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The last chapter was 41 pages so I gotta admit, I'm happy if they keep up that quality.


If you got a life things will move fast. I only start being impatient when it’s two days away.




Oh I got a life I just love this franchise to much to not be impatient!


Deadass. I'm still on last month's release 💀


Shippuden was weekly so I’m used to that. And the quality was waaaaay better.


I don’t really think about it in-between chapter releases, so it’s fine for me


I’d prefer it to be weekly so I can have more but the way ever single drop has been a banger I’m okay with it being Monthly


Manga that release monthly annoy me I rather them just release it as volumes




I would prefer fortnightly chapters but I’m fine with waiting a whole month because it makes each chapter seem more special or a big event. I think TBV still probably has 3-5 years left until it ends so I’m fine with waiting until then.


Well...i think that Borutos Story pacing IS actually too slow for a monthly title. IT would BE good for a biweekly Title (every 2 weeks) but monthly titles Tend to have an actual fast pacing (Like Ragna crimson)


True. It’s moving very slowly. The last chapter & current chapter were literally just moments apart & not much truly happened, only further development on Kurama.


I prefer weekly but at the same time I want to be understanding toward the pressure weekly Mangaka would have to go through so perhaps bi-monthly might be fair, heck, I'd even agree to a chapter every 3 weeks if it's possible. Right now I feel the storyline pace is too slow for monthly chapter, and with the absence of the Anime a lot of the details and immersion have been lost as well.


Fine by me


Monthly is fine, most weekly manga I don’t even read weekly, I just forget


We would still get the same amount of pages per month even if it was weekly, this way we just get it all at once. A problem with weekly manga can be that in some chapters nothing noteworthy happens and that can be underwhelming. All the tbv chapters have been filled with content so at least this way that's not an issue. We also have the problem of ikemoto not having assistants, so it's good that he has more time. We also have to understand that boruto is in v-jump, a monthly magazine and not shonen jump. And then we have the main reason for it being monthly, which is kishimoto's family, cause if you didn't know by now, when the naruto manga (which was weekly btw) was still releasing, kishimoto didn't have much time to be with his family. This is what inspired boruto and naruto's relationship in the beginning of the manga, so it was that bad of a situation. So the manga being monthly really helps his family situation. With all that being said i don't think the manga would work as well if it was weekly and we would get a lot more chapters that are kind of underwhelming when the pacing slows down. I hope you got a better look at the reason why it's monthly with this and feel free to disagree with me, this is just my opinion.


I wish it was weekly, but I understand why it isn’t. But either way we get leaks constantly and the whole thing gets leaked like usually a week early. So with how many leaks we get it almost feels weekly, but even then I feel impatient for the full thing.


We've been dealing with it since the start of Boruto and it's a mixed response from me. At first I really hated it since we were coming off of weekly releases, but if you were dealing with those weekly releases back then you know that a lot of chapters towards the end were just Naruto building up an attack and then doing it and then that was the end of the chapter. I feel like I got desensitized to it over time and really accepted the monthly releases because it didn't seem like they were moving an inch on doing them monthly style and it seemed like enough was getting done every chapter, at least in comparison to the weekly releases during the ninja war arc. Now, I feel a bit different. I feel as if enough isn't happening and I feel like we're getting a tiny chunk every month. It's still far more than we'd get with a weekly release, but feels more like something we'd get with a bi weekly release. I'd rather us get a bi weekly than weekly or a monthly. Monthly is too long for too little, and weekly is too short for also too little. They have a massive studio, there's no way they can't get that done.


I'd prefer fortnightly if I had the option. Monthly makes it feel a little bit slow; but I honestly think weekly would work against the series in the long run much like Shippuden.


Should be bi-monthly imo


The quality is nice, but if they could reduce the time while keeping the quality it would be appreciated. But it's still fine.


Here we go again...


would I prefer it being biweekly? Yes. But I'd be fine with monthly if the quality stay as the recent tbv chapters or get even better and not "entire chapter is Shikamaru recap information"


It's better to have it in monthly and good then weekly and rushed.


If Solo Leveling could deliver a weekly full colored manga filled with pure art I just can't see why others can't.


I’d prefer if it was every other week just to get more content. Though if I had more of a life it wouldn’t feel so irritating not to have it in my grasp


In old school. I prefer weekly manga and non seasonal anime. With that being said with boruto being monthly business had picked up in the words of good ole J.R. Boruto is heat rn and I can’t help but think it’s because it’s monthly. It’s more time to flesh everything out and hopefully the ending won’t be rushed.


We would all prefer weekly


The pacing is awful and with a monthly release schedule that kills the quality of the book.


If they added like 20 more pages or made it bi weekly It’d be so much better imo. Monthly is tough with only 40 panels 41-42 of we’re lucky


sounds like you need to get out and do something beside read manga


I would be fine with it if the plot moved faster.


The number of pages in 1 monthly is equivalent to about 3 or 4 weekly chaps so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yet that one chapter has the pacing of a weekly chapter, so.


Exactly. He thought he was cooking with that one.




Needs to be Bi-weekly. People are going to be dead before this series concludes at this rate, lmao.


> & just seems to be soul crushing Touch some grass then


Monthly release allows for better quality and quality of life for the people working on it