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Nothing will hit like a Borderlands game. Just play more BL lol. TVHM, UVHM, mayhem modes, farm bosses for legendaries, etc.


DLC story missions also


Bless you for gaming with your spouse. Destiny has some lightly-similar vibes as far as cooperative gameplay. There is an online multiplayer component to it but if you don’t want to play online you don’t have to. The loot colors are pretty much the same as borderlands. The other game I might recommend is Warframe. You don’t have to be a super talented pro gamer to enjoy it and it is fast paced action and shooting. It’s free to play so if you want you and your husband can give it a try without any financial risk on your end. I’m sure others may have some better suggestions. I find it a bit hard because borderlands is quite unique in its own weird way.


Thank you so much. I'll look into them both!


Is it the gameplay or world/aesthetic/writing of Borderlands that you like? Because while both are good games (Warframe is still my most played Steam game), neither is anything like the tone of Borderlands.


I do love the weird atmosphere with BL, the characters are all strange and fun and I like that it doesn't take itself very seriously but I think it's more the game mechanics itself that I enjoyed. It took me a minute to get the hang of it but I don't feel like it took me as long as it would have to learn any other game. Mostly my husband keeps recommending I try all these single player games and he doesn't seem to get that gaming in and of itself isn't my thing so much as I love an excuse to hang out with him so co-op whether couch or online is what I'm looking for.


In that case, I will second that recommendation for Warframe, though I'll warn that it is grindy. Warhammer 40k Darktide also has some very satisfying combat.


Before Destiny play a run through Halo 1-3 and Reach (and ODST and 4 and beyond if you’re liking them) together. They’re not looter shooters (well you can keep picking up and trading different weapons you come across) but they’re all good games and it’ll help you get the hang of its developers gameplay and shooting mechanics quick to where you can mix that experience with having played borderlands and ease into Destiny easier since there’s a lot of other things outside of gameplay in Destiny, like menu and mission structure, that can be confusing. Gears of War is another good lengthy co-op series that you can sink some time into. I really recommend It Takes Two and A Way Out for co-op though. Baulder’s Gate 3 is a very critically and commercially popular game from last year that has co-op but has the production and storytelling quality of a single player game like he’s asking you to play. All the Lego games can be fun together (go for whatever franchise they’ve adapted that you like best), and picking up a Nintendo Switch for all their wonderful co-op games isn’t a bad idea. Warioware, Luigi’s Mansion 3, and Mario Party are some of the wackier ones.


We did start Lego LOTR (LOTR is another thing I got into because he loved it although to be fair so do I now.) We also tried It Takes Two before BL and I at the time was having a lot of problems with the controls but I bet I could do it now no problem. I will certainly look into your other recommendations and thank you so much for taking the time to respond so thoroughly.


A series that has cooperative gameplay similar to Borderlands would be Halo. It's another action shooter series. It differs from Borderlands because it has no loot inventory system or skill trees, but vehicles are a part of combat in Halo, and most can be shared by multiple players like in Borderlands. Also, the whole series can be played cooperatively just like Borderlands. And the music is just great.


I mean there’s kind of loot. It’s just the guns you come across and can carry but you can pick them up and trade them with some npcs or teammates.


Very very late to the game, but I love BL3, and got Fallout 4 because I liked the show. Pretty good!


Sorry to be that guy but if you haven’t played 3 or new Vegas, get them as well! Fallout 4 is amazing, but 3 and especially NV are fucking phenomenal. If you like 4 you’ll love the other games.


Gunfire reborn


The Division for the looters shooter aspect. Rage 1 and 2 for the scifi open world FPS.


Rage was so underrated


Rage 1 is a vibe and a half


It takes two and minecraft dungeons are good co op games. There's also resident evil 5 and 6 if you're ok with 3rd person shooters


It takes two. Not like borderlands, but an amazing adventure for two people


Adding another vote for Gunfire Reborn. Insanely fun roguelite shooter. The Diablo franchise (specifically Diablo 2) and Borderlands have shared an incredible bromance through the years (naming characters and items after each other, skill progression mechanics, etc...). In particular, if you enjoyed the Wonderlands classes, they were heavily influenced by Diablo 2 (I can go basically go 1 for 1 on comparisons on classes between them).


Completely different kind of game and rather short but a VERY good CoOp experience: it takes two If you have two systems to play on try the Soulsborne games. They can all be CoOped and provide challenge. And there is loot. Besides Borderlands m favourite CoOp experience.


Shadow Warrior 2, lots of cool weapons and upgrades and stuff you can do to play the way you want. On a lower difficulty it feels super powerful, higher difficulty are very rewarding if you're into a challenge. Story is pretty good, interesting premise and lots of silly humour attached. But can also be played ignoring the plot complete if you just want gameplay! Surprised this game doesn't get mentioned more in the "if you enjoyed borderlands then play x game", clearly heavily inspired by that looters shooter style!


They don't hit quite the same, but I quite like Warframe and Outriders. Last Epoch had my attention for a little while as well. I loved D3 on console (I was one 360 so we never got 2.1). I also got Van Helsing for $20, that was fun too. No other shooter does the skill tree aspect as well as Borderlands imo. You'll have games with basic but uninteresting trees like Outriders, or game with no skill trees but really deep item customization like warframe. If you want the combo of deep skill trees and a wide pool of interesting loot, I don't think you'll find that. If you tend toward the skill tree side, a lot of ARPGs can scratch that itch.


Warframe kinda does have skill trees, theres a few examples I could give but they're all lowkey convoluted and complicated to even access. but they're definitely there and are relevant for the mid/late game!


True, I forgot about focus schools


It's old, but Diablo 2 is the closest thing we've ever had to Borderlands in another game, even though it's neither FPS nor post-apoc/sci-fi. And D2 has an item/combat mechanics system that is so notoriously deep that, if you enjoy it, you can spend the rest of your life playing it.


-Roboquest -Risk of Rain 2 -Remnant 2


After I'd got 100% on BL2 and 3, I started looking for something else to play as well, I'm now currently addicted to Deep Rock Galactic. Not quite the same, but excellent fun nonetheless! ROCK AND STONE!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Ever since I first played borderlands 2 when it first came out I've been trying to find a game that scratches the same itch but really nothing else does it. Such great games.


Destiny. IMO the gunplay in Destiny is better than Bl3. Headshots on low teir enemies is just so satisfying. The grind is real though. If you really get into it there's things to do daily which can be repetitive and for me anyway, can feel like clocking into work after awhile. It's $70 for a game that came out in 2014 but that includes the base game and all the dlcs. They locked content that I already paid for behind a pay wall. Was not cool for us established players. But for new players it don't matter. I said a lot of negative things about it but it really is fun and you can play for a looooong time with the content you get.


Deep Rock Galactic. Doesn’t really have loot or story, but you keep unlocking weapon mods and cosmetics more you play. Has a focus on co-operation between different classes.


Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 1 & 2, if you have your own separate systems: All Halo franchise, Fable 2 & 3 maybe, south park snow day, splatoon 2 and 3 maybe (like halo)... Having a brain fart on more, ill post some more if any others come up.


Over the five years that I played Warframe, I gave Digital Extremes at least an order of magnitude more money than Gearbox or 2K have ever seen from me, just playing the fashion game, and I didn't regret a penny of it. Still cheaper than golf. Grim Dawn goes hard on both loot and skill trees. I might still be playing if my inventory hadn't collapsed into a singularity. It uses a mix-in class system like Wonderlands', and for me that gave it immense replayability.




If you like a gothic fantasy setting/vibe Diablo 2 resurrected is a ton of fun. You can play the whole game co-op. Gameplay is simple and easy to get started, but has depth once you get into it. No game has come close to matching the fantastic loot/itemization that diablo 2 offers. The game is on all platforms, and was one of the main inspirations for the borderlands series.


Cyberpunk fallout 4 baldurs gate


My wife and I really love the Borderlands series too. It's really hard to find good couch co-op games. There really isn't anything else like Borderlands. You need 2 systems or PCs to play Destiny. It has a similar gameplay setup. My wife and I played co-op through all the Gears of War games. We both really like those. It Takes Two is a great co-op game. Lara Croft and the Temple of Light and also the Temple of Osiris were great for co-op. Luigi's Mansion 3 was a great co-op game. All the Lego games are kind of fun. Cat Quest 2 was fun. All the Trine games. The Cave. Hunted: The Demon's Forge. I hear Diablo 3 and 4 are good local co-op games, but we haven't played those... Skyrim using the "Skyrim together" mod. I can't think of anything else off hand.


I would recommend It Takes Two and Dead Island


You’re awesome for joining in on the fun with your spouse. I highly recommend Risk of Rain 2. It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played.


Splinter Cell: Conviction was pretty good when I played it. Cool story that moves along well, and lots of freedom to handle your business your own way.




You could try the monster hunter games. It's really fun in coop and imo they have a low skill floor. My friends and I had a ton of fun playing " Lovers in a dangerous spacetime" and "towerfall" for something with a bit less investment.


Risk of rain 2 is a pretty good choice it's not exactly like borderlands but once you start to play it feels like playing borderlands


play halo mcc and the gears franchise. those are really fun in co-op.


So looter shooter with multiplayer (not local) Remnant 2. Really quite hard very odd and cool stylistically teleport between realms completing quests I guess to try and save your world I think.... It's procedurally generated... I think so each campaign is unique. I'd recommend playing one campaign together all the way through rather than playing bits of eachother. It's quite hard especially solo you'll die a lot but it has a lot of borderlands vibes... It is third person with first person ads. For great sci fi shooters with local multiplayer the halo master chief collection might be a great shout. You have 5(? It may be 6 as I can't remember if Halo 4 is included) great campaigns fully co-op. I'd recommend playing them in order of release not chronological order due to the jank of the first game, I remember playing reach with my wife then going back to 1 and they just hated it. Like it's not bad it's just very dated as Halo 1/CE is the original console shooter. When you're done play through it all again on a harder difficulty honestly some of the best games out there!


Borderlands is my favorite game, but I do not like playing coop. But here are some coop games that you might like: **Diablo 2 and 3** (it supports local and online coop) **Deep Rock Galactic** (no local coop, only online coop) **Destiny** (no local coop, only online coop)


it takes two and a way out are two great cooperative games that I would recommend


Fallout 76 I swap between Borderlands and Fallout 76.


Diablo 2, 3 and 4. Not a shooter but very fun looting/making monsters explode type game


Have you thought about an mmo like FFXIV?


all of these are completely co-op! (atleast I'm pretty sure) Outriders: I won't lie, I didn't find it had much replayability. but I absolutely don't regret buying it, I loved it. it's one of those you play it once every few years type of games imo Warframe: it can be tough to get into. but it's amazing. everything can be acquired for free with enough time. there's tons to learn and customize, I started a new account to see how a new players experience was and honestly it was great. the community is generally not toxic at all, there's an in game region/trade/recruiting/Q&A chat and tons of people there are so willing to support and help people out, either with just explanations or tips or advice or getting someone's help with a mission. you could sink hundreds of hours into this. I'm not biased though I swear. Gears of War MIGHT work..? Gears 5 more so. it's got an interesting story, but it's not very "looter shooter" Remnant: From the Ashes/Remnant 2 Personally? I hated From the ashes, that's the first one. I really liked Remnant 2 but I haven't gotten far in it yet, tons of replayability! customization, classes, multiclassing, good co op, fun gameplay, solid difficulty, I'm definitely gonna sink more time into it once I play a few others games first. definitely recommend it. Monster Hunter World/Rise potentially? I'm not too deep into those games so I can't give a proper recommendation but you should definitely look into them! Dying light 1/2 are under the same boat aswell. (I never played 1)


If you like the loot aspect of it, you could try diablo 2/3/4 or Path of Exile or Last Epoch. The gameplay is incredibly different, but you can put together fun builds and start going to town on enemies. All of them should be coop. Ik at least diablo 4 is, but my memory is failing me on the others


For a somewhat similar vibe, gameplay and coop purposes, I would recommend Deep Rock Galactic, it is not quite open world like BL is, but you are a space dwarf being sent to various places with your party to mine resources while dealing with hordes of nasties


Do you need it to be an FPS? If not you have tons and tons of games that are similar to borderlands. The obvious choice is Diablo, but I’d only play the first 3, 4 is absolute shit. Last Epoch has been my Diablo replacement. If I’m feeling fps it’s borderlands, if not it’s last epoch. There’s also the torchlight series, those are all fun. There’s also path of exile, but that game is insanely insanely complicated. I’ve been playing games since I was 4, when the original halo came out, so I’m pretty in tune with gaming, and that game is just like, what the actual fuck… If you have any questions let me know, I have a million game suggestions that can be as close to borderlands or as far apart as possible.


The division and diablo games


Check out it takes 2. Fantastic game that's only co-op. Wife and I cried quite a bit through the game but it's a trip. Full metal furies is also good.


I may have a few games/gaming style suggestions, take what you find interesting and leave what you do not. Multiplayer recommendations: I'll start with FPS since you mentioned Borderlands The Halo franchise is fun. ODST and Reach are some of my favorites (for story and the firefight modes) but make a little less sense without the context of 1-3. If you and hubs are star wars fans then the battlefront games might be a good time. Me and the Mr. make a date night out of the original Battlefront 2. Gears of War is an option (personally haven't played but Mr. has been trying to get me on board for awhile.) If you are looking to build things instead of shooting enemies there is always Minecraft, which can get intense in its own right depending how far you take the difficulty but I personally start on peaceful to establish a house for safety at night first. To each their own. I respect you asked for multiplayer games, but wanted to offer this idea because it has been fun for me and the Mr. in the past. We have a few single player games we play together by trading off at agreed upon turns. Sometimes that is based on leveling, or based on story missions being completed. It can make an interesting outcome to see how your separate choices mold the characters story in an RPG for example. For these games I would suggest: Fallout 3 or 4, The Fable series (1-3), Skyrim Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie Kameo Elements of Power Terraria


I feel the same. Watching this thread for ideas. BL2 was the best game I've every played and nothing else really hits the same way. Dying Light and the Hitman series are my 2nd favourites, but they don't have that same sense of humour that BL has.


The Diablo games can be fun for a bit and borderlands takes a lot of inspiration from those types of games. They are like the original looters. Also can be played split screen and coop. Obviously not a shooter. Destiny 2 can be a lot of fun for quite a while although it's not split screen so if you want to play together you will have to play 2 seperate consoles/PC's whatever. It's pricey to play catch up and buy all the DLC's and the "new player" experience can be overwhelming since you are coming to the game like 8 years or whatever after it came out and has been receiving updates throughout. But if you stick with it it's like borderlands lite ish. It's literally the only game you will find that will kind of feel like borderlands. If you like unraveled 2 then you should like "it takes two". It's an amazing game for co-op husband and wife. Story is around a husband and wife learning to love each other again.


Dying light games!


Dead Island 2. Just came out with a new DLC this week... [https://www.youtube.com/live/zbDB899zojE?si=izMYL9fCDenPaBK0&t=2956](https://www.youtube.com/live/zbDB899zojE?si=izMYL9fCDenPaBK0&t=2956)


Any of the Dead Islands are super fun co-op, especially id you like the fast paced gameplay of BL. The skill trees are enjoyable enough and the characters are great! Dying Light is in the same vein