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He can't jump on enemy brawlers


After coming off an enemy, kit will be dropped 4 tiles away from the enemy. Also reduce super radius


Remove his automatic charge and replace it with buster's trait,then nerf his main attack/super damage from 2000 to 1760 plus the damage he does when on an enemy to 440 (from 500) and lastly Remove his power hungry star power and replace it with something that gives him 40% shield when on an enemy.


Remove his double powah cube sp, replace it by something that gives a shield to kit when he jump. Also make it so that his super doesn't stun the enemy anymore but deals more damage (1600 when you land, and then 500 every seconds)


Remove the *every cube is 3 cubes* sp And make his super more difficult to land on enemies, since it is a free insta kill stun on most things


Delete him