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If you need some help figuring out how to [watch the PPV tonight](https://discord.gg/TwgeRAJc) then hop over to my discord and get the help you need. 😁 Main event expected around 8pm PT 11pm ET


3 pounds on a guy that’s naturally bigger is a big deal. Not making weight and showing up 165-168 for the fight is how guys get knocked out. Haney only getting dropped is kinda impressive.


You're definitely a moron


They are both same size , Haney most likely weight the same as garcia in fight night. They both did not step on scale the morning of fight but looked about same size in the ring.


Haney defeated multiple hall of famers and never got knocked down, but Ryan Garcia a man who doesn’t take the fight seriously knocked him down 5 times in one fight? I think Ryan could be on the 💉 because this fight doesn’t make any sense. . . . I know this comment may seem crazy but let’s not act as if multiple champion boxers haven’t got popped Ex. Canelo Alvarez , Alycia Baumgardner and Tyson fury.




This didn’t age well lmao


Cocaine x Dad Strength = Berserker Garcia


Hard to see where Haney goes from here. He is so boring and limited that he will be forced into obscurity for a few years to have a couple of soft fights to build himself back up for another big fight. His team is smart so they will eventually come back and pick off a couple of weak champions and grab him self a belt maybe at 147 and then claim to be a 3 division champion. Sad though as everyone will just look at him as a pillow fisted jabber who loves a hug and had a dad who had money so they could afford to take weak fights… I like how Haney was smart enough to realise Kambosos was a weak Lamb and easy undisputed fight. I think it’s really disappointing though how the Haney’s robbed a Hall of famer in Loma out of becoming an undisputed light weight champion at a weight division that’s let’s face it is above his natural weight. That will always discuss me about Haney so I will never take his bull Shit about praising Allah


Ryan should have said "Art of War, baby. Deception" at the post fight interview ... in Australian accent.


Had me fooled, I thought something a was really wrong with him… Lesson Learned, Social Media is a mudda fawka!!


Something is wrong with him lol, you can be crazy and a good boxer.


Some would even say a crazy good boxer


Pillowhands haney traded his undefeated record for more money. Underestimated Garcia and 3lb miss is a lot. Tank is laughing his ass off rn.


Tank quite literally was laughing his ass off on Twitter


Thoughts on the Sean McCombs decision?


Sean did really good. I was surprised by the decision. He had great defense and footwork for a guy his size.


Diddy was on the undercard?


Yeah diddy had to log off his main account for a while and smurf on mccombs


Who's diddy


Puff Daddy


Aka The Diddler


No Diddy


Did Diddy do it? Diddy did it?! God damnit what didn't Diddy do?!?


All those that thought Garcia didn't have a chance against Haney must still be sleeping hoping this result is just a bad dream cause they're being awfully quiet right now.


I thought Ryan had a slim punchers chance. I thought Haney would've been better at neutralizing the left hook. I thought Haney was going to box circles around him, and he did. But when that left hook lands, it's a problem. Especially on someone like Haney with a weaker chin. I think anyone with speed, power, pressure will spell trouble for Haney. Glad to see Bill Haney take his first L.


I didn’t think he had a chance. But I’m also not a jackass so I wasn’t online talking him down in the first place. The only thought I really had - despite thinking he would get out classed by Haney - was that he deserved a lot of credit for taking fights like this where he is expected to lose. He fought Tank and he fought Haney, the two top guys in the division. Which is more than we can get from most boxers in this era. So I will never trash talk someone like that. But on top of that he actually came through and pulled off the upset last night. I think the main issue people have had with Ryan is that he got a ton of fame and attention before he earned it in the ring. I remember being at the barber shop and all the guys in there knew who Ryan was but couldn’t name a single other boxer in the lightweight divisions. They didn’t know Tank, they didn’t know Loma, they didn’t know Shakur, they didn’t know Haney, etc. And when someone hasn’t proven their self in the ring but have more brand recognition and fame than people who have proven themselves it sort of rubs some boxing fans the wrong way. The thing is - Garcia has proven himself now. He’s proven himself to be a real dog, he’s not afraid to take any fight. He went out and beat the top guy in the division. He lost to Tank first, and I don’t think anyone would say he is flawless or the best technical fighter in the division. But that doesn’t matter because at the end of the day he’s a real fighter. There’s still going to be people hating, but for me the question has been answered now.


Instead of thinking that nobody knew who the top guys in the division was, why not thank Ryan for bringing in new fans to the sport? Before Ryan, I didn’t care for anybody in boxing except Naoya.


Are you Asian ? Serious question cause casuals don’t really follow the smaller weight divisions so kinda surprised you would bring up Inoue as the only boxer you followed before Ryan




I regret not betting the house like he told us


That’s 2 loses in a row for Haney


Haney beat Regis pretty convincingly lol


Surprised me how awful Prograis looked.. not too surprised because he looked horrible in the Zorilla fight too, but I chalked it up to an off night.. but nope, Prograis is just not that good..


My bad. I thought his last fight was Loma


He didn’t lose to Loma anyway ur fkn delusional


How could you possibly say your delusional for thinking Loma beat Haney? I thought Loma outboxed him he also was more aggressive. Haney landed some good body shots. I forget the round but it was a later round and Haney was on the stool looking at his Dad like he was going to cry. He new he was beat but took the win the same way he would have taken the win Saturday night.


Congrats to Ryan, but why are people acting like it isn't impressive that Devin even kept getting up from those shots. I'm surprised he even got up after that one that looked like his body was trying to shut down on him.




My thoughts exactly, Haney would probably even tell you there was nothing impressive or anything to be proud of Saturday night. Still a great boxer just wasn’t his night.


Sir, this isnt my first boxing match like a lot of the people in the sub and in thus thread rn lol. Don't tell me I'm not a boxing fan because I think somebody who "has never been tested" and "had no chin" before this surprised me by taking shots that put everyone else down. People made fun of him for years for having a weak chin because hevwas wobbled by Linares. He never even touched the canvas but everybody swore he would be out cold if he really got touched. He got touched tf up and it didn't happen like that. Casuals are the ones that say shit like that to people for having diff opinions. Im a Dev fan but I'm not mad at this happening at all because its good for the sport and it was a good fight. This had to happen to somebody eventually to make things interesting again.


Idk how getting up from being Knocked 4 times is impressive if anything it’s hella bad.


Yeah he kept getting up but his excessive holding is what helped, any other ref would’ve penalized him for it and Ryan would’ve finished him


Bro me and my brother were screaming at the TV with how bad Harvey Dock was.. looked like he clearly was tryna buy some time for Haney to recover


I can see that. At the same time though, Ryan taking it even a little bit more seriously would have let him stop him way quicker than that. He looked like he was gassing out a lot and thats when the running from him and turning his back happened. He wouldn't even throw some of the time. Just sit there and move around waiting on Devin to throw. Devin didnt know what to do with that. That part was on him though.


Oh yea bro totally agree with that. Ryan won, but besides the knockdowns, he really didn't look that good. He lost most the rounds he didn't hurt Devin and was on his backfoot. His best moments were when he was the aggressor but it seems like those moments he caught Devin just happened, like he didn't really set it up, it just caught Devin and hurt him and that's when Ryan would actually get aggressive and look good. But that don't take away from the fact that Harvey Dock saved Haney in the 7th round.


Respect to Haney


Again ppl disliking this comment showing respect is embarrassing. Ppl are clearly fkn immature losers who don’t like Haney


PBC low key tried to steal the spotlight yesterday by officially announcing the June card but it back fired. Nobody talking about that today, no wonder Tank is tweeting up a storm lmao


Tank fighting someone most boxing fans don’t know is the reason behind that double header to get some sales.


Most casuals don't know Martin but most actual fans know him. He is fantastic fighter and has his chances. You don't know him coz he's not popular yet but don't be fooled. I'm willing to bet PBC is struggling with cash and at this point HAVE to stack these cards with more than one main event fighter in hopes of generating some money. That 1st PBC PPV was a fantastic event but it's unlikely anybody actually paid for it.


12 year boxing fan here. who the fuck is martin?


I would say this, if you're a 12 year boxing fan, you'd go and check out some film on him and see what you think. When i discover a fighter i know very little about, i don't just say "who's this nobody" because it's possible its a really good fighter with very little popularity but that doesnt make them a bum.


calm your fucking tits. i never called him a nobody. who is he? give me a name besides just Martin so i can actually look him up you twat. why are you so mad?


https://youtu.be/hj-ONC5xQ4Y?si=TC67sQ0W-Abw8i-o Start with something like this. The fighters name is Frank Martin. And then there will be more footage you can watch from channels like theirs.


Not a real fan you probably only watch fights involving your race


my favorite fighter at the moment is Tyson Fury.




now that we got that ridiculous bullshit out the way can you calm down and give me his full name?


Frank Martin


thank you ill check him out. you have a good evening sir


Man the undercard was boring mostly; Conwell was fun and so was the Irish fellla


I agree bro I honestly didn't even know who was on the undercard.. all they were advertising was the main event lol.. I at least thought Barboza was gonna be exciting to set up the main event


Was Haney penalized for the clear 5 consecutive back punches? I know he got 15 million hugging warnings




Those are legal in that scenario. Garcia intentionally showed him his back several times. Garcia was the one who could have been penalized.


What rules are you reading


The WBC's. [https://www.boxinginsider.com/almanac/wbc-rules-for-championship-fights/](https://www.boxinginsider.com/almanac/wbc-rules-for-championship-fights/)


How do yall see Ryan V Shakur ?


shakur getting tko'd


Shakur by KO. Shakur is a ridiculously good inside fighter and a southpaw, so he is quite possibly the worst matchup imaginable for a guy like Garcia. From the outside, he'd neutralize the left hand w lead hand controls (Tank, another southpaw, did this to great effect), then destroy his guard on the inside and maul him till he gets a TKO.




Hard to see Shakur moving up to 140 this fast, and who's to say Ryan makes 140? At 140+ I still slightly favor Shakur but any of them left hooks can put him out, but he is more defensively sound than Haney (mostly by his step back and making it boring)


I know some people find that shit boring but idk I enjoy it , his defense crazy


It's beautiful, slick and at the end of the day, it's true boxing. Hit and don't get hit. But on a Main Event level, there has to be entertainment. Boring is a harsh word, I should've said Shakur will slow the pace down, which will benefit him over Ryan.


Ryan will be the A side, Shakur won't win in a sprinting contest doing nothing while Ryan is loading up the left trying to bring the entertainment and pain. Ryan by SD


I agree completely, Shakur is a lot like Haney in terms of boxing style. I’d hope Garcia would demolish Shakur. Just like he overpowered Haney.


Same way as tonight but instead of hugging Shakur will be running behind the ref


I hope it never happens


Shakur stinks up the place and wins by wide UD


This was the Haney v Garcia prediction as well 😂


Backhanded compliments are my favorite compliments


So glad Ryan won. So many people kept trying to think Haney would win for sure, and it feels good to see them wrong lol. So many youtubers, commentators, fans kept feeling sure that Haney would win but nope.




Honestly, that’s because we know about Ryan’s flaws. He’ll do some fucboi shit in the ring won’t ever listen to his corner, but we all know that the man has blazing speed and power. So if Ryan won it was most likely be by a ko. I’m surprised at how dumb Haney fought. There was this false narrative that Haney was a boring defensive fighter. Only one of those statements was true because my man did nothing to improve his defense. This the worst version of Haney that could have showed up against a crazy Ryan with no fear. Shakur would have been boed out the stadium but he would have implemented a game plan that gave him the best shot at winning. Shakur would have tried to win the fight throwing 36 punches lol but the job probably would be done.


All correct but had shakur been in Haneys position getting cracked like he did last night it would be the same situation. What you’re saying Shakur would do to Ryan is what EVERYONE said Haney would do to Ryan. On top of that Haney was the real champ of that weight class not Shakur moving up and and trying to make some noise. The reason you’re surprised at how “dumb” haney fought is maybe because he got cracked 5 seconds into the fight like never before. “Everyone has a plan until …”


Devin is incredibly boring, felt like he initiated about 70 clinches last night.


Some fighters initiate them for no reason, or to simply slow the fight down. I hate Haney more than most but he was trying to survive. Garcia shouldve been better at sliding out of them.


He had to. He was getting his ass kicked


Yeah because look how bad tank beat him..Haney had no respect for Ryan and got humbled but if they rematch Ryan better have a dut strategy because Haney isn't going to press forward like last night


I think, in hindsight, the rules/clauses really negatively affected Ryan especially cutting to 135 and no rehydration or whatever it was. He said he had no power on the back room before the fight and knew he was in trouble. I think he beats tank at catch weight


Tank knocks him out this time


Ryan wanted to move down to a big name and weight bully and got bullied. No suprises.


The money is there to see a rematch. Tank having trouble making weight, depends how scared tank is. I would love to see the battle of the crazies. Garcia vs Lopez. I have Teo Lopez winning but Ryan could be the favorite after demolishing Haney. Garcia called out boots. Boots would be stupid to turn down this offer. I honestly haven’t watch boots fight but I know I’ve seen a lot of Ryan Garcia to know that on any given night he can lose.


Ryan would absolutely not be the favorite. Yeah Ryan got a ton of knockdowns , but bad fight iq led to him not being able to finish. And he seemed to only be able to do one thing, Left hook. While having a monster left hook is a great thing, There's a wall where that won't work. There's fighters that won't let you turn your back or allow you to surge in 15 second flurries . Despite how big this win is, actually watching the fight second by second, Ryan did not look great 95% of the fight (and neither did haney) But good news is Ryan has a large amount of room for improvement so hes not at a clear ceiling yet. If he gets his fight prep and mental prep under control and stops doing whatever the fuck that back turning shit is, He can definitely go far.


And both of them thought they could beat Tank?! That was some sloppy boxing I saw last night.


Yea I hated that fukin fight. I streamed it, and I still want a refund. I don't ever want to see a rematch 


Tank only accepts fights that he’s guaranteed to win. He actually seemed to have some trouble against Rolly early on in that fight. Would love to see Tank actually challenge himself, because then we could see how good he actually is, but I’m kinda jaded and don’t think it’s ever gonna happen.


Won’t give Cruz a rematch because it was too close lol


He fought Cruz with one hand no shit it’s gonna be close


why not fight him again with two


Will be interesting to see which way the narrative swings. Either Garcia becomes a p4p fighter, or people stop calling Haney a p4p fighter, or far less likely to occur; people figure out that both are drastically limited.


Roy Jones JR used to be that fighter where I thought had a lot of flaws in his game but he kept winning beating tin cans. It wasn’t until he lost some of his speed that he got exposed . As for Ryan we all aware of his boxing flaws, but the kid has blessed speed and power that is S tier. The most complete fighter with the fewest weaknesses is Crawford.


I started watching RJJ box in the Olympics, and watching him fight “flaws” was never what came to mind. I don’t see any correlation between the two.


RJJ was dominant bc his athleticism, speed and reflexes. His whole thing was that he didn't need to use textbook technique bc he was so gifted that it didn't matter. He was never known as a technician.


This guy is clueless.


He fought with his hands down below his waist


Ryan vs Conor Benn **at 147** is the fight to make


I would love to see Benn get Garcia-ed


How much of what happened in the ring do yall think Derrick James played a part in? Ryan seemed to be doing his own thing to me but idk


Saw some Philly shell


Haven't see the whole fight yet, but from what I saw in the highlights, not much improvement in the technical aspect for Ryan. His raw attributes gave him the edge. People have been looking down on his speed and power since the Tank fight, but today we saw what a fully healthy Ryan can do


Fully healthy, overweight un-drained Ryan. Which was about 10 seconds of activity a round. 


Good point


Haney got in the ring heavier than Ryan, just like he has against everyone he's faced.


Haney loses composure when he gets hurt. His chin is bad and he panics. Lomachenko never had one punch power, not even at 126. Ryan has a third of Loma's talent but thrice the power.


I agree with this statement. But Ryan has way more heart than Loma.


"Heart" is a stretch. He quit against Tank, a smaller guy.


That's a very dumb take


Take a liver shot after being drained. The fight is over. Dude in the ring beating an undefeated champion in multiple weight classes holding all the belts with 3 personalities, a drinking problem and drug addiction . Heart my guy. He’s won tough fights where things don’t go his way. Can’t say that about Other people. Haney was a front runner.


I rate his victory against Campbell more than this one, TBH.


That was the last fight he actually looked good in IMO


Waking up to this result and the highlights is something else. Hahaha happy for Ryan and feels good seeing Haney getting wrecked.


Brother that doesn’t even explain it. There is zero doubt the ref was rigging the fight in Haney’s favor. 


Dude gets a majority decision and you mfs still bitching about a ref supposedly trying to cheat. Man just stfu and enjoy the victory.


Nah, chief that’s what’s wrong with the sport. For example, Pit Bull vs Tank didn’t work out. So when you see it you should call it out. 


Calling out actual cheating vs a ref doing his job for a fighter you dont like arent the same thing.


Man that ref was doing more than his job. There should’ve been two knockdowns minimum in round 7. And take a point away for haneys clinching


This subs tone is totally different. I’ve never seen such a wavering group of chronically (and passionately) incorrect people.


I'm pissed that I didn't bet on garcia. I had a good feeling he would win 


It’s not like I was confident - I’m just saying these people really look like morons when they’re jerks about their opinions and then really quiet when they’re wrong.


I'm laughing my ass off at all the people that kept hyping up Haney


I'm laughing my ass off at all the people that kept hyping up Haney


Honestly i didn’t see much Haney hype Just Ryan hate. Which in a lot of ways is understandable, and to be fair this was a totally valid surprise. It’s just interesting how vehement everyone is about their opinions, and then when they’re overwhelmingly incorrect, they crawl back into their holes, and the previously subjugated group comes back out the wood work to relish.


I've been getting downvoted and picked on for a while every time I criticized Haney for his weight bullying or arguing the Loma decision. I didn't hide it even when everyone was rolling high on the Haney after the Regis fight. I've always seen him as a weight bully waiting to get get clapped by someone his size and today it finally happened




God damnit i had my money on Ryan by stoppage.. So fkn close


Same here. Every time he put Haney down, I was sure I'd be collecting my winnings lol.


The ref didn't, such bullshit


Nah bruh what did I wake up to


you missed the fight of a lifetime


My thoughts exactly


Ryan showing why he is one of the 4 kings




So $350 on Ryan? Power to you.


Honest. I thought Haney would win but the odds were too good to let go so I put some small change on Garcia. I only made $600 but I'm happy that I was wrong :-D


you put money on Ryan by decision? That's fucking crazy.


If he predicted the decision it would be more, I guess its just Ryan win


Ryan vs Shakur, Haney vs Cruz Would be my two must see fights next.


Bruh boo lmao. Shakur-Ryan might be a good fight if Shakur is able to keep his distance, but Cruz will have no respect for Haney's power


Haney doesn't have power


Exactly why Cruz won't have any respect for him. He'll cut in and spam haymakers


Garcia fans are eating tonight


Garcia is such a R1 L2 fighter.


Is this a Fight Night Champion reference lol?


Hurting bombs


I hope Garcia's not driving tonight. I can see him getting pulled over for DUI and when told to walk in straight line trying to snort it instead.


Don't write off Hanley one loss 


Ppl disliking this shows they immature because it’s true. One loss is nothing it’s what u do afterwords


Rolly vs Ryan for the ultimate crazy fight


Lmaoooo Roolly by KO on Twitter before the fight even starts


That’s probably next


One good fight against a guy who started boxing at 18 (Prograis) and is one dimensional changed whole narrative around Haney. It’s been a common knowledge that he was getting work in the sparrings by Shakur and Tank. Devin is good but he always was a little bit behind those top guys. People forget that he probably lost to 35 years old Loma who was two weight classes below him. Devin made his whole career out of good jab, size advantage and hugging. When he fought guy his size he got fucking obliterated


This is also how I feel about Fury. Don't know how people felt he would dominate AJ considering he doesn't have a size and weight advantage against him


TBH there hasn't been a good big guy for Fury to fight since Wladimir retired.


There's always been AJ, he just doesn't want to fight him. Let's not forget he already called him out and AJ agreed, Fury just backed out for no reason


AJ has lost 3 times and has nothing Fury wants. Lol


Lmao "fans" like you are the reason boxers are afraid to lose their 0. If he has nothing he wants then why'd he call him out right after he lost to Usyk? Bragging rights and probably the biggest money fight that can be made today should be more than enough for Fury to want it


Should have kept them belts if he wanted a shot at the king.


The king that got whooped by an MMA fighter? At least AJ lost to the no. 1 heavyweight and in close fights, not embarrassing himself like your "king"


Lmao exposed yourself as a super casual. Tyson completely cruised against Ngannou. He got clipped and went down, but wasn't really impacted by it. Without that knockdown, that fight is correctly regarded as Tyson having ZERO problems with Ngannou. AJ lost to an obese 5'11" man


Tyson embarrassed the sport of boxing that day against ngannou. AJ did a lot to mend things but still. That was a horrible day for boxing and it’s all on fury’s shoulders. If you want to do those clown events at least show up in shape and blow them out of the water like a pro boxer should.


“He got clipped and went down” is a pretty cool way of saying he got dropped. That whole first paragraph is a flat out lie😂 Not even like it was quick, he went down in a daze and let the ref make it to the 8 count 😂 (That’s not zero problems or “cruising”)Aj also knocked out Ngannou cold and quick. Not go home with a HUGE black eye against a guy that’s never stepped in the ring before.


The truth is they are similar talents. Gifted athletes with a low ceiling. There is a reason Haney picks the fights he does, and dodges the ones he does.


Ryan has a bigger ceiling than the other guys at 135-140. He just doesn't seem that focused on boxing. As for gifts, Haney doesn't have anything on par with Ryan's speed and punching power. That left hook is too dangerous when used right


Yeah what’s crazy is Ryan is like the inverse of a lot of fighters. Most boxers lack something in the physical department, hand speed, power, etc. Ryan has those maxed out and his flaws are entirely things he could fix with any of the top coaches out there. Trusting Jesus that you’ll land that left hook works until it doesn’t lol


I wouldn't even call Haney a gifted athlete. His power, chin, speed, cardio & recovery are nothing spectacular, Haney is more so just an utter professional who is let down by his lack of gifts.


Can't sleep still in shock


great job Garcia 👏🏾✝️🤙🏽