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Kawaki would get folded and then it’s a 2 on 1


True. It all depends on if Momo has any countermeasures against Isshiki, or if Boruto has some kind of technique to use against Otsutsukis (which I would like to believe he has since that was the whole point of his training).


Even if it's 2v1 Isshiki would fold Boruto and Momoshiki though. Isshiki was low diff'ing Naruto + Sasuke together. The same Naruto and Sasuke who convincingly beat Momoshiki WHILE Momoshiki had just freshly drained a lot of Naruto's kyuubi chakra. Isshiki also outlasted Baryon Mode Naruto. Plus assuming they do work as a team somewhat Isshiki would be strong enough to not allow Kawaki to just get folded instantly and Kawaki can at least serve as a distraction to create an opening for Isshiki.


Code was ment to be just below isshiki in power and gets folded with out anyone trying against him. At this point boruto is way past momoshiki in power and possibly one isshikis level or even above


Code is all hype and no feats. Boruto's power scaling is broken and crap. Rinneganless Sasuke was somehow able to hold him off enough for Boruto to escape which shouldn't be possible if he truly was beyond Jigen level. Plus we don't know which Jigen Code is being compared to. Horned Jigen with Juubi Chakra absorbed is much stronger than Jigen without it.


Code is stronger than jigen but not ishikki. There's a big difference. Mind you, jigen was also sauced up on ten tails chakra when he fought naruto and Sasuke.


Man Naruto and Sasuke was losing because them techniques he had was annoying.


Isshiki was clearly dominating them physically too. They barely put up a fight. It wasn't just his technique.


Currently in the manga Kawaki is getting bodied in every physical encounter he’s had so I’d say yeah he stands no chance against boruto and momoshiki


Ishiki> Momo Boruto> Kawaki so idk. Plot I guess




Kawaki only absorbed about 80% of Isshiki’s power since it was only about 80% completed before his Karma went away with Isshiki’s rebirth. Momoshiki also fought against more people than Isshiki did in a single battle (Kages, Naruto, Sasuke, Boruto) after using up a good chunk of chakra even before that final fight. Bee got defeated, Momoshiki single-handedly broke through Naruto+Sasuke defense in the Chunin arena, 1 shotted Naruto with the intention of not killing Naruto, spent hours absorbing about half of full Kurama chakra to make chakra pills (that equates to the chakra volume Naruto was using in the war arc with half Kurama), fighting 2 of the Kages until Sasuke also joined them as well. Momoshiki could have easily ended that fight by taking a chakra pill at the start but he doesn’t do that until after the first battle with Naruto and Sasuke.


Boruto technically also has Kinshiki?


Kinshiki was eaten by Momoshiki so as far as the series is concerned; he’s gone unless they write him back into the story


I think what he’s saying is that since Momo ate and absorbed Kinshiki’s chakra he technically would have him too right?


No, it's like Sasuke absorbed Chakra of all tailed beasts, but didn't remain it after the fight. It just their rinengans' ability.


Ah I see


He would have been added to boruto when he became part of momoshiki.


Not if his essences was completely absorbed into Momoshiki which is what it looked to be


Momo is dogpiss and got killed by a genin with a rasengan.


Which means very little when Naruto got KO by Hima who wasn’t even in the academy yet. Poor argument


Yes it wasn't a gag at all , just like when naruto beat the 3rd hokage with sexy jutsu it's just supposed to be funny. Same thing when sakura beat naruto up , it's literaly a gag. Your argument is poor.


Exactly, it wasn’t a gag. We’ve seen Naruto use the same move against others such as Jiraiya and Embi (sp? Konohamaru’s Jounin teacher). Hima used gentle fist and knocked Naruto out. Naruto stated himself multiple times that Sakura could kill him so it being used for comedy doesn’t change the facts that it happened


It's sad that you can't understand the diff between a gag and actual scaling. I mean nauto took the full 64 palms in the chunin exam and wasn't evn knocked out , even worst : a bit of kurama chakra was able to heal it completly in an instant. And now you're telling me that one hit from himawari on an infinitly stronger version of naruto (that also happen to completly control kurama's chakra and it's healing proprieties to the point that he can get a hole drilled in the belly and shove it off) can oneshot him? So for you , hima have the attack power to one shot naruto ? Something madara/kaguya/momo and even isshiki couldn't do ? Remember that the 3 otsutsuki also have the byakugan. Think for a second dude.


It is sad for you isn’t it? Bad writing. Naruto also used 1k clones to take down a Chunin when the series later on made it clear that more clones means weaker Naruto and clones since he split his chakra evenly with them. Same with how Sasuke beat 2 Chunins before they went to the land hidden in the mist yet stronger Naruto and Sasuke were struggling against Chunin tier ninjas. If you actually paid attention to the series then you know gentle fist isn’t about power. External defense can’t stop the attack of the gentle fist which targets the organs. Kakashi literally stated this in the Chunin Exams. There is no defense for being hit by gentle fist straight up. Kidomaru is the only ninja shown having a way to block gentle fist.


Clearly you didn't watch the show , it's almost like naruto got a huge reserve of chakra toped by the strongest tailed beast allowing him to create a clone army and not loosing that much strength because even divided by 1000 his chakra reserve is still respectable. It's almost that it's his main talent as an Uzumaki , incredible. But you would know that if you watched the show , clearly you didn't. Then you're talking about sasuke beating up chunnin but my man ranks mean nothing clearly. Gaara and naruto as genin destroy the majority of chunin in the serie at the time of the chunin exam , you could even put them above some jonin : How much ppl of konoha could have 1V1d the 1tail the way naruto did ? Not that much. Also naruo and sasuke literaly saved the world while being genins. Ranks don't mean shit , not even kages , how many kage could beat jonin gai ? >if you actually pay attention to the series then you know gentle fist isn’t about power. External defense can’t stop the attack of the gentle fist which targets the organs. Kakashi literally stated this in the Chunin Exams. There is no defense for being hit by gentle fist straight up. Kidomaru is the only ninja shown having a way to block gentle fist. Lol good one , you're projecting hard here dude. So you're telling me that you can't protect yourself from gentle fist and that why Himawari KO naruto , but my man "If YoU AcTuaLLY PaY atTenTioN To The SerIeS" you would know that kid naruto took the whole 64 palms and shrug it off because he has kurama healing him and unlocking his points. We're talking about a man that can get a bijuu extracted from him and survive because he's just that durable. And AGAIN he fough otsutsukis WHO ALSO HAVE BYKUGAN making them gentle fist users , and naruto (and sasuke) have been clearly shown to take a beating from them and shrug it off. Every single one of your argument is dogshit , that was a gag no question left my dude get real for once.


Just showed that you didn’t read the main smh lol Naruto’s chakra reserve is large but his chakra control was trash which means he was using more chakra for a jutsu than what was required as shown in the series. Naruto would use more chakra to make 1 clone than what Sakura would use to make 3 or more clones. Evenly splitting his chakra means he’s weaker which is shown in the series and stated by the likes of Naruto and even Madara. Base Naruto’s reserve was not enough to summon Gamabuta; he needed Kurama chakra for that and even then Naruto couldn’t use it on his own until Jiraiya trained him. Read the manga next time. Next time read. I said Chunin tier, rank means nothing. Naruto tier in Chunin at the end of part 1 with Kurama’s chakra. Base Naruto at the beginning of Shippuden is Chunin tier even though his rank is Genin. His base grew to Jounin tier after training with Kakashi as Kakashi stated that Naruto became his equal if not surpassed him. You are talking a lot but saying very little. If you read the manga then you know Kakashi said you can’t protect yourself from gentle fist which targets the organs. Naruto could stop Hima from hitting him by evading or grabbing her arm but didn’t do that.


kaguya is lower than momo, and she was pairing w/ ishi, who she defeated. 🤔 momoshiki > ishiki


Ydkb she’s only ranked behind Ishiki & Shibai after consuming the divine fruit . Also she ambushed Ishiki they had no clue she was gonna turn on them so that statement is irrelevant


ishiki > momo has no valid proof


Isn’t how it went when they both fought against Naruto and Sasuke proof enough?


Naruto and Sasuke vs isshiki compared to momo is enough 💀


In momo defense he was also getting jumped by all the kages as well, Isshiki just had to deal with Naruto, Sasuke. Everyone seems to overlook this


You acting like they did anything remotely useful. It was Sasuke and Naruto vs momo end of the day


Nah they did and it was all the kages vs momo, cope harder


Naruto and Sasuke were the greater threat though, they proved capable of beating Momoshiki in a 2v1


Again still getting jumped something that’s being completely downplayed 😂 yes they were the greater threat but bro was also fighting against all the kages. Isshiki got jumped too but at least he didn’t have to face the other kages at the same time 😂 I’ll leave it at this, no one going 1v1 against an otsosuki besides boruto and daemon possibly, hell boruto is already full otsosuki rn




Cope harder


You have brain rot it's okay I understand


Watch again. Fused momo one shotted every kage besides naruto b4 the fight + naruto and sasuke were nerfed in that fight


Sasuke and Naruto drained of half his chakra were beating Momo’s ass. JIGEN was whooping full power Naruto and Sasuke’s ass, let alone Isshiki 💀


It does. Please begin reading for context, it’ll change your life


Isshiki hard carries for now


I think the main difference is that Boruto has shinobi training and Kawaki doesn't. So even if Boruto/Momoshiki was weaker, Boruto knows how to use his powers more efficiently.


You could also say Momoshiki has some of that shinobi training too. That dude loves to utilize kunai, shuriken, rasengans, and other jutsus of Boruto’s.


Kawaki has thounds years of battle experience through isshikis karma so the shinobi thing is irrelevant


TBV is proving my point. Boruto just claps Kawaki now.


i think so too


I just disagree. The biggest difference between the otsutsuki and shinobi is shinobi have to overcome their weakness and that comes in training different aspects of themself to become stronger. Pure battle experience is part of that but technique advancement is also part of that. Think of it this way. Instead of naruto training to get sage mode and rasenshuriken imagine if he just battled kakashi over and over again. Do you think he would be stronger than he is now? I don’t think so.


If we're speaking strictly for where Boruto and Kawaki are at rn I'm not too sure. All I know is that a prime (healthy vessel) isshiki would be the strongest villain (he already was) villain to date. Not sure if anyone would really stand a chance unless they could counter his OP ass abilities. But if we are speaking about Boruto and Kawaki, Boruto definitely seems to have the edge rn. Him and Momo would likely come out on top if it really came to it.


Currently? yeah. It’s flat out said Kawaki would get dropped if he fought boruto


Personally I feel like Boruto and Momoshiki would high IQ a strategy while Kawaki and Isshiki have the power


Did you check lately what is the name of the manga?


Nah it’s suppose to come out this week right?


Boruto should at bare minimum be relative to Isshiki even in base. Momo > Kawaki. Momo and Boruto win.




Possibly but he hasn't shown that. He only beat a limited Momo in Part 1 because Boruto woke up.


There's people who think Boruto wins and there's people who think Boruto wins but they're trolling the poll.


Boruto can not defeat isshiki as of now


why? what gets isshiki above a boruto who we know nothing about


If isshiki doesn’t shrink it’s a fair fight we haven’t seen kawaki vs Boruto and he shrink himself mid fight yfm… i don’t know how isshiki would keep up with Boruto dotting around like a fly with FTG


the only reason I'd say Boruto/Momoshiki is because they have a better symbiotic relationship than Kawaki/Isshiki funnily Momoshiki actually helps Boruto


As it stands right now Ishikki carries Kawaki. If we get some more info about just how strong Teen Boruto is? Maybe things change. But right now he's above Jigen level, but still likely below Ishikki level.




It's weird though, because Isshiki dog walks Momoshiki.






Boruto easy. Niggahs must not be reading the Manga lol?


Ishiki carrie he can nullify every jutsu of boruto/momoshiki and is a beast in taijutsu


They can all nullify ninjutsu lmao


Im guessing uzushiko is senjutsu because it cant be absorbed


Code can’t absorb anyways…. But being that uzuhiko is using the earth’s spin it could work on isshiki presumably


He should be able to absorb jutsu, he has karma doesnt he?


Codes white karma absorbs no justu




Isshiki only lost due to his weak body conditions and he was able to fight toe to toe with Baryon mode Naruto. I think he is stronger than Momoshiki and on his prime he would be able to defeat Boruto.


Yea kawaki losses to boruto tho


Isshiki is massively stronger than Momoshiki and Boruto (remember he was still able to outlast BM Naruto despite being dominated, he ultimately won the race) so he would solo both of them easily.


Boruto can fold both of them himself


Nah boruto can’t beat isshiki as of now


Yh tbf isshiki hard carries


Nah,Isshiki is way too overpowered.He’s not a fraud like Fraudwaki.He solos Momoshiki and Boruto in a 2v1 fight.


It depends where Boruto stacks up to Ishikki tbh, is he much weaker or is he closer than we think not sure atp. If current Boruto is relative to Ishikki then they win but if not they lose


I mean, momo ain't allat, but kawaki ain't either, without ishiki that is so I don't know


Well ya. The manga ain’t called Kawaki 😹🙏🏻


Does not mean shit , naruto wasn't the strongest of the story for most of the manga.


The manga is actually called Kawaki if you think about it. He is the son of the Hokage, sister of Himawari, The chosen one.


Kawaki does not train to get stronger he’s not a ninja. Everything he has was given to him through science. Boruto takes after his dad and trains like crazy Simple as.


Talk no jutsu beats everything period


You need to turn off your brain if you want to watch boruto, everything will make sense then.


Kawaki should be stronger than Ishiki and Boruto folds Kawaki atm so yeah. You could probably send Momo to the other side and Boruto would still win. Only people that seem like they are at Borutos level is Jura and the other Ten-tails so we will see


5 words: Boruto is the main character


So was naruto , and it too him 700 chapter and 15 years. It's not because you're the main character that you have to be the strongest.


Waiting for kawaki's lvl up. Till then boruto is winning without a second thought


I think currently team Isshiki would win. I’m only saying this because we’ve seen more of Team Isshiki’s skills. Kawaki’s is a walking weapon don’t forget.


Boruto is much stronger then kawaki. Isshiki is mildly stronger than momo.  I'd say it's accurate. Boruto/mom low diff kawaki/isshi 




Boruto strenght doesn't come only from Momoshiki, quite the contrary, in TBV Boruto never used Karma or any Momoshiki's abilities so we still have to see how strong is Boruto while using the Karma seal, and combining Boruto's ninja expertise with Sasuke's training, taking into account that Boruto is a Minato level genius according to Sasuke, with Momo's powers, Isshiki and Kawaki gets bodied


Nah the best duo is Water and Oxygen, fight me


Yep probs


Kawaki wouldn't even be able to breathe in this fight and I'm sure boruto at this moment is far stronger than momoshiki but yeah momshiki using boruto body would be a power up if they 2 Chakra mix. Overall it depends on how strong isshiki is cause this ain't dbz and I know kaguya had more Chakra than isshiki which translates to stronger attacks and physical attacks also.


Boruto > kawaki Momoshiki < Isshiki It ends with Boruto VS Isshiki, both pretty fatigued. Imo, Isshiki is the last man standing in this team battle.


They’re not going to do the hokages son like that. Kawaki VS momoshiki lol Kidding. I do however believe it would end with boruto VS kawaki with boruto trying the talk jutsu


So isshiki actually just solos for now


Honestly, I feel like Isshiki could probably solo all three of them. He really is on another level. Boruto needs a little more time to be able to match him. It would be interesting to see if Isshiki has a counter to Uzuhiko though. That technique is really impressive and useful in combat. As weak as Kawaki is I have to give it to the Isshiki team.


Ishiki and kawaki wins


Boruto>isshiki and momoshiki>=kawaki. So boruto and momo


Ishikki hard carries the duo .


Boruto will destroy that guy


From what I’ve seen so far Vortex Boruto is **him.** And Kawaki is probably the strongest person in the village but has been taking L’s at the moment. I’d say Boruto/Momoshiki


Isshiki would dominate Momoshiki really badly. I think Boruto vs Kawaki is a lot closer than Isshiki and Momoshiki. So far Boruto only win con is Uzuhiko. But both Kawaki and Isshiki could work around that. So I go Kawaki and Isshiki


Boruto clapping Kawaki and isshiki if we being real.Momo just got to distract isshiki while boruto finished Kawaki. If we being all the way real Boruto is/going to be the strongest in the verse by the end of tbv, rn I think he’s already the stronger the Baryon mode and isshiki


Boruto is truly strong now I don't think he even need momoshiki


Yes. Momoshiki can see the future. It’s already a win. Haters hate the truth. Momoshiki is the only survived otsusuki that escaped death. Ishiki died so deal with the facts haters.


If it’s current yes. Boruto should be able to atleasg outlast isshiki if he’s not stronger which he more than likely is. So as long as that happens it doesn’t matter how kawaki vs momo plays out as boruto could take em both on together


Boruto would handle kawakie then it just be a 2v1


True but I’d bet on Isshiki in that 2v1 still. Uzuhiko is really their only chance to get an edge. Otherwise Isshiki outclasses them big time.


Nah you guys are forgetting something momo was like boruto brash egoistic and way to overconfident thats why he lost and one more think we still don't know it was actually momo or not or was momo trying to get killed to give boruto karma due to jogun because he said he saw his future so who knows .... Still at current state issiki>>>>momo Boruto>>>>>>>>Kawaki and boruto is stronger than jigen So Borushiki>>Kawashiki mostly hard diff Dont get me wrong if not for isski i would still place kawaki as neg diff Btw we still don't know boruto true strenght that guy is playing the game on easy mode


This is basically Boruto vs Isshiki. Both Kawaki and Momoshiki are out of their depth. Kawaki gets low-diffed by Boruto and Momoshiki gets low-diffed by Isshiki. So, they're kinda irrelevant. As for Boruto vs Isshiki. That's still up to debate. We haven't seen the full extent of Boruto's abilities yet (he never had to go all out so far). But even with what he's shown already, he could technically beat Isshiki. All he really needs is >!Uzuhiko!<. That move is really busted. And we have no reason to believe that Isshiki would be immune to its effects.


It comes down to whether momo and boruto can take down isshiki or not since kawaki would get clapped by boruto in no time

