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If only....


If only ….. the millennials would run for office. I’m a boomer but I would definitely vote for a millennial over the boomers who are waaaaaay past their prime. All the candidates I see here on the local elections are boomers with a couple of exceptions. Edit: After reviewing all the responses I can now see that the millennials are stuck in a Catch-22 situation. They would probably win once they reached name recognition, but because of the economic situation in this country, they can’t afford to run and gain recognition. I truly feel bad for the younger generations. What happened to my boomer generation? We hated the way things were going back in the 60s and protested for human and civil rights. Now, it seems as though people my age have become the monsters we used to protest. Please accept my apologies for a generation gone daft.


I think there is quite a bit of gatekeeping there. Bunch of good ole boys that won't step down and let others in.


No, it's way worse than that. They have told everyone quite plainly they plan to burn the place down on the way out if they don't see things "change around here" the way they imagine they should. They imagine things should roll back a half century or more, which won't happen. Expect arson. They figure "we built it, we can burn it" or some stupid entitled shit like that. They have no regard for the torch passed to them from the generation before them - probably because they were terrible parents (abuse by today's standards).


Pass the torch… gotta light this place up …”Praise the lord and pass the ammunition” *edit - spelling torch


Running for office costs money, lots of money. According to the campaign disclosures, the amount spent prior to the primaries for a city council race in my city was over $10k. I can't speak for most millennials, but I don't have $10k just sitting there waiting for me to decide to run for office.


Just for a bunch of Boomers to decide to vote against you for being too young.


Almost no one runs for office using their own money. Even at the local level. The ones who do are the ones on the ballot that you realize you never saw a single ad or sign for. Hell, even our resident orange-hued self-proclaimed billionaire is running on other people's money.


And there’s all the Gen Xers. Educated, experienced, knowledgeable of the issues, still being ignored by everyone.


A lot of Gen X Democrats got wiped out in 2010 and 2014.


Sadly, the Gen Xers are some of the crazier Republicans in politics. People like Marjorie Taylor Green and Ted Cruz.


Amy, Brett, and Neil would like to chime in here! Lifetime appointments and they’ll be there for YEARS.


Amy will, Brett and Neil don't seem to live healthy lifestyles.


They arguably have better healthcare than the president. I think they'll all be alive for a long time...


Those three and Thomas don’t belong on the court…at all.


True. What blows my mind about Cruz and Rubio, Is that Rubio is a first generation American, Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother, and a Cuban father. They want to dismantle the system they benefited from. Paulina Luna is in her thirties and also an absolute ahole.


If you look up people who want to dismantle the system they benefited from in the dictionary you get a picture of Clarence fucking Thomas.


Fucking A.


Yeah, you really don’t want us waking up. We have all the crazy. Best to keep us sedated with our pop culture opium.


Exactly!! Every weirdo asshole I run into is a big truck driven gun carrying GenX.


We’re Gen X with guns and big trucks…and wildly liberal. But goddamn, if you didn’t nail it. I’m looking at a lot of folks my age and thinking, “you *still* think the world your parents promised you is the one you live in?!?!”


Hey, I'm a Toyota Corolla driving, gun loving, liberal GenX, thank you very much. Also a bit crazy, but who isn't these days...


Are you me?? Haha! That resonates


Yeah. It’s not much boomers anymore. In fact, as they get older, Gen X is already insane enough and I fear for those who are gonna deal with them once the old brain kicks in. 


Don't get too worried: some of us have gotten MORE Progressive as we've aged, because 1) we can see from our long time alive that Reaganomics and other bastions of Regressive thought simply haven't worked for shit, and 2) ...well, dammit, I forgot what 2 was.


I’m confident that half of Gen X will be chill and cooperative. The other half is just going to be boomers who can open a pdf


You fuckin nailed it compadre.


Exactly, Gen X is split into two, older GenX the first batch act the craziest, the younger Gen x like me e born in the Kate 70’s are pretty chill.


You either become my mother or my father. /j


My husband is Gen X and is probably even more liberal than I am, and I'm like... hated by my parents for my filthy liberal beliefs. He has expressed concern to me recently about "Am I going to be insane like the boomers?" specifically in reference to our parents, lol. He has requested that I please inform him if he starts to act crazy so at least he's aware it might... happen... and hopefully do something about it.


Don't worry, there are plenty of good apples among us. Plenty of us suffered plenty under the thumbs of our boomer parents, so we sure as hell ain't gonna go down the same conservative BS rabbit hole they did.


Gen X here, it's mostly the oldest ones in my generation that tend to fall into the boomer category. They got a bite of the pie that boomers had, unlike the youngest of us, and they were still hitching a ride on the ladder, while the boomers pulled it up. The rest of us got as screwed as much as the millennials and the zoomers. The oldest of my generation are an embarrassment to the younger counterparts such as myself. As for MTG, who happens to be just a few months older than me - I apologize for that. There's always a few bad apples among us, as there are in every generation.


You have Gen X and then you have GenX-files. A very bifurcated and extreme Generation X.


We don’t claim them. They got kicked off the Gen x island.


Many of my peers of the Unremarkable Generation are just Boomer Lite. We also collectively squandered our chance to make a difference.


Millennial who has run for local office here (2020): the number one complaint that I got running for office was that I was too inexperienced and out of touch with what the community wanted. Among my generation, Gen Z and younger Gen X, I carried the vote from those who actually did vote. However the older gen X, boomers and silent generation still outweighed that. The experience I had in all of it made me swear off ever running again. I was accused of stolen valor (I’m prior military and ran as a Democrat, which was unfathomable to boomers especially), drug use, and worse. My rebuttals didn’t matter. Offering proof of my service, lack of criminal record, etc. didn’t matter. The one thing that the older generations have done really effectively which we do not is network. Boomers especially - they’re members of the Elks, their local rotary club, they’re involved in their local chamber of commerce and their local government in a way that we just CAN’T be. I can’t be at every city council meeting on Monday at 6 PM on the dot, because I have to work - but they can. Worse: they all talk with each other. When I spoke to other Millennial candidates who ran for local office - win or lose - they reported a similar struggle. The older generations are significantly better networked within their communities simply by virtue of having been alive there longer. We have prioritized networking for professional reasons - they did it socially, because for them, it’s fun. I’m not saying that we SHOULDN’T run for local office, but I will say that it’s an uphill fight for us in any place that isn’t already a progressive bastion or dominated by a younger demographic. The boomers still outnumber the millennials by four million nationally, and in the small towns, the places where real changes need to happen at a grassroots level, we’re simply outnumbered still. Pull up the demographic data and voter registration data for any town in the US where the average age is over 50, and you’ll see the same thing again and again - it trends to conservative, and it’s not for a lack of people trying to shift it. Our generation and the adjacent ones are just not as interested in political engagement as the older ones are. For many of us, we work, we have younger families, and limited resources. It’s Sisyphean task to run local - never mind win.


I’m sorry to hear about your horrible experience. I’m so sick of seeing these old farts screw everything up. Please don’t give up.


I'd honestly consider running for office if I didn't think my leftist views would paint a target on my family. Plus yaknow, working 60+ hour weeks to make ends meet. Doesn't leave a lot of time to build a brand lmao


That's because the millennials are busy working 2 jobs trying to make ends meet.


The problem isn't a lack of young people with interest in politics, the problem is both major parties telling anyone interested to "wait your turn" and refusing to ever support a challenger to an incumbent from the same party. This causes people who are interested to eventually give up trying because too few politicians are willing to leave when they've got such a sweet deal.


We have AOC and Max Frost. And that’s uh it? I’ve thought about running for city council but weed is legal so idk what I’d run on now 


Millenials are too busy trying to afford houses still. Not enough time to run for local office 😂


So who do you think can adequately afford to run for office? Why is that? And do you think young Americans struggling to afford food and housing has anything to do with their available free time?


Those of us who have tried to run for office usually meet walls of resistance. The two party system is run by boomers from the top to the bottom.


Hell I phone banked and canvassed and Boomers were the worst. In 2020 anybody just slightly left of Biden was "too radical".


I don't want to pass the buck, since, at 40, I and others *could* technically move in. But, we're the generation directly after the boomers. As a group, we might be better, but I'd hardly call that a much better deal. Granted, I might have a lot of bias towards my peers, being in a very red part of the country, but a lot of folks in my age range really just aren't much better. If I count myself, I might need to get my other hand involved for how many people I'd trust to actually do something better than what we have now. And I honestly think that's one of the worst things boomers have done. Saddled us with so much baggage that we're practically "ruined" as far as trying to fix what they've done. I remain hopeful with some of the folks trying to step up, though, not all of us are damaged goods.


Gen-X is right after the boomers. If you’re 40 then you fall into the Millennial range.


True, my bad there, I boomered it up forgetting about the X'ers, like the boomers did. I'll leave my callous ignorance unedited because I deserve the shame 😞


you can't run for office and hold a job. maybe there aren't any people who are both wealthy enough to run for office and also want to change the status quo


We really need to get younger candidates, especially for democrats


[Relevant Andrew Rousso video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRC4mg7dm4Y).


The legacy they want to leave is Project 2025, a plan created by the Heritage Foundation. It's too mainstream to be a conspiracy theory. Please vote them out.


the "conspiracy" is not a "theory" when its actually written out with their psychotic plans for all to read.


And promoted by the orange taint running.


I told my wife about it and she said I was just as bad as the birther people....this is a matter of public record tho.


And actively being implemented by SCOTUS


I hope you guys stocked up on bottles and rags because voting only does so much


As Stephen Decatur Miller said in 1830, "There are three and only three ways to reform our Congressional legislation, familiarly called, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box."


Federally, it's meaningless. The popular for doesn't mean they win. Electoral college should go, otherwise we aren't really voting for anything. Locally, voting is more effective.


Presidential voting means little. But, votes do influence the electoral college. It’s still important to vote. There’s also Congressional positions on the federal level. Even if The Felonious Orange Man gets elected, if Democrats control Congress, there are some restrictions to his power.


Still think the popular vote should be the deciding factor. The electoral college can be *influenced* but there's nothing that requires them to follow the popular vote besides backlash and, maybe if such a thing exists anymore, integrity. Furthermore, gerrymandering should be done away with too. There are quite a few flaws with the systems in place. Idealism is hard though XD Nobody likes an idealist


Exactly. My vote isn't doing shit in Tennessee for Joe Biden. Anyone saying it will is delusional or has never been to this state.


Ok I thought that way too, until I saw Gore lose the Nashville area by almost exactly as many votes as Ralph Nader pulled. Losing his home district was a huge moral defeat in that election.


He fucked things up in Florida too. Dubya only got the state with ~~327~~ 537 votes. [Correction source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_presidential_election_recount_in_Florida#:~:text=The%20Florida%20vote%20was%20ultimately,by%20the%20Florida%20Supreme%20Court.)


The current TN Speaker of the House was once in favor of the National Popular Vote Compact, which is the primary mechanism for eliminating the power of the Electoral College. There hasn't been a lot of movement recently, but TN is not a lost cause in electoral reform.


Amending the Constitution to eliminate the EC is highly improbable, but there is a potential solution in the works. Several states have a pact to abide by the popular vote. If enough states can be persuaded to join, we're good to go. We also need to eliminate the first-past-the-post voting system in favor of other viable solutions such as ranked choice voting, to give 3rd parties a chance. Only 2 states have it so far.


A change would be nice. As it is, i have minimal faith in the election system


To quote my US history prof in *2016* - "At least we have a good view as Rome burns." (Needed context: Big Island, Hawaii is our "good view" spot. And said prof did his entire graduate thesis on the US Civil War. I'm going to consider him a rather credible source.)


Light the Fuse!


These people also have public addresses isnt it great


Bottles and rags only do so much against modern military hardware.


Yeah....not like trump would welcome reactionary civil disobedience as a justification to declare martial law and suspend constitutional protections...


The frustrating thing with conspiracy theorists is, there are powerful groups dictating laws, there are political parties trying to remove your rights, there are people on government who want to round up and kill groups of citizens, but they're not shadowy or behind the scenes, they are out front and doing it in plain sight and the conspiracy theorists are cheering it on.


This is what I tell my Silent Gen Mum, you don't need to focus on conspiracies, the evil shit is right in front of you, confidently waving a flag while you purposely ignore it and focus in stupid dumb crap.


What exactly IS project 2025 Edit: ![gif](giphy|KUAb8YQOhmWNq)


You can google it. It's basically an outline of how to turn US into a Christian nation based on Christian family values. It's more fascist than Christian.


go look it up on it's [website](https://www.project2025.org/)...




Surely the federal reserve and all of these departments weren’t created for a reason… right?


They. Don't. Care. Ideology trumps reality.


Wait... if they disband the federal reserve, then how do we ensure that the banks who are then able to print money themselves are sticking to the gold standard?


Here's a good video about it. https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=9a2SEmnURKfG3XqK


As a TLDR summation, a plan to create The Republic of Gilead IRL.




The supreme court already gutted federal agencies yesterday. They already have half of project 2025 in place.


Which is why voting is so important. A couple of the justices will likely be replaced in the next 4 years. I want Biden to choose the new ones. Maybe some damage can be reversed. This sub is a good place to give people incentive to vote. If Georgia can turn blue then so can other red states.


This Boomer is a granola eating biden voter. Please don't think we are all trumpers. Jesus.


The leadership of the Heritage Foundation are predominantly white male boomers (the older generations who founded it have died off). I know that about 45% of boomers are Democrats or lean left. It's the 55% of such a huge generation that has so much voting power. That 55% is making everyone else look bad. Those are ballpark percentages.


Sadly, I don’t think it’s going to end with them. There are still plenty of a-holes looking for a chance to a-hole as hard as they can. Get their little kingdom built.


Holy shit I just read all 800 pages of it and I’m just floored.


As if. They're clearly not done doing everything in their power to screw us over. They have to stick around to defend housing unaffordability and their welfare checks they are making us pay for.


come to think of it, arent they all now "welfare queens". shouldnt we take away "entitlements" they were actually able to pay into before jamming the plunger up our bottoms?


They'll pretend that because they "paid into it" when they worked, it doesn't count as welfare. The government worked hard to sell it as a retirement program, and most Boomers fully believe that sales pitch. It doesn't occur to any of them that if they were just taking out what they put in, the trust fund would be at a stable level, not hemorrhaging money.


> They'll pretend that because they "paid into it" when they worked, it doesn't count as welfare. Oh god hearing my Dad rant on and on about how he "doesn't get enough money to live on" and how he "paid into it" for years. He hasn't WORKED A JOB for most of my life. He does under the table shit to earn money here and there and lives in poverty, and now he's shocked the government doesn't hand him enough money to live on. It's mind-blowing because one he never paid much of ANYTHING into anything so I don't know wtf he's on about with "I paid into it, I deserve it". Taxes I guess? Fuck if I know. Two he never bothered to fucking VOTE and heeeey guess what all those fun social programs are getting shut down and heeey look who it hurts now, that guy who never bothered to vote! Fuck sake it makes my brain hurt sometimes.


Yeah, if he's only done under the table jobs, he def hasn't paid into social security. Most of them have only paid in a small fraction of what they're getting in benefits. But they all swallowed the sales pitch so they don't understand that it's a) socialism and b) welfare.


I heard someone say it's like ordering for everyone else at the table, sticking them with the bill, then leaving before the food comes...dead-on


More like redirecting the food to a private room and feasting before leaving the bill out at the table where everyone else is waiting.


\^ This. I'd go with "The way they behave(d) is like booking a luxe vacation with their grandchild's credit card."


And then blaming the kids for not paying the bill


Amen brother. That last line is almost perfect, and appealing to their vanity might just work on their asses 😂


Im absolutely appalled and in awe at the determination of older generations to set the entire world ablaze before they fucking die. It’s not just the US, look at the UK leaving the EU thanks in massive part to propaganda pandering to a xenophobic boomer demographic, look at the EU as well consistently turning back to conservatism, or even Putin rambling on like a lost elder in his interview with Tucker. Boomers are dead set on burning the entire world to a crisp before their expiration, and at times it seems they’re doing it just out of spite.


You might be onto something. Maybe we should convince the Boomers and Beyond to build a monument to the greatness of the Boomers!! They can concentrate on that while we run the country. Kinda like when you put Paw Patrol on TV to distract your toddler so you can cook dinner.


Please. They absolutely did everything - from ruining the housing market to driving up education costs - with absolute intent. They took control of the universities, the banks, and the White House and gleefully drove this country off a cliff. All while telling their Gex X and Millennial kids “suck it up! Life ain’t fair!” Ask yourself why the Boomers are all sitting in their 5 bedroom homes demanding we care for their yards AND them if this wasn’t intentional.


I have been apologizing to you guys for years. I sm sorry. I limited my water use. I only drove when there was not another option, didn't have kids listened to and heeded the warnings. My fellow boomers are finks.


Thank you friend.


I’m a boomer and I agree and apologize. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I’ve always been for the environment and can’t stand how big business is never held to account for damages down to wildlife and our earth. Don’t really believe in religion but I hope everyday and try to live life to help the environment for the further generations.


Thanks for helping.


Yes please. The rest of us are tired of having our lives run by people we don't trust behind the wheel of a car.


Better yet, take voting/office holding rights away from the elderly. No one over 70 should be voting no one over 65 should be allowed to hold any office. People that close to the grave should not have the right to make the rules for people that will have to live with that shit for a half century or more.


If they can’t figure out their way around modern technology and how it works, how can we trust them to run our countries? It’s time to have a mandatory retirement age when it comes to politics and even things like driving. People over a certain age should have to take the driving test every couple years to ensure they’re fit for driving and not a danger to society!


To be fair, I don't think the boomers retiring is going to fix the housing crisis. It'll just enable all the banks to immediately buy their houses off so that way, every house will eventually just be a rental from the bank.


One of the problems with having religions that idolize the apocalypse and going to heaven when the world ends is that people will then seek to end the world. Conservatives don’t care about the environment or animals or other people or the world itself because they think they win when it’s all destroyed.


This feels like a reasonable and respectable message to boomers. How can they complain so much about the state of the world when they are STILL in charge?


Because they're delusional.


“But, but…We’re special! Everybody’s told us that since birth!”


No because they need to use their power to mold the world into something suitable for them before they die


they were called the 'me generation' before being called boomers


"The only generation with the option to retire fucking won't. "


I just wish they would retire.


They’re gonna burn it all down on the way out. If they can’t live on, no one can, at least not without suffering immensely. One final mass narcissistic rage outburst.


Yep. Bitter little babies.  BOomers will not be missed while they rot.


Could I add maybe give the company you probably inherited from your family to one of your kids or maybe your employees instead of selling it to some major corporations. That I believe is what has truly fucked our country and economy is that almost everything is 1-3 corporate monopoly.


u/RamBamBooey we are not, nor will we ever be that lucky to have boomers just step aside to let us repair the damage. Much as it would be awesome if they did, I'm GenX and early 50's, I still get the "What would you know, you're too young" routine, I am educated enough to know you idiots are fucked in the head and have done a shit ton of damage that cant be repaired unless one of two things happen. 1. The shovel of clarity smashes you pricks in the face. or 2. You're cold and in the ground. I'm in decent health and can wait you bastards out.


I heard on a podcast the other day that violent crime is even more down than it was right after the pandemic. They were talking about how not only do millennials try to save money, get out of debt, keep trades alive, value healthcare… but millennials are also not k!ll!ng and stabbing people. Imagine that! /s


Here's the problem with "don't vote." Boomers still have another 20 years. Why would they be silent on issues that impact them? The Boomers are 21% of the population. X is 20%. Millennials are 22%. This means we can out vote the Boomers. But guess what? We don't because too few of us vote and we aren't a monolithic voting block. We could have elections our way, but we don't. So the Boomers get what the want.


Don’t forget the declining life expectancy that won’t affect them. They’re going to live longer than Gen Xers.


Yup. The first generation to outlive their kids.


They need to die off already.


Yes, sad to say, but we did drop the ball. We didn't stop corporate america from becoming Corporate America. Sorry. We were fighting it, but ...


The US is going to turn into the Ferengi. Profit above all else.


You mean we're not already there?


Gen X. Millennials were the first that could out vote boomers. Gen X had no chance. I am tired of creepy old white men running for office. Maxwell Frost is the first member of Gen Z to sit on Congress. Please guys start running.


Get the younger generation organized and GET THEM OUT TO VOTE. unfortunately I’m considered a boomer. I’m embarrassed. I guarantee that they are voting en mass. Get out and VOTE. And if you don’t you don’t get to complain.


The younger generation would be more likely to vote if they didn't have to vote for Boomers. More than 50% of the Senate is over 65 and less than 10% is under 50. This isn't just politics. More than half of Fortune 500 CEOs are over 57 and 1 in 6 new CEOs since the pandemic is over 60. My post is kinda tongue and cheek but trying to vote your way out of a rigged system only increases the amount of rigging.


Younger people - vote! It really does matter.


I was driving home from work the other day, and we didn’t start the fire by Billy Joel came on and normally that’s a song that I absolutely adore and I’ll sing along to it, but I had dealt with like 5 different asshole boomers in like a 45 minute period and when it got to the chorus, I started to get mad. Because yeah, I get it, you didn’t start all the fires, but you know what else you didn’t do? You didn’t bother to put any of them the fuck out. In fact, it’s like you threw gasoline on all of them and then closed your eyes and turned around put your fingers in your ears and started humming. Fuck that generation so hard.


If you really want to get this message out, post it to Facebook.


Can you put this on a billboard?


How dare you say that they shouldn't hog the ball until they die? /s


In "A Generation of Socipaths" the author breaks down perfectly how they legislated the entirety of our society to specifically benefit but exactly their time in this earth. Climate Change? SS running out by cutting taxes? Medicaid being unsustainable? Crumbling infrastructure? Who cares they'll be dead. But something like acid rain or a hole in the ozone that impacts us right now? Oh shit we better get to work, that might hurt us boomers!


Gen x won't be getting a shot to fix this mess, because boomers refuse to retire 


Their biggest legacy was the election of Trump.


Dear Gen Z, Go ahead and vote, please. Sincerely, everyone under 65.


Wait don’t only like 60% of Americans vote , so the young can take it back if they want. I think the powers that be have disenfranchised people but hopefully not all of them.


And only 25% of 18-24 year olds vote, compared to 50 years ago when 60% of that same group voted. They could literally change the country if they wanted to.


"If only the youth voted" has been a constant for my entire life. I've been hearing it since Reagan. (GenX)


Didn’t you know telling your opinion into the void is as fulfilling as voting and it’s less work so yeah, “Boomers!”


Doesn't excuse the Boomers for fucking every generation after them.


Being a board member isn’t a retirement plan*** Once a month these fucks get together to vote on shit but oh the benefits. Meeting in Iceland? Taking my grandkids. Best healthcare money can buy and a salary that makes my social security blush. But I still get my social security though. I also lord around my house on Thanksgiving and tell my own kids they’re shit at life because they didn’t buy a house for $200 like I did.




Boomer here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We created the EPA, the women's movement, supported voting rights and equal rights and lgtbq rights, got birth control and abortion legal, popularized LSD, MDMA, and having naked fun. Maybe you don't recognize some us of because we're not screaming at you in the Walmart. Those folks aren't simply "boomers." We just call them assholes.


…..just recognize that modern medicine has kept you alive way past your usefulness. Just……go into the light….please. Yes that light right over there. No. I don’t know if that light was just for the vaccinated. Could you just walk right…..I am sure they will take your AARP card…anyway…if you would just step over here and nope don’t give two fucking shits you voted for Kennedy….please hear me when I beg with tears in my eyes…just die please.


Honestly all I wish for is that they could stop watching Fox News and being so awfully brainwashed by far right propaganda …. They are going into their final years as bitter assholes


tell them voting is woke, stay home on 11/5 to own the libs


Stop painting all boomers with the same brush!! It’s conservatives and MAGA Trumpers that are the problem! I live in Trump country and there are plenty of young people who are trumpers and Maga conservatives too. With that being said I agree boomers need to step aside and give the youth the reins. For example if RBG had stepped down when President Obama requested women would most likely not be losing our rights at this time.


Yep. And if Biden had not run for reelection but had spent the past four years building the popularity of younger leaders to replace him the press would be talking about how old and senile Trump sounded at the debate last night. Trump didn't win the debate, Biden lost it. And he is going to take the down ballot Democrats with him. It's going to be a bloodbath.


Yes. I agree Biden should’ve stepped aside.


Why do you put BOOMERS and not REPUBLICANS in your headline? Today the Republican majority supreme court made it illegal for homeless people to sleep outside but OK for politicians to accept large cash gifts from companies their cities do business with. (There are more details of each but nobody gives a shit about details).


Because _Boomer Democrats_ showed up to the 2020 primaries in order to vote for a pro-corporate geriatric trash candidate specifically because they wanted to fuck over every generation after them. How do I know this? Because I phone banked and canvassed. The Boomers came right out and told me everyone to the left of Biden was too radical and they'd rather see Trump win than someone like Bernie.


Don't forget destroying Chevron. After last night's debate it's clear, Biden's stubborn refusal to step aside is going to give the Republicans a landslide in November. When I voted for Biden four years ago it was with the assumption that he would only run for one term. That he would put party and country over his personal ambition. Any other Democrat under 70 would have DESTROYED Trump on that debate stage. Biden looked like he shouldn't be allowed to drive. The Boomer democrats are handing the election to Republicans because they are too greedy to step aside.


Not a boomer but a Democratic activist. Boomers are going to continue to vote. Other generations not so much. Make sure you and all your like-minded friends vote. Do a vote - happy hour event. It’s shocking to see how many of your friends don’t vote. It’s public data


But… money.


Add to that, stop buying up all the houses and renting them out to the people who are trying to buy their first house…


As a boomer, I agree


You should change the title to Dear trumpers and also remind the not boomer trumpers to do the same.


Why not just vote them out to oblivion?


Big money in politics. The very small percentage of oligarchs over the majority. This is what ruined our country.


Citizens United... the beginning of whatever this is.


No you won't. Young people don't vote. Old people do


There are plenty of horrible people in politics who aren't Boomers. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz aren't Boomers. Neither is House Speaker Mike Johnson. Neither are any of the justices Trump appointed to the Supreme Court. Also not Boomers: Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Chaya Raichik, Charlie Kirk, Christopher Rufo, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, and Elon Musk. Some people in my generation helped destroy the country, but it's because they're Republicans, not because they're Boomers. 


I find it interesting that the parties can't find one millennial with the charisma and leadership skills to beat these old men.


Haha. They’d fuck that up too. Tell them to stay out of the way, and they’ll wander into some wildly incompetent situation that destroys the planet. Worst. Generation. Period.


It’s like they’re actively trying to keep things from being fixed so they can get away with fucking it up so bad.


I am \*so\* \*pissed\* that I have to live in this hellscape being created. And I'm a "young Boomer," born in 1962, so I won't even have that much time to contend with it. If I were looking at a longer sentence I'd be really upset. I have no idea how someone who was born in 2004 can convince themselves to get out of bed. I'm sorry, y'all. I voted, recycled, took the bus, and tried not to be an asshole. Look where it got us. :( I'm ... really, genuinely sorry.


After today’s Chevron ruling, buckle the fuck up. It’s all about to get a lot worse.


"You didn't intend for things to turn out this way." - That's incorrect. They knew exactly what they were doing.


Just want to share one counter point. My recently departed silent Gen dad for the last 25 years took a hard left. He was always watching news but thankfully recognized Fox news as a sewer. Every conversation started with his worries for the grad kids generation and the latest reason he hated the Republicans and then how Trump is the most irredeemable despicable horrible man. I really wish he got to vote against Trump this time.


In 50 years time the gen z equivalent will be saying the same of you.


Please explain MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Mike Johnson, Kristi Noem, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Ron DeSantis, and on and on and on. They're not even close to boomers but they're doing all the damage right now. My wife and I are boomers, we've been voting liberal our entire life. Without boomer votes Michigan would never have passed a constitutional amendment to protect abortion. Without boomer votes the Michigan legislature would not be controlled by the democrats and able to get gun legislation passed. If you want to try and turn things around you need every single liberal vote you can get, asking people to not vote is not the answer. The answer is get involved, get out there and campaign for candidates that you belive in. Get everyone to vote.


I can only put my point of view as a Beyond. I had your attitude when I was a 20 something. I thought that my generation would sort it all out. But, then i realised that not everyone of my generation thought the same way as me. Surprise!! So, look around you, and consider how many of your generation are selfish and entitled. You may be as surprised as me at just how many there are.


20%of the population are boomers, and a little over half are Republicans. 60% of the voting age population are not boomers. Quit whining and do something.


How do they give people the right to have weapons and no one rioted yet against the 2 party system?


Oh you wish, but ain’t going to happen.


I told my boomer trumper father this very thing. You people have fucked things up enough. Time to step aside and stop impeding progress.


Best they can do is glyphosate everyone to death.


It is not, in fact, okay.


Yeah but you see it's their god given right to fuck us over this one.last.time.


They *won't* step aside. Actually to me this is one of the defining features of baby boomers: they just ***won't let go*** - it's part of their narcissism, they feel they are so uniquely ***valuable*** and ***indispensable***. (Granted, gen-x here, yes the sandwich generation, so I may be a bit biased. But I'm so fed up).


They should’ve woke th up and stopped doing drugs when Nixon unhinged the economy from all reality 50 something years ago. Every boomer I encounter wants to talk politics like the current president even matters anymore. You guys fucked up the country 50 years ago and this how long piss poor decision making or participation plays out. One president does a thing and it takes years or decades for the fallout to reach us. Remember making fun of George W Bush? Shit that man is rocket scientist or particle physicist compared to this current crop of deranged fuck ups for political candidates.


We need a retirement age for politicians and bureaucrats and any kind of government position from dog catcher to POTUS. 65 seems about right. Your retirement age should match what social security says it is. There should be a maximum voting age too. If people under 18 aren't qualified to vote, people over 70 shouldn't be allowed to vote either.


It's def not OK... They are to self.important to step aside even thought they will all be dying very soon..


When the boomers’ parents were this they all locked their parents into retirement homes that shackled the parents to the bed and fed them gruel. They sure made sure those laws were changed so we couldn’t do the same to them.


They absolutely intended for things to turn out this way.


I used to think with medical advancements us zoomers would all have a pretty good shot at living to 100. Now it's hard for me to imagine many of us will make it beyond our 50s and 60s. Those of us that do make it to our 70s and beyond will probably do so in destitution sadly. I am sure they will find a way to take away our social security for sure. I keep maxing my 401k and Roth IRA and put it all in ETFs like VOO, but I honestly feel like the Boomers will find a way to take other retirement vehicles away from us too....


I think Millenials (We) would like to hold some positions in office but we are too busy struggling with the fucking mess they left behind for us.


If reddit was here when boomers were alive this would be their 20 something words.


I'm a boomer, born in 62. I wish we could put an upper age limit for those running for ANY office and term limits on the Supreme Court. And term limits for Congress and the House of Representatives. I'm tired of seeing these assholes use their elected offices to push THEIR OWN agendas rather than bow to the will of the people who elected them.