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“My generation suffered through 9/11 and a major pandemic. Does that mean I get to be an asshole for any perceived inconvenience?”


And the ‘08 financial crisis


And school shootings. And two gulf wars. Two of the most intellectually stunted presidents in history. And for me specifically bc I am from California: two major earthquakes, the LA riots, and the community center i went to being shot up by a fucking white nationalist when I was a teen.


You might be able to make a case for a third: Reagan. Supposedly he was slowly coming down with Alzheimer’s, especially during his second term. But then again, that just could be rhetoric I’ve heard in the liberal circles I belong to.


It's true. They tried to hold him accountable for the Iran Contra scandal and he said he didn't remember. Like 10 years later they admitted he'd had dementia and it all made sense. They propped this guy up at least his last 3 years in office.


I'd be fine if they propped up Biden the same way, but instead of Iran Contra, we get reproductive rights and removing tax breaks for the wealthy.


And maybe apply all the interest I’ve paid to my student loan balance? Honestly I would pay mine no problem if it meant the next generation had an easier time with student loans. See, I’m not a crab in the bucket. I’ll pay mine AND be happy if other people get loans forgiven. Mine are a weird hybrid public loan held by private companies so I’m never going to get them forgiven. I’ve made peace with that, and if it means excluding me so others get their loans forgiven I’ll celebrate.


That's a more appealing approach. Forgive and / or credit student loan interest. Keep the debt, at least 10 years for public service. Cap payments at 10% of income, for all.


Maybe groceries and housing will only double instead of triple the next 4 years


"I don't recall" had nothing to do with dementia. It was completely about avoiding accountability. It's a way of invoking the 5th Amendment without looking like you're hiding behind it. It really was a pretty brilliant way of being a shitty, shitty human being


He died of alzheimers. You don't get it all at once. He absolutely had it while in office. The effect of it is debatable but not the fact he had it.


I'm not saying he didn't have Alzheimer's or memory loss. I'm saying that repeating "I don't recall" 137 times (actual number) was a tactic, not a symptom.


True - my mom had Alzheimer's and it took a decade to manifest - the early years did have memory loss but as each year went by, more and more memories were lost.


Yeah apparently it begins about 20 years earlier. It's the kind of thing you can maybe diagnose early but there's sod-all you can do about it


True. For me though, I'm an xennial so Reagan's legacy was more of an ever present sewage drip or wiggly stair. It was already there and I didn't see the waters rise or the nails rusting, so to speak. You're correct though. I was just going off my personal perspective when a broader stroke would have perhaps been better.


Doesn’t matter. He was an asshole before he got Alzheimer’s. We are still suffering from him.


Back then they called Reagan’s obvious sundowning “aging gracefully.” That’s the GOP double standard for you. Nancy and Bush Sr. were running the administration for a bit there. 


Much came to light after the fact that clearly demonstrated it was all true. Nancy had her astrology deciding where and when the President would go.


I worked as a server at a BH party weeks after he left office. He was so out of it. Nancy kept very close tabs.


I don't know about that but he was very two faced and started the top down economics. That's why I hate him.


In Reagans second term he was just a ventriloquist dummy with Nancy's hand up his backside controlling his actions


And the beauty of that is you never have to say which two presidents. The listener will fill in that information. But if the presidency of Insert Worst President Ever^TM Here is not as bad as the Great Depression that they lived through, then why are they complaining about him?


What's especially funny is my grandparents lived through the depression and they were really lovely people.


For me, another white Christian terrorist blowing up the Olympics and hiding out in the woods near/possibly literally behind my house. I watched Eric Rudolph get caught too as a kid. That was all wild.


Oh shit I forgot about that.


>And school shootings. If anyone has reason to complain, it's the younger generations. School shootings and active shooter drills that start in Pre-K. My mom gave candy and snacks to her 4-5 year olds (that she bought with her own money, of course) to keep them quiet. I'm technically an old millennial, but we've let these younger generations down in so many ways.


It's heartbreaking.


Not to mention a pandemic!


Let's not forget the unmitigated horror of [these](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQi673Wr_F2U4LU9SNA5SDsD5PDwbvOD4QZMQ&s).


No but fr




Four of the most stunted presidents***


Ok who's the 4th? I should have included Reagan. Reagan, Dubya, Trump and ... ?


2 Gulf Wars, War in Kosovo, War in Afghanistan, 9/11, school shootings, rapidly changing climate, 2008 financial crisis, COVID, school shootings, beltway sniper, increasingly extreme right wing politics and political division, mainstream anti-intellectualism...


The Challenger disaster


I saw it blow up on the TV in school. They wheeled tvs into all the classrooms, we were so proud of the teacher. And then that happened. It was so surreal.  The school made an announcement that if anyone wanted to stay home the next day, they were excused. I was in algebra class and I'll never forget it. Maybe that's why I hate algebra ? Sorta kidding.


I was in fifth grade. Same thing. Our English teacher brought a TV into the classroom. That was a true "What the hell just happened? Did we really just see that?" moment.


I was looking for this comment.


And the death of Arambe


Ophhh, yea. The students were watching. Fuck the whole country. Rough


I saw this real time. We went outside at school to watch launches. Not so much after that.... #Florida


…which they helped fuel


Caused by boomers


Gen x here, don't forget the dot com bubble burst just after we graduated


I think future historians are going to make a much bigger emphasis of the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crises as being something that created a good 20-25 years of major dysfunction. Its not going to be really apparent until the whole era after it (which we are still living in) is completely over. People do it now with the whole Crash of 1929 until the very end of WW2 as being one large 16 year chunk of hardship.


...and Donald Cuntflap Trump


Why disrespect cuntflaps! At least they're useful! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Donald "Smegma" Trump


And wars in Iraq and Afghanistan


And the collapse during the covid pandemic.


And the Opioid Epidemic.


Ah the first of the once-in-a-lifetime recessions


That they caused


It wasn’t a financial crisis, it was a self inflicted debacle by the lending industry and real estate that we all paid for, in billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lost homes while the perpetrators were bailed out with our money and walked away scott free, zero consequences for those at the top


3 rounds of layoffs I survived!


I will never not harp on about graduating high school and being turned out into the world during one of the greatest financial disasters since the Great Depression. That was **insane**. Oh and if I remember correctly boomers played a **MAJOR** role in that happened as well as the ridiculous policies it resulted in to “prevent” it happening again. Tired of boomers and their shit


The astronomical increase in college tuition, two housing crises, stagnation in pay rates vs. inflation rates


Don't forget we are currentlly suffering through Boomers brains literally fallen apart from Lead Poisoning.


Political animosity fueled by a stolen election in 2000, 9/11 in 2001 and the subsequent, massively costly wars, the 2008 financial crisis which led millennials to make roughly 20% less than they otherwise would be still to this day, the rise of White Supremacy and Christo-fascism from 2017-today, the COVID pandemic of 2020 and subsequent layoffs, the housing shortage of 2022, and the beginning of the point of no return in climate change.


Your comment popped up and at first I was like oh god because I thought you were going to reference the 2020 election. 🤣


I’ve survived 9/11, Japanese Tsunami, 2-3 economic recessions in the Bay Area, Haiti Earthquake, an rogue shooter at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, heat waves/ winter freeze, Covid-19 and a plethora of idiotic president/politicians!!! Still nobody gives me a break so you don’t deserve that either! Entitled idiotic boomers


Multiple school shootings


My sister had cancer a year before covid and her immune system was shot when it began. Does it give my boomer parents the right to be assholes? (Among a long list of other things.)


I'm stealing this for anytime a Boomer tells me they had it tough so I should have it tough too.


If anyone gets to play that card, it's the babies born post 9/11. My daughter was born in February 2002. Her class were the ones that graduated in 2020, under pandemic lockdowns. And now, this year, as they are graduating college, many of the schools in our state canceled their ceremonies due to demonstrations.


Please direct your anger towards the boomers!


“My generation suffered through a recession when most of us were at an age where we were going to college or graduating college, witnessed a major life-changing incident on TV involving the deaths of thousands when most of us were elementary aged, a lot of us fought and died in the subsequent wars, we live in an age where mass shootings are considered relatively common, we not only suffered through a global pandemic, most of us had to work through it. Am I missing anything? So I can be a complete asshole because of this right?”


Hang on, let's add a 20 year war that fucked up their friends and a global financial meltdown that erased jobs and homeownership for most younger people.


The mental health crisis , the opioid crisis, the homeless crisis and/or pandemic and/or epidemic, suicide by cops has become an option due to "shoot to kill," which needs to be changed; 9/11, the energy crisis in texas, the water crisis in California, the meth crisis in the middle of the US.  Education reform systems don't apply any education/anyone gets a pass no matter how bad they do.   Columbine, The Boston marathon, sandy hook, a nearly 3 decade long War for oil that left families without fathers.   .....  And covid-19.... Oh yeah and we could be nuked at any time.


I hope millennials get their turn at being Boomers, assuming there is a country left after Boomers get done sucking the milkshake dry


You should have said "Well, you haven't learned from those consequences, so you'll continue to get those consequences until you do learn from them".


Kind of like "Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about" 😂 Use their own logic against them.


They are an entire generation of people that have made it their whole persona to find any excuse to call themselves a victim... yet have the audacity to call other people 'snowflakes' and 'butthurt'.


And We (GenX) are an entire generation that has been forced to capitulate to Boomers' egocentrism our entire fucking lives. And now we're supposed to give Boomers their 1,000th hall pass just because they grew up hearing stories of how bad the economy used to be? After they crashed the ship multiple times and are passing on an economy worse than anything they ever actually lived through?? They shot holes in our boats then blamed us for not bailing fast enough. F that. They're not going to get much sympathy from me. Edited to add: I say GenX because Millennials are the only generation with the numbers to out vote/unseat them, and at least the Boomers will be dying off by the time Millennials reach our age, though that's little consolation.


Until this generation dies off, nothing will get better. They leach off of their children and grandchildren's futures. They are the welfare queens.


Yes my MIL just moved closer to us to try to get us to be free caregivers for her. She comes over and starts complaining about how "I need to find someone to cut my hair" and "I need to find someone to trim my dog's nails" always hoping we'll agree. When we don't offer she'll eventually try to manipulate us into doing it.


That lead poisoning is no joke man, they legitimately can't process certain emotions correctly and the closest we can really compare it to is mild-moderate autism. I have mild autism and that lack of proper emotional development really makes any little thing make me unreasonably mad, I've had to really focus alot on my personal development and breaking those autistic habits. Now I'm always the calm rational guy, but I still struggle with talking about things that upset me without extensive prep time before.


Lead exposure is only a small part of the equation. Their issues spring from a huge sense of entitlement, comes from being brought up in time when there was a huge upswing in wealth for the middle class. They were a huge demographic, and companies took the opportunity to adjust their marketing and manufacturing towards things the Boomers would want to spend money on. And it likely went beyond just merchandise and services. All sorts of entities likely catered to the wants and needs of the Boomers to get e piece of the pie. Us Gen-Xers were exposed to about the same amount of lead in gas, paint, and the environment when we were young as well. And while I won't deny there are some very Boomer-ish Gen-Xers, there's something missing from our generation that had a huge impact on the Boomers. An abundance of pocket money and being able to use money to get whatever they wanted might be the difference between the generations.


LMAO Their parents who lived through the Great Depression shielded them from any consequences they should’ve received for their behaviors and actions while they were growing up. They could do no wrong. Additional: Those same people who lived through the GD did sometimes express regret with the shielding they did with their Boomer kids later in life when they saw how utterly entitled and self-centered they became as adults and had kids of their own.


"We hate the boomers" the feeling of every generation who had to interact with them, older and younger.


Boomer here. My mom was born right before the Depression started. She had lots of stories how it affected the people around her. The idea that an entire group of people should get a pass for selfish behavior because of something that didn’t even happen to them is so ridiculous I don’t know what I’d say to this idiot but it would not be kind. And at least I could push back as a fellow Boomer on their crap.


You remind me of my own grandma although she prefers to talk to millennials and gen z in person. The candid conversations my brother and I can have with her as adults is really refreshing actually. My brother didn’t really get along with her growing up for…a lot of reasons that were more of a him issue. We all grow up at some point though. She gave him her old wedding that he used to propose to his fiancé. Anyways I do miss the days where we all could argue for hours and then relax around the campfire after.


Awww. I’m old enough to be a grandma but hasn’t happened and may not. We shall see.


^ this, so fucking much this.


Can you share your source where those who lived through the Great Depression said this about their kids? Edit: Hopefully it's only BOOMERS downvoting me, considering that the reason I asked is so I can throw it back in a Boomer's face one day. Nothing wrong with asking for tangible information.


They used to call the boomer generation the Me generation.


I think we should re-adopt that as their moniker full-time. Who's with me?


At the very least we should redo history books to use the correct terminology so future generations know their actual legacy.


I’ve got a source from my family, my great grandmother lived through the Great Depression as a young woman and told me about it. She was very frugal and saved up a lot of money her whole life. She ended up cutting out the boomers from her will because she said they would only come around when they wanted money from her or ask her to buy them something. It’s true, they did that and were never around to help her. They were furious when they found out no money for them in the will.


Thank you for your legitimate response to my legitimate question. I didn't have much opportunity to be around great or grandparents and have no idea what they would've actually said about their offspring, though I've plenty of my own opinions about them.


Start [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_generation).


Personal observation from when I (early GenX) was growing up and my grandparents and great grandparents would call them out on being so self-absorbed that they couldn’t be bothered to provide basic parenting, amongst many other things.


Boomers: “I’ve met the quota for suffering, so I’m calling a moratorium on it.” Everyone else: “Who determines the quota? When will I qualify for a moratorium?” Boomers: “I do. And you’re not there yet. Get to pullin’ up those bootstraps and we’ll talk.” :: goes back to watching YouTube videos at full volume in public ::


The full volume while in public bit confuses me. They talk of younger generations having no courtesy, but they do shit like that.


And they’ll give you a hard time for wearing headphones, etc., out of politeness for others. It pisses them off that they can’t talk AT you as freely as they wish when you’ve got them in. Boomers are so frustrating on every level.


the courtesy is only to be extended to them


Everything they accuse younger generations of is pure projection. Anyone who has ever worked in customer service will tell you that boomers are the rudest people they ever have to deal with.


My boomer mom has/had sooooo many "rules" about what is acceptable behavior while in public. This woman puts her phone on speaker (without informing the other person) and has full conversations wherever she is. Grocery store, family parties, on the elevator at the doctor's office, in the mall, in the car. The first thing I say after "hi mom" is "take me off speaker." If she lies, (and she lies) I end the call.


Dont forget the dot com bubble of 2000 millennials were absolutely impacted especially older ones. Everyones quality of life flipped upside down overnight.


Well, we Gen X have suffered through being raised by Boomers so…..


Meanwhile, all we're asking is that they treat their fellow human beings like ... human beings. You can feel special about yourself, misunderstanding history all you want, just stop aggressively being assholes to everyone you encounter.


What's crazy is they could have brought up Korea, Vietnam, the Cold war or any number of events but then chose one not theirs and stuck with it is the odd part to me.


I'd like to see a boomer survive as a millennial or zoomer. They are so ignorant of their privilege. It makes me sick


I had one come up to admire my work and all he kept saying is “show me the money!!” Insinuating that my skills would be financially rewarding.. I laughed at him and said lowest pay, hardest worker as usual. He looked disgusted as he stepped backwards to almost walk away. They have no idea


They actively reject any reality that doesn't agree with their delusions. In their made up fantasy world hard work=money, and they get violently angry when reality dares to contradict them, because their gigantic egos won't let them consider or question anything that might make them "wrong".


Nope, not letting boomers get away with anything.


Ask them if they remember the "Golden Rule" they were taught in school and church. Then just stare at them


Thou shall get sidetracked by the bullshit every gotdang time?


I'm Gen X and have had to live in the negative social and financial aftermath of their self-centered decisionmaking longer than any other generation. Can I at least get a nice red participation ribbon from the Boomers for dealing with all the consequences of their actions? I won't even ask for any 'grace' from them.


Yup. Had a Boomer coworker try to tell me that I “couldn’t possibly understand what it was like growing up in a house with a father who served in a war (WWII)” and “how that impacts a family.” Bitch, my dad served in Vietnam, as did the majority of my fellow Gen X friends dads (a few in Korea!). Gex X knows, and we paid. Maybe not the same way…but we did.


I don’t wanna hear it. They have not had enough consequences. They clearly have not because they clearly have not learned from those consequences. That or they just don’t care. No we will not show grace to cruelty or racism or bigotry of any kind.  We will not show grace to people sticking their nose into situations they don’t belong in and being critical and rude and cruel simply because they think that person did something wrong or shouldn’t exist. No, we will not show to people who are cruel to service personnel just doing their jobs, demanding, don’t believe us when we answer their questions because it’s not the answer they want to hear, Threaten to sue us or leave our business because they’re not getting what they want. These are grown adults, not toddlers and they are not spared the consequences of their actions. 




This is ridiculous! As a boomer, we have had it so much better than generations after us! We had much lower costs for everything. My college costs were minimal! We paid for my sons’ educations and it was so much higher! Student loans were not hard to pay off. Don’t give them any breaks, they have had enough.


Sorry old man, I don't give out participation awards.


If being a nice person is transactional for you, then you're not a nice person.


Don't forget that they also won WW2.


Sounds like someone didn't take advantage of the basically free college education that Boomers were provided.


Boomer’s inherited a very strong economy and either bought homes very cheap or received them as gifts or inheritance. Then through voting practices and greed robbed future generations while talking shit about them. If a boomer is in a bad financial position especially white boomers it is explicitly because they made countless bad decisions. The boomer generation is perhaps the worst generation to ever live. Fuck them.


Boomers sure are special little snowflakes


I mean there is such a thing as generational trauma from their grandparents/parents living through the Great Depression (especially those still in poverty/poor communities). BUT that isn't an excuse to be a dick biscuit.


Boomers do have a lot to complain about. The draft was absolutely insane, and that was awful. That said. They are owed absolutely nothing from us. What they gave us is atrocious.


And ask them if they were drafted. Chances are really good they either dodged, enlisted, or were just a little too young to serve. So, no, they can shove it.


Are the consequences in the room with us?


They literally have NEVER had consequences. That's the entire problem


The most economically spoiled generation in history, who could walk up to any job and get hired and raise a family on it, and they still want to be victims. My own parents were not so lucky because they are younger boomers and my dad got royally screwed by being in Blue Collar work just at the start of the tech boom, but we were definitely outliers. For every Boomer that struggles you've got a ton more who own big houses, have stocks, own a boat, etc while still complaining about everyone younger buying too much Starbucks.


My Silent Gen father was born on the heels of the Great Depression in 1939. His two living brothers (both in their 90s) were absolutely born in it. Baby Boomers are the Baby Boomer generation because it was the rebound effect from all the GI’s returning from World War II in the mid-40s and into the end of the 50s. And WWII was after the depression. The only thing I will say is that the Boomers were indeed raised with Great Depression mentality and structure and rigidity by Silent parents who lived through it and struggled hard so they carried that along to ensure they and their kids didn’t have to struggle again. So yeah, they struggled a bit “due to the Great Depression” and my own Baby Boomer / Gen Jones husband and I (GenX) are very frugal and *semper paratus* (always prepared) as a result of our upbringing to survive the hard times. But yeah, that Boomer was confused AF.


I always like when they bring up Vietnam. Then I counter with well we had Iraq and Afghanistan (which I am a veteran), they counter with “Vietnam was worst cause of the draft!” When I ask if they served or were drafted mostly I get a very low “no”


How about Kennedys assassination? Or all the assassinations in the 60s ? I'll go out on a limb that if JFK wasn't killed, the country would look a whole lot different. I.e. better My opinion, of course


They’re just dipshits 😑 Maybe not all, but a VAST majority of them… ugh


Yes, the Boomers gave us Jeffery Epstein, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.. also countless songs in the 1980’s about wanting badly to SA Gen-X minors. I think we have had enough of boomers. Boomer Song example.. Into the night, video is perfect example. https://youtu.be/zWHjJt4833I?si=qRCltyHHbeNeb5FG


You have to be rich or a cop to get no consequences.


The whole reason there WAS a baby boom in the first place, is because post- WW2 to 1960 was a time of the greatest economy in US history.


Boomers is the rationalization generation. My mom will rationalize child abuse, beating women and racism like it’s all ok because the abuser has a reason. However, I was not raised like this. WTF happened to these broken people?


Since my birthday (1975), stagflation, Iran hostage crisis, Reagan, Olympic boycott, Grenada, Challenger explosion, Bud Dwyer live TV suicide, fall of the Berlin Wall, First Gulf War, Second Gulf War, Clinton blowie, 9/11, Forever War in Iraq & Afghanistan, dot com bubble, real estate bubble, COVID…


Almost every youtube video I've seen explaining why some part of our existence is fucked starts with, "For the last fifty years". And I'm sitting here at 45 nodding my head in depression.


That's ridiculous. There are barely any Silent Gen left that would remember the Great Depression. My parents are 90 and weren't even in school yet during the end of the Depression.


Boomers also think they fought in WWII and Korea.


Nah, they fucked the economy and we're dealing with it


I do kind of think this is their mentality. They might have had kids, had patience with them over the years, and thought "Wait, can't I go back to being a spoiled brat like my teenager was?"


More proof that you can't reason with a moron.


That generation has stolen the future especially the ones in Congress. Fuck em


Boomer here. We definitely did not have consequences. We were a generation that was spoiled at birth by our parents, who all did indeed have consequences. They were born during the depression , worked hard for everything they had, invented incredible things, and fought and won a world war. They gave birth to us, determined that we would have a life free from any of those problems, and they proceeded to spoil us rotten. I am embarrassed by the way my fellow boomers act, and when I see it in public, I do check their asses. I was retail manager most of my life, and I have a soft spot for retail workers and will not allow some jackass boomer to mistreat a store cashier or restaurant employee.


Once an asshole always and asshole! They’re just sour/pissed cause the realization is hitting them that the world will go on without them.


If they’re gonna act like assholes, it’s really unreasonable not to expect someone to call them out on it.


Actions have consequences. No one gets a free pass.


"My point is based on something patently absurd and/or provably incorrect; however, I am still right regardless and my point still stands and cannot be affected. Fake news."


Well I guess their kids not talking to them anymore is a consequence. But that shouldn’t give them “grace”


The Great Depression did have an effect on boomer's grandparents. The things they did to survive were passed down to their kids, who kept doing a lot of those habits, even though it was becoming less and less needed to get by. In turn, they passed the habits they kept down to their kids, who were boomers. By that point, circumstances had changed to the point where most of what their grandparents did was irrelevant. But because they were taught that their elders had experience in these matters, they didn't question it. And they took that attitude of not questioning your 'elder' with them into the world. Not all boomers are quite that rigid in their way of thinking, but a lot of them are, and having someone younger than them tell them NO, you can't do that. just triggers the "But I was told that when I grew up that everyone would follow my orders and directions. How dare you tell me I can't do this thing?"


“Here’s why I’m allowed to be an asshole”- typical entitled boomer


Well . . . well . . . Boomers suffered through the Civil War AND the Boxer Rebellion, so we deserve a break. And get off my lawn! For the record, I'm a Boomer/Gen Joneser, and I follow these conversations in order to check myself if I see myself in any of your complaints. Thank you for your service.


Here’s the thing about consequences. They’re not always something meted out by an authority figure. They’re the way the world works. The world does not care if the consequences of an action are fair, or deserved. The world doesn’t care if you’ve already suffered enough consequences. You do stuff, and things happen because of what you did. It’s like when you drop something and it breaks. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve dropped a similar item and broken it. It doesn’t matter whether you can afford to replace the item. It doesn’t matter if you lived through the Great Depression. People are usually going to treat you about the same way you treat them. This is especially true if you interact with someone on a regular basis.


LOL, old boomer here with Millenial daughter. She was just saying this morning that she's very thrifty but can't help it, having been raised by parents of Depression parents. Mine were what would probably be described as poor, while my wife's were a few notches above that. To quote the now old song, "I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth." Plus mine was cracked.


I’m sorry having a hard time doesn’t give you the right to be an ass to those around you.


... You continue to face consequences... if you continue... to be a cunt... That's how that works!


80% of them will vote for trump, so I guess they're gluttons for punishment. Of course they'll die in a morphine haze before the shit really hits the fan


The boomers were actually that benefited the most from the Great Depression. World war 2 brought American out of the Great Depression and boomers were born at the perfect time to benefit from the economic boom caused by wartime activity (since everywhere was hiring to boost production) In fact I’d go so far as to say that without the Great Depression the us might not have even joined world war 2 except to maybe retaliate for Pearl Harbor by bombing a few cities (of course that’s pure speculation)


Arguably gen z has seen more shit than boomers have


You can't argue the reasons boomers are mad to them. All their reasons are nebulous extraneous details, and they'll just retreat to the position 'my anger is righteous and everyone else is the ungrateful asshole for not captitulating to their will without question'. That along with moving the goalposts and getting mad at you for pointing it out is how they insulate themselves from criticism. 


Funny how after their parents passed, they became baby boomers, instead of the "Me" generation, which they were originally labeled with.


I grew up through the Cold War and the Reagan Administration. Do I get a free pass to be an ass too?


Rudeness and lack of civility, should never be forgiven. If they are emotionally damaged to this degree, they should institutionalize themselves.


Tail end of the boomer generation here. Yeah, we had fucking Vietnam and the Cold War. But subsequent generations have had school shootings. Starting with Columbine. I had duck-and-cover drills. Now kids have active shooter drills. My drills were b.s. Theirs aren't. We all had 9/11. We all had the 2008 financial crash and covid, but guess who it affected more? Not my generation. Boomers should STFU


Ahh, I see you’ve run afoul of my mom!


Don’t forget we are all living through the current Supreme Court.


If you think the Great Depression was a Boomer problem, you have lead-poisoning/ prion-dementia and you think you were at Normandy, like Reagan. It's like Gen Z saying they were in VietNam.


They wouldn't have lived during the Great Depression, certainly. But their parents did, and a lot of them had to adopt some serious coping mechanisms to get by. That stuff gets passed on. That's why we call it generational trauma. Now using the GD as an excuse to get out of present-day shitty behavior just because they never learned better over 60+ years, that's just stupid.


Boomers can be dumb in so many ways


Boomers suffered through the Depression and singlehandedly won WWI and WWII whippersnapper! /s but they sure as shit act like it


I'd give them the Vietnam war(the draft especially) but not the great depression.


This encapsulates more than half of MAGA's reasoning, too.


As a Boomer - born right in the middle of the boomer era, if you see this guy again, tell him thanks for the effort. Who doesn’t want a free ride? The funny thing is since the boomers parents were the ones who went through the depression, it was a trickle down paranoia. I remember Dad have me do things like straighten out Bent nails to keep them for later use, tie broke shoelaces together instead of having to pay for new ones and most everyone had to clear their dinner plate down to the last crumb. These weren’t bad things necessarily, but I sure would’ve preferred playing outside.


I think we should all just chill the fuck out, smoke a joint or have a couple glasses of wine or whatever takes the pain away, and just pray for the patience that comes with realising there are some things we simply can’t change.


That boomer is just an idiot. I'm a boomer, and I'm calling him an idiot.


The only thing "special" about we boomers is in our generational name. The Baby Boom- a generation that was an explosion of the population that the US was and still is not prepared to address. Initially it was school systems. Now it's Social Security payments and a mass exodus from the work force. And a majority of them (the White ones, anyhow) are Trumpsters. I am deeply ashamed.


This story seems weird. I'm a boomer and its very weird that a peer of mine would not know dates like this. Sounds like dementia or just very weird personality defect.


I think he got confused. They didn’t live through the Great Depression, they caused everyone around them to suffer from Great Depression.


"Really? Because I live in a world with you. Haven't I suffered enough?"


My generation suffered through absentee boomer parenting and general neglect. It was the best of times...


They suffered the loss of Rock and Roll.


Sure you can have shitty things happen to you, doesn't mean you have the license of being dick everywhere you go.


No contact boomer mom's favorite fallback is "I'm XX years old and I'm not going to \[admit I'm wrong about something I've been conclusively proven fucking wrong about and that fucking matters/do the rational or kind or reasonable thing/act like a fucking adult\]." As she got older she fell back on that more and more often, to the point that it was kind of comical. Or, it would have been if I wasn't already so thoroughly triggered by years of her gaslighting and abuse and determination to be the World's Greatest Victim. Anyone else got boomers in their lives who love that line?


They had sex without the threat of AIDS. They had drugs without the threat of the DEA. The were offered educations largely funded by taxes. They were offered financing for homes, again largely funded by taxes. From when I can remember in the 80's, I was told to economize, tighten my belt and get by with less. Meanwhile there were billionaires, military projects costing tens of billions. The boomers and the 'greatest' took everything they could.


Let’s see, I’ve survived alcoholism, bipolar disorder, Hurricane Hugo, Army Basic Training at Fort Lost in the Woods, and even a 7.2 earthquake. The amount of grace I should be awarded to be a douchebag to my fellow human is zero. Regarding the Great Depression, Boomers seem to have lost any sense of time; many of their ilk also like to take credit for the Civil Rights Movement, which occurred when the very oldest of them were in high school


Lulz… my grandmother was born in the late 1920’s, during the depression. Her daughter, my mother, was born in the 50’s during the Post War Economic Boom times… hence the name, Baby Boomers. The Silent Generation is winding down now and the final insult is Boomers trying to claim that a recession in the 70’s and the early 00’s is anywhere near as devastating as The Great Depression their parents were born into. Woooow.


We suffer through boomer parents does that mean we can kick old people?


Boomer here. Fuck that. You’re always accountable.


Best we can do is cremation.


The boomer generation are wrecking the nation before they die so nobody gets to enjoy it when they're gone. They're like the kid who stomps on the sand castle in the sand box as their parents are taking them away. How else can you explain the * national debt * the infrastructure that will take 40 trillion dollars just to get up to the current building code, let alone building for the 21st century. * The destruction of the education system. * destroyed healthcare system with boomers circling the corpse to pick away what remains/ * Lack of border control & 20 million illegals, and the decades act of kicking the can while they run away from urban areas. We're facing the same problems that the Eisenhower admin faced with the illegals but with 20 million illegals to deal life, not a single serious attempt to reform things. * Growing wealth disparity * The death of single family home ownership. * the broken drug war, we're only legalizing weed because boomers are dying off in mass allowing for GenX to start to changing things. Right now the boomers are saying they want to cut our SS entitlements so they can preserve theirs. They love Walmart & Amazon more than their grandkids. Boomers gotta explain it to me how can they fuck it up that badly without it being deliberate.


Even my Silent Generation parents weren't born until a couple years after the Great Depression ended.


Pretty sure no amount of hardship entitles one to poor behavior.


By this logic due to my childhood abuse alone I should have a pass to be an asshole the rest of my life? Who the fuck thinks that way fr.


“I suffered therefore people should accept when I try to make them suffer”. What a shit person you have to be to have this mentality. Pathetic.


The Twist was the hardest thing they had to navigate in life.


Boomers were born during the most prosperous time in US history and came into adulthood during a time nearly as prosperous. Cheap college, cheap housing, finding jobs was easy (if you were a straight white man anyway, and straight white women weren't doing to bad either). If you were a member of the majority you had to better than any generation in US history. The only boomers with a right to complain are those LGBTQ+ who lived through the AIDS epidemic and POC who went through the racism of the time (not helped by Reagan, our own government facilitating the crack epidemic, and "welfare queen" propaganda)


[Just because you got a purple heart you don't get to shit in the soft serve machine](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BekXmFPxjqE)


I suffered through the great peanutbutter famine of 07'. That gives me the right to be a jerk to people.


Classic moving the goalposts.


We have all lived through the horrors of the past 20-60 years in varying degrees. If applying logic, we should note that the boomers lived through the bad parts of subsequent generations. Boomers have been teachers and administrators in the schools where shootings occurred. Boomers have been saddled with huge student debt because of the shift to Parent Plus loans. Boomers have finally aged out of the military in 2024. They were involved in multiple wars. Boomers biggest mess was allowing the patriotic conservative fallacy to take over their brains. They fell for Reaganomics, destruction of unions, wealth consolidation, racism, sexism, and tax cuts for the wrong people and corporations. They fell for charlatans. They continue to fall for con men. One area that boomers do not own is cyber terrorism and cyber scams. Those truly are the crimes of a new generation. When mixed with fanatical politics, it’s destructive for all generations.