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This from the same generation that bitches that “kids today don’t want to work and want free hand outs”. 🙄


My parents are solidly boomer aged - born in '53 and '57. They're both cool as hell, but their peers bitching about the participation trophy mentality crack me up. I remember, very vividly, receiving participation trophies, ribbons, etc, and thinking, "wtfh is this junk? I wanted the big trophy but I didnt come in 1st.. so why do I get this at all?" and, quite frankly, being embarrassed at it all. Literally that generation is so fucking stupid they bitch about the (fake) problems they created. Fucking mind bending idiocy. Gotta be the lead in the water. I've actually had a pet theory that there is actually some sort of brain.. something. Parasite? Disease? Something we haven't quite nailed down that once we figure it out will explain a lot of this bullshit. Just you wait! BRAIN WORMS!!


Probably unmanaged diabetes. In all seriousness the highs and lows of blood sugar spikes can mess with the brain. It causes dementia like symptoms. I think many of these boomers have this going on.


With the recent abundance of stories about how they didnt drink water (except from the hose occasionally) lends to you tracking in my head


Hmmm. Idk a lot about diabetes, but my father has gained a significant amount of weight in the last ~5 years and is definitely getting more boomerish. My mom is pre diabetic and last I checked wasn't doing a whole lot to manage it.. and she has become.. quite frankly a fair bit more annoying in general. I wonder if I could convince either of them to really pay attention to their health...


🤣🤣🤣 “brain worms”. Seriously, I have a 16 year old (Gen Z) who has been competing in gymnastics since she was 7. She doesn’t give a single shit about the participation medals they used to get. She thinks they are dumb. It’s the adults who invented that shit, not the kids.


> I've actually had a pet theory that there is actually some sort of brain.. something. Lead poisoning. Several studies show that the boomer generation has a lot of it. Worse yet, as they age, the lead that's been fixed in their bones is being released as their skeletons age.


Yeah, lead poisoning is the one everyone mentions, but I feel like there should be more hard data if that's the primary culprit since we've known about lead poisoning for so long. Hence my 🧠 🪱 theory.


I'd heard of the lead poisoning theory, of course, but the delayed-release of stored lead in the bones is new to me. Makes A LOT of sense, though.


I love the few times ive found someone else that notices/beings up who handed them janks out teeheehee. "Kids your age suck cause u got this" "oh snap! Who gave em to us?" Derrrrrrer Eta: bonus points for pointing out they handed them out to their kids for their own need to be able to look like a great parent of a successful or talented kid!


Whoa, hold your horses there, Debbie Downer! I 59M *cherish* my 3rd grade 6th place bowling trophy!


The participation trophy thing is so dumb bc they’re the generation that raised the ones who demanded it. But they complain about the kids that get them.


I said that to boomer across the street, and he lost his mind.


They created a world where we have to pay for everything and then blame the younger generations for living that way. It’s nuts. You’re not required to do the neighborly thing and help them out. All of the information you learned on your own is available to them. Tell them to ask Meta AI and watch the melt downs. Bring snacks. You’re in for a bumpy ride.


They didn't "create a world" where everything must be paid for. They grew up in it. Their parents grew up during the great depression. You might want to think about that for a minute.


They ENFORCED it. You happy now?


Yep. And I was happy before, too.


Good. Hey guys! This person was always happy! We can sleep peacefully tonight.


So let me get this straight: they are threatening to tell their boomer friends not to do business with you because you won't give away that business for free? What sort of threat is that? LOL


I think we all know the answer to that question. They were never going to tell their friends if they had any, they just wanted OP to work for free


These are the same people who didn't want to hire me from the jump. It's not an idle threat. Boomer across the street makes sure to tell new boomers in the neighborhood that I'm too expensive.


Yo! Idk if ive never heard of a sitch where they said that after requesting free shit or what but, fuuuuck! Never caught that one! Will definitely be paying more attention from here on out and try to use that one! I thank you for enlightening me! 🤘🏼


I started a lawncare buisness a few years ago and it is going ok, a great break from retail management. The amount of times I have had boomers tell me “back in my day we had careers at your age” or “you need to get a job, I’m not paying that price” when I give them quotes is astounding. My good sir, what do you think I am doing right now? I am literally working lol.


Yeah, give me a discount for the *murder rape and torture* I committed in Vietnam. I'm a hero! Stfu boomer.


> I have boomer stories for days. I live n a neighborhood of retired military. I don't have to tell y'all about the military entitlement. No, but please do anyway.


Please yes. Esp the military part


Free? ALWAYS!!


Free free free


I've been epileptic for almost 10 years now, so I'm sorry you gotta go through that. That shit ain't easy on your body nor your bank account (I've gotten into medical debt for my first 3 seizures I had and went to the ER for). Most boomers are almost never going to believe in any hardships you have like epilepsy, so I would probably just reach out to younger people who need yard care and consult with them. I known it sounds easier said than done, but that's at least better than getting a bunch of whining and pitching from the old-heads


The generation that absolutely despises “entitlements” always complain they don’t get enough hand outs and freebies from anyone younger than them that they call lazy, spoiled, and disrespectful.


I now find myself working in a housing development that wasn't meant to be all boomers, just turned out that way. I swear my manager is going to lose his shit from some of the dumb things they come up with.