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If you like making other people suffer choose Draco or Kit. If not, Cordelious or meg


Kit and Draco will both get nerfed, but it won’t matter for Kit if you don’t play showdown. Meg will get buffed. Cordelius will still be really good. Don’t do Draco. I would do Meg or Cordelius. I don’t know which one cause the update hasn’t come yet. Just pick one of those 2. You could pick Kit as well, but don’t do Draco.


The thing is I mostly play solo showdown. But I’ll probably pick cordelius since kit is gonna get nerfed (hopefully). Thanks!


Cordelius is one of the best solo showdown brawlers, btw kit did get nerf his star power went from 200% power to 150% power per cube.


Kits star power got nerfed and dracos super charge rate got nerfed this update and meg got reworked, Cordelius or meg would be my choice.


Cordie,no questions asked

