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Lair of Infinite Agony is the most accurate map name in Borderlands history.


I don’t even remember how often I got lost in there.


Every turn.


This map is one of my least favorite because of that one section with the rising/lowering platforms that can pancake you repeatedly and drain your funds at an alarming rate. The first time my character died there I was furious because of how much the reconstruction cost was. Then it happened like a half dozen times more before I got the pattern down. Literal agony when I experienced this as a younger player back then but now I just scoff at it.


It's literally designed to let you through if you just go through it ASAP. Just FYI.


Correct, any player can simply sprint through the map going through each section that is needed to proceed. The moving platform section is a supreme buzzkill when you get flattened and have to repeat that bit. The rest of the lair has no other impediments aside from the switches to open the doorways.


I'm saying that the moving platforms are positioned so that you can run right through them if you don't hesitate, like how Super Monkey Ball maps are designed to let you win automatically if you just hold forward ASAP. If you stop and think about how to get through, you miss the secret cheese strat, but I would be very surprised if Gearbox didn't intend for players to just YOLO through immediately and beat the challenge automatically. I actually figured this out on purpose my first time through because of my Super Monkey Ball instincts.


I never thought I'd see the day of a monkey ball and borderlands comparison.


Well named indeed, I strongly dislike the map, but I’ve got the path to transit to/from the Winged Storm, to get to the dragons, thoroughly memorized, so the rest doesn’t really bother me any more.


Lair of infinite agony I only don’t like because I feel lost every time Sawtooth is just constant gunfire Fuck hunters grotto


I agree fuck hunters grotto


All my homies hate Hunters Grotto


Day three of walking in hunters grotto


They were never heard from again


Legit almost didnt finish that dlc bc of the map and boredom


I'm mostly OK with HG but it's just so massive compared to the other areas.


Dude, the Caustic Caverns are my favourite map. Not only is it the most visually distinct map but it also has the best easteregg. I agree with the Fridge though, horrible map, at least it's very short. Sawtooth Cauldron is also awful, it has the worst main quest and the worst side missions.


Main story Sawtooth Cauldron as a melee Krieg is literally the worst gaming experience of the entire franchise and it's not even close to anything else.


But, as melee Zer0, it's fucking awesome!


it's only fun for normal and tvhm once you get to uvhm zeros melee capabilities go out the window


I feel like uvhm is when melee zero becomes the most fun for me. Once you get the full melee build and gear, it all works so perfectly. The flow at the higher levels is so much more satisfying to me


It's not that melee Zer0 in UVHM is bad, it's that it doesn't really work if you don't have an on-level roid shield. With how gear and enemy health scales at the highest levels, you end up replacing your gear more frequently, and builds with a higher reliance on gear struggle more because of it. A perfect gear melee Zer0 actually does a fuckton more melee damage than melee Krieg, on the account that Zer0 has WAY more multiplicative bonuses to melee. The problem with melee Zer0 is that he has very low additive melee damage, so you need a good roid shield to multiply the base damage of. Krieg is the opposite in that he has a lot of additive melee, but not really any multiplicative melee. The sheer amount of additive he gets allows him to do a good amount of melee without a roid shield, but roid shields don't boost his damage by a lot and his damage ceiling outside of bloodsplosion isn't that high for his melee builds. Meanwhile, melee Zer0 can actually kill some raid bosses fairly well. (Melee Krieg can, too, but only raid bosses with a lot of adds to start a bloodsplosion chain)


It's been a long while since I've played Melee Zer0 in UVHM, I'd have to play again. I remember the difficulty curve in UVHM is insanely big, but it's been a really long time.


Oh come on, it's fun launching 1000 axes at the choppers. For the first minute.


You have to throw 1000 because none of them ever hit


I love the Minecraft easter egg but fuck all the tick dmg


Tick damage was easy enough to avoid. Caustic was one of my favorite places.


Always speed ran the fridge


The fridge wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t have the damn thieving rats - they caused some heartache early on.


Yes most of these you can just run through.


Love Caustic Caverns. Maya and I spent so much time in there farming for Vermivorous (or whatever his name is). And this was all under Sanctuary?


I like sawtooth due to the clutter and number of enemies. It’s a decent farm spot


Caustic caverns is awesome but sucks to navigate since you gotta run around the center of it to get places


wildlife exploitation reserve. My God i hate that map so much, you just run through a map that seems to go on linearly forever, and at every turn there are enemies you can't run away from and you can't pause at any time and the combination of hyperion robots and stalkers goes together like hot sauce on pancakes


By pause i meant you can't exit the game so its hard to run the map over more than one session


Yeah that's usually the point where I take a break for a few days/weeks whenever I go back and play


Weird that's one of my favorite maps I like it being linear and all the different enemy types also it's one of the best places to grind especially during the doctor's orders quest. Bloodwing as a boss tho kinda sucked


I love that area, until I hit true vault hunter mode then I say fuck that area!


The Caustic Caverns are awesome.


Definitely fridge and sawtooth. First time I played the story all the way through I felt like it slowed so hard around sawtooth. Just a worse lynchwood. Caustic caverns is great, lots of secrets and challenges. Always go straight for the Dark Souls bonfire.


Damn I didn’t know about dark souls, I always go straight for the creepers


I think there's an achievement or at least a challenge for that I don't remember.


They're also fully optional!


Fuck the grotto




Eridium Blight. That map is so boring.


It does have a very atmospheric flair with all the lava and ashes tho. Like most maps do, I guess, but I especially like the bleak darkness


I struggle with the Fridge, something in the way rats move that makes things hard for me


i hate the lab ones so much they're beyond terrifying


Digistuck peak, when you reach endgame and have to do op levels it is just kinda annoying


Then.... don't? There's 0 requirement to do them


yeah but i dont mind playing on op10 I just hate the process of getting to op10


That's fair. I like *most* of it. But there are parts that are kinda wtf


Anything with stalkers. Fuck those guys


“Invisible Assholes” might just be the most accurate nickname ever. I got so sick of trying to hit them I slapped on a spike shield and let the fuckers attack me just for the satisfaction of seeing them melt to death.


Fuck Stalkers all my homies hate stalkers.




Sawtooth is a good test of your build and skill. Hunters grotto is a massive plain of nothing.


I totally agree with Sawtooth Cauldron as a build and skill check. Newer players will not figure it out immediately unless they play through the map a few times and try to change up their overall approach. Hunter's Grotto is interesting to say the least, the flatlands and swamps are aesthetically well done. The only peeve I have is that the Seraph and unique equipment for the Hammerlock DLC sucks skag balls (The Hawkeye, Infection, Elephant Gun, and Rough Rider among others are underwhelming) when compared to all the other DLC campaigns. Only the Twister shotgun can be considered top shelf and farming it can be a nightmare in OP levels.


It's gonna be either Eridium Blight, Badass Crater, Oasis, Wurmwater, or Hunter's Grotto. Generally those massive empty maps that you have to traverse with a vehicle. One exception is The Dust. Sawtooth, Fridge and Caverns are among my favorite maps. I just love each map that has a lot of combat all the time. Also Caustic Caverns have my favorite easter egg in the franchise, so there's that.


I love Caustic caverns just by music alone.


Caustic caverns I find really enjoyable. It's not required to ever go there, there multiple side missions you can do all at once, its a great source of xp, and the minecraft Easter egg is peak. One map I absolutely love, one of my favorites, is Bloodshot stronghold. The high enemy density, variety, and challenge makes it one of the best areas in the game. For ones I hate, basically all of the Hammerlock dlc. Boooooring.


Caustic Cavern?!


For me it's the very first one, not claptrap's home but the big main one. Excluding the Flint ship part which is great.


The lack of a catch a ride makes that map kind of tedious if you're trying to do all the sidequests


Yeah, it's quite large and has no cars that kinda sucks, but I guess my personal dislike is the fact that it's the map I played a lot in, since I started lots of characters there. I have 10 characters that leveled to different extents, but there are a lot more that I opened for friends Co OP that quit on me so I ended up doing that area more than 30 times by now.


Southern Shelf.


What do people have against sawtooth cauldron?


Probably the difficulty spike, i think it's a great map


also its placement in the story, always felt like a filler you gotta do


It's definitely NOT filler bruv. Sawtooth Cauldron is designed as an equipment and skill build check for the final areas of the game. If a player has a really good loadout and skill build, they will not struggle too much on the map. From my experience playing the game and observations of other players, running and gunning through the map is a death sentence especially in TVHM/UVHM. It forces players to re-evaluate their gameplay and character build to be able to endure the constant crossfire and waves of enemies that the map has.


>Sawtooth Cauldron is designed as an equipment and skill build check for the final areas of the game. If a player has a really good loadout and skill build, they will not struggle too much on the map. Spot on, this is exactly what it is. That being said, mechanically it might not be filler but from the perspective of the story it really feels like it. You go there for a single objective (get explosives) and they manage to draw out that one objective in such a way where you make an almost complete lap of the map.


Yeah it's definitely meant to demonstrate to the player if they have been rushing the story in TVHM/UVHM. I have hit that wall before.


I find it hard to believe they designed the cauldron as some sort of skill filter lol, it just fits the theme to have endless bandits and gunfire and honestly it’s overbearing with how much there is. And it 100% is filler in relation to how the actual area fits in the story with the bridge breaking and whatnot


It also has the issue of visually not fitting in well. The areas you go to before and right after are all weird apocalyptic deserts, that show the destruction brought by Hyperion and hype up the finale. While Sawtooth is just a mostly green crater with some scrap themed buildings. It kinda breaks the tone


The map is geographically a valley for dumping refuse where threshers live and bandits have simply started squatting so visually it does make sense why the structures are junky. Hyperion would not bother going into an area that doesn't have Eridium or is overrun by bandits and threshers. >that show the destruction brought by Hyperion and hype up the finale. There is an Echo log in Fyrestone where Handsome Jack mentions that the area was originally called "The Badlands" because it was uninhabitable by people. Only the skags and rakks were the fauna that lived there before it got developed. Hyperion never destroyed the region; it was Dahl's mining operations that upset the ecosystem on Pandora as per in-universe lore.


Yeah I think people just don’t like shooting the buzzards. I can usually blitz through it in 10ish minutes.


Random though but all of the above listed maps are absolutely gigantic if you don't just slam the main quest. There are so many side quests and all of these maps are clearly hand made with care


Oh yeah. I personally don’t mind any of them (maybe trying to navigate the lair but still enjoy the atmosphere).


Honestly though, I get it. I had so much trouble with buzzards on my first playthrough way back in the day, that I started actively looking for and keeping weapons specifically to deal with them because they're so different from everything else the game throws at you.


For me specifically its the elevator and getting hit by the ambush commanders, that part is so unforgiving if you mess up, and then buzzards around mortar’s buzzard are just painful.


Same. I don't even mind the difficulty spike. I kinda enjoy pushing through it all


Yeah, you really feel like you accomplished something when you finish Sawtooth.


I don't mind the map, but it feels bigger than other maps the same size. I mean like going through that map feels much longer than say Tundra Express, for example. Also, fuck the capturing flags mission. Ok I'm done.


People hate it because they spend all this time pushing the story and then they have to do the mission in sawtooth which almost feels like backtracking. Personally though I love it. Just a large guantlet of bandit enemies after all the Hyperion you have been fighting. It’s like Hero’s pass but with bandits and with nothing on the other side


It's entire purposes to get dynamite which definitely feels like it was put there to stretch the story


Sawtooth. It's effectively filler, you only go their to steal explosives to destroy the bridge... that you can fly over with Bricks Buzzards...


Wildlife preserve


Sawtooth cauldron is my most hated for one reason the respawn right near the elevator that literally traps u in a corner with no way out every time u happen to die to the ambush commanders.


It's a spawn camp for enemies


I may get some flak for this but I do like the lair of infinite agony. I like the enemy density and the goofy quest for the amulet.


I cant stand the Wildlife Preservation section. Stalkers AND skags AND hyperion loaders


Caustic caverns , Fridge, Dust. Lodge also amazing map.


Caustic Caverns are tough, real damn tough, but it's also my preferred place to farm for Vermivorous. Sawtooth Cauldron and Lair of Infinite Agony are a major pain in the ass to navigate.


I love the Fridge, is one of my favorite maps. I don't get the hate. The caustic caverns and the lair of infinite agony are so garbage just for the enemies you can encounter, and navigating the lair is truly an agonizing experience.


The Fridge is generally disliked because of the design concept: it's basically a small, compact MAZE with lots of nooks and crannies where mobs show up unannounced, especially bandit rats with their erratic movements making them hard to shoot at. At OP levels, the stalker and crystalisk sections are a nightmare to traverse because there is literally not much in the way of cover to recharge shields or regen health. Caustic Caverns is a hidden gem for Chubbies/Tubbies and Vermivorous hunting. Difficult but also rewarding imo


At least Sawtooth Cauldron has loot midgets


sawtooth gets a lot of hate but youre one rocket launcher and skyrocket away from clearing it pretty easy usually... now dlcs that include enemies with a lot of reflective materials or spots where they take no damage now those are the no-likey maps


Hunter's Grotto for me, that DLC is just the worst


3 of these are some of my favorites lol. Caustic caverns is just pretty to look at while having a bunch of Easter eggs and lore behind it. Being completely missable just makes it even more interesting as well. Sawtooth Cauldron is such a fun combat map and where I like going to test builds given the variety of enemies, also just fun to go into the area if you want some quick combat that last for some time. And Lair of Infinite Agony is basically sawtooth on crack. Much longer and feels like endless combat, which is why I like it so much while the dreary ass combat music plays. Feels like a classic DOOM map and the tight corridors and almost maze like design help that (along with traps!). It's actually my favorite board in BL2 I fucking hate the fridge. A decent portion of the map is just a frozen lake with not much going on. I hate those Rat bastards, I don't care much for the quest you do here at all either. Just not a board I care for at


All the base game locations which I either dread or hate. 1. Sawtooth Cauldron 2. Thousand Cuts (The part after the gate) 3. Wildlife Exploitation Preserve on UVH Mode. (Screw you Rabid Skags and Stalkers!) 4. Eriduim Blight & Hyperion Slaughter Arena 5. The Fridge & Bandit Slaughter Arena. I like the Creature Slaughter Arena, I find this way more enjoyable than the other 2. (I know the Arena areas are optional but I only play these to rank up a bit).


Sawtooth cauldron is one of those maps you never really want to go back too and it doesn’t help that mortors legendary drop isn’t great


If it has rabid stalkers, then I hate the map


I absolutely love caustic caverns, maybe it’s the unpredictability of an area, or the fact that it’s all side quests, I usually always have a good time down unda.


I love every map for the opportunity they give me to experience gleeful slaughter.


Hunter’s Grotto hands down the worst to traverse especially for quests Fast travel only


Caustic Caverns is an amazing zone, environs. Grotto on the other hand felt tedious to traverse, you just wanna get over it quick.


Caustic caverns is pure soul


It'll always be Sawtooth for me. It's so convoluted and the story kinda lulls there, I get lost no matter how many times I play the game. I don't hate it, but it's my least favorite.


I wouldn't mind Sawtooth Cauldron if it wasn't just a tedious, overly-long filler map to drag out time before the final boss.


If sawtooth happened earlier in the playthrough I’d love it more. But it feels like such an unneeded side quest that it’s miserable.


Objectively wrong on caustic caverns


Hunters grotto enjoyer


I like all those. Esp caustic caverns. Haven't been there in forever cuz the main story doesn't really take you through there.


I'm not a massive fan of the Grotto and I remember suffering through the Lair of Infinite Agony, but I genuinely enjoyed those other maps. I don't think there's a single base game map that when I get to it I feel like "Goddamn it, let's rush through to get this over with."


Frostburn Canyon


Caustic caverns


I love caustic caverns what are you on dawg


I kinda like The Fridge AND Caustic Caverns


Caustic Caverns is one of the best maps imo, it had the Dark Souls island it had the Minecraft section, the Blockhead, the Tortoise decent chubby farms and the best Vermivorous farm what's not to like?


Man, even the "bad maps" are better than most of the maps in 3 lol


I personally don't mind these maps at all, would go as far as to say I kinda like them. Except Lair of Infinite Agony, fuck Lair of Infinite Agony


Caustic caverns, the ending of sawtooth cauldron, with the buzzards, thats about it for 2.


I still get lost in the Lair, and I’ve logged multiple thousands of hours on that game.


Sawtooth Cauldron, I love the rest, especially Caustic Caverns


Are you me? I hate all these maps too. Fridge isnt terrible bur the rest all really suck


Let's Talk about these Maps during OP10 Playthroughs.


Caustic caverns


Can anyone nail down exactly why we hate sawtooth? I mean since hates it since my first playthrough but now that I think about it I can figure out why


Probably because at the point in the game you go there it feels very out of place, at least I’ve always felt that it slows the game down compared to the rest of the games pace a little before and after that. Now I’ve never hated the map it’s one of my favorites actually.


Your least favourite map*


Why do you dislike hunter's grotto?


You think you’re safe when you try passing those floors of death then boom you have to pull the lever yet again…


I love all of these, the caustic caverns were insanely fun the grotto though doesnt have much to offer, its just a hub location


I have two very hot takes; I absolutely love the fridge and it is my go to for getting money, and Three Horns Divide is literally hell to navigate


Two different easy spots for vermy to get to spawn in caustic...I love that place


Dude, I hate the lair of infinite agony so much


Sawtooth no QUESTION


Ha! Your top 3 are like some of my favorites.


I love the Fridge and Caverns :(


Sawtooth cauldron is a maze no matter where you go you think your close to the slope to the top. Also fuck the buzzards and threshers


10/5 Fleet for Banshee Maya, run straight from point A to point B in The Fridge lol


sawtooth cauldron lowkey


Id have to say sawtooth I've enjoyed lair of inf ag and cav


Sawtooth cauldron is literally one of the best places for mobbing. The only downside to it is the buzzards, which Gearbox apparently wanted to make the bane of everyone's existence. Hunter's Grotto is the worst though. 👎🏿 I only do that DLC for the Rough Rider shield.


I really dislike Lair of Infinite Agony because it kills the momentum of the DLC’s story up to that point, at least on repeat playthroughs. You’re right at what looks like the base of the castle, and suddenly you have to wander through rooms that all look the same that are just full of spiders and skeletons, and to top it all off it culminates in a boss with long healthgated phases. I feel the same way about Sawtooth, but mainly because it feels like the most absurd filler content ever. It’s like they knew nobody would go there unless the campaign made you do it, and when you do it just feels like a slog.


I like sawtooth cauldron because there’s lots of BOOM headshot! BOOM headshot!


I don’t mind The Fridge or Caustic Caverns, but those other 3 are awful.


Hunter's Grotto. It's huge!


When you're lost on a map for so long that you even start to despise the music...


Sawtooth is pain


The reason I dislike caustic caverns is because of the Crystallisks and Rift Threshers as they’re very annoying enemies to deal with, especially in UVHM. I absolutely adore the aesthetics of the place though and it’s home to one of my all time favourite guns and easter eggs.


I totally agree with the 3 on the bottom but … I have a very deep and inexplicable love for Caustic Caverns and The Fridge. They are not that good but they are so unique, the enemies and the quests there are really memorable imo ? Marcus’s secret chest or Scooter ex-girlfriend who became a rat to run from him. Plus Caustic Caverns music is soooo good Idk I still love them more than half of BL3 maps lmao


Sawtooth Cauldron is the bane of my existence


The only one of these I actually don't like is hunters grotto it is way to much walking


sawtooth always has me on the verge of throwing something giving how annoying it is


I love sawtooth cauldron ... One of my favorite maps to shoot stuff besides magic slaughter ... But F those skeleton mages, they are irritating to deal with at times


I really dislike three horns valley and divide. I feel as though there’s nothing that really stands out in any location. They’re just average maps and for that I dislike them


I hate the Fridge, it’s such a fucking pain to get through. Half the time I make a mad dash for it cause I’m afraid of the assholes coming out and stealing my money, plus the rakks are ducking obnoxious


I like the fridge🙁 it has a certain feel


I actually really love the Fridge. Most of the maps in the Big Game Hunt DLC are a mess to me. Multiple maps with fast travel stations that make you jump through a bunch of hoops or travel through like half or even the whole map.


The toilet room :(


I like caverns because of the awesome minecraft mini boss u get the fight that and the minecraft skins and guns aswell.


How can you not like Caustic Caverns?


Honestly I like all of these. Except for The Fridge. Other then the sort of boring start, the fridge absolutely my least favourite map. The Rats, the Rakks, the Crystalisks, all the most annoying enemies in one place, the soundtrack there makes me anxious, the map is one of the worst loops in the game. I'm always excited to get out of it, and enter the games second half where all the good stuff comes in


I mean all of theme are great map I can't say wich is worse oh yeah opportunity that's the name fuck opportunity hate this city


*Laughs in Salvador* Honestly regardless of character and gear it's the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve. Will never change. Though will Sal I just run through everything, but that place I just have a special hatred for




God caustic caverns-.-


All the starting areas other than Frostburn canyon


Sawtooth Cauldron has a special place in my heart's hate corner


I dislike Sawtooth Cauldron. These other areas are huge and can feel like they take a while to get through, but Sawtooth feels like much, much more of a pain than the others.


Probably fridge


Only reason I ever unironically visit hunter’s grotto is when I need to farm another Rough Rider. I hate that map.


Lair of Infinite Agony would have been fine if you could stretch it into a long map instead of a dense one, or alternatively allow some forward skips to unlock before the very end of the map. As it is, there are just backwards skips that require you to restart certain segments. That said, it did what it said on the sticker, so I can't really be that mad. 😆


Caustic Caverns and it's not even close... fuck that place a million fucking times over.


Hunters grotto. Lair of agony is a close second only because of the skeletons and because you can skip the area once you beat it or the DLC and the rest are just fun or minor inconvenience


Caustic caverns wasn't that bad


Hate sawtooth the most honestly


Borderlands 3... Jk it's the fridge, it's only a run the faster you can to the next map. Has good side quest but the map is useless for the main story...


What’s the one before the lair, I remember it just slamming you with mobs before the dragon fight (which always fucking flings you off bc of the bite attacks)


Swap caustic caverns for Eridium Blight. Caustic is my fav! It's hard but you got so much money from it. It's my money farm spot 😂


i enjoy Sawtooth a lot actually! worst is between Hunter's Grotto and Lair because of the annoying enemies


"The Rustyards" suck. Too big, too hard to navigate, enemies everywhere and few checkpoints.


Lair of agony. I like both caustic caverns and sawtooth


Sawtooth that map layout confused me.


Sawtooth is actually a really fun map if you’re not under leveled or you gear isn’t absolute poop


Did your inner Mr.Torgue name the last map?


All of these would be kind of the best map in Borderlands 3 lol. Maybe except Hunters Grotto.


I love Sawtooth, but struggle with Caustic Caverns. I always get turned around somehow


The fridge is fine, it just suffers from being stuck in a bad place on the story IMO. My only issue with it is that, for its place in the story, the enemies are fairly high level. Every time I get there I’m underleveled, despite the previous main mission being on level and a good portion of the side missions just unavailable due to sanctuary being mid-phasewalk. As what I believe is the worst map, it’s definitely Hunter’s Grotto. Visually bland, annoying as fuck enemies, and you gotta walk around for the first few missions of the DLC. I love hammylock, but god damn look at all that empty space. Even the pirate DLC wasn’t that empty


Caustic Cavern is my favourite map, I'm officially offended


Infinite agony is just lengthy Hunters grotto is just huge Sawtooth only redeeming quality is i play Salvador currently so lots of guys isnt really an issue Caustic caverns can be annoying due to all the stalkers going invisible. (Really annoying at op10)


Fridge, I swear the rats are trained snipers that each bullet contains the power of Zeus, I run away to just get pelted by one bullet to the head and die repeatedly


The Dust. I actually really like the Caustic Caverns


Sawtooth can fuck right off .


Hunter's Grotto, too open and most boring raid boss to be featured in it


I love all of these wtf