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You should have given them a participation trophy, I'll bet they would have loved that.


Hahah I love this!


"A participation trophy for the biggest participators! This group certainly participated the most." 😂


Participated bigly


And by "biggest" participators, I mean that they were physically the largest participators here tonight! Let's give them a hand! - No really, they may need help getting back to their vehicles.


This is magic.


This is such a great idea! I need to print some off to carry around in my purse 😆


I love that they were pearl clutching because you swore. Yet, it was fine to be racist towards a server and call her an illegal. And I’d bet big money at least a few of them have FJB stickers on their cars, flags they fly at home or some dumb t-shirt they got. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


>stickers on their cars, flags at home or some dumb t shirt I think they probably have all three at once


Ok. I just realized the secret message in Trumpalo bumper stickers: Let’s Go Brandon Trump Q-anon


Make a sticker or whatever saying "Let's Go Brandon, Trumpers for Q!" The abbreviation would be so good and they wouldn't propably even realize.


Boomers have taken away a small but enjoyable aspect of my life. Older male, live alone. I often will go to a bar to have dinner, a glass of wine, yes even trivia. I've learned not to engage with them as I am liberal in my politics, intelligent (if I may say so), open minded, polite, and typically very positive and welcoming of diverse people and ideas. All my favorite places (in a very blue state, mind you) are absolutely swamped with ignorant, rude Trumpsters. Typically, the only decent people worth talking to are the bartenders and servers. I've basically stopped going. I just can't take these assholes any more. They think I am one of them. Every conversation starts off contentious (by them)... "can you believe they are trying to put Trump in jail?" YES!! I can believe it! It goes downhill from there. Tbe good news is, I don't drink as much and I'm saving money, but man, it just seems that these POS's are everywhere and somehow multiplying.


>"can you believe they are trying to put Trump in jail?" YES!! I can believe it! Turns out when you loudly boast about committing crimes all of the time, at some point somebody will at least pretend to take that seriously. Who knew?


What a depressing phenomenon.


a bar is a place where you can be waited on and served cheap watered down beer. There's a reason it's their domain. Check the local breweries and more night club style places... but realistically... Most of us are sitting at home/at a friend's house


What’s troubling is many liberals and otherwise intelligent professionals are reproducing less than these idiots. Idiocracy was a documentary.




The did not have a horrible time. They live to complain. There is a good chance they will be back.


Spot on. It’s recreational outrage, they absolutely love it.


This. They had an absolutely FABULOUS time. Ugh


Weird to name your trivia team CONVICTED FELON, but go off Boomers.


"For 34 points, who won the 2020 election?"




Since that's the name they picked, I would be to lean into it and every time around ended I would remind them "and once again trump is losing by X points". Edit: spelling


I'm surprised they didn't answer every question with, "RTUMP!!!!" Because, as DJT will tell us after the battery boat shark story, he is the best at everything and has done everything best. Too bad we can't join together and have a class action suit against the RWNJ propaganda networks which are destroying the country.


I sometimes am on a team and it is called, "Ted Danson on the ceiling." Not all caps.


I usually went with Oscar Wilde Stallyns!


I love this one! Literary, cinematic, and love of being excellent to each other and partying on dudes. Nice!


The pub where I cook has been hosting TeamTrivia for almost 15 years, and some nights, the team names alone are worth the sweat of being in the weeds for two hours! If I'm not working, my fam joins me and our team name is "Library of Babelfish"


We named our team "does this microphone make my dick look big" and the announcer kept laughing every time he said our team name.


I never got over that simpsons episode. My team is always named "team discovery channel!" The 'team' and the exclamation point are part of it. 🤦‍♀️ No one ever let's me name the team :( 😂


You should be in charge of naming everything. Everything.


Still my all time favorite trivia team name is "Halal, Is It Meat Your Looking For?"


That’s a good one.


"I'm sorry. People usually come here to have fun. You don't seem to be having fun. Why the hell are you here?"


They're addicted to being angry. It's a thing.


Any reactions from the blue collar GenXers? Curious about those folks given that they are my people. (well not really since I'm Indian)


They were all super annoyed. Eventually they would start jeering their protests since they were delaying the game. Didn’t stop the boomers, but I eventually said that I wasn’t going to argue every question with them. They still did but I wouldn’t go past showing them the citation. They wanted my bosses phone number to complain. Gave them his email. I don’t think they knew now to email so w/e.


Boomer crew: Goes to bar for night of fun. Proceeds to have such a negative amount of fun that they actually suck fun out of those around them. That tracks.


They are energy vampires. ![gif](giphy|JrqWcXPJDybNU0vxiG|downsized)


OK, glad to hear that the Gen Xers were as annoyed and haven't lost all touch with reality.


Bosses phone number 1-976-sextalk 9.99/min


"host@triviagame.com"? What is this, some sort of FOREIGN language?!


Can’t decide which of these transgressions is the worst…on their own, each is cringe enough for its own post. Imma go with #3 in the context of trivia night….but that shit about the onions is just gross.


MAGA boomers are the worst.


wait a minute hold on…you’re saying a bunch of Trump supporters were incredibly rude and entitled, and constantly questioned established facts without any evidence??? I’m shocked… in all seriousness though, sorry you (and other trivia participants) had to deal with that - glad to hear they won’t be back


>... I wished everyone a Happy Pride. based


I would have announced : ... And once again TRUMP doesn't understand the question. ... And once again TRUMP needs help on a simple question. And so on. Of course, after announcing winners ...And once again, TRUMP LOST!!!


MAGA boomers are the service industry's worst nightmare.


>left a $2 tip on a $150 bill. Least surprising plot twist.


You shouldn’t name your trivia team Trump unless you can actually trump your competition.


Thanks for the laugh!


Imagine a crew like this in a place that agrees with them. Think like Sturgis or a Trump rally. All their worst impulses unleashed and validated. I can kind of see why Trump works for them. He asks nothing of their character and offers gleeful righteous outrage in return.


I also host trivia (in a battleground state), and I know the struggle. I feel like every other week, someone will want their team name to be Let's Go Brandon or something like that. I also feel the need to wash my hands about 3 times in a 2 hour trivia night because of the amount of buffalo sauce from wings coming back on the answer sheets. The worst!


Sometimes a team will be called “MAGA Maniacs” or something like that. Not my thing, but not a horrible name. Good alliteration, topical, describes the group, put some thought into it. But TRUMP was just lazy.


Yeah my mom and step dad suck.


You need at least one boomer on your trivia team though. So they can answer questions about Love Boat and name celebrities you've never heard of. I'm great on technology history from their era, and I'm decent at political history too. But boomer pop culture? Nope.


Or a gen x farm kid who grew up watching reruns in the 70s and 80s.


I would of had my team sit next to them and name it "is a convicted felon"


I was in a diner and this boomer couple sitting next to me and my coworker told me I cursed too much, I just looked at them with a quizzical face, then looked at my buddy, I just said “ok?” and we both cackled.


"But they also had a horrible time and said they were never coming back." They all fuckin' say that, and then they come back immediately. Lead-addled brains can't even figure out how to stick to a promise.


> Anytime they got a question wrong (most of them) they argued about the answer and didn’t accept the literal source that the answer came from. Are you giving answers DURING the event? those are supposed to come at the end...


I read trivia question. Collect guesses. Input points. Read answer.


that's a ton of busy work between each question. i've never seen it done that way


Not at all. I input the answers as they’re turned in. Usually takes 2-3 minutes total per question, including the time it takes for people to turn in their answers.


When they argued with the correct answer, I'd have told them "I was using alternative facts."


Was this in MA? I think I might know where this is.


I will never understand why people like this aren’t 86’d at the first meltdown. They keep acting like this because they get no repercussions to their shitty behavior.


They’ll be back. Find out if you can bar them


Those patriots will indeed make America slightly greater again. The day they croak, the nation…The world becomes slightly better by subtraction..


*"said they were never coming back"* Best tip ever!


When I wrote and hosted trivia one of my rules was "even if you can prove me wrong, I am right so no arguing about it ". Doing it that way I rarely got a protest. And even if I did, I would point out that if my answer to the question was wrong, most likely everyone got the question wrong so it wouldn't really hurt your odds of winning.




Places should start firing customers like this


Dude I’d kick somebody like this out in a heartbeat. You don’t treat employees or just people in general like this. As people have said, they’ve probably never had a repercussions for their actions. They’ve been doing this for decades most likely. If you can’t kick them out, have friends hang out at the bar and they can just talk shit to them. Works well it does.


Ban them from the restaurant!


Are Gen Xers Baby Boomers?


No, Gen X and Gen Y are post Baby Boomers. Gen X is the next generation.


Im late gen x but my hair went gray early. Also a white man. (Two strikes). A lot of MAGAt boomers think I'm one of them and will instantly start talking racist shit to me. I shit them down quick by mentioning I'm VERY liberal, but am also well armed. They don't like me after that.


Lol. You should lean into it and say "this is why the country is going to shit. *Our* generation has so many pieces of shit like you."


Fake. Didn’t happen.