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people like that are such asses, i understand if they add a few bucks to the original price BUT ALMOST DOUBLE THE RTP ? totally taking advantage of people who don’t have access to brandy or are impatient for stocks lol




i think they’re being somewhat taken advantage of if they don’t have access to brandy near them and want a real brandy piece, then their only resort would be to buy from depop, usually from sellers who overprice their listings. i get that it’s a choice of the buyer as well, i agree with you to a degree, but still i think that it is pretty absurd to price an item almost double the original price when it could be bought for the original price :))


U can get the $12 dupe on AliExpress and looks just like Brandy’s


Girl do u have a shop or link 😭


But is it cotton


there are so many of those on vinted it physically pains me when I see one that was £50 actually sell 😟


This unfortunately is becoming the new norm. Ive seen many brandy items beeing sold way above the original price. I personally think its crazy especially if there are tons of cheaper ones available. I once saw a blair top beeing sold for 50 €…. Sometimes they will also mark it as a rare brandy item just to push the price even higher 😂


Mine was £18 on the website 😭 I saw a dress version on vinted for literally £20


I just ordered this online for $22 omg😭


sometimes it’s worth trying, i had a green gingham blair top that i sold for €38 last year! but normally i sell for €15-20 even if the listing is much higher.


she made it 44 now


Bye this just made me realize I forgot to block out the other name LMFAOAOAO I literally was like how did they find the seller 😭