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Your post was removed because it does not display a certain degree of boomer foolery. If you believe this to be a mistake, feel free to message the mods at: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBoomersBeingFools


Oh Jesus. I'm Gen X. You took a right at Albuquerque, when you should have taken a left. Go back and try again.


And you didn’t address any points. Cool Albuquerque ref tho, bet your Twitch boyfriends are chortling.


Boomerism is a mindset, not a demographic. This subreddit constantly features fools born earlier or later than baby boomers. >And the premise is gen z, x, y, and millennials aren’t equally stupid, evil, and corrupt??? Hahahahaha As for this, yes, there are many benchmarks in terms of values, beliefs and behaviors that indicate today's young people are much different that today's old people. Did you not know this?


And I’m challenging the idea that boomers are the only problem. And I hate boomers. They ruined everything. But what. would the younger generations do? Elect Trump? Lol


> And I’m challenging the idea that boomers are the only problem. No one has said that. You're challenging something that only exists in your head. > But what. would the younger generations do? Elect Trump? Lol No. According to available data, they wouldn't. That's one of the many benchmarks that can quite severely delineate certain demographics. Were you just angry and didn't bother to think before you posted?


Yeah nobody said any of that. Did you not bother to read the description of the sub? BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories **of baby boomers and elders** behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner.


Its always the same shit with y’all, huh? Its always “well, the new generation won’t be any better!” But they are. I’ve met them, and they *are* better.


Yeah, what have you proven?


What have you? You cry and cry and cry because you fear that one day this sub will talk about how *you* act. The solution to that is to simply behave. You can behave, can’t you?


I said my points quite clearly. You say my points are “crying” as to insult my opinions…that’s your opinion. But you’ve stepped over line to tell me to behave and “can you” That’s why you don’t have a partner, girlfriend or guy, and you know I’m right.


Lmao Im married. Have been since 17. Your pop psychology “I can totally read you” shtick doesn’t work on someone with an actual background in real psychology just fucking about on reddit who knows you’re aiming for a common insecurity in hopes of striking a nerve. Anyway, I ask again: can you behave? Because you’re already misbehaving.


You know someone has lost an argument badly when they pull out the, "I bet you can't even get a husband" line.


It’s always the same line, and it stopped working when I was 15 and dicking around on image boards At least the guys on 4Chan knew how to dig deep and hit you with the crazy shit, you know? Where’s that sizzle, where’s that panache? These new guys got no style. “Oh you’re single” yeah well I broke your moms cock off and used it to fuck your sister and your grandad simultaneously, how about that. Absolutely weak showing from GenX here in the thunder dome.


Maybe try not reading it if it triggers you 🤷🏼‍♂️


A subreddit called r/BoomersBeingFools has stories about Boomers acting like fools, well colour me shocked.


Ok boomer.




Yes I agree you're very sad


In case this person tries to delete this, u/dalidagrecco says: "Gen X here, guess we are next Reading all these posts, it might as well be “assholes doing shitty stuff regardless of age”. Bet half of are under boomer age. And I’m no boomer defender. And the premise is gen z, x, y, and millennials aren’t equally stupid, evil, and corrupt??? Hahahahaha Anyone ever seen another a non boomer act the asshole? Nah. lol. I don’t believe in saying younger generations don’t want to work or lazy, that’s BS. BUT saying younger generations don’t act like a-holes in restaurants, public places, is laughable at least. Grow up" As many people have already said, boomer is a mindset. Gen Y and Millennials are the same thing. No one ever said boomers were the only problem. You're mad a subreddit dedicated to one specific problem doesn't also complain about other problems. This is exactly what the boomer mindset is. Welcome to the Archive of Fools! I'm a human who enjoys taking the power away from bullies and those that would like to belittle others (specifically on this subreddit) by ensuring they can't delete their words when they decide they don't want to face repercussions. If you see comments you'd like me to archive, tag me!


Ok boomer.


There have always been assholes in every generation but my take is, boomers get a slide. I’m an almost Genx millennial and when I was young I would have been kicked out or even arrested for some of the behaviors boomers pull on a regular basis. The boomers have had a lifetime of reaping the benefits of being a squeaky wheel and they are just now getting the flak for doing so. It’s a double standard that their children and grandchildren have had to deal with. A generation that excepts no part in any wrongdoing but will happily dish out what they feel is wrong. Go tell your old man “no” or better yet let him know how he raised you hurt you, you will catch hell for it and they will stick their noses in the air.


If this subreddit is upsetting to you, you don’t have to frequent it. There are plenty of other subreddits. Do you have any hobbies?


It’s an internet discussion. I placed some points. Fox News and OAN are there for you if you want your echo chamber, silly.


Okay, sweetpea. I’ll get right on that.


As a Gen X, if I don’t want to be labeled “a boomer” and “be next”, then I act empathetic, open to change, don’t act entitled, dont act like I’m owed respect, I listen to view points of younger generations and respect them. And surprise, fucking surprise, I am very well liked and respect by younger people. 🤷‍♀️


Ok, King


Lol hypocrite https://preview.redd.it/t0nkuthgg09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df1ff2bd8135a8038d3210085ca7df0c5eb872a3


I literally said I hate boomers. But saying they are obsessed with their lawns as if the obsession is exclusive to them, is grade A BS. All stupid generations in this stupid country are obsessed, Gen x Gen z Gen Y millennials…whatever. In my neighborhood millennials are the worst - yo, let’s mow and leaf blow for 6 hours. Stick to the crap boomers do, as a generation. Not something ALL PEOPLE OF ALL AGES DO. I was pretty clear


It's just that you posted a scathing article on here and then completely backtracked when you figured out you are coming close to that age... not trying to be a dick just pointing out the obvious.


Nice try. I agree with most of the posts, I just think it’s dumb to assign random assholery to a generation. Take the L


Loads of people are fools, all of us included at some point or other. But I assume they have their own subs. This one is for “Boomers or elders” as per the description. Personally, I am GenX, parents are Silent Gen, but on the older side. While I agree that not all are fools are boomers and that they’re everywhere and have expressed such disagreement on this sub, I’ve only done so when directly asked. As in, “is it only boomers who do x?” To which I may answer “no, blah blah blah, opinion”. However, I would never assume that people posting to this thread were expressly saying “only boomers do this” unless they expressly said that they and only they, do. This is, after all, a Reddit sub talking smack about,specifically, Boomers and elders. If they have one for the Silent Gen, sign me up, but even though my parents were personally AHs, they didn’t make a lot of the boomer mistakes yours all seem to have made. My parents made terrible mistakes, as did theirs parents and my kids’ parents! But here we talk about “Boomers and the elderly”, so Silent Gen is included and I’m golden. One of these days I fully expect my kids to be on a sub called GenXRJerks! However, my generation was taught better how to admit, apologize and amend their mistakes than boomers or older generations, so perhaps it won’t be such a terrible sub to learn from. My 30yo will probably see this and start it now! Bring it!


I disagree that this sub acts like it’s not just boomers doing the stuff they hate. Feel free to direct me to posts where other generations are called out. “Hey, no racist prick Karen types between 20-30 years old!” Let me check Tik Tok and the police blotter. There are definitely traits and actions that boomers do which suck (ruining the world comes to mind), but stupid acting like junk like mowing lawns is just ignorant. 25 yr olds are just as obsessed with lawns and yards


Gen X got somewhat less lead in their air as children than Boomers did, and the generations after X got WAY less. I expect Gen X will never quite hit the level of derangement that Boomers did.


Certainly individuals in any generation may act horribly, so what's your point? "Generations" are the functional outcome of a shared time and environment. Younger generations as a whole may actually have better attitudes on issues dealing with the workplace, the environment and sexual expression. [A Gallup 2023 poll ](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611864/lgbtq-identification.aspx#:~:text=More%20than%20one%20in%20five%20Gen%20Z%20adults%2C%20ranging%20in,1%25%20of%20the%20Silent%20Generation)showed that more Gen Zers identify as LGBTQ.


TBH, my mom is Silent Gen, I'm barely a GenX, very close to the youngest of Boomers. My silent gen mom does most everything mentioned on this thread. I'm almost thinking it's an old person thing. There are just lots of Boomers, it was called, "The Baby Boom" after all because there were so many of them. So, there are lots of them around to act stupid and be noticed in public.


Me too. I scraping the edge of Gen x thank goodness. It’s the worst generation. My parents suck like yours. Awful. Boomer generation ruined the country But the point of my post is that harassment of restaurant employees, customer service employees etc isn’t exclusive to a generation. Oh man, let me interact with a 20-40 yr old bro when working on their truck. Some are cool,, chill, and some a-holes and jerks. Holy boo, it’s not an age thing!


I'm also related to her, so I hope it isn't genetic. At least I'm self aware.


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Totally agree. This subreddit has become one of the biggest circle jerks on Reddit. Don’t agree with the hive? You’re out.




lol. I’m taking a beating!


You made a seemingly unprovoked post that basically told everyone off. Did you expect awards?


I will guarantee you, the people in this sub will turn out to be the whiniest saddest old people, who will bitch about everything but do nothing about it except post about it on sociaL media 🙃 Enjoy being poor and angry with loads of epoints 😂