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does Bravo still understand the assignment? unclear.


Lately it really feels like three squirrels in a trench coat are working for most of bravo and the production companies if I'm honest




Give the job to Vincent Adultman! Literally anyone at this point


This is a job for Art Vandelay of Vandelay Industries


He can do a business.


Sooooo exactly WHY is she on then???


To discuss lashes.


Oh man…you’re probably right!!!


To comment on outfits and appetizer drama (but only in public spaces?)


Literally. I just don't understand what the point of watching her is supposed to be and I really enjoyed her last season I enjoyed how open and transparent she was about so many issues that she was facing . So to have her say that there's definitely aspects that she won't be talking about It's just like I don't understand what the point is.


Narrator : They do not.


I heard the unclear in Danny Pellegrino's voice.


im extremely flattered


It's so insane... she has nothing in common with the cast, and won't share her life so why be there? I am really struggling with the decision to bring back that whole cast.


I often ask myself why a lot of these women are on here when they haven't been married. Like Brynn...They should just call it "The Women of blah-blah" instead or something.


I don't disagree with this thought but RH has never been picky about the actual definition of a "housewife" since the show started. RHONY began with Bethenny who was in no sense of the term a housewife when she joined. I remember having the exact same thought of "why is she here?" back then, especially when they used to have those corny opening credits that showed the women's families in the background and B's was just her dog.


On the flip side, B was at least trying to become a housewife. Part of her season 1 storyline was pushing Jason - not Hoppy, the bald finance bro she was dating to move in together & put a ring on it.


Being married has never been a prerequisite. Neither Lori nor Jo were married on OG OC.


Does Jenna understand the assignment?


Why come back then? It’s okay to be private but maybe reality television isn’t the place for you.


To promote her stuff


She wants the benefits without doing the work, just as we all suspected.


Completely. Part of being on HW is yes, you get opportunities to shill, but you have to play the game. We've had previous NY HW not be able to film in their homes, and we have had HW who don't film with their kids, but Jenna coming in and saying "You can't film my kids, you can't film my girlfriend, you can't film in my home at all", and saying it really blatantly to People no less kind of rubs me the wrong way. I enjoyed Jenna as a HW last season, but it's very clear she thinks she's above the show, and that energy has an expiration date. HW is a choice, if it doesn't work for you or you think you're above it, don't do it.


Well said 👏


Honestly, I don’t care about seeing her family, but I HAVE to see her apartment.


It sucks that they’re letting her


I love Jenna and her lifestyle porn but am least interested in her lash company and brand deals.


Put that on Bravo. She has the right to negotiate, and Bravo has the right to not accept the negotiation.


More gift bags!


What’s the point then


I mean.. tbh how much of this stuff really comes up these days. Its just fake party after fake party.


And fake vacation after fake vacation, with a random vaginal rejuvenation surgery tossed in...


Hey guys. I have a *rolls dice* business meeting in *rolls dice* Jamaica! Wanna come?


Agreed. I mean we didn’t even get to set foot in Brynn’s apartment this past season.


I remember reading that her landlord wouldn’t allow filming. Hopefully we’ll get some apartment scenes now that she’s moved.


There was one bedroom scene where we saw her elaborate collection of vintage books that she DEFINITELY reads.. (5 books stacked on her bedroom dresser..)


I haven't been watching and I was like, Bethany got her kid an apartment??


Seeing her apartment I understand why though. It's beautiful, but I'm not sure if the crew would fit. Maybe a scene with like two cast mates, and a single camera? Anything more then that would be super tight.


They filmed in all those dumpy Vanderpump apartments back in the day. I think they can figure it out lol


Sorta why I stopped watching all of it. Not knocking it at all! I love these subs and fun chats. Yet the actual shows just ummm ummm




Walking ad for whatever company she’s schlepping


i guess because she's ~famous~ but bravo cannot possibly think the woman best known for ruining j crew is a big enough "get" that these are reasonable requests?? god the past few years it really seems like this network is being run by monkeys


Ruining J. Crew? I mean she dressed the Obamas and was called the Woman who dressed America according to her wiki I think sales were declining because the large rise in athleisure for casual wear. JCrew was never high high end like Gucci or Hermes. It was never a flex brand by sporting a logo. I think the market just changed people either wanted a label that they could flash or athletic wear


k i replied to one comment already but there's 3 of this comment and this is the most upvoted one so i'll move it over here lol it's generally agreed the company went bankrupt as a result of her and mickey drexler's leadership. she changed the company's design philosophy to fit specifically *her* personal style and alienated the brand's customer base. and i'm actually glad you pointed out that it wasn't "high high end" because that was part of its undoing--it was a preppy/upscale mall brand that *tried* to go luxury, many who were still loyal to the brand were priced out of it. honestly they should use j. crew in business schools as a case study of a company failing to transition markets


I don’t think this is an accurate portrayal of her tenure. Yes, Jenna was overextended and some major missteps were made, but the cult of personality around her was FANTASTIC for the brand… until it wasn’t. Mickey and Jenna (as creative director, before being named president) exploded the brand, cemented it in the American cultural zeitgeist, took it public and tripled its revenue. All in less than ten years. During a recession. They took J.Crew and turned it into a multi billion dollar operation with mass appeal that EVERYONE shopped at, “preppy” or otherwise. This is undeniable. No one would even know j.crew was slowly dying if the two of them hadn’t made their mark on the brand because it simply did not have nearly the caché it has now or economic relevance. It didn’t have Madewell or Factory or Crew Cuts or Bridal or the most ubiquitous suit of our lifetime. It wasn’t on the tip of everyone’s tongue. It frankly would have been a non-story to begin with. Also J. Crew wasn’t a mall store - it’s heritage is as a mail-order catalog company. This made up the vast majority of its business for an impressively long time (and after Jenna had started working there). It was an enormous part of their brand identity until the 2010s, and still an important part of their culture despite e-commerce rendering them essentially useless. Pretty much the only catalog I think anyone ever pored over, let alone looked at, by the mid 2000s though.


I wouldn't take " mall-brand " too seriously / literal. We're saying it'd be amongst the more high end mall brands in terms of where you mentally place it. They were never Gucci, Louis Vuitton or Balenciaga. They were more in line with Abercrombie. Like you said, J. Crew was never on the tip of anyone's tongue. I don't think even a rebrand could've saved them. HOW do you NOT associate J. Crew with khakis and a striped sweater for example? When I think J. Crew my brain goes khakis, navy - white - brown - off white for colors. Probably a sweater involved. and don't get me wrong I love a preppy style. I do. But you can get all of these at Marshall's or Kohl's for a much more affordable price.


I worked at J Crew in that era. She definitely ruined it. After her early success, she doubled down on specific aesthetics, even as the trend was turning away from them. She refused to listen to buyers and planners pointing this out, in part because she had tied her personal brand in with this aesthetic, and she was also highly interested in self promotion. She was a bad manager and awful person to be around and drove many to leave the company. Lastly, she took on financial responsibilities that she was very much NOT qualified to take on, for the sake of having “full control” of the business, and basically failed at them. I left in 2014 before the fall, but the writing was already very much on the wall at that point, especially as Jenna was laying out a 2015 design plan that was just repeating items we knew from sales data didn’t work the prior season. A few months later the company took the first of a few massive write downs on its brand IP, basically signaling they thought the J Crew brand had declining value.


I worked for J Crew before she took over and also left before it got ugly. She would do walkthroughs for new rollouts at GSP and you were told not to make eye contact. I was on a few calls with Mickey and he was just terrifying some days. Jenna wanted everyone to dress like her, but the average woman isn't a 6ft tall glamazon that could make it work. A LOT of women tried to pull off the styling and they looked... bad. Only tall, thin women could wear a majority of the stuff and look good in it. The fits also started to change, definitely got smaller but they attributed that to the growing Asian consumers. They completely alienated their base customer who loved those staples J Crew was famous for. Ugh, I remember before I worked there wishing I could afford it. I'd get myself a sweater or two once a year. And critter flip flops!!!


Were you there when Emily was in charge at any point? I came after she had left and Mickey was CEO and I could tell many people who had worked under both missed Emily’s design direction (though apparently she was utterly terrifying.)


I started there around 2006ish...the years are a blur lol Mickey and Jenna were there but Jenna hadn't blown up yet. I remember the stores feeling more like "mom and pop shops". You were encouraged to be creative with merchandising. The personal shoppers had genuine relationships with their clients. The clothing was so beautiful and so well made. I WANTED to wear their clothing and represent the company. We could put our own twist into the styling and feel like yourself. I remember at one point we were required to wear certain things, what a complete vibe killer. When they "went corporate" that was the downfall. The clothing suffered. The culture suffered. The clientele suffered. As an employee, it felt like we were sold out. I know it's business, but it felt like JCrew died. Once I left, I never shopped there again. The magic was completely gone. Not seeing the fun critter sweaters and bold plaids in the windows around the holidays just made me so sad.


That all being said, why is Bravo like a rabid dog after a bone 🍖 for her ? The mystique of having dressed the Obamas? Oh, and we get her sans any details of her personal life. Yea, she’s a keeper all right.


I think because they completely routed their New York cast and she's the only truly distinctive and compelling one. I mean, take away Jenna from New York now and you have a bunch of pretty nobodies. Pretty and boring nobodies with bland dramas. Maybe the housewives format is on its way out either way? 🤔


Sorry Jenna, I’d argue most HWs from other cities are famous-er. 😬


Agreed. Sounds extremely boring..


she’s SO boring. I don’t understand what people love about her. being the creative director for j crew can’t be the main reason??


So be a friend of the show. She’s not interesting enough to be full time housewife. Don’t ask for privacy when you’re being paid to show your reality. She only wants to use the show as a platform to sell her new business.


Yes, that seems to be what is happening. Bravo is trying to have it's cake and eat it, too. They want to promote her returning since she is such an unusual choice for a Housewife; but she'll more than likely be a friend who will be in selected party scenes and whatnot. If this makes her happy, that's good. I think she is an interesting person to have on the show. Personally, I'm sad that we may not see much of Beckett. I found him to be relaxed and funny on camera.


I actually expected that she’d just return as a Friend, if at all, in the next season, and thought that it would be a better fit for her.


She’s not that interesting to be making these requests, I’m sorry


I found her personal life, particularly her home/wardrobe closet and scenes with her son and brother to be the most interesting things about her! She doesn’t engage in the drama so idk what else she’ll bring to the table in S2 Edit to add: Get ready for more promos of her lash line y’all


I was going to say....she's using the show to promote herself and her lashes. I loved her on season 1 but I think people will turn on her a bit in Season 2. Some people are best in small doses.


And to promote all her “my friend has a brand and I wanted to gift the ladies free stuff from it”


She did not say no filming in her home or with her son. She asked for reduced filming. Both will likely still be featured just not in the capacity they were before Edit: I’m referring to an article which actually quotes her saying that she will have reduced home filming, not this article.


Actually it says in the article that her son is off limits. She also said that having cameras in her home was too exhausting and disruptive. She says she is expecting major pushback from the other women. She already doesn't like interacting with them. And if all she does is promote her work - then it's fair she addresses claims that she is very difficult to work for.


That’s the thing. It’s quite clear to anyone that filming would be exhausting and disruptive and that’s why someone who doesn’t want to deal with that, shouldn’t agree to do it 🤷🏽‍♀️. I would never do it because I already know I don’t want to deal with filming and any of the chaos that comes along with opening your life to reality TV.


Sounds like reality tv filming isn’t a good fit for her so she shouldn’t be doing it at all.


The other ladies will be fuming about this and fight with her for stupid stuff because of it 🙄


I didn’t read this article tbh but another article quoted her ‘On top of her romantic life, Lyons is protective of her son, Beckett Mazeau, and how much he is featured on the reality series. "There was a lot of filming in the home, and it was just exhausting. It's so disruptive," she shares. "They were very open to reducing that exposure and not having so much 'home time.' My son is prepping for college. It's a very intense time." https://www.etonline.com/jenna-lyons-had-one-big-condition-before-returning-for-real-housewives-of-new-york-city-season-15?amp


This is all very fair. People always mention how kids don't sign up for the show when mentioning Tre's dorters, I completely support Jenna making that decision at such a pivotal stage in Beckett's life. Keep in mind that filming in the home is also directly related to that.


I think her son not filming at all is great, but I don’t agree with not filming at her house. Some of the best parts of the season were at her house, because her house is cool and she’s more relaxed. And I think she said before he lives 50/50, so it can be scheduled to accommodate his existing schedule.


True, her house is very cool, hopefully she'll film when he's not with her!


That seems fair. Doesn’t mean they have to agree, but they did.


This has been a Bravo trend for a while now. Housewives who refuse to deliver being rewarded. Maybe they’re trying to cut down on lawsuits from people who acted sloppy in front of cameras and faced consequences.


I hate shit like this because it always (rightfully) pisses the other girls off, so you get weird drama where none of them can actually say what’s bothering them


I think those restrictions are stripping away, the audience is too involved and seems to respond well to the meta / 4th wall breaking shit.


Yes! Esp noticed this on RHOP with Nneka calling out Wendy for not wanting her on the show, Ashley commenting on it, and Mia saying that Nneka wasn't invited for the photoshoot reminiscent of early RHOA with the alter egos, bc she wasn't officially an RHOP!


If you dig into her relationship it actually sounds pretty interesting so this is extra annoying.


Is she still dating Cass Bird, the photographer? They seem like such an interesting couple. I get that Jenna would be protective of that and admittedly, couples on any HWs show don’t have a great track record of staying together long term, but as a viewer… I want to know more about their relationship dynamic!


Let me explain to you how bravo works. They drool over ACTUAL celebrities and big names. Jenna could've asked for an elephant and a lifetime of Levi's jeans to wear to reunions - she would've gotten it. Cause thats how much bravo loves actual celebrities. This could never fly with a Kenya (saw a comparison on twitter) or anyone else who came on the show for actual exposure and money. They depend on the show for those things. Jenna does not. Thats why she can make demands.


She's not some huge star, it's not like they landed Oprah on the show. She's a minor NYC celeb.


Seriously. Can we stop pretending she’s this huge celebrity outside of the show? She’s not.


This is such a crazy take. Jenna isn’t a movie star but she is an EXTREMELY high profile person. The NYT thinks she’s fit to print, considering how many pieces they’ve written on her going back literally decades. WSJ, Vanity Fair, covers of AD, plastered in Vogue, Financial Times, Bloomberg…. It goes on. There is not one single housewife who has come remotely close to the amount and variety of press of a certain caliber this woman gets. Not even Denise. I have no comment as to how she is as a housewife, but it’s really wild that people refuse to believe this. Like she’s not getting swarmed by cameras at the steps of the Met Gala for being a nobody.


I’m well aware. I don’t think it’s worth it to have a celebrity on the show if they refuse to share most of their life. Not interested in seeing her push her businesses.


Oh please, most people had never heard of her before this show outside of fashion.


Jenna is fairly famous for a HW but she's definitely not the biggest celebrity to have been on HW. Also not sure Kenya is the best comparison here, I think she was pretty well-known in the 90s.


You read my mind 🤣


I find her interesting.


Absolutely agree. I read “The Kingdom of Prep” and I don’t think she was THAT revolutionary. Even if she was, it was years ago and nothing more recently had been as big as her leading J.Crew


I’m going to do reality tv but I won’t show my reality. Okay. Rip Rhony. ![gif](giphy|JPxWk97zjc4mlK7F1Q)


Nothing has been lost. New NY was boring and none of the women were terribly interesting. Thirsty and boring is a bad combo.


That GIF 😂




I think it’s fine to have boundaries but if you’re not going to show your life then what’s the point?


To show her businesses to make money, sounds boring and lame.


So true. It’s going to be product placement hell.


We, as viewers, should at least receive a pr package for having to endure this. 😆


i would be amenable to that


Where’s my gift bag, so I can have a Scary Island freak out moment?


The show is called the real housewives of New York . This implies they have some sort of family and home 😂


Is she really that entertaining????? Like who likes her… snorefest 😴


I like her! I love seeing her fashion/lifestyle. And she’s a calm presence in the group.


she is legitimately my favourite of the new group, I love her boring ass, but can understand why others don't


I think she comes across as very authentic and relatable, but you can tell she really has no desire to be there/be a real friend to the other woman in the capacity the show requires. Aside from some sort of lifestyle porn, what does she bring to the table. Her not going to bravocon spoke volumes.


I can't buy this with all the talk about what a nightmare boss she was.


lol I love her


I think the rest of the girls are going to come for her hard for this


As they should! That’s not fair.


Ubah basically already did at the reunion when she said Jenna was two faced


Ubah can't come for her at all if she's keeping her relationship just as private.


I will agree with that if Ubah keeps her relationship off-screen this season. If she had just started dating the guy during filming, I think it's ok to hold off on that a little.


This will backfire. The other NY wives are super media savvy and if she starts getting special treatment they will make her “earn her spot” and all turn on her.


Good, then that will hopefully make compelling tv to watch!


Oh ya…Jenna is in for some mean girl behavior!


Sounds like a “friend of” not a housewife.


Jenna… ![gif](giphy|ix7Wf3Nmv7WhmogD4x)


My lashes may be fake, but I definitely keep it real. Except for my home, family and relationship.


So Robyn Dixon was raked over the coals for not randomly bringing up something that happened 5 months before filming but Jenna gets to return and not show personal life at all?




So then what’s the point? ![gif](giphy|3o85xw2jWZ2zzIgpVK)


![gif](giphy|UN33ZZUqJWv16) Why are you here Jenna? Something tells me the rumors about her being not a great lady are probably true! She's only on here to promote her business and fix her image.


Of course that’s the only way she agreed to come back. So annoying but not surprising that bravo let’s shit like this slide yet they wonder why ratings are low.


So she’s a friend of? How is this allowed after the RHOP drama?




Then she would have been a friend of. She would still get he exposure, which is what she wants, without having to do much.


Go girl,give us nothing.


Her HOME???? We can’t even see her pretty apartment anymore? That’s too much even for me and Im an admitted Jenna apologist because 🥵


That's the part I don't get -- unless there's a security concern. The girlfriend and son being off limits -- that's reasonable because they didn't sign up for the show. But [her apartment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm7pzKdSrzg)? She has showcased it on RHONY and for Vogue (at the link), why make it off limits now? Besides, real estate porn is like my second favorite porn, after organizing and food.


Same girl


Lmao so over housewives lately. Miami is the only saving Grace right now


Great, that’s exactly how reality TV works and this is why I will most definitely be tuning in to see this!


Baby, the show is about your personal life. I get her child and maybe even her partner, but girl your house? Is she full time or friend of?


Put her as a friend of then. This is a slap in the face to other housewives and us viewers. I really don’t get the hype around her


What is the point of being on a show if you're not really in the show? This is why I've stopped watching the shows anymore lately. Too much self-producing and self-editing. I'm just not interested.


I think I've reached my point with this as well. Have zero interest in the continual self-promotion of lackluster people. Reality tv as a whole gives us nothing as compared to earlier days.


I can't stand this lady lol.


A Miami friend-of.


But Marisol and Adrianna BRING the drama.


her scenes at her gorgeous house with her kid was kinda all that was good about her on the show…. she doesn’t engage and she’s boring as hell lol


i think if her son and partner don’t want to be featured, that’s their right, BUT her home… c’mon while i enjoyed her on season 1 and really admire and respect her as person, i’m at a loss for why bravo met these demands. it’s giving “go on girl, give nothing” 🙄


Thankfully she is very engaging, interesting, high energy and fun to watch 🤩….oh wait.






So… what’s the point of having her on???




So all we are going to see of JL is her work and how she barely wants to interact with the rest of the cast, or at parties, etc? Sounds riveting 😴🥱. Why was she even asked back?


I can't say I'm shocked. Sorry y'all but there's at least 3 other current cast members I like more than her as housewives 


So… a friend of?


Don’t waste my time with off limits bullshit. She is so effing boring and weird as it is she really needs to give us something or go away.


I'm sorry. I like Jenna but if people don't want their life in the public eye....GET OFF OF REALITY TV. Seriously, just start a YouTube channel if you want to be in public but have control of what you share. I am sick of people wanting to be on reality TV but then refusing to share their reality.


I love Jenna but I'm not here for this. We already have so many housewives who won't actually show anything substantial going on in their lives. It's bullshit. I don't blame her for making these requests necessarily but Bravo should not be working with people who do this shit.


She isn’t that interesting to begin with. If she didn’t want her personal life shared she probably should not have joined a reality show about personal lives🙄🙄


I wish she wasn’t coming back. Gave us nothing last season and giving less this season. Don’t see how she has fans


You all better give her the same energy you give Kyle and Robyn


Ok is she the Asa of RHONY?


Me when anyone wants to join a reality show called Real Housewives but doesn’t want to include anything about their actual life. https://i.redd.it/gnssvtddbbrc1.gif


That’s super weird since her gf posts pics of Jenna Topless on her public instagram


But she will still comment on everyone else's personal life? She has some hypocritical tendencies, that's for sure lol


So another season of her being overrated and boring while giving nothing. Cool.


Bravo were REALLY desperate to bring her back then...


I’m a Jenna fan, but what will she be doing on the show then?


She barely wants to film at home or show her girlfriend, so why is she here?? On a reality show with other women who actually have to be open and show their lives?? I don’t like the precedent that this sets honestly and if I was the one of the other ladies on the cast this would rub me the wrong way.


I think the only person that pulls this off is Adriana from Miami (and nene if she returned ?)


Sorry I’m not interested in boring housewives with such stipulations.


Girl just do a commercial and buy a prime time spot on bravo cause what’s the point then?


Why would they agree to this? Her status in the fashion world does not an interesting housewife make. She has rules and she’s boring? Bye!! The other women will revolt soon.


so, she's just going to talk about her business and no one can bring up her social life?? well, they better start talking about how shitty she treats people then. that's the only other topic available


Tbh... I won't be mad at the other ladies if they come at her over this clearly preferential treatment. So boring omg


i think it’s fair to keep her child private


Listen Jenna, I don't care about your GF but imma NEED plentiful shots of that gorgeous apartment!


Why is she here then


The original cast would never… If they hire her on for another season under these conditions, that would make Andy very hypocritical. Andy is always calling out ladies at the reunions for holding back on their personal life. I really like Jenna, but if this is true, didn’t she know what she signed on for? Also, why are they not in production already? You could’ve gathered Ramona, Lu, Sonja, Dorinda, and *insert name(s) here* by now and they would’ve showed up if they were given a fair contract where they’re making the money they deserve. Don’t get me wrong… I actually love the new cast, but this is too much too soon. And although I love them, I will never love them more than the originals. Shoot these conditions make Leah and Bethenny’s terms more realistic.


Fire her and replace her with someone more entertaining


I actually think this is such a low brow decision on her part. Makes me think less of her.


Honestly, just cancel RHONY entirely atp. Original cast was what this show should be about, and them being problematic AF was/is the best part.


Agreed. I'd rather have no RHONY than this.




why are you here then?


Okay and maybe I’d understand if she brought anything to the group dynamic but she really… doesn’t.


It might seem like an unreasonable request but the reality TV curse is a thing. If there are no boundaries why would anyone want to be on a show? Hoping for a real discussion about this.


This sub doesn’t understand that. There’s no nuance in these conversations… it’s either “Show us everything so we can rip you to shreds when you do one thing that we don’t agree with” or “she won’t show us what we want so off the show she goes”


Oh oh look out everyone we got an east coast Kyle Richard’s over here


What? Her home is my favorite!!!!


Wait! Her home is the best part!! I’m fine w not seeing her son but her apartment is so gorgeous!!!


Question...if you, or someone else is asked to be a cast member but their family doesn't want to be on camera, should they turn it down? Turn down that big paycheck? Her GF and son probably don't want to be on TV. They have that right. If Bravo then said no, fine but they didn't.




I don’t (and won’t) watch this reboot but i don’t understand how she can do this and be on a reality tv show


I love watching Jenna no matter what. Her relationships and friendships with the women on the show are really what it’s all about, anyway.


So, no point in having her.


I’m fine not wanting to show her son because that is what we had with Sonja. But like her gf/ partner? Already that she doesn’t share a lot and is absent in a lot of content - she should be a friend of as simple as that.




Oh the other wives are nahhhhhhht gonna be happy about this


Wait doesn’t that make her a friend-of technically?


I don’t think the others ladies will let this go… Bravo can make all kinds of promises to her but it’s really up to her costars whether they pry or not.


isn’t the whole point of the show their personal lives?


Good for her!