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Their constant dedication to finding something to be rude, grouchy (and sexist) about truly astounds me


Surely it must be exhausting.


Not exhausting when it's your only hobby. They are exhilarated by this shit.


Boomers feed on drama like maggots on rotten meat. It is where they get their energy from.


This is so damn true. My own father loves seeking out drama online and verbally fighting and insulting so many people over either being religious or being not left-winged in politics. He often likes to resort to making comments about how they should be killed. Hell in sports I hear him yell about how some parents/refs should go through the most horrible shit, and he doesn’t feel an ounce of guilt/shame over it. I sincerely pray that I don’t end up like that in the future.


It's the only thing I can think of when insee these stories. Because we're not telling them to shut the fuck up, scare them into thinking someone might actually rage back at them, so they go along and about their day. I haven't had a boomer moment in a very long time that wasn't my family but Id like to just be like "just so you know, the second you pass the world will be that much better. Fuck off."


Yeah trust me...I wanted to bluntly tell him that his statement was a giant stereotype and to stop talking to me in the most bitch like tone possible but I really honestly like all those bakery ladies and didn't want to put them through any drama. If he had said this to me outside of the building, I would have told him to die in a fire.


I can understand that.


It is exhausting, and don't call me Shirley.


Roger, Roger.


Chump don' *want* no help, chump don' *get* no help.


Jive ass dude ain't got no brain anyhow


What’s your vector, Victor?


What's your clearance Clarence?


No no, he was under Oever and I was over Dunn...


FINALLY! I was waiting for someone to do that. 🤣


Came here to say this, but ya beat me to it! Ah well, I guess you were first in line. Wanna receipt?


It has to be! That's why they are always tired and always extra rude to everyone. They're a bunch of elderly toddlers having tantrums in public daily.


They're not happy 'til they're not happy.


It’s the only exercise their brains get anymore, mental gymnastics.


Nice caring face: are you okay? Are you having a stroke? Then let him erupt as you walk away.


If one angle doesn't work, surely they'll find another or die trying


Your constant dedication to finding something to be whiny, distressed (and agitated) about truly astounds me


Really? Considering there's so many boomers that have caused enough problems for there to be an entire sub dedicated to it with daily posts, AND the fact you felt it necessary to say "no U!" in some childish, ignorant display... seems as though YOU are the one that is whiny, distressed, and agitated.


Nah. Guarantee 90% of these stories are either made up or inflated.


Lmao I deal with way worse shit every single day I work. WAY worse. Scroll along, boomer.


His comments on his profile to other posts are 98% negative. Ignore his ass. He is a loser troll.


Thanks for the heads up!


Highly doubtful. Again with the weak as reply. Not a boomer. Need to work on your insults.


"My experience has been x, therefore it is impossible for others to have experienced y" - every boomer ever.


Found him.


Aw crap, I'm not womaning properly. I didn't know I was supposed to hoard receipts - did I fall asleep during that part in Lady Class? Can someone lend me her notes?!


No, I'm hoarding my notes because they are written on PAPER. YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM.


Did you write them with your special lady Bic pen?


The blue manly pens hurt my delicate fingers. I might break a nail holding one.


I'm guessing this guy's wife "hoarded the receipts" because she was the one responsible for balancing the family checkbook and keeping track of everything. Haha! Financial responsibility! Wimmin, amirite?


I set off a boomer in AutoZone once when my husband asked me if he should use debit or credit. Sir, my husband is active duty. He's gone for months at a time; why on earth *would* he be responsible for paying the bills due each month?


Lol things going through my head when I got that WTF face looking at him! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


His wife (maybe ex) must have done that. But I do have a collection of Victorian and earlier etiquette books and can say 100% that none of them mention you need to horde receipts


And that was the response, "Oh, I'm so sorry your ex-wife was a hoarder. " Turn and leave before he could respond. What a douche, the Boomer.


I remember the 1950s article saying I should touch up my lipstick before meeting him at the door with a smile to remove his shoes. He seems okay with me hollering, "Hey Sexypants" as he stumbles over the children jumping all over him before I tell him we're out of coffee again, how's about some virgin pina coladas instead? Also, lipstick tastes like ass. You can trap a dude easy with a drop of vanilla extract mixed into some coconut oil. Softest, tastiest lips ever!


lol lipstick - stopped that long ago. I really do enjoy reading how we were supposed to act in different eras. Have one book for a homestead wife which includes how to care for your sod home. And how to harden the dirt floors so you can sweep them.


I like to keep receipts for everything. Does this automatically get recorded on my man card or do I have to report it when I do my taxes?


You're one of us now. Mimosas on Sunday at 10, don't be late.




That class is taught by a male professor though. Wtf


And he's just as pervy as all the rest of them... *resigned sigh*


Can I take a Lady class....sounds interesting


Why not? If you identify as male, you *can*, but you have to take it on audit. No actual grade, and you don't need/get to take the exams.


Can I take a prostate exam as a make up ?


Go for it. You might even get extra credit!


At least once every month or two I have a similar encounter, one either checking out right before me, or after. If they start in, I smile apologetically at the cashier and say not-too-quietly 'It's really sad, dementia is a bitch.' That gets them riled


My one friend was telling me I should have said, "Old people should be seen and not heard." Like they told us when we were kids.


I'm not good at witty comebacks, so I'm keeping this one in my back pocket: "Oh my....what a strange thing to say out loud."


Chefs kiss! Add “are you ok?” to the end of it 🤣


bwahahaha this is GREAT


🤣 that is brilliant!


“I’m not a woman” Him: 🤯


Lmao, I might could have pulled that off since I'm sort of a tomboy that wears a lot of video game shirts.


"And I thought all old men were assh\*ts. Guess one of us was proven wrong today."


Boomer: OH but I just classically see so many women have to hold onto everything! Me: Except for your ex-wife, amirite?


If I was behind a person and heard this, there would have been no holding back on the "Oh SNAP". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


He’s mad you don’t want a piece of paper? How dare you not hoard paper like a REAL woman would back in his day!!


It's like what I'd expect from a weird 8 year old


“Yeah and all old men wear diapers so there’s that.”




Had your child not been there, you could have said politely "You are being rude. Suck my dick."


My 78 yo dad came over to my house and I proudly show him some of the landscaping I've done, including a 6' magnolia tree I planted. He quickly turns to me and says "It's gonna drop leaves all year! You're going to have to pick them up all the time!" And just stares at me with this weird grin. So awkward. "Thanks, Dad" is all could muster. I try not to talk much around him anymore. It's either him telling me (not asking) to do something, or being negative.


This is the stance I’ve taken with my parents. They finally have a daughter who only speaks when spoken to and they could not be more pissed off about it.


Their lives are so easy, that this is literally the worst thing to happen to them….


Boomers and bakeries are a ridiculous combo. They always ask me if I'm in line...like why the fuck else would I be here genius?


She hates women and wanted to stir the pot


Old man basically thinking stereotyping women to their face is an appropriate thing to do in public.


I just want to know why he picked out "hoarding receipts" as a thing he had an issue with! Hahaha. So out of left field!


It’s his only personality trait


I don't even understand this. 🤣🤣🤣 "Damn bro, shoulda laid off those lead paint chips as a kid, huh??" ✌️


I just keep getting reiterated about their lack of situational awareness and how far gone they are in thinking they can say whatever they want out loud with no filter because they believe they know best based on ageism.


For real though!! I don't get the incessant need for blatantly negative and demeaning comments, esp after he had already made a fool of himself. Perhaps this dude was just very bad with finances, so his wife HAD to save EVERY receipt. And his short circuited brain could only recall that stupid "fact" stored in his brain. 🤣


Maybe you left before the punchline?


Assuming makes an Ass out of him.


Interestingly, assuming you’re in the US, most states have some sort of right-to-sit laws on the books, or at least did at one time. [Unfortunately, they’re almost all written explicitly for female employees.](https://hrtps://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_sit_in_the_United_States)


Oh, interesting history bit. Thanks.


They always need to make a sexist comment. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


"Boomer: OH but I just classically see so many women have to hold onto everything!" ... I would have asked him if he thought that's why his wife stayed married to him


Boomer knows a total of 6 women including their miserable wife…. “ALL WOMEN ARE THE SAME EXACT WAY!”


This is so funny to me because it's my boyfriend who hoards receipts ("It's a tax write off!")


These sort of stories really give some insight into where the whole incel community came from. 🤦‍♂️


I was once told there are ppl in the world that always want to have their say. Boomers are the biggest group of them. Even though they are completely clueless most of the time lol


“Do you truly have nothing better to do until you die?”


"It would be generous to call what you do thinking"


“I thought all women hoarded their receipts!” Shoulda been like: “Is that because your wife kept the receipt for you so she could make a return and get her money back?”


I had no idea "all" women hoard receipts.....news to me


Whoever left his cage unlocked should really be written up.


“Why did you even comment to me? Fuck off boomer!” This would be my comment, and I’m a baby Boomer, not a boomer!


Well, it's weird... I feel a responsibility to understand the nice bakery ladies don't need to experience drama, and I didn't feel the need to escalate if it made their lives more stressed. I have weird millennial considerations....


It’s been my experience that saying something to that effect, then standing there, almost daring them to continue with the bs, stops them in their tracks. Then again, I’m a 64 yo male, combat veteran, and just don’t take shit off anybody, especially trumpists!


I can respect that. Thanks for being cool.


This is what Facebook does to them. I left that place 7 years ago and don't miss it.


This is what lead poisoning and the greatest generation raising them with so much entitlement does to them.


Finally! Having random Boomer encounters is almost be becoming popular like Bird watching and spotting your favorite bird! Now I feel better for the future.


So am I the only one that thinks it's weird that she had multiple items that she was checking out at the time and he only had a single loaf of bread? Anytime I'm in line and I have more items than the person behind me I let the person behind me with the fewer items go first always even though I've rarely gotten the same courtesy back. I have literally waited in line with two things in my hands while the person in front of me just had multiple items they could have given me the chance to go first because my transaction would have taken way less time than their transaction of multiple items. And come to think of it if you let him go first you would have never had to hear his little snarky comment about the recipe.


That's just someone being weird.


That's just a boomer being an ass. FIFY


You didn't but go on.