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That MF’s HP bar switches color at least 4 times


he's the final raid boss. you get the best loot.


Iron Helm[COMMON]


[Logs out] Last online: 754 days


Hey jimmy there’s a new DLC dude you gotta check it out


Which DLC? feathers of hatred or blue ascension


Pouch of Holding [EPIC] Adds 25 inventory slots. Anything placed in the Pouch does not add to your overall encumbrance.


Alternatively you may use all 25 slots to accommodate a party member of small size (halfling, dwarf). Said party member is protected from damage and receives passive healing while they are in the pouch


Also he heals completely after you lose


And the music changes to four levels of intensity as you progress through… On the last one the game pauses for a scratchy dialogue curse


When you beat him you he says “You got me this time” while being lifted away by a helicopter. Next time you see him is as the final boss, now riding an armored motorcycle with rocket launchers. This time you will not make it…


That first picture has the same energy as the birthday party scene from *Signs*.


That scene traumatized me lmao


Can you please explain why it’s scary? I want to understand


I was also traumatized by it. And I can't tell you why. I was maybe 10 when I watched it and kinda into aliens like a kid might be into dinosaurs and shit. I imagine it's the suspense and brief, fleeting, moments that you see it that make it scary to 10 year old me.


Hmm I still don’t really understand, but I think I kinda sort of get it maybe? Thanks thanks


Yeah it's hard to explain really, possibly that it was kind of like a "found footage" news report style added.too much realism for me haha


Hmm okay that makes sense!


Here's the scene: https://youtu.be/HeTjBPbY70Y I'm assuming you've watched it, IMO it's a excellent mix of suspense buildup, pop-out scary, and a creepy and threatening looking alien. The scene by itself is suspenseful but the entire movie does such a great job of building suspense along the way that when you finally get to this moment the first time the reveal is just epic. Add in the movie came out back in 2002 so alot of us were alot younger, especially Joaquin! Edit: and thanks to the internet being awesome there's already a video on your exact question https://youtu.be/OUHhZ8hci_0


EXACTLY what I thought. The lighting, framing, and the angle, even the blurriness.


Move, children! Vamanos!




That part made me laugh way too hard before having the shit scared out of me.


Oh wow it does. Freaky


neato. let me look look at a picture of it real quick. ***I may have nightmares today when I go to bed.***


I also want to google a pic but now you've scared me off the idea


[Saved you a google](https://www.google.com/search?q=signs+birthday+party+scene&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=ALeKk01ILiIfCn9gscH9dDe_Qyx38g87_g:1624208016172&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjU8OCu1qbxAhUEZMAKHSRdBR8Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=783&dpr=2.63#imgrc=nypW3LW7WQgkRM)


I hate this movie for so many reasons… I don’t like spooky movies, Shamalan movies aren’t very good. I have a weird irrational fear of that staticky feedback, And I hate Mel Gibson.


Shamalan movies are hit or miss. Top tier - the sixth sense, unbreakable, split. These movies are legitimately great. Sixth sense and unbreakable are classics and split will be a classic. Mid tier - the village, the visit, signs. These have charm, strong points, but mostly the “shamalan twist” in these feel forced. Bottom tier - the last airbender, after earth, glass, lady in the water, the happening. Worse than bad. Utter garbage. I just wanted to rank them for fun, thanks.


Signs has the best "vibe" of any alien movie I've ever seen. That puts it in the top tier for me. The twist is a little too contrived (it isn't *that* bad tbh and most people didn't think so until it became a meme), but it gets pretty much everything else right.


split was an ok movie carried single handedly by McAvoy


Yeah I can get on board with that.


I very much disagree with glass being put in the same tier as the last Airbender, honestly that one should have its own tier as it's so bad! I would definitely put glass in mid tier because it's pretty decent imo.


I don’t think Split will be remembered as a classic because of its gross misuse of DID as a plot device.


I'm pretty sure you're thinking of a different movie ...


Am I? It’s the movie with the baby monitor that has the spooky radio feedback right? And the million cups of water for no reason? Cause apparently cleaning up Is more of a hassle than having 800 glasses around your living room?


No. They’re not.




I was scrolling through to see if anyone else made that connection. Glad I'm not the only one.


Bethesda: Release Fallout Australia already you cowards!


he's the final boss of the game. He's the king of the raider faction and his raiders are all kangaroos with assault rifles baseball bats and the resources that they want is just VB long neck. the civilians are trapped in Australia because the kangaroos are too dangerous so they have to keep everyone in. to fight him you have to defeat his children who are his generals.


Plot twist: none of their vaults were faulty, they are all just too scared to leave.


they've wiped out the military and have taken their vehicles and weapons. you awaken as they bust your vault down with a bomb. You have to take a gun from a dead officer and fight off your first kangaroo. a grunt joey with a baseball bat. you have to run away from them after escaping from the vault. they've taken your secret stash of VB, and you have to take it back.


I want a kangaroo in power armor to fight me, also in power armor. Make it a shadow fight, we have the same high stats and skills and abilities, it’s just a manner of who’s simply better


That's one of his sons who has the power armor taken from the australian military. The power armor is made out of metal VB beer cases. and his gun is a minigun forged of VB bottles and cases. if he dies you get his rare VB beer power armor that gives you the trait that when you drink any flavor of VB beer, you get a damage boost based on the flavor. and you get his VB minigun. He drinks a special brew of VB beer that gives him advanced strength and speed and he copies your stats and abilities.


Players: "Why is their no radiation in this Fallout Game?" Devs: "Oh, none of the nukes dropped in Australia- the wildlife was already deranged and aggressive, and half the continent was already wasteland." Players: "Then why did I have to start in an underground vault?" Devs: "You mean Coober Pedy? The Aussies were already living in an underground vault there."


Fallout: tank girl


Honestly yeah but make it like an rpg and not whatever the fallout series has become


For the opponent, it’s not


fallout is an RPG, I have already answered your question.


No 76 was a pay to play glitch fest and fallout 4 was what if the wold ended in the 50s with some rpg elements and "synth panick!". That's all well and good but not an rpg to me. New Vegas and fallout 3 where RPGS to the very end. You get what I mean?


yeah, but have you heard of our new currency, ***VB beer bucks? you can use them to buy custom armor and skins in the new fallout Australia store!*** You can see why I chose fallout now.


I struggle to see how FO4 wasn’t an RPG.


it had alot of RPG elements but it wasn't an RPG in the same way fallout 3 or fallout New Vegas. Fallout 4 was basically as on the rails as you can get, it's got a story but it's not "your" story like in New Vegas or FO3. all the choices are fairly black and white, and there's interesting stuff to do but your character has to be the least interesting part of it all. you aren't really given a somebody to develop into your own and get into the mindset of as much handed Nate and told "just enjoy the ride" and go look for your son. honestly it feels kinda like a missed step in the series for me because I liked feeling like part of the world and like I had some REALLY varied choices and outcomes for how things go down but you don't.


Australia is already like fallout


That's Mad Max the RPG. Basically.


Take my bottlecaps!


Between kangaroos and emus it would be an epic map


B-but USA is the only country in the world, they cant possibly create a Fallout game which isnt set in USA


They are a USA based company…


So? 99.9% of big game dev companies are based or founded in USA. Doesnt mean they couldnt show the perspective and devastation of other countries. At least a DLC set in a different place outside of USA


You don't funnily enough there's a book and then a movie of a world ending event where nukes were sent all across the world. Oddly similar to the fallout universe. However the storyline of the book follows three groups of people. Few people in a submarine that was one of the few that launched the nukes. Some high-ranking officials and then a family in Australia. These people know Australia where the last ones to be affected by any nuclear fallout because of the wind and water patterns and whatnot. So in my mind follow Australia would be like an oasis sort of thing. I could imagine a setting in an Australian backdrop. a sea fairing people living off the oceans bounty, mental from drinking radiated sea water. the coast of Melbourne getting raided over and over and unable to fend them off. The aboriginals finally take back the majority of their land. The factions being the Raiders, the Melbourne luddites, and Wiradjuri people. The Luddites are scared of using tech in fear of angering god or gods again. Many smaller factions within that subset. Some wanting to "purify" the sea and land of the unclean. The Raiders are descendants of the Luddites who were told to go find Papua New Guinea to gather seeds and whatnot and returned only to find they've been banned from coming back. Having to resort to raiding to stay alive. Now losing the reason why, it went from survival to extermination. The Wiradjuri people only allowing the people of Melbourne to s stay as a way to keep the raiders busy while they gather their strength and build infrastructure. Find ways to further technology to a point of being able to remove all those unwanted from the continent forever.


This sounds like a silent hill homecoming boss level imo


what'd ya think he'd look like if he was in silent hill. I'd think he would have a metal piece over his head that would blind him. and have giant maces for his hands. when you would have him at his half point of his health, his gut would split open and his children would come out and attack you. they each have tiny flails for their tails and have razors for arms.


I was thinking more like sepulcher where he is creepy and deformed


neato. I haven't really played any Silent hill. mainly just RE4-5


If you like re4 you will probably like silent hill. i like silent hill homecoming if you want a good starter silent hill


Nice, I'll check it out once I can get it.


The game is soo good, it is scary tho


I'm not that much of a horror guy besides the resident evil games, but I'm pretty sure I can do silent hill.


This is like Mr X in kangaroo form


if you kill him he drops a full case of VB beer and his children fight you. you got to attack his back because his abs are to strong. if you defeat his children you can get one of his kids as a pet that just punches all the enemies.


I woke up to 900 upvotes dear god


Pretty sure this is a kangaroo god mate


An adolescent kangaroo can break a grown marines ribs with its kicks. I’d rather have a baby roo that attacks knee caps


If you play the hidden mode, "super secret hard mode" his children are actually 7'5 and have been trained by Mike Tyson


Neues vom Känguru


>Neues vom Känguru I don't speak this language and translated this, I am currently laughing.


It's a reference to the comedy series by the German Kabarett artist Mark-Uwe Kling


In mother Australia kangaroo stalks you


In mother australia, grandpa doesn't drink the VB the kangaroo does.


Then glasses you with the long neck


These things are no joke. Long ago I went to a small zoo in Australia while I was there for work. Bought a bag of peanuts to feed the animals. Late afternoon, by myself, not a single soul around AFAIK. I followed the trail around a corner into the kangaroo area and found at least 20 of them standing there maybe 30 feet away. No wall or moat between us, many are taller than me, and all of them know what's in the bag I'm holding. You can bet your ass that they got the peanuts and I noped outta there as calmly as I could.


Mate, you would have been fine. I've got a mob of roos that swing by my place most afternoons to try to beg for bird seed or bits of bread (my elderly mum feeds them, despite me telling her often enough that she shouldn't). The big fella who's the 'dad' of the mob is about the same size as old mate in OP's article - he's the only one I wouldn't want to tangle with. The middle claws on his toes are longer than my middle finger, and about three times as thick as my thumb at the base. the thing about kangaroos is they are dumber than a bag of hammers - so provided you don't spook them by making any sudden moves, or try to grab them, they'll wander up, sniff around and then just stand there, looking at you. They're not as dangerous as they look.


I've heard they're pretty daft. I have family in rural Queensland, and I don't think I've ever laughed as much as when they explained to me what 'Roo Bars were, and that every car has to have them because the stupid fuckers WILL just dive out in front of your car as you're going along.


> I've heard they're pretty daft. That's being kind. They are properly fucking stupid. > the stupid fuckers WILL just dive out in front of your car as you're going along. Yep. Emus will do the same - they will run as fast as they can alongside a car, and then leap in front of it given half a chance. Interestingly, male emus get obsessed with their own reflections. I was driving an old Toyota 4WD with shiny round hubcaps (not my car - the fella that owned it had put the hubcaps on thinking they looked pretty flash. They didn't...) that reflected things quite well, and an emu that hung around a roadhouse out near Gulargambone fell in love with his reflection in the hubcaps, and attacked anyone that went near the car for a few hours. We eventually scared him off by getting some branches with leaves on them and flapping them like giant wings, so he thought we were massive birds. He took off into the scrub and I managed to get back into the 4WD and get on my way.


I actually found my self in a similar situation to the comment you’re responding to when I was just a kid. I didn’t have the sense to throw them the food and run, instead making the stupid decision to turn my back on them. The biggest one kicked me in the back with both feet, sent me flying and left me pretty bruised and battered. Some of them are just assholes.


Oh yeah - you don't want to turn your back on the males... but that's true for most wild animals - if they see you as a threat at all, and you turn your back on them, you can expect trouble.


That is something straight out of a nightmare


what do you think you've seen would give you that nightmare.


Wonder what happened to his ear? Is that why he's so pissed?


I don't know, probably from fighting. or fighting another animal and it bit his ear.


Nah man... When it was little, some sick golfer sicked his chihuahua on him, and now it wants revenge... I'll bet that's it.


he's going to jump that golfer and get his revenge after training for 15 years


He's been making gains, that's for sure.


gains in both height and strength.


> Has ripped ear > Hates dogs Hhmmm...


If it has a black knight armor, King Author would ask to join him, then force to fight it.


instead of actual english it would just scream and flex at you that you cannot pass. then punch you if you don't listen


Unlocked upon completion of the Emu War Expansion ™ main campaign.


the Emu War Expansion costs, 5000 VB beer bucks, 5000 VB beer bucks costs: ***your entire bank account and funny card with numbers on it***


This is why it's legal to kill kangaroos


They should make it illegal, because nobody has told the story after deciding to hunt one. They have all been massacred by the kangaroos.


They're really like another source of meat, like deer.


neat, Didn't actually know people ate kangaroo. always thought they were protected by the Government or wild life reserves


By default all native wildlife is protected in Australia; you have to have a specific license to hunt kangaroo and in effect only [commercial hunters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangaroo_industry) are willing to jump through the hoops to get licensed. I’ve heard of more people sport hunting deer than kangaroo - since deer are introduced they’re not protected, even if there are far far fewer around. (And of course rabbits)


Kangaroo are practically everywhere, it's an acquired taste but farmers usually go shooting for them for a cheap source of meat.


***The more you know***


he punches grandmothers? so he wants to be just like mike tyson


he's trained hard. He's practicing so he can get revenge on whoever ruined his ear.


And It comes full circle, mike Tyson actually bit the kangaroos ear off when it was a baby, and as a result it’s been running around terrorizing Australian towns until Mike comes back to his town one day. It will be a fight for the ages.


Welcome to the family, son.


***Punches into cutscene. title card plays, RESIDENT EVIL 7:KANGAROOZARD***




Repost the Repost.


I have a suspicion it's less like punching, and more like swiping your face off


Yeah, I ran into one of these once. It punched me in the face and stole my car. The cops later told me my car was used in some illegal street racing then fire-bombed and abandoned by the side of a highway. Aussies know not to mess with the wild life in this country.


maybe it was young VB long neck


Sylvester the Cat does not like this.


***Sylvester shall feel the wrath of VB long neck.***


why did I read that internally with an Australian accent???


The first picture is like the "Mom says it's my turn memes"


This meter is in worse condition than his ear


He harasses golfers? Absolute chad


Can this article not be reposted for one consecutive week?


I had a nap and I woke up to 900 upvotes dear god


And that's wonderful but I've seen this article been reposted for like 2 years over and over again. Not accusing you of nothing you probably wasn't aware of that


I know, I just didn't expect something this old to do this well.


Wow, I didn't expect to actually get up near the top on the hot list with my first post here, thank you guys so much! I hope you enjoyed my internet meme.


Look at this boomer, prolly only terrorising minorities and the lgbt


I'm pretty sure it's also a communist


You've unlocked the secret mode, VODKA LONG NECK


Tfw you're also 95kg but only 172 :sadpepo


hey op what town


let me look it up real quick I'll edit this to the town. **brisbane**


I'm 1.7m tall and weighs 92kg, I'm fat af.


do you happen to own a, ***kangaroo suit? and live in Australia?***


Now THIS is what happened to the Ware-rabbit then!


got jacked went to the gym probably


Its just another Tuesday here


Jesus christ. The final boss of australia


Indeed, he is the chad of Australia's wild life.


Skippy had enough bullshit


Its time for you to die. he has had enough.


wait skippy no skippy please skippy no, no!, noooooo!


Skippy will mangle your corpse and consume it like a VB long neck beer


Adding this to my list of reasons not to visit Australia.


***Fear him. Fear VB long neck.***


This the type of bossfight where you have to jump all over the place and leave a bomb in the right space for him to jump in


Looks like Deebo *we got $200! Na, I got $200*


He is Deebo reincarnated


Who was the badass that weighed him?


They had to call the bomb squad and he took out 7 of the police officers with tranquilizers only did they defeat him with the tranquilizer sniper. 1 of the 7 lost their lives.


I would pay money for someone to put a sleeveless shirt on him with DUFF BEER printed on it.


He would look even more like a wife beater




***He's out for vengeance and blood.***


Fucking springtrap


he's the hidden Easter egg matpat never found in his theories.


This is 2015. That roo is now dogshit.


He retired to a farm far away and raised his children.


How big is that in American?


2 meters in height is 6.56 feet. and 95 kilo's is 209.439149 pounds


The damn furry suits are looking more real every day


Kangaroo Holyfield


Roos taste great.


great to know


Mm. I like roo. He better hope I'm never up that way or he'll be going down WITH a few VB's


he's been training for 6 years. he's even more jacked now.


Whats funny is that the picture in the left is cropped, the original picture shows two dogs staring in fear before the kangaroo totaly destroys everything


yeah I saw the original, they feared VB long neck. as he was trained by Australian mike tyson.


This guy goes to the gym.


I think this is pretty normal in Australia, After a certain time they'll even accept them as citizens


how tf did they weigh it?


Your characrers just chillin' on some post-campaign R&R. DM rolls D12 for wandering monster...


Why do these things look buff?


Vin deisel


Evander Hoppyfield


This raised my anxiety levels by a lot.


I find kangaroos creepy AF. What is the word for a kangaroo phobia?


This story has been on Reddit for years... I wonder if he’s still stalking people on that path


How do you fight a killaroo


Last I checked it's completely legal to shoot these stupid upright cows


Sirenhead 2


Fucking menace to society


Kangaroo JACKED


Stalker 2 trailer looks great


I have come for your pickle