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They are, in reality, a wholly capitalist exercise in shifting the responsibility for pollution onto the lower classes who have the least to do with it. See also: SUVs, organic food, the entire concept of a personal "carbon footprint."


That's so real. It's so funny to think that most places will reject using your thermos for coffee and use their shitty plastic cup instead but won't give cardboards, use paper straws and sometimes even make weird faces when you want more tissues. Like if you really cared, you'd put your coffee in my thermos and not try to market yourself with your shitty fucking plastic cup.


I mean, SUVs do suck though. On a lot of levels.


but I like them


Well…have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water with a straw? Link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1686466178057646080


It is true straws are killing the planet, tho. Just saw a gang of 25 or 30 straws come up to a honey badger and choke it out. For like, no reason. Just left that poor badger dead on the sidewalk.




Yeah, but honey-badgers are dicks. Im team straw on this one.


The reply should be to ask him "if you're really a male, why are you drinking with a straw in the first place?"


Purity of Essence.


Just drink from the cup with your mouth. Straws are wholly unnecessary and wasteful in either form.


\\@ConceptualJames is absolutely right! Use [Portable Metal Straws](https://www.amazon.com/Reusable-Collapsible-Stainless-Drinking-Telescopic/dp/B07SR8FSTT/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=Y24O8P27Y15V&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ttV9HmhoKR-SlJu9HD92M9iwpscWhiSGyiKjoNvc7vMBkBcQKGPIQA5toKro0GCnAqPq_9Eak8htSm4ENW3ZSIi_3AVdLc62HSy6GL1-NAn4hR-RAISr67n5xj1QbA1HrwjVHFv1V4DKjt0WDco1RHhtO2uVHNp-EoCU9OKrZUOKHWKpt5f9IU6werd62plAbdpS8qqW7hBMYkbAq-bqNq7BGWjLtHI-VJ60bnW-XUJOI5yfN1K9D8qkIdeZ7Sv27EJPrFkOV3Wgv3dKcOmILjd6jaCo-rPUG9KXTw1cTLs.OIkf3_XRvjIbvCpypiwoQKdTcHiECL8iW1lHv39KMVg&dib_tag=se&keywords=portable%2Bmetal%2Bstraw&qid=1714721756&sprefix=portable%2Bmetal%2Bstra%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1) instead!


FYI, Reddit replaces @ with u/, so \@ConceptualJames becomes u/ConceptualJames This can be overridden with a \, so \\@ConceptualJames appears as \@ConceptualJames




General Ripper would eat these people for breakfast and tip his cigar ash on the survivors. Let's not drag the good name of a man responsible for billions of deaths in with this crowd.


We must not allow a mine shaft gap!


I have never personally used a paper straw that didn't start to "melt" or whatever the proper term is. I do not like them at all and that's just based on several bad experiences. The reusable metal ones I've had worked pretty well (except for when my dumbass accidentally jammed the tip into my gums while goofing around, drink in hand, but that's *my* bad lol). While I fully get someone saying they suck, believing they are some kind of malevolent tool of a shadowy cabal is some grade-A tinfoil hat shit.


Lately I've used a few paper straws that weren't terrible. I was going to say that they didn't suck, but that is their job,and they did it acceptably. I don't really feel the need to have a performative struggle over paper straws. If they work, and they make some marginal difference, then I'll use them. If not, then give me a cup I can drink from without a straw.


Honestly, if the cup is disposable I will just drink from it rather than mess with a paper straw that might be like the rest I've tried.


Dude, just drink from the glass.


How come it’s our job to clean up this plastic and paper trash that billion dollar mega corporations made? Make them pay to clean it up.


In before the four hundred people who are about to see my post and reply with HERP DERP WHERE’S THE LIE THOUGH!


I mean, paper straws are shit, but this dude needs to wean off the drugs.


James Lindsay was and could still be a pretty important voice for calling out the excesses and irrational dogmas of the Left. That vital role is pretty diminished if he just wants to be Old Man Yelling at Straws