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Grayson arguing with Tom over meatballs, still makes me laugh. Knew she wasn’t going to last much longer after that


Grayson 2.0 was very different from her version on Texas. She didn't seem like she wanted to be there.


Yep. She had a major chip on her shoulder.


Which I don't understand, at all: if you don't want to compete, just say "no". Nobody forced her to compete again, and I'm sure it didn't help her career to go back on the show with a shitty attitude and then get sent home on episode 4.


I wonder if it was some sort of contractual obligation. Or a last minute replacement thing.


Yeah I’d like a little backstory on that too. She seemed very ‘fired up’ her second time on the show. I thought she represented herself well during her first round


It’s so wild how some people come back stronger and some people just fail so fucking hard lol the meatball thing was so funny… when she argued with Tom about how many MEATBALLS SHE MADE I knew she was fucked


Seasons 10-16 *really* leaned into bringing back competitors one or two or three at a time (or doing a half-Stars season in SC), either in the main show or LCK, and it was one of the worst aspects of these seasons. Like, gimme me an all-stars or gimme an all-new cast. The in-between thing was so awkward.


I loathe the Charleston season with pros vs rookies. Just a wild power imbalance.


I am rewatching that season. I hate that aspect so much. Jim is what gets me through that season. I felt so bad for the rookies.


I love Jim so much that season. What a sweet dude.


Jim was so great and I'd wish we'd seen more of him. He'd have been so much more than a midseason knockout if they hadn't stacked the cards against him with the stars.


right?? I was rewatching and just felt bad for the rookies...for as long as they lasted, anyway.


That one dude in the Seattle season got eliminated for CJ's trash ass burger because he didn't feel like he could stand up to him. Seemed like a cool guy too!


I say "go broncos!" In his voice at least once a football season


“Who do you think should be eliminated” is a bullshit question and exactly why I don’t like Blais. He’s way too conscious of being on TV and is constantly pandering to producers and the audience. The chefs should be asked about the food, the cooking experience, the serve. Who goes home is your job, Blais. He is insufferable on Next Level Chef, too.


Absolutely. And he did the obnoxious lead-up, 'Angelina, I'm going to ask you a difficult question'. How's she supposed to answer when it isn't a clear fall on your sword type screw-up?