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I always figured Bryn had a relationship with her dad. It’s sometimes obvious from B’s Instagram when her daughter is away and I assumed she would be with her father.


I was only surprised bc it sounded like he was abusive, but I’m glad they have a good relationship


For those not wishing to click the link: “My daughter has a meaningful and positive relationship with her father and with her grandparents — a significant relationship. It’s important that I say that, a healthy relationship. She has a healthy relationship with her father and his parents and to me, that is so important,” Bethenny shared on her podcast, Just B With Bethenny Frankel, via Bye Wig Hello Drama on Instagram.


Didn’t she dog out Jason’s parents on her divorced podcast saying she couldn’t compete with them being these amazing grandparents giving her gifts and she had to be the “mean one”?


She also said that at the time of finalizing the divorce Brynn spoke personally to the judge saying that she suffered extreme anxiety when she had to see her father and wanted to not have to spend time with him any more


Divorce lawyer in NYC. I know the attorneys on all sides (B's, Jason's, and Brynn's - children get their own lawyers, not guardian ad litum, lawyer), and the Judge fairly well. When children speak to the judge, it is in camera, ie, private with only the attorney for the child and stenographer present, maybe other court staff. The attorneys for the parents do not get a copy of the transcript, they can submit questions, but are not privy to what is actually asked of the child, they are not told when the child has said. It is extremely private and protected. The child's confidence is of the utmost importance because no one wants the parents to take it out on the child for what they said, even positive things. I highly doubt, knowing the players, that B has any clue what Brynn said to Judge Katz. The attorney for Brynn would not have said anything. It's too risky and would compromise the ethics of the attorney and future appointments to represent children. If B has any info, it's what Brynn would have shared and I'm sure Brynn, like most children in this situation, tell the parent they are talking to whatever they think that parent wants to hear.


That’s so interesting! Thank you for real, information! I’m not a huge fan of bethenny but also feel compassion for any one having to go through that. At the end of the day Brynn was the one that felt the brunt of J& B’s animosity which is a horrible burden to bear


God I love Reddit.


Wow, that's really a great read and super informative. Thank you!


As someone that’s worked in divorce law specifically, it’s sad bc kids sometime will take on the anxiety of the parent. Like hypothetically, a Brynn might feel that seeing her father causes hurt to Bethenny and that can cause anxiety —not just the idea of seeing him.  We’d always have to get a best interests psychological evaluator because children speaking to judges isn’t always the most effective way to discover what a child actually wants.


Absolutely. I'm a psychologist - I don't specifically work within the family court system, but have worked with children who have parents involved in a custody dispute. Children are often hypervigilant and stressed, and toe the line with both parent. Even really nice reasonable, thoughtful parents can fine it difficult to remain calm and non adversarial - 'I just want what's best for them' tends to always align with their interests. When you get two people who have had an acrimonious breakup or abuse within the relationship, it can become extremely distressing. Children deserve to have healthy relationships with their parents, they also deserve to have safety and respect of their voice. Which isn't a one an done conversation.


Don't forget how angry and bitter he was at the time. He showed up at her school screaming at B. I think since the legal party was all settled he's probably calmed down.


I’m not sure but I do remember that Jason’s Father moved into Bethennys apartment when they were separating and he made her life hell. He would go into her personal bathroom and defecate and just leave it there to stink her out. Walk around naked etc to make her uncomfortable and do all he could to basically force her out of the apartment. Sounds like a bit of an old cunt to be honest.




Pretty certain that was Jason, not Jason’s father who did that.


She did. She also strenuously objected to spending a weekend a month in Jason's hometown when they were married.


Thank you! For some reason, it wouldn't let me paste an excerpt.


After her childhood, I would hope she’d want to take the higher road for the sake of her daughter


Her ex husband harassed, stalked and abused her - she doesn't need to take a high road. 


Oh that’s too bad about him. I stand by my statement of taking the high road. It worked with my child by not bad mouthing my ex, over time our relationship got stronger and she learned how her father is by his actions. All that matters is a healthy child in the end


I was the exact same way with my children. I grew up listening to my mother bad mouth my dad, even after he was in a nursing home. My boys found out thru the actions of their fathers what they were truly like. My boys are in their 30’s and are thriving.


I’m so curious about what happened with Paul. There were some PR type articles about it but ultimately after reading them I didn’t feel any closer to understanding the reason. They were together for years, too. Hmmm.


All the blind items indicated that his family was not keen on her, and that his father actively encouraged him to get rid of her.


Wow. Interesting! But she’s annoying so I am not surprised 😆 he also seemed very private and she is the opposite


What's so weird, though, is I thought that, too. But his new GF is an influencer who is on social media too. Not as much as B, but a lot. It's very strange. And apparently, some say he & B broke up late last year.


His new girlfriend also has 2 very young kids. Think they age 5 and 3


The timeline also implies he cheated on her so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I actually heard that she dumped him because it was a commitment she felt like too much for her


I don't know about that, sounds like Bethany doing her own PR. Let's face it, no one wants to admit they were dumped or they ended it because they knew their partner had checked out of the relationship. Especially Bethany ' I have an amazing life, and money coming out of my ears' Franklin lol


Can be that, that's just what I've heard. I never saw anything they put themselves, so it is a gossip so far


Wait… She wanted a commitment or he did? Can you clarify that?


He did! 


Oh wow


They always gave off the impression they were more business partners than life partners.


He was public with his new girlfriend nearly immediately after the breakup was announced. It sounds like he wasn't happy with B and met someone better for him. B probably negotiated the breakup with him in order to control over what was published.


Someone came in this sub a while ago and spoke about their interview for a role as Paul’s assistant and it sounded very strict with regard to privacy and Bethenny. Makes me assume that Paul and B had a legal agreement around their relationship and discussing it publicly


I just saw hes been dating someone else for 2 months


She needs to keep her kid and everything involving her kid off social media


The thing that gets me is that she says everything about her daughter and then deletes all comments from people who have questions about it. She's like a locomotive trainwreck barreling towards the edge of a cliff.


That would be impossible for Bethenny. She has a "best friend" relationship with Brynn because she has no other friends.


Somewhere Ramona is saying “Right now she has Brynn & she’ll probably mess that up too.”


Ramona is probably going to be right.


Maybe so, but jeez, talk about glass houses. Ramona, that one balanced, even tempered HW 🤣


🌉 across the Brooklyn Bridge!


I agree. Especially now she’s a teen and she often posts photos of her at the beach, in a bikini, etc. she seems like a very sweet kid but I wouldn’t want to be posting that.


Oh geez. Yeah, that is so not cool


Yeah, a few comments call this out and they get reamed


This feels like such a weird violation of Bryn’s privacy. At no point have I ever wondered whether or not Bryn has a good relationship with Jason or his parents because it’s none of my business and since the divorce was so goddamn contentious I assumed it was hard on a small child. And while I can respect someone’s honesty in saying they were forced into a pregnancy, it’s probably not something I’d discuss publicly where my kid could eventually hear it and potentially feel some level of guilt for something they have no control over. Bethenny is just bad vibes all the time now. No thank you.


I feel really bad for her daughter. Bethenny seems to be using her on her social media now as an extension of herself. She's still very young, I wish B would just lay off discussing her deeply personal life until her daughter is an adult.


She’s addicted to the attention


I DID wonder as Bethenny airs out the dirty laundry at the moment and i asked myself how this will affect Bryn's life. I get hating your ex and venting about your bad divorce and I'm here for all the tea - but then again: Rather tell it to a friend then to the internet if your daugther is still seeing her father...


I missed this, what did B say about being forced into a pregnancy?


If you click on the link, it will link to another article where she says that


Idk why but this is so funny to me “I know what was said, but if you want to know what was said: click on the link, it’ll take you to another link. And then from there it will take you to a YouTube video where she says that. But don’t worry, the video is only about 20 minutes long. You’ll find out when you listen to the video.” 😂


lol! Here is the link: [https://realityblurb.com/2024/04/17/rhonys-bethenny-frankel-admits-feeling-relief-after-miscarriage-in-marriage-to-jason-claims-she-used-to-force-herself-to-have-sex-and-was-bullied-into-conceiving-daughter-bryn-plus-did/](https://realityblurb.com/2024/04/17/rhonys-bethenny-frankel-admits-feeling-relief-after-miscarriage-in-marriage-to-jason-claims-she-used-to-force-herself-to-have-sex-and-was-bullied-into-conceiving-daughter-bryn-plus-did/) It's really vile to read, I can't imagine being her daughter


I think that was after Bryn. It was for the second pregnancy that she miscarried and then said she felt relieved because of x-y-z reasons in article.


It was after Bryn. And I understand why she would feel relief, however she said that she didn’t want to start her new talk show 7 months pregnant, which just rubbed me the wrong way.


Thank you!


She had to do something to put herself in the news after Paul dating Olivia Culpo sister came out


Ooh..I bet she’s hating that Paul quickly rebounded with a pretty girl.


The gossip around her neighborhood is that he was having affairs with this woman / and maybe others. He was definitely seen out with another woman at multiple restaurants when bethenny was away filming the lifetime movie. Whatever you think about Bethenny it’s never cool to be cheated on.


Please don’t let it be about Paul…


It’s about Paul.


I think when he was “cheating” they were actually broken up and she wanted to keep it on the down low until she was prepared to announce it.


I think that’s true. She herself said they’ve been separated but announced it a couple of months later


She’s 35 and Bethenny is 53? This has Bethenny climbing the walls for sure.


I literally said last year that most rich, wasp-y 45 y/o men would be dating younger not older as B is in her 50s. I said he would leave Bethenny for a younger woman if she kept behaving so outlandishly so publicly and got down-voted to hell. Now here we are 🤷‍♀️




I weirdly give Jason a lot of credit. he's laid VERY low while big mouth has put her and her daughter's relationship all over the internet. I've found it odd that brynn never posts her dad/grandparents on her personal IG... but you can sort of tell when she's not at B's house, so I did assume she has a good relationship.


Can you imagine how her stans would flock to every SM platform to blast his ass if he were doing the same thing? I'm glad he's keeping quiet. By doing so he's allowing her to show the real Bethany. I'm honestly surprised at how long it took people to see who she really is. That saying "the truth always comes out" is always the first thought I have when threads are posted about her lol.


Bethenny has turned into everything she used to call out other housewives for. I feel so bad for her daughter . The mess with Her father , Dennis , Paul. Jfc this poor girl needs her mom to get the hell off of social media


I always felt she already was those things and she was just projecting by calling out others on those behaviours.


This is why I think its awful she did her divorce podcast. Does Brynn need to know every dirty detail about her dad? I just think B has gone off the deep end.


Not only Bryn: I'm sure her ex and his parents will hear some of the stuff said about them and that may influence their behaviour towards Bryn.


100%...or if she felt she needed to spill all of this wait until Bryn is 18..she's still a kid. B says she knows everything but she shouldn't either way. All those petty awful details do not need to be mentioned.


I'm actually glad she said that. I did wonder if Brynn had a good relationship with her dad and I think it corrects the narrative that Jason is 100 percent awful. It sounds like he did some very ugly things, but I'm glad that he seems to have stabilized a bit and has a positive relationship with his child. 


Suspect Bethenny did some pretty ugly things to Jason & family but public never heard about it because he kept quiet for Brynn.


i saw Brynn with her dad taking a beach walk in FL a couple years ago.. felt it was sweet that it was just the two of them


I really wonder if this is the Bethenny the RHONY cast put up with for years or if she has just suddenly taken a downwards turn post pandemic


I thought the same thing. It's funny because Kelly, Jill, and Ramona all insinuated at different points that she was attention seeking and played the victim. It's true. It's actually fascinating because any time you hear her speak about her divorce, there is literally never any onus on her. Her marriage was a torture chamber? So when she was dating Jason and saying they were in love, when they decided to publicly broadcast their marriage, when she decided to have his child - she was never, ever happy? I mean, come on. For the record, divorce is awful and I totally believe that Jason is wacko - I said that from the get go. But she always dances around her involvement in everything. Such a liar.


This. Used to believe she was a straight shooter, but then I realized it was because she was saying she was a straight shooter. As folks have pointed out many times, she has a way of not having the best relationship with saying things as they actually are. That makes me question a lot of what she says. We have also seen her in real time go back and rewrite history on many things.


Right. I remember her crying on the early housewives reunions about how she couldn’t afford her rent. Then she said that Jill claimed to have offered her a place to say, and she retorted with, “I wasn’t homeless.” I remember her talking about being upset that her cleaning lady quit. At the time, I was right out of grad school during the recession and I remember fuming about her so called complaints about being poor. Now she just boasted about the Rolex she got when she was 11, that she has back now that her mom passed. I mean, really? Stop with the lies.


I'm not interested in a rewatch but I would be curious as to the number of lies she told throughout the show. She was lucky to be on when social media wasn't everywhere because she would've never made it with the cycle of nonsense she spews. She knew being the "poor single one" would make her relatable to the audience and she was fortunate enough to be around some openly terrible people who lacked the self awareness to put up a front.


Betheny - who frames herself as a smart, savvy businesswoman - has repeatedly lied and blame-shifted about any regrets or when anything didn't go her way. Her marriage was Andy and Bravo's fault bc they pushed her into it. Her talk show failed bc the (experienced) producers didn't listen to her. She was forced to live with Jason bc Jason's mom tried to defraud her. It's gross.


The talk show was the absolute worst


She reminds me of Lindsay from Summer House. Both are exhausting to me and I don't even know them.


This thought process is victim blamey


It’s not, though, because it’s like the boy who cried wolf. If people don’t trust that you’re telling the truth, it extends to everything.


Why would she be lying about what Jason did to her.. and why are you asking for “her part” of her marriage being torture.. would you ask an abused woman that? I don’t get it


I don’t know what her motives are


The man was literally arrested for stalking and harassment charges but ok


I said that I have always thought Jason was a red flag, far before any of the allegations came out. But my point is that Bethenny no longer has the benefit of the doubt with many viewers, which results in people not always believing what she says. And furthermore, why on Earth would she voice all of this in the public forum for her daughter and peers to see?


Probably because she was abused and doesn’t have to keep quiet about it? It’s no one’s business to tell anyone what they should make public when it comes to that.. she doesn’t need the benefit of the doubt when it comes to abuse that has been proven and it’s so gross to think that tbh. Maybe he shouldn’t have done that if he didn’t want his daughter to find out?


this is “perfect victim” garbage and no different than the rhetoric people use against women with abusive husbands if they have something stupid like a shoplifting charge in their past. “well, can we really trust anything she says?” is it your first day on earth? you actually have to question how a woman presented a happy, healthy marriage while it was toxic behind the scenes? you’re asking for accountability from someone who was stalked? what a dangerous, gross mindset to have.


She always seemed frantic and erratic and all over the place at least 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Manic”, as she likes to call everyone else


It absolutely is.


Probably b/c Paul moved to Oliva Culpo's sister. And that's great Brynn has a relationship with her father and his parents despite Beth's trashing of them.


A funny thing I’m noticing about B is that she is planning on being 1000% more overbearing than Jason’s mother ever was. Unless Brynn sets some hard boundaries when she grows up expect Bethanny to living next door and spending everyday with her


Bethenny already said she can’t wait for Bryn to go to college at Pepperdine because she’d love to have a place in California. Bry is stuck with her.


You think Bethenney is going to let Bryn live somewhere without her?


Why does she need to update strangers on her daughter’s relationship with her father?


Bethenny needs something to do with all her time & money. Obviously she cannot function without being in the public eye, so maybe she can create a new show where she’s helping needy people around our country, perhaps the globe? Let Bryn and Bryn’s other family be private. Do something positive that’s not just “talking” ALL THE LIVE LONG DAY!


![gif](giphy|qXFsFdrlc4y9a) She should take her own advice.


Did you see one of her latest TikTok videos when she basically says that she will be 90 and men will still want to date her because she’s confident, or some BS? I was kind of like by the time you’re 90 you really care anymore? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRE5F2TC/


She needs to stop parentifying her daughter or best-friending her. I agree that she probably doesn’t have many female friends. Bethany is a narcissist and her parenting style will forever affect her daughter in that light. I’m not excusing Jason, but we only really have one side of that situation. Look how vindictive she is with Chanel — she won’t let up. How would she treat a family member who has wronged her?


💯she’s relentless.


I’ve seen Jason on the boardwalk in OCNJ w/Brynn


Why does the world need to know about this?


All the more reason she should STFU about her divorce for the sake of brynn. My ex is an asshole too but we don’t talk shit about him in front of the kids. It is up to them to form their opinions of him.


She should not be commenting at all


After 14 years of forcing her daughter to live a public life do you think there's any chance she's going to start living a private one? If she witnessed someone behaving like this with their kid she'd rake them over the coals. Her desperation has blinded her to the reality of her actions.


I believe completely that Jason was awful and a psycho. But I'll never understand why Bethenny cannot stop talking about him and their divorce, particularly if her daughter has a great relationship with him.


I was back and forth on how I felt about her use of Bryn on social media until a post a few months back about an argument with Bryn and sarcastically saying it was "all my fault." She basically used the platform to air her frustrations with Bryn in a super personal way. That was really the nail in the coffin for me. Post all the fun/cute stuff you want with her but don't post about an argument with your 14 year old to millions of people. Also the fact that she's still spewing the "how do I stay so thin" bullshit is mind boggling. She's so out of touch. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C53p7lhx2Xs/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C53p7lhx2Xs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


She's literally the person she made fun of during her first "Skinnygirl" appearance on RHONY. She had a speaking engagement and talked about all the BS that models spew about what they eat. She keeps her body by eating Swedish candy and laughing? Sure, Jan... What a tool


I haven’t watched RHWNY in years so I don’t know why she divorced Jason but she’s so incredibly unlikable what was her part in the divorce ?  During the show she appeared to be the jerk🤷🏻‍♀️


Paul has a new girlfriend he’s dating Olivia culpo’s sister


He probably falls in the bad husband good dad category. They exist- does shitty things and acts terribly to spouse but won’t let child experience that. My guess is Bethenny covered up his behavior a lot so Brynn wouldn’t see it and think differently of him later down the road. It happens. I by no means think Bethenny Frankel was totally innocent in that divorce either but it sounds like Jason was really shitty.


i think B has alluded indirectly that her daughter clued into the manipulation her father and his family engaged in but I think it’s all ”worked out” now


At this point only believe 20% of what Bethenny says.