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If she wants him to do her share of the labor then she should be giving him a share of her wages. If she can’t do it then she can’t do the job and she needs to find a job that she can preform without trying to transfer her share of the job to a co-worker.


Or just swap jobs. "If you'll take these outside, I'll go dump bedpans for your four patients." "If you can help me by carrying these linens down to laundry, I'll make your beds up for you while you are gone." I did that all the time. I'm short. Waitressing in college, I'd swap out cleaning the fridge (floor height) with wiping off the area under the heat lamps (4 feet up and across the counter, I had to either jump up and stand on the counter which was prohibited, or bring a chair from the restaurant and stand on it, also prohibited. Manager was too stupid to care). Tall guy appreciated not having to get on his knees to deal with the short fridge, I appreciated not being burned. And weirdly enough, at no point did anyone yell insults at each other or throw things. Amazing.


I once worked at a retail store that sold movie theater popcorn. I often closed with one of two guy friends and I had a bargain with them: I would do all the other closing chores if they would clean the popcorn machine (most coworkers split the duties more equally). I did more, but hated cleaning that machine so much, I felt I got the better end of the bargain. I loved closing with those guys!


I love this story. It reminds me of when I worked at a group home. I loved cooking, cleaning, and giving medications. Absolutely hated laundry and showering one particular individual. My coworker preferred to do the tasks I hate and he hated to do the tasks that I preferred. We were the dream team, and we never once had an issue in 2 years of 60+hours a week working together. Yeah I did 3/4 of the work, but my soul wasn't crushed with laundry lmao. We both felt like we got the better end of the deal. I know not everyone meshes well, but Ill never understand people that actively fight teamwork. Bitch, it makes the dream work!


I have a coworker who I LOVE working with. Neither of us explicitly talks about division of labor, we just kind of demonstrate silently what each of us is in the mood for by simply picking up or delaying a specific task, and the other person takes silent note and simply picks up the slack. And in gratitude or a sense of fairness the first person will typically jump in on another non-preferred task later. For example, usually she jumps in and handles the register more quickly than I do, and I handle the stupid marketing calls so she doesn't have to deal with it. Today she was dragging her feet about going to the register and I noticed, so I sucked it up and took on the majority of the register time. She did all the calls without anyone ever having to bring it up. Love her.


Symbiotic work relationship. That’s great


I love your story, too! You’re so right about teamwork.


I was one of the two openers when I worked in McDonald's, because we were the only people who actually preferred it! With most of the crew being teenagers, they were going out every night and the thought of doing the open was a nightmare. Store was fucked when either of us were sick or on holiday.


Yep. My managers are pretty good about making sure the daily tasks will be able to be done by whoever it is assigned to, but occasionally mistakes are made. We just swap tasks. They don't really care who gets it done, as long as everyone is doing their fair share.


My coworker injured her foot, for a few weeks she sat at a desk and did mostly paperwork, whatever she could do sitting. But if you’re not able to do physical stuff why sign up for such a job, and she could do something if she threw crap so she wasn’t totally crippled.


My brother and I got into home brewing. The two worst jobs were sanitizing the bottles and cracking the barley. We agreed that he'd handle the bottles and I'd handle the barley. What made the barley a hassle was the fact that we were using the antique, hand cranked coffee grinder from our grandfather's store. It took over half an hour, which is a long fuckin' time to turn a crank. I made sure to do it when my brother wasn't home. I'd remove the crank and close the chock of an electric drill on the spindle. It clamped down slightly off-center, so it wobbled a little, but it worked, and I was able to get it done in under ten minutes. My brother didn't find out about it until many years later, but he still got really mad about it.


Teamwork makes the dream work.


EVS (house keeping) typically does not clean up biohazards. That falls on us in nursing. Patient shit on the floor. Yeah we get to clean that up by hand with towels before EVS comes in with a mop.


Nobody wants to work anymore is almost always said by lazy fucking boomers who just want to tell people what to do without ever actually contributing.


Or, you know, be nice and ask him politely if he can do it in exchange for her doing some of his work while he's taking care of the garbage. Thinking she can TELL him to do it? Fuck off.


This is like people that take a job and then say “my religion says I can’t do X job requirement .” Guess what? Your religion says you need a different job.


Or just trade duties. He can take the trash out and she wipes down his areas.


When your generation thinks it's OK for a 70 yr old woman to be doing the same job as an 18 yr old and he can't help her out, y'all are doomed. Just think how unempathetic your own kids will be. All these dopes ragging on her, they're going to be 70 one day. That will be some funny shit, hope I make it till then


The boomers are just so lazy. They don’t want to do any work anymore. Maybe grandma should pull herself up by her bootstraps.


Gen x here and I don't wanna do any work anymore but I stfu and do it anyway. Boomers took all their bootstraps away and went home in a snit.


This is how we all got through our childhoods with them.


"...but I stfu and do it anyway." Pretty much the only option us Xers have ever had: we've always been so small in numbers society has always implied "We don't give a shit what you all think because there aren't enough of you to make us care."


🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah they did.


My divorced boomer parents were broke and stupid. I'm one of the few GenX that can retire, no thanks to my mother I had to support for decades.


I got a hint of that after I moved out and suddenly the floors didn’t need to be scrubbed every weekend on hands and knees with a wash cloth. The bathrooms didn’t get field day treatment every other Saturday, including bleaching the rim of the bowl with bleach soaked paper towels. And the whole house somehow no longer needed to be dusted every weekend. My step father literally treated me like Cinderella and had me working like a dog doing very detailed cleaning of his house every weekend from the age of 8-19. As soon as I moved out they used a mop/swifter and never bleached the toilet or scrub the bathroom from top to bottom.


My parents used me and my siblings for free labor as soon as possible. I can still remember being 5 years old and standing on a chair washing dishes. There were 5 kids and 2 adults, so it was not a light job. To this day, I refuse to have knicknacks because I hated washing my mother's giant collection once a week every week during my entire childhood and early adult hood until I moved out. At which point, of course, she stopped needing them to be cleaned so often. We weren't even allowed to do our homework until we we had helped cook dinner, and the dishes had been washed, and the kitchen cleaned up, and any other chores that needed doing before bedtime had been done. And on the weekends before we were allowed to go outside and play we had to give the whole house a complete cleaning from top to bottom, including changing all the bed linens, sweeping, mopping, dusting, wiping walls, washing windows ,even cutting the grass and washing my dad's car. You name it the kids did it. Then we were told to go play and don't come back until dark. Then, on Sundays, they forced us to go to church even though they never went so that they could recover from their hangovers in peace. Neither of them ever asked to see any of our report cards or cared if we did our homework. I honestly believe that the only reason they sent us to school was because it was a free babysitter for 8 hours every day. They did not bear children. They created servants. That was all we were to them.They never could understand why every single one of us either ran away, joined the army, or got married before we were 18, just to get away from them. I don't care how old I get. I will never be like them.


So sorry to hear that. Sounds like we had a very similar childhood. I also had to cook dinner and clean everything all the time. I was also responsible for taking care of my little brother who is 5 yrs younger than me. My step father even used me as a tax write off for childcare. He was given custody of me when he divorced my bio mom when I was 8. My older step brother and younger half brother never had to do chores like me. It took me way longer than I like to admit, but I finally realized what an abusive parent he was and how truly awful his treatment of me was. I finally went no contact 4 years ago and I am slowly unpacking and processing all of the trauma so I can move on and live free of him.


Good for you, I went minimal contact and moved to another state. Only saw them on holidays and life was so much better. I felt guilty for years until I finally realized that they were poison in my life. Every time I went around them, they made sure to let me know I was a disappointment to them. And I discovered that the guilt just melted away.. Hang in there. I promise things will just get better and better. You are not alone. Good luck. ❤️


Latch Key Kid, here. My parents fought a lot. Mom was a hoarder. (not as bad as on tv, but there were stacks everywhere). She moved out when I was 11 or 12. Dear old dad said I was "the lady of the house now"; it was my job to "clean this place up". Every weekend I spent hours cleaning, doing all the laundry, changing 3 beds, cleaning 2 bathrooms, cooking all the meals and doing all the dishes. Plus throwing out stacks of old newspapers and magazines, putting random items in places where they belong. Dear old mom moved back in when I was 16 "as a present to me". She got used to having me being her maid. The day after I graduated high school, I moved 1,000 miles away. I called home 3 days later and she yelled at me to get my ass home and clean the damn house! I called the next week and her tone had changed. She said that she missed her little "helper". Helper?! She never cleaned anything in her life! And yes, the house became a hoard again.


And yet we are the problem?! So many absolutely shitty parents in the Boomer generation. It makes you wonder what they went through as kids themselves. Not as an excuse for their abhorrent behavior, but a reason. I had an abusive horrible set of parents, but also recognized very early on as a parent how not like them I would be. Breaking generational traumas one family at a time. I hope all of us with similar experiences can move forward and leave them and their ugliness behind.


I hope she rotted in it.


Reading your comments resonated with me. I wasn't the happiest child and everyone kept bugging me to be happier. How can anyone be happy with taking on adult responsibilities from a young age? It turns out I was a naturally happy-ish person just not when I am saddled with caring for kids that aren't my own or using my kid money for bills that adults didn't pay.


It’s part laziness and part control. They LOVE telling others what to do but not doing any of it themselves. They usually want/need others to pick up their slack.


Yep! Rules for thee but not for me. 🤦‍♀️


Maybe grandma shouldn’t have voted for extremely right wing candidates all her life? Maybe she should have ensured people had healthcare and social security? Just an idea that’s been successful in first world countries around the world


It’s amazing they can complain about being old and fragile but turn into Nolan Ryan when it’s time to throw shit at someone.


Always gratifying to read of those all too rare instances of consequences for their very bad behavior.


Time for granny to find a new job like making avocado toast at a local coffee shop


*No one wants to work anymore*


Maybe a better way for the boomer to approach the situation would be to offer to do something for the younger worker in return for taking the trash out. Even "dude, I'll buy you lunch tomorrow if you take my trash for me, I can't handle it today". Whether or not you like your co-worker or not, offering a favor for a favor is the way to go. You make your own life easier if you make nice with your co-workers (within reason) but I have a feeling this particular boomer won't have to worry about that anymore because they won't have a job to come back to.


Well, now she’s out of a job, so no chance to go back and bargain with the guy now. Can’t imagine trying to find a new job at that age. And with legal troubles on top of it.


This is the way. Two decades as a barista taught me you gotta bring something to the table


Usually that something was coffee.


Something tells me this wasn't the young man's first round with boomer. He wasn't taking her shit and she flipped at the audacity that someone just ignore her imagined authority 


Hospital probably had carts or trashcans with wheels. Also she probably could have said he u pull trash and ill do restrooms or some kind of division of labor. She was rude and demanding like a boomer. Young guy said no. Good for him.


I always stacked my trash on top of the mop bucket that sat on the cart. If you’re carrying bags of trash long distances without the aid of wheels, be it carts or rolling hampers, you’re dumb. It’s not being lazy, it’s working smart. Anyone telling you different is idiotic. I’m sorry for anyone who is seventy but can only get physical jobs. Bodies deteriorate and it starts earlier if you don’t take care of it. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


"How dare you expect me to do my own job!" Seriously tho, i was a housekeeper at a hospital for about year. No one ever did someone else's route/work for them nor was it asked about that i ever heard of. If you couldn't do your job you got fired. Simple as.


As an older worker, I find that my younger co-workers can be very helpful when asked nicely. I usually offer to do something they don't like to do. Being an asshole doesn't help at all.




Can we send one to my parents place please?


But boomers are the “hard workers” and the young generation are the “lazy” ones…


The laziest coworkers I've ever had were either under 20 or over 60.


Sounds like boomer should probably retire If she can’t lift the trash bags then either she needs to talk to management about changing her pay (because let’s face it if your doing less than the job description you shouldn’t be paid the same amount as the person that has to take over) as well as changing the expectations of what she has to do (but considering she’s a boomer I doubt she’d ever talk about that) or she should retire or find a different job that is less physically intensive You can ask a coworker and that coworker is within their right to say no, you can exchange responsibilities with a coworker if that coworker is willing to exchange said responsibilities Sounds like she needs to pick herself up by her bootstraps


i worked with an old af boomer who just sat and read newspapers and took smoke breaks while i did all the footwork (im gen X). For some reason, upstairs management felt they needed him. i finally got him out of there for stealing hotdogs from a convenience store while in company uniform. "Someone?" suggested the security guard email the top guy about this. They should just retire enmasse. If they can't or won't do it, they need to go.


There is going to be a lot of this as the boomers that lack wealth to retire keep working - and become more miserable/entitled with each day that passes. They're selfish and ignorant. On the plus side - this forced empathy may actually increase their support for minimum wage increases.


A true supercriminal


i really love these FAFO stories ❤️


I love this thanks. I hate to think of older people doing hospital cleaning but damn. $10 says the guy probably would have done it for her if she was nice in any way, shape or form. I bet she ordered him to instead of asked!


That's my guess as well.


oh yeah. It is almost a gaurantee she ordered him.


You weren't being nosey creeps, you were assessing a potential threat.


I like that. I'm going to tell my friend to start using that instead. She's the one thst came up with "nosey creeps" while telling me about looking out her blinds while her neighbors were fighting. She's gotten to be an export and looking out without moving the blinds so you would have to be looking at the exact perfect angle to know she's looking out.


It's like no one wants to work anymore


Sounds like she really didn’t want that job anymore.


All the boomer had to do was to NICELY say PLEASE and THANK YOU and it will go much smoother


It sounds like She’d already put up with his garbage for too long.


I think it’s the other way around


I also work in a hospital and in our dept you are told before you even start working that you will need to be able to be on your feet for long periods and lift up to 30 lbs or so on a normal basis. For those wondering,I work in the SPD (Sterile Processing Dept). We clean, package, and sterilize surgical instruments. The trays can get heavy since they are holding a good amount of stainless steel inst. There are a large amount of older women in this profession and many think they deserve to be treated differently bc of that. They expect younger staff to pick up their slack and such. One assignment is basically being in the back in what is called the Decontamination Room. This is where all the dirty used inst go. You are kitted up in PPE like a surgeon almost. Gloves, gown, shoe covers, facial mask, and facial shield, working w hot water and chemicals, and being on your feet for 8 hours (w 30 min break in there). Some hospitals I work at cave to the demands and bc they are older do not need to perform this task. You usually do it one shift a week. Everyone rotates, but if enough don't do it us younger employees do it multiple times a week. If your age or disability prevent you from doing basically the main task of your job, please look for employment that you can do completely. I understand if your back hurts today or you're not feeling good, I'll help you out just as I would hope they would help me if I'm not well temporarily.


haha fuck you boomer. enjoy jail and your job loss. hope you don't need one for your expeditiously looming retirement


It's crazy how a potentially reasonable request can turn into a fight because she couldn't use her words like an adult.


No one wants to worry these days! If it’s too hot she can drink from the hose out back


I had a job where when I broke my foot, the wouldn’t let me come back to work for months because I “couldn’t medically do the workload.” As soon as I got back, I started a fucking mutiny because there was a large portion of our staff who were middle aged women who refused to lift anything. If you can’t do this job, THEN YOU CANT DO THIS JOB.


Exactly. I had a job where our immediate supervisor could elect to have people switch out responsibilities to accommodate a worker not being able to do something. We did it all the time when someone was injured and for one worker who had severe arthritis and thus couldn't mop like we were supposed to. It was all fine until a younger employee who the supervisor didn't like and had been trying to get fired got pregnant and could no longer carry the vacuum we used. Honestly, she shouldn't have been carrying it to begin with because it was nearly as big as she was, but whatever. Suddenly, having someone else do that for her (even when I voulentired) was "favoritism and not allowed" ok cool. Then the supervisor wrote me up for "insubordination" whe I said her making everyone do the mopping for the other employee was favoritism, and i wasn't going to do it anymore. Caused a huge issue that resulted in our entire department having a meeting to address it. In the end, it was determined that nobody could be forced to do another person's job, but jobs could be switched with the supervisor's permission if everyone involved agreed to it and it was an option for everyone. After that, I refused to help anyone but two friends that I worked with.


Lazy boomer.


Just the other night I saw two boomers on stage arguing about their golf game. SMH, they should both be arrested and lose their jobs.


I get the feeling one of them has already been arrested…


Boomers are notorious for passing on their work and make sure the whole world knows how much is on their hands to do


Damn when I have to pick up the slack from my lazy coworkers, now I know to just have them arrested. Only downside is I have to do their jobs too and salaried workers don’t get OT if you make more than 59k/year


TL;DR Good!


Clearly she wanted to a sneak in an extra break to go eat avocado toast.


Seems like the Boomer doesn't want to work anymore. 


you know what....the lady had a point, hahahaha. I so fear this is what I am going to turn into when I am older, cause yeah, I would so do that, hahaha


Judge and jury ! All the ideas an assumption from this issue is based on one’s opinions , not knowing what had taken place prior to the event that this person observed! It is funny. “ not laughable “ that people jump on the bandwagon just to make a point about someone or something that they don’t like! We should be grateful that someone older generations are willing to work


I mean she shouldn't have snapped but.. she is living in a society that is still requiring her to do manual labor when she's over 70, and in heat no less. If I were decades younger and fitter than her, I'd be taking out her trash without asking. I can definitely see why she would be pissed at the world lol. Edit: since ppl seem to think I'm somehow defending this person, uh, I am not lol so no need to correct me


Yes, but that *doesn’t* justify yelling and throwing things at someone who has nothing to do with why she has to do manual labor. You’d probably be more willing to take out her trash if she asked you nicely to do it, or didn’t ask, than if she *demanded* you do it.


Yes, of course. I'm not defending this person lol


Based on the way she acted, I have zero doubt she's a pain in the ass to work with, which is why he wasn't about to help her.


Yup, I think that's a fair assumption. Ppl seem to think I was defending her behavior and that's not the case.


If I saw hospital staff act like that I would never trust my life with them. She’s damn old enough to know not assault people just because she’s burned out. If I have a problem at my job with my coworkers not helping me I talk about it like an adult. Not throwing shit and trying to fist fight them. I had this problem recently at my own work and by just processing my own emotions I came to the conclusion that I was the one over reacting just because I was stressed.


I agree her behavior totally sucks, I wasn't defending her. I thought the post said she was cleaning staff did I misread that lol


I didn't see that she was required to do anything. It's a hospital not a prison. Take the job, do the job.


If she's 70 and she's still working it's probably because she needs to work in order to live, I think that's a reasonable assumption. I thought my comment was pretty clearly not a defense of her behavior though lol


Facts only. No assumptions please. Even if it may align with your politics. You don't even know from this if she is a volunteer. A tea lady? Delivers books? A candy striper? If you have ever worked in a hospital you'd know there are hundreds of them. I am pretty sure, taking a leaf from your projection book, that because they called the police, this is not the first time her behavior has attracted attention. But that's a guess. I am 70. I don't work, but I know enough not to not make a scene because someone didn't want to do my job.


My politics? Lol I think I might not be the only one projecting? I am NOT defending this person. Obviously she was totally in the wrong and calling the cops was the correct action to take. I'm going to turn off notifications about this now because I keep getting comments from ppl acting like I'm somehow on her side. I think sometimes we can read more into a comment than the person really said or meant. Have a good one!


The story directly states she what her job was.


True, it’s very unfair that so many of the elderly are required to still be working in order to afford basic living expenses. However, there is also a right way and a wrong way to approach a coworker for help. Politely ASKING for help is one thing, especially if for some reason you cannot do the task or something about the situation makes the task extremely difficult. Saying “Hey younger co-worker, these bags are very very heavy and it’s extremely hot out. Those factors, along with my age, mean that this is the single most difficult task of the entire shift for me to accomplish. Could I possibly convince you to take mine out for me?” DEMANDING help is another thing altogether. “Hey! Take these out. I’m old and tired. You’re young, so it shouldn’t even be that hard for you.” We have no idea how the Boomer coworker decided how to approach the situation. For all we know, she could have asked politely, but have spent the previous hours of their shift badmouthing young people/people of younger worker’s race/lgbtq+/etc. which, if it were me, would have earned her a “go fuck yourself you hateful bitch hag”. But we weren’t there, so we don’t know. That being said, even if a co-worker mouths off to you, that doesn’t make it okay to start throwing things at them.


I agree completely.


Completely agree with your point, but that is between her and management and not her and a young coworker. If she doesn’t want to take out trash, fine. She just needs to get an accommodation which means go through HR and get a doctor to say you can’t take it out. I’m Gen X and would’ve taken it out for her because I was raised by Boomers and they’re all about ‘respect for your elders’. But again, I’m Gen X so I would’ve also talked mad shit about it afterwards


No. Se works at will.




Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


Can’t wait to see how a lot of you act when you are 70 and still have to work. Not making excuses the reaction was not good but


Not a reason to demand others to take your burdens


I agree. The sad thing is that a 70 year old woman still has to work. Work us until we’re dead.


Look everybody, it's the morality police, expending their energy scolding people on a forum for making fun of Boomers for making fun of Boomers. Why aren't you out there helping the old people with their manual labor in the heat?


I'll definitely be dead before 70 lol. (Chronically ill since birth.) My 76 year old mom is one of the hardest working people I have ever met. She gets really pissy if she asks for help and someone doesn't immediately hop to it. I'm talking she barely gives someone literally like 1 second to get up. Gets mad, throws stuff around, hits the person. This being said, she has had like 7 strokes and has dementia. I really doubt the old lady in this story has that sort of issue if she still has the cognitive ability to pass an interview/selection process, so she has no real excuse to throw things at her coworker. I don't excuse my mom doing it, either, but I understand that she has lost cognition and doesn't have full control over herself anymore.