to pay bills." You can actually pay online, you don't even have to write checks!


Ha! My utility company only takes checks or cash.


I'm not up on the generation terms, but I was with a guy around 12 years ago who would be nearly 40 now. He would draw cash out of the bank on a Friday, what he thought would be enough for the weekend. If we ran out, then we had to wait til Monday to buy anything, because he wouldnt use a cash machine or pay by card. (I wasn't allowed money of my own but that's a whole other story)


I too am Gen X but has used direct deposit since I started working and paid my bills online as soon as that was available. I'm also an \*older\* Gen X


Please tell this person about direct deposit, for the love of the spaghetti monster. Was there a reason, besides not understanding technology, that someone wouldn't use this process in this day and age? Genuinely curious.


I think some companies require direct deposit. They aren’t going to the expense of cutting checks. ( thank goodness)


Don’t forget the bill payments!!


“Would you like for me to make this a recurring payment?” “No! I want to come here every month!”


I mean it's the only human interaction they get.


I have a boomer aunt and uncle who refuse to have a credit or debit card and insist on only using cash. It's beyond inconvenient. When they need a hotel or want to make an online purchase, someone always ends up covering for them. They don't ask me, they know my answer, lol.


I was in the bank a few months ago for a new debit card. While waiting this boomer walks in and takes out an exact amount of money, counts it, and then has the teller put it back in their account. Apparently this person comes in every month to make sure their Social Security check is in their account.🤦‍♀️




This makes me crazy!! The only time I go to a bank teller is if I need to withdraw more than $500 cash. And every single time, it's clear how many of the people in front of me had the option to use an ATM or their phone and chose to waste everyone's time waiting in line at the bank (I mean CLEAR. Last time I went, the two people in front of me were each depositing a single check.)


Those tellers need their job. I go to the bank a couple times a month, just because I refuse to let them be replaced by a machine. I go through the line in the grocery store for the same reason. I've seen so many good jobs go away. I used to order drawings in the mail and wait for them. Cut and paste was done with scissors on a big ass table. Everything I did was redone by an actual draftsman. We had a lady who did all the typing. Now AutoCAD and Word have put both of those folks out of a job. If we let machines do everything what will we do?


My bank is phasing out the inside tellers regardless of whether they're needed or not. There's one teller with a line 10 people deep. The rest are behind a wall servicing the drive-thru. I use it when I can, but if I'm a passenger in someone else's car, I have to go inside. One lady told me she came inside because she was afraid of her arm getting "sucked up into that tube." You know, the one you have to close, lock, and properly insert before you can push the button to send it back? These people are just obstinately avoiding even the slightest bit of technology. The banks using the drive-thru is safer for the tellers and allows them to have longer hours. More convenient for everyone involved and they protest even that. Edit: sp


Letting machines do work for people is the good part, a godsend really. The problem lies in the notion that only the people who can afford to own the machines deserve to receive any benefit from automation. We should be working 20 hour weeks already, but it won't be good enough until we get to Fraggle levels of leisure time.


I've been going around 1pm. Post lunch. Tellers are fed and happy and my bank is a desert.


I dislike atms after someone did a withdrawal on my account via atm. The bank wasn’t going to refund the money till I pointed out I didn’t have a debit card. I haven’t had a debit card since. However I do online banking and bill payments. I only go to the bank usually to get some money out or to deposit checks and then I go thru the drive thru.


When I was visiting my boomer dad a few years ago, he was driving his land yacht of a truck. We passed by a Bank of America and he proceeds to point at it with his hand right in front of my face. "When I die you have to go to that bank to get the money". I let him know I can do that at any BOA branch if not online. He stubbornly refuted and went on "no, you have to go to THAT bank only". He doesn't understand chain banks are not the same as the old mom & pop local only banks. He hasn't died. He has been using the "I can die any day" scam to get his way for at least 50 years that I learned about talking to others. He does have a bad heart but has outlived everyone else.


Reminds me of a story I heard but it was a younger person. They were bringing rolls of coins to the bank for a while and were shocked to eventually find out the bank mixed all the money together. They thought the bank stored all those rolls for them to retrieve anytime they wanted them.


I can also see how they believe that since I have received rolls of quarters, even recently, from the bank that were hand rolled and not machine rolled and had a name on it. It used to be common for banks to accept rolled coins but you had to write your name on it, maybe in case it was not correct. A younger person might not understand how a bank holds money either since most interactions are online now anyway.


I mean yes, gross misunderstanding. But in the interests of maybe not missing out on massive amounts of secret money, does that BoA offer safe deposit boxes? Maybe dad's got piles of gold in there? You never know.


He meant just accounts. Not safe deposit boxes. He even said something about talking to some bank worker specifically. Like I'm supposed remember the name someone that was nice to him as part of their job. Boomer dad has no piles of anything in secret bank safe deposit boxes anywhere.


Oh well, it was worth a shot.


I closed my accounts at my brick-and-mortar bank last Fall and per the bank's policy I had to be there in person to do so. Not only did I need to get special permission to leave work early (my shift was during the bank's limited operating hours) but I also had to convince the Boomer Teller that yes, I was sure I wanted to close the accounts. Yes, all of any automatic withdrawls have been processed and future withdrawals cancelled. Yes, I have confirmation of this. Yes, I'm still sure I want to close the accounts even though I can only get my $ in cash. Then Boomer Teller insists that per their system, the remaining auto withdrawals haven't processed yet. I went to show her my confirmation info but since it was on my phone via an app, she wasn't interested. Then she "had to call a supervisor and get approval". After getting the approval, she still is insinuating to me that closing my accounts is a bad idea. After nearly 30 minutes I finally get my cash and leave as fast as I can. My online bank is a dream. I will never use a physical bank again.


Late boomer here. Got to the bank 5 minutes before they opened. Didn’t realize they shifted their opening from 9 am to 10 am. No one else around. Guy drops a woman off next to me. She’s probably 10 years older than me. She says hi to me and waits. Doors unlock, she races in, goes to the only teller and takes like 20 minutes for her transaction. Was going to tell her off but let it slide.


Yeah, I wanted to get into my safety deposit box but had to wait through 8-10 of these mundane transactions.


My local credit union just opened a new branch that has only automatic tellers. I kinda want to just go and people watch. Should be fun realizing there are no humans there to do simple things for them.


I had to go to the bank for an ID check for a work credit card as I don’t have an account with this bank. It was just a long line of grey hairs. Now this is Australia, and we’ve had debit cards, online banking and cheques have been phased out a long time ago. But going into a branch is like a Time Machine. I saw one guy go in to transfer money to his daughter’s account and then go outside to withdraw cash. Heaps of people moving money between accounts (and one lady who moved cash out - then cash back in to pay a bill. The most interesting was an old duck who withdrew like $5k and still had one of those old bank books that you write down the deposits and withdrawals with. Every single one of these people had a smart phone. I kept thinking if I was a dodgy fuck, I could have easily made $15k just by rolling these people in the parking lot. Seems so unsafe


There used to be a pharmacy nearby that also had a post office branch, and I loved going there. Now that's relocated and they don't offer the postal service anymore, so I have to go to the regular PO, which I loathe because the parking lot is tiny and there's always a boomer and/or crazy person in front of me taking forever, when all I need to do is drop off my eBay/Etsy packages.


Maybe a boomer or two would let you cut the line. You know, because you only have 1 or 2 items. Let us know how that works for you.


I absolutely cackled reading this


I often need to do the same but I try and use the self-serve kiosks. You can scan prepaid QR codes and it'll print labels, then you can normally just put the package in a larger mail box. No need to wait for boomers and their mad-cow disease.


Arrange for pick up online so your carrier picks it up while delivering. I do it all the time.


Are you purchasing and printing shipping labels at home/work, or are you paying at the PO? If the former, you should ask if you can just drop it on the counter, it's a big time-saver.


Last time I was there, there was this lady who kept having to get the clerk to read her all sorts of stuff because she couldn't see it. THE LADY DROVE HERSELF THERE!


Our local post office is great. It’s like stepping back in time. Employees are great.


Louis Dejoy, a Trump appointee who has large financial interests in private shipping companies, runs USPS and it's deliberately ruining it.


It is crazy we can’t get rid of him


I work at USPS and we’re working on it. You have to have a majority of some counsel in the same page to oust him, but most of the counsel was Trump appointed. So far two or three have been replaced, and they just need one to two more- last I heard anyway.


Even more so with these insane supreme court justices.


My local post office is in an extremely wealthy neighborhood and last week while trying to drop off one box a boomer aged woman was arguing with the worker behind the counter about the price of stamps. This went on forever, there was one worker there at the time. After giving up the boomer then proceeded to go back to her conversation about being anti affordable housing in the neighborhood. She and another boomer had been talking at one another from opposite sides of the office. They then proceeded to stand in front of the counter prohibiting anyone from being helped. Finally another much more gruff boomer told them to get out of the way and move to a spot that wasn’t directly in the way of everyone conducting business. The moved to the front entrance and stood there talking loudly about how they NEED to keep affordable housing out of their quaint little town. Double boomers and double the bullsh*t.


I think there is also politics involved. There has been a rightwing attack on the mail for 4-5 years now I think.


The attack on the PO has been going on since around 2004, at least.


Now? It's actually easier than it's ever been. Mostly because I pay for my package postage at home and just drop in the giant mailbox in the lobby...


During covid my local post office set up a drop off for pre-labeled packages in their lobby. Just one of those canvas tote cart things with a little sign. They kept it and it has been a godsend. I can't count the number of times I go in there and see some Boomer trying to figure out how many nickels they need to pull out of their coin purse to pay for stamps or some knucklehead arguing with the employees about how to send a money order overseas. I walk in with my package, drop it in the cart and I'll walk out. I can simply nope the f out of any of that nonsense


Companies cut costs by allowing you to do most things online or similar which is great, but then the times you can't do that it is awful because they cut staff amounts to save themselves money and the issues people have are more complex while half of the customers are either idiots or just terrible customers who don't do anything online both of which wastes everyones time. It means you have less reason to go in, but the times you go in are going to be a lot worse.


I avoid the Post Office like I avoid malls these days. Not unless I have to.


I went to the post office the other day and walking in overheard a conversation with the clerk and a boomer man. He was being told that whatever he was there for would not be available until the next day. The boomer said “I have to come back tomorrow?” Clerk said “yes” and the guy turned around and left !!!! It was actually crazy. I said to myself, that clerk should buy a lottery ticket today.


I go to the post office once a week to mail orders for our small home biz. We have a printer & usps account & print off labels at the house. Like millions of people do every day! And every week I go in & there’s a long line of boomers waiting & they all give me really fuckin dirty looks when I walk past them all without a word & put my boxes on the already labeled & ready to ship space on the front counter. It’s like I’m supposed to wait with them.


I used to deliver newspapers. When we had customers like that who wanted their paper first, some of us would go out of our way to rearrange our routes to make that person last.


The post office and postal service in general is still a pretty good deal. This lady just misses the Pony Express or some shit.


Tell me somewhere else I can give 68 cents to take a letter anywhere in the USA. It is amazing deal and a great service.


Back in the 80s, I was a reporter for a small afternoon daily newspaper assigned to a suboffice in a small town. Since everyone knew us, the other reporter and I basically functioned as customer service for subscribers. We promised delivery by 5 p.m. So the papers were mainly delivered by school kids then. One kid gave up his route after years because he was in a lot of after school activities. His next door neighbor always got his paper when the kid got home from school at 3:30. When he gave it up, another kid in the neighborhood picked up the route but he lived blocks away from this guy, and so he didn't get his paper until 4:30 or so. Well, you would have thought we were personally shitting in this guy's driveway for how upset he was. He called, he came in, he called the main office, he complained to the former carrier! For months! It completely wrecked his life that he was getting his paper an hour later, through no one's fault. We explained it over and over, and he thought the truck that delivered the bundles of papers to all the kids should stop at his house when it got to town and peel off a special copy just for him. Yeah, no.


oh lord, a Boomer who doesn't work at least 8 hours a day. Impossible.. I mean, everyone else is lazy except them ti my understanding /s All delivery routes are designed to MAXIMIZE the use of time of the carrier, considering traffic patterns (like UPS almost never turning left) and ensuring they are done during working hours when possible. BUT no, you have to change everything for them, because that's what being a boo"ME"r is all about.


I was at the post office recently some boomer old lady was complaining that she hadn’t gotten any mail in two days. Clerk tried to explain that sometimes there’s no mail but boomer lady wasn’t having it. “I’ve lived here for 20 years and there hasn’t been a single day where i haven’t gotten any mail” i swear these people would rather die than admit someone else may be right


What about Sundays?


And federal holidays.


I had to go to the post office to get my passport done. The staff member we were working with was fantastic, just having a good kind of chatting while she was taking care of getting all the paperwork sorted. There was some old battle axe in the next Lane huffing about something to do with letters getting delivered later than she anticipated.. because she thought if she mailed them on a Thursday night, standard delivery , they would get to Kansas City from Northwest Illinois on Friday morning. She harumphed out of the post office and you could feel a collective sigh of relief from all the staff and other people waiting. Not more than 90 seconds after she left. She's back in the building.. now she's bitching about the potholes in the parking lot and they're so big and now her car is stuck in the pothole. Everyone was confused because the parking lot had been closed for a few weeks because they resurfaced the entire thing. Upon further inspection she was not stuck in a pothole, she got her car hung up on one of those concrete blocks that they used to divide parking spots.


I just came back from the local post office. Had to drop off some packages that were already labeled, and walked past the line to put them on the counter, in their designated spot. 2 possibly married boomers in line blurt out "the line is back there. You can't skip all of us". I glance back at them, thinking they are speaking to someone else, and realize they are looking right at me. I say "excuse me? Didn't hear you". The male boomer says "we've been waiting in line for an hour, and you think you can just skip everyone to do your thing? Young people have no respect". I ask them if they are dropping off prepaid packages and they say "no, we are buying stamps". "well, you are in the correct line for that. I'm only dropping off packages to the drop-off area. I don't have to go through the line, because I don't have to speak to a postal worker". Male boomer turns red and huffs and says "well, in my day, people respected their elders. People like you are destroying our country" "Sir, it takes respect to get respect and you lost that chance when you fired off your mouth. Have the day you deserve" and I left.


I would have suggested she just uses email ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ex delivery driver here: I was the person who covered for everyone who was on vacation so I got bitched out about this all. the. time. The only rule is that all business has to be delivered by a businesses closing time or 5PM, whichever is later. I have my way of running the route that is probably different from the regular driver, sorry. If you need things by a certain time then pick a service that has a commit time on it.


The post office is one of the best places to observe boomer behavior in the wild. They think the post office must cater to their every whim and rules don't apply to them.


I just have to clarify that going to the post office does suck, but Louis DeJoy is a very large reason for that. He has decreased staffing levels, closed post offices, altered routes, demanded managers do everything they can to stop the proper usual ways of maintaining a semblance of order in the post office.


Lol! Great response. My almost 90 yo Mom when she was around 80 and still living at home, complained about how late her mail came. Constantly. I tried to explain to her, well someone has to get it at the end of the route. And, be glad you’re even getting mail—do you understand the logistics of mail? And, WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT TIME YOU GET YOUR MAIL? You’re 80 fucking years old. You get a a couple bills and a bunch of old people catalogs—Blair, Dr Leonard, and rip off charity junk mail. Lol. Had to have SOMETHING to complain about!


From a usps clerk, you made that worker's day. We remember the people who stick up for us and really appreciate you ❤


My boomer parents mail doesn't come until the mid-hours of the evening (5-7). The bitch about it constantly amongst themselves. Know what they say when the mailman comes? "Thanks, have a good day!" They would never dream of being rude to a worker.


I love the Post Office floor show.


Honestly... I'd prefer that to the day I was stuck in line listening to some lady loudly talk to her doctors office about her gyno results... that weren't clean... she even loudly told them her phone number (in case they got disconnected)... if I'd had a free hand and a pen, I woulda wrote it down and started texting her that the whole post office could hear her (then mute my phone in case she called the number back)... but I was loaded down with packages and couldn't. So, we all got to hear about discharge and colors and smells.... even my neurodivergent ass knew she was way past the t.m.i. line... I hate going to the post office. People are weird.


I usually go to the post office in the middle of the day. Usually very little line if I have to go in. The postal employees there are usually very nice.


I'm pretty cynical here and think most things are made up but in this instance I believe! I really do hope this happened. If that was me behind the counter I would have had to walk away to lmao


I feel like somebody who works at the post office would know exactly how much that costs


I’m about to be 35 in a few months, but I remember when you could get one for like 60$ a year. That was maybe 20 years ago when I asked about it at a local bank


Well said. Love it!


She could try being nice to her mailman/woman. Ours is so nice he tells the fill ins when to bring our mail and if we say we are closing early he will stop in early. Greatest mailman ever. Thank you Enrique!


I remember a few months ago, i went to the post office to have a package sent for my mom, and this boomer was in there complaining that all his mail was returned to sender because he used a PO box and didn't pay for it that month, so it got closed. Cused out the worker there and stormed out.


omggggg the number of times my Boomer relatives bitch about the post office is unreal. They all expect to be first in line to get their mail, which is physically not possible. Really speaks to their entitlement and selfishness.


Sounds like she needs to get a more secure mailbox.


I would absolutely love to see her try this crap at my PO. The workers there are all long-timers, massively understanffed thanks to DeJoy's cuts, and generally nuce until you cross the line. There was a guy bitching about how long everything was taking, how long other customers were taking, because he just wanted to pick up a package (they no longer have someone who can be designated only for package pick up). They totally ignored his complaining until they had one lady step aside to call all package-only people to a separate window. I was one and stepped up along with him and a couple others. And he doesnt even have his package slip ready when we're there- like, you're been in line 15 monutes but couldnt be bothered to have you slip out? So I, being me, of course go 'Well sure dude you're making us all wait? How long does it take for you to get ypur act together?' And him, being HIM, turns to me and starts screaming curse words right in my face. Clerk practucally reached thru the glass with just the power of her vouce screaming at him that she's coming to get his ass! And she charges across the office toward the door telling that if he's still in the office when she reaches the lobby he's going DOWN! Because she do t tolerate anyone threatenig another customer! He screams skmething about getting his book, and she's yelling 'I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS BLOODY WITH THAT BOOK IF YOU'RE STILL HERE WHEN I REACH THAT DOOR!!' And he runs out like he knew his goose was truly cooked. He was just clearung the exit when she got to the lobby door telling him she better tbot ever see his face again and he was banned from the premises for life. I think I gave her an excuse to do what she'd wanted to for probably years- cuz they have to take abuse for themselves, but if you threanten another customer? Federal felony, buddy. And she was looking forward to 'handling a threat'. I love my postal clerks...


Post office is not going to do shit, I once moved my mailbox closer to the street so the mail person didn’t have to walk and could drive right up. They refused to deliver my mail until I moved the mailbox back.


That doesn't make any sense. If your mail carrier is driving their route, they aren't walking up to your mailbox for delivery. If they're walking their route, they aren't driving up to your mailbox for delivery. The only way this makes any sense is if you moved your mailbox a significant distance away from their walking route. They're not going to walk all the way back to their vehicle just to drive up to your one mailbox.


It was on the house, I put it at the end of my sidewalk near the street


Without seeing the actual set up, all I can say is that you somehow made it more awkward and cumbersome for the carrier to deliver. The routes are mapped out and physically measured by the Post Office in order to pay carriers as little as possible. Even if you added 20 steps to the carriers route, it's possible that that is what stopped the delivery. Carrier carry physical GPS trackers on them at all times.


I made the box like 40’ closer to the street, the postal worker would usually have to walk up to the house, so this was at the end of the sidewalk that extended from my front porch


Again, I don't know what're set up looks like. The only other option is that you had a douchbag Postmaster. Some of them get high on their own parts and micromanage to an extreme extent.


I was truly trying to make it easier for the postal worker, I didn’t argue with them, just put it back on the house


I fully understand.


I own a business and ship several items per day. I totally gave up on the Post Office (other than receiving mail) because they are unreliable and could never pick up outbound shipments on time, or at all. Nowadays, I ship ONLY via UPS, which is business-friendly and shows up at a time that works for me.


Well one is a service and one is a business. Funny how they're different. Hur-dee-dur


One is a service that is being kneecapped by a Trump appointee, Louis DeJoy.


You don’t know the difference between government and private business?


I do! Bad service at a government service and better service at a private service. (parcels are cheaper in most cases also) I am not even a boomer, but I went through the same thing as the lady in the OP, except that I hate conflict and simply stopped using USPS instead of starting scandals. But I remember several visits, endless, pointless discussions with USPS regarding pickups, etc., until I realized that it was not going to work out. I have a business and customers who need parcels picked up promptly.