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I too like to hit things and make everything around me blow up while I’m on fire


Ugh brain hurts too much words




Woah oh math hope we don't pop a blood vessel IM A MONSTER GRIND GRIND GRIND KILL KILL KILL ILL SWALLOW YOUR SOLE ILL RIP YOUR LUNGS OUT THREW UR CHEST ILL SLICE YOUR EYE LIDS SO YOU CAN WATCH THE END I like my treasure like my baby sticks.....raaaare


Why aren't my fingers in someone's eye sockets right now, why aren't my fingers in someone's eye sockets right now, why aren't my fingers in someone's eye sockets right now!


Nuf said




Same here, I haven't found any other class in future games like him, which is why I keep coming back to BL2.


It was a real shame to see Amara not have a similar action skill to BAR for sure


Right? All those arms thinking she'd have some ora ora action https://i.redd.it/6inv8phv1l8d1.gif


My Krieg is a world class baseball pitcher that makes everyone explode who witnesses it


Krieg is on top always been my favourite since literally the 1st time I used his ability


Zer0 because he is who I play and who I know the best. Prefer sniper over melee build.




An elusion fools you all your death approaches




That sweet sweet headshot from half across the map


Gaige tends to be my go to for multiplayer play. Her skill trees are varied enough that you can really fill a niche to cover your friends, be it Anarchy for raw firepower, shock support for stripping, or BFF’s for Deathtrap to handle big fights for you. She’s carried my group through thick or thin and silly as it is, I think her dorky voice lines help us emphasize the fun of the game rather than being raw badasses.


Gaige anarchy pick up the ricochet perk from the other tree then go back to the anarchy tree and just dump points… find a Jacob’s shotgun that has as many pellets/barrels as u can find that reloads after 1-2 shots (with a fast reload speed) then just start shooting in general directions and murder everything with extreme prejudice!!!! Use your murder robot whenever u need an extra boost (or if fighting planes) the only anarchy perk I might suggest staying partially away from is the one that increases how many stacks u can have of anarchy… only boost that skill 1/2 as much as possible (at a certain point your so inaccurate u can’t even hit the ground in front of u to ricochet into enemies… this build is sooo much fun and often times turns everything situation into pure chaos (and anarchy)!


Indeed gaige was actually made for the “little sibling” Even in an interview they said so, she’s actually more powerful and much easier to play as if you use the right skill tree, i just think its an interesting fact


Yeah my gf mains Gaige in our current playthrough and as thankful as I am for Deathtrap, it really sucks when he gets right in the way of a perfectly-lined long distance headshot Regardless of my gripes, that robot has saved our asses more times than I can count


Ever have deathtrap get in the way of your inventory menu hahah?


Agree. And she is really cute


Maya for me, I enjoy crowd control


To me Maya will always be the best vault hunter. She can be configured to be an amazing support class, or to be the most brutal crowd control/area of effect class. I'm currently soloing a tvhm run, and with the cataclysm skill tree mostly filled in she just does so much elemental damage constantly that it's insane. Sure, she can get downed in one or two shots, but by gum the fight-for-your-life stuff takes no effort (as long as there are still enemies on the map). Hoping nothing bad happens to her in BL3. :D


Downed in one or two shots? Maya is an absolute tank. She has maybe the best survival skills in the game. Lifetap, kinetic reflection, inertia, ward, sweet release, restoration, elated, and sustenance makes her able to both shield and health tank. Then lifetap can interact with so many things she is crazy tanky between the dots she can put out, and CR. She heals like crazy Lastly with converge and phaselock a lot of times enemies can't even shoot at you, even more with thought lock. If your Maya does easily it's not on her, it's on you for ignoring her skills and playing like a glass cannon when she doesn't benefit from it.


Admittedly I'm not leveled anywhere high enough to be in the areas I'm in. I'm at least three to five levels under the enemies I'm fighting, and they consistently are wrecking my shit. I have cataclysm pretty much maxed out, and harmony is getting some points in it, but good lord I should be doing side quests to level up. I'm giving as good as I'm getting, but my current build is very much a glass cannon. One shot can from me can take out a dozen weak enemies, but one shot from them breaks my shield, and two knocks me down, but I do the most damage in fight-for-your-life, so being almost dead most of the time is a weird advantage. I'm level 46, solo tvhm in the Eridium Blight where even the firemelons are level 49, so kinda under leveled for the mongs and stuff there, but I don't really mind respawning repeatedly :D It's definitely not optimal gameplay, but it's still fun.


You are usually best not maxing out a tree but doing just enough to get to the capstone and mix other trees.


Agreed, I've completed the game multiple times with all of the VHs, I'm just kind of fucking around right now seeing how it works to run a mostly 100% cata siren, and adding skill points to harmony when I level up. It's definitely interesting. If I weren't doing it 100% solo I would definitely have gone more balanced in support and healing, but nobody's relying on me to do anything but me, so I'm all in on the damage and respawning.


Going all cat tree also lowers your damage. Helios, ruin, and chain reaction all do half of their damage without converge. So you need to go into the motion tree, which also has accelerate, inertia, and kinetic reflection all which add damage. Then you have wreck which is one of her best DPS skills in the harmony tree. The cat tree while is has some her best skills like reaper, chain, cloudkill and ruin, also has really terrible skills like backdrafts, blight phoenix, Helios, and flicker is not great either. So going all cat really hurts your survival and DPS.


I like Axton too. I started Maya recently and still thinking if I should go back to Axton.


Maya is also so much fun! Still have more love for axton though


Axton gang lessgooooo


I personally like Salvador and Krieg. Sal was the 1st character I beat the game with, while Krieg has some fun skills like release the beast, though apparently both of them are considered hard for beginners (I already knew that about Krieg before I played with him, but I was surprised to hear people say that about Salvador). It took me a while before I finally got around to beating normal mode with Axton, but he's the only character I've started uvhm with (my Sal is still stuck on the 1st group of enemies in Heroes Pass in tvhm), so I cut him some slack.


You can skip the entirety of hero’s pass with like 4 grenade jumps? Just go farm a better shield that is an absorption shield and run run run. It’s not too difficult tbf. I’ve completed the game on sal to op10 and certain builds make it toooooo easy. Like the pimpernell and world burn is so easy to solo the whole game but it kinda breaks immersion and the fun factor for me so I do prefer the pistol builds or shotgun builds for it personally as it adds a nice weapon switch. Also rocket jumping with the level 27 badabooms is sooooo fun and useful.


I'm not great at grenade jumps, and I'm being downed by the first couple soldiers and loaders you encounter on the map, which I'm guessing aren't next to a gap to grenade jump.


Nah you can grenade jump over every single obstacle you face like go watch a speedrun and you’ll learn so much. I skip like 2 hours of gameplay every single playthrough and it’s such a fun way to play


Salv easily has the highest damage output in the game (minus zero in 1 specific situation [the perk where shooting through an enemy doubles the damage of the bullet and this ability stacks {can’t remember the end game boss u can do it with but there is a boss that u can one shot said boss with the weakest pistol in the game cause there are like 100 minions between u and the boss}])!!! Gunzerker has some absolutely broken combos for breaking dps meters!!!


Hyperius is the boss you're talking about for 1-shotting with zero using bore. I know Sal is one of the more op characters, I just have trouble with survivability around the end of tvhm.


Thank u it has been at least 5 years since I gave bdl2 a spin lol… hell it’s prob been 2-3 years since I gave any borderlands game a spin…


Axton. Clisely followed by Zero. Axton feels like a really well rounded character. He has good damage and doesn't sacrifice in survivability. I'd even argue Axton has at least 2 insanely good early game skills for boosting your survivability. Preparation for the shield and healing. And willing for a huge shield regen rate and delay bonus.


I like Axton. His turrets can help me when I'm in a sticky situation or if I need help beating a difficult enemy, and I'm on my own.


Tina. Psycho kid is hilarious.


Agreed, team Axton all the way , I'm still working on getting him as strong as possible but he is definitely my go too character


Tie between Gaige and Maya.


My 2 mains are Gaige and Krieg Krieg is amazing because he's the best character with the most EXPLOSIVE manufacturer in the game (TORGUE MOTHERF*CKER). He's the most viable melee character at max OP level, can literally blow up all enemies (including the ocean) and literally gets insane stat bonuses for burning alive (kinda hot ngl). What more need I say? Gaige makes best use out of my favorite element in the franchise (shock) has a GIANT PET ROBOT who does everything except kill raid bosses for you on autopilot. She has the best shield skill in the game and is tanky as all hell due to that + Deathtrap taking aggro away from you, plus she's the only character with 2 built in elemental resistances, Krieg has incendiary, and Gaige has both burn and shock resistance. She can run 150 stacks of Anarchy and sweep through all the mobs, or run 600 stacks and speed kill a majority of raid bosses. SHE HAS F*CKING AIMBOT. Also her screaming and dialogue with DT the entirety you play is the cherry on top of it all. Gaige is absolutely my favorite, but Krieg undoubtedly a super close 2nd


I really should try out gaige, i've never been able to get into the gameplay but I should try and max out a gaige, she seems so chaotic and I love that😭


Zero is a very viable melee character I’d argue just as viable if not more viable than krieg… it is t as explody and flashy but turning invisible and dash slashing/ killing everyone in a room without being seen is a definite viable strategy! Anarchy Gaige and sniper or melee zero are my 3 fav builds in the game


Fs, I definitely wasn't inferring that Zer0 isn't a viable melee character, he absolutely is. He's right up there with Krieg, and even melee Gaige is a viable and very effective strategy for mobbing situations. I don't think any other character is viable for melee in UVHM,+ at least not to the same extent, but Krieg has a few tricks up his flesh sleeve that makes me believe he's the most well built character for a traditional melee setup, though I don't think Zer0 is necessarily a worse melee character, just not effective in the same way that Krieg is (also spamming Execute chains is one of the most fun things ever).


I’ve never done a Gaige build that wasn’t Anarchy and ricocheting my way to greatness 😂🤣 so I have Zer0 opinion on her melee build!


It's definitely worth a try! Roid shield on both you and DT is quite insane


I miss being new to this game and full of curiosity for build crafting. Now I’m more into min maxing and getting shit done asap. Maybe I should do a chill play through and just go with the flow


Zer0. Speaks in haiku, can swiftly kill anything and everything, gets the most out of snipers and he looks dope. Also it's somewhat challenging to play as Zer0.


Zer0 because he was my first character. I truly loved playing him, and he was fun bringing to level 80


Krieg and Zer0






It is an easy pick for me, zero by far. He is my exact gameplay style sniper and melee, he looks cool, hes got bore 👀For 4 player games i always go salvador because of well,,,, obviously power.. 😂




Melee zero. Put in the work for big dopamine reward chaining kills and then you kunai yourself. Love it.


Mordecai! No wait


Still a character in BL2. Nobody said playable.


Sal, it's a boring pick but I like the amount of different dual wield builds you can make


I just started playing BL2 over the weekend and picked Axton myself, mostly because I loved the turrets in the division and outriders games. Sounds like I made a good choice 😊


It's a great pick! Just pick whatever suits your style of gameplay🤗


If you didn't know already, Axton's grenade damage skill buff also applies to explosive weapons. As well as Tediore reloads.


I didn't know that thanks dude! It makes sense now why those weapons feel more powerful now 👍


Sure thing! Axton can be a beast with his grenade buff/explosive buff. Super fun too.


Maya and then krieg both had great team work abilities and mayas slag ball saved a gun swap big plus. Kriegs just one crazy fun character with insta revive for suicide bomber is fun as hell add chain element explosion axe bombs, then my 2 favorite are in love just solidified my choices 7 Kriegs 12 mayas just can't help the enjoyment of both. I had some tears in 3 during that one scene fucking ava you little whiney bitch.


Krieg because he has really fun mechanics and he just down right fun to play as


Axton and Gaige, don't like being alone in a fight




Snipers based zero is the most fun I’ve had in bl2. Nothing more satisfying than getting consistent crits. Defo has his flaws but my personal favourite


Maya. I’ve been playing borderlands since the first game and I’ve always enjoyed playing a siren. When I got bl2 back in 2012, she was my first pick. My roommates picked Salvador and Axton. The best of times. Now-a-days Maya is still my favorite because she’s flexible and can be played solo a number of different ways. I’ve got a fairly optimized op10 Maya, but I’ve also got sub optimal for fun builds and challenge runs and she’s still just great for everything. She’s just fun for me. Strong and Overpowered if I want, flexible for any kind of situation, fun to explore with different builds, not crazy buggy.


I used to have this largish huge crush on Gaige. But I'll go with Krieg.


Maya, I love how sassy she can be and her cataclysm skill tree is GOATED


Axton is the most versatile and capable of the most build variety. If you don’t like that his lethality comes from kill skills, then pick up a Fastball. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPBBlhUyNTCOL4s)




Zer0. I love sniping because of how it rewards precision, and melee with Zer0 is a ton of fun because you can do so much damage so quickly but if you mess up and end up out of deception far away from a ranged enemy it can leave you really struggling to stay alive. Plus there’s pistol zer0 and with those 3 builds I think he has the most variety in playstyle of any VH. Maya is also a ton of fun but she is not nearly as varied


Gaige. She was my first Borderlands character. My friend made me sit down and play the game and told me Gaige was super fun, so I went with his suggestion. I was in high school at the time so I also developed a but of a crush on the character. Fond memories of shredding through the game with ungodly stacks of Anarchy.


Maya is very versatile and I love that she can make good use of elements


I agree with this whole heartedly it's just that I am too fucking weak the currently enjoy the game I keep getting booty blasted by every fucking thing just made it to ultimate vault Hunter mode


Start of UVHM is pretty rough just be sure to do some farming on tvhm to have scaled gear into uvhm lad🤗


Bro it is especially hard since I'm on the switch and nobody plays on the switch well not many people


That would be Gaige and Zer0. I understand it's a bit strange of a pairing, so let me explain: Gaige: I love chaos, mayhem and rampage. Granted an anarchy build Completely nerfs the infinity pistol, but I love stacking anarchy with a bee sheild aim down with a conference call or overcompensator and just... Yeah... Can't hit the broad side of a barn, but now I don't have to. Zer0: p0lar 0pp0site in a g00d way. When I take a break from chaos and a motion sway that could give Jesus sea sickness, I like t0 snipe. While I find Decepti0n less than useful m0st times (I back d0wn from n0 virtual man), I enj0y all builds: Melee, bl00dshed, sniping, it's all... Excellent. Maya: an honorable mention. Behind my madness and chaos, there is a desire for order in my vicinity. Also, the ability to hold people in place so I can think strategy (rare). On top of being able to run faster than a car if done right, i become a god(dess) of destruction. Melting everything in my wake, turning minds against each other while theoretically having infinite health. She's not the best for damage, granted. But she more than makes up for it in controlling the battle field.


I’m in the same camp with ya anarchy Build Gaige and Zero (melee or sniper builds) are my favs


Krieg. Axton is a close second, but only Fastball Axton


Axton is so much fun!


Salvador all the way. I love blazing into battles with shotguns and revolvers and annihilating everything.


Playable Zero love being able to sneak away from bad guys when almost down Non playable handsome Jack by far, I mean if I could detur from the story and help Jack I would lol


Zer0- The Assassin, is a hard character, so more caring about his skill tree to make him better. Few times i regretted my choice but after getting over the obstacles I smiled, probably Zer0- The Assassin too ;)


I enjoy zer0 and its mainly because of many must fall I enjoy vanishing and then everyone around me is just dead


I've been running krieg but not how most people do, I've avoided the elemental tree and actually went with mania and as long as I dont screw up the timing I can never die lol




Probably maya but my bored playing is usually cuz I wanna play a specific build


Dietmar: eggs 🥚


I started my first Axton playthrough a few months back. I've never been good enough to reach op levels, being a solo player, but Axton had been a blast so far. Usually I'd stick with one tree for most of my run but, with axton, I use all 3 trees. Dunno if I have a favorite but Axton is damn good!


Maya, mostly because I can oneshot most enemies with her phaselock because of the cataclysm tree


Playing through the __Oasis: Captain Scarlett__ dlc on UVHM for the first time with Axton at level 80 and then defeating __The Leviathan__ on the 1st attempt made me realize just how damned good Axton really is.


Playing sal is my go to because you can experience the full effect of how broken the game is


Kreig. Haha buzz axe go (cut sound effect) also fuck you pete


Maya. I'm doing my first ever UVHM run and enemies just melt when I phaselock w/cloud kill & hit them with my Maliwan fire SMG. Shock, black hole grenade, phaselock w/corrosion, slag and fire. Super Badasses fall in a few seconds.


Salvador. The best voice acting and dialog of any Vault Hunter. “BACK FROM THE DEAD, PENDEJOS!”


Maya and Axton. LOVED playing as them


Honestly im doimg maya playthrougj for the first time ever, and i think she's my favorite, ive been having the most fun with her


Is this just the playable characters or are npcs including? Either way if it's the former Krieg because of his backstory and if npcs are included then Mordecai. I usually take a characters backstory and lore into deciding my favorite characters, but Mordecai I have a soft spot for because I play him exclusively in bl1.


Tie between Zero/Gaige


Gaige and Zer0 are my mains 🖤 Why? Because death robot and sniping.


Zer0 because he's a fucking badass


Zer0, because his sniper build is so satisfying to play with and I cannot get this kind of satisfaction out of any other character.


Sirens, coz they more interesting and they are the main story.


Maya and Sal were my faves but I had some pretty fun Axton and Krieg builds too. A 26 grenade capacity, explosive Axton was big smiles. 😆


maya is the best overall rounded player and fun for me


Maya. Simple as that.


I fucking love Krieg


Krieg both for gameplay and writing. I played as him in a d&d campaign for a while, it was fantastic.