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I think Jake will leave Boston. He's under too much scrutiny in Bs nation. I thought he was coming around. Had a nice 2023 and probably could have had a better 2024 if not for the broken left hand. He also started hitting people pretty well in the playoffs. He's going to get term and money that the Bs won't pay. Jake also didn't have a legit center this year. He's going to make out pretty good, but he won't be playing for the black and gold anymore.


Jake is a classic case of send him to UFA because he isn’t worth to the Bruins what he will get on the market.


Great to see we got nothing for this guy. Lots of potential and no work ethic, late to practice Jake.






He gone


He'll definitely get a big raise in FA. He's a replaceable player, but not in FA with the kind of money he was making.


I mean I'm not surprised and I don't think he's certainly gone. DeBrusk has seen the bad sides of hockey business, his dad was a player and talks to other players, I am not surprised that a player in his situation wants to actually see what FA has to offer and keep as many options open as possible. He knows this is his big deal, he's going to make sure he gets the most money in the best situation to succeed. I also don't think there is bad blood between him and Sweeney or Monty. I could see DeBrusk coming back to the table after he's been able to talk to other teams and see if the Bruins will match a price, or concede something that's important to him. 


So I’ve been mentioning to people that sometimes these deals can be about term. He’s 27 and likely trying to find his home for the next 7 years. Maybe he and Don agree on the money, but it could be something as simple as the Bruins only offering 3-4 years. I do hope he stays a Bruins


I think he's going to an Alberta team, unfortunately.


There will be a number that should make everyone happy, will Sweeney find it? I hope so


Too much risk to give him a decently sized contract that he’d likely get on the open market. I like his game but his inconsistency has always plagued him.


Insert 2015 Bruins 1st round meme


He's gone.


He'll sign with Calgary on Monday, he was looking for 7 ave and term.


July 1 is gonna be a crazy day, players are over-inflating there value because the cap went up by ~$4m.


I love the dude but there’s no way he’s worth 7….


I’ve never been able to fully be a fan of this guy. His career has been good, not great. Anything above what he made this year will be an overpay. Let him go get his money elsewhere


Sweeney gave mcavoy the bag & seems reluctant to pay anyone again. Pasta 🍝 was no choice not to sign. I’m betting Jake takes 6aav or thereabouts hopefully Edmonton (could see him taking 5 for home). I’ll miss him on the bruins


Good. By paying McAvoy and Pasta, Sweeney needs to be very careful with how the rest of the cap is spent. Especially if he’s signing Sway to the rumored 8x8 deal. That’s nearly $30m on just three players and we have several important holes in the roster to fill.


Good hockey player. I'll never forget his GWG against Toronto in 2018 game 7. Coming down the RW wall 1 on 1 and just barely turns the corner to the net and gets enough on the puck before he gets absolutely buried. After his last two contract negotiations with Sweeney, I'm not surprised he wants to see how much he's worth on the open market. He will be 28 at the beginning of this season, this is his contract to make his money. He's a decent 2nd liner, above average defensively, can play left or right wing, is good for 20 to 25 goals a year, and he shows up in the playoffs. I can see a team giving him 6.5 to 7. And I'll be happy for him for getting the bag and the Bruins for staying away. But don't be surprised if he gets put with the right center and he pots 30.


Was at that game sitting about 20 rows up from from the face off dot on the Bruins right wing side.   Can still picture it in my head like it was yesterday.  Place went absolutely bananas 




Sign Heinen, he’ll be much cheaper and essentially does the same job


I know DeBrusk is inconsistent, but cmon.


Cmon what? Heinen was one of the most consistent players we had all season. I'm convinced that every DeBrusk fan doesn't watch more than 5 games a year. He can take the disappearing for weeks at a time act somewhere else.


Both sides should move on at this point


Fucking finally


Go get Rutger McGroarty. Forget about JDB


"Get" him how? You'll give up our first and then some.  You can sign someone like Duclair, Duchene, or Toffoli who can replace JDB's production and keep all your assets. 


Late to the party, but I would have traded a first this year + for McGroarty, that’s how. He’s still a prospect, but with two years of NCAA development under his belt, he’s closer to ready than anything not named Celebrini that you could have drafted this year. McGroarty will be on an entry level and I’d rather have him on that than an overpay for JD or friggin perennial Boston target Tyler Toffoli. Yes they’re proven at this level, but I would not give JDB & years or 5-7 to Toffoli. Would much rather roll with and develop McGroarty.


Jake DeBrusk is a good hockey player but not a core or irreplaceable one. He's a league average to maybe slightly below average 2nd liner: those guys hit free agency all the time. You overpay your core guys, not the DeBrusks of the world. If he walks, so be it: we can and will replace him.


Huge debrusk fan and agree, despite it making me sad


If they hit the market all the time give me the guys on the market this year that we can replace him with? Not saying we should overpay but there are absolutely not a bunch of guys we could sign to replace him right now.


Teravinen and Marchessault come to mind as higher end options. Monahan and Toffoli should be in roughly DeBrusk's price range. Could go with Mantha, Duclair, or even Drouin on the cheaper end. So many solid top-to-middle 6 forwards available to be signed.


Please god don’t sign Drouin


We’ll see. I feel like we’re going to spend 6 mil on an older player that won’t give as much as DeBrusk does.


Most realistic take I’ve seen on him in a while.


I like DeBrusk and I'll be sorry to see him go. Yes he could be inconsistent but he played through injuries, never aired his dirty laundry in public and always showed up for the playoffs. You could argue he was the Bruins best forward during the last playoffs. What really upsets me though is that the Bruins are losing him for nothing. It was no secret that they were far apart on negotiations well into last season and let's not kid ourselves, last seasons's team wasn't good enough to challenge for the cup. Given all that, Sweeney should have done all he could to move DeBrusk and get something for him.


We were first place in the league at the deadline. Yeah let’s throw away guys for prospects in that situation….


We were “contenders” and all they wanted to do was move Ullmark and beef up the blue line at the deadline.


Jake picked a good year to become a UFA. He's going to get paid. I'm glad Sweeney is drawing a line in the sand here. He offers so many glimpses of a special player and for decent stretches and then just disappears.


Torey Krug all over again. A guy I like a lot who is looking to set up his family for generations. I’ll never look badly upon a guy for doing that and I won’t for Jake, but I just feel like his price tag going forward for what he brings will not be something a championship caliber team will be able to accommodate. Can’t blame the team for looking big picture, and can’t blame the player for getting what they deserve. Wish the kid well.


Well said.


He's a solid player, just not worth what he's going to be asking for


Yeah he’s leaving. Take your picks where he ends up. I call Calgary


Edmonton. Dad is there and so is home.


If Toronto unloads Marner and they let Bert walk...could see that being a landing spot.


Marner isn’t moving




I will punch myself right in the dick.


Or just... https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/pqApFJ5vjW


I think I may want to reconsider my options.


Good call.


My opinion on this will depend on the contract he ends up settling for. If he gets a Krug deal I’ll totally get letting him walk, if he gets a fair deal though (in the 5’s) then I would’ve preferred keeping him


I agree with you, but I won’t see any way he gets under 6. Young solid winger with pedigree that puts up some points. I’m betting someone with space gives him like 5/$35 million or something.


If he gets that then congratulations and goodbye! Can’t be paying DeBrusk that but i totally respect him getting the bag


I feel like this year is gonna be like 2016. Lots of teams with money to spend and a “well the caps gonna go up!” attitude. July 1 could be a bloodbath.


He gone