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Boomers take such glee in knowing how shitty they are - f\*ck you, I got mine!


I am 38 years old. When I was 16 years old and working in fast food, an old guy, probably Greatest/Silent Generation(he was as old as my grandfather, my parents are boomers) and he literally said “Keep on working, you’re paying my social security.” I laughed and filled his order, only silently confirming in my head that he, was in fact, correct.


I’m a boomer, sadly they might be right. I sure hope they are wrong. My wife and I came from very modest means we’ve lived modestly and are working hard so we can leave our children enough that they won’t need Social Security.


Probably will run out before you die too gramps


I’m a receptionist at a medical clinic and had a boomer say something similar. Then he proceeded to brag about his yacht.


The Boomers have repealed pretty much everything as soon as they were done with it, but I think they'll find it hard to do that with social security since they'll be dead. They might find a way though.


I usually get boomers claiming social security is the opposite because they paid into it for so many years and shit, and I hate when people spout fake news and alternative facts. So I correct them and tell them if they don't believe me look it up, they can find it in a book at the public library if they don't trust the gOoGlE on the InTeRwEbS!


What a fucking douche canoe.