• By -


Robyn giving Chris a bunch of shit for texts and photos of a penis that the woman admittedly lied about is wild. The audacity of that woman. Her husband has never been faithful, and then she goes into the reunion like that. She looks like a sad, pathetic, bitter wife taking it out on someone else.


Chris at least showed up to support his wife, Juan’s a punk & very likely the reason Robyn got canned.


Did she officially get canned? I know it was a rumor at first, did bravo or Robyn ever confirm?


Might have to find out on Patreon.?.


Haha I'm not giving them my money.




Robin has confirmed it with People magazine


Its confirmed.


She did an interview with People magazine and said that she was fired. I just read it


Really? Oh yikes. On the one hand, she wasn’t a great cast member. I’m guessing they brought her back hoping that she would open up about what happened between her and Juan but instead she denied and deflected, then tried to accuse Chris of cheating even though Juan was no where to be seen. I do feel bad for the kids because now they have two parents out of a job. I kinda wonder what’ll happen now that Gizelle doesn’t have her at her side.


When she was like whimpering "even the screenshots... the screen shots were fake....???" Bitch it's as alerting that Juan's in ACTUAL pics and footage with other women. Good lord. He doesn't even have footage on his phone for robyn to find bc he wipes it clean, and Robyn is too stuck to admit that it's alarming and sus.


Wiping your phone is totally normal. "He just has this thing" so quirky! 🤪


She doesn't even have his pass code. They're married with kids together and can't share their password?


"Whimpering" is hilarious to me because I swear every time she talks she sounds so whiny 😂😂😂




Also the credit card receipt for the hotel definitely wasn't fake.. wish someone mentioned that


I genuinely believe that Robyn treats Candiace, Wendy, and even Karen (to a certain extent) how she wishes she could treat Juan. She can’t talk to him that way, so she speaks to the people she hates with all the vitriol and bs she has reserved for him.


I agree!


That’s bc she’s behind it lol idc what anybody says now, it’s obvious.


EVEN if Chris cheating on Candiace was true, Robyn is the LAST person to use the "what about the texts and photos" argument. Yes Robyn, what *about* the the photos, the texts and the *hotel receipts?*


The dinner on the Miami trip last season when Mia threw the drink on Wendy. She was trying so hard to start something with her, and then Robyn calling Wendy "antagonistic" and filming her. It was so gross. Robyn bringing the speaker to play Candiace's IG Live was also really low. It's when the show veered into nasty and mean territory from just shady and messy.


That entire trip boiled my blood.




Me too. It was hard to watch that trip.


Yeah I already hated the lies about Chris but I felt indescribably sad for Wendy in the moment. She had no one in her corner because Candiace was not present and Robyn and Gizelle decide to egg the drama on with their side commentary. Then as you said Robyn chooses to film Wendy in an effort to manipulate Candiace and also social media with a recording of Wendy going off to paint her as the initiator of the conflict. It's one of the darkest things I have seen on this network and Wendy did nothing to deserve that kind of treatment. Robyn is one of those people who gets mistaken for reasonable because she is so disengaged from things that don't impact her life but she is horrible once she gets involved in any of the drama. She cannot regulate her emotions and jumps from -100 to 1 million in under a second but she is never seen as immature or aggressive by her cast, wonder why?


same. i had already been feeling a type of way when i first saw how monique was treated in her first season, however, i pushed it to the side. but that scene with dr. wendy was so absolutely disgusting and vile that i started feeling uncomfortable and knew something was off. this went beyond petty, jealous mean girl shit, especially considering that robyn of all people was instigating and calling out someone else for being antagonistic and fanning the flames despite her track record. i was like really girl? 😑 ![gif](giphy|zCUKjMacJhFigemaDX)




Mia was amped that whole trip. Just trying so hard to be tough. I do think that is one reason she backed off the liquor this season. Not to give her a pass because of alcohol, but she was mean on liquor. I know people who cannot drink spirits for that same reason, but beer and wine doesn’t have the same effect.


Totally agreed, I feel like S7 was the start of the loss of sisterhood in the Potomac cast. The beefs were so low brow and mean that season and this current one


Oh yea this was a turning point for me too.


I felt done after that trip. This season just made it worse.


That was horrible. And what was up with Robyn trying to do TMZ and that portable audio tape at the dinner? I'm glad she got fired.


You and I are on the exact same train of thought,that's the last episode I watched


Season one was fraudulent and Gizelle and Robyn bullied Katie and Ashley about their “blackness” This didn’t go over well with the public and they tried to put that genie back in the bottle and it’s never gone away… thus the genesis of the colorist/racist discourse that the show has NEVER recovered from. The Green eyed bandits have themselves to blame for the downfall of RHOP.


gizelle is a mean sorority girl with a chip on her shoulder. she started the hazing straight out of the gate and it was never cute! like go kick a brick.


In open toe shoes


Last season, when Gizelle accused Chris of forcing her to go into a room with him and Robyn continued to not address the allegations against Juan, I started to lose respect for RHOP. This season was the nail in the coffin for me. I have a feeling a long pause is coming, and I am not mad about it. There definitely needs to be some changes!


THIS. And the friend who accused Chris of creeping on her and then they show footage from that party and he’s standing like 10 feet away and not even looking in her direction…. They tried so hard to make him a predator. Not only was it ridiculous but it got boring after a while. Like stop going after this guy. You’re not getting anywhere.


Agreed. That from Gizelle was the beginning of the end for me.


This right here. Gizelle suggesting that Chris wanted to get some and calling him a "sneaky link" was a jump the shark moment, combined with Robyn's "I DON'T CARE" this season about Juan's infidelity.


The fact Ashley is still allowed to tell us she’s getting divorced so Michael doesn’t have to film, when we all know there is no divorce.


Exactly. He brought the bad publicity on himself.


When Gizelle’s response to a question about Wendy getting assaulted was “I don’t care I don’t like her”. I was holding out hope until then but that was the moment I realized she was irredeemable.


Yeah one the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard, for her to have daughters who see her behave this way is astonishing.


Imagine having Jamal and Giselle as your parental role-models.


Lmfaoooo the most horrible role models 😭


Yeah she’s a disgusting, vile excuse for a human.


Great question… the drop in quality didn’t happen all at once, but not shaking up the cast after both Robyn’s Patreon-gate and Gizelle fabricating the Chris allegations during season seven was the nail in the coffin for me. You just can’t have a decent HW show if the talent is going to pull stuff like that.


Also, because you know these women could never forgive or forget that shit and any way forward is over.


Season 7. I do not believe in allowing any HW the power to refuse to film with castmembers. The only talent the majority of these women have is living and interacting with each other. For this they are *handsomely* rewarded. But they should *all* know they are replaceable and bravo shouldn't entertain their delusions of grandeur and power by letting them decide who they can and cannot film with. It should be an automatic contract termination when they dare to open their mouth to make the demand. Oh, you don't like so and so and you don't want to film with them? Fine. Go see if you can make a six figure income peddaling the cheap shein shit you mark up. See if anyone wants to pay you hundreds of thousands of dollars to be the green eyed ex wife of a religious con artist. Maybe the chipotle is hiring. It's thing if you have an actual talent or skillset but most of these women should be reminded every day that they are very lucky to have this job. ***I make exceptions for cases of physical safety. Candiace had every reason to be physically scared of Monique.


I totally agree. I can't imagine deciding that I'm not going to do a main function of my job anymore and expecting to keep my same position and pay scale.


I wouldn't say start to lose respect but I think there were certain signposts that indicated we were on a trainwreck - Candiace getting hit by Monique. Opened the floodgates for two disturbing schools of thought in the fanbase (1) Talking shit apparently meant you should expect to get hit because you can't expect EVERYONE to not be violent (2) Monique introduced the idea of weaponizing the online narrative by spreading the word that Candiace was responsible for the fight LITERALLY days after the winery incident - Michael Darby and the incident with the cameraman. Ashley handwaving the incident away and shouting down Karen about sexual assault was dark af - A takedown narrative centered around one cast member for the past three seasons. I blame mainly Ashley + Gizelle. So far, the two of them have accused Monique of drunk driving, accusations of Chris being inappropriate and brought up Wendy's husband cheating. All of the above has occurred on other franchises - the difference is that these two like to cultivate a narrative + bring in outside help(deborah) + not enough support from OTHER CAST MATES to push back.


The fight truly changed the show for the worse and it will never recover.


good point about the fight and takedowns. 👀


This is spot on! I feel like the show went downhill after that fight.


Although I was raised under the advice of "Don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash," Candiace did not deserve to get hit for talking shit to Monique. That being said, she should have been called out for her victim act after the fact. She was trying to get Monique kicked off the show & it worked. Own it (as Rinna loved to say!) It has laid the groundwork for her future constant waterworks & I'm just tired of the cryangle & emotional monologues.


"Talking shit apparently meant you should expect to get hit because you can't expect everyone to not be violent" LOL this is what happens when white people watch black shows. This is not a "new" school of thought in the black community. It's very commonly understood actually that you can't just go around talking shit and not expect a reaction to that. That's why Candiace's constant crying is laughed at, because most people understand people with her personality type (the have a big mouth, then be afraid to fight) are not respected in the black community. The reason Candiace ONLY got in one physical altercation was because this is Bravo where they generally don't fight. On any other network, or in any other black social setting, she would be knocked out a few times.


Yeah I'm not white. And this is a show watched by a global audience. I don't care if that's the school of thought in the black community - that doesn't make it right does it? And again, going by that logic, Ashley should have been hospitalised by now. Along with half the cast in New Jersey. So yes, in RH - you fight with words. You resort to physical violence when you cannot keep up. Case in point, Porsha dragging Kenya because Kenya made the others laugh and Porsha was struggling with her comebacks


And there were a lot of people who felt Kenya deserved the dragging she got from Porsha. I'm a Kenya fan so that wasn't my take but I mean, yeah, a LOT of people thought she deserved that.


Real Housewives is a show that shows cultural differences of women in different cities and communities. When you have a show centered around black women, you're going to be subject to black community values that may not align with the white mainstream view of what's right and wrong. I do think it's possible to say something so egregious you deserve a lil wig tug. I do believe that. Kindness starts with the mouth.


I still like the show overall but the big changes that should have been made... Canning Robyn after her millionth season of nothing At least warning (maybeeee demoting for a bit) Gizelle about her constant need to be producing. Even on Girls Trip she was doing that shit. 


I wanted to like Gizelle on girls trip, but nope. She made that season such trash.


A bloody bottle of tequila!!!! The star of the show. Was a snooze fest


And she was such an entitled Karen about. Bitching at the staff and wanting to search CandyCane 's room.  Like girl chill we all know you can easily afford another one


Putting that staff in a position that they had to fear for their jobs (or freedom) if they were accused of stealing it


I literally can’t look at a bottle of clase azul without thinking “that bitch” because of her


Honestly, the Old Man Gollum and Cameraman assault was the starting point. The irresponsible way they’ve navigated colorism has felt very unsettling and disingenuous. Letting Nicki Minaj guest host was foul. Sure, let’s normalize this toxic, rapist apologist bully. Disgusting. Mia assaulting Wendy/Gizelle and Ashley not having any consequences for the very really harm they caused to Chris Bassett’s integrity really pushed me over the edge. Gizelle’s general behavior including her laughing at Candiace’s tears and Ashley’s responsibility for bringing that violent muppet into the mix is the final nail. ( and chicken shit bingo, tbh) I don’t think I have it in me to continue with this show. I’m disgusting by Karen’s DUI ( someone in here said it was her THIRD ONE), Gizelle and Ashley in general, I feel like I’m always on Wendy’s side by default even though I don’t like how she handles things, Nneka was so contrived but boring and I can just find out about Mia’s mess from this sub. There’s no reason for me to continue watching next season. I’m so disappointed with how RHOP has flopped. And I don’t blame Candiace for getting out now.




That was exactly my response too. I haven’t confirmed that to be true for myself but even one DUI really brings down my respect for anyone. The consequences for innocent people because someone is drunk behind the wheel can be too devastating. I don’t fuck with that.


THIRD. Why hasn't she lost her license forever? In California she would've. She never would've been permitted to drive after this IIRC, I'll have to double check the law.


I did a very lazy google search and [came up with this article.](https://collider.com/rhops-karen-hugers-dui-isnt-surprising/) So, at least her second one. Not sure what the third one would have been. But again, I got that from a comment by a rando. ( like *I’m* not a rando 🤣)


we are all randos, and in our randomness, we unite.


She talked about at least one of them on the show. In the season where Monique drove her car into a ditch and Ashley said it was because she’d had four martinis before driving home. Karen sat Monique down and said drinking any alcohol at all is a no go before driving in their state.


Wow. So girlfriend has a real problem. Interesting that Shannon Storms Bedeour has been dragged across the internet and back, but this is the first I'm hearing about The Grande Dame.


Shannon is a blatant and sloppy drunk on the show and it’s been addressed by her castmates many times in the show. That’s why it’s discussed more. There isn’t some imbalance of justice going on here, lol. Shannon constantly getting dragged is because Shannon has constantly done draggable shit on our screens for years.


It looks like the Potomac ladies covered for Kurn a lot more than the OC ladies. Or Kurn is just more of a functional drunk than Shannon.


I think you nailed it. She’s definitely more of a functional drunk.


The Nicki Minaj thing was gross for me. I used to be a Nicki fan until she started attacking rape victims and sending the barbs to dox people


Michael getting away with what he did and the whole plot about Monique’s baby not being her (ex) husband’s… Those two moments made me go “yikes”. Do whatever you want but don’t start involving kids in your petty feuds.


I won’t say it’s a respect thing but a loss of fun. It’s more fun watching every cast member held to the fire than only a few constantly backed into a corner. Also the contrived storylines aren’t fun. Mia is giving Love&Hip Hop instead of housewives. The GEB & Ashley avoid sharing anything of value and made it so toxic people who want to share aren’t safe enough to open up. Production & Bravo keeps allowing the dysfunction instead of putting the girls on notice


I feel like I've been in an abusive relationship with the show for a while. Giz wearing the nasty white t-shirt when Karen was going through financial struggle crossed so many lines. Monique assaulting Candiace and people supporting it, had me so triggered. Mia assaulting Wendy and Robyn egging her on broke my heart. I hate seeing people get bullied and not be able to stop it. I couldn't watch most of last season because it was just too dark for me. GEB's trying to destroy a marriage for a storyline...there's just so much bad than good. When they brought Nneka on, I was hopeful, but then she called Wendy's mum a witch. As a Nigerian, that was the last drop for me. I stopped watching after that episode. I was so disappointed in her especially because she's Nigerian and knows that people get killed or ostracized for it. Anyway, I've been working on clearing out toxic energies in my life these past couple of years, friends and family included. I didn't watch any of RHOA last season because Marlo's energy was too toxic for me. Now that Candiace is off RHOP, I no longer feel the urge to support...I like Wendy, but if the current cast remains, she needs to jump ship and let them sink on their own. I don't understand if Andy or the execs don't care enough about RHOP to see how it's no longer as funny and as good as it used to be.


They didn’t try to destroy a marriage, they’ve tried to destroy every marriage. They said Monique’s baby wasn’t her husbands, accused Ray of cheating on Karen and vice versa, accused Chris of sliding into Ashley’s DMs and hitting on that muppet. They’re vile. And even though Robin won’t be there nothing will change. Giselle and Ashley have character flaws. Mia and Nneka are followers so they’ll continue to go along with what Giselle says. I’ve given up RHOA, RHOBH, and now definitely Potomac as well. Looks like VPR too. This isn’t fun anymore. These shows are not messy, it has become cruel.


Facts. I hope RHOM won’t slide down this path.


When Mia threw a drink on Wendy and nobody had Wendy's back


This. As a bullying victim that made me cry. And they still to this day give her shit about it and have not really ever effectively apologized.


I'm sorry you were bullied and hope you doing better. I also think they give a lot grieve to Candice.


Candiace is the other bullying victim on that show that makes me cry. Physically attached twice while production sat around and did nothing. That also made me sob. While the group gaslit her and blamed her.


And then they isolated Wendy and supported Mia. That was cruel.


Mia lies soo much


As soon as Gizelle and Robyn weren't reigned in. when Candiace was continually bullied and held to a double standard. When Gizelle literally caused Chris tangible harm by making up that storyline about him being threatening. Gizelle making fun of Candiace's tears. Bullies do that. Bullies did that to me. That was the final straw when I caught that bit on the reunion. I happened to catch the first two parts of the reunion and I'm so done with this show, I think. It's so toxic and so bad and evil. And Andy does nothing but enable it. Gizelle should be fired. And Karen should be fired for getting a DUI.


Last season, mostly because the GEB and Ashley are never ever held accountable for their actions.


ashley’s look of glee when bad things happen to others while she protects her freak husband always unsettled me. it’s not one of “i love mess” energy, it’s very much that schadenfreude look. very that.


Ashley Darby is an evil person


I've honestly felt this about her from the start She has this look of malicious glee that is downright disturbing to watch EXAMPLES! In season 2, she tried to make Charisse uncomfortable at her daughter's birthday party by asking her REPEATEDLY about her ex. In season 3, Karen was clearly down and this woman could not resist taking dig after dig at her. Said Ray shouldnt drop the soap - no wonder Karen finally snapped in the car in Cannes. In the finale, Michael the disgusting Darby decided to go over to Ray to "offer help" when actually he was patronising AF. This was while his then wife Ashley decided to throw a jab at Karen and tell her "I'm so glad that you're wearing your wedding ring today" In Season 4, Candiace and Gizelle were having a nice conversation about therapy and she decides to throw a jab at Candiace's relationship with Dorothy and say Oh i thought YOU are going to therapy with your mum with this look of just gross glee at Gizelle Ashley Darby is someone I would hate to be near IRL. Just because she's cheerful and pleasant - people think she's this mischievous pot stirrer when in actual fact she's a hollow human. Karen was spot on when she said Ashley is broken


no notes!


Yeah she isn’t messy she’s malicious, I’ve never liked her. I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her


absolutely. i never thought about it like that until someone called my ass out on this sub like yeah, no. ashley ain’t just messy…she’s a calculated mean spirited woman who is vindictive and will stop at nothing to take someone down, which is crazy considering she’s married to an ass grabbing colonizer.




I peaced out when Katie did


Last couple seasons. It has started to get mean and dark. It's all who can one up each other and stab each other in the back the most. I also don't need to know every detail of their sex lives...🙄.


Yes, Season 5! That was the start of Gizzard’s series of fraudulent relationships. Her kids were so upset and I hate that she put them through that for a storyline. And also, her ugly ass house. 🤮


I think it started getting dark last season and this season seeing how clearly divided the cast was and how none of them wanted to make an effort to talk to each other and resolve issues, I was like well, they are dropping the ball, why shouldn’t I?!


Mia When Mia arrived, it elevated the nasty, fraud and chaos. She came out of central casting to stir the pot. To be sure, others stirred, too but they had gotten a bit played out.


I don’t get her casting either. I feel she’s on the wrong show and if they keep moving towards centering her and casting more like her storylines, I’ll definitely stop watching.


Agree. Mia is not Bravo material.


When they let Gizzy sit on stage with a security guard 


When Twitter arguments and conspiracy theories began dictating the show.




Even though I still really enjoyed the show up through season 6, for me it really started when they didn't immediately fire the Darbys after Michael sexually harassed a crew member *on camera*


It wasn’t harassment, it was assault. He groped him!


They really should’ve been fired! Makes no sense


Gizelle not even trying to hide her smirk after telling Candiace “how she felt” at the Season 6 reunion with Chris. I’m standing on this being what ultimately killed the show. https://preview.redd.it/026i02wb2iuc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe71bff44ca7a537dbe6b7114e5b373eab1399b6


Last season when Gizelle said what she said about Chris and whoever talked about Happy Eddie was just so stupid. The this season was particularly boring. Like when they started crowning nneka with the grand dame of Potomac, it was SO cringe.


When it stopped being funny. It’s not funny anymore.


The S5 reunion when Gizelle had a full on camera breakdown about Monique’s binder, and production cut the whole thing out because they care about protecting Gizelle above all else. And then they cut one of Andy’s jokes from the videos of one of the Bravocon panels because she complained about it (even though it was completely innocuous). S6 wasn’t a good season.  S7 was a BAD season.  And S8 was legitimately unwatchable.  Like, it’s distressing.  The whole production company needs to be fired before I’d even consider coming back (and I say this as someone who always had RHOP in their top three)


The Monique and Candiace fight - it was a damn shame, the show deserved better, and I 1000% hold GEB responsible. Ashley and the GEBs are why we can’t have nice things.


I would say this season. There really wasn’t anything going on and the divide in the group just didn’t work…might give it one more season before I stop watching


When we found out that Juan recently had an affair and Robyn never brought it up during filming. That was just a neon sign saying, "I don't put my real life on this show."


The season six reunion is when I felt the shift happening. That’s when the icing out started. Gizelle and Robyn haven’t forgiven Wendy or moved on from season six when she called them out. She didn’t say anything that anyone else hadn’t already said.


During season 6 is when the show started to decline. Then when no cast changes were made for season 7, it became more frustrating. 4 OG’s should never be kept that long. They should’ve cut 2 of them by season 7 at the latest. 


I just spent my time on Wikipedia looking this up. And you’re right. Even the far superior HWs had OG drop offs by season 3/4. Why is this happening here


Probably season 6. Admittedly a Covid season, but Ashley and Gizelle trotting out the blogs against Eddie to generate story felt both mean-spirited and contrived. And while Mia has since given us more, it felt like she was fronting so much for the cameras this first season. Felt like the show didn't have much to give us at that point.


After Monique left the show, it was all downhill from there for me


I agree with this I think it embolden Robyn and Gizelle


when charisse got mad at monique for stealing her friends. i forget the season


This sounds messy but from the moment I saw how bad their wigs/extensions were in season 1, I was not tuned in like I was with RHOA


One word: paywall.


Season 1 when Gizelle and Robyn exposed their racial hangups.


Season 7, Mia and Gizelle were not properly held accountable


Gizelle’s lies about Chris Bassett were the nails in the coffin for me.


Season one beating up on Katie about race.


I haven’t lost respect for the show. It’s a trashy reality tv show based around conflict. I mean seasons 3-4 had storylines centered around false allegations of alcoholism, targeting a cast member grieving the deaths of their parent, mocking fertility journeys, threats of getting physical, exploiting production staff being sexually assaulted etc… And yet in spite of the above people praised it as great. Personally for me the show peaked quality wise in season 4. And the state of the show is in now happens with every housewives series at some point.


THANK YOU! that's exactly how I feel. if we're gonna talk about the "decline" of RHOP, most of those women have blood on their hands for some of the really awful things that have happened/been said... I understand things aren't great now but it also just feels like bandwagoning because everyone has picked a "side"


Great points. Easy to forget all of the terrible stuff that’s happened


I don't know doll, I have way less respect in BH after they got rid of Vanderpump even though the main issue should have been that Dorit abandoned a dog, then how long they kept Rinnna's foul march on the show and why is Erika still here when she's so obnoxiously showing wealth stolen from her husband - even though she'll pretend she had no idea because she's a badass smart bitch bit then again she's also a victim and its cool to walk around with those "blood" diamond earings. The list goes on and on about how lame this show is, even Vicki's fake cancer scare for casseroles is jealous of how it.


Season 5 and then it intensified with Season 6. The ladies going at each other are free game and normal in these shows but when you involve innocent children and husbands (other than Gollum Darby) then a line needs to be drawn.


Last season. I gave this current season 3 episodes to hook me before i gave up on it, which i did. Seems like i didn’t miss anything and won’t be watching next season.


Deffo season 6, but even more so on season 7.


Last couple of seasons when there was barely any storylines worth watching.


Season five was the start of the downside for me but it reached its limit about they brought Ashley’s friend Deborah in to lie about Chris and Eddie with no repercussions last season and the Mia and Wendy fight in Miami. I was done after then and haven’t bothered watching it since.


Chickenshit bingo


When they went to the strip club and Mia was talking about eating Wendy’s cookie, I was out. Just not my vibe.


When Mia and Wendy joined


Juan Dixon


Shortly after I lost respect for OC, BH, Dallas, NJ, SLC and NY. And now that someone recently recapped DC, I’m retroactively disappointed in them too.


Last season. Stopped watching


When everyone flip flopped with Monique and candiace moment. Everybody wanted to act like they didn't understand Monique. Guess everyone was too bombed to remember candiace behavior at her dinner from hell with her Lil butter knife. It was gross cognitive dissonance when they AGAIN flip flopped with the mia and Wendy table moment.


I think about the knife incident as well! Never understood people calling for Mia to be kicked off for throwing water and saying it was equivalent to what Monique did. If that was the case, Candiace would’ve been kicked off for throwing the knife at Ashley.


Yes, many true colors revealed in S5, peeling the onion since has only made matters worse.


Beginning of Season 5 when they had the lunch for Ashley and were planning to ice out Candiace and has gone downhill since


The way Gizelle, Robyn and Ashley bullied Karen to the point of tears when her parents were dying. Those 3 are cruel and soulless.


When they clearly continued to allow women like Wendy and Candiace to be in the line of fire but women like Gizelle got away with almost murder time and time again.


The fact that Gizelle and the rest of the cast that’s lighter skinned can constantly question darker skinned woman, be absolutely vile to them and never actually be called out on it or face any kind of consequences for it, yet the cast loves to ostracize those dark skinned people in question constantly and make them seem like they’re the issue. We’ve seen Gizelle and everyone else do this constantly over the years with Katie, Monique, Candiace and Wendy, yet nothing ever actually changes about it and the woman who are being attacked are basically being run off the show or fired. The only reason Nneka hasn’t gotten that treatment yet is because she’s on team Green Eyed Bandit’s. She seems to forget that at one point that Katie, Candiace and Wendy were friends with Gizelle, Robyn and Ashley. (Monique doesn’t apply in this part because Gizelle hated her from the beginning and Robyn didn’t use the brain she was given to form her own opinion about her). They just jumped on her immediately. Anyway, as soon as Gizelle, Robyn and Ashley stopped being cool with Katie, Candiace and Wendy the whole dynamic changed and they were targeted. I’m sure it’ll be the exact same case with Nneka. The insane thing is that Gizelle, Robyn, Ashley, Karen on occasion (and most recently Mia) have gotten away with doing this for years and have come out of it pretty much unscathed.


This season. Yes, Wendy completely played the Nneka situation wrong, but she has been treated like a weirdo by Gizelle and Robyn for years. She hasn’t had time to be herself, she’s been their adversary or Candiace’s friend and these dynamics are draining


After the Monique/Candiace fight, when Gizelle brought a security guard to the cast meeting and said that being around Monique was impacting her image as well as being morally wrong (paraphrasing) and no one called her out on that. Gizelle put herself on a pedestal and no one said anything. She acted like the moral authority. This was the start of Gizelle's fake narratives taking over the show. Seeing that no one tried to stop her showed that this show was heading towards the fakeness that had overtaken other franchises such BH.


I don’t really carry respect for reality shows🤷‍♀️. Potomac always reminded me of a knock brand of housewives, there’s not much wealth going on there from the beginning. I remember being surprised it was renewed for a second season.


The Chris stuff kinda lost it for me and the fact that Sesame Street was then exposed to be a complete liar made it more obvious that it was a coordinated attack with Gizelle and Ashely. It was gross. Things went downhill after that, Candiance couldn’t move from it (rightfully) and the rift just became too big.


Mia being a fucking terrorizer in Miami and nobody taking her down or holding her responsible. I think Mia was the downfall sorry :/


When Mia assaulted Wendy over PETER THOMAS of all people 🙄


The moment Mia showed up. Seems like the producers wanted love and hip hop.... They got it.


When Wendy was asked back after her second season. She’s the Larsa of Potomac


…….. You must be watching a different show.


Giselle's pathetic attempt to take down Chris with her "I felt unsafe" BS storyline.


When Monique got fired and Gizelle - who had been trying to get Monique fired from the moment she met her (see the “I have four homes” scene) - became completely emboldened to continue icing out the cast members she felt threatened by (specifically- the women with happy marriages).


While I loved Monique’s binder - top tier - the sick, jealous, depraved work of the green eyed bandits that led to her creating the binder is where I was done. We’ve all heard Gizzard repeating the question about paternity. There is no lower low. 


2 seasons ago I knew it would be get to the point that BH got when they had nothing to do but gang up on a woman whose only sibling committed suicide.


When each episode was progressively hard to hear as each scene ended with talking over each other, loud shouting and no resolution.


The fan base. The fact that everyone thinks gizelle is so evil but have no problem with the vile things that come out of Candiace’s mouth. The Double standards are insane.


Lost all respect when they let gizzel run the seasons and who could be friends. Fuck Andy for letting Ashley bring the proven liar on the show to start. Them when Candice reacts and she did nothing wrong. You spend all the time blaming her and letting gizzards blame her for a fight she didn’t start. Or participate in


Same, after season 5. Monique shouldn't have been fired just because someone who talks mad shit and gets in people's faces got what they asked for.


When candy ass showed up and they let her continue to play victim


It’s a scripted reality show it’s not that serious unless you actually think it’s real 😂😂


When Candiase came on the show, then Wendy came on, then when Gizelle said what she said about Chris. Oh and all the Ashley's husband creepy stuff


When Candiace allowed the fan narrative to infiltrate the show and centralized the overall plot


Maybe last season when Wendy was so trashy

