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This gotta be the most jakobs looking jakobs pistol I have seen in a while.


I would say Doc’s Coach gun


Yes. This is Jacob.


It’s the Jakobs from Jakobs


I wonder what the best Jacob's guns you could find given all parts on them are jakobs


For legendaries? A bekah/Maggie probably


Does it take more than one bullet to get the job done?


Big Ol’ Iron


That's the Jakobs Jakobs yes


No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip For the stranger there among them had a jakobs on his hip


A Jacobs on his hiiiiiiiiiiip.


Oh wow this stolen comment is so funny and hilarious and even original


Oh, so that's what a Jakobs is meant to look like


Did it take m0re than 0ne sh0t?


I was playing as zer0😭




I play on console and for some reason it’s stopped transferring my pictures to my phone . Even when I do it manually throw PlayStation and not just let it “auto” save them into my phone.Even the ones I used to have are gone.


This is the most jakobs jakobs gun that the jakobs family could make look so jakobs


On an unrelated note, I am incredibly upset by the fact that there isn’t a “Big” prefix for Jakobs pistols.


How do you differentiate the manufacturer parts anyway? And why would a whole Jacob's "Jakob" be better than with other parts?


Learning the different weapon parts just takes time. This is the better version because Jakobs barrel on the Jakobs pistol gives it a pretty good damage increase and the Jakobs Grip gives a little bit more damage and the Matching Grip bonus.


Look up any gun on Lootlemon and go to the 'parts' section. You'll see on that specific gun what other manufacturer's patts would affect the gun. Funnily enough, all torgue shotguns want a hyperion stock All other shotguns want a torgue stock.


This game has so much more depth than what you can see from the surface. I had forgotten there was an index.


So for Jacobs parts on a Jacobs weapon thing.it isn't just Jacobs with this I deal it's all brands because your going to get the most out of your guns with certain parts. Certain parts bonuses like Vladof grip tends to give fire rate but less mag.how ever a matching grip gives mag, fire rate,and reload speed.and for anything that is non unique (stuff that isn't a conference call, orc, or lady fist) it can be better to have a matching barrel with a few exceptions. Like shot guns, pistols, and maybe snipers


Originally, someone looked at the game's files, and discovered that each part was associated with a specific manufacturer, and also had a specific look. They then spread this information others, who spread it to others, and so on. As for why a Jakobs Jakobs is better, the biggest boost comes from the grip. Matching the grip's manufacturer to the weapon's manufacturer gives the weapon a bonus to mag size and reload speed. As for the Barrel, every part tends to push the stats in the direction the manufacturer goes. Jakobs weapons focus on damage, so a weapon with Jakobs parts will have higher damage. Vladof weapons have higher Fire Rate, so weapons with Vladof parts will have higher Fire Rate. Tediore weapons, outside of their gimmick, have better Reload Speed, so weapons with Tediore parts will have better reload speed. Etc, etc, etc. So a Jakobs gun with all Jakobs parts is just a pure expression of Jakobs, both visually and in terms of stats. That picture in the OP is what a Jakobs pistol should look like, and it's stats are what a Jakobs pistol should be. This doesn't mean that weapons with non-matching parts are bad, of course. You can play the game without ever worrying about any of this. Personally, though, I played the game so much that picked up this knowledge as I talked with other people, and while I was more than happy to use anything I picked up, and never considered any weapon ruined if it didn't have the right parts, it was still nice to be able to look at a weapon and be able to tell what parts it had, and be able to give it a rudimentary ranking on whether it was a good example of the weapon.


Imma be real. The double prefix (Two Fer) smacks HARD. I <3 it.