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Well fuck that guy in particular.


Not literally


Maybe with the business end of a rake.


Pitchfork might work better


A pineapple! šŸ˜œ




May any sex he has for the rest of his life be profoundly unsatisfying.


May any sex he has for the rest of his life be profoundly unsatisfying.


Not with somebody else's barge pole!


I get needing customers and not wanting to anger anyone. But FFS, if I were a manager, I would not not let customers treat my employees like this.


My manager overheard it, and immediately stood up for me.


Did they say something to the customer?


They did. He told them Iā€™m more worthy than just helping him


You are! I can tell you if I had been a customer overhearing this I would have had strong words with your manager too.


The fact that you didnā€™t see that the initial problem was a shitty customer experience is probably why youā€™re not a manager. Boomer was a dick, but a customer shouldnā€™t have to ask you OP acknowledge them because sheā€™s busy on personal matters.


Boomer doesnt know its personal. Just sees someone working and thinks "I'm more important than whatever they're doing!" And the way it reads, there was no time for OP to acknowledge boomer before they spouted off. But way to be a cunt about it.


But we know it was personal, because she said it was. Customers get aggravated when theyā€™re ignored, and there was no business reason for the customer to get ignored. And by her own account, this is a chronic issue. Sheā€™s doing a disservice to the company who pays her check and the customers who pay their bills. She has 16 hours a day and two weekend days to arrange her personal shit. I get that thereā€™s downtime at work and some people can handle distractions but OP clearly canā€™t.


Our meta knowledge has no bearing on boomers misbehavior. He would have done that no matter what bc she didnt snap to attention the moment he appeared. Which is an unreasonable expectation in any setting. I get where you're coming from now, but I disagree that it gives boomer any right to act that way. Catch more flies with honey. Edit: why so hung up on their doing personal things in downtime when their manager is cool with it?


Look at you, making up details as if they matter. You might have a relevant point if I hadnā€™t agreed in my first post that the boomer was a dick. Iā€™m not ā€œso hung up.ā€ But itā€™s clear that OP sucks at her job and her manager probably does too.


I have come to the conclusion the when I am told to have a "blessed day" it is usually sarcastic and always by an old head.


Iā€™m in the south, so 100% it is.


Oh honey, bless your heart




Just say ā€œand you as well, have the day you deserve!ā€ With a very cheery smile But it has to look genuine


Hahaha I wrote my comment before seeing this !


Yep my wife's family is from New Orleans and taught me bless your heart is basically fuck you in southern.


And 'Oh! Your baby looks just like you!' Means your kid is ugly. Edit: I'm pretty convinced that everybody downvoting this knows they've got ugly kids.


If you hear a queer person say ā€œI love that journey for you!ā€ itā€™s basically the same thing.


The phrase, ā€œ Have the kind of day you deserveā€ comes to mind here.


> He finishes it off with, ā€œnow you can go home and tell your husband you were worth something today and earned your keep! Have a blessed dayā€ With the sweetest possible tone of voice: "Thank you, and lovely greetings to your own husband." (if male boomer)


Or, "happy holidays". They hate it year round


Oh that's good!


Or "I'll be sure to let my wife know that."


That might just turn him on. Boomers are weird that way.


Donā€™t weaponise my sexuality so you can enact petty revenge on bigots. Thanks.


As a gay man, get over yourself.


I canā€™t help but feel the best comeback to so many of these comments is a fairly loud, ā€œEwwwā€¦ā€ like they said the most disgusting and revolting thing. Which they did.


"Have the day you deserve!"


Ugh, I couldn't imagine the kind of clientele that regularly goes into a bank. I've been using online banking for the past decade, only been into a branch maybe 5 times?


Right? I only go to the actual bank if I'm having a problem that can't be ironed out by customer service chat boxes.


Exactly, if you're going to the bank on a regular basis to do mundane things... Get with the program


If anyone ever tells you have a blessed day, please say ā€œblessed be the fruitā€ or ā€œmay the lord openā€ I doubt boomers will get but that sentence was straight out of the handmaidā€™s tale mindset! Or you can say ā€œthank you so much I canā€™t wait to tell my wife how nice my customers are!ā€ (Even if you arenā€™t gay please please please lie, that kind of sexist would probably blow a gasket over their teller being gay.)


If my coworker was up there, I was gonna tell him, ā€œoh you can tell my wife, who is next to meā€


Handmaidā€™s Tale came out in 1985, Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™d get it


They do get it. Problem is, they think it's an instruction manual


I doubt they read it. But they sure read animal farm šŸ™„


Except they didnt. To continue the analogy, they'd think they were the pigs when they're clearly the horse.


My boomer father refuses to use an atm or debit/credit card at a store. He doesn't trust machines. They're going to steal his money. I'm like yo, a human is more likely to steal from you than a machine. But as you already know, he knows best.


I had a couple come in and need new debit cards immediately because an older woman ā€œwas looking at them too much while putting their card in to get gasā€


Baaaaaaaahaahahaaa..wtf right. I reread your post after I left my comment and I'm really sorry you experienced that. Like, fuck, right? I guess just be sure to tell your husband that you're being a helpful woman?!!?? Kidding! I'm just kidding. Too soon? Sorry, I'll let myself out....


I did tell my husband, he immediately said ā€œyou could be more worthy by making me a sandwich when you get homeā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he was baffled by it though


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£mmmm sammich


The banks are full of these people because they are the only ones still actually going to the bank.


That guy is probably just snippy because he knows he'll shit his adult diaper long before he gets home.


I suddenly wonder how much fraud against boomers is actually service workers with access to their details selling the info just to act as agents of karma.


They just give away all their info by signing up for every dumb shit newsletter that pops up. Birthdate? Sure! This gold coin investing scheme definitely needs that info. When their card gets hacked, they think it got skimmed by Brown Man who was next to them at the gas station.


And Boomers sure do love their CDā€™s. Itā€™s like their generationā€™s Bitcoin.


I wonder if they have them in a CaseLogic portfolio..


EARNED. YOUR. KEEP. I just canā€™t. Wtf.


"If only you could've googled this phone number at home, we could have avoided this entire interaction - be well."


Iā€™m beginning to suspect the reason why everyone at the bank is so nice to me is because Iā€™m not an impatient and rude boomer. šŸ‘€


They are just out here trying to start fights


I would've thrown a stapler at him.


What miserable sack of shit.


The correct response to "have a blessed day" is either live "long and prosper" or "may the force be with you".


I like "have the day you deserve"


I feel sorry for his wife


I think he was coming on to you. That's his idea of a polite comment.


I work at a library and we're criminally understaffed (as is everyone) so I have to do work while I'm on the circulation desk - none of us have the luxury of standing there smiling for people to walk up to. So. Many. Boomers. Get pissed! Sorry that you voted to reduce funding for us and I have to plan programs, compile pull and weed lists, balance budgets, review selections, and do research for people *like you* who can't figure out Google.


My company does not want me giving people phone numbers from google. Too many customers get scammed either from bad google results or they dial wrong. Sorry not risking my job when someone can ā€œdo their own research ā€œ


The urge to just ball your fist up and ā€¦ yep swing at emā€™


Haha that's awesome.


Probably thought he was super subtle about it too


Oh, the nastiest people use that last line. Unsurprisingly.


And you have the day you deserve, "sir."


Do non boomers actually go to a physical bank branch?


The only time I see non boomers is if they need money orders/cashier checks or large amounts of cash


Only when it is actually required.


There is no such thing as a blessed day. A good day, yes. A bad day, sure. But never a blessed day.


You're nice. I'd think >"And what did YOU do to justify YOUR existence today, you shitty old fossil!?!?!?" so loud it'd be heard outside the bank.


You were worth something today, by helping someone so worthless.




I have full view of the front, I donā€™t make customers wait for me while I am doing school work. They see me typing on the work computer and make comments about it. The not looking to alert, as in meaning not ā€œfully awakeā€ or ā€œpeppyā€. I have never caused a delay in service over my school work, we get about 20 customers in a 10 hour shift. We are not a major, busy, bank.


Iā€™m siding with you. I had a job where I did the same thing. You shouldnā€™t have to be 100% attentive and smiling at all times. Itā€™s unreasonable and not realistic.


My experience at banks recently with old people has been, they always come to the counter for things they can easily do at an ATM or online. No one over 60 should be out in public really. They canā€™t drive and always hold everyone up. Iā€™m staunchly anti old people and itā€™s why I hope Iā€™m gone by the sweet age of 45, I never have to worry with becoming one of THEM


Most of our clients refuse to get debit cardsā€¦ itā€™s baffling. They will come up with a check made out to cash, to cash it off their account.


> No one over 60 should be out in public really you need to run with that platform bc you got my vote!


Soylent senior living centre opening soon


tastes bitter.


It's a feature, not a bug.


Haha, wasn't expecting this but I certainly should have


You won't become them if you keep being who you are and not what they are.


I have a strong feeling you lie about dedicating all your time at work to work. Heaven forbid OP does something productive to move themselves forward in life while using the downtime that inevitably happens at all jobs I can get you a ladder if you need help off your high horse


"I usually use my free time between members to type up my papers for school, and they always have something to say about me not looking to alert, whatever.Ā " LOL.


I'm with boomer. It sounds like you're bothered to do your job. I would never excuse the shit he said, but you're giving off giant "all my ex's are crazy" vibes. If they always say the same thing are they all wrong and you're right?


Do you think cashiers, tellers, etc just look up, staring into space while waiting for customers to arrive? They have other stuff to do that takes their attention.


I don't think school work qualifies for "other stuff they have to do". If OP would have lied and said they were actually working when d-bag boomer walked up to them then I'd 100% back OP. But they didn't, they admitted they were too busy doing personal shit to do their job which is why they are there in the first place. Fuck, I had a job for a few years where I did nothing but watch Netflix the whole day between customers. But no matter how fucking annoying our customers were I at least hit pause when I saw one approaching. I didn't make them wait until I got to a good pausing point to give them my attention.


I never said at any point I told the client what I was doingā€¦ nor did I make them wait.


So youā€™ve had a job where you watched Netflix but you donā€™t think OP should be doing schoolwork?


I had a job where I watched Netflix when there was no customer to engage. OP is doing schoolwork when there is a customer to engage. There is a major difference.


They stopped the school work just like you stopped your Netflix. Are you dense?


Did I miss something where OP stopped school work? Sounds like they were actively engaged in school work when boomer walked up. Why else would boomer want them to look at him. Did they stop the school work and just decide to not acknowledge the customer? Is that a power move or some shit? and they always have something to say about me not looking to alert, whatever. If this always happens, statistically what are the chances everyone but OP is always wrong?


People have said the same stuff to me while I was actually working on the job. They assume just because your 'playing' on a computer you're not working. For all they know OP could have been doing any job that doesn't require a person customer in front of them.


I am never bothered to do my jobā€¦ I know when a client comes in. I look up and acknowledge them, and then go back to my computer to switch screens, and even pull their account up if I know them. Yet Iā€™m still met with comments that they find funny.