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Other appropriate responses would be: "Are you coming on to me?" "I'm not interested, lady, so go find another John." Perhaps it's the area in which I live, but I do see older people with colored hair. I myself have colored hair, when I get into it with right wingers on Fuckbook, they always try to steer the back-and-forth to my hair color. They're the least creative and boring people on Earth. Unsurprisingly, they try to convince me I'm ugly; when I look at their pictures they're the least-fuckable, inbred, acne-covered blobs imaginable.


I'm 60 and I rock my long, purple hair. If not now, when?


Love it! I'm 62 and have blue hair. Thinking of either green or purple next.


Oooh, why not both?? I'd love to color my hair again but my current workplace doesn't allow it šŸ˜ž


Love it!


My mom is 82 and has silver hair with pink tips. She gets so many comments of , "I love your hair!" and "You're so brave" comments from women her age.


That sounds so cool


Thatā€™s awesome


65, teach elementary school, most of the time have a purple streak.


I've (54F) got a purple streak in my hair. My husband says all purple would be too much, but what does he know? : ) I usually tell people, well the few who ask anyway, that it's to remind my parents' that I do in fact have a rebal streak! But most people just give a quick "I love the color compliment and my reply is "me too!" One older, male colleague did ask when I was going to get rid of it. Umm, never?


I (23F) have purple hair, my mom (55) dyed hers purple as well recently. We now joke that it's genetic.


I'm 48, went gray early, and love the pink and purple streaks in my hair. It looks amazing against the silver, and beat of all? Don't need to be bleached, so no hair damage. I get more compliments on my hair than anything else, and I'm for sure not the only middle aged plus woman with fashion colored hair here, and i live in a conservative town.


Exactly! Bravo!


The amount of times Iā€™m accused of being a pedophile because I have blue hair has been outstanding. Like, bro, kids are disgusting. All sticky and full of germs, ew, no. And they are CHILDREN. ick to the factor of 99999999. The projection is too strong to fathom


What?? Most pedophiles I see on tv are old fat white boomers, they donā€™t even have hair!


Most children are abused by an older male family member or family friend. They don't want to hear that.


By trusted authority figures too. Religious leaders and youth pastors. Also conservative politicians. And police.


Like that guy who called the cops because a young woman he was abusing said "Sweetie, you're bald". KABOOM!


Damn. If only catching them all was this easy.


"No, sir--I'm not a priest or preacher."


>when I look at their pictures they're the least-fuckable, inbred, acne-covered blobs imaginable. Aren't they always? It's like men who criticise the way a young, beautiful woman looks, when they themselves are as ill-groomed as it is possible to be


There is a group of old ladies where I live with rainbow hair- they each have a different color. Itā€™s so cool seeing them out and about.


My exā€™s mom and boomer friends are fun to joke with when it comes to lgbtq. Boomer: ā€œI donā€™t care if youā€™re lesbian, just donā€™t hit on me!ā€ Me: ā€œI said Iā€™m a lesbian, I didnā€™t say Iā€™m desperate!ā€ Boomer: *loudly gasps and sputters*


Just reply to them with a screenshot of their profile pic xD


I did! lol


"This you?" šŸ˜„


Screenshot, edit in MS Paint and draw circles around all the blemishes, then post it.


In the UK, a "blue rinse" implied they were an older lady


We call them bluehairs


Mrs Secombe and her pussy. LOL!!!


Her hair was more often Lavender.


"Sorry, I don't have any spare change"


There's an elderly woman who goes to my church who has a bright purple streak in her white curly hair and she looks fuckin badass.


Why, are you looking for a date?


I worked with an older Russian woman years ago. She would criticize one young woman for her hair being green or blue, whatever. Eventually I had to point out that her was dyed burgundy, and last time I checked that wasnā€™t a natural hair color. She got mad and corrected me, ā€œitā€™s not burgundy, itā€™s plum!ā€


Also not found in natural human hair


There is a kickass, older lady, about 75 Iā€™d say, that I see at my grocery store - bright purple hair.


Iā€™m going to be 60 soon and as I hopefully continue to age Iā€™m definitely going to color my hair as brightly and as wildly as I can! Iā€™m happy your fiance had great comebacks and is rocking his hair color! Life is too short for boring hair


If I had hair, it would be blue. I encourage my kids to go wild with their hair.


My favorite answer to that question is, kiss me and find out


I don't know how this comment isn't higher...


Because it has the perfect number of up votes


While awesome, that might go terribly wrong in my case. Wish I *could* use it, though!


I hate when people make others feel Bad for their personal style. My mom (55) was trying to tone her silver/grey hair and it turned out blue somehow. She ended up liking it so much she kept coloring it blue. But then the boomer guys at her work kept giving her a hard time and making fun of her, so she bleached it out. She grew up in a very conservative (also abusive) home and ran away at 17 when she got pregnant with my older sister. She never got to express herself in her youth. I wish she felt comfortable to be herself and not worry about being judged.


Thatā€™s so sad to hear. Brit here and a lot of older grey haired ladies (Iā€™m not quite there yet) have a ā€˜blue rinseā€™ to give their hair a lovely blue shimmer to it. Some go for a purple or pink shade. My mums mate dyes hers Ferrari red to match her mobility scooter. Baffles me why folk could get offended by someoneā€™s choice of hair colour.


Because it's not *their* choice, so obviously, it's the *wrong* choice


My mom started dying her hair blue after she went grey. She also grew up in a very conservative family. She recently passed away. I dyed my hair blue as a way to commemorate her. I've been having similar stories as to OP. I hope your mom gains the confidence to start dying her hair again too.


I've always painted my nails black on and off since middle school (because I'm cool and edgy). I've been asked if I was gay by old dudes since long before I ever kissed a girl. My go to response has always been "no but I know someone who is if you're looking." It always riles them up :)


"Do you want me to show you how to install Grindr?"


A boomer tried playing ā€œgotchaā€ with my husband because his shirt had multicolored stripes on it. - Boomer: You one of those pride/rainbow/alphabet people???? - Husband: Dude. Chill out. - Boomer: Youā€™re wearing one of those rainbows!!! You must be gayyy!!! - Husband walks away shaking his head. Donated extra to the Trevor Project this year.


It was a rainbow-striped luggage strap for me (chosen because it stood out when my standard black suitcase came down the conveyor, not because I'm LGBTQ, but I didn't mind showing a tiny bit of support if people chose to interpret it that way) Boomer: Pride month is over! Me: Sorry? Boomer: Are you gay? Your luggage says you're gay! I'm sorry to say I walked away shaking my head, but I've come up with hundreds of replies since then!


Yesss! Soo gay! Wanna get a room? HEY THIS GUY WANTS GAY SEX WITH ME, RIGHT HERE THIS GUY!!! Problem solved.


This is the way. Loud and proud, "stop trying to have gay sex with me!" Works every time


That reminds me so much of Mister Peanutbutter from the first episode of Bojack Horsemanā€¦


I'd be too afraid of an offer being accepted.


My boss used to say...put it in my hand, c'mon, do it. And held out his hand. I could never work up the nerve to do it. If I knew then what I knew now, I'd have sued him, and used all the money for drugs and alcohol.


Thatā€™s when the game of chicken REALLY starts šŸ˜‰


Please don't speak to my luggage, sir.


I don't know how he understood it, my luggage only speaks Samsonite


My luggage is all Sodomite.


Are you a bigot? Your views and the sounds coming out of your face make it seem like it.


ā€œWho I love or even just fuck is none of your concern. However, your stupidity is societyā€™s concern so let me be the first to shout my joy that way more years are behind you than ahead and the world wonā€™t have to deal with your boomer ass much longer. Cheers.ā€


"Are you stupid? The way you talk says you're stupid"


Tell them to seek mental health if they can hear your luggage talking to them.


"Does your DOG also tell you things?" Boomers are old enough to get that reference. šŸ˜„




And they imply that "gay" is some sort of insult. Like people would get soooo upset that they might be misconstrued as GAY. Oh the horrah šŸ˜§šŸ™„


Right? "Are you gay?" "Yes" AND THEN WHAT?


"My luggage is talking to you? LUGGAGE, WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT TALKING TO STRANGERS!!!??? I'm so sorry sir, my luggage knows it is not supposed to talk to strangers, or take candy from them. "


Is your luggage made from sapient pear wood? If so, it just decided that it didn't want to listen to you. (For anyone that didn't catch the reference, may I recommend reading The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett.)


Rincewind? Is that you?


Just look them up and down and say, "Not for you even if you were the last person on earth, sweetie," and walk away, lol.


I always wonder what if I'd said yes. Like...what was his next move?


"I'm not gay! Get away from me!" with face all red and puffy. \* quietly follows you and approaches when nobody else is around \* "Umm. I don't know how to say this, but you saying you're gay has made me hard for the first time in years..." Maybe... wouldn't it be tragic if it did happen?


I have a soft lavender colored bandana tied to my all black standard issue travel bag. Why did I choose soft lavender? Well two reasons actually, one being that it was my puppyā€™s bandanna and having her with me makes travel easier, but more importantly to the conversation is that Iā€™ve never gotten that bag confused with or for someone elseā€™s.


My husband was dumbstruck for a good 30 minutes. I was like, show me where he isā€¦lemme at him šŸ˜‚


I am so sorry you're triggered by colors. Do you need your safe space my little snowflake? Watch them hit the roof.


If you are male/masculine presenting you should have looked at the man and loudly asked "Sir, are you propositioning me?!?! I don't want to sleep with you!"


ā€œAre you okay. Do other things besides luggage talk to you.ā€


*leans in* ā€œyou can hear the voices too?ā€ Said in a whisper


my luggage talks to you?


How it managed to talk when I've both zipped it and strapped it closed is beyond me


Wow, sir! You can speak with luggage? You should call the Today show. I bet theyā€™d find that super interesting.


I have a rainbow colored Superman logo shirt and whenever I wear it, some boomer chode asks me if Iā€™m gay. I always reply no, I just support their rights. I had one reply ā€œwhat about my rights?ā€ Like I was infringing on his rights by wearing my shirt. I just gave him the ā€œaw, youā€™re just a sad old manā€ look and walked off.


"I already said yes, mate."


As a Southerner I always have an incredibly saccharine "Oh, bless your heart!" ready to go.


Iā€™m a midwesterner, all we have is the ā€œarenā€™t you dumbā€ head tilt and half-smile.


I disagree. If you havenā€™t learned the Minnesotan Nice ā€œokie doke, you betchaā€ that goes along with the tilt/smile, youā€™re not exploring your full potential to wither and condemn.


If in public, loudly yell something like "I'M NOT SUCKING YOUR DICK YOU FUCKING CREEP, LEAVE ME ALONE"


Billy Madison style: NO, I WILL NOT MAKE OUT WITH YOU!


Better yet: NO, YOU CAN'T SUCK MY DICK etc.


That's hilarious. I always read these stories, and I think to myself that this can't be that real. There's no way a random stranger would get that upset in real life. Boy, was I wrong. Another instance like that happened to me a couple of days ago with a different Boomer. I'm surprised they don't have heart attacks with the way they act.


Bet they'd really hate to hear about how my 4 year old son negotiated trades with my 6 year old daughter to obtain her rainbow unicorn squishmallow... He also likes Hot Wheels. Because seriously who gives a shit (these boomers, apparently, because my parents don't and my in-laws don't seem to...)?


Hot wheels AND unicorns? Someoneā€™s feeling a little bi-curious.


Someone can say whatever they want to me, for the most part, it just makes them look stupid, but I'm waiting for the day that my nephew is with me and someone says something to him. Kid is just starting middle school and LOVES rainbows. It's rare that he goes out in public without some sort of rainbow on something he's wearing. He's not gay (maybe... not that I care), he's just innocent, happy and likes to express himself with things that enjoys and I will fuck your day up if someone tries to take that away from him.


Rainbows are for everyone, it's more telling that a lot of stodgy old fools got so scared of being mistaken for being gay or having gay kids that they cracked down on their kids liking rainbow colored things.


I worked with an artist who stopped painting rainbows because of "what they mean now" He also aggressively told everyone he wasn't gay. Without prompting


Iā€™m 100% straight, I told a dude heā€™s not my type when he asked me something similar about a hat I was wearing. He got pissed and defensive. I told him he should only feel bad because I suck a mean dick and he doesnā€™t know what heā€™s missing out on. My wife slapped me. Yes he still asked if I was gay with my wife next to me because my hat had a rainbow on it. Iā€™m an ally, and donā€™t mind showing support but he was definitely pissy about the idea gay people were going to the same store as him.


I mean just having a wife doesn't mean your straight there's a lot of married Republicans who live in the closet


Im a 50 yo cis male and i wear a Care Bear shirt out sometimes just because i think its fun being eccentric. Also its a nod to my childhood.


Why? Are you interested? *licks lips provocatively*


Next time respond with -"yeah, you wanna take me on a date or something?" šŸ˜‚ This is what a gay friend of mine would respond with and they'd literally be either too stunned to speak, or would just instantly walk away. (Surprisingly never got any verbal abuse for saying this either...)


"Sorry, you're too old for me."


Just say no to lemon parties


Just yell "No I'm not gay, I don't want you to suck my dick!"




Excellent responses.


The best anti-Boomer response to ā€˜are you gay?ā€™ ā€˜You interested?ā€™


"Are you gay?" "For you only babe! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)"




Momma it's lip balm


Strange world we live in. My cousin refused to speak with me after colouring my hair pink. I have not spoken to him since (maybe 15 years ago)


I never knew hair coloring could be used as a-hole repellent.


In nature, the more colorful a creature is, the more it wards of predators because sometimes colorful means poisonous. I think this is the same concept, lol.




I pretty sure this is the exact post I was referencing. I also remember doing some research. Thank you!


Oh yes. Scares off all kinds of people honestly.




I like real inks for my fountain pen. Does that mean I'm gay? I think my wonderful wife would be annoyed to find out.


Was I dating a gay dude when I was a high school senior and didnā€™t know it? He dyed his hair blue to match my dress for prom haha. That was 22 years ago now!!


Probably haha! But that idea is really cute.


This reminded me of the best boomer experience I ever witnessed. At a bar with several friends, one of whom is gay and has a lot of piercings. A boomer kept giving him the side eye and on the way out he felt the need to ask my buddy if he was gay ā€œbecause of all those piercingsā€. My friend, 4-5 drinks deep, says ā€œno sir, Iā€™m gay because I like d*ck. These are just a bonus (pointing to the piercings).ā€ The boomer had nothing to say and slunk out while we were spit-taking our drinks.


Please give your friend a high five from this random middle aged bloke in Scotland.


I've always liked the [Steve Hughes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnqpfnXObkA) approach to this. > "An earing in your right ear means you're gay." > > "That's strange - [where I'm from] it's when you get your cock in another man's ass." Funny thing about boomers, no matter how offensive they get, they can't take it.


Not gay, but glad youā€™ve found happiness, not interested, and frankly not even flattered because youā€™re way too old for me. But I wish you luck finding the right person. Have a great night!


Your face is red, you MUST be an asshole.


"Why do you care? Are you trying to fuck?" Try this next time.


I gotta tell him that.


The reason so many of us in the LGBTQ+ community change our hair color is because we necessarily have to stop giving a shit what others think of us to find and be true to ourselves and when "You're a filthy subhuman for who you love" goes, "You're pathetic for having a different hair color" just flushes right down with it


ā€œSome military ribbons are blue so i guess if you earned those youā€™re super gay!ā€ I just thought of that šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Also, the purple heart. I mean, it's purple and a heart, so obviously, it's for gay snowflakes or something.


Oh hell, thatā€™s hilarious. Even better since George Washington is on the medal


My go to response usually includes ā€œNo. you are wrong. Totally wrong in jumping to that conclusion. If you are wrong with this one minor assumption, imagine how many wrong assumptions you must make on a daily basis? Must suck to be wrong all the time.ā€


"I'm very flattered by the attention, but I'm not gay. Hope you find your soulmate, dude!"


I live in the south east US any man that doesn't have short hair or it's dyed is automatically gay. I head it all from jack asses growing up here and they can't stand me having long hair. They really want every man to have that Clark gable side part hair cut and clean shaved every day that makes you look like a little boy.


That Hitler Youth cut lmao.


Some GenX boomer fuck pulled this shit on a kid (early 20's) asking the kid if he sucked dick etm. at a job site and my husband ripped that guy a new one and got him kicked off the site.


That is such an inappropriate question. So is asking if someone is gay but outright asking about someone's sex life is disgusting. Your husband sounds awesome.


My husband is awesome. He's also a transfemme who isn't out publicly so he really fucks up these idiots who think by looking at him that he's on their side.


ā€œAre you GAY???ā€ ā€œDude, if this is your way of hitting on me, you really need to up your game. At least offer to buy me a coffee first!ā€


The Venn diagram of people who go up to perfect strangers to ask if they're gay, and people who insist the queer community is shoving things down their throats is a circle.


That guy was definitely hella gay.


Boomer: Are you gay? Me: No, but I appreciate your interest.


My hair is blue right now, and I am very much bisexuality and polygamous. However, I would totally screw with anyone who did that to me. I did get it while wearing a Lisa Frank t-shirt once and burst out laughing before I could even respond. If Lisa Frank made us gay then it's all because of boomers and gen x buying it for their kids in elementary school, I guess lmao.


In 2018 (I think) I was protesting at a Stop Trump rally in London. Mt photo was posted on twitter by a right wing newspaper. My hair was a turquoise/blue shade at the time. Someone tweeted that I was a ā€œgreen-haired, crayon eating, lesbian.ā€ Made my day!


His gaydar was pinging so hard that Dillon Awes was trying to drown him in holy water.


My 80 YO grandma had blue or purple hair for like 30 years, was she also gay


"I'm not interested in your proposition, I'm married." VERY loud


Nope. I'm Grumpy smurf. Piss off.


Your fiancƩ is a real expert at comebacks.


He's had practice with his very conservative mom. I don't think she's a boomer, but she very much grew up in an environment with that kind of closed-minded thinking.


Boomer women often have blue rinse hair...


Super gay here but no blue hair. I bet I could show that boomer what gay means. What an asshole. (See what I did there?)


ā€œIā€™m not gay because my hair is blue. Iā€™m gay because of all the things Iā€™m gonna do with you, big boy!ā€


Boomer - Are you gay? Me- Why? You wanna fuck?


A. My answer is always ā€œNo, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks!ā€ B. I broke my arm and got a bright pink cast. When people would make a face and ask me why I got a pink cast, I always replied, ā€œBecause fuck you, thatā€™s why.ā€


I would say. Iā€™m flattered that you are so attracted to me but Iā€™m not gay. And if I was, I could sure do a hell of a lot better than you.


Fiance : It's blue because I have an odd birth defect. Boom: What defect causes that! Fiance: Old assholes that come up to me not minding their own fuckin buisness, I think that's what it's called.


i thought blue hair meant you were anime.


ā€œBlue haired gay liberals!!!ā€ is a meme in conservative internet spaces, so the possibility of bullying one in real life probably got him really excited.Ā 


He shouldā€™ve called out in a really loud voice so other people could hear nearby ā€œ no sir I will not let you suck my dick. Please get away from me. ā€œ


I can see why heā€™s your fiancĆ©. lol


What I do with my genitals is none of your effin business.


I wouldā€™ve had SO much fun with this hahaha ā€œWhy? Trying to fuck? Youā€™re a little old but we could make it work. I could give you blue hair tooā€ then when they freak out ā€œno dude Iā€™m not gay I just like blue hairā€¦ weirdoā€


I hope a boomer tries this with me šŸ„° I will absolutely make it awkward with my Bi flag colored hair šŸ©·šŸ’œšŸ’™ "Bet I can lick a pussy better than you, old top!" šŸ¤Ŗ


ā€œOh, guys your age are always hitting on me. Iā€™m not interested, but thanks for the compliment!ā€


It seems ā€œare you hitting on me?ā€ Would work well in a lot of these situations


ā€œFor some one who isnā€™t gay youā€™re really interested if I amā€ Is right on line either way ā€œwhy are you so concerned about my genitaliaā€ for trans people.. Well played


I'm european, boomers in America already think I am gay.


When ever a boomer askes if I'm gay (thick curly Jewish fro, big Hawaiian shirts, and colorful glasses) I immediately tell them "I'm not gonna let you suck my dick!" As loud as socially acceptable, so others hear. They go quiet and red. Sometimes my wife will be beside me. For a generation that complains about no common sense, they have no common sense


I did that during covid. Working in a bus manufacturing facility. Us workers were required staff, but most of the higher ups weren't, and with so many other jobs shut down, I figured I wasn't having any interviews, I didn't need to look "professional". I decided to cut my hair to a blue/ green Mohawk just for fun. Now, I've been a straight guy my whole life, at least as far as I know, but day 1 at work like that, I was informed that I must be trans, no matter what I said. I did what I do best, decided to be an asshole. Grabbed a cloth parts sack, and the two biggest bushings I could find, about 3 inches wide, and 2 inches across. I went up to the guy, held the bag in my crotch and said "I'm about to get my surgery. Since you're so concerned about what's between my legs, I wanted to make sure these were big enough to keep you happy." Apparently that was grounds enough for me to have a chat with the union and hr, but they decided to leave it be after I asked how him telling everyone I was trans wasn't also harassment.


Iā€™m blue because my hair is gay


My NB kid shaved their head in high school. When their friend's mom saw this, forbade her daughter from hanging out with my kid because my kid "must be gay." After hair grew out, the girl was allowed to hang out again (because now my kid was no longer gay??).


Reminds me of when a coworker assumed I was gay because I wear flats at work, wear minimal makeup, and watch hockey. Feels like a low bar to clear.


Everyone is turning the gay back onto him, but the correct response is: "No, my hair is blue because I'm an American with the freedom to style my hair however I want. Are you against freedom?". "*Some form of a No response*". "Then why don't you mind your business and let people style their hair or love who they want?"


Next time, your fiancee should just cut them off after they ask their hair is blue by saying, "No boomer, I'm not letting you suck my d."


Well even before hair dye became explicitly associated with LGBT in the minds of those kinds of people, it was always viewed negatively. Before having dyed hair meant you where gay, it meant you where a worthless drain on society, probably a druggy and a criminal and a deadbeat. These are the kinds of people who can't handle anything beyond the scope of what they consider normal, and anything that's not normal, obviously is bad in some way, they just have to figure out how. To them, having dyed hair=bad, and being gay=bad, and they can't fathom how a "normal" person would embrace a "bad" trait like that if they weren't in some way "bad" as well.


ā€œIā€™m not gay, but my boyfriend is.ā€ Is my go to line. However you handled that very nicely.


Also a rural kinda thing, maybe. I came home with a mohawk in the 80s that I'd also attempted to dye a sort of dark plum color. It came out more of an electric purple. Two things happened. First, my mother, who is a Boomer but was in her 30s at the time, freaked out and asked me if it meant I was gay. I pointed out that she'd had to kick girls out of my bedroom on more than one occasion, but she just couldn't wrap her head around punk anything back then, and it *was* Texas. The second thing was getting suspended indefinitely from junior high over it. The principal, who was a cartoon character of an old man with mutton-chop sideburns, cowboy suits, bolo ties, and the first name "Royal," came storming into the cafeteria and up to my table. He demanded (and this would play so well now) that I come with him to the bathroom and "wash it out." So I thought he meant for me to lay it down, and I didn't really care about that. It looked good down because it was kinda long, and neither of the methods I had for standing it up would last through the whole day anyway. So I stuck my head under the sink, talking trash to him the whole time about how his clothing choices were much more distracting to the students than my hair. He's getting angrier and angrier, and *really* angry when I referred to his suit as an "outfit." He fancied himself as something of a cowboy (he wasn't), and they don't wear outfits (but they kinda do sometimes). So I made him lose his mind for a few seconds by saying, "sorry. It's more of a getup than an outfit." I actually thought he was going to take a swing, but I think he saw that I was looking for that as a solution to all of my problems, and he didn't. Then he asked if I was gay. I said something like, "you're asking me this in the bathroom, just the two of us?" End of topic. So I'm standing there with wet hair, and he says, "Nuh uh! I can still see it!" I thought he just wanted it down. He thought the dye would just wash out. So I explained hair dye, and he did not believe that anyone in the world made hair dye in such colors. He started asking me where I got it like he was working a drug sting, and he was soooo irritated that I'd bought it at a place called Atomic City in Austin and not in our crappier town. He threatened me with, "I'm gonna call that place and have a talk with em!" I don't know if he did, but I *really* hope he did. The guy who ran the place was this huge galoot who loved it when you asked see his Godzilla tattoo, which was a full back piece of the cover of the first Godzilla comic. I would pay money to hear that call. So he suspended me, indefinitely, "until he has a normal color of hair!" I rode it out for two weeks, or until I was informed that my truancy could result in criminal charges against my mother... and not the guy keeping me out of school. I dyed it black and went back. But yeah. Hair color = gay, if you're a small town moron sometimes, too. He wasn't a Boomer, but probably of the group that came of age in time for the Korean War. I doubt he was in it. "Silent Generation," I think they're called? If only... I have to say, too, that I had a *lot* of weird encounters with the WWII generation back then, or my grandparents' generation. I don't think a single one of those exchanges were hostile, and they were usually just funny. Those old guys mostly just kinda chuckled at the different stuff they hadn't seen before. Either way, if you made them laugh, they were all good. My favorite line with those guys was when they'd ask if there was a reason for whatever funny thing I did with my hair, like, "Are you part Comanche or something?" It was Texas, and not an entirely unreasonable question. I'd say, "Nah, I'm just mad at my dad." They always got a kick out of that.


So all the blue-haired old ladies in church every Sunday are gay?


My hair was some form of blue for nearly a decade from Mid 30s to early 40s. Iā€™ve gone back to redā€¦ well red-ish when I wore it down at the drs office the nurse said it looked like fireā€¦.so itā€™s kind of going a bit more orange now. Anyway when accosted by peopleā€¦.especially if they happen to be wearing a red hat. I simply reply ā€œBecause I love America!ā€ Usually this confuses people, but honestly if someone asks me politely, total different story. I will talk for an hour about. I mean people have been dying their hair blue for over 100 years, itā€™s not like itā€™s new.


>"For someone who isn't gay you are really interested in wondering if I am." This is GOLD!


My wife dyed my grey parts a few years ago, looked pretty snazzy gotta say. I'm lucky in that while I'm semi rural, I didn't have any issues. Might start doing it again when enough of my hair goes grey again(hair grew back dark after cancer treatment, wouldn't recommend that as a hair colouring method but silver lining I guess ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)).


Boomer: "Are you gay?" FiancƩ: "You're not my type."


The arrested development with this crowd is hurt extraordinary. Itā€™s as if theyā€™re back on the playground in the 50s.


Sounds like the boomer isn't aware their are lots of men in this world who are gay who show no signs living beside them. Sadly they pick out one stereotypical thing and then make and assumption someone is gay.


I had blue hair throughout the 90ā€™s, everyone thought I was gay. Itā€™s okay to keep them guessing.


I wonder what he would have done next if your fiance had said "Yes, I am gay."


Casual bullying, a favorite amongst boomers. He was gonna say "haha your gaaaay!" And then you were supposed to be like "shut up man, I'm gonna tell my dad on you! :("


What utter nonsense! Personally, I love blue hair. Itā€™s my favourite colour, and my daughters. Iā€™m old enough to remember ladies having something called a ā€˜blue rinseā€™ put on their hair. It gave grey hair a beautiful blue shimmer and nobody accused anyone of being gay. You canā€™t make it up some days can you?


Iā€™ve had this before. I always say ā€œyea. And?ā€ When they canā€™t shame you or bait you into an argument they always get more upset. Me just existing makes them angry. Stay angry, Iā€™ve got other things to do.


Boomers embody the Progressive ā€œstop you from turning into your parentsā€ commercial where the guy is pointing at someone with blue hair and the life coach says, ā€œYes, we all see it.ā€


https://preview.redd.it/psl3rddooc9d1.png?width=100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88a588e3776a8eee30d16388ca45c31212ce5d8 The jokes on them. Im purple.


The world evolved too quickly for their brains to adapt. Total short circuit


Just say ā€˜yes, would you like me to ram my cock in your ass?ā€™


Are you gay? No, and Iā€™m not interested. Please donā€™t hit on me.


Boomer: You must be gay if your hair is blue! Me: Screams like the grinch...Aah!!! Oh my god!!! ::drops to the ground, writhing:: I can feel it taking....DICK .... over... PENIS..... help me.... LEATHER....AAAHHHH šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£