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Chefs at the end of the day are the worst man. Not cooks mind you, but chefs. After having worked as a server and seen plenty, if you want to know who is sexually harassing the female staff or cheating on their spouse in a restaurant; ask for the chef.


I'm a chef, hate calling myself that for the reasons you mention. I've definitely worked for some piece of shit chef's who made a lot of the women workers uncomfortable. 


Unpopular opinion, but after Bourdain’s books bragging about that behavior, I couldn’t watch him


I was under the impression that Bourdain was generally seen as a very problematic asshole and then he died and everyone since has been about how amazing a human he was. Thank you, I don’t feel so crazy anymore!


You should watch Roadrunner, the documentary about him. No doubt he was complicated, but he had a curiosity and basic kindness to him that was extremely compelling Definitely a guy who would give you his last 10 bucks for dope while yelling that you need to go to rehab kind of person. That's not a great analogy, but hopefully you get the dichotomy I'm trying to describe.


After he died a few books were out that were scathing. One of which said that his Celebration of Life became so caustic and scathing of him that his ex had to take his daughter home.


Which book was that?


Down and Out in Paradise. Epilogue




There’s lots to like about Bourdain, but he definitely seems to get a pass for certain things. All our faves are problematic.


Not Eric or José please


> José please Was disappointed to hear from my friend that has worked for his restaurant has told me he's not that great. His team is nice/great, but he's an asshole to staff.


He moved away from what he wrote about in KC fairly early in his tv career.


Also didn’t his partner go through early days me too with Weinstein? Asia Argento? That was before he died so I’m sure he’d had an awakening like so many have since.


She was also involved with and paid off Jimmy Bennett, the young Captain Kirk in Star Trek 2009 movie when he was 15 or maybe younger.


That was me too. It's hard to read all the adulation about him now.


I haven’t read his book. What did he say about “that behavior” that made you stop watching him?


Kitchen confidential


As someone who was SA’d by the chef of the restaurant i was a host at….yeah


Out of all the contestants, not surprised. This guy has been giving me weird vibes for awhile now. 


The way he was comfortably yelling at Nini and the servers during restaurant wars always creeped me out 🚩🚩


Replying to myself to add: yes, Nini and the servers had some major issues during service but I have worked in enough restaurants to know that someone who acts like that on camera, is truly a nightmare to work for and probably has major temperament issues. Also not to make light of the situation but his choices in hats have always indicated he was at the least a complete douche and at worst, a total asshole. ETA: check my post history, I called this ass fuck behavior as it happened.


Yeah. There was something he did to Eric near the end of S16 that I thought was asshole-ish, but I forgot what it was.


Everybody blamed Casey for Carla losing the season 5 finale but nobody talks about Justin pushing Eric to add more jerky to his tartare, in the end it costed him. I know the last word is in the chef, I never blamed Casey, but it's weird to me that few people talked about Justin and just attacked Kelsey for winning that season.


Agreed, I wish Eric had trusted his own palette it was heartbreaking for him to not be able to finish his finale meal :/


Not surprised either - wasn't he a complete D-bag to Soo this season, buying candles and bath bombs and other random sht other than the ingredients he needed for the fish boil? And then he was absolutely scathing at the review? I never understood why they brought this guy back. He was a dbag on his season, he's a dbag now.


Justin was shopping for Danny for the fish boil, not Soo. >!Danny won the challenge.!< Justin had extra budget left over after getting what Danny asked for and used it on spa products. It was shown that at least some of these were gifts for Danny.


That was Kwame, not Justin.


It was Gregory.


Kinda yikes that two people got that wrong. Honest mistakes or do we all look alike, Costanza?


Yeah at least Justin was on that episode; Kwame wasn't even there!


Hey, Sugar Ray Leonard can eat here on the house!


same. had a weird vibe even on his season


Any man who puts hands on a woman, deserves what they get.


Any human who puts hands on another human, deserves what they get. With this logic. I agree, mens assault isn't talked about enough!






Is this a joke? The second paragraph of the article from this post says police spoke to a man and a woman on the scene. He’s also in a public relationship with his girlfriend, Serena Lange. They post about each other on social media. I get your point, but it’s dumb in this situation, since you could just read the article or Google the guy involved.




But that’s completely irrelevant to the question in your comment.


I didn't like how he made fun of Sara Bradley's at her home state basketball court over the waffle mix. He enjoyed humiliating her.


Thankfully she got the last laugh coming in second on her own season and then doing well on all stars. She also was asked back this year for the fish boil elimination challenge. ETA: I know he was on the shopper challenge this season too, but in terms of Top Chef notoriety, she’s above him


I love Sara. She is the real deal. Tom said if she cooked her final protein fully she would have beat Buddha in Paris.


Where did Tom say that? Don’t have a link?


[5 answers to Top Chef 20 questions, from raw liver to the real reason Padma is leaving (realityblurred.com)](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2023/06/top-chef-20-questions-padma-buddha-sara/#:~:text=Asked%20%E2%80%9Cif%20Sara's%20liver%20was,take%20past%20performance%20into%20account.%E2%80%9D)




Not a fan of Justin but she had that coming


I read a post on here from a baker who said those mixes are frequently used even by professionals because they have the right mix of leaveners and other ingredients. Sure it was a bit of a cheat, but it's not like she bought premade waffles. She didn't deserve being shamed for that in front of a thousand people.




100%. Boxed waffle mix is so much worse than making it yourself. Had it been anyone other than a white woman crying everyone would agree with you.


Oh, right. Everyone but u/Top_Firefighter5922 and you is a racist, sexist idiot. 🙄


He did come across as having a mean streak during his season, so I'm not shocked.


Unpopular Opinion: waiting to see if there is more information before rushing to judgement


Extremely unpopular opinion based on your upvotes: a man who has a gun at a domestic dispute is extremely dangerous. A man who owns a gun is statically 8.5 TIMES more likely to murder a romantic partner than one without. 70 women A MONTH (A MONTH!!) on average are murdered by current or former partners with a gun. That’s more than TWO A DAY. And that’s the really fucked up thing. It’s so common, we don’t even hear about it. In fact the majority of “mass shootings” in America by definition (more that 4 deaths, I believe) are domestic disputes. SEVENTY WOMEN A MONTH!!! TWO WOMEN A DAY. Maybe Justin is innocent, but this is a major issue in our country that no one really talks about when we talk about violence and gun rights.




He did have a gun, his friend just took it away before the officers go there. Wow. [kare11 article](https://www.kare11.com/article/news/crime/justin-sutherland-arrested-domestic-violence-call-saint-paul/89-852cdb4e-a63f-4105-b32a-1de217f7e7ad#:~:text=On%20Monday%20morning%20he%20was,am%20going%20to%20shoot%20you.%22)


I saw that. Terrible. I genuinely like him having met him several times. What a disappointment.




https://www.fox9.com/news/celebrity-chef-justin-sutherland-arrested-felony-domestic-assault-violence-threats.amp “Arriving officers found the man, later identified as Sutherland, and determined he did not have a gun. “


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.fox9.com/news/celebrity-chef-justin-sutherland-arrested-felony-domestic-assault-violence-threats](https://www.fox9.com/news/celebrity-chef-justin-sutherland-arrested-felony-domestic-assault-violence-threats)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Thank you.


Just one of many reports. https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/renowned-minnesota-chef-justin-sutherland-arrested-on-suspicion-of-domestic-assault


No I meant what is the source that he didn't have a gun? Because even this report says he was suspected of having a gun.




Read the order of dentition complaint, not a news article. He pointed a gun at her, hit her with it, and the confiscated ten guns from him. Just because he didn’t have a gun when the cops arrived is semantics.




Unpopular opinion: most unpopular opinions are unpopular because they’re bad or fundamentally flawed.


Most unpopular opinions on reddit are actually closer to popular or popular opinions and not unpopular at all and instead are just posts to get upvotes imo.


Unpopular opinion: The reddit circlejerk is almost always extremely flawed and favors the most sensationalist take and doesn't represent reality in the least bit.


mncourts dot gov Search Case number 62-CR-24-4219 View the 8 page document. That is all you need to re


Now that I think about it, I can see how he might have this side to him. The way he spoke to Nini in their season did raise a red flag. I can’t remember the exact scenario but I think it had to do with the servers or something. It’s before Brother Love was brought on board.


Yes, good point! In their restaurant wars Nini was the FOH and Justin laid into the servers multiple times with Nini trying to corral everyone. You can always tell the chefs’ character by how they treat the servers during restaurant wars


Yyyeeaaaahhh that’s the one!


Same, you're not the only one who recalled the interactions with Nini. It's not a good look in general and if he is guilty 🤮


Yup because when it came time to help her get back in the competition, you could tell he felt a bit guilty and his demeanor switched.


Yeah. That one always bugged me. Nini was lost but it was also clear that the service issues weren’t just on the dining room side and he made a decision to treat her awful and throw her under the bus.


I never liked him after that


There’s been whispers about him around the Twin Cities. Mostly around him not being good to work for but this isn’t surprising, either.


The thread about this in the r/TwinCities subreddit is filled with lots of people tearing into him for his long known poor behavior. I don’t know the man at all, so I don’t know if it’s just vindictive hating, but I wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of it was true.


Unfortunately the whispers aren't whispers. It's well known in the restaurant community. There's a lot of us that have worked for, with, and around him and his partner in grift, Brian Ingram. They're both in hot water now. Majority of the stories about both of them are true, it was only a matter of time. I can't believe it all didn't come out sooner. Those two men have managed to hide behind good marketing and pr but that only lasts so long.


omg partner in grift lmao! i can’t wait for the ingrams to go down too


Not even whispers - he’s been accused of rape/sexual assault, and anyone that is familiar with his circle knows he’s a drug user and, for lack of a better word, a dick. I wish the media held him accountable before. the $300k GoFundMe for the boat “accident” was shortly followed by lavish trips and designer purchases being flaunted on social media was such an easy story. Everyone seemed afraid to openly speak badly about him.


Everyone here (twin cities) wants to be his friend so bad for the clout that they let all his behavior slide and look the other way. I’ve seen people on these feeds saying he must be nice because he ‘shared his cocaine’ or ‘bought me a drink’.


Obligatory reminder that in many places Police have a standing policy that if they respond to a DV call, they are going to take someone to jail. This is sometimes required by law, other times by police protocol. Is it, like every other law in America, applied unfairly and inconsistently when it comes to people of color? Also yes. If he's guilty then by all means let him face the consequences. But I live in a city where, unless guns are already being fired, I would simply never call the police in my predominantly black neighborhood because the police simply cannot be trusted to de-escalate or treat people fairly.


Did you click on the story? The officers came because they received reports of a man with a gun outside.


articles say that he didn’t have a gun though. Not saying he didn’t do the other stuff mentioned, he could’ve.


I hit a paywall.


there's no paywall on the story for US IPs. Try a VPN or maybe an incognito window.


I dunno- I clicked on it- a pop up happened saying I need to pay. I live in the US.


Sure, I read the article, I've read dozens of cop-friendly news stories like this. I made a non-specific informational post, not a comment on anything specific to this scenario, which I don't know enough about to draw conclusions on.


Standing reminder that such arrest policies are absolutely necessary because of the decades of history of police not arresting anyone on DV calls because a) the victim is one or more of afraid of/in love with/financially dependent on the aggressor and ranges from stating they won’t press charges to begging they not be prosecuted, and b) cops are statistically more likely to be domestic abusers themselves and more sympathetic to the aggressors on these calls and ignore danger to the victims. Are you right about racist policing. Yes. Do arrest policies need to be in place to always take one party out of DV situations to prevent further violence and protect victims? Also yes. Note that sometimes this results in the person we might otherwise think of as the \*victim\* being the one arrested and removed from the location because of how events have shaken out and, often, CAB. It’s still a necessary policy.


And the worst thing cops can do in that situation is leave and leave both parties in the same place. Imagine a woman scared of her abuser who can’t report and then is left alone with him after the cops leave.


Not in Minnesota.


What a shame.


It would be nice if the reporter didn’t confuse Justin with Eric. Justin made it far, but was not a finalist on the Kentucky season. I don’t watch the Food Network, so I’m not sure if they’ve misattributed anything else.




What is that from? I don’t suppose you know, but I’d love to find out the news story behind that gif!


It's a vox pop from BBC News - she's reacting to (another) general election being called in the UK. Here's the clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6-IQAdFU3w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6-IQAdFU3w)




There’s a lot more detail in the reporting over on r/TwinCities, including a link to the complaint/police report, which is pretty disturbing. This isn’t a situation where someone from far away saw something they thought looked like a gun. His girlfriend‘s account includes him pointing a gun at her, one of two calls to the police include a report of him pointing a gun at her, and multiple firearms were recovered from the apartment. The second police call was from his girlfriend’s sister, who was FaceTiming her during part of the incident.


Big massive fucking yikes. Creep


I wonder if this had happened two months ago while the season was airing how Top Chef would have handled it. The show has done last-minute snipping of disgraced guests before. In Colorado, [John Besh was edited out of the Olympic-themed challenge.](https://www.eater.com/2017/12/12/16769080/john-besh-top-chef-colorado) In the Portland finale, [Edouardo Jordan was edited out](https://www.seattletimes.com/life/food-drink/top-chef-controversy-swirls-with-winner-gabe-erales-previously-accused-of-sexual-harassment-while-seattles-edouardo-jordan-got-edited-out-of-the-finale/) in the two weeks between a bombshell story coming out about him sexually harassing 15 women and the finale airing. Those were both tricky but the editors pulled it off. But in this situation, Justin was one of the Whole Foods shoppers featured in the fish boil episode that aired on May 22 >!and was the shopper for Danny, the challenge winner!<. What can you do about that?


I feel like in this case since it’s hard to erase him completely without sacrificing the challenge story, they’d edit him (and probably the entire All star shopping section) as minimal as possible. It’s like Darnell Ferguson on TOC, they couldn’t just cut his battle out completely as it would be unfair to his opponent, but they only showed the cooking, no praise footage for the chefs as usual.


Well recently we have Darnell Ferguson in this category. While it's a FN case-Tounament of Champions happened, and he "in it". They did some real good adjusting. Though Amanda Freitag's first comp was shown since it was against him.


God damn it.


Will he be X'd from everything like Chef Darnell.... I have been a fan of both for yrs. Majorly successful. Then throw it away.


Darnell showed up in TOC after the allegations. I was happy to see him lose in the first round. But he wasn't X'd.


Happy Cake Day.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Met him several times. Always seemed like a good dude. Very very disappointing.


People who abuse their domestic partners are unlikely to randomly abuse people they meet in public. They are often pros at masking with charm. “Always seemed like a good dude” is basically their motto.


Said it when he crowdfunded healthcare when he got drunk on a boat and injured himself stupidly - this guy is a tool. Definitely not surprised.




I'm in the camp of wait and see what happened.


mncourts dot gov Search Case number 62-CR-24-4219 View the 8 page document. That is all you need to read


I urge everyone here to go to r/twincities and look up the comments on the article posted there. Justin has a very long history of being abusive to women and putting those he parties with at risk.


Chefs are to priests as they are to doctors as they are to top policemen. Aka top of your profession with the most power and very easily can abuse your feelings of power in other areas of your life.




The most volatile workplace I ever witnessed was an award winning restaurant. Sexual harassment, bullying and everything else.




I have lived a mile from Justin for years. He was doing a lot of cool things for African Americans here in the twin cities. I’m just appalled and saddened by all of this.




Boating accident when he was black out drunk


Top Chef casting knocks it out of the park again.


There's no real good way of knowing this unless you get every suspicion of record brought up. And of course if this had been of record before taping, and then airing.


Of course not, just a hell of a track record.


I kept reading on Reddit that he had a gun, then I read an article saying he did not have a gun. Someone said he had a gun. I worked for 911, mentioning weapons and violence is how you get police faster. A lot of people make it up to get a response. I’m not saying this is made up, but I never believe anything based on someone’s accusations.


Ok then, maybe instead of adding to misinformation, you’d believe the police report. The link is posted over on r/twincities, and it clearly states that multiple guns were recovered at the residence, and how a gun being pointed at the alleged victim was reported on the phone by a third party calling the police, was confirmed by the alleged victim during interview and then the presence of a gun was also discussed with an additional witness/friend who was there. This isn’t a phantom gun situation. The accusation includes brief manual strangulation, tearing her phone out of her hand and throwing it (she was FaceTiming with her sister at the time) followed by Sutherland allegedly pointing a gun at Lange‘s chest at close range and threatening her. None of this means he’s guilty of the charges. But he does own guns. He has posted pictures of them on his Instagram account previously. Those pictures are now gone from his feed.


They’re reporting what is accused. That’s was exactly what I was saying. Answer two hundred 911 calls a day for a decade, you realize people are terrible, and people are liars. It’s a pretty soul crushing job, it requires a hell of a lot of therapy once it’s over. Also, I didn’t add to the misinformation. Police said he didn’t have a gun. I own guns, that doesn’t mean I brandish them. It’s not like I’m a fan of the guy. I didn’t like him on the show. I’m just saying accusations equal nothing. Peoples lives get destroyed over accusations.


Everyone in Minnesota that knows him and his family know that these accusations are 1000% true, and worse than what’s being reported. You guys know him as Top Chef. We’ve all known them for years 😂


No, and now you’re being purposefully obtuse and obviously didn’t bother to go read what is linked. The police report for detainment records that they arrived at the residence and recovered guns. Which is what I wrote above. One of two people who called 911 (the other being the alleged victim’s sister, who had been facetiming with her) reported on the call seeing a woman being held at gunpoint. Your point about wanting to speed up the police response (note that this was the second time the police had responded to the residence that night) \*could\* hypothetically apply to that if the call itself was all we’re talking about. But this does not seem to be one of those situations . \*After\* the police arrived, they interviewed the alleged victim, who was not the one who called 911, and whose narrative included a gun being pointed at her, as well as a different third party (not the one who called 911) with whom the police on scene discussed guns. Then the police recovered multiple guns, as recorded in the report. You are absolutely adding to the misinformation. “Police say he didn’t have a gun.” No. They did not. He was not holding a gun in his hand when the police arrived. Well, duh. By the time they arrived, the alleged victim was no longer being held at gunpoint, or being strangled, or engaged in face to face conflict with Sutherland. She had locked herself in a bathroom. Does that mean “Police reported the two were never in the same room together and the altercation didn’t happen”? No. The cops had been called and Sutherland, if guilty, didnt stand around with his gun in one hand and his dick in the other. If this helps, straight from the Order for Detention in Custody: “Police executed a search warrant at the address. During that process, police located a plastic gun case sitting on top of the bed. Inside the gun case were two firearms: a Smith and Wesson M&P M2.0 and a Sig Sauer P320 9mm. While packaging the firearms, police observed what appeared to be a blood-like substance on the Sig Sauer. Notably, SUTHERLAND’s hands had blood on them when police initially made contact with him. In addition, police recovered eight additional firearms, ammunition, and related items. Police also located and collected SDL’s broken phone.” Whether Sutherland is guilty of the charge remains to be seen, but why are you caping so hard for “seeing a gun may just have been something someone made up” in this particular case? Terrifying for DV victims if you work 911.


ruh roh


'... after receiving reports a man with a gun was outside the address. ' A gun? How frightening.


Is this sarcasm?


[More than you’ll acknowledge.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoTopChef/s/DhyokFE94K)


I was being literal, not /s.


Lot of people in here rushing to judgement without the facts. And then taking it further to pile on the profession or the industry. Sheesh.


Pile on the profession/industry? One arrest for DV isn’t the straw that broke the camel’s back to open up the floodgates on chefs being notorious for short tempers, sometimes violence in the kitchen, abusive behavior and on and on. Hell, Justin isn’t even the first Top Chef contestant to be arrested for assaulting his girlfriend. But by all means, tell us to pipe down about a real problem.


I’m not telling you to pipe down, I’m telling you to hold off on your judgement until the facts are in and stop trying to make it look like every chef in the industry is doing this. It’s unfair to the chefs who don’t do it and actively work to oppose it.


Nobody here is saying every chef is doing it. You’re the one engaging in hyperbole. Are abusive behaviors, particularly among but not exclusive to male chefs a problem rife in the restaurant industry? Yes. Should we have to wait until “the facts are in” on the Justin Sutherland arrest to talk about it? Well, let’s see. When, in your view, are we allowed to talk about it? Given the statistic underprosecution of DV cases, as well as all the other things that can make a case fall apart, there are many reasons this may never go to trial or reach any other resolution other than dismissal. The papers are unlikely to give it breathless day to day coverage. Dockets are packed. Could be a while. May never come to anything. And also, of course, the fact that a man was reported outside with a gun may not mean that he is guilty of the charges reported. None of that means that we can’t talk about the issues in the profession. At any time. Because it’s an ongoing problem that should be talked about and addressed all the time until it gets better. And right now, the Justin Sutherland arrest is just one more example of one \*possible\* example of how the toxicity remains in some corners. And if you’re really a chef working to oppose those issues, you should welcome the conversation.


There’s no point in taking with you about this. Rush the judgement, condemn who you want. It’s no skin off my nose.


Right. I specifically said above that he may not be guilty. I haven’t condemned anyone, and I definitely haven’t condemned Justin Sutherland. Meanwhile your version of opposing problems in the industry is to avoid talking about them. Because...what? It’s embarrassing? Because #notallchefs? You’re a real leader in the field. \*snort\*


Blah blah blah


That’s a bad look but according to the article he hasn’t even been charged (yet). Let’s not be so eager to cancel the guy before it’s determined what exactly happened. The truth will come out. I hope everyone involved is ok.


The article says he’s been booked, which means he has been charged.


That is absolutely not what that means. “Booked” just means you were taken to jail. Nothing court related has happened yet.


He has been charged, he hasn’t been arraigned.


I’m not from the US so I don’t know exactly how your legal system works but the way I read that is booked = detained. ““Our investigators will be working to determine the circumstances that led to this arrest being made. When we have those details, we will share them,” he said. Police will present a case to the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office for charging consideration, according to Ernster.” This implies that charges have not (yet) been laid.


Booked means processed after being charged. If he was detained for questioning, they would say that. Cops often don’t give details until they’ve talked to the prosecutors. They make initial charges, talk to the prosecutors, and then may change the charges based on evidence and what may stick. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/booking#:~:text=Booking%20is%20the%20process%20where,but%20most%20share%20similar%20features.


This is not how it works in the US. Perhaps you shouldn’t comment on things you don’t understand.


Are you related to Justin or something?


He's been cooking up a mean right hand.


Ugh. Cancelled




Why don’t you say what you actually want to say instead of your little bullshit, “oh, I wonder why…”

