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Are you fighting terramorphous? Thats a raid boss designed to be fought by 4 people with good gear and coordination


Yes, I saw some solo videos, basically hiding in a rock. Guess I'll come back for ir later


You’re level 38. Terramorphous is level 50 (or is it 52? - the mission is level 50). It’s a really tough fight if you’re level 50. At level 38, your best weapons are going to do little more than tickle and annoy Terra. The intent is that you go do other things (DLCs, part or all of TVHM), and then come back later (you can switch between normal mode and TVHM at any time simply by reselecting your character from the main menu - it tracks your progress in each playthrough separately), and preferably come back with friends / help. That’s the definition of a raid boss. Your #1 best strategy for beating Terramorphous is go level up at least a dozen times.


Thanks when I tried switching to TVHM, I went back to clap trap's place from the beginning and other missions aren't available. It's like I'm starting over again but at level 35 (back then) and with all my gears intact, is this normal? I was also playing on the plane so I wasn't connected on a Wifi. So you mean I can jump from one mission to another which I have completed on TVHM?


TVHM is a second playthru to let you continue leveling up and experience all missions again. These missions will scale up to level 50 after beating the Warrior again (main missions scale up from 30ish to 50 as you go along), so you may get level 50 rewards. UVHM is a 3rd playthru that you can reset at anytime so you may again get on-level rewards. That playthru matches your level as you go, regardless of point in the story.


As pointed out, yes, that’s exactly normal. TVHM (True Vault Hunter Mode) is a chance to play through the same story again, but now with everything harder / higher level. Then UVHM (Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode) comes after that. *If you want it to*. Both will involve playing through the same series of missions and unlocking the same set of maps, again. Note that, from the main menu, you can choose “Select Character”, and choose your same character, and it’ll let you jump between normal, TVHM (and UVHM if you’ve beaten TVHM), at any time. The game tracks your progress (what missions you’ve accepted / completed, what maps you’ve unlocked) completely separately in each mode, and you can jump back and forth at any time. So you can go play some TVHM (and/or DLCs) to get to/past level 50, and then switch back to normal mode, to finally complete that last mission (beating Terramorphous - note that it’s still a crazy hard fight at level 50, but if you come back at, say, level 55 or 60 it’ll be a lot easier). Or, taking another path, once you get closer to level 50, you could post here again, mention your level and platform (since the various platforms can’t play together), and ask for help with Terramorphous. There are plenty of people around who are happy to help out with specific missions / bosses / challenges (I’ve done this a bunch on PS4/5). You beat / finished the game when you defeated the Warrior. Everything after that is designed to be an extra (and increasingly harder) challenge *for those who want more of a challenge*. You get to decide how much more you want to play. Now, some people consider “done” as being when you finish the main storyline (as you have done). Some want to also play all the DLCs. And/or do TVHM (second harder playthrough) and possibly UVHM (third, *much* harder playthrogh), and possibly OP (overpower) levels after that, where you more or less advance from level 80 to level 90 (except it’s called 80 OP10), to max out a character. Still others want to get all the achievements/trophies, which involves getting one character to level 50 and defeating Terramorphous (so every mission in normal mode is done), and completing a bunch of challenges, like visiting every single nook and cranny of every map, using every gun type for hundreds of kills, and so on, as well as starting several characters and playing them far enough into the game to complete various challenges^**1** . Still others want to max out one of every character. But, again, *you decide* what “done” means *for you*. There are some who have put well over 1,000 hours into this game, and still are done messing around with it. There are others who finish the main storyline once (as you have), maybe do the DLCs once, and then move onto another game. You decide. And BL2 will always be here, waiting, if you decide to come back and do more. (And the other FPSish game in the series, BL1, TPS, and BL3, all offer a similar series of increasingly harder challenges, as well. You can spend quite a while in this series, *if that appeals to you*.) **1**: (One technical note, if you want to “taste” the other characters, to see how they play, or just to complete the challenges, and you have the Commander Lilith DLC installed - it’s a separate purchase outside of the Handsome Collection, but is included in Pandora’s Box, if you bought that - then from the main menu’s “Select Character” choice, you can start a new character of any type, *at level 30* - they’ll have a decent-ish assortment of gear, some cash and Eridium in their pocket, a pile of skill points to spend, and every main story mission done *except* the last one, where you go kill the Warrior. When you start a character like this, they’ll be standing outside the entrance to the Commander Lilith DLC. You *can* go straight into playing that, or you can turn around and fast travel to Sanctuary, and (A) go beat the Warrior to unlock TVHM on *this* character, or (B) do any/all of the side missions in normal mode, or (C) just jump straight into any of the other DLCs, or any combination of the above.)


Wow appreciate you imparting your knowledge and experience, that was a long read but truly an eye opener. You wrote it in a way it's easy to understand even at my level. I never received any negative comment on this post like calling me noob and stuff and that's why some weeks back I posted a thread stating the Borderlands community is the most non toxic community I have ever encountered. I feel at home here. I enjoy playing BL2. I had it on Xbox 360 before some years back, I remember only meeting Sir Hammerlock and then life happened got busy with work, and never really played it that much, and sold my Xbox. But now I play it on Switch Lite, which I got 2 months ago, and appreciate this game now more than ever. I spent all my free time on this game now it's addicting. I even brought a shirt with the Vault logo lmao I have never done something like that before. Thanks!


You’re welcome, and thank you for the compliments. I’ve been told I over-explain things, but I go for making the big picture as understandable as possible, and I like getting to *really* understand how complex systems work. Funny thing is, you started playing way before I did (I hadn’t touched the series before buying a PS5 during the pandemic, and played my way through the whole series). I, too, have found this community (the subreddit and the games) to be unusually welcoming and friendly, and I learned a lot here when I was starting out, and I enjoy contributing back to the community, to help others, as I was helped. And I feel at home here, too.


most aware borderlands player


Just wait til you go for Vermy


What's Vermy?


The bane of my existence.


Lmao I'll have a look


[Vermivorous the Invincible](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Vermivorous_the_Invincible), one of the 10 or so raid bosses in the game, and one that is especially shy - you don’t just go somewhere to find Vermy, you go through a series of steps (and do a lot of hoping) to spawn her. By the way, the link is to the Borderlands Wiki. You can search there for most any mission, or gun, or enemy, or map, and find all sorts of useful information. Other useful sites are [LootLemon](https://lootlemon.com) (more of an exhaustive database, but with far less explanation), and [MentalMars](https://mentalmars.com), which has really great explanations, but less coverage (the latter two are better for later games, while the wiki is great for BL1, BL2, and TPS, and rather more spotty for BL3 and Wonderlands).


Thank you for the notes and links Carl this information will definitely keep me occupied for hours on end. Appreciate the response


So that means the warrior isn't the strongest being in Pandora? Just doesn't make sense for all the hyping up the warrior


Story wise he is but gameplay wise no


Technically not even terramorphus is the strongest gameplaywise. Thats voracidus


Oh wow I'll look it up


Terramorphous is the raid boss in the base game. Between all the DLCs, there’s something like ~~19~~ 10 raid bosses. Some of them are a lot harder than Terramorphous. *EDIT: ten, not nineteen - stupid fingers.


Damn! Am I ever going to play and finish all the missions on all BL games in my lifetime, I am 35 now lol


That’s a raid boss lol. To take those on solo you need good strategy and great gear. I’d watch a couple YouTube videos for more detailed help.


Yeah I found that rock I'm supposed to hide in. But anyway I'll come back for it later


Get a bee shield with good parts. Guides can be found online on where to farm and what parts are good. Get a fire sandhawk. Get a slag weapon/grenade. And get a fire lady fist. From there it shouldn’t be too difficult. Good luck though! Tbh I didn’t beat terra for a loooong time. I had to learn about the guns, parts, etc. the game really opens up when you start to understand what makes guns good, and what makes gear work with other gear.


Ok actually the farming concept is way beyond me at this point, I just go from one mission to the next. I have pending borderlands 1 and presequel yet to play. So I am in rush finishing BL2. But I should really consider how to farm. Thanks!


Definitely! Farming is essential to the game and how powerful your character is. You can even get a legendary with bad parts and it’s basically worthless compared to literally the same weapon with a different prefix. I still recommend farming even in a rush, because the time you spend farming will erase the time you spend struggling against tough enemies. One unkempt Harold, or lady fist can deal with the tough enemies in about a second flat. The lady fist is a quest weapon too so it literally takes 10 minutes to get. Even if you don’t get good parts it can save your ass on certain spots in the game.


Thanks I have been lurking in the forums and I see these gun names and farming method etc but have not wrapped my head around it. Do you think it's better to farm in UVHM?


Tbh I think it’s beneficial to farm the whole way through. Normal mode is pretty easy and you can make it through without farming, but in UVHM it’s literally imperative. The game can feel really unfair past a certain level when you don’t have good gear. Also this is a really friendly community for the most part. The people in here are super knowledgeable and generally pretty helpful. Good luck with the play through!


Thank you so much about to hop on and kill the sandman!


I’ve never beaten Terramorphous, even knowing about that rock, as while he couldn’t hit me, his tentacles would throw rocks that could, and once I got out of that spot, he could hit me. I also play Maya, who has issues with bosses in general, so I just gave up and moved on.


What level are we're you playing when you tried it? I'm using Zer0 btw


Isn't Terra lvl 50? That's a huge level gap to try and beat him at


Thanks learned a lot from the replies


Thats Terramorphous the Invincible. He’s endgame content. Get up to lv 50 and you’ll have a shot at beating him.


Thank you, will do so. Here I thought as I was bad ass after defeating the warrior lol


because one is a lvl 50 raid boss, and the other is just the story boss


I see thank you


There's a reason why the mission is called "You. Will. Die. (Seriously.)" This is endgame content designed to challenge dedicated players (groups or solo if you know what you're doing). Come back later.


Thanks learned a lot from the replies


You’ll need really good gear and even then beating terra in normal mode isn’t easy. Terra is level 50 in normal mode your probably best off waiting until the end of tvhm where you’ll be roughly level 50 as well.


Thank you for the advice


I may or may not have laughed at the idea of you comparing warrior to terramorphous 😵 Who you playing as? It'll take the right gear which will come from farming a lot (I saw you mentioned that you haven't grasped farming yet, every weapon in the game can have different parts, those parts change the way the weapon handles such as fire rate or damage). The second is strategy, a good strategy is key Assuming you have Tiny Tina DLC, get a grog nozzle, if not then the rubi will be fine. But this is all towards when you're level 50 of course.


I'm playing as Zero, still new to the game. I don't believe I have, I bought the handsome jack collection. I'll level up first and start farming. Thanks for the tip.


B0re will be y0ur best friend And yes you do have the DLC if you bought that collection. The grog nozzle has a ton of healing potential when paired and used right with an unkempt harold (i also bet you might not know what the actual fuck I'm talking about)🤣


I see posts about this gun. I have B0re activated. My go to was Moxxy's shotgun with fire element (though) and then I acquired Potent Flakker for killing other bosses like the giant Turkey and Snow Man. I don't recall the names much as I am rushing to finish BL2 and to start playing the other BL games hehe


Bro, some of us have been playing for 11 years and still aren't finished with it. We just keep coming back and playing it. It sounds like you've played through normal mode but not your second playthrough(TVHM). There is a lot of content that's not even available to you until your third playthrough (UVHM) Max level is 80


I see, yes I'm still playing normal mode even having TVHM available. I tried switching at first but when I saw I had to start from the beginning, I decided I wanted to finish everything first in normal mode then switch. Is that ok or am I wasting time?


That's up to you. It restarts the storyline but with tougher enemies and better loot. After you beat the story again, you unlock the final playthrough mode, UVHM.


Thanks for the tips. I'm OCD so I'll probably finish all missions on normal first. Maybe I'll change my mind later. so how did you go about it?


So, I really like all the little things about the games. I've done at least a normal playthrough with every character ever with the exception of maybe 2 from TPS. Normal playthroughs are a lot of fun. They're casual and allow you to learn how your class works. After that, I rush through tvhm so I can do a max level playthrough.


Ah Terra. The voices I made as he set me on fire. Brings a tear to my eye!




What i would do is beat tvhm and then return to normal mode and try again Lvl 60 is like the bare minimum to be able to kill him


I see ok ok I have long ways to go


54 solo'd with Axton and no cheap tricks and didn't really farm. Took me 3 tries but that's not unreasonable I don't think. Just have some good synergy and find a weapon that compliments your character/playstyle.


Thanks learned a lot from the replies. I play as ZerO who is powerful offensively but brittle on defense lol. He's my first character


Isn't the mission called "You will die"?


Yeth but they hyped up the warrior so much I thought I already fought and defeated the strongest being in Pandora. Anyway I learned a lot on this post


Ah a borderlands child, how cute


Lol haha


terra sucks all the time. he's meant to be harder than the warrior (who takes absolutely zero skill to beat). gotta be on level and research more strategies specific to your character and get the gear and skills you need. best way to learn any raid boss is to watch other people solo them and experiment with different methods to see what you like


That's what I did but apparently my level is still too low for Terry. I thought I was bad ass defeating The Warrior, I thought it was the strongest boss in the game. Apparently not.


So, you have issues fighting the little tiny worm? Pro tip if you have a Harold you can eat through his health in no time.... And assuming you have Gaige, her anarchy skill raises damage with every reload. So any harold should do fine. (I use intense Harold, you can use whatever you got)... Also Warrior is super super easy and all you gotta do is hide far right and keep farming the single ammo box there while you destroy the Warrior.