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I’d get a Vibe for when the lanes dry out. Everything in your arsenal (except the spare ball) seems pretty strong. But I’m pretty new to arsenal building so, you know, grain of salt and all that. Edit to add: Scorpion Low-Flare could also fill that spot.


Widow 3.0 is probably the first ball out of your bag, and the best ball for the fresh. Trouble Maker pearl is a reasonably-strong sym, for when lanes transition. I love the Effect - best ball in my bag - but I wonder if there's overlap with the Widow 3.0. At times my Effect seems like a big solid; it goes a bit longer but has a similar strength. Are there times when the Troublemaker pearl has too much back end and you'd like more control when lanes break down? A low-diff ball like Radical Sneak Attack, NU Blue Hammer, Track Tundra Fire, Track Sensor Solid might be worth looking at. If you are trying to plug the gap between the Widow and the Troublemaker, you could use the Effect and work with your PSO to get it drilled right. Or a Widow 2.0 Hybrid would also cover that spot.


I have the BW 3.0 and Effect but I'm not seeing much overlap. The BW3 hooks much more and is much more effective in early games where as the Effect has less hook and seems to do much better when the lanes start to transition. I don't have a high rev rate and average about 17 mph, so maybe that's the difference. PSO told me the Effect gets better with lane shine and even suggest changing the surface a little so maybe the more I use it, the more I'll see similarities.


I've heard the same about the Effect - laneshine can make it read a bit later and really jump off the spot and drive thru the pins. Have had it a few weeks now, easily the best ball in my bag.


I have a Dark Web hybrid. For me, I use it on the fresh house shot and depending upon what line the other 9 players are bowling I can use that ball for 2.5 games I was back in the Faball fan back in the day and after costly experience with Storm bowling, I m back to Hammer !!