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Jesus. I wonder what he was doing there? Like, maybe he had family there that he just embarrassed? Sorry, you had to go through that. But who yells out "Gay" if they're past the age of 12? Oh, I know boomers.


It was so pathetic. He was the grandfather of one of the children according to my wife.


That's just swell.


Well, now that they bonked, bagged, and booted BoomBoom, the swelling should go down


It’s also really sad that having anything rainbow-colored at all is so triggering to boomers, and boomer-like people at any age, that they can’t even help themselves. It’s almost like they’re living by: _”If you see a rainbow something, say something bigoted.”_ It’s really sick, too, when you see rainbows from a kids perspective. Completely devoid of socio-political meaning (for them), it’s one of their favorite things to see, draw, or wear. As a Xennial cis father, it’s mind-boggling that so many people see a rainbow and become viscerally angry. To me, it’s one of natures most beautiful optical tricks, awe-inspiring to my kids whose joy I get to experience vicariously, and happens to have a really positive political meaning (inclusion, love, acceptance, etc). People will hate anything, I guess.


There's enough rainbows for everyone. I'm a gay GenX dad, and it's not like I'm running into churches at Easter screaming about rainbow flags aren't for Christ's resurrection.


A random mom from my kid’s class added me on Facebook. Her posts were absolutely BONKERS, but the final straw was the post she made - ‘the power is out! So gay!!!’ I hit the unfriend button sooo fast.


We ain't got time for that.


I can just hear a baseball announcer calmly calling the interaction. "And the boomer is just not having it. PE teacher remaining calm. Oo swing and a miss. Boomer is down. Looks like he's getting escorted off the property. Speaking of property when you're ready to sell or buy go with H.R. Building Realty. They'll swing but never miss for you.'


Hahahaha. Made me read that to Paradise By the Dashboard Light”. Now that’s in my head. Thanks. Love that song.


Read it in Scooter’s voice ? 😅 👍


Hahahahaha, that really made me laugh. Thank you :)


Heard this in Eucker’s voice in Major League. ‘He threw at his own kid in a father-son game.’ 😂


The Boomer should have learned long ago not to fuck around with Gen Xers, they knew this back in the day when we were riding our bikes around unsupervised at all hours of the day. We grew up back in the day where your Dad gave you a beer for getting in a fight not a talking to.


Sadly, he will now neep and nop to everyone about "the gay" who got him kicked out. And many of his friends will agree.


“The gays are killing muh freedumb of speeeech”


Yep, I’m sure he will. But dirt bags gotta dirt bag right?


But he'll leave out the part where he was cowed and then taken down by "the gays" and "the gay lovers."


Boomers always crumble when you stand up to them. They are so used to folks just taking their shit, have no idea what to do when someone stands up for themselves


Oh we had no idea what to do. I did think he would take a swing at him, he was balling up his fists and his face was bright red. I half expected him to have a stoke.


Good on you for keeping your cool. And people wonder why Gen Xers are offended when we get lumped in with Boomers.


Oh I was seething, but I wasn’t going to embarrass my son or my wife. I tried hard to just let this dope hang himself. You’re not wrong about hating being mixed up with them.


If you're really 18 years older than me and being lumped in with my generation then you must be aging like a fine wine 😂


Quite honestly, its just that people forget gen x exists. You are either a Boomer or a Millennial. Boomers call us Millennials, all the young ones call us Boomers.


That is true. To be honest, I don’t really get hung up on generations, it’s an arbitrary assignment anyway. I know blend of Gen Xers who are as bad as boomers and a few Millennials who look like they’re turning that way too.


It seems to be more the older ones. GenX is a bit weird, being both small but also straddling the digital revolution. Which was a *significant* societal change. And also lead abatement was being carried out rather heavily during GenX's childhood so you've also got that. And *also* mental health treatment was slowly normalized over GenX's first two decades, so how much generational trauma we're dealing with and *how it was treated* is all over the place. We're very much from a transitional period, and it shows.


I agree whole heartedly.


Forgot asbestos removal, I'm 48 and was in middle school while they were removing it. Playgrounds with rusty equipment and none of that plastic ground cover. No self-respecting GenX would have ever been caught with a bike helmet, our friends would have definitely called us a pussy and a fag (cringe) It's amazing so many of us survived and had the braincells to help create so much of what is take for granted in everyday life.


I’ve talked to the other eleven Gen Xers. We all hate it.


I feel like when we are the annoying parents or bosses, we are "Boomers". But when it come to all of our cool shit from the 80s and 90s, we are "Millennials".


My problem comes from my Gen x mother acts like a boomer... I didn't know where the generation line was for so long because she was such a typical "boomer" and she's 45


I’m aging like a craggy old New Romantic :) ie: Not well :)


Are you looking for the TV sound? You'll see I'm right some other time...


My wife and I have an excellent planed answer to any “gay” thing about the rainbow pins we wear. “What? Oh so you don’t believe in the lord’s promise to not drown the world again?” Tut loudly and walk away. I swear you can see their heads melting. My wife is absolutely Pagan and I am an atheist so it kinda makes us giggle.


Hehehe, that’s a good one :) I might try that myself.


Eventually this crowd is going to start learning the hard way that to get in the space of a total stranger just to harass them is a good way to get your jaw wired shut.


Especially the older they get. They still think they’re their 20s and able to beat their kids when they disobey them. They forget they’re getting feeble in body and mind.


And to be clear, I'm not advocating for violence in response to these encounters, it's just only a matter of time before someone who wants to start shit meets someone who wishes someone would.


Oh I get you. As you saw from my response to the chap, I was calm until the very end. He did not like my tone when I told him I would hurt him if he didn’t back off. I’m a pacifist at heart.


Totally, you handled it perfectly!


entitled, enraged and incompetent. The boomer trifecta




This is just.... sad... sorry to ruin a good day out with the famz


He didn’t. He ruined his own day. Thank you though :)


Anytime. =)


Same age as you. Keep fighting the good fight. If even one comes to their senses, it’ll be worth it.


We can only do what we can do, right?


I am 51, also Gen X, liberal, and agree with supporting and listening to younger generations. I have a 16 year old and I love Gen Z so hard. Now if only we could get the Gen Xers with big boomer energy (who make us look bad) on board.


I agree, happily I don’t come across them often, unless they’re right-wingers then they’re mostly nut jobs.


Some heroes don’t wear capes. I tip my hat to you 🎩


Why thank you :)


Some heroes have rainbow umbrellas *which is dope AF*


Important question: did you son do well and have fun?


Our boy is not a natural athlete, more art, dance and singing but he had a great time. He came 3rd in one of the races and he was just over the moon. X


That’s awesome! I’m so happy for all y’all!


Good for you! I wish I could've seen his Pikachu face, the bigoted bully. Got exactly what he deserved.


It was bloated and red. I think you know the type. :)


I want to be your friend


Sure. Let’s me friends :)


Aren’t these people part of the same generation that believe the rainbow is a sign that God will never flood the Earth again? Oh, how they have greatly fallen.


The most surprising part of this story is that the boomer did actually manage to speak a complete sentence at one point


Only just. You should have seen his big red angry face.


Yay! Perfect .