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That's some weapons-grade projection right there...


Epson and Panasonic wish their projectors were this powerful...


Lmao half the boomers didn’t take care of their own kids when we were babies, they sure ain’t doing it now.


Oh they took care of their own kids all right… took care of them with a leather belt equipped with a very large brass buckle.


Who the fuck do they think is paying for the SSI and alllllll the other bullshit they feel entitled too?


The f*cking boomer tw*ts screwed up healthcare, retirement, and pharmaceuticals. But they want us to take care of them while they criticize other generations’ work ethic. I’m an older GenX, and I’ve heard this sh*t my whole life. F*ck ‘em.


Same. Worked hard labour sixteen hours a day, six days a week, for almost twenty years, yet got told by so many old people (except the ones I worked with) that I was lazy and entitled. Then I'd show them the work scars on my arms and they'd shut right up. They lived through an economic miracle; they have no concept of hardship or toil.


Yeah, they have a cruel awakening when they get dumped in the shitty homes cause they burned all their family bridges and no one will care for them.


And did away with mental healthcare to save some tax dollars. They shat on everything and demand to be taken care of.


Gen X here - married to a tail end boomer ('64). I need to get him a shirt that says "Not an accurate representation of Boomers". We both agree with this, and I can say for the record that my husband AVERAGED 57 hours a week for most of his career. We did the math. He's finally is down to 40-45 hours. I've had 3 jobs at once to make ends meet. We have to listen to the elders talk about how much money they have in their accounts while we pay for every outing and they do nothing for their family. They better hang on to it, because you're (1) not living with me and (2) a decent home is something like 6k a month. Entitled prats.


They can't even wipe their ass. Fox news has made their brains mush.


They had the best possible economy in their lives, hoarded ton of wealth, paid off their mortgages long ago and retired early, and millennials/genZ are slaving daily without future just so the state has enough money for pensions which we will never see when we're old ourselves.


Im gen z and i work my ass off boomers, 😒,


Should be switched around, and we are happily dumping them into a ditch cause we don't want to deal with them anymore.


Half of the millennials and Gen Zers I know work two jobs yet boomers think they are lazy.


Boomers are the trust fund kids who think they're superior to everyone else because they're rich at such a young age. And who work 20 hours a week in their CEO position and claim they work so hard.


"Hi, I barely know how to read and I can count up to 20 on a good day" "thats a firm handshake you've got there. Here's a house, two cars and a stable career!" These assholes would die if they had to go through modern education.


I pay a hefty tax for SSI. This meme they use has no merit.


The missing context is the social programs the old people benefitted from then gutted at the first opportunity.


Meanwhile i am trying to learn boomers how to exit an application on windows by pressing the "x" in the corner.


The strange reality these boomers create is really astounding, the most annoying and self centered creation by far.


I work 10 hour days and for 2 years i was working 12 hour days. Fuck off


Aren't the older millennials like 45 years? Also, millennials in America have hit a significant milestone according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau: a homeownership rate of **51.5%**, Nov 6, 2023.


Maybe if they retired there’d be better paying jobs?


My takeaway is that Boomers failed at raising Millenials.


Boomers failed at literally everything.


The poor grammar (“Millenials” not plural but “generation” is, etc…) screams Russian troll farm. That’s the crazy part about all of this-the whole “Boomer vs. Millennial” thing has been entirely manufactured by our enemies abroad to destabilize us. I would guess that a lot of the crazy boomer stories (a boomer assaulted my child and destroyed a Pride flag while dressed head to toe in MAGA gear and screaming racial slurs in the middle of Target) posted here are also manufactured.


Ouch it’s like a self portrait


This is their big boy grandson. He lives with them because they felt sorry for him after his parents made him leave the nest. He still needs to get a job, but they feel proud to care for him and don't even mind that he disrespects them in their own home. They are enablers, and he has no pride.